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02x05 - Now You See Her

Posted: 12/30/21 07:32
by bunniefuu

(phone ringing)


Lemme guess, you're minutes away.

Uh, yeah, I'm trying. Uh, but...

the traffic in this city
gets worse every day.

Hey, buddy! This ain't a parking lot!

Shade. I called you on your house phone.

- Oh.
- [You were supposed to be here]

- fifteen minutes ago.
- Why live in the past?

(with a chuckle): I'll see you soon.

That was pathetic.

Everyone's a critic. (phone ringing)

For Pete's sake!
Yeah, I told you, I'm on my way...

Oh, sorry. Yeah, this is Mr. Shade.

Dr. Plummer? What test results?

That's for me.

Aren't you late? You
should haul butt, huh?


Yeah, hi, this is, uh... Don Shade.

Look at it, it's magnificent.
You ever been inside?

- Last year, for a concert.
- As in classical?

- As in Arcade Fire.
- Ah!

- You?
- Closest I ever got

to classical music was
dating an oboe player.

Talk about a great set of lungs.

Now you just blow your own horn.

(Shade laughs.)

(classical music)

(end of the piece)


(applause and whistling)

- Antoine Tremblay.
- Angie Everett.

This is my partner, Matt Shade.

Wunderkind conductor of
the Ontario Symphony!

- I've read all about you!
- We can't believe

everything we read. Or see.

- Which is why I called you.
- How can we help you?

I need you

to find my fiancée, Laura Caspary.

She's the love of my life.

Have you filed a missing persons'
report with the police?

No point. They won't listen to me.

What makes you say that?

Because Laura has been dead for a year.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin'
the lines when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes
They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

I met Laura when she
came to the orchestra.

She played first violin.

In the beginning,
we tried to deny our feelings.

Office romances can be difficult.

But, um... we fell in love.

- And got engaged.
- The last night I saw her,

we went to our favorite
restaurant. I got

an emergency call. I had to come back

to fill in for the Pops conductor,
who was sick.

- And Laura?
- I never saw her again.

Next day, I get a call from the police.

They said she went sailing.
Her boat was found

washed up on shore. I
couldn't believe it.

- I can understand that.
- No, I mean, Laura would not

have gone sailing by herself. At night?

During a storm? That's crazy!

I remember hearing about this
in the news. The police said...

I don't care! They never found her body.

- But it's been a year.
- I never stopped hoping.

And then, yesterday, it happened.

I saw her.

As in... a ghost?

I was looking out my office window,
when I saw her

cross the street.

For a second, I couldn't

believe my eyes. So I took a picture.

By the time I got to the sidewalk,

she disappeared. But... look...

That's her blue scarf. I know it.

That's not a ghost.

That's Laura!

(soft melancholy music)

Poor guy. It's enough

- to break your heart.
- You think he's imagining things?

No! I think he truly believes
that he saw his fiancée.

His dead fiancée.

There is that.

Those headlights behind us have
been there for a while now.

You think we're being followed?

Aw, forget it. All
this talk about ghosts

has just got my nerves on edge.

You know, it's probably no
coincidence that Antoine's

sighted Laura right around
the one-year anniversary

- of her death.
- Yeah.

Sometimes you want something so bad,
you just can't believe

- it's not there.
- Yeah.

Wouldn't hurt to talk
to the police, though.

Get the official download.
I'll tell Maz to put the coffee on.

Don't you mean Nolan?
Homicide investigates all fatalities,

even accidents.

But you already knew that.
Unless, of course,

- there's some reason...
- There isn't!

Have you guys even seen
each other since...


- But things aren't...
- Awkward?

- Your word.
- Don't be ridiculous, OK?

Nolan and I are both adults. In fact,

- it'll be good to see him again.
- Sing it, sister!

(engine revving up)

(police radio communications)

- Angie.
- Hey. You busy?

Depends what you have in mind.

Of course, you're... working a case.

Sort of. If you've got a minute...

- Is this how it's gonna be now?
- We can go to someone else.

Nah... What's the case?

Laura Caspary.
She went out sailing about a year ago.

- And never came back.
- You remember it?

Yeah, it was a high profile case.
My team handled

the investigation. Who's your client?

Antoine Tremblay. Laura's fiancé.

- And Antoine wants you to...
- Find Laura.

- What, her body?
- No. Her!

He claims he saw her yesterday. Alive.

- And you're taking this man's money?
- We just wanted to know

- if there was any way Th...
- No. No way.

Laura Caspary took her sailboat
out alone and a storm hit.

Few days later,
her boat washed up on the rocks,

broken, bloodstained,
just outside of Cobourg.

Coroner's official report was
that she got hit by the boom

- and fell overboard.
- But you never found the body?

- Not unusual. It's a big lake.
- Had Laura ever gone out

sailing alone before?
At night? In a storm?

Doesn't matter, she did, that night.

- So, that's it?
- The best thing you can do

for your client is tell him
to move on with his life,

OK? Not every love story

- has a happy ending.
- (quiet chuckle)

- Hey, partner, you OK?
- Yeah, never better.

Listen, if you wanna talk about it...

Rain check.
I'm gonna... call it an early night.

We'll hit it fresh in the morning.

(quietly): OK.

(birds chirping)

Goat intestines, sheep entrails...

- Also, donkey membranes.
- (hushed): On second thought...

And then they stretch them
and twist them into strings

- for instruments.
- Which brings us to violins.

And Laura. OK, now I understand.

Sorry. Wikipedia is like
Satan's candy for me.

Laura's Ameechee page went dark the day

she disappeared.
Ditto on the credit cards, cell phone,

- yada yada.
- Any friends, surviving family?

Her mother is alive,
but currently has a front row seat

in God's waiting room.

- The Sunland Rest Home.
- Oh.

From her old posts,
the only buds Laura had were

fellow musicians,
and nobody else has come forward.

Except our client.
And as much as it pains me to admit it,

I think Nolan may be right;
it is kinda cruel

- to give Antoine false hope.
- What about what he said

about her sailing trip?
How she'd never go out at night?

- Or into a storm?
- Well, it does sound strange,

I'll admit, but... the bottom line is,

we don't have any evidence
that this woman is still alive.

- She is.
- What, so now

- you're sipping the Kool-Aid?
- Not Laura.

This woman. Look,
she's not even walking.

She's actually stopped on the sidewalk.
Almost as if

she's looking over at the concert hall.

- Maybe she's lost.
- Or a tourist.

Or maybe she knows
someone in the building...

or in the orchestra.
Someone who could identify her.

- No. I mean, maybe.
- Maybe you know her?

No, maybe she does look a
little like Laura. But, honey,

put me in a red wig and
sunglasses and so would I.


Not a toy.

Sorry. You were saying?

Just that they were in love.

Everyone could see it before they did.

This photograph was taken yesterday,
just outside.

- Do you recognize this woman?
- No, should I?

You think she looks like Laura?

Yes, actually.

And Laura used to always
wear a blue scarf, but...

obviously that can't be her.
I mean, Laura's dead.


I remember that blue scarf.

- (sighing): That poor, dear man.
- Antoine?

They say time heals all wounds,

but don't you believe them.
In fact, I heard...

- I probably shouldn't...
- Oh, it's... just us girls.

Rumour has it he's still
paying rent on her apartment.

- Excuse me?
- It's like he's keeping

a shrine to a dead woman.

Isn't it romantic?

(nicely played soon-to-be-named melody)

That's beautiful.

Chopin's Nocturne in E flat.

- Laura's favorite.
- Antoine, we're sorry, we...

haven't found anything to
prove that Laura's alive.

I know what I saw.

- Who I saw.
- I know you want it to be true.

Have you never met someone...

someone so special you knew it was...

I don't know, fate... destiny?

(melancholy music)

Call it whatever you
want, but Laura and I

- had something magical.
- We understand...

No, you don't! And nothing you say

will convince me that she's gone.

Is that why you're paying the
rent on her old apartment?

I guess that's my way
of keeping her alive.

After the funeral, I
locked up her place...

- haven't been inside since then.
- Even yesterday,

after you saw the woman on the street?

I drove over to Laura's apartment,

but... I couldn't bring myself to go in.

I sat parked outside, all day and night.

praying she would come back.

What if we go back to her apartment,

and... go inside with you?

If she's alive and... came back,

there'll be signs. And if not...

maybe it's time you let her go.

(cries of seagulls)

Excuse me. Have you ever seen
anyone from this apartment?

Oh, only been here a couple of months.
But no, I guess

I always assumed it was empty.
It's a great building.

- Are you movin' in?
- Just checking on a friend.


It's now or never.

(light music)

She hasn't been here.
No one's been here.

It's just as I left it a year ago.

We're sorry Antoine.

I've been a fool.
Believing in some fantasy...

Don't be so hard on yourself.

She loved her record collection.

- The top is open.
- So?

Well, there's dust and
fingerprints on top,

- but the platter inside is clean.
- There's no dust...

This turntable's been opened
within the last day or so.

- It's gone!
- What's gone?

Laura's favorite record.
Chopin's Nocturne in E flat!

She always kept it on the turntable.

The cover's gone, too. She was here!

- Whoa, slow down...
- Antoine...

Laura is alive!

Laura was here. She had to be.

- Let's not jump to conclusions.
- But no one else has a key.

They wouldn't need one.
The lock on the apartment door

is a 's, two tumbler model.
Anyone with a credit card

- could cr*ck it.
- What are you saying?

Someone... could be
playing a joke on you.

No one I know would
do something so cruel.

People do some strange things.

Even now, you don't think she's alive.

Why don't I just write you

a cheque, and we forget everything?
I'll find

- someone else who'll believe me.
- It's not that we don't believe you.

There's belief... then there's proof.

So what are you waiting for? Go find it.

(motor revving)

You know, maybe he's right.
Maybe we haven't fully committed

to the case.

I mean, sure, the circumstances
surrounding Laura's disappearance

are a bit hinky, but if she didn't die

in that sailing accident...
then where is she?

I think I'll put a chocolate
fountain in the office.

Maybe take up pole dancing...

- shave my head...
- Uh huh...

- Am I boring you?
- What?

No, I... swear to God

we're being followed again.

- Speed up!
- I did.

- So slow down.
- I did. But they're still behind us.

- Hang on.
- (revving and tires screeching)

You see? It's nothing.


- Hey Dad! What you up to?
- Hey!

Just, uh... taking care of business.

- What have you got there?
- Sal's special

- deep-dish meat-lovers.
- Ah, nice!

Does it come with a defibrillator?

(chuckling): No, but it comes
with an ice-cold six-pack

- and some big screen hockey.
- Thanks, Matt.

But, uh,
I think I'm gonna take a pass tonight.

OK, fine, no hockey.
How about Dancing With The Stars?

Your favourite arthritic soap
star with the bad nose job

- is in the finals.
- As tempting as that may be,

I think I'm gonna turn in early.

- Is everything OK?
- Yeah, yeah. Just, uh...

I got a few stomach cramps.

Nothing that a Pepto Bismol and
good night sleep won't cure.

- Good night, Son.
- Good night, Dad.

- You're in early.
- (sighing): Couldn't sleep.

- Everything OK?
- Yeah.

(sighing): I dunno.
Dad's been a little off lately.

A doctor's been calling the house,

and then, last night, I caught
him getting his estate in order.

What did he say?

- When you asked him about it.
- No. No-no-no,

that's not how things work
in the Shade household.

- Besides, he just woulda lied about it.
- You're serious?

"Suck it up, buttercup."
Just like he used to be

back on the ice. Take a high stick

- in the face, come up smiling.
- Wow...

- men really are from Mars.
- Yeah. 'Cause Mars is cool.

You know, after my dad
d*ed, the only things

I regretted were the
things I didn't say.

- Duly noted.
- (Zoe): Got it!

I had Antoine send over a high-res copy

of the photo he took.
Figured we could take one more look

- at our mystery woman.
- You think we missed something?

- Pierced ear, mole, birthmark.
- Anything that could ID her.

Good idea.
Prove she's not Laura, and maybe give

our heartbroken client some peace.

Everett, you sly dog.
Turns out you are a romantic at heart.

Tell anyone and I'll have to k*ll you.

Alright, zoom in.

That's weird. Always works on CSI.

Zoom back out.

Wait, look.

A taxi.

Two... four, eight, seven?

Antoine said by the time
he got down to the street,

the woman had disappeared.

What if our ghost just hailed a cab?

Thank you.

- Well, that looked promising.
- He remembers the woman.

- Said she was nervous.
- Don't suppose she used

- a credit card?
- Cash. But get this:

he says he drove her to
the Sunland Rest Home.

Wait a minute, that's the same
rest home where Laura's mother is.

You have been paying attention.

You say you're old friends of Laura's?

Yes, we know her from school.

Even as a young child,
she was so talented.

Shame you weren't here yesterday.

- Why is that?
- You would have seen her.

- Seen her?
- Laura! She was here.

We could have all had
tea together. I love

- to hear young people talk.
- Mrs. Caspary...

- Martha, please!
- Martha,

are you sure Laura was here yesterday?

Why yes, of course! She was even wearing

the blue scarf I got her for Christmas.

Hello, Martha! Time for your medication.

Laura, look who's here.

Some old friends of yours.

(melancholy music)

- Alzheimer's?
- And congestive heart failure.

I'm afraid she doesn't
have much time left.

And she didn't have
any visitors yesterday?

All visitors sign in at the front desk.

- I would've been called.
- Alright, well, thank you.


(Chopin's Nocturne in E flat playing)

Do you mind?


- where did you get this?
- It was a gift.

- From who?
- From Laura. She brought it

with her yesterday.
Such a thoughtful daughter.

(end of the music)

Really appreciate you
bending the rules... Gerald.

Please; Gerry.
You in the mood for something spicy?

Real "mesquite flavoured". Huh?

- Tempting, but no thanks.
- Yeah.

Wonder what "mesquite" is, anyway.

The nurse was right;
no visitors yesterday.

Still more nothing.

The cabbie said he dropped her
off around pm. Scroll faster.

Hey Gerry, what's that door?

Uh, rear exit.

Gotta keep an eye on the
old birds in case they try

and fly away. Here, that's, uh...


What's... dextrose?

He was that serial k*ller

who k*lled all the other serial K*llers.

You guys sure you're with
the National Security Agency?

- Wait, stop.
- Oh my God.

It is Laura.

Looks like our ghost is real.

What, she looks a bit like Laura.

- So do a thousand other women.
- You're kidding, right?

Why would someone who's not Laura,

but looks like Laura,
go see Laura's mother

in a rest home and bring her
one of Laura's own records!?

Off the top of my head...

pensioner scam.

A... woman pretends to be the
daughter of an Alzheimer's patient,

gets her "mom"
to sign over the life savings.

- But what about the...
- Lemme ask you something.

If Laura is alive,
why hasn't she come forward?

How closely did you look into her life?
Her past?

- Very closely.
- What if you missed something?

- Look, we're done here, OK?
- But the video! I mean...

Laura Caspary is dead. OK?

If you two have any decency left,
you'll stop torturing

your client and shut it down. Now.

It's not a request.

(indistinct conversations)

What the hell was that?
Some kind of payback

- because you two...?
- Don't go there.

What other explanation
is there? Why else

- would he deny the video?
- Nolan was angry,

but not about me... Us.
I'd swear something about this case

is tweaking him.
You know, you might be right.

About him screwing up the
initial investigation?

Yeah, but on the other
hand, he has a point.

I think I liked it
better when I was right.

If Laura is alive,
why hasn't she come forward?

- I mean why fake your own death?
- And hide from everyone,

- including Antoine.
- Unless...

Unless she wanted to get
away from her fiancé.

Maybe she wanted out for good.

You know, my dad always used to say

everyone leaves a trail.
You just have to know where to look.

- We have been looking.
- Let's go back to the agency,

revisit the case board.
There's gotta be something

- we're missing.
- Can I meet you there?

Gotta swing by Shona's
diner and pick up Jules.

- As long as you bring me lunch.
- You good with jerk?

Don't you dare say you
already work with one.

(door chimes)

- Hey, Honey.
- Hey, Dad...

- What are you working on?
- I'm glad you asked.

It's a "sosh"
paper about the global economic crisis.

Which reminds me;

how 'bout that raise in my allowance?

I thought I smelled a setup.
Talk to your mother.

- Hey, where's my dad?
- Uh, Shona ran out

of toilet paper and he
volunteered to go get some.

Ooh, I do not miss the
restaurant business..

- Hey, Matt!
- Hey!

- Can I get you something?
- Uh, yeah. Two jerk chickens

and whatever you're putting in Don's
lunch to make him shop for you.

(chuckling): Your dad is not
afraid to get his hands dirty.

No, he is not.

Hey, uh, he's been spending

a lot of time here,
lately. Have you noticed

- anything off about him?
- I don't follow.

You know, has he mentioned
anything to you about...

- how he's doing?
- Family business

is not my business.
Something you want to ask your father,

you should probably ask him yourself.
I'm gonna get

- your order.
- Thanks.

(music in background)

(sounds of traffic and birds chirping)

- What's all this?
- It's the timeline

of Laura's final day. Twelve o'clock,

Laura had a rehearsal at the orchestra.
Three o'clock, gym.

- Four o'clock, back to work.
- Until dinner with Antoine at seven.

(breathing in deeply): And...

he paid the check with his credit card,
an hour later.

Bit of a stingy tipper, "B-T-Dubs".

Then, Antoine gets an emergency call,
he heads back

to work to fill in for
the sick Pops conductor.

At which point in time Laura
heads down to the marina

- to go sailing.
- Even though she's alone,

- it's dark...
- and a storm's coming up.

- Doesn't make sense.
- You know what else

doesn't make sense? Where's her $ ,

Bertoldo violin?
It's in all these pictures. That violin

- was her prized possession.
- It wasn't in her apartment.

I didn't see it listed on
the police inventories.

Antoine, maybe?

I already checked.
He doesn't have it either.

Why would a woman

be willing to walk away
from her entire life?

Just leave, everyone, everything?

Valuable instruments like
that have serial numbers.

- For insurance records.
- So if we can't track Laura...

maybe we can track her violin.

Thank you for seeing us, Mr. Belaustro.

My pleasure. A good cup of coffee

is like a good violin;

they both deserve patience,

respect and a gentle touch.

- Sugar?
- Oh, no thank you.

- A purist. I like that.
- I take two lumps.

So sorry, only one cup.

You were saying, about the violin?
The insurance company

said you're the only person
Laura trusted to repair it.

True. She was such a nice lady.

So sad what happened to her.
But at least the instrument

- stayed within the family.
- Wait a second;

t-hat's Laura's violin? Mmhm.

And what do you mean it
"stayed within the family"?

Laura's sister is in town visiting.
A courier

dropped the violin off a couple
of days ago for a minor repair.

Would you have the name of that sister?


(little humming)

A Mrs. Heidi Weston,
Salt Spring Island, BC.

- Is that who you're looking for?
- And you're sure it's the same violin?

Oh, yes. The serial
numbers match perfectly.

Let me get you

some biscotti to go with that espresso.

I love biscotti. And... he doesn't care.

Laura doesn't have a
sister. That was her!

Your dad was right.
Everyone leaves a trail.

Look, she used Zephyr Courier Services.

I wonder where they
picked the violin up from.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

- Well?
- Free HBO

- and Magic Fingers beds!
- And?

Heidi Weston. Room .

There's someone moving around in there.

Yeah, we spooked her.

(little groan)

Alright, stand back.

(grunting, then): Oh...

(groaning, then crashing)

Hello, Laura.

You even take a breath, you're dead.

- Nolan!
- Angie.

You just couldn't leave
it alone, could you?

I knew you were lying to us.

- So, who's this?
- Sergeant Pamela Blake.

The Feds! Well, I think

someone owes us an explanation.

Last year, Laura witnessed a m*rder.

Big mob hit. The hitman

is still on the loose.
High profile case and Laura

- is our only witness.
- So that's why

she's in the witness protection program.

It was only supposed to
be for a little while.

We've been tracking Dennis Farrow,
the hitman

unfortunately he remains at large.

You didn't tell Antoine any of this?

How? It would have put his life
in jeopardy. Not to mention

destroying his career.
I couldn't do that to him.

- So you faked your own death?
- It was safer for everyone

that way.
That is until a couple of days ago,

when I got the call from Nolan.
I heard she'd gone AWOL,

so, I followed her out here.
Why did you come back?

Why now?

My mother's dying.

I just wanted to see her one last time.
I even brought

- my blue scarf, so she'd recognize me.
- And the Chopin album.

And even more dangerous,
you walked right past

- the concert hall.
- I never thought Antoine

would look out his window
at that exact moment.

Must be fate.

Or bad judgment.

You put your own life and this
entire investigation at risk.

I don't care anymore.

I'm tired

of running. (sigh)

I just wanted to see my old life again.
I wanted

to pretend like I was normal.

Is it true Antoine hired you?

- How is he?
- He's not great.

He never gave up hoping
that you were alive.

He never stopped loving you.

It's been so hard on me,
I just can't imagine

what it's done to him.
I mean I wasn't trying to hurt him.

(crying): I was trying to protect him.

I love him so much.

So, now you know, much
more than you ever

needed to. Case closed.

- So, what happens to Laura?
- Heidi

is gonna be on the
next plane, back to BC.

You're gonna convince Antoine
the woman he saw wasn't Laura.

And any further interference in
this federal case will result

in charges of obstruction
and subsequent prosecution.

I will see to that myself.

You heard what the Sergeant said.

OK, let's look at our options.

Right. Number one,
we tell our client the truth.

Yeah, like...

Hey, Bud, awesome news. Laura's alive.

But, Ooh! Bummer! She's

in the witness protection program.

And now we've just put
his life in danger, too.

Not to mention the part
where we get arrested

for obstructing justice. So,

option B:

We lie to Antoine. Tell him

that Laura is really,
truly, sincerely dead.

Despite the fact that we know the truth:

the woman of his dreams is alive.

And that she's just as miserable
without him as he is without her.

Right when he's getting his
hopes up again. I mean, that

could crush him for life.
How could you do that?

- Me?!
- Well, I'm certainly not gonna

be the one to break his
heart all over again.

- Neither am I!
- We need a decision. Zoe...?

(clicking on keyboard)

- She's pretending to ignore us.
- Who's pretending? I'm not

getting involved in this.

Is that the m*rder Laura witnessed?

Last year. Turf w*r
ends with mob execution.

- The hitman's still AWOL.
- Stop. Wait.

- The wanted poster.
- Yeah, Dennis Farrow.

- That's the hitman Laura saw.
- Look familiar?

Why, it's the neighbour from
Laura's apartment building.

Has he been a step
ahead of us all along?

Or one step behind. Remember all those
times I thought I was being tailed?

Did he follow us to the motel?

- Ah Dammit. Zoe...
- Already dialing.

- [Blake.]
- Hello, Sergeant Blake,

I've got... Everett and Shade.

[Which part of goodbye don't
the two of you understand?

- We may have a situation.
- Are you with Laura?

- [Of course.]
- It doesn't sound

- like you're in a car.
- We pulled over for a minute.

- Laura needed a restroom.
- [Uh, hold on, are you]

- with her right this second?
- [Well, right this second, ]

she's with the toilet. Guys,

- really? You need a new hobby.
- [We have reason]

to believe the hitman, Farrow,
followed us to the motel.

- The hell you talking about?
- We saw his picture,

it's a long story. Could
you check on Laura?

Now, please!


- Dammit!
- (all): What?

(sighing): She's gone.

If you two had just listened
to me in the first place...

- You lied to us.
- I was doing my job, trying

- to protect the young woman.
- If you'd trusted us

with the truth, none of us
would be in this mess right now.

Let's go for a walk.
I gotta take this upstairs.

You two, go home.

(sighing): I guess the best

we can hope for is that
Farrow doesn't have her.

- Yet.
- To think of her

just out there on her own.
And we have no idea where she is.

Or do we...?

(music on the piano)



- I never stopped believing.
- I know. They told me.

- Let me look at you.
- There's something I have

to tell you. Something I
should've told you a year ago.

- I'm sorry...
- It doesn't matter!

You're here now.

- Laura, thank god.
- You gotta come with us.

- Just let me explain...
- (g*nsh*t)

Down! Down!


- It's him!
- We're sitting ducks, here.

We gotta move.
You take Antoine, I'll take Laura?

- OK. Antoine...
- Guys...

They need a distraction. C'mon, Antoine!

Go, go! (-g*nsh*t and scream)

(suspense music)


Get down to the concert
hall. Farrow's here.

Now where?

We're under the
orchestra pit. That leads

to the maintenance tunnels
and a fire exit to the street.

Oh! Too late.

- Plan B.
- (panting)

(creaking hinges)

If we're lucky,

there'll be an escape pod at the top.

(hard hit on the door)

(second hard hit on the door)


This isn't exactly the
escape pod I was hoping for.

There's a staircase that goes
down to the loading dock.

If we can get there, we can get out.



- (g*nsh*t)
- Oh!


This is all my fault.

- He's gonna k*ll us both.
- Ah, come on,

what kind of attitude is that?

Hey, Farrow!
Clearly you have us at a disadvantage!

Yeah, you're a genius.

(panting): You know, in the movies...

this is the point where...
the hero always tries to talk sense

into the gunman.

I'm not gonna try to do that.

First of all, you're too smart.

Secondly, I'm not a hero.

So, if you want the girl...

- she's all yours!
- (hushed): What are you doing!?

- (hushed): You gotta trust me.
- What?!

I got this.

And I was never here.

Go! Go-go-go! GO!

(g*nshots and scream)

They're heading to the east stairwell.




The loading dock's through there.

- Stand back.
- What are you gonna do?

Nothing that six months of
physio and my favorite bottle

- of Macallan won't take care of!
- (groaning)


Ah... Ah...

Here it is.

Let's go.

- Please... no...
- Nothing personal,

you were just at the wrong
place at the wrong time.

You know what, I changed my mind.
Let's talk about this.

- You and me, man to man.
- I'm gonna like

- k*lling you first.
- Drop your w*apon!


He's gone.

(sirens nearby)

Thanks, Nolan.

I didn't know you cared.

I just didn't want the extra paperwork.

- How the hell did you find us?
- Luckily, I can run like hell

and speed dial at the same time.

- Thank god you're safe.
- I am.

- I am.
- (car doors being slammed)

- Is it really over?
- (indistinct radio coms)

Welcome back, Laura.

I can't believe it. We're free.

(indistinct end of sentence
and police radio coms)

Guess we kinda helped you
wrap up a year-long manhunt.

- And I'm grateful for that.
- You're welcome.

Which is why I'm gonna make
the both of you a promise.

I promise that... if I ever

catch you interfering in a
federal investigation again,

I'll dump both your asses in
jail and throw away the key.


- And thanks.
- Hey.

Hate to break up a good team.

- He's a great guy.
- He is.

- Can't believe the two of y...
- Stop.

I mean, he's handsome,
intelligent, honest...

Oh my god! Do you wanna date him?

(SMS signal)

Ah crap! It's my Dad...

- I thought this might happen.
- What?

He's called a family meeting.
This could be big. And bad.

Well, do you want me to go with?
Not that you need the support...

- No, of course not.
- OK.


would you mind?

Of course.

In fact, I insist.

No, Grandpa didn't tell me anything.

Shh... here he comes.

Hey, guys. Um...

OK. So...

- Oh, God...
- What?

Look, Dad, I know we've never
talked like this, but...

whatever it is... I'm here for you, OK?

That's very kind of you, Matt.

It's very strange, but it's very kind.

OK. So... here it is.

I have... bought into

Shona's diner.

- We're now full partners.
- What?

- Yeah.
- Grandpa, that's

- so cool!
- (laughing): Yeah!

Wh... that's it?

You and... Shona, you're...
business partners?

- Yeah!
- But Dad,

the doctors, the lawyers,
the estate planning...

I was just getting my ducks in a row.

- Dad, I thought you were dying!
- Really?

- (chuckles)
- No. No.

No! Far from it!

In fact, the doc says that,
uh, I'll be around

long enough to be a great grandfather.
No pressure, Jules.

- Grandpa, gross!
- (chuckles)

- Now since you're all here...
- Ah, Shona's new

jerk recipe. Ah...

This guy ate my last
batch all in one sitting.

Yeah, and it's worth the stomach cramps,
believe me.

- I hope it's nice and spicy.
- Trust me, girl,

you have never tasted anything like it.

- Mm, Fiona... Unbelievable!
- Huh?

- Mm!
- Really good.

(Chopin's Nocturne in E flat on piano)

(little moan)

See you tomorrow, mom.

(satisfied groan)

(violin added to the music)

See, partner...

some love stories do have happy endings.

(reprise of same music on piano)

