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02x15 - The Hills Have Eyes

Posted: 12/30/21 07:40
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

[SHADE]: Hola, papa!

Hey! Could you rustle up a
cup of coffee for me and...

- what smells so good?
- Macaroni pie.

Have one on the house! We're
workin' on a new menu.

More like I'm workin', he's eatin'.

Yeah, I figured as much.

Ha ha ha! Everyone has their gifts.

It's a staple from my country,
the perfect comfort food.

My son used to eat it by the bucketful.

- You have a son?
- Yeah. He's in Trinidad, I think.

♪ ♪

What did I just step in?

Well, first rule about Shona

is do not talk about her son.

Why? What's wrong with him?

I don't know. What part of the
first rule don't you understand?

Yeah, but you guys are dating now.

- Isn't that what couples talk about?

Hey, could I get two cups
of coffee to go, please?

Angie wants me to meet her client.


You think Shona wants me
to ask her about her son?

First rule about dads, never
meddle in their dating lives.

- Thanks.

- Good luck!
- Thanks. Have a good day.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

So, where the hell is this guy?

Relax. He'll be here.

Did I mention I gave up
free breakfast for this?

Twice. And it gets more
interesting every time.

So, who we waitin' on exactly?

Tyler Hill, but I doubt
that's his real name.

- And what does he do?
- I don't know.

You don't know?

I thought we didn't take on
clients without vetting them.

He sent a request to meet

along with two days' pay
in an encrypted email.

Let's just say I was curious.



Think that's for us?

paces northeast, turn left

and follow the dirt path.

Well, this is the path.


You have got to be kidding me.

You're Tyler Hill?

Sorry for the cloak and dagger.

I had to be sure the
premises were secure.

And why didn't you mention
that you're like, ?

First of all, I'm and a half.

Second, if I told you my real age,

you wouldn't have agreed to meet me.

Kid's got a point.

Can you please not encourage him?

We came all the way out here.
Let's hear what he has to say.

We're not a babysitting service.

You know I can hear you guys, right?

On account of my youthful ears.

OK, fine. What is it?

A lost puppy? Missing bike?

A buried treasure in Mr.
Witherspoon's vegetable garden?

I want you to look into a m*rder.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

♪ ♪

Dad, this is Miss Everett and Mr. Shade,

the PIs I mentioned. Can you hook us up

with a couple of juice boxes?

Cranberry OK?

- Sure.
- Yeah.


I'm sorry. He insisted.

You knew about this?

Yeah. I blame myself.

His mother and I recently separated.

I've been working a lot.
He's alone way too often.

So you don't put much stock in
whatever he's about to show us?

Well, he once thought the
Sorensons were taken over

by a zombie virus. Turns out
it was a smoothie cleanse.

Come on in.

♪ ♪

Don't listen to my dad.

He's not even here half the time.

Sorry to hear about the divorce.

At least I scored on sympathy gifts.

Dad gave me a drone and
mom gave me a camera,

so I jerry-rigged them together.

I call her the Bedford Falcon.

She's our eye in the
sky in Bedford Hills.

I've got hundreds of hours of footage.

- Don't the neighbours complain?
- Why would they?

I'm keeping our neighbourhood safe.

Is that what you call it?

That's Miss Holly Brown.

She's a substitute teacher at our school

and... the m*rder victim.

What makes you say that?

Every morning, she comes out to do yoga.

She hasn't come out since Saturday.

Maybe she quit.

- Ms. Brown never quits!
- Or she's sick.

- Or on vacation.
- Or had a family emergency.

Or any number of reasons.

There's more to the story.

Everyone on the street hates her.

Why? What did she do?

Miss. Brown is the only person

who treats us kids like... adults.

She's not afraid to talk
about sex or religion.

We even talked about dr*gs

after Ryan Sims got caught
with pills in class.

Pills?! Already?

Whatever happened to cherry
bombs and girly magazines?

OK, so there's some
tension with the parents.

There's still no evidence of m*rder.

I'm getting to that.

That's Mr. Moffatt, Holly's neighbour.

I don't know what he does,

but he's weird.

Once I saw him with a g*n.

The night Ms. Brown disappeared,

I landed the Bedford Falcon
on Ms. Brown's roof

and that's when I recorded this.

Are you suggesting that
Holly's body is in there?

I know it sounds crazy,

but I need you to look into Mr. Moffatt.

Respectfully, little man,

this is completely insane.

Respectfully, big man,

you've already cashed my advance.

According to my contract, you
owe me two days of work.

[SHADE]: Kid drives a hard bargain.

[ANGIE]: You're not kidding.

That's the last time I take on a client

without checking at
least the basic details.

- Like what? What grade he's in?
- Shut up.

This is completely nuts.

Just knock! If she
answers, it's all over.

And if she doesn't?

- Can I help you?
- Oh, hi!

I'm Doris Foster.

I'm an old friend of
Holly's from university.

And I'm her husband, Wesley.

We just bought a house
in the neighbourhood.

We were hoping to surprise
Holly with a visit.

Welcome to Bedford Hills! Gabe Moffatt.

Unfortunately, your friend's not here.

Any idea where she went?

I think she went to her sister's.

Not sure when she'll be back.

I'd invite you in for a cup of
java but I'm late for work.

You're gonna love it here.

Did he just finger-g*n us?

- Yeah. Now I'm really suspicious.
- Yeah.

There's a light on.

OK, we are not breaking into
someone's house based on

poor energy conservation habits

and the musings of a -year-old.

Ah ha ha!

Who said anything about breaking in?

You know, you didn't have to
tell him that we were married.

You opened the door.
I just went with it.

You're a retired hockey player.

- He might have recognized you.
- So I am famous, then?

Word travels fast in a place like this.

Now we have to pretend
any time we see anybody.

So what's wrong with that?
I'm pretty quick on my feet.

Yeah, but who's gonna
believe I settled for you?

Ha ha.

There's a bunch of open
cabinets and drawers in here.

Maybe she was looking for something.

Yeah, or someone else was.

There's no signs of struggle

and her car is still in the driveway.

I'm not likin' the looks of
these dirty dishes in the sink

or those papers on the porch.

Maybe she was in a hurry.


She had drinks with Gabe on Saturday,

the day she disappeared.

OK, maybe this kid's on to something.


- _
- ♪ ♪

Holly's Ameechee, Instagram
and Facebook accounts

haven't been updated
since she disappeared.

I can't find anything on Gabe.

Totes! Thanks.

What's goin' on?

Holly's sister Carmine studies
horticulture at Guelph.

So, I assumed the name
of one of her classmates

and got her number from her mother.

Then I contacted Carmine
and assumed the name

of one of Holly's classmates

and chatted her up like we were besties.

Wow. You're gettin' good at this.

Bottom line,

Carmine hasn't seen
Holly for six months.

And yet Gabe said she was there.

I also pretended to be a
parent at Holly's school.

Confirmed with the secretary
that Holly called in sick

Sunday night and is at home
recovering with the flu.

I didn't see any signs of a flu.

Or any signs of Holly.

So, Holly disappears Saturday afternoon

after having drinks with
her neighbour Gabe.

No trace of her Sunday, yesterday

or today except for the one
phone call Sunday night.

Assuming that was really her.



[ANGIE]: I'm on my way.
They were out of jalapeno.

All right. Meet me out front.

I think it's time we go see
what old Gabe is up to.

- _
- ♪ ♪

- This is completely insane.
- I know.

What kind of banh mi place
runs out of jalapenos?


I mean being here in Pleasantville.

I can't wait to write up this report.

Suspect is guilty of garishly

painting his garden trellis.

Am I sensing some issue
with our suburban friends?

Like you'd wanna live in Bedford Hills.

What? It's clean, it's safe,

the people are friendly.
What's not to like?

It's all manufactured!

The white picket fence,
the . children,

the lame barbecues that
everyone pretends to enjoy.

Wow. Methinks we struck a nerve.

OK, yeah.

My uncle lived in the
'burbs when I was a kid.

He had these monthly barbecues

filled with dumb activities

like bocce ball and sack races and...

one time they even hired a clown.

I hate clowns.

Everyone hates clowns...

but what's wrong with bocce
ball and sack races?

They're not real games!
They're just exercises

in forced camaraderie.

Did you ever consider

that maybe you suck at said games?

How was I supposed to learn when
they purposely excluded me?

As long as there's no issue.


This might be him.

♪ ♪

All right, Gabe. What are you up to?

It looks like he went
to a hardware store.

That does not look
like a garden trellis.

What's this guy doing?

A shovel, an axe, some bleach.

Something tells me he's
not bakin' a cake.

I've seen this episode of
Dexter. It doesn't end well.

- I think it's time we talk to Maz.
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

[MAZ]: Let me get this straight.
A twelve-year-old kid

has a crush on his teacher,
and now he's convinced

that the neighbour he's
spying on illegally

has hacked her to bits?
Do I have that right?

Holly's social media has
been dark since Saturday.

You said she called in
sick on Sunday, right?

m*rder victims tend not to do that.

We don't even know if that
was her! And if she's sick,

then why isn't she at home?

Maybe she was with a friend.

Maybe she has a lover. Why is
this any of your business?

Her car is still in the
driveway and she hasn't done

- her yoga in days.
- I haven't done yoga ever! I'm not dead!

The neighbour, Gabe Moffatt, was buying

bleach and plastic sheeting!

That's the full m*rder kit!

Maybe Holly went somewhere

she didn't want the neighbours to know.

Can you just look into Gabe, please?

There's no trace of him on social media.

I did. He happens to have a
profession for which having

a social media profile is frowned upon.

Gabe Moffatt is a cop.

♪ ♪

Our serial k*ller is a cop?!

Shh! Keep your voice down.

We have to be as quiet and
professional as possible now.



How's it going?

What are you doing here,
Tyler? It's after midnight!

Perfect time to test the
Falcon's new, nocturnal upgrade.

I've added night vision lenses

capable of seeing up to yards.

Does that baby really work?


Don't you have school tomorrow?

Can you please just go home?

If you really want to know
what happened to Ms. Brown,

you have to let us do our job.


We have to get inside. Now.

He's cutting her up!

[SHADE]: Wait. He's coming.

You have to go home now. Please.

So you believe me, then?

Here we go!

Here he comes.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

All right.

This is where you dig.

Me? That's your job.

Well, you're the one who's convinced
there's not a body in there.

You have stronger forearms
on account of the hockey.

[g*n BEING COCKED] Hands in the air.

We don't have any weapons

and we haven't broken any laws.

Yeah. We'll see about that.

If you're gonna write me up,
I'm writing you up right back.

What the hell are you talking about?

Lurking and loitering for starters.

How's that gonna look on your
little building code report?

What building code report?

- You're not with the city?
- No.

We're private investigators.
My name's Angie Everett and

this is my partner, Matt Shade.


Thank God.

What are you doing out here?


I'm renovating the whole basement.

This'll be my new bathroom.

I'm dropping the floor
two inches myself,

sneaking the dirt out
to the bushes at night.

Why all the subterfuge?

No permit.

And it's a nosy neighbourhood.

So... why did you lie about Holly?

- Did she hire you?
- No.

Let's just say it was a
concerned neighbour.

Does this concerned neighbour subsist

on a diet of pizza pops and
cranberry juice boxes?

Tyler Hill strikes again.

You know him?

He once thought the
Gilmores had a poltergeist.

Turned out to be their
new garage door opener.

He's concerned for his teacher
and frankly, so are we.

She left under some pretty
strange circumstances.

I think I know what this is about.

Holly and I are... fond of each other.

- You're dating?
- Just good friends.

For now. But Bedford Hills
is very conservative.

Sometimes people talk.

Why did you say that she
went to her sister's?

I get why that looks weird,

but I swear, I was just
trying to protect her.

Protect her from what?

I think Holly has a
substance abuse problem.

When I was there last week,

I found opioids in her house.

Did you consider reporting her?

No, I just... I just wanna get her help.

So why do you think she ran?

I invited her over on Saturday to talk.

When I mentioned the
pills, she got defensive.

Now I calmed her down, went
to pour some wine but...

when I got back, she was gone.

And you haven't heard from her since?

I texted her... a dozen times,

but nothing.

To be honest, I'm really
worried about her.

♪ ♪

♪ When I see anything ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ I think of you ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh, sing it to me, baby ♪

♪ ♪

I'm sorry about yesterday.

Oh, it's OK. He didn't know.

No, I'm talking about me.

I never asked you about your son.

His name is Noah Ruano.

And he got into the
University of Toronto

and was excited to come to Canada

but... then his father
poisoned him against me.

Oh, well... where is he now?

He stayed in Trinidad.

We lost touch.

That's gotta be hard.
I mean, he's your son.

Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, I wrote him letters,

hoping to re-establish contact.

So I finally gave up.

The last letter came
back return to sender.


It's OK, Don.

I'm over it.


Hey, Don.


Could I get a chai tea and a
blueberry scone to go, please?


If I gave you a name

and a city and an
approximate birth date,

could you track a guy down for me?

I just need his phone number.

My contract says I'm
only allowed to work

for Miss Everett and Mr. Shade.

I'm Mr. Shade.

And I pay cash.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Gabe Moffatt isn't a m*rder*r.
He's just building a bathroom.

And he has a g*n because
he's a police officer.

So there's no reason to
believe he's hurt Holly, OK?

So where did Ms. Brown go?

We don't know.

Maybe she went to go visit a
friend. It's not our business.

All we know is that she was
having drinks at Gabe's

- and they got into a minor argument.
- About what?

Adults have adult problems.

Is that why she was so
upset at the barbecue?

- What barbecue?
- Mr. and Mrs. Green's.

I just heard from Brayden McShane

that she showed up there on Saturday.

What did Brayden McShane say exactly?

Just that it didn't go well.

You can ask Mrs. Green at the do-over.

- The do-over?
- Tonight.

She's hosting another
barbecue to make up for it.


I guess it's time for Mr. and
Mrs. Foster to meet the Greens.

♪ ♪

[MRS. GREEN]: Cocktail sandwiches?

I'm Wesley Foster,
this is my wife Doris.

I love what you've done back here!

Oh, it's so nice to have
people move in with taste!

Bedford Hills is the perfect place

to raise a family.

Exactly why we're trying!

Hopefully we'll have a bun
in the oven real soon.

Although it's proving to
be a bit of a challenge

due to the low sperm count.

She's kidding, of course.

We're just so happy
to be out of the city.

Doris has such fond
memories of barbecues

from her childhood.

You know, the bocce ball, sack races,

those hilarious clowns.

Have you all met my husband?

- No.
- Let me introduce you.

You made me a clown lover.

Payback hurts.

I'd like you to meet

Doris and Wesley Foster.

They're new to the neighbourhood.

Welcome to Bedford Hills.

You couldn't ask for a better
place to have a family.

Wow! Word travels fast.

Do you guys have children of your own?

Both of ours have moved out.

Kale is an undergrad at UBC

and Flora just started
medical school at Stanford.

- Wow.
- We value education here

at Bedford Hills. Did you
know that we have the highest

number of high school
graduates in all of Canada?

- Really?
- Wow!

Woodside High with honours.

Well, chalk up two more in the
high school graduate column!

We love being empty nesters.

There's so much to do here.

Outdoor movie night, bingo Fridays.

Oh, and Sherman plays
indoor soccer with the boys.

Maybe you can take Wesley sometime.



Well, excuse me. The sausages
won't flip themselves.

I wanted to talk to you, actually.

What is up with your neighbour Holly?

I heard she caused quite
the scene last Saturday.

Oh, yes. Well, I mean, she did
show up and all but you know,

she's an acquired taste. Holly
and I get along swimmingly.

That's not what we were told.

Is it the Buckmans you were talking to?

Oh, OK. Between you and
I and the fencepost,

Holly did show up here and
she did indeed cause a scene

but that's between her and the Buckmans.

[BOTH]: Hm.

So, have you thought of a
name yet for the little one?

- Oh, Mrs. Green told me.
- Oh, I'm not...

Zoe if it's a girl, Don if it's a boy.

Good, strong names.

We don't believe in
non-traditional labels.

None of this androgynous
stuff, am I right?

Speaking of non-traditional,

what's going on with
your neighbour, Holly?

We heard she caused quite
the scene last Saturday.

Oh, I didn't see her.

Honey, what are you talking about?

She came in and she...

I'm thinking of someone else.

To be honest, Holly just
doesn't quite fit in.

Prancing around in those yoga pants,

mixing her recycling,

sneaking my daughter chocolates

when she knows our views on sugar.

We have been more than tolerant.

This is my daughter, Maya.

Maya, have you met the Fosters?

Negative. Nice to meet you.

Mrs. Buckman was a little too eager

to say how tolerant she is with Holly.

Told you. Fake camaraderie.

You wonder why I hate the 'burbs!


You're pretty handy with a wrench.

Holly taught me.

Holly, huh?

What's she like?

She's cool.

Not that Mom agrees.

Did you happen to see her at
the barbecue on Saturday?

I stayed home.

She came to our yard later.

- What time was that?
- Maybe : .

She and Mom were arguing.

What about?

Something about clothes...

because I saw Mom throw Holly's
top in the garbage later.

Why would your mom have Holly's clothes?

Parents are weird.

You're right about the
suburbs. Too many secrets.

Especially in the Buckman household.

You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

Yeah. Every good barbecue
has parting gifts.


Mini candy bar wrappers!

I thought the Buckmans
were a no sugar household.

Tea bag.

A sock.

Guess the dryer ate the
other one. [CHUCKLING]


Sure you don't wanna join in the fun?

Mmm... no, I'm good.

And totally not distracted
by a side project.

This is pointless and gross.
What are we doing?

Is that blood?

This changes everything.

♪ ♪


Guess I got your attention now.

Yeah, well, a missing
person's bloody top

has a way of doing that.

The fastest I ever processed a piece

of evidence in my entire life.

It wasn't contaminated, was it?

No, thankfully it wasn't.

Now, it appears that
Holly was the victim

of a first degree, vegetative as*ault.

- Meaning?
- Beet juice.

It was beet juice, Angie!

Oh, come on! How was I
supposed to know that?

I mean, thank God it wasn't carrot!

I mean, those stains never come out!

Or rutabaga! Can you imagine?

Do not make me out to be an idiot, OK?

Something fishy happened to
Holly Brown and you know it!

No. You know what I know?

You're startin' to lose it. OK?

I love you, but you are going
off the deep end here.

She's been missing for
almost three days, Maz.

- What do you expect me to do?
- I don't know.

Maybe stop taking cases from
the cast of Stranger Things?

♪ ♪

[ZOE]: Morning, Don.

Here you go.

A large chai, just like you like it,

and a blueberry scone. So, do
you have an update for me?

I found Noah Ruano.


- Oh, that's great!
- Yeah, he lives in San Juan.

He's years old.

He works as a manager at Hotel Bastion.

Trouble is when I called
to confirm he was there,

I didn't expect him to answer.

You didn't speak with him?

I panicked!

Everything just came out!

Now he knows his
mother's looking for him.

And why I do not deserve
these delicious treats.

And why Shona is so gonna k*ll me.

Maybe she'll forget
after she talks to him.


Noah wants her to call?

You're right. It's a bad idea.

No, no, no! It's...

it's only a bad idea

for the other Boyfriend
of the Year contenders!

'Cause I wrapped that trophy up!

Thank you so much!

Thank you!


♪ ♪

Dryer on the fritz?

Oh, we're an air dry family.

Better for the environment.

What can we do for you, Mrs. Foster?

Actually it's Everett. Angie Everett.

- I'm a private investigator.
- And I'm her partner, Matt Shade.

We were hoping you guys could answer

a few questions for us.

What's this about?

We've been looking into the
disappearance of Holly Brown

and we found something
troubling in your garbage.

You looked in our garbage?

Those chocolate bars are Mayas.

That's not what we were talking about.

You said that Holly didn't
go to the barbecue.

Then what were you doing with this?

Oh, my Lord. That is not what it
looks like. Cliff, tell them.

Well, we don't know for sure that

that's what Holly was doing, honey.

What are you guys talking about?

Holly was not welcome at the barbecue,

yet she showed up anyway.

And I think she was peddling dr*gs.

What makes you say that?

I saw them with my own eyes.

They were in a brown satchel,
all these little blue pills.

And I think she was trying
to sell some to my daughter.

Emily, please. It might have
been vitamins in those bags,

and we don't know that she
was looking for Maya.

Well how did those pills get
into Maya's school, then?

Look, she was in my yard.

And I think she was high.

After she got that juice
stain on her shirt,

I caught her stealing one of
my tops right off the line.

So you threw beet juice at her

to keep her away from your daughter?

I may have yelled at her
for stealing my shirt

but I certainly did not
throw that beet juice.

Well if you didn't, then who did?

OK, it was me. She was
ruining the barbecue!

What exactly happened?

Why do you care who threw
the beet juice, Mrs. Foster?

I'm not Mrs. Foster.

My name is Angie Everett and
this is my partner, Matt Shade.

We're private investigators.

Have either of you heard of
Holly using or selling pills?

No, but it wouldn't surprise
me if she was into dr*gs.

I mean, with all the
meditation and yoga...

- Is Holly in trouble?
- Don't defend her.

Women like Holly, they
operate on their own level.

What do you mean by "women like Holly"?

Let's just say

what Holly wants, Holly gets.

Excuse us.

Did you see that look?

Do you think Holly and Mr.
Green were having an affair?

[MR. HILL]: Hey, buddy.

Your friends are here to see you.

Hey. You OK?

I'll leave you guys to it.

The Bedford Falcon is
grounded. And so am I.

Your dad told us about the petition.

You can only fly it
in the park now, huh?

I was planning to take
it to the next level.

I just dropped all this
coin on an external mic.

We didn't see you at the barbecue.

Dad was working.

I don't really like those things anyway.

Yeah. I hate those group events too.

There was a cute girl there.
Maya. Do you know her?

She's a weirdo.

Always on her own doing weirdo things.

Hmm... that doesn't
sound familiar at all!

Hey, um, you mentioned

you had hundreds of hours of
drone footage. You still got it?

Yeah. Why?

'Cause we need your help.

So... Mr. Green says he
plays indoor soccer.

That's every Tuesday at PM
at the Bedford Civic Centre.

We're trying to see

if Mr. Green and Holly are
in any way connected.

You think they're doing it?


Let's just focus on Mr.
Green for now, OK?

He drives a red sedan.

Can you find any footage of him leaving?

Here we go.

Last Tuesday, : .

Red sedan on the move.

Can you see where he's going?

- That's weird.
- Weird how?

The Civic Centre is west.

His car's going east.

Hang on.

Is that him?

What's he doing back there?

Holy crap!

That's Ms. Brown's house!

"Indoor soccer" my ass!

Mr. Green has been a very naughty boy.

♪ ♪

♪ I see someone ♪

♪ Like you ♪

♪ To call my very own ♪

One chicken roti, extra chutney.

- Hey!
- Oh, hey!

Does she know yet?

- She's about to find out.
- You haven't told her?

No. I wrote it on one
of the order slips,

that way it's a complete surprise.

BLT on brown.

It's the next one.

My life is not yours to fix.

Maybe you should hold off on that
Boyfriend of the Year award.

"What Holly wants, Holly gets."

And it appears Holly wanted you,

Mr. Green, or perhaps it
was you that wanted Holly.

Which explains why you were
reluctant to invite my husband

to play indoor soccer.
You never went, did you?

Will you please keep your voice
down? It's not what you think.

- Where is she?
- I don't know!

But you wanna know what I did with her?


th grade calculus.

All this talk about Bedford having

the most high school graduates?

I wasn't one of them. Until Holly.

She was tutoring you?

Helping me get my high school diploma.

For years, I lied to my wife
about graduating high school.

I couldn't take it anymore.

So Holly hooked me up with an
adult correspondence course.

And your wife assumed you
were having an affair.

Crazy, I know.

I just finished my exams on Tuesday.

I'm waiting on the results.

Please, don't tell my wife.

She doesn't know any of this.

She does now.

Why on earth didn't you tell me?

I thought you'd be ashamed.

Oh, Sherman.


And what about Holly?

I'm really starting to get worried.

Yeah, so are we. This whole thing
might have to do with dr*gs.

Do you know something?

She asked me for a favour.

She said she had to
take care of something

and wanted to borrow my credit card.

You didn't give it to her, did you?

It's the least I could do
after all she's done for me.

We need to know the last
place that card was used.

You sure this is the place?

Paid for with Mr. Green's
credit card since Saturday.

Holly's definitely here.

OK. So, Saturday,

Holly goes for drinks at Gabe's

where he mentions the pills
that he found in her house.

Knowing he's a cop, she panics
and runs back to her house

- to hide her stash.
- Or maybe to sell it quickly.

But with Gabe on her tail,

she needs to make herself invisible.

So she runs down the street to
borrow Mr. Green's credit card.

Which upsets his wife,

who wrongfully assumes
that Holly's having

an affair with her husband.

Splash goes the beet juice.

Holly has to change her shirt

but she can't go home because
Gabe's sniffin' around.

So she runs next door,

steals a shirt off the line but
gets caught by Mrs. Buckman.

Only to wind up here,
in this crappy motel

where she calls in sick
to school on Sunday

and stays until now.

Why here?

Do you think this is
where she's dealing?

Why don't we ask her?

Holly Brown?

Hey, hey, hey! You've
gotta stop running!

We know about your opioid problem!

Look, I don't have an opioid problem.

My neighbour does.


He invited me over for some wine

and I was looking for glasses
and that is when I found

- his stash.
- Wow.

I'm guessing he wasn't pleased.

Yeah. He said to pretend
that I never saw it.

He said if I ever breathed
a word to anyone,

he'd frame me and end my career.

So what exactly was your plan?

I just needed to hide

and get these dr*gs out of my school.

Holly, we can help you.

- If we go to the police with...
- No. Gabe is the police.

He'll just pin this on me.

I mean, he assured me that
there's no way these pills

can be traced back to him.

Because he skimmed them from evidence.

They're invisible.

But I can't let him get
away with this. I know

what this does to communities.
I've seen this in my school.

What am I gonna do?

There is one thing we could try.

Hi, Holly.

I was worried about you.

You disappeared on me there.

Well I was upset about what I found.

You mean about what you took.

Where's my bag?

Just say what it is, Gabe.

I'm not wired.

I chose this place so
we could talk freely.

Those dr*gs ended up in my school, Gabe.

Kids are dying!

These things are everywhere, Holly.

You can't escape it.

They don't get it from me,
they'll get it from someone else.

You won't get away with this.

Just tell me where my pills are!

You lookin' for this, Gabe?

Mr. Shade!

Thank God you found Holly's dr*gs.

I really appreciate you
helping me find her.

Drop the act, Gabe. We
all know these are yours.

Well I don't know what
you're talking about.

- I found those in Holly's house.
- He thinks you're wired.

That's why he's not telling the truth.

Look, it's one thing
to be a user, Holly,

but dealing is something
I can't tolerate.

Not when these things get
in the hands of kids.

Wow. The way you turn it on and off,

that's impressive, man.

Whatever you think you're doing, stop.

You got nothing.

I don't.

But that does.

- External microphone.

Highly sensitive.

Caught the whole thing.

Smile! You're on candid camera.


Drop the w*apon!

Get your hands in the air!

♪ ♪


Well... the kid was right.

I'm... I'm sorry.

But the next time you
pull something like this,

maybe you give me a call first?

Just tell us the recording checked out.

Loud and clear.

Be careful with that thing.

I told you that external mic you bought

would come in handy one day!

The Bedford Falcon flies again.

♪ ♪

I didn't mean to yell at you.

I'm the one that should apologize.

What are you saying?

I'm scared to reach out to him again.

That's why I overreacted
to you back there.

I'm sorry.

Nothin' that a little
macaroni pie can't cure.

You know that number you found for Noah?

Do you still have it?

- _
- ♪ ♪

It's a great party.
Thanks for having us.

Thanks for coming.

See? This is what the suburbs are about:

the community, the camaraderie.

Next thing you know, you'll
be making us play bocce ball.

Hey! I never got the chance
to properly thank you two.

You saved more than just me; you
saved the whole neighbourhood.

Actually, the credit goes to
this young man right here.

Thank you, Tyler.

You and your crazy flying
robot are true heroes.

The pleasure's all mine,
Ms. Brown. Although...

regrettably, the Bedford
Falcon has been grounded.

Well, you never know. People
might change their minds.

Besides, there's more to
life than flying a drone.

That's debatable.

I'm gonna go dance.

♪ Take me on a mission ♪
♪ Sweep me on a sunset holiday ♪

There's an opening on the

- bocce ball court. Come on.
- No. No!

Come on! Come on!


♪ Forget to be uptight ♪

♪ Just keep rising up ♪

♪ I want to feel you by my side ♪

♪ And go together ♪

♪ Searching for something true ♪

- Yeah!
- Wow!

♪ ♪

♪ Sunken through ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Searching for something true ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Something true ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Something true ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Something true ♪


- The Bedford Falcon flies again!
- ♪ Something true ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Something true ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ Something true ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Something true ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪