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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 01/02/22 06:04
by bunniefuu
- I want to stay with you.
- I know, darling.

I want that, too,
but it's not my decision,

and they're your grandparents.

There's this one guy.

He likes wearing this really bad
Glasgow hockey jacket.

She just took their photo.

We have plenty of friends
at the Peace Camp.

Who knew you and Burke were together?


Is she police?

The man you interviewed
isn't Peter Ingles.

He works for the Russian embassy
and he has full diplomatic immunity.

He'll leave the country today.

He m*rder*d Jade.


We think that he was in contact with
someone on the boat.

So, you're saying there could be
a Russian asset on board Vigil?

She was my daughter.

She'd had her laptop stolen.

She was being followed.

I don't think Burke
died of a head injury.

I think he was poisoned.

Are you having an affair
with Tiffany Docherty?

He had the power to ruin
your career, your marriage.

The only way that's going to go
away is if Craig Burke did.

I didn't k*ll Craig Burke!

Everyone on this boat thinks that
you are deranged.

Now you're on your own.

We used to jimmy locks all the time
when I was a kid.

That's been tampered with.

Sabotage? We had an enemy
submarine tracking us.

If there's a traitor on board Vigil,
we need a name.

- I just heard about your son.
- He's getting out.

That's amazing!

He's in Indonesia,
he's locked up on dr*gs charges.

So he's one year into a ten-year

and he's just getting out,
just like that?

I think I know who poisoned Craig Burke.

I just found this
in Jackie Hamilton's bunk.

I think it's connected to her son.

If something were to happen to the
crew of Vigil,

could you live with knowing that
you knew there was a problem,

and you didn't bring them home?

The comms wire is going to
take two to three hours to repair.

Till then, we won't receive
any messages.

Just get it fixed.
Until then, we're on our own.

Urgent message for Vigil.

She's to return to port immediately.

They haven't had a response.

They should've by now.

What does that mean?
Boss, what does that mean?


It's me? It's me. It's me.

This way.


Call Ship Control, tell them

to bring the submarine to emergency
stations for an airborne hazard.

Go, Amy, quick.

Don't let anyone through this door.

- Ship Control.
- This is DCI Silva.

Cox'n says to bring
the submarine to emergency

stations for an airborne hazard.

- Roger. Where?
- The m*ssile decks.

Roger, m*ssile compartments.

AUTOMATED: Evacuate the m*ssile
compartment, all levels.

- Don EBS in the m*ssile compartment.

Shut bulkhead doors.

Evacuate the m*ssile compartment,
all levels.

Clear this deck! Clear the deck!

Emergency stations. Airborne hazard...

I want you all out! Clear the deck!

Up the stairs, clear this deck!
Clear the deck!

Airborne hazard in the
m*ssile compartment.

Shut bulkhead doors.

Right, this level's clear.
Close that door.

- Sir, what's going on?
- Just close the door!

Will you pick that up for me?

Ship Control, it's the Cox'n.

There's a problem in the galley stores.

I think it's gas.
Jackie Hamilton's dead.

- Roger. Report to the Control Room.
- Yeah. Roger that.

OK. What did you see?

Something got sprayed on her

and then she just began
to vomit and now she's...

- Shit. You need to wash straight away.
- I have to report all this.

If it's on your clothes, you could
end up poisoning someone.

Doward, go to the galley
and get me a bag, please.



- Isolate the m*ssile compartment.
- Aye, sir.

Hadlow, get me visual
confirmation that the ventilation

in the m*ssile
compartment has been shut down.

Yes, sir.

Get the Cox'n to report to the
Control Room at the rush.

Stand and watch from a distance.
Don't let anyone come near that.

Call the medic and tell her to
meet us at the shower block.

- Did anyone see you go in there?
- Ship Control, Doward here...

Amy, I know how you speak to people.
Please don't talk to me like that.

- Not now.
- I need to ask you some questions.

I didn't do anything.

If I'd have wanted you dead, I would
have left you standing there.

As soon as you're cleaned up,
we need to talk.

Best keep a distance.

OK. You should decontaminate as well.

Shower in your clothes for two
minutes, then double bag them.

Do another ten, with lots of soap.
And then come and see me.


Do you think it's a nerve agent?
Like sarin?

I don't know.

It happened so fast, but...
it has to be.

♪ Do you want me on your mind? ♪

♪ Or do you want me to go on? ♪

♪ I might be yours as sure as I can
say ♪

♪ Be gone, be far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪





I can just about see
the top of your head.

You're like an iceberg.

% of you hidden away.

And are you my Titanic?

It feels a bit that way, sometimes.

Do you want to go away this summer?
Like, properly away?

Yeah, OK.

Do you even want to?

I said OK.

- Ugh!
- What?

Nothing! I give up.

What? What have I said?

No, you haven't said anything.

You haven't said anything.

Better clean under your fingernails.

In and around your ears.

Rinse out your nostrils.

What happens if I get sick?

For a nerve agent, you'd need
atropine and pralidoxime.

We don't have either of them.

Can I just say
I'm sorry I've been such a prick?

OK, that's ten minutes.

I need to check your pupils.

Eyes open. Look straight ahead.

Windows to the soul, eh?

Yeah, we know that's not in good shape.

That's the last time.



I've been thinking about the Navy.

Sorry, did I wake you?

Doesn't matter. Go on.

The Navy isn't making much progress
looking for a traitor.

It's on us.

Yeah, but Ingles left us
nothing to go on!

Not even a phone number.

True, but there has to be someone
still in Scotland who knows

who Ingles' assets were.

He was here a long time.

He would have built up networks.

Some of them might still be active.

Some of them might even
have recruited people.

We've got to keep at it, Porter.

Talk to his neighbours.

Pull CCTV from the shops
around his flat, OK?

Amy is down there all on her own
and she has no idea what's coming.

Get as many people as you can onto that.

I've got to do something first
and then I'll be in.

Can I have my breakfast?

No, you can't.

So, after I heard the broadcast,
I went to the galley crew. They said

that Jackie had just nipped out,
so then I went to the galley stores.

So her crew told you
she was going to the stores?

No, but she was on watch
and she wasn't using the heads,

so I just assumed she'd be there.

- The what?
- The heads, the toilets. I checked.

- The entire midsection of the boat
- Look straight ahead.

is sealed off. This is not sustainable,
so I just need the basic facts.

What did you see when you got there?

Erm... Jackie had the lid off a big tin

and there was gas coming out of it.

Is there any chance she could have
opened that by accident?

Oh, I don't know. It's hard to say.

I don't know.

And after Jackie told you to
get away, what did you do?

She was scared.

And then I think she said,
"Tell Sean I couldn't."

- Hand, please.
- Sean's Jackie's son.

And then she started to vomit.

And that's when I went
and got the gas mask.

Then when I came back, DCI Silva was
already standing there

so I got her to safety

and Jackie was already dead.

- It k*lled her that quickly?
- Yes, sir.

Look, I saw she'd passed out.
She'd wet herself, she'd vomited.

There was some foaming round the mouth.

That's the same
presentation as Craig Burke.

We think it's a nerve agent, like sarin.

You need to look for delayed
symptoms of exposure.

Muscle twitches, a runny nose,
you come and see me immediately.

Yes, ma'am.

Did Jackie manage to contain this thing?

There's, like, a box thrown over it.

So we've got nerve gas leaking
across the entire m*ssile compartment.

That takes out m*ssile control
and the comms wire.

And we can't feed the crew.

Is the storeroom a logical location
to set off an attack like this?

I suppose you'd never look
for it in the galley stores.

She was going to see her son again.

Why would she do something like that?

OK, so Jackie knew enough about what
was going on

to tell you to get out.

Exactly. She told him to get away.

That's someone trying to save
a life, not k*ll them.

Thank you, everyone.

Lieutenant Surgeon, Cox'n, I'll need
you in the wardroom.

I want to reinstate Prentice.

I think I'll need him.

If you have any objection to that,
you need to tell me now.

I don't have a problem,
but I think you need me.

Are you well enough?

Lieutenant Docherty
gave me some medication.

It's not a substitute, but it will
take the edge off withdrawal.

Yes, I feel fine.



- Hello, are you Poppy?
- Yes.

- Is it your birthday today?
- Yes.

- Is that for me?
- Yes, it is.

Happy birthday. It's from Amy.

Is she here?!

She really wanted to be here.

She's on a submarine.

It's for work and they haven't let
her off just yet.

Poppy, you don't answer
the door by yourself!

Mrs Torrens, hi.

I don't mean to intrude,
I was just dropping off a present.

- What's all this?
- Amy's on a submarine.

Is she, now?

Come and have some tea,
we're sitting out the back.

Thank you, but I can't stay.

Have one for the road.

- Come on.
- OK.

Amy would have gotten you
something much better.

This is really cool.

Will she come and see me
when she's back?

Well, I'm sure she'd love that.

Oh, let me help.

- Oh, thank you kindly!
- Of course.

You might take a leaf from her book,

I knew who you were.

Do you want to know how?


Photos on Amy's phone.

I know her passcode.

We do chat to Amy, from time to time.

I love Amy.

She loves you.

She should come over more.

Why don't you go and play
in your room now, Poppy?

I don't want to.

Maybe I should get going.

Off you pop.

I need a grown-up word with Kirsten.

- OK.
- Go on.

If we're looking at joint custody,
I'd like to know who you are,

and I'm sorry to be direct,
but she's my only grandchild.

I feel I have a right to ask.

- What? I'm sorry?
- Morag...

No, I don't know anything
about joint custody.

Four months spent talking about it

and she's never even discussed it
with her partner!

Part...? Amy and I aren't together.

We broke up.

Well, she never mentioned that.

I know Amy missed Poppy a lot.

I mean, when we were together.

She lost her dad.

We were never being unkind,
we just didn't want her going back

and forth between Amy and us.

She needed stability.

But then Poppy got very depressed.

Told her teacher that she'd been
taken away from her mother.

They're not together.
She doesn't need to hear this.

- I really have to go. Thank you.
- No, no...

Please... Say goodbye before you go.

She won't forgive us if you don't.

Of course.


My grandma's so annoying.

Well, people generally are a bit

I'm sorry it was me
here today and not Amy.

That's OK.

She'll come see you
as soon as she's back.


Just feels like you're pushing me.

I don't mean to push you,
it's just that you said that you'd

- introduce me and it's been months.
- I said I needed some time.

Time?! How much f*cking time
do you need, Amy?

Kirsten, don't.

- Are you ashamed of me?
- What?

Are you ashamed of this?

Why can't you be honest with me?

Stop telling me what I can't do.

You just take everything so personally.

- Morning.
- Morning, sir.

We've evidence that Russia is
mounting an operation against Vigil.

A plot to sabotage her
ventilation systems,

force her to the surface,
where she's a sitting duck,

and they can take her out if they
need to.

Does Commander Newsome know this?

Don't know. We ordered Vigil to respond,

but we haven't heard from her.
It's been over hours,

so now we need to find her.

Harney, you take Audacious
north of the patrol area.

Fleming, you take Archer south.

If we find Vigil surfaced, we'll
need to be prepared to defend her.

Miller, we need to get your boat out
to sea and it has to be today.

Sir, half the scrubbers are in refit.

Take her out under escort.

We know they'll be watching,
that's a good thing.

They need to understand that
whatever is going on with Vigil,

the deterrent remains operative.
Currently, that's not the case.

Thank you. Ready your crews.

Yes, sir. What can we tell them?

It's a drill, isn't it?
It's always a drill.

We now think Craig Burke was k*lled
using a nerve agent.

It would seem that Jackie Hamilton
was responsible for his m*rder,

as well as today's attack.

Jackie's dead.

She got exposed when she tried to
set this device off.

The m*ssile compartments
have been sealed off,

but we need to assume that they
are being filled with nerve gas.

How's Jackie meant to be doing all that?

Jackie's son was in prison
in Indonesia on dr*gs charges,

but he'd recently been released,

so it's possible she could have
done some kind of deal.

A deal with who?

Someone who can
pull strings in Indonesia

and has access to nerve agents.

So, what, that's Russia? China, maybe?

Why would that involve Burke?
Are you sure that she k*lled him?

I found contamination in Jackie's bunk,

which links her to the nerve agent
which k*lled Burke,

and we know that he visited the mess
just before he died.

So you think she poisoned him then?

He wasn't seen eating then,

but she could have slipped him
something without being noticed.

- Mm.
- What we have to focus on now

is why the nerve agent is here.

We should assume this is
a nation-state attack.

I want the crew focused, so we'll
tell them as little as possible,

that Jackie's died. No more than that.

At present, we're not able to
receive orders, nor can we fire.

Our enemy has succeeded in knocking
out Britain's nuclear deterrent.

Our job is to fight back...

...and restore it.

I want your ideas.

Bleach is used for basic
decontamination of nerve agents.

My chemistry is a bit rusty, but
I'm pretty sure that hypochlorite

breaks it down and neutralises it.

It's being sprayed as a gas.

If we isolate the fire sprinklers
in the m*ssile decks,

fill the pumps with bleach
and boost the water pressure,

we might be able to get some
sort of bleach vapour going.

We can't have the crew breathing
that in, either.

Vent it afterwards.

It's a bodge, but maybe it'll be
enough for someone to

- work in there in basic protection?
- OK, good.

That still doesn't stop
the device itself, does it?

We still have to work out how we get
to it and then get rid of it.

What about the hazmat suits?

No, those are kept in the middle stores.

Next to the galley
stores in the contaminated area.

OK, what about the deep-diving suits?

They're at least in this section.

Contain the device, clean it,
flush it out of the torpedo tubes.

I realise, you know, the suits
aren't designed for that,

but a quick run might do the trick,
mightn't it?

You'd have to be very fast.

Without being immersed in sea water,

- there's nothing to cool you down.
- How long would you have?

I'd say you've got about minutes

before you're at risk of heatstroke.

And we'd also need to create
some kind of decontamination area

for when they come back
through the bulkhead doors.

We can rig something up, sir.

Do it. Thank you, everyone.

Carry on.

I'm glad you're with us, XO.

Thank you, sir.

So what do you need?

I'm going to go and see Jackie's crew.

OK. Let me take you.

- No. I'm going to go on my own.
- All right, look, I lied about Tiffany.

I didn't behave well there,

but if you think I've got
anything to do with this...

You told the Captain that I was mentally

And now you're telling me what I think.

- Amy, I'm sorry.
- Do you mind?

- Look, please.
- I don't need to hear your excuses.

I just want to do my job.

Look, Amy, I'm sorry
and I'm trying to help you.

The Captain's got his hands full.

Look, do you think anyone
else is going to?

Believe me, I'm aware of that.

Did anyone tell you about the RCMS?

What's the RCMS?

It's a dial that overrides the reactor

manually in the event of an emergency.

Now, it's usually kept padlocked
and only three people have the key.

The engineers.

But they were all there, so
they know that nobody took the key.

Anyway, after the scram,
they went over things.

But there were no leaks, no errors.

But then
when Walsh looks at the padlock,

he sees that it's
covered in scratch marks.

They think someone's jimmied the lock,

which makes it sabotage.

Remember, it almost forced us
to surface.

Now, in the event of a gas leak
attack, what are we forced to do

- when people start to get sick?
- Evacuate.

Well, surface and evacuate.

So there is a pattern forming here.

Have you told the Captain all of that?

Yeah, of course, but he's trying to
get the patrol back on track.

But the why of things, that's you.

And we all need you doing that.

So please, just let me help you.

Come on.

All bookings get logged.

Do you know if this guy's
a season-ticket holder?

All I've got for you is a name.

Peter Ingles.




At least his name's not Smith or Brown!

I, n, g, l, e, s.

Yep, you're in luck.

Peter Ingles is on both our ticket
and marketing lists.

Season-ticket holder.

Looks like he's been to quite a few
games over the years.

- How many years?
- Five.

Is that his telephone number there?

- Yep.
- Oh, amazing.

- Is Mr Ingles in trouble, then?


Nothing's going to happen to him.

That there, what does that mean?

With a season ticket, you get two
free guest passes per year.

That says he used one this season.

Do you keep details of the people
that come as guests?

No, it's pretty basic.

Could you print me out the dates

for the games where he did take a guest?

- Yep, no problem.
- Thank you.

Do you keep CCTV from the entrances?

Only for a week.

Are the games recorded at all?

Yeah, they're all broadcast live,

but your problem's going to be his
seat if you're wanting to spot him.

So he's had the same seat for every
match he's ever been to?

That's right.

Thank you.

Did you get the dates I sent through?

Yeah, just came through now.

And a seating plan of the arena.

What's that about?

We now know the nine games Ingles
took a guest to,

and we know exactly
where in the arena he was sitting.

And we know what he looks like.

Forget official cameras, people
take their own pictures at games

don't they?
Selfies, bits of video, all sorts.

On it.

- Run his phone number as well.
- Done it.

Right, great. I'm coming in.

Were you working in here
when the reactor scrammed?

Yeah. Power went down.

Had to change the whole menu.

You can't run
the ovens on emergency power.

Was Jackie in here when it happened?

Not in that moment.

But maybe a minute later.

Are you sure about that?

Could it have been longer than a minute?


Busy service, you know?
But no more than, like, five.

- Do you know where she went?
- She's the boss.

She don't have to say.

Would she have had time
to get from the RCMS back to here?

It's more than a minute. Five, maybe.

But you'd be running all the way.

When she left the galley this
morning, how did she seem, like,

did you notice anything
different about her?

I mean, she was different
cos of her kid getting out.

She was happy about it, then
she's all over the place.

And then she's f*cking dead
and she won't see him again.

That's the most unfair thing
I've ever heard.

- Anything else?
- No.

I was thinking maybe we could get a
collection together for her family?

That's a nice idea.

Why don't you come
and see me about it tomorrow?

It doesn't make sense.

I need to look at the scene.


We could move supplies across the hull?

We can't risk surfacing.

There's a good chance that's
the strategy all along.

Force us up.

Doward, how busy is it up there?

Fairly clear, sir.
Nothing for about miles.

What is it?

Sir, DCI Silva would like to use
one of the dive suits

to assess the scene.

I can see how you'd want that,
but we only have two dry suits

- and you're not the priority.
- I'd also like to volunteer, sir.

I was down there when it happened.

So I know what I'm looking for.

It would only take one of us
to collect the hazmat suits.

I could do that
while DCI Silva does her work.

Then we can both
dispose of the device together.


I can give you three minutes.

There's just so much that
doesn't add up.

Why Jackie set off the nerve gas where
she did.

k*lling herself in the process.

And we have some questions around
the sabotage of the RCMS panels.

We've spoken to the galley crew,

we don't think she would have
had time to scram the reactor.

I need to assess the scene before it
gets soaked in bleach.

I need experienced crew in those dry
suits, to neutralise the device.

Yeah, I can assist with that.

And this will be a very
challenging environment.

I'm aware of that.

Sir, I can vouch for DCI Silva.
She's capable.

I've been making her life very
difficult over the past few days,

and so if she's reacted badly to that,

then I take full responsibility.

I was just trying to
cover my own arse, because...

...I've been having an affair with
another member of the crew.

I see.

Well, Cox'n.

Welcome to the f*ck-ups club.

We'll deal with that
when we get back on land.

- Sir.
- DCI Silva, carry on.

So there's a pattern here.

Burke gets k*lled.

The reactor gets scrammed.

And then this device gets set off.

That's three attempts to force this
submarine to surface.

The first one worked,

because you had to pick me
up along with Burke's replacement.

What's a fourth attempt
going to look like?

Well, Jackie's dead, so...

But we can't be sure that's
the end of it.

Not until we know how
and why this happened.

The only way that I can do that is
by assessing the crime scene.

And if I don't get access now,
vital evidence could be lost.

God, the lives of your crew
could depend on it.

Be ready to go by the time Hadlow's
set up his decontamination tent.

Thank you.

Remember, Lieutenant Docherty said
you had a maximum of minutes

before you pass out in your own sweat.

There'll be nobody to come in
and pull you out.

I need that device secured
and off my boat.

And I need those hazmat suits.

Anything else is a lower priority.

Those are my orders.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Digital forensics are on it.

Geo-tagged posts,
matched image searches,

going through all the social
media networks.

MI 's putting their resources into it.

We've got Drever messaging anyone
who's ever posted photos from that

part of the arena, asking them to
send us everything else they've got.

- Good. Are people responding?
- Yes.

And Robertson's
talking to the club as well.

He's trying to get a hold
of the details for anyone with seats

with a view of F block.
And we've got Ingles once already.

Do we know who he was sitting next to?

Not yet.

Forensics reckon
they can clean it up a bit.

We found Ingles again on Facebook.

From a game back in March.

Do you recognise the man he's with?

That's Ben Oakley.

He lives at the Peace Camp.

He was a friend of Jade's.


Can I help you?


- Oi. What are you doing?!
- Have you seen Ben Oakley?

- No.
- Do you know where he is?

That's private property!
You can't just smash it in!

We have a warrant.
Who were you just messaging?

If you know where
he is, it's vital that you tell us.

Check all traffic on the loch-side
road, north and south.

I want a full search on all vans
and check car boots,

and follow up with
any of Oakley's known contacts.

We've got something.

Right. I'll call you back.

Hidden in the fixtures.

Cat! Do you recognise this laptop?

Yeah, it's Jade's.

Any idea why it would be in
Ben's caravan?

That doesn't mean anything.

I used to borrow off her as well.

So you know the log-in details.

I need to look at that in connection
with Jade's m*rder.

Two Russian frigates
moving into the patrol area.

Here and here.

And these two are Russian
research ships.

Famous "research vessels".

The Americans have picked up two
Russian submarines,

also moving into the patrol
area from the south.

What do you think?

I'm wondering
if they know where Vigil is.

Thanks for that.

Don't mention it.

So what'll happen to you?

I'm not sure yet.

Might end up seeing more of the family.

Not before time.

Once I've taken stuff in,
can I bring it back out?

Only things that can be sealed
and then washed down.


Lieutenant Hadlow will be ready
for you in about five minutes.

You need to get into the suits now.

I then need to tape the cabin closed
when you're out.

I just... I need a minute.

Amy, there's not much time.


Come here.

- Is that good?
- So good.

Can you come to my choir
concert next week?

Yeah, sure.

Oh, oh. I've got to get you back.

But you said we'd go to...

I know, I know, we will next time.

But we've just run out of time.


Why doesn't she like you?

- What? Who?
- Grandma.

We get on fine. She's...

Just, people are complicated.

And she misses your dad.

But I'm not angry with you.

Well, grief comes out in different
ways in different people.

So... we've just got to give
her some time.

Grandad says you're lonely.

Well, I would like to see you every
day, if that's what you mean.

Hey, you don't
have to worry about me, OK?

Come on.

She likes birds, so...

If anything happens,

could you make sure that
my colleague DS Longacre gets that?

Yes, ma'am. Will do.

Rear-Admiral wants me
to get an update from you in person.

We would tell you as soon as
we found anything concrete.

Has something happened?

The Russian Navy have put
multiple vessels

right across the patrol area.

What does that mean?

It looks like they're hunting Vigil.


- Ben?
- I've got something. It's big.

It's everything we've
worked for, Patrick.

Slow down. Come inside.

They're going to lock me up to stop
me getting it out there.

Look, Ben, seriously, slow down

and tell me what's wrong.

The Russian's have got a naval spy

- in Dunloch.
- What?

Can you imagine the deterrent
surviving that sort of scandal?

They'll never be able to claim
it's safe again.

And you've got proof of this?

Photographic evidence.

But I need to be somewhere
where they can't get to me.

Is there anything taken in the station?

That's where Jade took her
photo of Ingles meeting someone.

It's not on here.

Right, let me check the system logs.

Porter. What have you found?

OK, so...

System was last booted up about two
hours after she was k*lled and...

There you go. Look at that time stamp.

A bluetooth device was connected,

the odds are that's Mr Oakley
moving stuff onto his phone.

If the photo you're after was
deleted, I reckon he's kept a copy.

Ingles had immunity.

He's not going to k*ll Jade
over a photo of himself.

But he has to have been protecting
the person he was meeting.

- Someone who serves on Vigil.
- Exactly.

They'd do anything to protect
an asset like that.

We might have something on one
of Oakley's known contacts.

Patrick Cruden.

Oakley made five calls to Cruden's
office in the last two hours.

We need to go.

Just let me see who else we can talk to.

Ben, can I see the photo?

The guy in the ice hockey jacket,
he's a Russian intelligence officer.

- Who's that he's with?
- He's Royal Navy. That's all I know.


That's huge.

How did you get this?

Ben, this is my reputation on the line.

You need to be straight with me.

I was approached by the
Russian guy in the photo.

They used to target CND all the time.

And afterwards I kept tabs on him
just to see what he was up to.

I think they've got a
whole network here now.

Have you told the police?

No. They would just bury it with the
Official Secrets Act.

- We still have to tell them.
- I agree.

But Ben's not wrong.
Look at Port Havers.

We bring the police in as soon as
we publish the photo.

- So, shall we release it now, then?
- Yes, but not here.

The Russians will k*ll anyone
they have to,

to stop this getting out there.

I need political asylum
at a foreign consulate.

I can't see any other way.

So can we please just go?!

Boss, we might have a lead on Oakley.

Patrick Cruden was meant to do
a live radio interview

and never showed up.

His phone is off and his aide's
not picking up either.

His office says that
none of that is usual for him,

so we're on our way to his house now.

OK, we need live cell-site
information on all their phones,

Oakley, Cruden and his assistant.

We'll send the team their numbers now.

I'd like to acknowledge Jade
in the video that goes out with it.

She was a friend.

She gave her life to this cause.

Today would have been a big day for her.

We can do that.

Look, good things are going to
come from this.

She would've been proud of you, Patrick.

I think she would have been
proud of all of us.


Ben, you're in, my friend.

Oh, thank God for that.

Right. Let's get this video done.

I'll need to edit the photo in later.

Then I can post it all online once
I get to the consulate.

You're about to see a photo.

In it you'll see two men.

One of them
is a Russian intelligence officer.

The man with him
is a member of the British Navy.

Let that sink in.

We have no viable deterrent

if it can be infiltrated
by a foreign power.

There's no way our government
can claim that these weapons

are safe and secure.

It's time to get the nukes
out of Scotland,

and out of Britain,
before they lead to catastrophe.

When you come back through, you're
going to have to be really careful.

This is a sprinkler pipe.

I'm going to try and bodge
it as much as I can so that

when you come back through, we can
turn it on.

Try and wash yourselves
as best as possible.

- It's not going to be perfect.
- When is that going to be ready?

I don't even know if
that's going to work.

If it doesn't, we'll have to put
buckets there for you to use.

This is bleach solution.

Ideally you clean yourselves with
this before you come back in.

Avoid the seams of your suit.
They fall apart.


Assume the device is booby-trapped,
so kid gloves, yeah.

We'll clear a run for you
from here to the b*mb shop

where you can flush it from
one of the torpedo tubes.

We'll have someone with hazmat
training there to assist.

Hopefully the sea water will
disperse the nerve agent. DCI Silva,

let the coxswain handle the
technical side as he knows the boat.

I think that's it. All set?

- Mm-hm.
- Yep.

Good luck.

Believe me, you'll be glad of it.

- Helmets.
- Yep.

The suits have basic radio
so you can talk to each other.

We won't pick you up out here though,

so bang on the door
when you need to come out.

- Do any of the crew know Morse Code?
- Yes, I do.

OK, I'm going to find two tones.

High tones for dots, low for dashes.

- In case we need to message.
- OK. Great.

OK, we need to go now.

For Morse code.

- Are you ready?
- Yep.

Clear the passageways.

Start ventilating
the fans on fast speed.

Aye, sir.

Oh, shit.

No-one there.

So why is his car still here, then?



We're at Cruden's house, he's not here.

No. I've got a fair idea where
they're headed.

There's nothing from Patrick Cruden
or Ben Oakley,

but it's been nonstop with Mark Hill.

He's phoned different consulates,
all of them in Edinburgh.


I'd say that Mr Oakley's
hoping to claim asylum.

Right. We need to put people
around the Russian consulate.

That's the one he'll be heading to.

You want to make a start?
I'll go to the hazmat suits.


How are you doing, Amy?

- Just looking at the body now.
- OK.

Let me just shift these
and then I'll get back to you.


I've dropped off the hazmat suits.

OK, I'm coming back to you now.

We need to speak to you, sir.

We're looking for Ben Oakley.

I can't help you with that.

Did you drop him off
at the Russian consulate?

I'm sorry, I might have to
deal with this.

I won't be a minute.

Ben Oakley is going to be the guy
who got nuclear weapons

out of Scotland
and I am proud to support him.

- I believe he has a photo.
- Yes, I've seen it.

That's not Oakley's photo.

Jade took it.

I'm sorry, what are you saying?

We found Jade's laptop
hidden in Ben Oakley's caravan.

We have evidence that he stole that
photo from her laptop,

and then we believe that he supplied
it to a Russian intelligence

officer known as Peter Ingles.

Now, that photo is the reason
why Jade was m*rder*d.


See, this is Ben Oakley
sitting with Peter Ingles.

The same man that she took
a photograph of.

Do you have a copy of the photo
Oakley showed you?

Was Ingles with anybody else
in the photo that you saw?

Did you see another man?

but I only saw it for a few seconds.

We believe that that other man
is right now on Vigil

involved in a plot to sabotage it.

Where is Ben Oakley?

At the Chinese consulate.
Mark's dropping him off there now.


It's not Russia, it's the Chinese.

Move fast, we're on our way.

What he did to Jade was monstrous.

I'm so sorry.

I'll bag that up.

- Got a note.
- A note?

I'm just trying to make it out.

"Little Cat, Bali not a done deal.

"One last chance.

"Leave it where instructed...

... or you'll join Burke."

There's someone else on the boat.

They left this, it's orders.

"One last chance."
I think they were threatening her.

I don't think she wanted to be
involved any more.

If there's someone else on the boat,
then why did they need Jackie?

What if they weren't on the boat
in the first place?

As in...

...what if it was Jackie's
job to k*ll Burke

so they could fly his replacement out?

- Do you mean Doward?
- Yeah.

Yeah, Doward wrote this note.
Threatened her.

I think he's done all of this.


- What is it?
- I feel the heat.

- It's just the heat.
- Let me check.

Look at me. Look.

- Oh, no.
- Look at me. We need to get you out.

I didn't see that happening.

OK, let's go.


Hey, hey, hey, Elliot!


This needs to be flushed
in the torpedo tube.

- Yeah, I know.
- Go!

No. Come on.

Lean on me.

OK, stay with me.


Elliot, stay with me. Elliot,
look at me.

Elliot. Look.

We need to keep moving.

- They're coming out!
- Shit.

Start the sprinklers now!
Clear the passageway!

Stand by to vent.


No, not that.

It's evidence.

He's been exposed.

Oh, shit.

Oh, my God!





Help! Help.