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02x07 - The Ticking Clock & Managing Murphy's Law

Posted: 01/03/22 17:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Look at that sun
Look at that sky ♪

♪ Look at my sweater vest
I look so fly ♪

♪ Look at that mailbox
Look at that tree ♪

♪ It's about as beautiful as it can be ♪

♪ Whoa

♪ Today is gonna be exceptional ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

[Zack] Oh, here's some more
parking meters. Do it again.

[Milo] It doesn't happen every time.

-[meter dings]
-Uh-huh? Right there. Bam.

-[meter dings]
-Like clockwork.

Except for this one.

See? It's not
always guaranteed.

[both gasp]

Huh. Man, it's like...

It's like...

It's like...

It's like poetry.


-What's the matter?
-Oh, hi, guys.

I just found out they're going
to dismantle Ol' Bessie.

I'm hoping Ol' Bessie
isn't a person.

No, she's that old clock
in town square.

[Zack] The clock
is named Bessie?

They name everything
in this town.

This bus stop
is named Steve.

Its full name is Steven.

Wow, you seem really upset
about Ol' Bessie.

Well, she's kind of like family.

She was built by my great-grandmother,
Abigail Chase.

[Milo] Your great-grandmother
was a clock maker?

Not just a clock maker,
but a full-fledged inventor.

She invented the first primitive
version of texting.

And how the elephant got in my pajamas,
I'll never know.

Even though
I never knew her,

I always felt a connection
with Great-Grandma Abigail,

and I was so proud
every time I walked by that clock.

I can't believe
they can just tear it down.

Isn't it a historical landmark?

Yes. But the city sold
the land to a developer last year.

That land was called Reginald.

And according to the law,
if the clock stops working,

the new owner can tear it down.

Well, the clock stopped
ticking yesterday at : ,

and if she isn't fixed
by tonight, no more Bessie.

We should do
something about it.

You guys would help?

Old school. Nice.

[upbeat music playing]

[Monogram] Morning, Agent P.

Doofenshmirtz is up
to something new,

and I think you know how I feel about
things that are new.

He doesn't like it.

I'm wearing new glasses
and he's freaking out.

Oh, it's like I don't
know who you are!

Anyhoo, now that
Doofenshmirtz is no longer evil,

he's decided to use
his Inators to help people.

I need you to get
out there and stop Doofenshmirtz.

Oh, from, uh, accidentally hurting someone
while trying to help them.

How about these glasses?

Not with those cheekbones.

♪ Horse in a bookcase... ♪

♪ Horse in a bookcase... ♪

-♪ Horse in a... ♪
-[knocking on door]

♪ Agent P! ♪

Perry the Platypus?
Is that you?

Oh, sorry,
Perry the Platypus.

I couldn't hear you knocking over
the music sting.

Anyhoo, since, you know,

I'm going to become
the great Professor Time some day,

I thought I'd better start practicing now
being good so it doesn't, you know,

give me whiplash later.

I'm... I'm going to start off
by solving one of the greatest

problems facing mankind.

Sidewalk gum!

It's the worst, right?
You're walking along and, oh, suddenly,

oh, now you have sticky gum
on your shoe!

And you can't get it off,
how are you supposed to get it off?

You can't touch it! It's been both inside
someone's mouth and on the ground.

That's like the two most disgusting
places on Earth!

But no longer. Behold!
The De-Gum-Inator!

Now I can rid the city of sticky sidewalk
gum forever!

And, by extension, do good!

I'm gonna take
this outside.

[tires screech]


[chicken clucks, cat yowls]

Time to start doing good!

[Melissa] We only have until : p.m.
tonight to fix Ol' Bessie.

Fortunately for us,
we've got some help.

You guys remember Clyde?

Hey, Milo!
Hey, Zack!

Clyde Rickenbacker?
I didn't know you could fix clocks.

Well, we've been here for hours,
and it's still not working.

So, apparently, we can't.

[CIDD] Milo, Zack,
it is so nice to see you.

Aw, he must
smell your robot.

-[Milo laughing]
-[Zack exclaiming]

[CIDD] I am so glad
to see you.


But also I am not glad because they might
tear down Ol' Bessie.

I don't know, Melissa,

I don't think we'll be able to fix
this clock in time.

I still don't get it.

Who would buy land
with a clock tower on it,

only to tear down
the clock tower?

[man] I would.

[sighs] Just a minute.

Stupid tiny door
ruined my entrance.

Victor Verliezer.


I'm sorry.
Uh, what was your last name again?

-Ah, that's right.

[menacingly] Milo Murphy.

Victor, why would you
want to destroy Ol' Bessie?

Oh, Clyde. This old clock is standing
in the way of progress.

And that progress
is called the V-Clock.

It's Wi-Fi capable, accurate to a
millisecond, and best of all,

the city will have to pay me

for an upgrade every year
with new operating systems

or the clock will turn
into a giant k*ller robot.

[laughs wickedly]

When the clock doesn't strike :
tonight, it's "bye-bye Bessie,"

Hello, V-Clock.

I really don't like that guy.

Wow, I've never
seen Milo so angry.

I have. Once, some squirrels ran off
with his sandwich.

What do squirrels
even want with tuna?

They never come across it
in the wild. It's just weird!

But Milo's right to be mad.
We can't let Victor win.

I agree, but CIDD and I have been trying
to fix this old relic for hours.

I'm not sure
what else we can do.

We can't keep up.

Don't worry, you guys.
I have a lot of experience fixing things.

There you go.

Or maybe more things will break just
because you're here.

Well, we're gonna
have to take our chances.

But if we're
going to fix Ol' Bessie,

we'll have to start
at the top.

♪ The passage of time is tricky ♪

♪ When your clock's not ticking ♪

♪ Let's get to work quickly ♪

♪ Got to get the keys clicking somewhere ♪

♪ We're just gods in the machinery ♪

♪ Maybe I'm a dreamer ♪

♪ We don't need a change of scenery ♪

♪ ♪

♪ It's hard to get a reading ♪

♪ When the cycle keeps repeating ♪

♪ The same chronological display ♪

♪ But even a broken clock
Is right two times a day ♪

♪ Do you know what time it is? ♪

♪ 'Cause I feel it tick, ticking away ♪

♪ Do you know what time it is? ♪

♪ 'Cause I feel it tick, ticking away ♪

♪ Tick, ticking away ♪

♪ Tick, ticking away ♪

♪ Tick, ticking away ♪

[Melissa] Looking good, Milo!

But you're gonna have to move it back
an hour and a half.

Hey... Oh, great,
I've got gum on my...


What the...

Oh, hi,
Milo's friend girl.

Hey Dr. D,
what are you doing?

-I'm doing good, with my De-Gum-Inator.


So, how we doing, Clyde?

Pretty good, but we're still missing
those parts I ordered.

They should be here
any minute.

Can I help you?

Oh, yeah, I'm looking
for a Clyde Rickenbaker.

I've got some important old parts
for him here.

Ah, yes.
I'll take that for him.

Oh, great.
Well, uh, looks like

you're gonna get your clock fixed
just in time.

Wait a second.
Don't I know you?

[stutters] Of course you do.

I'm, uh...
Your brother-in-law.

David? Is that you?

Yes! Yes, it is.
I'm David.

You look great!
You're like five inches taller!

I know! Growth spurt
at . Who knew?

Well, better take these parts.
Time waits for no man.

Yeah, I guess.

We'll see you at Christmas.

We're Jewish!

[horn honks]

[Clyde] Since those parts
never showed up,

I had to jury-rig this,
but it might do the trick.

Give it a try, Melissa.

[metals clang]

-Yes, yes, yes!
-[spring twangs]

No, no, no! That was the main spring,
it kept everything moving.

And it was an antique so it's going to
take weeks to replace that.

No, all we need is a machine that will
keep everything moving at once.

I've got an idea!
You guys, chew this gum.

Well, I do find it comforting to...

[Melissa] Less talk!
More chew!

What's this gonna do?

Chew this gum, mix it in with the glue and
stick it to every gear,

every wheel, everything
that moves in this clock.

Okay, but I
don't understand.

[Melissa] No time to explain!
Just do it!

Come on CIDD.
You're with me.

I guess we better do
what she says.

Perry the Platypus?
Why are you stopping me?

-I was doing good. Huh?
-[indistinct shouting]

-[alarm sounding]
-[horn blaring]

Oh! Did I do that?

How can I ever become Professor Time if
I'm no good at being good?

Wait! There he is.

A robot carrying a girl. Wow,
that fortune cookie was right!

Dr. D, we need your help!

Wait, someone needs my help?
I feel important.

Okay, let's go.

[Doofenshmirtz] I'm coming to help!

I'm coming to help!

I'm here to help.

Dr. Doof,
turn on your machine.

It's go time.

Ooh, I'm part of something!

Wait a minute.
What's going on? It's not working.

No, it's working perfectly.

We mixed gum with the glue

so it wouldn't come off.

You can't win.
You're almost out of time.

In five...


-Why are we counting?
-[all] One!

[clock tolling]

[all cheering]

-Thanks, Dr. D.
-All right, hooray for me!

I'm not exactly sure
how I'm helping people,

but something involving a clock,
apparently, but I'm doing good!

We all did good.
Grandma Abigail would be so proud!

Ugh! I can't believe
you ruined me again!

Could this day
get any worse?


Welcome to the th Annual Substitute
Teacher's Conference.

-[Victor yelling]
-Today, we're going to be...

I hope you brought
enough gum for everyone.

I did.

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

[Milo] And that's why
I wear sweater vests!

I don't know who
you are anymore.

All right, who's ready for video games
and snacks at my house?

Not you.

You forgot the "Forget the Llamas.
Save the Alpacas" benefit concert.

-You have a gig today.
-We do?

I should know.
I'm your new manager.

You are? Since when?

Since five seconds ago.
Were you not listening?

I'm your new manager.

Wow. I guess
I wasn't listening.

I don't know about having a manager

when we don't even have a good
band name yet.

Well, we are
Just Getting Started.

But that name was a mistake.

What about
"Zack of All Trades"?

Oh, or
"Murphy's Lawyers."

"Melissa and
the Who Cares Who Elses."

Band name, TBD.

Mean time, pick up rehearsals
right here, right now.

-But our instruments are...
-[Chad] Oh, guys,

I got this text from Amanda...

-But we still need power to...

-[generator starting]
-Amanda texted me

and I just blindly followed her
instructions. It's what I do.

I love Slushy Dawg!

We're on a mission to retrieve a piece
alien rubbish, not fill your face hole.

Can't we do both?

It's : and we're supposed
to meet an employee who reported it.

A Mr. Johnson.

[Jeremy] Welcome to Slushy Dawg.
May I take your order, please?

I don't know if you
can take my order...

[instruments tuning]

Head's up!

[alien pilot] During our
routine scan of the planet,

we experienced a glitch
in our cloaking device.

-The source seems to be here.
-[alarm blaring]

[alien commander]
I haven't seen a buildup

of negative probability ions
like that since...

Follow that human!

Well, this place is no longer a suitable
rehearsal space.

Milo, rehearsal
at your house. Now.

Are you sure? Maybe the universe is trying
to tell us something.

Yes, it's telling you to listen to your
band manager! Okay?

What were we doing?

Wait, were these wrappers here
the whole time?

Smells fresh.

Oh, yes! That's it. We were supposed to
meet one Jeremy Johnson here at, um,

minutes ago?

What have we been doing
for those minutes?

Well, let's pull over to the drive-thru
and try to find out.

[Jeremy] Welcome to Slushy Dawg!
May I take your order, please?

I don't know if you can take my order,
but you can borrow it!

Dakota? Did you get rid of the thing?

What thing?

It's me, Jeremy.
We just met, like, minutes ago.

You know about the weird,
glowing junk by the dumpster?

It seemed to be
making people act strange.

We already talked about this.

Wait, did I order food before?

Yeah. That's when we met.

-Funny, I don't feel like I ate.
-You never do!

We're coming
to you, Jeremy!

Wait! Whatever you do,
don't try and pa...

[game sound effects playing]

Wait, where are we?

What are we doing?

Well, I hope you're done!

These kids have been
waiting for minutes!

There's the van!

How did we
end up in there?

We were going to Slushy Dawg
about some alien device.

How did we lose

And where did all these
fast food wrappers come from?

I don't remember
eating any of this.

Get in. We have to get back to the Slushy
Dawg and figure out what's happened.

[Jeremy] Welcome to Slushy Dawg!
May I take your order, please?

Well, I don't know
if you can take...

Dakota? Cavendish?

How do you know our names?

Cavendish! We've met
twice today already!

Did we order food?

Did you order food?
Last time you were here,

you ordered hot dogs,
sat in the drive-thru,

blocking our customers, and drove off,
shouting about being young again!

Dakota, pull forward.

Guys, just stop...

[circus music playing]


Oh, my word, it's happened again!
Where the devil are we?

What a show, folks!
I don't know who these two lunatics are,

but they are fearless.
And without a net!

[both screaming]

[Jeremy] Welcome to Slushy Dawg!
May I take your order, please?

-I don't know if you can take...
-Dakota? Cavendish?

Do I have walk you guys through this
again? I met you guys already!

And if you want food this time, you'd
better like burgers or fish sandwiches,

because the last time you were here, you
bought every hot dog in the place!

I don't remember ever eating your food.
I want a refund.

Look, guys. The weird thing you guys came
for, the memory-messing thing,

you have to watch out for it. It's right
by this... I can barely hear you.

through this thing,
let me pull up.

No, wait!

[both] Oh, come on!

There they are, officers, those are the
guys who took my scooters without paying!

[both yell]

Okay, how about "The Those Guys"
or "The Give it Ups"?

I still like "Just Getting Started."
Has a nice ring to it.

Keep at it, Zack.
Plenty of bands don't have names.

Name one.

Obviously if I named them,

they wouldn't be bands
with no names anymore,

-would they?
-[ceiling rumbling]

Now we're
a garage band without a garage.

So, just a band.

Everybody all right?

Yeah. Let me just
go get our gear.

What are you doing?

I didn't press anything, sir.

That's the negative probability ions!

-[alarm blaring]
-We're too close!

It's affecting our controls!

Brace yourself!


Ah, scary ponies!

[serene instrumental
music playing]


[cell phone beeps]

Well, according to
this text from Amanda,

I'm driving you guys
to the concert.

Well, have fun, kids.
I'll just be here with the ponies.

On my roof. Dancing.

Our memory losses start here
at Slushy Dawg.

I wish I knew what we did those three last
times we were here.

-Wait a moment. Yes!
-That must be it!

That Jeremy fellow's report
to the local authorities.

"Alien trash causing cognitive
disturbance!" Of course!

That is a lot of syllables.
What does it mean?

Remember our training?

To avoid detection, certain alien species
use a manic amnesia ray.

This ray erases any memory of the sighting
and causes the subject to act erratically

so they won't be believed by the
authorities even if they do remember it.

I'm king of the world!

[stuttering] I don't know
how I got here.

I swear I saw...
I saw a UFO.

It's that piece of space trash

that's erasing our memories
and causing us to act out.

We need to approach it
carefully and disable it.

Agreed. Let's grab a bite and then do
whatever you just said.

[Jeremy] Welcome to Slushy Dawg!

I regret to inform you that all we have at
this time are fish sandwiches.

Ew, no, thank you.

If you don't mind, I'm just going to drive
right on through.

Dakota, wait!
Remember there's a green...

How's this for our new band name,
"The Sonic Three"?

-[stammers] Oh, sorry, "The Sonic Four."

But, eh, I have better ones.

A bunch more. How about
the "Lizards of Oz"?

[guitar tuning]

How about
the "Lizards of No Way"?

You're on in five,
Just Getting Started!

You know,
I like it more when she says it.

We're too close again, ma'am!


No, get closer.
We need more data.

But, ma'am,
we're losing propulsion!

[sirens wailing]

Ugh, that taste like fi...
Have I been eating fish sandwiches?

Well, we're back at Slushy Dawg!
But what are we wearing?

When did we do that?

And I really hope we paid for all
that stuff.

Great bollywockers!

How can it be : ?

Look! The windshield!

Wow, I am messier
than I thought.

No, it's a warning
I left myself!

[Cavendish reading]

Heh. I'm so clever!

That must be the cheeky culprit,
right there!

It's broken.
There's a hole in it.

The hole must be the problem.
How do we plug the hole?

Same way I do. Feed it!


Dakota! You did it!
You stopped the memory wipes!

Oh, we're saved!

We're saved! Saved, saved!


What on earth did we do
on that last blackout?

Hey, Cavendish, Dakota!
Thanks for the fireworks.

The show wouldn't have
been the same without it.


Hey, Amanda, um, in light of today's
intense events,

-maybe we should...
-No way!

If I've learned anything from you, Milo,
it's that you never quit!

I say, it's time
for us to "Milo Up!"

Let Murphy's Law
just try and stop us.

We've committed to helping
those llamas...


And that's what
we're going to do!

Yeah, we are!
We've already got a name!

And now we've got a new song!

[clears throat]

Thank you, everybody.

we are Just Getting Started!

[playing rock music]

♪ Would it look better on a marquee ♪

♪ If we were called "The Sonic Three" or
"Psychedelic Banshee" ♪

♪ Or "Cybernetic Bumblebee"? ♪

♪ Will we get more repulsive if we were
Called "Lizards of Oz" ♪

♪ Or the "Semi-crazy...
Just the "Murphy's Laws" ♪

♪ What's in a name? ♪

♪ If we're rocking just the same ♪

♪ And we're
Just Getting Started... ♪

We're losing power!

Okay, enough intel! [grunts]

Get us away from that kid!

[alien commander screaming]

[alarms blaring]

-Oh... Brace for impact!
-[alien commander yelling]

You're right, Dakota,
there's a concert!

[tires screeching]


Amanda texted us.

[Dakota and Cavendish yelling]

[aliens groaning]

♪ We're Just
Getting Started! ♪

[crowd cheering]

Wow, Amanda.
You're pretty handy with that phone.

So, what do you
think about your new job?

Well, being a band manager
is a lot tougher job than I imagined.

But you're worth it.
And we are Just Getting Started.

Power stores returning to normal, ma'am.
Your orders?

That human child
could be useful.

We'll be back, Milo Murphy.

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Oh, thanks, everybody
That is so motivational ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I'm not sitting here
Watching the world turn ♪

♪ You know I'd rather spin it ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪