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04x18 & 04x19 - La Candace-Cabra; Happy Birthday, Isabella

Posted: 01/04/22 08:48
by bunniefuu
♪ There's a hundred and
four days of summer vacation ♪

♪ and school comes
along just to end it ♪

♪ So the annual problem
for our generation ♪

♪ is finding a good way to spend it ♪

♪ Like maybe ♪

♪ Building a rocket,
or fighting a mummy ♪

♪ or climbing up the Eiffel Tower ♪

♪ Discovering something
that doesn't exist ♪


♪ Or giving a monkey a shower ♪

♪ Surfing tidal waves ♪

♪ Creating nano-bots or
locating Frankenstein's brain ♪

It's over here!

♪ Finding a dodo bird
Painting a continent ♪

♪ Or driving our sister insane ♪


♪ As you can see, there's
a whole lot of stuff to do ♪

♪ before school starts this fall ♪

Come on, Perry.

♪ So stick with us, 'cause
Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all! ♪

♪ So stick with us, 'cause Phineas
and Ferb are gonna do it all! ♪

Mom, Phineas and Ferb
are making a title sequence!

Phineas: Well, Ferb, we can cross
that one off our bucket list.

[IMITATING Isabella]
Hey, guys! Whatcha doing?

Uh, I think the bigger question
is, what are you doing, Buford?

I'm filing in for Isabella while she's
visiting her grandparents in New Mexico.

- The dress was all his idea, though.
- Hey, I got the legs for it.

Ah, New Mexico. My
great-grandfather once

saw something mysterious in New Mexico.

There he was, happily plying
his trade, cowpunching.


- Buford: It was a dangerous profession.
- Darn tootin'!

- Then one day, he saw it.
- Chupacabra, oh!

What in the Sam Hill?

It was the elusive chompy-cobra!

- The what?
- Based on his extensive

history of malapropisms, I
would say that he is talking

about the Chupacabra, the
Latin American goat-sucker

that is said to haunt the deserts
of Mexico and Southwestern America.

That's just a myth, like the
Lake Nose Monster and Klimpaloon,

the magical old-timey bathing
suit that lives in the Himalayas.

Um, have you not proven
those things to be true?

So we have!
Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!

We're gonna search for an elusive
creature that tends to slip away...

Hey, where's Perry?

Carl: Uh, is this thing on?

I wanna thank you all for taking
some time out of your busy schedules

to attend our compulsory OWCA
animal sensitivity seminar.

However, if you currently are an animal,
you may be excused to your missions.

But... What? They get to go?

What is this? Pick on
the Higher Species Day?

What? Humans are a higher
species! Everybody knows that!

And that's why you're here today, sir.

Gentlemen and gentlemen, we
present to you, the Chupathopter!

Baljeet and Buford:
Wow! Right on! Et cetera.

All right, everyone. Take
your seats and buckle up.

We're off to New Mexico to
find the elusive Chupacabra.

But what are we going to use as bait?

Oh, I got that handled!

Check it out. It's reversible.
Ta-da! A goat costume!

All right, then. Let's start
tracking us a Chupacabra.

Searching Chupacabra traits.


Ferb, let's light this candle!

Look! Everything in
my wardrobe is jinxed!

- Jinxed?
- Aha. I was wearing this one

when the boys made the
giant gelatin monster.

I was wearing this one when the
boys split me into, like, me's.

This one is from the whole
Meap thing. And this one...

Well, I just spilled
grape juice on it...

COMPUTER: Begin analysis. Rooting.

Ooh! Je Bust Number !

- COMPUTER: Sniffing. I guess
- I can wear this tonight.

COMPUTER: Long neck.


[BUZZING] Not Chupacabra.

Wait. Somebody's judging me.

Phineas and Ferb, you are so busted!

For something!

CHORUS: # Perry! #

Doofenshmirtz: Well, hello, Perry the
Platypus! You like the new biplane?

Pretty sweet, huh?
I got it off the Internet.

Don't worry about your hat. The
heat is really good for the felt.

Look what I invented!

It grows your hair back.
I've got it in all the stores,

but it's not selling as
well as I thought it would.

I don't know why.
It's even got a catchy name.

Get Back Hair.

CHORUS: # Get Back Hair #

It should be flying off the
shelves. I just don't get it.

Anyway, that is about to change.

Behold, the

you look so unimpressed?

I'll explain. I simply fly over
town in my biplane... right off

...and I look for someone
with a receding hairline

standing next to someone
with a full head of hair.

I fire, and presto!
The hairdos switch places!

The person who was formerly
hairline-challenged is thrilled,

and the other guy is...

Well, he's gonna spend a lot
of money to get his hair back.

Thus, "Get Back Hair."

- CHORUS: # Get Back Hair #
- Here, I'll show you how it works.

Okay, Perry the Platypus,
how'd you like to trade places

with a hungry man-eating shark?

Oh, yeah, you're...
You're semi-aquatic.

Well, I've got some
other tricks up my sleeve.

Like switching places with a...


Doofenshmirtz: Oh, man!
I did not see that coming!


Okay, Senor Pantalones Inteligente!

That's "Mr. Smarty-Pants"
[MUTTERING] in Spanish.

"Tanks" for playing, Perry the Platypus!
See you around. [LAUGHING]

Phineas: Okay, guys,
welcome to New Mexico.

Ferb, let's lower the Chupacabra bait.


Hey! Hey, watch the cactuses!
Ow! Ow!

Who's driving up there?

- Baljeet.
- [CHUCKLING] Sorry.

Now to go make my millions with
my trusty Switch-Place-inator!

Where is it?


Perry the Platypus, you
didn't by any chance...

[GROWLS] Hand it over!
That belongs to me!

Give it! Give it! Give
it, give it, give...



[Doofenshmirtz LAUGHING]

Now, this is what I call
fly-fishing! [LAUGHS]

Oh, come on, come on,
come on. Yes! Yes!

Attaboy! Whoo-hoo!

Okay, make a wish! [BLOWING]
What did you wish for?

[Doofenshmirtz GRUNTING]

That's what you wished for?

I'm gonna wait right here
until the bustees return.

- Oh, and they will return.
- So, since you're in busting mode,

I take it my services are not required.

Yep, I'm superfluous.


searching for a beast of yore #

♪ With a long neck and a tail ♪

♪ Everywhere we look, we lose
On this long and dusty trail ♪

♪ We're westward ho
'Cause the ranchers know ♪

♪ Something isn't right ♪

♪ Their goats are being snatched away
In the darkness of the night ♪

# Chupacabra ho #

All: # Chupacabra, Chupacabra #

Phineas: # What just jumped the wire? #

♪ Chupacabra, Chupacabra ♪

♪ I'm starting to perspire ♪

♪ Chupacabra, Chupacabra ♪

♪ I'm not usually a crier,
but isn't that... ♪

♪ The goat vampire! ♪

MAN: # Posses and gangs have tried
to hunt and flush it from its lair #

♪ But not till now have a g*ng
of kids pursued it from the air ♪

♪ Cowboys tried to trap and trick it
With just about everything ♪

♪ But no one's ever tried to lure it
With a bully on a string ♪

♪ Bully on a string ♪

# Chupacabra ho #

# Chupacabra ho #

Hey, guys, I think we got something!

Gotcha, Buford. Let's see if
we're getting any... [BEEPING]



Almost there.

All right!
Let's go check it out!

So that's what a Chupacabra looks like.

- Yes. Surprising, is it not?
- I think he's kind of cute.

Now we just have to get him back home!

[Chupacabra SCREECHING]

The Chupacabra doesn't sound too happy.

Aha! A real-live Chupacabra, eh?
Wait till Mom sees this!

I'll bet he's hungry.

I totally sound like that
when my blood sugar's low.

Does your mom have any
goat-based food products?

I don't know. Can't
hurt to check the fridge.

Now's my chance!

Whoo! Evidence at last!

Wait a minute. Let's just
make sure it's really in here.

Here, Chupa...


This is the best day ever!

Wait a minute. I better
move this to the front lawn

where Mom can see it
right when she gets home!


Hello? Mom?

Hi, Candace. What is it?

Mom, listen! The boys
have caught a Chupacabra.

You have to get home
quick and bust them!

Take it easy, honey.
I'm just a few blocks away.

Awesome! Thanks!

Whew! Now all I do is wait

while I sit on top of
the crate for safekeeping.

[Chupacabra SCREECHING] Hold that thought.
Mom will be back soon.

Ha! How convenient that your mother
has a whole tureen of goat biryani.

I know, right? Those gourmet cooking
classes are sure coming in handy.



- Hey, wait for me, guys!
- Whoa! The Chupacabra's gone!

This must be how Candace
feels when this happens.

You know, I've had it with
you, Perry the Platypus.

You never, never let me have the last...

Curse you, Perry the Platypus!

[BEEPING] Agent P,
we've just heard that our

New Mexico operative, Agent C.H.,
has had his cover compromised!

We have the coordinates of his location,

and you are the closest
agent. Get to it!

Carl: Keep writing, sir.


Mom, you won't believe this.

Now Candace, why would you ever
give me reason not to believe you?

What if I told you that Phineas and
Ferb captured an actual Chupacabra?

Well, that would test my
suspension of disbelief.

Well, disbelief no more!
'Cause I got it right here.

- And it's not going anywhere.
- Right.

Oh, ye of excessive sarcasm,

I present to you
the elusive Chupacabra.

I don't believe it.

How did I get into that crate?!

Well, I'm at least glad to see you kids

are going to finish up
my leftover biryani.

- Yes, ma'am!
- But... but... but...

# Chupacabra ho #

I don't get it. He
usually shows up by now.

Oh, there you are, Perry.
You'll never believe this,

but for a while there,
we had a real-live Chupacabra.

Here, we took pictures.


Next. Next.
Next. Next.

Well, I guess perhaps the
universe wants some things

left unphotographed,
like Chupacabras,

or group photos where
everyone has their eyes open.

[Chupacabra SCREECHING]

x b - "Happy Birthday Isabella"

Stacy: Croutons,
bouillon, platypus food.

Ooh! Microwave popcorn!
Need this.

And I have sodas. Who else do we
wanna bring over to your house?

Doesn't matter. I doubt we'll even be
able to eat while watching this movie.

The Grievance. So scary no one over
the age of will even watch it!

It'll be even scarier
'cause my family's out

for the day and we'll
be alone at the house.

- Great!
- Candace, are you sure you can handle this?

It took me four days to pry
you out from under the bed

the last time we saw a scary movie.
What? What are you looking at?

Oh, no.

Phineas and Ferb! What
are you guys up to?

It's a surprise,
for Isabella's birthday!

- A surprise.
- Here we go again.

For Isabella's... birthday.
Give me those sodas. See ya!

Building supplies, check.
Guest list, check.

Hey, where's Perry?

Yeah, where does that
platypus go every day?


Agent P?
Ah! There you are.

What do you think of the new
energy-saving motion-sensor lights

we've installed in your lair?

Um, Agent P, try
flailing your arms about.

Uh, that should... There we go.

Now, Doofenshmirtz has
been driving around town

in some sort of truck that
turns inanimate objects

such as parking meters into bugs. Ew.

I want you to... [GROANS]

Carl, I'm waving my arms.

Why aren't the lights coming
back on? [Carl GIGGLING]

That's not funny, Carl.

Okay, time to commence
Operation INAP.

That stands for
"Isabella's Natal Anniversary Party."

I know what INAP means.

Just get to the dangerous part!
I'm readying the phone!

Okay, everyone, we need to
carry all this stuff over

to Isabella's backyard so we
can set it up for... [GATE OPENS]

Hi, Phineas! Whatcha doing?

You're not planning something
for my birthday, are you?

Don't look, don't look, don't
look! Nothing to see here.

Phineas! But all I really
want for my birthday is...

Don't ruin the surprise.

- You... get out of here.
- You got it. But what... [MUFFLED GRUNTING]

I've carried a lot of
squirming bags in my time,

but this is the first
time I knew who was in it.

What I was going to say is,

all I want for my birthday
is some alone time with...

- Never mind.
- You wanted to be alone with this bag?

♪ Today is my birthday ♪

♪ and there's just
one thing I'm wishing for ♪

♪ To spend some time alone ♪

♪ with a certain someone I adore ♪

♪ It doesn't have to
be formal or fancy ♪

♪ It's not a deal-breaker
if it's not romancy ♪

♪ After all of this time,
I've lowered my expectations ♪

♪ Expectations ♪

♪ Don't need a limo or a corsage ♪

♪ Just him and me
without the entourage ♪

♪ And I won't be upset ♪
CHORUS: ♪ I won't be upset ♪

♪ At this emotional roulette ♪
CHORUS: ♪ Emotional roulette ♪

♪ I'll take any little
thing that I can get ♪

♪ Like eating some French fries
I'll take it ♪

♪ Stuck on a tarmac I'm good ♪
CHORUS: ♪ I'm good ♪

♪ Trapped under rubble That's awesome ♪
CHORUS: ♪ That's awesome ♪

♪ Moving a piano
If we only could ♪

♪ Getting orthodontia Sign me up ♪
CHORUS: ♪ Sign me up ♪

♪ In a smelly subway car I'm in ♪
CHORUS: ♪ I'm in ♪

♪ We could be
reupholstering a loveseat ♪

♪ I'd call that a win-win ♪

♪ 'Cause that's all I really want ♪

♪ Just time alone
with my triangular savant ♪

♪ I'm not asking for the world
I'm just a simple girl ♪

♪ And I would change my mournful tone ♪

♪ If we could just be alone ♪

♪ Just be alone ♪

All: Happy birthday, Isabella!

Perry the Platypus!

It's no use trying to break
through my protective bubble.

It's platypoof-proof!

I mean...
you know what I mean.

Anyway, you're probably wondering

what I am doing driving this
evil bug bus around town.

I just got to thinking about
all the things that bug me,

like portable outhouses,
high voltage signs.

"Danger. High voltage."

I'll decide how much voltage I can take!

That's why I created
the Bugs-Me-inator!

It turns whatever bugs me into bugs.

And since I can't stand bugs,

I'm protected from
them inside this bubble.

Huh? Oh, that's on the out...

[SCREAMING] Get off! Get off!
Get off! Get off!

Wait! I'm not ready!


Wow. Right to the point, huh?

You know, Perry the Platypus,
more than anything, you bug me.

[SCREAMS] My shoe!

[BUZZING] Get off! Get off!
Get off! [SCREAMING]


Boy, I gotta really rethink
the design on this thing.

By the way, you know we're
on a runaway bus careening

at high speed with no
one at the wheel, right?


Stacy: Don't go in there!
Don't go in there!

Don't go in there!
Don't go in there!

Oh! He went in there.

Oh, gross, she brought thousands
of tiny bugs into the house!

What could be worse than that?

Big bug! [SCREAMING]

Perry, what are you doing here?

And why are you wearing a hat?
Look out!

- And what this pharmacist?
- Really? Really?

Why does everyone
just stampede to that conclusion?

Other people wear lab coats, you know.

Why don't you say,
"Oh, look, a rocket scientist"

or "a veterinarian"?

Are you a veterinarian?

No, but that's not the point!

Check it out. We made your
favorite, a red velvet cake.

With a little surprise.

Phew! I hope they do not have
a male dancer popping out of it.

They asked.
But they couldn't afford me.

Will you do the honors, Ferb?


Make a wish!

I wish for time alone with Phineas.




- What are you doing?
- Waiting for things to get dangerous

so I can call my Mom
to come bust the boys.

- That's not dangerous?
- Dude, this is nothing. It'll get worse.

So, did you get what you wished for?

- Uh...
- Yeah. It's every girl's wish

to have her backyard covered in litter.

- Let's go, you two. Next event!
- You're gonna love this!

Is this where you go every day, Perry?

Uh, yeah, pretty much.
I create inators and he breaks in

and thwarts my scheme, and...
it's kind of our thing. [GRUNTS]

[GRUNTING] Ooh! The Grievance.
I saw this at the theaters.

I still have nightmares
about that greasy little girl

- who comes up out of the basement.
- No! Don't tell me how it ends!

And now, what's a birthday party
without a pináta the size of your house?

Ferb? Hit it!

- Whoo-hoo!
- I'm gonna bash this thing!

Yeah! Give up the candy, yo!

- This isn't dangerous enough?
- We're getting there...

Isabella, this must be
your best birthday ever!

Yeah. Sure. It's super cool.

- But I didn't need...
- Okay, birthday girl. Hunted to the next.

Gather around, everyone, and
keep your eyes on the pool!

Isabella, it's grand finale time!


- Um, this might be the time to call.
- Yep!


Mom? You gotta come across
the street. Immediately!

- All: Ooh!
- What a grand and glorious

- and potentially bustable gift!
- I've never seen anything like it.

- Not that key. Not that key...
- Mom! Mom!

Oh, here.
Grab these! Will you?

Mom, you gotta see what the boys
are doing in Isabella's yard!

Isabella's yard? That's a new one.

All right, look, you're
getting oil all over the place.

Someone's gonna have to...


No! It's the greasy Grievance
girl from the basement!


No! No! What have I done?

Why do you have a grievance against me?


Whoa. What was that all about?

Do the Flynn-Fletchers know
you fight evil scientists?


Back here, Mom!

Butterflies? I love butterflies!

- Oh, thank you, Phineas!
- Wait, what?

- But, but, but, but... butterflies?
- Oh, how beautiful.

How long did it take you
guys to collect them all?

Let's go, boys. Looks like
we've got some cleaning up to do.

Monogram: All right, you, and you,

I'll need a containment
barrier around this area here.

And you, set up the mind-eraser
over here by the vermilion...


Danville Water and Power!

We're here to read your
gas thingy.

Perry? What is all this?

A host family? Mind erasing?
Balloon cover-up?

I mean, is all this really necessary?

Wait a minute. It says right
here in your silly little pamphlet

that if your host family finds
out about your agent status,

then everyone who's seen you
has to have their memory erased,

or you get relocated.
Perry, I'm not part of your host family!

I know, I know, it's a technicality.

Look, I don't want Candace
and the boys to lose you,

but I also do not want my mind erased.

I'm on the last minutes
of that Grievance movie

and I don't wanna watch
that whole scary mess again.

So, uh, can't we just
keep this a secret?

Luckily, sir, it looks like
the residents were not home.

Uh, anybody there?

Monogram: I'll take care of it.

Oh, hello there, young
teenager. Do you live here?

Yes. I walked home from
the mall to find this.

- What is happening here?
- Oh, you didn't see what happened.

Well, uh, we're with the city,

and there was a swamp
gas incident here, uh...

we'll just get it all cleaned
up and get out of your hair.

Psst. Hey Carl. We're not gonna
need the mind-erasing device...

I... I mean, monkey wrench. [CHUCKLE]
It's a monkey wrench. Yeah.

We don't need that.

- Happy birthday, Isabella!
- Thanks, guys!

I still can't figure out what
went wrong with the grand finale.

After the laser light
show and the fireballs,

the swans should've been released and...

Phineas, I really liked
the butterflies. Thank you.

Well, to make it up to you,

it's kind of lame, but
maybe Ferb and I could,

I don't know, take you out for
some ice cream or something?

- Uh...
- I just remembered there's...

something I need to do.

- You two go.
- Is that cool?

Yes. Very cool.

Phineas: So, did you
get what you wished for?

Oh, yeah, I already asked that.
Confetti and streamers!

Hold on.
Gonna get another napkin.

And butterflies.
You always give me butterflies.

/ Wait a moment... /

Candace: Ah, look at them out there.
What are they up to?

Ah, looks like Phineas is saying,
[SLOWLY] "Where's Perry?"

Huh. Where do you think
Perry goes every day, Stace?

[DEFENSIVELY] How do I know?!
Why are you asking me?!

How should I know?!
Uh, don't look at me!

I don't know why I was asking you.

[thinking] Whew!
No one suspects a thing.