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00x02 - Part 2

Posted: 01/06/22 15:36
by bunniefuu

Loose, one E.M.C. electrical conduit
on decks and .

Use extreme caution.

Loose, one E.M.C. electrical conduit
on decks and .

Use extreme caution.

What was the final count?

Twenty-six walked out.
Eighty-five didn't.

There's a munitions depot
at Ragnar anchorage.

Boy, it's a super bitch
to anchor a ship there.

The book says that there are pallets
of class ''D'' warheads in storage there.

They should also have all the missiles
and small arms munitions we need--
Go verify that.


- Do you know how many we lost?
- Yes.

Set up a temporary morgue
in hangar bay ''B.''

Forty seconds, sir.

All I needed was seconds.

Eighty-five of my people.

I told--

I told that son of a bitch.

He's the X.O. of this ship.

Don't you dare forget that.

Now, he made a tough decision.

If it had been me,
I would've made the same one.

Forty seconds, sir.

Resume your post, Chief.

Munitions depot confirmed,
but we have two problems.

One, the Ragnar station is at least
three days away at best speed.

Two, the entire Cylon fleet
is between here and there.


Bring me our position.
Yes, sir.

You don't want to do this.
I know I don't.

Because any sane man wouldn't.
It's been, what, , years?

We trained for this.
Training is one thing, but...

if we're off on our calculations
by even a few degrees,

we could end up
in the middle of the sun.

No choice.

Colonel Tigh, please plot
a hyperlight jump from our position
to the orbit of Ragnar.

Yes, sir.

Priority message, sir.

Engineering, spin up
F. T.L. drives one and two.

Spinning up F. T.L. drives one and two.
Lieutenant Gaeta, break out the F.T.L.
tables and warm up the computers.

- We are making a jump.
- Admiral Nagala is dead.

Battlestar Atlantia has been destroyed.

So has the Triton, Solaria, Columbia.

The list goes on.

Who's the senior officer?
Who's in command?

Send a message
to all the Colonial m*llitary units.

Use priority channel one.

Message begins...

''Am taking command of fleet.''

Geminon Liner ,
this is Colonial Heavy .

No, strike that.
This is Colonial One.

Go ahead, Colonial One.
We have you in sight.

Will approach
your starboard docking hatch.

Copy that, Colonial One.
Thank the Lords of Kobol you're here.

We've been without main power
for over two hours now.

What is it?

''To all Colonial units.
Am taking command of fleet.

''All units ordered to rendezvous
at Ragnar anchorage for regroup
and counterattack.

''Acknowledge by
same encryption protocol.


Captain Apollo, please inform
Commander Adama...

that we are currently involved
in rescue operations...

and we require his assistance.

Ask him how many hospital beds
he has available and how long
it will take him to get here.

I, uh--

I'm not sure he's going to respond
very well to that request.

Then tell him...

this comes directly from the president
of the Twelve Colonies...

- and it's not a request.
- Yes, sir.

And, sir,

Apollo's just my call sign.

My name is Lee Adama.

I know who you are.

But ''Captain Apollo'' has
a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Is this a joke?

Are they within voice range?
Yes, sir.

Colonial One, Galactica.

Galactica Actual
wishes to speak with Apollo.

This is Apollo.
Go ahead, Actual.


Hey, are you--
Is your ship all right?

We're both fine.
Thanks for asking.

Is your ship's F.T.L. functioning?

That's affirmative.

Then you're ordered to bring yourself
and all of your passengers...

to the rendezvous point.

Acknowledge... receipt of message.

- What the hell does that mean?
- It means I heard you.

You're gonna have to do
a lot better than that, Captain.

We're engaged in rescue operations.

You are to abort your mission

and proceed to Ragnar.

The president has given me
a direct order.

You're talking about
the secretary of education.

We're in the middle of a w*r...

and you're taking orders
from a schoolteacher?

We got trouble.

Stand by, Galactica.


Inbound Cylon fighters.

How long till they get here?

E.T.A., two minutes.

- He's right. We have to go now--
- No.

We can't defend this ship agai--
We're not going to abandon
all these people.

But, sir, if we stay in--
I've made my decision, Captain.

You're the president.

All right, then.
Permission to go below?

Sir, we have a remote sensor telemetry
at Captain Apollo's location...

and two enemy fighters
closing in on their coordinates.

Colonial One, this is Galactica.

Apollo,you have inbound
enemy fighters coming toward you.

Get out of there!
Apollo! Apollo!

Lee, get-- Lee!

Fifty-kiloton thermonuclear detonation.

Cylons moving off, sir.

Resume...jump prep.

Resume jump prep.

Attention, all hands.
Jump prep under way.

Set condition two throughout the ship.

Set condition two throughout the ship.

Lieutenant, what did you do
to my Viper?

I wondered why the engine gave out.

We're gonna have to pull
the whole mounting. Get the high lift.

I don't know how you managed
to fly this thing, much less land it.

It's not something I wanna
think about now. Where's Prosna?

He's gotta get that fraking gimbal locked
or I'll have his ass.

He's dead, sir.
He d*ed in the fire.

How many did we lose?


Oh, Lieutenant--

I don't know if you
heard about Apollo, but--

Heard what?


Any word on Sharon?

No, sir.

You okay, Chief?


Get back to work.

Three, two, one, launch.

Drone deployed and transmitting.

Now they'll come find us?

There's a lot of interference
around here. A lot of noise.

Keeps my wireless from working.

But hopefully, once that
communications pod I launched
gets far enough away from here,

a Colonial ship will pick up the signal
and start lookin' for us.

Is everyone on Caprica dead?

I don't know.

My dad is in the Colonial fleet.

They told me he's missing,

but I think he's dead too.

What's your name?


You know something? Both my parents
d*ed when I was little too.

Who do you live with?

A bunch of other people
on a ship called the Galactica.

You know what
I love about you, Gaius?

You're a survivor.

The board is green.
The ship reports ready tojump, sir.

Then take us to Ragnar, Colonel.

Lieutenant Gaeta.
Yes, sir?

Execute the jump.

All decks prepare
for immediate F.T.L.jump.

The clock is running.









I hate this part.




Taking a bearing now.

We appear to be in geosynchronous orbit
directly above the Ragnar anchorage.

Colonel Tigh.

Let's update your chart for a course...

right down into the eye of the storm.

Yes, sir.

Attention, magazine
safety officers. Report to C.I.C.

Captain Apollo?

That was fun.

I think it worked.

What exactly did you do?

I basically just used the-- the hyperdrive
to manipulate the energy coils.

I put out-- put out a big pulse
of electro--

magnetic energy that must've
disabled the warheads.


I'm-- I'm hoping that it
looked like a nuclear expl*si*n.

Oh, so that's what that was.

So, uh--
Did it fool the Cylons?

I don't know.

But if-if they weren't fooled,
then they'd be on top of us by now.

Does the rest of the fleet
know about this trick?

I doubt it. It was just a theory
we toyed with in w*r college. But--

It never used to work
during w*r games.

The Cylons would see right through it
and destroy the targets anyway.

The lesson here is not to ask
follow-up questions but simply to say,

''Thank you, Captain Apollo,
for saving our collective asses.''

You're welcome.

Now, if I could suggest--
Evacuate the passenger liner...

and get the hell out of here
before the Cylons realize their mistake.

I'm right with you, Captain.

Five seconds to turn three.
Five seconds. Aye, sir.

- And turn.
- Bow pitch positive one half.

Stern pitch negative one quarter.

Bow yaw negative three-quarters.

Crossing into the ionosphere.

All hands, be ready for some chop.

Lords of Kobol, hear my prayer.

Take the souls of your
sons and daughters lost this day,

especially that of Lee Adama,
into your hands.

And hard seal.

- Hard seal secured, sir.
- Copy that, sir. We show hard seal as well.

Go find me some b*ll*ts, Chief.

Copy that, sir.

All right, get your gear.
Let's move out.

All right, people,
let's be quick about this.

Cally, find the genny,
get some lights on in here.
Yes, Chief.

Let's find out where the lift is,
get it fired up.

Come on.
Excuse me.

My husband, he's in
the Colonial fleet in Geminon.

The Colonial fleet in Geminon.
Okay, I'll see what I can do.

If you'll head right this way.
Have you heard anything of Geminon?

Come on.

Captain, I've got two
communication pods left, sir,
but that's it.

No jiggers, no drones,
no markers, nothing.

Well, at least you've still
got your electronic suite.

That old crate of mine
can barely navigate from ''A'' to ''B.''

That old crate may have
saved your life, sir.

How's that?
The Viper Mark VIIs--

the Cylons shut them down like
they threw a switch or something.

And I've been hearing
reports like that from all over.

The only fighters that are having
any success at all are either old
or in need of some major overhaul.

Is that him?

Hope he's worth it!

Sorry, sir.
Don't be. I hope he's worth it too.

Dr. Baltar,
Captain Lee Adama.

The president's asked to see you, sir.

President Adar is alive?
No, I'm afraid Adar is dead.

President Laura Roslin
was sworn in a couple of hours ago.

Oh. Who?

If you'll come with me,
uh, she's this way.

- If there's anything we can do.
- We'll be here.

I really appreciate it.
Thank you so very much.

Oh, Dr. Baltar,
it's a pleasure to meet you.

We met at last year's
Caprica City Symposium.

Oh, yeah, of course.
Uh, you'll have to forgive me.

I'm-I'm bad with faces.
Oh, no, that's perfectly all right.

I'm sure I wouldn't
remember me either.

Doctor, I need you to serve as my chief
scientific consultant and analyst...

regarding the Cylons
and their technology.

I'd be honored, Madam President.

Lieutenant Valerii-- Is it Valerii?

I understand that your ship has
a limited faster-than-light capability?

Uh,yes, sir. The Raptor was designed
to make shortjumps ahead of the fleet,

scout for enemy ships,
then jump back and report.

I want you to go out there
and find as many survivors as you can
and bring them back to this position.

We will then form a convoy.

We will guide them
out of the combat zone and into safety.

Yes, sir.

Everybody hold fast.

I don't want any trouble.
Okay, let's talk.

But I'm not goin'tojail.

You understand me?
I am not goin' to jail.

Nobody's takin' you to jail.
Just calm down.

Frakin' right, you're not.

We're not the police. We're not here
to arrest you. Now put your g*n down.

Yeah, maybe.
So who the hell are you?

We're from Colonial Fleet.

We just came to get some equipment
from the station to get back in the fight.

- What fight?
- You don't know?

Know what?
There's a w*r on.

Give me your w*apon.

You think I'm stupid or somethin',
is that it? You think I'm stupid?

You expect me to believe that?
I want passage outta here!

I want a safe transport ship with
an untraceable jump system, okay?


Look, I don't have time
to argue with you, so here's the deal.

We've got over ,
people on that ship.

Now, if you think you can sh**t
every single one of us, fine.

But if not,
get the hell outta my way!



Get his w*apon.

If he moves, sh**t him.

I see they've put you to work.

Ignoring me won't help.

No, I've decided you're
an expression of my, uh,

subconscious mind playing itself out
during my waking states.

So I'm only in your head?



Have you considered
the possibility that I can...

very well exist only in your head...

without being a hallucination?

Maybe you see and hear me
because while you were sleeping,

I implanted a chip in your brain
that transmits my image...

right into your conscious mind.

No, see, that's me again.

My subconscious self
is expressing irrational fears,

which I also choose to ignore.

What are you working on?

If you were really a chip in my head,
I wouldn't have to tell you,
now, would I?

Indulge me.

I'm trying to figure out how you managed
to pull this kind of an att*ck.

You virtually shut down the entire
defense network without f*ring a sh*t.

Entire squadrons lost power
just as they engaged the enemy.

The C.N.P. is a navigation program
but you, uh--

You made changes to the program.
You said you were building in...

back doors for your company
to exploit later.

All true, in a sense.
That was your job.


Unofficially, I had other motives.

We had something, Gaius.

Something... special.

This is insane.

And what I want
most of all is for you to love me.

Love you?

Of course, Gaius.

Don't you understand?

God is love.


Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Take it easy, guys.

Just slow down.

We don't know
much more than that.

It's just imperative that we get
our equipment and get out of here.

What's in there?


Get a light.

Where's your spaceship?

Docked on the other side of the station.

Be careful!
Don't stack 'em so high.

Okay, those warheads over there--
Here's the deal.

They would've brought a nice price
on the open market.

So you're an arms dealer, huh?

People have a right
to protect themselves.

I just supply the means.

You don't look too good.

Be careful with that, all right?
Hey, be careful with that!

Look out!

It's hot!

Commander Adama?

Stay back, stay back! It's hot.
It's hot. It's hot. It's unstable.

You guys, go back to the ship.
We need hand lifts,

fire equipment
and a plasma torch.

Wait! Wait, Chief. Listen.

- Commander Adama?
- Yeah.

Anybody hurt out there?

No, sir. We've got some equipment
comin', sir. We're gonna get you
out of there right away.


No, get all the b*ll*ts
and equipment into the ship.

Don't waste anybody
on anything else.

Is there another way out of here?

Listen, uh-- Listen,
we're gonna go out another way.

- Sir, I don't think that's a wise idea.
- You got your orders.

Tell Colonel Tigh
he's in command until I return.

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

Most of the passengers
are from Geminon or Picon,

but we've got people
from every colony.

Give Billy a copy of
your passenger manifest and a list
of all your emergency supplies.

All right.
What about the power situation?

Our batteries are running pretty low.

Captain Apollo will be
making an engineering survey
of all the ships this afternoon.

Uh, actually the Captain said
it'll be more like...

this evening before
he can coordinate the survey.

All right, this evening then.

But you will get your needs
tended to, Captain.

You have my word on it.

Thank you, Madam President.
You're welcome.


What's your name?

Hi, Cami. I'm Laura.

Are you alone?

She was traveling
with her grandparents...

but grandmother's having some health
problems since the announcement.

Not to worry, though.
We're taking care of her.

My parents are going to meet me
at the spaceport in Caprica City.

The spaceport. I see.

We're going out for dinner,
and I'm having chicken pie,

and then we're going home,
and then Daddy's going to read to me,

and then I'm going to bed.

Uh, message from Lieutenant Valerii.

She's found a fuel refinery ship
filled with Tylium.

Oh, good.

About time we caught a break.
That brings us up to about ships so far?

Not bad for a few hours work.
No, sir.

But only about forty of those ships
have faster-than-light capabilities.

We should start transferring people
off the sub-lights onto the F. T.L. 's
as soon as possible.

All right.

Colonial One, Raptor .
I'm back, and I brought a friend.

Welcome back, Boomer.

We got a lot of thirsty ships here eager
to make your friend's acquaintance.

Did you pick up any
other contacts out there?
Negative. There's no one left.

- Got a visitor!
- We see him. Can you jam his signal?


It definitely scanned us
before itjumped.

We have to go. Now.
Cylons'll be here any minute.

Will they track us through a jump?
No, sir. It's impossible.

Theoretically impossible.

There are still thousands
of people on the sub-light ships.

We can't just leave them.
I agree.

We should use every second to get as
many people off the sub-lights as we can.

We can wait to jump until we pick up
a Cylon strike force moving--

We're easy targets. They're gonna
jump in the middle of our ships...

with nukes and wipe us out
before we have the chance to react.

We can't leave them behind.
You'll be sacrificing thousands of people.

But we'll be saving tens of thousands.

Sorry to make it a numbers game,

but we're talking about
the survival of our race.

We don't have the luxury of
taking risks and hoping for the best...

because if we lose,
we lose everything.

And Madam President, this is a decision
that needs to be made right now.

Order the fleet
to jump to Ragnar immediately.

Madam President, something else
you should be aware of.

I have cancer.

I know.

Little things.
Couple of comments you made.

My prognosis is doubtful.

I wish I could say it was
the least of my worries.

But the world is coming to and end...

and all I can think about is that I have
cancer and I'm probably going to die.

How selfish is that?

It's not selfish.
It's human.

Is there something
you wanted to say to me?

Well, I-I just thought you should know.

That little girl you met earlier, Cami--

Her ship can't make the jump.

Thank you.

This is your pilot speaking.
Passengers, please take your seats
and stand by tojump.

Thank you.

Set E.S.B. trajectory.

- Colonial One, for God's sake,
you can'tjust leave us here.
- Set.

Cycle cryo-fans.
Colonial One, this is Picon .

I can't believe you want us
to leave these people behind.

At least tell us where you're going.
We'll follow at sub-light.


If they're captured,
then the Cylons know too.

I've got people on board.
Colonial One, do you copy this?

- Spinning up F.T.L. drive now.
- Don't leave us here.

Show a little humanity.
We don't have any weapons.

All ships prepare to jump
on our mark. Five,

Colonial One, please respond.

May the Lords of Kobol protect
those souls we leave behind.

I've got Dradis contacts.
Inbound targets heading this way.

I see them too. Are they Colonials?

Oh, my God, they're Cylons!

I hope you people rot in hell for this!

You all right?

I'm fine. It's just
somethin' about this place.

What about this place?

Yeah, ever since I got here,
somethin' in the air affects my allergies.

You always keep me in front of you.
m*llitary training, right?

Never turn your back on a stranger?
That kind of thing?

Suspicion and distrust.
That's-- That's m*llitary life, right?

So you're a g*n-dealer-philosopher,
I take it, right?

I'm an observer of human nature.

When you get right down to it,

humanity is not a pretty race.

I mean, we're only one step away from...

b*ating each other with clubs like
savages fighting over scraps of meat.

Maybe the Cylons are
God's retribution for our many sins.

What if God decided
he made a mistake,

and he decided to give souls
to another creature, like the Cylons?

God didn't create the Cylons.
Man did.

And I'm pretty sure we didn't
include a soul in the programming.

Let's go.

How about you go first for a while?

Copy that. Chief says we're
lookin'at three hours minimum...

before we have all the warheads
in our magazines.

The book says there's also tons
of quandal--

Action stations! Action stations!

We have multiple contacts through
the storm towards the anchorage.

Looks like more than ships.
Cut us loose from the station.

- Launch the alert fighters.
- Set condition one throughout the ship.

Prepare to launch--

Wait. I'm getting
Colonial signals now.

Confirm that.

Don't just accept friendly I.D.

Confirmed, sir.
Incoming ships are friendly.

Action stations stand down.

The lead ship is requesting permission
to come alongside, sir.

They say--

They say they have the president
of the colonies aboard.

Grant their request.

We are in the middle of repairing
and rearming this ship.

We can't afford to lose a single man
off the line to start caring for refugees.

We have , people out there.
Some of them are hurt.

Our priority has to be
caring for refugees--

My priority is
preparing this ship for combat.

In case you haven't heard,
there's a w*r on.


the w*r is over, and we lost.

We'll see about that.
Oh, yes, we will.

In the meantime, however,
as president of the colonies,

I'm giving you a direct order...
You don't give orders on this ship!

to provide men and equipment!
Hold on, Colonel.

At least give us a couple
of disaster pods, huh?


Sir, we have , people
out there. Fifty thousand.

Some of them are sick,
some are wounded.

Two disaster pods, Colonel.
You can do that.

Because you're the old man's son
and because he's gonna be...

so damned happy you're alive.

Okay. Two pods.
But no personnel.

You get them yourselves and
you distribute them yourselves.

And you are all off this ship
before we jump back.

You report to the flight deck.
You're senior pilot now, Captain.

Yes, sir.

Knowing this place
is gonna be a museum,
they might have given us a map.

Oh, I think it's this way.


As soon as the other magazine's loaded,
I want a status report on
Commander Adama's whereabouts.


I don't--

Dualla. Hi.

Um, we're kind of lost... again.

We need to get to the C.I.C.
Could you--

It's this way.

It's this way.

There's someone
I want you to meet.

A new crew member.

And he's gonna need some quarters.

I think I can manage that.


I thought you were dead.

Well, I thought
you were in hack.

It's-- It's good to be wrong.

Well, you-you should be
used to it by now.

Everyone has a skill.

So, how-- How go the repairs?

On track. Another hour
and she'll be ready to launch.

So I guess
you're the new CAG now.

Yeah, that's what they tell me.
That's good.

That's the last thing I want.

Not a big enough dipstick
for the job.

Attention, D.C. T. ,
report to port hanger bay.

Attention, D.C. T. ,
report to port hanger bay.

I'll be in the squadron...

ready room.


Does your father know
you're still breathing?

I'll let him know.

What is it about this place?
What's it doin' to me?

Must be your allergies.

I don't have allergies.
I didn't think so.

What you got is silica pathways
to the brain,

or whatever it is you call
that thing you pretend to think with.

It's decomposing as we speak.

It's the storm, isn't it?

It puts out something.

Something you discovered
has an effect on Cylon technology.

That's it, isn't it?
And this is a refuge.

That's why you put a fleet out here.

Last ditch effort to hide
from the Cylon att*ck, right?

Well, it's not enough, Adama.

I mean,
I've been here for... hours.

Once they find you,

it won't take them
that long to destroy you.

They'll be in and out
before they even get a headache.


But you--

but you won't find out because
you'll be dead in a few minutes.

How does that make you feel,
if you can feel?

I can feel more than you could
ever conceive, Adama.

But I won't die.

When this body dies, my consciousness
will be transferred to another one.

And when that happens--

I think I'll tell the others
exactly where you are...

and then I think
that they'll come here...

and they'll k*ll all of you...

and I'll be here watching it happen.

You know what I think?

I think if you could've
transferred outta here,

you would've done it
long before now.

I think the storm's radiation
really clogged up your connection.

You're not goin' anywhere.

You're stuck in that body.

It doesn't matter.
Sooner or later,

the day comes when you can't hide
from the things you've done.

So let me get this straight.
You're saying that the Cylons...

found a way to use
your navigation program
to disable our ships?

Essentially, uh, yes.

I think they're using the C.N.P.
to infect your ships with some kind
of computer virus...

which makes them susceptible
to Cylon commands.

Uh, well you can see
we-we do have...

your C.N.P. navigation program
here on Galactica.

But our computers
aren't networked...

so it's never been loaded into
primary memory or even test run.

Good. Well, that's good.
You shouldn't have any problems then.

Still, I should, uh,

purge all remaining references to it
that appear on your memory tapes.

Right. I should probably
retrofit the newer Vipers as well.

Uh, here's the checklist
for the C.I.C. computer.

Ah. Thank you.

Must be hard for you.

What do you mean?

Just having something you created...

twisted and used like this
must be...


The guilt?

I remember you telling me once...

that guilt was something
small people feel...

when they run out of excuses
for their behavior.

It is... hard. Uh--

I feel... responsible, in a way,

uh, for what happened.

But you don't. That's part
of the reason I fell in love with you.

You have a clarity of spirit.
You're not burdened by...

conscience or guilt or regret.

I bet. Uh--

Just try to remember
it's not really your fault.

I mean--

You didn't mean
for any of this to happen.

It's not like you knew
what they were gonna do.

It's not like you knew
you were lying.

Not like you were
breaking the law.

Not like you cheat on women.

Not like the world's coming apart
and all you can think about...

is Gaius Baltar.

No. No, I know...

exactly what you're saying.

I know.

Right. Well--

Just let me know
if you need anything.

You know, I really do hope
you make it out ofhere alive.

I think we can have
a real future together.

Yeah, that'll be special.

You don't have to be sarcastic.

Especially when I'm trying to help you.

How are you trying to help me?
How-How are you trying to do that?

See anything there that looks familiar?

No. Should I?

Now you mention it, I--

I have seen something like it...

somewhere before.


In your briefcase.

You used to carry it around with you.

You said it was
your electronic organizer.

That would be a lie.

Then it's--

It's a Cylon device.

That would follow.

Did you--

Not my job.

Then that means--
Say it.

There's another Cylon aboard this ship.

Everything okay there, Doc?
Uh, yeah, fine.

I've just finished erasing the program
from the defense mainframe.

I'm just going to check it again.

Attention. Recovering spacecraft aft.

Repeat, recovering spacecraft aft.

You're not helping.

I'm sorry. How can I help?

Well, for a start,
you can tell me what that is.

Honestly, I don't know.
Well, it hasn't exploded.


I'm just guessing.

I have to warn them.

I do.
How do you propose to do that?

"Oh, look, a Cylon device."

"Really? Well, how do you know what
a Cylon device looks like, Doctor?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention
I'm familiar with their technology...

because I've been having sex
with a Cylon for the last two years now."

I'll come up with something.

I love surprises.

Speaking of sex.


I don't think that's such
a good idea right now, really.

Why not?

No one will know.
It'll be our little secret.

- Doctor.
- Yes?

You asked for a report on how many
civilian ships had your C.N.P. program.

Right. Thank you.

Are you all right?
You look a little flushed.

I'm fine.
Thank you very much.


What are you thinking?

I'm thinking someone else might need
to be implicated as a Cylon agent.

He doesn't seem the type.

And I don't remember
seeing him at any of the Cylon parties.


He's a civilian.

He's an outsider.

And he's been aboard
this ship for weeks...

with virtually unlimited access
to this very room.

There is one problem though.



So far, aboard this ship,
no one even suspects...

the Cylons look like us now.

This just gets worse and worse.
Now the Cylons look like us.

Down to our blood.

You realize what this means.

They could be anywhere.

Could be anyone.

I've had time to think about it.

So what do we do?

I don't know.

How we doing on the warheads?

Magazine two is secure.
Three and four within the hour.

Something else--
Lee is alive.


I'm sorry.

I, uh, gotta go.

Ship's doctor says at first glance...

everything in Leoben's body
appears human.

Internal organs,
lymphatic system, the works.

Well, the, uh, tissue sample yielded
unique chemical compounds...

during the cremation that revealed
the nature of the samples to be synthetic.

- So, he was a Cylon?
- Yes, he was.

And now we have a problem.

A big one.

If the Cylons look like us,

then any one of us
could be a Cylon.

That's-- That's a very
frightening possibility.

We need a way to screen
human from Cylon.

And that's where you come in.

Me? Um--

Rumor has it you're a genius.

Well, uh,

I'll certainly give it my all,


Keep this to yourself for now.

We don't want to start panic or people
to begin accusing their neighbors...

of being Cylons because they don't
brush their teeth in the morning.

I'll be very discreet.

You understand the mission.

Put my head outside the storm,
look around,

listen for wireless traffic,
come home.

No heroics.
This is strictly recon.

Look, listen, return.
You don't have to worry about me.

My taste for heroics vanished about
the time I engaged that first Cylon fighter.


Zak failed basic flight.

- What?
- Or at least he should have.

But he didn't...

because I passed him.

His technique was sloppy,
and he had no feel for flying.

But I passed him...

because he and I--

Because I felt something, and I let it
get in the way of doing my job.

And I couldn't fail him.

Why are you telling me this?
Why-Why now?

It's the end of the world, Lee.

I thought I should confess my sins.


Halt! No sudden moves.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, guys.

Down on your knees
and cross your ankles now!

All right.
J-J-Just wait a minute.

W-What? What do you want?
Hands behind your head.

If he's really a Cylon,
why hasn't the storm radiation
made him sick by now?

Well, I can only theorize that
it takes a while for the storm's effects...

to become readily apparent
on Cylon physiology.

By the time he'd encountered Leoben,
he'd been here for several hours.

I don't suppose it matters to you
that I am not a Cylon!

Smartest thing you could do right now
would be to shut your mouth.

Are you sure?

One can never be
a hundred per cent sure.

B-But the evidence, uh--
The evidence seems conclusive.

Basically-- Basically all I did
was I expanded on--

on your doctor's analysis
of Leoben's corpse.

I then went around
the C.I.C. discreetly...

taking random hair samples of people
who'd been working there.

I subjected that to a special form
of spectral analysis...

that I've been experimenting on
for quite some time now.

I then wrote a clinical
computer subroutine...

to screen that for
synthetic chemical combinations.

Uh-- His ones-- His samples
were the only samples...

to register as synthetic,
as you can see.

I'll take your word for it.

And just like that...

Dr. Baltar invents
the ''Amazing Cylon Detector.''

Gentlemen, I understand your concerns.
This is a difficult situation.

But I think you need to take a step back,
take a deep breath...

and really look at
what you're doing here!

I want everyone aboard
this ship screened.

No exceptions.
No problem.

Whoa! Whoa! Look,
I-I-I don't know about anybody else,

but I can tell you
that I-I-I'm human.

I'm from Moasis.
It's a couple stops out of Caprica City.

I-I grew up on the south side. I went
to the Kobol Colleges o-on Geminon!

I-I studied public relations!

Oh, by the way, I-I don't know
if this is important--

might be important,
might not be important--

but earlier when I was on the C.I.C.,
I noticed that Mr. Doral...

seemed to be doing, um--

Well, I'm not exactly sure
what it was that he was doing,

but he seemed very interested
in this odd looking device...

on the bottom of
the, uh, Dradis console.

- What are you-- What?
- Yep.

We should really make a copy
of your brain pattern at some point.

What device? What are you
talking about? He's lying.

He is frakin'lying!
Combat, this is Tigh.

- Isolate the Dradis console immediately.
- Don't listen to him!

Nobody comes near it
until I get up there.

Lords of Kobol.
This isn't happening to me.

Colonel, your orders, sir?
If he moves, k*ll him.

You mixed the samples up!

I'm human!

It's not hot, sir.
Very well. Remove it.

Uh, I don't see anything
in the maintenance records, sir.

But I'm pretty sure I first noticed it
about a week ago.

You didn't say anything,
didn't investigate
a new piece of equipment...

that just appeared in C.I.C.?

No, sir. I just assumed that
it was part of the museum.

Sorry, sir. There's no excuse.
You're not alone, Lieutenant.

Any one of us should have seen the
perfectly obvious staring us in the face.

Especially the ship's X.O.

What should I do with it, sir?
Take it to Dr. Baltar.

I've given him clearance.
He's become our resident Cylon expert.

Have him take it to the lab,
figure out whether it's a bug...

or whatever the hell it is.

In the meantime, I want
every inch of this ship...

searched for any other equipment
that just appeared in the last week.

Starbuck, Galactica.
You should be approaching turn eight.

Copy that.

Starting to lose wireless contact.

Making the final turn now.

Galactica, Starbuck.

I've reached the threshold.

Galactica, do you read me?

Galactica, do you read me?

That can't be right.

As you were.

And medical supplies
are running low again,

Madam President.

Uh, three ships have reported
engine trouble and want to know...

when they'll be receiving
engineering assistance from Galactica.

It's a good question. Hello.

Commander, have a seat.
I'll be with you in a minute.

Keep going, Billy.

Uh, the captain
of the Astral Queen...

wants you to know that he's got
nearly convicted criminals...

under heavy guard in his cargo hold.

They were being transported
to a penal station...

when the att*ck happened.
Oh, great.

He wants to know
what to do with them.

What to do with them?
Well, with food and medical supplies...

being what they are,
I think he's considering just--

No, no. No, we're not gonna start that.
They're still human beings.

Tell the captain I expect daily reports
on the well-being of his prisoners.

And if there's any mysterious deaths,

the Astral Queen may find herself
on her own...

without the Galactica's protection.

Yes, Madam President.
Thank you, Billy.

You planning to stage
a m*llitary coup?

Do you plan to declare martial law,

take over the government?

Of course not.
Then you do acknowledge...

my position as president as constituted
under the Articles of Colonization.

Ms. Roslin,

my primary objective
at the present time...

is to repair the Galactica...

and continue to fight.

What we know at this moment is there
are , civilian refugees out there...

who don't stand a chance
without your ship to protect them.

We're aware of the tactical situation.

And I'm sure that you'll all be safe here
on Ragnar after we leave.

After you leave?

- Where're you going?
- To find the enemy.

We're at w*r.
That's my mission.

I honestly don't know why...

I have to keep telling you this.

But the w*r is over.

It hasn't begun yet.

That's insane.

You would rather that we run?

Yes, absolutely.
That is the only sane thing to do here.

Exactly that-- run.

We leave this solar system,
and we don't look back.

And we go where?
I don't know.

Another star system. Another planet.

Somewhere where
the Cylons won't find us.

You can run if you'd like.

This ship will stand and it will fight.

I'm gonna be straight with you here.

The human race is
about to be wiped out.

We have , people left,
and that's it.

Now, if we are even
going to survive as a species...

then we need to get the hell out of here,
and we need to start having babies.

Excuse me.

I didn't get an accurate count.

It looks like two base stars
with fighter squadrons...

and two recon drone
detachments patrolling the area.

Starbuck, were you followed?
Negative. No sign of pursuit.

By the way they were deployed,

I'd say they're waiting for us
to come to them.

Bring her home.

Thank you, Starbuck.
Continue present course.

Return to visual contact
and stand by for instructions.

- Captain--
- Copy that, Galactica. Starbuck out.

Lieutenant Gaeta, stay, please.

How the hell
did they find us?

Doesn't really matter.
They've got us.

Why aren't they
coming in after us, sir?
Why should they?

They can just sit out there and wait us out.
What difference does it make to them?

They're machines. We're the ones
that need food, medicine, fuel.

I'm not gonna play their game.

I'm not gonna go out there
and try to fight 'em.

Can we plot a jump
from inside the storm?

With all this E.M. interference
muckin' up the F.T.L. fix?

I agree, sir. I don't think
we should attempt a jump...

until we've cleared
the storm threshold.

Have to be quick about it though.

They'll launch everything they have
first glimpse they get.

Stick our nose outjust far enough
to get a good F. T.L. fix, then jump?


I-I'm getting ready to head back
to the transport.


- What about the civilians?
- They're probably safe for the time being.

You mean leave them here?

The Cylons may not even know
they're here in the first place.

They're probably only after us.
That's one hell of an assumption.

Well, we can't very well
cram , men...

women and children
aboard this ship.

I know this is awkward and all,

but what happened
in the passageway was--


I don't know why
I did that. Sorry.

I'm not suggesting that. I'm just
saying we can't leave them behind.

- They should jump with us.
- I don't see how we can manage that...

- without jeopardizing our ship.
- We pick a jump spot...

far enough outside
the combat zone--

What the hell is outside
the combat zone at this point?

They better start having babies.

Is that an order?
Maybe, before too long.

Okay, we're gonna take
the civilians with us.

We're gonna leave this solar system,
and we're not gonna come back.

We're running?
This w*r is over.

We lost.

My father's right.
It's time for us to get out of here.

So where are we going, Commander?

The Prolmar Sector.

That's way past the Red Line.

Can you plot thatjump?

I've never plotted a jump that far, sir.
No one has. Can you plot that jump?

Yes, sir.
Do it...

by yourself.

This is a bad tactical position.

We'll pull the Galactica out five clicks.

The civilians will come out behind us,
cross the threshold...

and make the jump
while we hold off the Cylons.

Once the civilians
have made thejump,

every fighter is to make
an immediate combat landing.

- We don't have much time.
- I'll tell them.

I want all my pilots to return.

Do you understand?

Yes, sir, I do.

So, can I ask
what changed your mind?

You can ask.

So, what do we do
about our prisoner?

What? You ca-- You can't--
You can't do this!

You can't just--
You can't just leave me here to die!

You've got food, water,
all the luxuries of home.

No, I-I'm begging you.
Don't do this!

I'm not a Cylon!
Maybe, but we can't take that chance.

I'm not a Cylon!

What kind of people are you?

Don't leave me!

Action stations.

Set condition one throughout the ship.
Repeat. Action stations. Action stations.

Set condition one throughout the ship.

Repeat. Action stations.
Action stations.

The fleet is ready to jump, sir.
Set condition one throughout the ship.

Lieutenant Gaeta.
Yes, sir?

Disperse to all fleet--
final coordinates.

Yes, sir.

Stand by to execute battle plan.

Weapons grid to full power.
Stand by enemy suppression barrage.

Incoming, Cylon fighters,
closing at - - , mark - .

Enemy suppression fire.
All batteries execute.

All batteries commence f*ring.

All decks,
switch emergency power relays.

Perimeter established.

- Launch Vipers.
- Vipers clear to launch.

Broken formation.
Razzle-dazzle. Don't let 'em
use their targeting computers.

And for frak's sake, stay out
of Galactica's f*ring solution!

Vipers in position.

Signal Vipers, engage fighters only.
Leave base stars to us. Execute.

Galactica to all civilian ships.
Commencejumping in sequence.

Incoming ordnance!

Apollo, do you read me?

Come on, boys!

Looks like you broke your ship, Apollo.

I've had worse. But thanks!

Function check on
the damage control panel.

They're targeting the landing bays.

We've gotta get those fighters
back on board...

and retract the pods,
or we won't be able to jump.

Fleet status.

- Last civilian ship is away.
- Recall all fighters.

Stand by to secure landing bays.

Galactica to all Vipers. Break off.
Come on home. Repeat. Come on home.

Viper , aboard.

, aboard.
F.T.L., go!

Sub-light, go!

The board is green. Ship reports ready for
jump as soon as landing bay's secure.

Two Vipers still out there, sir--
Starbuck and Apollo.

We can't stand toe to toe with
those base ships. Retract the pods.

I can't leave 'em here.

- Patch me through to Starbuck.
- Sir.

What do you hear?

Starbuck, Galactica.
What do you hear?

- What?
- Morning, Starbuck. What do you hear?

Nothin' but the rain.

Grab your g*n
and bring the cat in.

Aye aye, sir!
Comin' home.

I'm losing power. I'm not gonna
make it, Starbuck. It's over.Just leave!

Damn it! That's an order!
Lee, shut up and hold still!


Oh, no.

You are beyond insane!

Kickin' in the burn!

Come on.

We're coming in a little hot,
don't you think?

No. Not really.

Come on.

- They're comin' in.
- Hang on!

- They're aboard.
- Stand by for jump.

Landing decks secure!


With heavy hearts, we lift up
their bodies to you, O Lords of Kobol,

in the knowledge that you will take
from them their burdens...

and give them life eternal.

We also pray that you
look down upon us now...

with mercy and with love...

just as you did upon our forefathers
many years ago.

Just as you led us from Kobol
and found the Twelve Worlds,

so now we hope and pray...

that you will lead us
to a new home...

where we may begin life anew.

So say we all.

So say we all.

- So say we all.
- So say we all.

So say we all!
So say we all.

So say we all!
So say we all!

Are they the lucky ones?

That's what you're thinking, isn't it?

We're a long way from home.

We've jumped way beyond
the Red Line...

into uncharted space.

Limited supplies. Limited fuel.
No allies.

And now no hope!

Maybe it would've been better for us
to have d*ed quickly...

back on the colonies
with our families...

instead of dying out here slowly...

in the emptiness of dark space.

Where shall we go?

What shall we do?

''Life here began out there.''

Those are the first words
of the sacred scrolls.

And they were told to us
by the Lords of Kobol...

many countless centuries ago.

And they made it perfectly clear
that we are not alone in this universe.

Elosha, there's a th colony
of humankind, is there not?

Yes. The scrolls tell us a th tribe
left Kobol in the Early Days.

They traveled far and made their home
upon a planet called Earth,

which circled a distant
and unknown star.

It's not unknown.

I know where it is!


the most guarded secret we have.

The location was only known
by the senior commanders of the fleet...

and we dared
not share it with the public.

Not while there was
a Cylon thr*at upon us.

For now we have a refuge to go to,

a refuge that the Cylons
know nothing about!

It won't be an easy journey.

It will be long and arduous.

But I promise you one thing.

On the memory of those
lying here before you,

we shall find it.

And Earth will become
our new home.

- So say we all!
- So say we all!

So say we all!
So say we all!

- So say we all!
- So say we all!

- So say we all.
- So say we all.


As you were.

Just trying to avoid another trip
to the brig, sir.

Lieutenant Thrace--


What you did out there today
with Lee Adama,

it was, uh, a hell of a piece of flying.

The commander has always said that
you were the best pilot he has ever seen.

Well, today you proved it.


about yesterday...

during the game--

Well, maybe I was out of line too.

And I just--

I wanted to say, um,

I'm sorry.

Well, don't you have anything to say?

Permission to speak
off the record, sir.


You're a bastard.

You just don't know when
to keep your mouth shut, do you?

I am offering you a clean slate here.

I'm not interested in
a clean slate with you.

You're dangerous.

You know why?
This'll be good.

Because you're weak.

Because you're a drunk.
Are you done?

Yes, sir.
You're returned to flight status.

Let's see how long that lasts.

Come in.

Firstly, I suppose that I should
thank you for deciding to bring us--

Listen, you were right,
I was wrong.

Let's just leave it at that.

All right.

There's no Earth.

You made it all up.

President Adar and I once talked
about the legends surrounding Earth.

He knew nothing about
a secret location regarding Earth.

And if the president
knew nothing about it,

what are the chances
that you do?

You're right.
There's no Earth.

It's all a legend.

Then why?

Because it's not enough to just live.

You have to have something to live for.

Let it be Earth.

They'll never forgive you.


But in the meantime,

I've given all of us
a fighting chance to survive.

And isn't that what you said
was the most important thing--

survival of the human race?

- Who else knows?
- Not a soul.

All right.

I'll keep your secret.

But I want something in return.

I'm listening.

If this civilization is going to function,

it's going to need a government,

a civilian government
run by the president of the colonies.

So you'll be in charge of the fleet...

but m*llitary decisions stay with me.


Then I'll think about it,
Madam President.

I guess I'm gonna start reprogramming.

Your escape is a temporary one at best.

We will find you.

Yeah, you can try.
It's a big universe.

You haven't addressed
the real problem, of course.

Yes, yes. There may be Cylon agents...

living among us,
waiting to strike at any moment.

Some may not even know
they're Cylons at all.

They could be sleeper agents
programmed to perfectly
impersonate human beings...

until activation.

If there are Cylons aboard this ship,
we'll find them.

We? You're not on their side, Gaius.

I am not on anybody's side.

And tomorrow I'll begin a formal
combat patrol around the fleet.

Good. Have a good night.

I just--
Why don't we...

save this for another time, son?



Nice to be small.
There you go, Chief.

Nice to be small.

Good night, Commander.

Good night, Captain.

We have to get out of this storm.

The radiation affects our silica relays.

Where did they go?
I don't know.

They were prepared
for a big jump.
We can't let them go.

Hmm. Unfortunately I agree.

If we do, they'll return one day
and seek revenge.

- It's in their nature.
- We have no choice.

It may take several decades
to track them down.

Don't worry.
We'll find them.

By your command.