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01x08 - Mesen

Posted: 01/07/22 08:56
by bunniefuu
That's the footage that was coincidentally captured by the surveillance cameras of the FBI agents who died in Japan.

Please show me only the scenes of Raye Penber passing the ticket gate, riding the train and then dying.


Let's see...

It's right below that.

This one?

So, Raye Penber entered through the ticket gate of Shinjuku Station at 3:15 p.m.

At 3:13 p.m., he boarded the rain to Yamanote.

Even if he was following someone, it would be difficult to conclude anything from this blurry video.

And at 4:42 p.m...

Thank you very much.

And at 4:42 p.m., he got off and died at the Tokyo Station's platform.

It's strange, isn't it?


L, what's strange?

Did you notice something?

Judging by this footage, from the time that Raye Penber got on the train until his death, he had been riding for an hour and a half. The train to Yamanote only takes an hour.

And that envelope is especially strange.


He's holding that envelope as he enters the ticket gate and reaches the platform.

He is.

He's carrying it!

But by the time he dies...

It's disappeared!

Ryuzaki, it's amazing you noticed that!

An envelope isn't on the list of articles he left behind.

Which means it was left on the train.

And this video of Penber's final moments...

It looks to me as if he's desperately trying to look inside the train.

If so, could there be a hint there?

Wouldn't it be interesting if Kira was there?

That couldn't be!

I don't think so either.

Why would Kira be there when he can control death from a distance?

But despite that, he may have tried something bold.

Light, are you all right?

You've been writing criminals' names in the Death Note for four days without sleeping.

Why do you have to set up a death schedule for several months ahead?

It's quite simple.

If I get hospitalized, people will say that criminals have stopped dying as soon as Chief Yagami's son was hospitalized.

So that's why.

But are you sure any date before the end of their predestined lifespan is all right?

Shinigamis never use it that way, so I can't say for sure.

But in theory, any time before their natural deaths should be all right.

I can't count on you, can I?

No, you can't.


Yes, please wait one moment.


Ukita at the NPA has received a phone call he's concerned about.

Then have him give the telephone number for line five and have the informant call that number.

Matsuda, you can turn on your cell phone.

Please turn it on now.


Yes, this is Suzuki, head of the Public Information division.

Raye Penber's fiancée?

Naomi Misora...

I've heard that name somewhere.

It's the woman from the Los Angeles BB m*rder case.

So that's it.

She worked under me on that case and now she's in Japan.

She's been missing since the death of her fiancé.

Anyone would be depressed over the death of a fiancé.

-Could it be... -su1c1de?

No, the Naomi Misora I knew was very strong-willed and an excellent FBI agent.

She would likely be thinking of catching Kira.

She was with Penber.

She might have found a clue.

If that's the case, did Kira get to her first?

Everyone, from now on, we'll focus our investigation on the people Raye Penber was investigating while in Japan.

He was investigating two people in relation to the police and the people around them.

Who are they? Who are those two?

Deputy Director General Kitamura and his family and Detective Superintendent Yagami and his family.


I also wish to place wiretaps and surveillance cameras in both households.

I have to make sure this computer is clean enough if anyone examines it.

I just have to hide a clipping of the Death Note in here.

You're really good with your hands.

You're popular with the girls, aren't you?

That has nothing to do with skill. It's more about looks than skill.

Ryuk, you not popular, are you?

Surveillance cameras? Are you serious, Ryuzaki?

That's impossible!

We'll all be fired and this could become a civil rights issue if it is discovered!

I thought we all agreed to risk more than our jobs and put our lives on the line.

Ryuzaki, what is the possibility that Kira is among them?

It's ten percent...

No, it's five percent.

We're doing that for only a five-percent possibility.

No. Out of all the people we've investigated so far, there wasn't anyone who even seemed less suspicious.

I think we should look into it even if there's only a one-percent possibility.


I never thought that my family was suspected.

Fine. Please place them!

Install them in every part of the house!

Even in the bathroom. Don't miss a single corner.

Thank you very much.

That's what I was planning to do.

Chief! What are you talking about?

That's right!

Don't you have a wife and a daughter?

I know that too!

There's no point in doing this unless we're doing it properly!

Just be quiet!

I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.


Well, to protect their privacy, only Mr. Yagami and I will conduct surveillance on his home.

Watari, how long will it take to set up the wiretaps and camera monitors?

If we start tomorrow, I can set them up at any time once we know when both families will be out.

See you later, Light.

Okay, see you tomorrow.

What? Is no one home yet?

I'm home.

Hey Light, there's no one home.

How about a game together? It's been awhile.

Hey, Light. Let's play a game.

Are you listening to me?


That couldn't be.

I never knew he would go that far!

Could he be hiding something in his room?

Keep in mind that he's only 17.

There's nothing suspicious about his behavior.

I also did that for no apparent reason.

Do you ever speak to him about the investigation?

Of course, I don't!

I'd never tell him about anything that hasn't been broadcast.

Other than that, I haven't been home regularly for the past few days.

When I do, I'll be tired and just go to sleep.

I understand.

Where are you going, Light?

Hey, Light, you've been ignoring me! I'm getting mad.

-There don't seem to be... -Hey, Light! any bugs planted on these clothes.


Ryuk, there's a possibility that there are wiretaps or surveillance cameras...

No, maybe even both, placed inside the house.

What? But, wasn't that piece of paper was still at your door?

I put that piece of paper to make people think it was there to see whether anyone had entered the room.

My door handle is the first indicator for it.

Your door handle?

When that door is closed, the door handle naturally rises to a horizontal position.

It won't rise any higher.

But whenever I close the door, I'd purposefully lower the door handle to five millimeters below its highest position.

In other words, if the handle is all the way up when I open it, there are chances that someone has entered my room.

But I can't just assume based on that only.

So I also put a mechanical pencil lead in place.

A pencil lead?

On the door hinge.

After I close the door, I place a mechanical pencil lead on the hinge at an angle so that it will break if the door is opened.

The lead will break if the door is opened.

I'd have to take it out myself when I entered, but today, it was broken.

Now that you mention it, I do remember that.

The door handle and the pencil lead.

There's no doubt that someone went in.

Isn't it probably your parents?

My parents and sister probably wouldn't notice the piece of paper.

It's suspicious because someone took the time to put it back.


Are you planning to buy a book to research wiretaps and surveillance?

By the way, Ryuk. What about your apples?


When you watch from the surveillance camera, if I put the apple in my mouth, no one can see it, but it'll look like it's floating if I'm just holding it.

As I expected.

Shinigamis can't die, so they won't starve either.

In other words, there's no problem if I don't give you any apples.

Wait a minute, Light.

Apples to me are...

Well, it's the same as cigarettes and liquor to humans.

I'll have withdrawal symptoms if I don't have any for a while...

What kind of symptoms?

My body will twist around wildly and I'll do handstands.

I don't want to see that.


Listen carefully, Ryuk.

I've given L the hint that Shinigamis love apples.

When did you...

If you really want to eat apples,

we have to find out where all the cameras are placed.

There might be a place where you can eat apples without being seen.

All right, Ryuk, let's go!

Okay! Let's find the cameras.

This is also interesting!

That's right, I have to find cameras.

I can't believe my well-behaved son is looking at a magazine like that!

It's normal for a 17-year-old.

But it seems to me as if he was checking whether someone was in this room because he has a magazine like this.

Ryuzaki, are you telling me that you suspect my son?

I do suspect him.

That's why I placed wiretaps and cameras in your house and the Deputy Director General's house.

I found a camera in the air conditioner.

So there were cameras.

That probably means there are also wiretaps.

Even if this is for the Kira case, I don't believe the Japanese police can think this far on their own.

This is L's doing.

If that's the case, how far has he narrowed it down to?

It must be down to at least someone that Raye Penber was investigating or he would have never gone this far.

I was tricked by the cover again...

No, in this case, I should act as if I was the only one being suspected and being watched.

It'll be all right.

I've been preparing for something like this.

That's why I got these magazines.


Light, it's time for dinner!

I love you.


Hideki Ryuga, you're so dreamy!

There's nobody in my class like him! No one at all!


Eat your dinner.

I'll eat later.

Mr. Aizawa, are the Kitamuras watching the television now?


Aside from the Deputy Director General, the other four are watching television as they eat.

It's channel four.

Watari, order various television companies to broadcast our banner.


NKK NEWSFLASH What is this?

"In response to the Kira murders, the ICPO has decided to dispatch 1,500 investigators from various developed countries to Japan."

Dispatch 1,500 investigators?


There should also be cameras in the living room too.

Whether this news is real or not, it's being shown to me to get some kind of reaction.

L, this is the same trick you used last time.

The ICPO sure is stupid.


There's no point in making this announcement.

If they're going to send them in, they should let them come in and investigate in secret.

Even those FBI agents who were investigating in secret were k*lled.

The outcome will be the same.

This is just an overblown attempt to shock Kira into exposing himself.

But, it might be completely obvious to Kira.

Your son is very smart.

What? I guess so...

I'm finished.

No way! Are you eating potato chips after dinner?

You look good right now. Do you want to get fat?

It's a late-night snack for my exam studies.


I've found all of the cameras.

I guess even a Shinigami can get tired if they work too hard.

I'll explain now.

It's a bit complex, so pay attention.

I don't want to explain it again.

All right, time to study hard!

There are so many cameras.

Whoever put them here must've expected you to find some.

There are 64 in total.

It's definitely L.

He had no qualms putting an inmate in his place when he declared w*r with me.

He doesn't know any limits.

So where am I going to eat apples in this situation?

That's obviously impossible, Ryuk.

That's right. You can't talk to me in this house, can you?

Tell me when we go outside tomorrow.

Okay, I got this one right.

Judging from the number of cameras, he must have wanted to make a decision quickly.

A normal person would probably give himself away, but you're messing with the wrong person, L.

This is as far as you'll get.

I've written down the names of criminals in the Death Note.

So they will continue to die over the next three weeks, but...

Kira has already shown L that he can control the time of death.

So that means, the current criminals being broadcast on the news have to die while I'm not receiving any knowledge of them.


My withdrawal symptoms!

Just watch, L!

I can k*ll the criminals that's currently being broadcast using the information from Ryuk and my prior preparations with the Death Note while disguising as a regular high school student.

I'll solve equations with my right hand and write names with my left.

Tayoshi Murao SUSPECT: TAYOSHI MURAO I'll take a potato chip and eat it!

Your son continues studying after dinner and didn't turn on the television or computer.

It's because the Entrance Exams are less than ten days away.

Now a criminal which I should have no knowledge about will die of a heart attack in forty seconds.

The witness to my alibi is L himself.

All right, just a little more!


What is it, Watari?

The two people that were broadcast on today's nine o'clock news, a bank clerk on suspicion of embezzlement during questioning and a purse snatcher in a detention center just died of heart att*cks.

It's Kira!

During that time, in your home, your wife and daughter were watching a drama.

As soon as the drama finished, they turned off the television.

From 7:30 p.m. until now which is 11 p.m., the only thing your son has done is study.

Kira needs a face and a name to k*ll.

Those who did not watch the news can't be Kira, right?

My family is cleared now, right?

Kira k*lled people with minor crimes as soon as they were broadcast, didn't he?

Even if it is the first day the cameras were installed, the Yagami household seems too innocent to me.

Light, are you up?

Yes, I'm up.

Today is trash day, so bring out any garbage you have.

What a pain!

What are you talking about?

I always say you should be doing this without me reminding you!

Yes, I know.

The weather today is nice.

Well, I don't know if you'll do just about anything if it's for yourself or if you're just a big spender, but didn't that mini-LCD TV cost 39,800 yen?

Good morning.



2007 TO-OH UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE CEREMONY This is perfect. There's nothing to worry about.

This proves that they don't have anything on me.

It's just a contest between L and me, a match of wits.