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01x32 - Sentaku

Posted: 01/07/22 09:12
by bunniefuu



Teru Mikami was a kid with a strong sense of justice.

He was able to distinguish right from wrong better than any of his peers.

In addition, compared to the other average Japanese, he had experienced a lot of unfortunate events.

He is someone who had witnessed a lot of deaths growing up.

It hurts so much.

It hurts so much.

It hurts so much.

There is only good and evil in this world.

This is a fact that I gained by observing what has been happening around me.

There are two types of people. Good or bad.

Everyone can be categorized to either one.

Even a small world like an elementary school can be applied to this principle.

Even when you're trying to achieve something good for everyone by becoming a good class monitor, there are always enemies.

Don't do it. Stop!

I need to stand up and face these evildoers.

Hit him!

Although sometimes it seems like justice has lost, but no matter what happens to me, I felt happy to be able to stand up against evil.

Thank you.

Just a "thank you" from the victims made me want to help them again and again.

I am willing to do whatever it takes just for that.

And in the end, I was able to defend my sense of justice.

Hit him.

Be careful.

However, that was only when I was a child.

After entering junior high school, the more you stand up against the bad people, the more you attract them.

Victims became bullies.

Even those who were just watching would be influenced by evil and became enemies themselves.

PROPOSALS OF 2008 I must continue to be fair.

In order to achieve that, I need to eradicate evil.

The only person who would understand me and agree with me was the one who raised me, my mom.

Wait, that is not right. She used to be my mom.


Not everything in life would turn out the way you want it to.

Stop doing this.

You don't deserve to be treated like this.

You don't have to be in pain.

You will only suffer if you continue this.

On your own, -nothing can be changed. -My mom was wrong.

She was not siding justice.

She should be eradicated.

Then, a miracle happened.

The four people who bullied me d*ed due to dangerous driving.

Among those who were impacted by the accident, a bystander d*ed as well.

It was my mom.

All the people I resented were eradicated all at once.

I was scared at first.

I panicked.

However, someone should be happy for what happened.

Not to mention the victims.

No. It's not just that. All the classmates should feel happy.

I was not wrong.

The classroom turned into a peaceful place.

There will be consequences for evil deeds.

That's the way the world should be.

Evil should be eradicated.

This is everything.

Is there any problem with the record?

-As years passed by, -No. Thank you very much. my beliefs became stronger.

I believe there must be someone whose existence is useless.

Wait, not just that.

There must be someone whose very existence is a thr*at to society.

The closer they are to becoming an adult, the less hope there is for them to change towards the better.

Eradicating them is the only solution.

The most amazing part is whenever I think someone should be eradicated, the person would soon be dead.

Was that a coincidence or am I special?

This is not important.

Evildoers should be punished by God.

If God is not doing anything, then someone should take the responsibility.

COURT OF LAW That is why I became a prosecutor.

It's the responsibility of a prosecutor to bring justice upon evildoers.

This is my job.

At least, I believe it is.


Criminals d*ed in Jail The God is here.

What happened around me was not a coincidence.

It was justice by God.

God has been looking after me all this while.

God had seen how I didn't surrender to evil.

He punished those people for me.

After noticing this, I tried my best to go to the place where God can see me.


God finally recognized me.

Not only that, He even shared with me His power.

I must respond to God's expectation of me.

I must try to understand Kira's thoughts and do what Kira would.






Because Teru k*lled Hitoshi even before I gave any instruction, Kira no longer has a spokesperson.

I cannot be careless now.

Teru, what will you do?

Kira has not given any instructions.

Is he not doing anything?

This is a very critical moment though.

There has to be a spokesperson for Kira.

Let me handle it then.

Breaking news!

There is a new development on Kira's case.

Kira has already chosen a new spokesperson to replace Hitoshi.


NHN SIX O'CLOCK NEWS This woman...

Kiyomi Takada.

Good evening, everyone.

I am Kiyomi Takada for the six o'clock news.

From today onwards, I shall be here to convey Kira's messages correctly and efficiently.

It is the leading anchor in NHN.

Kira has good taste. He chose Kiyomi.

Comments from the public...

I wasn't wrong.

This woman was Light's acquaintance back in college.

Will be conveyed to Kira.

Not bad, Teru.

But people will know about our relationship.

Wait, no. This is the right choice.

I would not have chosen her as my spokesperson.

-The situation will be manageable. -The public is advised to evacuate.

He is truly useful.

I really wish to be able to talk to him soon.

Kiyomi Takada.

I was on her show before.

Although she was very professional and stayed as objective as possible, her eyes changed as soon as she started talking about Kira.

I can tell that she really hates crimes and injustice.

She has a very unique view on this matter.

We talked a few times.

She obviously sided with Kira.

She is a good fit to be the spokesperson for Kira.

Kiyomi Takada.

It would be too obvious to pick an ex-girlfriend to be the spokesperson.

I also haven't seen Light communicate with her.

I've been overthinking, haven't I?


I wonder if we can use Kiyomi Takada for our investigation now.

Kiyomi Takada and I were dating when we were back in college.


He told everyone about it.

So, he's not planning to keep it a secret?

If Kira gave her command and allowed her to see the message he would like to convey, then she would have traces of Kira.

I think this is the best lead we have so far.

Won't Kiyomi be afraid to work with us?

I guess she must be threatened by Kira too.


We don't have to worry about that.

I know her current cell phone number.

She will want to see me if I asked her to.

You're really confident, Light.

However, it must be very difficult to get her to assist us in catching Kira.

We talked to each other a lot when we were in college and one thing I know for sure is that she admires Kira.

But we can use this to our advantage.

Although the police force declared that they are on Kira's side, they haven't done anything to help us.

I just have to tell her that I am with the police force and request her to ask Kira what the police force should do to accommodate him.

She will think of this as a good idea.

Will it be that easy?

It is hard to say, but it is worth a try.

That's right.

We shouldn't ignore this lead.

Then, I will call her tonight.


We also want to hear what you're going to Kiyomi.

Sure. I am fine with that.

No. I mean, please do.

Perhaps she has something important to say about Kira.


Kiyomi? I am Light.


It has been a while. How can I help you?


I have something important to tell you.

Can we meet?

I would like to ask a favor from you.

A favor?


You are the woman who's getting the world's attention so, it might be too much to ask you to meet me.

You wouldn't have called if you didn't think I would agree to see you.

Of course.

After graduating college, we barely talked to one another.

I've never gotten the chance to talk to you.

Now that our jobs have brought us together, I can't stop thinking that this might be destiny.

Our jobs?

I am working with the police now.

I have something to discuss with you in person.

Right now, the police will not do anything against Kira.

Very well then.

I shall meet you to see if I am able to help at all.

Thank you.

Let's just meet and chat.

Let's find a place for just the two of us.


Let's do that after my news report tonight.


I will book a hotel room then.

But is this okay?

Light, I remember that you've been dating Misa Amane.

Aren't you two getting along pretty well?

No. Well, she's not intelligent enough to be my partner.



You cook really well.

You've helped me with everything. It has made my life easier.

-But it has been five days. -Yes.

Didn't you say this should be kept secret from Light?

-It doesn't seem right. -Yes.

No matter how much Light trusts me, he must think that I am having an affair, wouldn't he?

He will be jealous for sure.

Near told me that this woman is the second Kira, but is this dumb woman really Kira?

Kira has not contacted me so far.

If Kira is not able to contact me due to extreme circumstances, he will be in touch with Kiyomi first.

Good evening, everyone. It is now the nine o'clock news.

I am going to announce Kira's message.

This will become the law for the entire world.

Kira thinks a person who brings harm to the people should be punished.

He also thinks that useless individuals that don't contribute to the society shouldn't be alive.

What? Does that mean lazy people should also be k*lled?

No way!

Teru, this is way too much.

No, it is too early.

I really have to get in touch with Teru.

How is it, Touta?

The visual and audio are both fine.

There's no blind spot.

-The nine o'clock news is over. -See you again next time.

Light, I am leaving.


I missed you very much.

I am sorry. I could not help myself.

Please have a seat.

I do not know why.

I felt a sense of familiarity even after all this time.

What is going on with Light?

He has been quiet the whole time.

He will look suspicious if he still does not cut the crap.

Hideki, haven't you dated someone before?

-What? -What's going on?

They seem to be doing well.

I am not asking about them.

I am sorry.


Is it Teru?

She said Kira.

Does that mean Kira contacted her directly?

You should take that.



No, I am just with my friend.

There is no one else.

If only I am lucky enough to receive the call.


Will you make it happen?

He wanted to meet me all of the sudden.

Someone who asked to see Kira's spokesperson privately.

Ask that person to talk on the phone.

He asked you to talk to him.

Choosing you was indeed a right choice.

Light is picking up the phone.

If it is really Kira, then it will be very dangerous.

It is me.

Who are you?

November 26?

Five pages?

What do you mean?


Teru, well done.

Let's see how much you can figure out.

Are you unable to act freely now?


Are you being monitored?


Are you really Kira?

I am now giving out instruction.

Sakura TV.

Sakura TV?

Sakura TV.

No matter what, Master Kira has to be summoned.

He's dead.

Crap, that was real.

-Teru. -Yes.

You are even better than I expected.

I have to remove all monitoring devices.

What? Remove all monitoring devices?

There is no other way.

What is going on?

Now, we can talk freely.


Kiyomi, listen.

I am Kira.

Yes, I am Kira.

This is it.


Are you Kira?


You must not ask Kiyomi about my identity.


Follow whatever instruction God gives.

Do you understand?

I am Kira.

I am also the man who gave the power to that guy.

It is really you.

You were the only man I've ever admired.

I can't believe you are Kira.

This is great.

From now on, you have to be with me to become the goddess in the new world.


-Light, are you okay? -I am fine.

Kiyomi has come around.

I'm going to pretend to be dating her from now on in order to chase after Kira.





PREVIEW In retrospect, since then, it has become a one-on-one battle against L.



If you want to come out, I will be there too.

I accept your challenge.