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01x02 - Heat Wave

Posted: 01/07/22 09:40
by bunniefuu
[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Yeah!

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Suspense music]

[Action music]

[Boy grunts]

-Man: sh...

-Is it morning yet?

-You go to sleep.

[Music intensifies]

[Tire whistling]

-Is it him?

It's okay.

We'll be in la by morning.

[Action music]

-Man on radio: now
turning to the weather,

It's only a 6:15

And the temperature outside is already a whopping 81 degrees.

Today's forecast calls
for temperatures

Of a 106 in the valleys,

One-o-six at the civic center,

Mid-nineties along the
coast and a refreshing...

-Hey, hobie!

Shake a leg, dude! You're late!

-I can't, dad.
It's way too hot.

Air conditioning, it's like
a new concept in cooling.

-Yeah, this is
the beach, pal.

We don't need air conditioning.

-Yeah, right.

[Knock on the door]

-You want air

I'll buy you bigger sweatbands!


-I told you he was tall.

-Hello, mitch.

-Hey, man. What are
you doing here?

-I don't believe this.

Not a gray hair, not
a pound heavier.

-Yeah. And you're
blind as ever.

-This is my son, mike.

-Oh, hi.
-Hey, mike. How are you doing?

This is my son, hobie.

-Mitch: hey, how
are you doing?

-Nice to meet you.

-So, we're on the
arizona interstate

When I spot this sign for la.

Well, mike starts squawking

About how he's never
seen the ocean,

Which gets me yapping

About how I misspent my
youth in the big blue.

-Yeah, the big blue.
Come on in.

You know what they used to
call this guy? Barracuda.

-Mitch: hey!
-This guy was a terror.

On the water, in the--

-You know what we
used to call him?

-Let's not get
too deep here.

-Oh, the one, the
only, the original...




-Hey, he earned that nickname.


So, what are you
up to these days?

What are you an
oceanographer or something?

-No, I'm still a lifeguard.

As a matter of fact,
I'm a lieutenant.

-Wow, hey, that's
really special.

Boy, this smells good.

-Well, why don't
you grab a plate?

I mean, I did make
your favorite-- food.

Hey, hobe, take mike upstairs
and get him washed up, huh?

-Hobie: come on.

-So, where is gayle?

She's sleeping or did you
give her the morning off?


No, we are-- we are
divorced, steve.

-Oh, I'm sorry.

Me and allison, we are not
together anymore either.


Well, I guess it happens
to the best of us, huh?

So, where are you staying?

-I don't know just yet.

Um, I mean,

When I told you that we
just got off the freeway,

We just got off the freeway.

Could you recommend
an inexpensive place?

You know, things have been
a little tight lately...

Gosh, you know, this place
is bigger than I remember.

-Same old steve.

-Impressive, isn't it?

-Just another day
at your beach club.

We get to pull rich drunks
out of the surf again.

-I'll handle
the rich ones.

You county guards look
after the riff-raff.

A little paint

And these things wouldn't
be such an eyesore.

-No call, no warning?

-Same old barracuda.

He says he saw a sign.

Got an idea in his
head and showed up.

-What do you say?

-Something's going on.

-Same old barracuda.

-You see, his kid...

Spitting image of allison,
cute and doesn't say a word.

-Because steve doesn't let
anybody else get a word in.

-Yeah. But it worked for
him in court, didn't he?

He got full custody of his kid,

A lot more than you're
guaranteeing me for hobie.

-Gayle hasn't
even filed yet.

-"Yet" is the prevailing
wind around here.

I'm telling you, she's taking
this ohio offer seriously.

I don't want to lose hobie.

-I know.

-Hey, hey, hey, hey,
what's with the suit?

It's going to be a
madhouse out there today!

I need you here.

-Sorry. Can't.
I'm a lawyer today.

-Sid: what do you
mean you can't do it?

I got your name
down on tower 16.

Cleanest sand, best view...

Yeah, thanks a lot.

-Morning, sid.

-A rookie beach, that's what
we're going to have, you know!

It's going to be a million
people out in the water,

And they're gonna be guarded
by nothing but beginners.

-No. No rookies in
adjoining towers today.

You better put five guards
on either side of the pier,

Give me two at the end of
the jetty at tower 11.

And double up everywhere.

-Double up?

-Yeah, double up.

-Yes, sir,
lieutenant, sir.

-Don't call me lieutenant, and
especially don't call me sir.

-You got it, babe.

[Suspense music]

-Man over radio: and now more
of our incredible weather.

We have reports of
scattered power outages

Throughout the city.

Heatstroke victims are
pouring into local hospitals

And county lifeguards
are bracing themselves

For the biggest
day of the summer.

A dozen rescues have
already been reported

As people take to the
water in search of relief.

Now listen, if you haven't
already made it to the beach,

Forget it.

Westbound traffic is
backed up to nevada.

Right now it's a 104
degrees downtown,

106 In burbank,

And temperatures
are still going up.

-Hobie: so, just you,
my dad, and craig?

-That's right.

So there we were, on the
wrong side of the border.

We only had five
bucks between us,

And your dad, he was
as sick as a dog.

-Eddie: excuse me, this
guy belongs to you?

-Woman: yes.

-He's throwing wet sand
on the sunbathers.

-Oh, ricky.

Thanks. I'll handle this.

I thought I told you to
behave yourself, young man.

-It was just a joke!

-And I'm not
laughing, am i?

Now go find something to do.

And stay out of trouble!

-Hey, mike, I'm going
to give old hobie here

An education in body
surfing. You want to come?

-No, I'd rather hang
out at the pier.

-Oh. His first
day at the beach.

I guess the ocean's a
little intimidating.

-Hobie: see you later.

-Okay, pal. But
I don't want you

Going to the pier
without me, all right?

And put some of that
sunblock on, okay?

Rub it in real good, okay?

And don't talk to any strangers!

-I know, I heard,
I'm a stranger.

You're not supposed
to talk to me.

-I don't think my dad
meant other kids.

-Well, what's your name?

-Mike humboldt.

-I bet everybody
calls you mikey.

You look like a mikey.

-Yeah? You look
like a jerk.

-That's me. That's
my name. Jerk.

Baloney. Rad! Thanks.

Let's get out of here,
go do something.


-Well... Yeah, you're a
mikey all right.

Only a mikey would come to the
beach and sit around all day.

Well, bye, mikey. Have fun!

Don't talk to strangers!

And put that sunblock on!

-Wait up!

-Receptionist: oh, I'm sorry.
He's with a client right now.

May I take your message?

-Paul dunford is
demanding we refund

The 6000 dollars you
billed him last month.

-Wait, why?

I've been knocking
myself out of that case.

-Seems that he saw you playing
lifeguard last weekend.

And figures he shouldn't
have to pay you 200 an hour

When the county gets
you for 12 bucks.


And what I do in my spare
time is none of his business.

-Hey, you don't have
any spare time!

I don't care how smart you are
or how good you are in court!

If I don't have you
seven days a week,

I don't want you at all.

-Come on, how many times are
we gonna have this discussion?

-Never again.

Lifeguard or lawyer.
Make a decision.

By tomorrow.

[Funky music]

-♪ The time stops

♪ When we're together

♪ The mic drops

♪ 'Cause we're friends forever

♪ We'll chase the sun
when it's fading fast ♪

♪ Just can't believe how
long the summer lasts ♪

♪ Everything is cool
when I'm with you ♪

♪ Colors seem much brighter

♪ When I'm having
fun beside you ♪

♪ Everything is cool
when I'm with you ♪

♪ Exploring everything in this ♪

♪ This beautiful world

♪ Beautiful world

♪ We'll chase the sun
when it's fading fast ♪

♪ Just can't believe how
long the summer lasts ♪

♪ Everything is cool
when I'm with you ♪

♪ Colors seem much brighter ♪

♪ When I'm having
fun beside you ♪

♪ Everything is cool
when I'm with you ♪

♪ With you...

-Ricky: positive.

-Mike: this is
probably illegal.

What if they put us in jail?

-They won't.
We're kids, okay?

Kids can get away with anything.

Come on!

-Mike: okay.

-Ricky: I like to dig these
deep holes in the beach,

Cover them with blankets,
then sprinkle sand on top.

-Mike: why?

-Ricky: to watch
people fall in, dummy.

It's a blast. We'll
do it tomorrow.

-Mike: I don't know
if I'll be here.

-Ricky: you going someplace?

-Ricky: either you
are or you aren't.

-Mike: it's up to my dad, and
he never tells me anything.

-Damn tide's coming in.

-Man #2: told you we
should have done this

First thing this morning.

[Kids yelling]

-Jill: kids, leave
the computer alone.

Sid, help!

Okay, let's just move
them in a chair, okay?

[Phone ringing]

Lost children's desk.

Hi, shauni. What have you got?

All right, four-year-old boy,

Brown hair, brown eyes,

Blue swim trunks.

What? Red t-shirt and cape?

Does this kid have a name?


-Mitch: excuse me. Let
go off it, will you?

-Jill: first or last? No,
I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

Okay. Bye.

-I'm going to borrow
this for a second.

There's another kid that's
missing. I just got the name.

-Fifty lost kids and
it's not even eleven.

-Sid: temperature just
hit a 105 downtown!

Traffic on sunset's backed
up all the way to westwood.

And you know where
they're going, don't you?

-To the beach.
-Sid: the beach!

I want to tell you, right
here and right now--

I am not having any fun!

-I'm having fun.
Aren't you?

[Phone ringing]

-Oh, I'm sorry.

-Lost children's desk.

-Steve: mitch!

-Hey, steve, what
are you doing here?

-You got to help me.
Mike's missing.

I'm here four hours
and I lose him.

-When did it happen?

-I don't know,
45 minutes ago.

-Forty-five minutes ago
and you're a wreck?

Aren't you the guy
who turned up late

To his own birthday party?
-We're talking about my kid!

-Hey, relax. He's
already on the list.

-I know. I know. I
reported it to the tower.

So what are you going to do?

-We get hundreds of lost
kids on days like today.

They all turn up
sooner or later.

-That's it? You just give
me the stock lifeguard talk?

-Too early to press
the panic button.

-Yeah, that's easy
for you to say.

-If you don't mind, I
think I'll hit the sand

And do a little
panicking. Thanks!

-Jill: lost children's desk.


[Kids yelling]

-I am not having fun now.

Excuse me.

[Waves crashing]

-Mike: look!
-Where'd that come from?

-Who knows?


-Anybody! Help!

-Both: help!

Help! Help!

Please, somebody help!



-Get us out of here!


-It's a surprise.
I thought you had a full day.

-Why aren't you up
in your studio?

-Heat rises.

-That's great.

-It's not finished.

-Looks finished.

-It's not finished.

-It's not finished?

When are you supposed
to ship it out?

-I'm not.

Gallery called. I'm
out of the opening.


-They gave my space
away to someone else.

-They can't do that.
-What are you doing?

-I'm calling. They have
a contract to honor.

-What's their number?
-We didn't sign anything.

-You had that
oral agreement.

-Yeah, we had an
oral agreement

That they would try
and save me a space.

-That's good enough me.
Now, what's the damn number?

-Why aren't you at work?

-Dreyfuss dropped
the big one.

-Lifeguarding or lawyering?

-Fun or money?


-Eternal youth or
stodgy middle age?

-You got it.

-Tough call.

-Yeah, I got some
thinking to do.

-At the beach?

-Doesn't that tell
you something?


-Looks finished.

-Mike: the water
keeps getting higher.

The tide's coming in.

[Kids yelling]

-And five little monsters.

-This day couldn't
get any worse.

-Kids: hey!

-Mitch: oh, don't
worry, everybody.

The emergency generator
will kick in just a second.

-Kids: yeah!

-Bad news is that the air
conditioner doesn't work

When we're on backup.

-What are you doing here?

-Don't sound so surprised.
You knew I couldn't stay away.

-I thought you were
being lawyer today.

-No questions, please.

Just give me a nice, quiet,
little stretch of beach.

-Something secluded, where
waves gently lap the shore--

-Boy: got you!

Just take me with you.

-Nice quiet day at the beach.

Why is it when people have
something tough to decide

They go to the water?

-I don't know, but I can use
you today at the tower 23.

-Fine. I know when I got
a tough decision to make

That's what I do,
I go to the beach.

-You got some
decision to make.

-No, no. It's just where I
spend my time on a lifeguard

And there's nothing
wrong with that.

-Excuse me. Buchannon.

-I mean it's what
we do, right?

-Get the dog
out of there!

-What we do is important.

-It's a hundred degrees!

-I never thought I'd keep
doing it this long, you know.

-Break the window!

It's not my mercedes,
what do I care? Smash it!

-And I'm still doing it.

-Tower 14's got a turf w*r
going over towel space.


-Sid: coconut oil
is really flying.

-You're in the call car.

Alert garner in
case it gets ugly.

-All right.

-The thing is, when I pictured
myself as an "adult,"

It was as a guy, in
a tailored suit,

Giving a brilliant
summation to a jury,

Not a guy wearing
red swim trunks.

"Perry mason," not "sea hunt."

-Are you knocking
lloyd bridges?

-No. Why keep working
as a lifeguard

When you're an adult?

Once you've been in a courtroom?

It's the thing is that I like
doing it, I love doing it.

And I love law.

So why do you have to give
up one to have the other?

-I don't think that you do.

-You got a w*r going on at 14.

-I know that.
-Well, can't this wait?

-Yes, of course it can wait.

[Suspense music]


-Hey you out there! Help us!

-Help us!

You! Help us!

-Ricky: hey,
mister, over here!

You! You out there!

-Help us!

Both: help! Help!

Both: help! Help!


-Mike: come on, let's
get out of here.


-Jill: hey, guys! Downstairs.

Downstairs. Come on.

This way. Hey! Hey!

[Phone ringing]

Don't run!

-Mitch: over a
hundred rescues.

I got four trucks out.
It's unbelievable.

-Man: excuse me. Are
you mitch buchannon?


-Tower 13 needs assistance.
Heat prostration.

Again, this one's unconscious.

-Paramedics, code 3.

I'm sorry. We're a little
busy here. What do you want?

-You think we might
step into your office?

This is important.

-We handle the important
things right after we
handle the emergencies.

-Lieutenant, you've
got to help me.

Please, find my little ricky.

[Crying] please.

-I think you want
to hear this.


-Mrs. Blount, please,
come with me downstairs.


-She is missing her kid.
-Yeah, I gather that.

-Captain thorpe for
you on line one.

I'll put it through for
you in your office.

-And there's a car
fire in lot 18.

-Well, tell them
to put it out!

Yeah? Yes, sir.

-Lieutenant, you
know what this is?


-This is a kidnapper.

-No, sir.

-And you know what you are?

-Excuse me, sir--
-you are an accessory.

-Can I call you right back?

[Reggae music]

♪ It's so hot

♪ It's so hot

♪ It's so hot

♪ It's so hot

♪ You could see them
running to the water ♪

♪ You could see them
coming from inland ♪

♪ You could see them
running to the water ♪

♪ You could see them with
their toes in the sand ♪

♪ So hot

♪ You could see them
running to the water ♪

♪ Everybody on the
road, same plan ♪

♪ So hot

♪ You could see them
running to the water ♪

♪ So hot you'll
never understand ♪

♪ So hot

♪ Sun's out

♪ All day

♪ People running to
the ocean miles away ♪

♪ Hot sand, burning rays

♪ Time slowing

♪ No escape

♪ You could see him...

-Hey, what are
you doing here?

-k*ller heat.

-You hate the beach.

-I love the beach.
-No, you hate the beach.

You came to give me
advice, didn't you?

Headquarters told you
I was in a call car

And you came looking for me.
-That's right.

They told me look
for the truck--

The truck with the steam
coming out the front of it.

-Very funny.

Oh, man!

-This never happens
to my bicycle.

-I know. Your favorite piece
of advice: get a bicycle.

-No, no. I have a
new favorite now.

Quit your job.

-Gina, I've got

I've got clients I care about.

I've got cases I'm involved
in, I got bills to pay.

Besides that, I like
being a lawyer.

-Then be a lawyer.

Look, we clean off
the kitchen table

And you've got
yourself an office.

-No, we got a clean
kitchen table.

-You take only the
cases you want to take,

You work with people
instead of corporations,

You can make your own hours.

-You make your own hours.

Best of all, you never
have to leave the beach.

Or me.

-Oh, yeah.

I love the beach.

-I hate the beach.

-Mike: we don't know
what's down there!

-Ricky: there's a
light down there.

Maybe it's another
way out! Come on!





-No! Get away from me!

Help! Dad!

-Man: hey, what do you
think you're doing?

-Steve: hey, hey!

-Boy: k*ll him,
dad! Come on.

-Steve: wait a second,
let me explain--

-Get him, dad! Get him! Come on!

Come on! Get him!

[People yelling]

-Eddie: hey, wait a second!

What do you think you are doing?

-Ask him!

-On the beach.

-He grabbed my kid!

-I'll take it from here.

-Come on.


Relax. Relax.

All right, let's go. Come on.

-Go on!

[People murmuring]

-He grabbed my kid!

-Because I thought
he was my kid!

-What? So why didn't
you say something?

-Eddie, you all right?
What happened?

-Yeah. Just a
difference of opinion.

We straightened it out.


-Well, you two obviously
know each other. See you.

-See you.

-Craig, I need your help.

My kid is missing.


-Come on.

-I want to know what the
hell's going on, man!

You come to my house, you
ask for my hospitality,

And then I find out you're
wanted for child stealing!

-That investigator...

Where is he now?

-I don't know where he is.

He's probably out looking
for you somewhere.

-Mitch, I'm sorry.


-You've got to believe me.

I didn't mean to
cause any trouble.

We were just passing through.

I mean, I had no idea the
guy was still on my tail.

-Just unbelievable to me.

I mean, you don't
get it, do you?

He's not the problem,
pal, you're the problem.

-We're on pretty shaky
legal ground here, mitch.

We've got to get
the police in here.


Come on, guys. We're friends.

-Well, then level
with your friends.

-I love that kid so
much it kills me.

If anything's happened to him,
I don't know what I would do.

Eleven good years of marriage,

Then it all goes sour overnight.

She gets custody and I
get one weekend a month.

It isn't fair. It
just isn't fair!

-It's fine, mike.

And we'll worry
about what to do.

-Mike: hurry!

-I can't! I'll slip.

-Mitch: all right, listen
up. These are the two boys.

Michael humboldt and ricky...

-Woman: blount.
-Ricky blount.

They've been missing
most of the day.

The police are searching
for them inland.

We've been looking for
them on the beach.

-We don't know if they're
together or separate,

But we know they disappeared
around noon from tower 7.

-If nobody else
can find them,

What are a bunch of junior
lifeguards supposed to do?

-Now that's the fun part.

-Mitch: we want you
to go everywhere

You've ever been told not to go.

-Kids: yeah!

-But this is serious
business, guys.

We got to find these kids.

-But don't do
anything stupid.

We don't want to be
passing out pictures
of you all later on today.

-Boy: we won't.

-Mitch: okay?
-Kids: okay.

-Mitch: okay. Pair up
and get out of here.

-Boy: come on, let's go.
-Boy #2: I'll go with you.

-Boy #3: you come with me.
-Boy #4: okay.

-Mitch: hey, hobe, let's
find these kids, huh?

-You got it, dad.
-All right.

[Soft rock music]

♪ To the lost souls

♪ Where have you gone?

♪ Gone like a ghost

♪ Never to be found
for far too long ♪

♪ It's been far too long

♪ And have you fallen further
somewhere in the dark? ♪

♪ Can you reach up higher,
touch the watermark? ♪

♪ For I will bring you back
touchstone ♪

♪ To the start

♪ Just be brave and we
will keep you safe ♪

♪ We'll find you in the dark

♪ Show me a sign

♪ Where you have gone

♪ Somewhere in between
the cracks of stone ♪

♪ For far too long

♪ Gone far too long

♪ From where you belong

♪ Have you fallen further
somewhere in the dark? ♪

♪ Can you reach any higher
than the watermark? ♪

♪ So just be brave and we will
find you ♪

♪ Safe and sound

♪ And we will finally
get you home ♪

♪ Even if we look
into the dark... ♪

[Ricky screams]

[Mike screams]

-Ricky: where are we?

-Shauni: hey, hobie.

-I hear your dad
drafted you.

-Yeah. It's kind of neat.

I get to go places where
I'm not supposed to go.

-No luck, huh?

-No. The only other
place I can think of

Is the drainage canal.

You haven't seen anybody
there, have you?

-Just a couple of
maintenance guys.

But they're the only
ones allowed in there.

-No kids, huh?


-Hey, the maintenance guys,
why were they in there?

-They had to put a
new lock on the gate.

That canal fills
up at high tide.

[Phone ringing]
-yeah, mitch here.

Hey, shauni. What's up?

Yeah, I'm on my way.

Hey, sid! Get craig
back here right now!

-Hey, the tide's up.

You'll never get through
to that entrance.

-Mitch: the water would have
driven the kids back, anyway.

-Craig: there's a
storm drain out there,

It's on top of a
collection chamber.
That's where they'd end up.

-All right, we're out of here.

-Mitch: hey, come
on, hobe, get off.

-Craig: ease up, lieutenant.
Let him tag along. He can help.

-All right.

Excuse me.

Anybody in there?

Ricky? Mike?

-Both: help us! Help!

Help! Help us! Help us!

-Mitch: don't worry, guys.
Just hang in there.

We'll get you out
as soon as we can.

-Mike: help!

-We won't even be able
to get a rope to them.

-Come in from the riverbed.

-Hobie, you stay here,
you keep them calm.

We'll radio for backup.
-All right.

[Tires screeching]

[Sirens on]

-What happened?

Why isn't anybody
coming to help us?

-They're on their way!

-I don't know how much
longer I can do this.

-Can you touch bottom?


-Can you grab onto anything?

-Both: no.

-All right then.
Just keep kicking.

Relax. Easy now.

[Sirens on]

-Must be the way.

-Yeah, follow me.

[Voices over radio]

-Shauni: your parents
are on their way.

-Hobie: don't worry.

-Shauni: look, we are going to
get you out of there, okay?

-Hobie: it's going to be okay.

-Shauni: just stay calm.

What are you doing?

-Man: got to get them
out of there somehow.

-That will rain hot
metal on those kids.

Yank the grate out.

-How much longer?

-Hobie: soon!

-Shauni: we're all here
for you. Just hang on.

-I can't. I can't.


-Mike: he went under!

-Hobie: grab him!
-Shauni: mike, you grab him!

[Ricky coughing]

-I got him!

-Mike, just keep his head
above water any way you can.

-Strange day.

-Yeah, tell me about it.

Just stopped thinking
about steve.

-Whether or not you'd do
what he did if you lost
custody of hobie?

-I know.

-It scares the hell out of
me. Oh, god. What's that?

-Augh! Oh!

Oh, you ever think about
giving all the stuff

For something drier
and more lucrative?

-Like what?

-The firm gave me a choice.
Lawyer or lifeguard.

-Does that mean
you quit baywatch?

-We'll still have our early
morning workouts together.

-You'd lose your locker.

-You'd take away my locker?

How many former lifeguards

Have got lockers
at headquarters?

-You'd take away my locker!

-Wait a minute. What's that?

[Buzzing sound]

-Man: alright, bring it
up little right now!

That's good!

Easy peasy.

-Man #2: please, just stay back.

-Man: you're totally
good! Keep coming.

You're good, buddy!

Keep it co--

-Shauni: stay back,
sir! Stay back!

-That's my kid down there!

-Shauni: calm down!


They are doing
everything they can.

-Lifeguard: get back, please.

-Man: that's good.
Bring on that!

Come on, that's good.

Come on, please.

Keep it up, that's it.


Don't leave us in here!

-Stay back!

-Lifeguard: stay back.

-We're going in
with the blowtorch.

-What if I donate
large sums of money

To the lifeguard
benevolence society?

-We'll give you a nice plaque
you can hang on your wall

Thanking you very much.

-You won't let me
keep my locker?

-Absolutely not.

[Voices over radio]

-Damn it!


-We are blocked.

It's the kids.

Hey, over here!

-You got to help us!

My arms and legs-- I can't --

-Ricky: watch out!


-Mike: I lost him.

I cannot find him!

And now I'm scared!

I don't have him anymore!

I lost him!

-I got him. Hang on.

You guys okay? Come on.

It's all right.

I got them!

-Hobie: they did it!

-People: yeah!

-Boy: great job!


[People celebrating]

-Craig: you okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine.


-Man: give me your hand,
son. All right, here we go.

-Woman: ricky!

-Everybody: yeah! Wo-hoo!

-Steve: mitch, what about mike?

-He's okay.

-Man: here we go.
-Mike! Mike!

-Everybody: yeah!

-Let's go give your
mom a call, okay?

It's time to go home, buddy.

-Looks like you're
out of a job, huh?


-You're getting pretty
good at this stuff, dad.


You're getting pretty good
at this stuff yourself.


My name's eddie.

You were my best customer today

And I'd like to
invite you to dinner.


-She's busy.
-Hi, trevor.

I thought you'd never get here.

-Trevor: how you
doing, roxanne?

-Sorry. Next visit, maybe.

-Next visit...



Two trips to the beach
in the same day?


-Well, i-- I heard about those
two little kids on the radio.

-Oh, yeah, yeah.

Should've see mitch today,
he was a regular hero.

I had marty dreyfuss in
my ear all afternoon

Laughing at me for
getting down on my hands

And knees crawling
through that muck.

He did me a favor.

-A favor?
-Yeah. He did me a favor.

He gave me an opportunity to do

What I've been
talking about doing.

My own place, my own
practice, my own hours.

-Work with people,
not corporations.

-Where have I
heard that before?



-Does that mean you're
going to stay at baywatch?

-Unless they keep
my old locker

And I don't have any more
days like I had today.

-You get to keep
your own locker

And I promise no more
days like you had today.

-Man over radio: the weather
forecast for los angeles...


...and orange counties,
if you liked today,

You are going to love tomorrow.

Hot, hot, hot.

The hottest temperatures
on record are predicted

Throughout the southland.

But outside it is paradise
tonight under beautiful...

[Ending theme plays]