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04x10 - Dream Lover

Posted: 01/08/22 08:10
by bunniefuu

MAGNUM: Hey, good news.

I found it.

♪ Come on and hold me ♪

♪ Just like you told me ♪

Well, I'm not sure that
this is entirely appropriate.

Don't do that.

Do what?

Act like this isn't what you wanted.

It was your idea to come out here.

Well, sure.
We're supposed to be working.

(CHUCKLES): Not whatever this is.

Oh, right. A stakeout.

Precisely. A stakeout.


Take a look around you.

There's nobody within miles of us.

♪ Tease me ♪

It's just us.

♪ Why don't you please me ♪

Here, let me help you with those.

- So, tell me...
- Uh...

What are we doing out here?

You can keep searching

for something you're never gonna find.

Or you can have what's been right here

in front of you the whole time.


Sod it.

This is a dream, isn't it?

I'm dreaming right now.


MAGNUM: Are you okay?

How long was I out?

Not long.

Pleasant dream?

I was having a nightmare.



It's : a.m.
Friedman should be here by now.

I don't know, I guess he likes
keeping the ladies waiting.

(YAWNS) As long as
we get these pictures.

I needn't remind you
how important this job is.

No, you needn't.

You told me like a dozen times already.

Mia Kang is the top
divorce lawyer on this island,

which makes her a private investigator's

proverbial golden goose.

If we can get evidence
that her client's husband

is cheating,

then she's sure to give us another job.

Plenty more jobs.

Well, if it means staying
late night in this car,

listening to you talk in your sleep,

then I'm all for it.

I was talking in my sleep?


Oh, heads up.

Here he is.


That's our Jared.

- And...

There's the girlfriend.

You are at my house right now?!

Oh, you're kidding.

I mean, why invite your boyfriend over

at : a.m. just to have an argument?

MAGNUM: Fact that he showed
up so late might be what set her off.


Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Looks like he's trying
to make it up to her.

Come on, lover boy, just
tell her what she wants to hear.

HIGGINS: Come on, Jared, charm her.

Come on. You can do it.

That's it.

- Yes!

Well done, old chap.

- Yeah.

There you go, buddy.


(CHUCKLES) Good Lord!

I mean, close the blinds.

Don't you think?

I mean, people could be watching.

How did he get naked so fast?


What are they gonna do with that?

- They're gonna put it somewhere.

- Oh!


- God.

- I...
- Well...


That escalated quickly.

Second double shot of the morning.

Or, as we in the industry call it,

a quad.

Must have been one hell of a stakeout.

Ugh, I think I got

three hours' sleep last night, if that.


With everything that's been going on

in the last couple weeks,

I, too, have my share of insomnia.

Hey, let me ask you something.

Uh, you know what's going on
with Thomas and Lia?

I mean, he hasn't really
mentioned her ever since

that whole thing
with her brother went down.

- Is everything okay with them?
- Uh, honestly,

I'm not sure.

I mean, I know that HPD put her on leave

and since then
she's been kind of distant.

And Thomas...

I think he wants to be there for her,

but it's complicated.

I mean, he was kind of
blindsided by the whole thing.

I can imagine.

Speak of the devil.

I'll have what she's having.

One quad, coming up.

About time, Thomas.

I assume you're late because you were

emailing Ms. Kang the photos

- from last night's stakeout?
- Nope.

Actually, I got 'em right here.

Figured I'd hand-deliver them.

You know, a little face time
might go a long way

in securing us more business.

Plus, I overslept,

which is why I had to rush

to get over here in time
for this meeting.

Don't rub it in.

I hardly had a wink.

Really? That's unfortunate,

because, uh, you didn't get
a chance to revisit

that dream you had last night,

which I understand was quite good.

I'm not going to tell you
about my dream, Thomas.

- All right? So drop it.
- Oh, you...

don't have to. I-I got the gist of it.

Anyway, we're gonna have to table that

because our client has arrived.

So, why don't you tell us
how we can help you, Emily?

I recently moved to Hawaii.

It's been about three
or four months now,

and I love it here.

But, well...

...meeting people hasn't
exactly been easy.


Which is probably why
I can't stop thinking about

this experience I had yesterday morning.

I was at my regular coffee shop

I like to bring a book and read there.

But it's also nice to get out
and talk to people.

Even if that's not always so easy.

- Oh!
- I am so sorry.

It's okay. Don't worry about it.

I should probably start looking
where I'm going.

I should probably stop carrying
half my worldly possessions

in my purse.

Well, uh, can I make it up
to you at least?

Can, um, can I buy you a muffin?

Oh, so much sugar in those things.

I-I mean, I just, I feel like
the muffin is just

a socially acceptable way
of eating cake for breakfast.


Yep. Fair point. Fair point.

Yeah, I'll take a muffin.

Takes a... a special kind of laziness

to misspell the name Michael.

Oh, no, no. They got it right.

(CHUCKLES): That's how it's spelled.


- Annalee?
- Uh, um...

No, actually, it's, um, Emily.

The girl who takes the orders

misheard my name once, and I just...

I didn't have the heart to correct her.


So, what do you do for work, Emily?

EMILY: He wanted to know
everything about me...

Where I was from, what I did,

what my interests were,
what kind of books I read.

And the conversation
just flowed so easily.

But then, out of nowhere,
he checked his watch and...

Oh, I am, I am so sorry.

I just remembered that I have
an appointment to get to.

Oh. Okay. (CHUCKLES)

But it was really great
meeting you, Emily.




Yeah, uh, bye.

Of course, I tried looking
him up on social media,

but he doesn't seem
to have a public profile.

HIGGINS: So, you would like

our help to find him?

(SIGHS) I know how crazy this sounds,

but I felt like I had
a real connection to Mikal.

And that kind of thing is rare.

And I just know that it will eat at me

if I don't at least try to find him.


can you help me?

Soon as we have some
information, we'll let you know.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Um, oh, you should know

that I already asked around
at the coffee shop,

and nobody there recognized Mikal

based on the description I provided.

I even managed to convince the manager

to look at credit card receipts.

But it seems like

- Mikal paid cash.
- Well, that is impressive.

Are you sure you even need our help?

I read a lot of detective novels.

Yeah. Well, we'll be in touch, Emily.

- Okay.

Okay, so, Emily already looked
into any possible leads

from the coffee shop,
so we may actually have

our work cut out for us.

I found him.

What? How?

Well, it turns out that
there are only six people

on this island with
a first name spelled M-I-K-A-L.

Two of them are women,
and, of the four men,

only one of them was born
between and ,

making him the age
that Emily approximated.

That was fast. I mean, she's
probably in the parking lot.

I'm gonna go get her.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Uh, that might be a little premature.

So, this man, Mikal Cisco,

doesn't have a driver's license.
So there's no photo online

by which we can her to confirm
that it's the correct guy.

Okay, so when you said you found him,

what you meant to say was
you think you found him.

I'm pretty certain it's him.

And, luckily, Mr. Cisco has
a local address in Mokapu,

so we can just swing by

and clap eyes on Prince Charming
in the flesh.


Okay, it's Mia Kang.

So her client doesn't even
want to see the photographs,

but she does want us

to serve her husband
with divorce papers today.

Well, I guess we'll just have to
divide and conquer.

I'll follow this lead,
and you can serve the papers.

Oh, okay. You get to do the fun stuff,

while I go chasing down some dirtbag

to serve him divorce paper?

Well, one of us has to
serve the papers, Thomas.

MAGNUM: Hey, Rick.

HIGGINS: Really, Thomas?

It's nothing he can't handle.

What's up?

Okay, so we're in a bit of a bind here.

The case that we're working on
really requires both of us,

and we also have to serve
papers for a client today.

You think you can help us out?

So, you want me to take time
away from my business

to help you run yours?

It's only gonna take
an hour of your time.

Plus, I'll make it worth your while.

Oh. How so?

If you serve the papers for us,

I will pay my bar tab in full
by closing tonight.


Well, that is one hell of
an offer, my friend.

Let me just make sure I have
all the deal points straight.

So, I take my valuable time

to help you serve this summons.

In exchange for doing you this favor,

you pay me back the money
that you already owe me?


But think about how long it'll take

for me to pay you back otherwise.

- Hmm?
- Deal.


I actually think it's romantic
Emily's willing

to take a big swing like this.

I mean, we all know
what it's like to regret

not pursuing somebody
you were interested in.

Sounds like there's
a bit of a story there.

Virginia Beach. Summer of ' .

I was playing Putt-Putt
with some friends,

and I saw the most
beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

We made small talk, and
I didn't get her number, though.

It haunted me
for the rest of the summer.

I mean, I must have gone back
like a dozen times

hoping I'd run into her,
but I never did.

I did, however, sink
a hole-in-one at the windmill.

Now it's funny,
every time I see a cute redhead,

I still think of this girl.

That's rather sweet.

What about you?

You have a missed connection story?

You know, somebody you couldn't
quite make it work out with?

Uh... No.

I don't think I do.

Come on. There's got to be somebody

you secretly pined for.

Even if it was just in a dream.

You know what? That's enough.

Why do you keep harassing me
about a stupid dream?

All right, look, I-I'm
going to tell you something,

and your first instinct is
gonna be to get embarrassed,

but you don't have to be ashamed.

You may have said my name
in your sleep last night.

Several times and in
a very suggestive manner.

(SIGHS) Fine.

Okay, I had a dream about you.

It was a sexy dream.

So? How was I?

I said sexy dream, Thomas.

Not sex dream. It was strictly PG.

Ah, it was at least PG- ,
if you ask me.


Look, I'm-I'm kidding, all right?

I-It was just a dream. Plus,
you just broke up with Ethan.

It's been a couple months, and,
you know, people have needs.

Throw in how much time
we spend together,

and, uh, it's kind of natural

I would pop up in a dream like that.


you've had those kind of dreams
about me?


Great. Great.

(CHUCKLES): I didn't think this
could get any more embarrassing,

but I see now that it can,
so thank you for that.


Emily described Mikal
as well-dressed and educated.

Well, not what I expected.




Huge waste of time.

No, I'm just gonna check
if it's unlocked.

I mean, if there's a photo
in there of Cisco,

we can check with Emily whether
or not it's the right guy.

Save us coming back.

I can't believe that I'm
the one who has to tell you

why breaking and entering is
not a great idea.

You do it all the time.

Yeah, but when I do it,
there's a sense of urgency.

Under these circumstances...

not so much.


You satisfied?


Let's go and check the back door.

See if there are any open windows.

All right.

Hey, Higgy, uh, check out the garden.

HIGGINS: It appears this Mikal Cisco

likes to cultivate a little marijuana.

- Oh, yeah.
- (g*n CLICKS)


Can I help you guys with something?

Sorry, we are private investigators

and we're actually looking for
a man named Mikal Cisco,

but clearly we're in the wrong place.

I'm Mikal Cisco.

You're Mikal Cisco?


Well, if that's the case,
then we definitely have the wrong man.

Sorry about that, but, uh,
we'll just be on our way.

Oh, you're not going anywhere.

You guys are trespassing on my property.

What'd you see?



But as my partner said, I
think we'll just be leaving.

And, uh, don't worry about us reporting

your little grow operation.

Whilst it's most definitely illegal,

I'm pretty sure nobody cares.

What the hell did he get me into?

Who exactly are you referring to?


A few months back, I was
picking up my disability check,

this guy walks up to me and says
if I let him use my identity

to get some job he's trying to score,

the checks will come here

and I can just cash them.

Salary was two times what
I normally get from the state.

I figured it was a no-brainer.

Although in retrospect,
I should've known

that something bad was gonna happen.

Is there anything else
you can tell us about this guy?

Yeah. He was six-one.

Brown hair. Slender face.

The description he gave
matches what Emily said.

Yeah, but why would that guy
assume Mikal's identity

to get a job for which
he would never get paid?

Would it be possible to see
one of those checks

that you've been given?


I was actually gonna go
to the check cashing place

later this afternoon.


Polaris Industrial Products.

I don't understand.

It's a lot to digest, I know.

But it appears as though
the man you met,

whoever he might be,

started working at Polaris

six weeks ago,

shortly after assuming
this Mikal Cisco's identity.

MAGNUM: It's a biotech firm

that's right around the
corner from the coffee shop.

But why would he lie about who he is?

Well, our best guess is

that he's either pulling
some kind of con,

or he's a corporate spy
after valuable secrets.

Either way,
you'd probably be best advised

to stop looking for him.

And forget you ever met him.

Yeah, at least now you can move on

knowing that wasn't meant to be.


You didn't meet him. I did.

And I think I would have
been able to tell

if he was that kind of person.

There's got to be
some other explanation,

and I need to know what it is.

Uh, you want us to continue
looking for him?

If anything, what you've said
only makes me more intrigued.

Plus, this is the most exciting thing

that's happened to me in years.

If that's what you want. Okay.

I mean, in addition to now
knowing where he works,

we have his photo
from his personnel file

and a cell phone number,

so actually it shouldn't take us long

to find out his real identity.

That's great.

- Thank you.

It's Rick.

Oh, right. Emily, I'll walk you out.

Okay. See you, Emily.


Don't tell me you already served
those papers?

Oh, I wish. I'm outside

the Friedman guy's
girlfriend's house right now.

His car is parked in the driveway.

I know he's in the house,
but he hasn't come out yet.

Okay, well, the best advice
I can give you is to sit tight.

You know, serving a summons is
a game of patience.

Yeah, but that is not something
I have a whole lot of right now.

I'm gonna be honest, I drank a bunch of

coffee and Red Bull before I got here.

I got to go to the bathroom badly.

Yeah. It's a rookie move.

Caffeinated drinks are your enemy.

Wide-mouth bottles are your friend.

Okay, I'm afraid to ask
the reason for that.

(CHUCKLES) Well, because in a pinch,

you can use a wide-mouth bottle

as a makeshift urinal.

Yeah, I thought you'd say that.

Look, I-I don't have time for this.

I got to go up and knock
on this guy's door

- and serve him.
- What if he doesn't answer?

I'll just wing it.

Okay, but I feel like I have
to warn you.

You only get one chance
to sh**t your shot.

'Cause once the defendant knows
you're onto him,

it's a lot harder to serve those papers.

Okay, well, you should know,

I don't have any wide-mouth
bottles in the car right now,

and I'm not about to
try my luck with a soda can.


(SOFTLY): Okay.

(EXHALES) All right,
this won't be awkward at all.

"Um, hi, you're served."

Ah. "Can I use the restroom?"

Okay, I think, uh,
that should work. I don't care.


Oh, hi. Uh, is Jared Friedman home?

Who's asking?

Orville Wright, esquire.

I represent the estate
of his distant uncle.

And we're trying to locate Jared

so he can claim his inheritance.

Nice try.

What are you serving him for?

- Divorce.
- Ah.

- About time. Come on in.
- Yeah.

Jared's just in the shower.

Uh, you want to have a seat?



Yes, thank you.



Can I get you some water while you wait?

Oh, no. Oh, no.

I am plenty hydrated, thank you.


How long have you and Jared been dating?

You mean how long has he been

sneaking around on his wife with me?

Going on about two years now.

Which is about as long
as he's been saying

he's gonna leave her.


He's too cheap
to spring for the divorce.

Ah, well, it does seem like

somebody's done the work for him.

Maybe now he'll get a job.


He always going on about how he's

this big feminist,
how he's so proud of me

and my really great career.

- Mm-hmm.
- And really he's just sponging off me.

Oh, and don't get me started
about the way he dresses.

I mean, I get it,

he's self-conscious about his bald spot.

But the fedora, it was not cool

even when it was in style.


And that was years ago.

Don't knock the fedora.

But h-how long do you think
he's gonna be in there?

(SIGHS) He was never in there.

I was distracting you
while he snuck out.


- Unbelievable.

Sorry. He put me up to it.

I really don't know why I stay with him.

Hey, that's the bathroom!

I know!


Rick ran into a little snafu
serving those papers.


His words.


Shocking that that is not

going as smoothly as you predicted.

In other news,

I've just gained access to
the city's traffic cam system.

So, there's a red light camera
on Punchbowl and Queen Street.

That's right where the coffee shop is.

Exactly. Now, we know that
Mikal arrived at the coffee shop

shortly after : a.m.,

so he should

be arriving in frame any moment.

Right there.

There he is.

He keeps looking over his shoulder.

Like he thinks he's being followed.

Must be why he went
into the coffee shop.

He was trying to get off the street.

Okay. I'm gonna jump forward
to when he leaves.

Should be about minutes later.

There he goes, but he still

looks like he's worried
he's being followed.

Are there any other cameras
you can pick him up on?


Looks like he turned onto South Street.


Who are those men?

MAGNUM: Don't know,
but that guy just flashed

something inside his jacket.

And I'm gonna guess

it's not a designer label.

No. Safe bet is it's a g*n.

Well, it seems like our mystery man

- was right to be nervous.
- Yeah.

Whoever he was running from,

looks like they just caught up to him.

Anything on that forensics report?


I'd ask "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

But you guys are nothing
if not predictable.

What do you need?

Well, we actually have something

we think you'd be interested to see.

We think this man was abducted

MAGNUM: We ran the plates,
it came back as a company vehicle,

registered to Polaris Industrial.

We dug a little deeper and were able

to identify these guys as
Polaris's corporate security.

HIGGINS: Their names are Tommy Alvarez

and Shane Whelan.

They used to work for HPD.

- Ever hear of them?
- I have, in fact.

Shane Whelan's my former partner.

You mean that partner?

That's the one.

To be clear, we're talking
about the guy that...

Slept with my ex-wife,
broke up our marriage.

Right. Got it.

I'm actually not surprised to hear

Whelan took a job in the private sector.

Guy was always chasing
after the quick buck,

taking on security
and body guarding gigs.

He also had a reputation for
playing things fast and loose.

Put a bunch of our cases in jeopardy,

failing to follow protocol.

If he didn't play by the book
when he was with HPD,

I'd hate to see what he's capable of

now that he's a corporate rent-a-cop.

HIGGINS: The man being
put in the car is Mikal Cisco.

We tried pinging his phone,

but it was powered off

shortly after Whelan
picked him up yesterday morning,

and it hasn't been turned back on since.

Tell you what. You guys keep
looking for this Cisco guy.

I'll pay Whelan a visit,
see what he has to say.

You sure about that?


I'm actually looking forward to it.

WHELAN: Gordon.

Good to see you.
Can I get you something?

Coffee? Water?

I'm good.



How's Beth?

Wouldn't know.

Not married to her anymore.

So I heard.

I hate to think I had
something to do with that.

No, I managed to screw that up
all on my own.


I'm looking into one of your employees,

a Mikal Cisco.

Maybe you can tell me

why Polaris security

picked him up off the street yesterday.

Because we found out
he isn't Mikal Cisco.

Yesterday, I got a call

from HR.

Seems someone was processing payroll

and discovered Cisco wasn't
who he claimed to be.

There were also concerns

that he was in possession
of company property, so...

we brought him back to the office,

searched him, confiscated his belongings

and revoked his credentials.

And you didn't think to call the police?

We felt it was better handled...


Right. Thing is,
the guy's phone was powered off

right around the time he was picked up.

Still hasn't been turned back on.

Now, that seems to imply he
might be in some kind of danger.

Once we were sure he wasn't
in possession

of company property,
he was fired and shown the door.

As for what happened to him next,

your guess is as good as mine.

I'm gonna need you to hand over

any possessions this man left behind,

including everything
that was on his desk

or in his office.


You may have a badge.

I've got an army of the most
expensive lawyers on the island.

Lawyers who can make your life
very difficult.

So, you sure you want to go
down that road?

Your company is under
no obligation to press charges.

But identity theft is still a crime,

as is tax evasion.

That's a warrant.

Have someone box up those
belongings for me right now.

Oh, and I'll take that coffee.

All right, man.
What you got going on now?

Well, I don't have to tell you.

The secret to pulling off a tactical op

is all in the planning.

Okay, I'll bite. What's the op?

Okay. I found out
this Jared guy is playing

in his regular pickup game
this afternoon

at Kanewai Park.

That's where I'm gonna serve him.

A wide-open space like that?

He'll see you coming from a mile away.

That's what I'm counting on. All right.

This is Jared.

This is me.

And what's that?

That's hot sauce.

- Okay.
- Okay.

So, Jared's playing hoops right here.

I approach him from this direction.

He sees me.

Takes off running towards Dole Street.

And that's...

where you come in.

You just said that was hot sauce.

Honestly, I was gonna use the pepper,

but I thought it might come off
like a race thing.

I didn't want to offend you.

Yeah. The only thing that
offends me is your stupidity.


So, what's my part
in this plan of yours?

You still friends with that cabbie?

What you got going on, man?

♪ Holy calamity, scream insanity ♪

♪ All you ever gonna be ♪

♪ Is another great fan of me... ♪


You all saw that, right?

Yeah. You all saw it.


RICK: Yoo-hoo, Jared.


MAN: Hey! WOMAN: Hey!

Just drive. Please.
Go, go, go. Step on it.





- Jared Friedman?
- Huh?

Congratulations, homeboy.

You've been served. Not a chance.




What the hell?!


This guy really doesn't want
to get divorced.


He's more slippery than, uh...

I don't know,
but something very slippery.

Can I make a suggestion?

Please do.

Look, given how tricky this guy is,

you might want to change your strategy.


It's like Grandmama used to say:

"You catch more bees with honey."

Wait, hang on. Don't bees make honey?

Isn't the phrase "You catch
more flies with honey"?

Eh, Grandmama wasn't all there,

especially in the end,
but you get my point.

Yeah. I get it.

I don't get it.



We found where
Mikal Cisco's been staying.

HIGGINS: GPS data from his
phone shows it regularly pinged

at a motel in Waimalu.

But unfortunately,
no one there has seen him

since he left for work
yesterday morning.

Yeah, I got some news myself.

I pulled a print off
the personal effects

Polaris security turned over, got a hit.

Now, your guy's real name
is Mason Adams.

He's in the system

for trespassing and unlawful assembly.

Seems he was charged
for protesting outside

Polaris's mainland office
in Emeryville, California.

- Do we know what he was protesting?
- Yeah.

Polaris was accused of selling
an herbicide that was cancerous.

Now, Mason's sister

was among the victims,
and he was part of

a class action suit against the company.

But the lawsuit and subsequent
appeals were all unsuccessful.

It seems we've got this guy all wrong.

He's not a corporate spy.

He blames Polaris
for his sister's death.

Yeah, and now he's trying
to take down the company.

LAWYER: Mason was one of
the first plaintiffs

to join the class action suit.
He was also instrumental

in getting other families to sign on.

And throughout it all...
The trials and appeals,

all the setbacks... He never gave up

trying to get justice for his sister.

Did you have any idea that
Mason was in Hawaii,

and that he'd got a job
at the Polaris offices here,

by assuming someone else's identity?

I didn't.

We actually, uh, lost touch

shortly after the last appeal failed.

Then last week,
he called me out of the blue.

Said that he was about to come
into possession

of the evidence that we needed.

Do you know what he was
referring to specifically?

No, but I can guess.

Our legal team has
multiple sources on record

saying that Polaris knew that
their herbicide was carcinogenic

and that it was k*lling people.

But despite securing discovery
requests for tens of thousands

of internal documents,
we were never able to get

the hard evidence that we needed.

So, that's what he was after.
Those internal documents.

If they existed anywhere,
it would be in Hawaii.

At Polaris's worldwide headquarters.

Well, thank you for your time.

If we have any more information,
we'll let you know.

Please do.

So, Mason was smart
to use Mikal Cisco's identity.

Any connection to his sister
would have raised red flags

when he applied for that job.

Yeah, but something still
tipped them off

to the fact that Mason wasn't
who he said he was.

Mason told the lawyer
he was about to come

into possession of evidence
that they needed, right?

What if he actually got it?

I mean, maybe that's why
he was so concerned about

being followed after he left
the office yesterday morning.

Big corporations like Polaris,

they keep all their documents digitally.

So, if Mason downloaded something,

there would be a record
of it on the server log.

Is there any way to hack in
and find out?

Actually, I'm already in.

Okay. What am I looking at?

Look. Right here.

Mason's credentials were used

to download files
at : yesterday morning.

That's less than minutes
before he met Emily.

Okay, so after years of searching,

he finally has the evidence he needs.

And instead of calling his lawyer

or racing home to email the files,

he goes into a coffee shop

and has a friendly conversation
with a cute girl?

It does seem strange,
but you have to remember

he was concerned about
being followed, right?

Maybe he was just trying to lay low.

Emily said that
when she first met Mason,

he accidentally knocked
her purse to the ground.

- I am so sorry.
- That's okay. It's okay.

Maybe it wasn't an accident at all.

What if he staged that meeting in order

to drop those files into her purse?

Well, that's why he asked her
so many questions.

So he can track her down
when he was certain it was safe.

Except there was no later.

Not if Polaris security is
still holding him

and trying to figure out
what happened to those files.

And if they get him to talk,
then Emily's in danger.



Voice mail again.

Just keep trying.






You okay?

Yeah. What happened?

Well, they stormed inside and...

kept asking me if I had
what Mikal gave me.

I told them I had no idea
what they were talking about.

That he-he didn't give me anything.

Other than a-a fake name, apparently.

And then they tied me up and
started tearing up the place.

Where's the purse that you had
at the coffee shop yesterday?

Oh, uh, y-yeah. It's right here.

- Got it.
- Right.

Now we just need to figure out
where they're holding Mason.


There's a lot that
we have to catch you up on.

All right, the guy you met
at the coffee shop yesterday,

he had a target on his back.

That's why he put
this SD card in your bag.


He used me?

Yes, but only

because he was cornered,

and he felt he had no other option.

He didn't tell them he put the SD card

in your purse because they
would've known to check there.

My guess is that they retraced his steps

and figured out that
you were the last person

he had contact with at the coffee shop.

Oh. Wow.

Uh, that is, uh, a lot to take in.

I just checked his cell phone.

He texted Whelan ten minutes ago

to say that they couldn't find anything

and they needed help.

So, Whelan is on his way?


No, he's already here.

Grab him. Let's go. Let's go.

Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on.

Well, the good news is,
he brought Mason to us.


But, unfortunately, he also
brought plenty of backup.

Katsumoto says that HPD is en route,

but the closest unit is still
ten minutes away.

Okay. Let's, uh, assess the situation.

The good news is, we have g*ns.

Yeah, but the bad news is,

we're still outnumbered two to one.

If we try to hold off Whelan and his men

until HPD get here,

things could get very ugly very fast.


I think I have an idea.


MAGNUM: Sorry, Shane.

Your boy can't make it
to the phone right now.

Oh, you must be the P.I. who's
trying to track down Mason.

And you're Shane Whelan,

former HPD, current head of security

for Polaris Industrial.

Now that we got the
introductions out of the way,

let's talk about how we're gonna

resolve this situation.

Yeah, it's pretty simple, really.

You have seconds
to come out the front door,

lay down any weapons you have,

and then we're coming in.

Mr. Adams here is gonna show us

exactly where he hid those files.

I'm sorry, but, uh,
I can't agree to those terms.

Here's my counter.

The way I see it,
we both have something of value.

You have Mason,

and we have the stolen files.

So, how about this?

Just a one-to-one exchange.

Everyone wins, no one gets hurt.


But you try anything and...

Well, you know what happens to him.



You can't give it to them!

Situation's too dangerous.

It's the only way.

And I believe these two
also belong to you.

Leave him.

MAGNUM: Come on.


I'm so sorry for dragging you into this.

I was desperate.

And you looked like a kind person.

Someone I could trust.

I understand.

At least, I think I do.

Th-This is a lot to, um...

wrap my head around, honestly.

I was so close.

I had the evidence.

MAGNUM: You mean, uh...

Talking about this evidence?


If these are the stolen files,
what did you just give Whelan?

What the hell?

Gentlemen, I apologize
if this is a bad time.

But unfortunately you're
all under arrest.

You know the drill, Shane.

It's a good thing you have
all those expensive lawyers.

You're gonna need them.

With the charges I'm facing,
I'll be out in under six months.

Maybe, but if the prisoners
you're inside with

find out you're an ex-cop,

six months is gonna feel
like a long time.

Thank you.


Hey, a customer just showed up
with this coupon.

"Come enjoy a free meal for
two and bottomless Mai Tais"?

Who's this guy trying to fool?

This looks like somebody made it

with limited knowledge
of Microsoft Word.

Actually, I think
I did a pretty good job.

- You did this?
- Yeah.

I was just following your advice.

Or Granny's, rather.


Welcome to La Mariana.

Your server will be right with you.

Oh, wait. You just got served.


You got me.

Now, if you don't mind,
my girlfriend and I are trying

to enjoy our dinner.

Oh, no, I-I don't think you understand.

There is no dinner.

It was all a trap.

That coupon that you brought...

It's fake. Not real.

I made it up. It's a trap.

I own this place.

You told me you were
treating me to a special dinner.

Babe... (CHUCKLES)

We only came here

because you had a coupon?

- We are done.

For real this time.



You know what?

First round's on me.





There you are.

Thought you might want to hear.

Rick was finally able
to get the summons served.

Told Mia Kang, and she was very pleased.

Said she had some more work
to send our way.

Well, that's great news. Agreed.

But now I have to go to La Mariana,

and close out my tab.

Gordie's gonna meet me for
a drink if you want to join.

Oh, thanks for the invite.


still really tired from the stakeout.

I'm just gonna finish this glass
and go to bed.

Fair enough.

Ha! Good.

So, you've run out of dream jokes, then?

No, no. I figured you've, uh,
taken enough abuse for one day.

Besides, I meant what I said.

I-It doesn't mean anything.

It's just a random sex dream.

(LAUGHS): It's not a sex dream, Magnum.

Okay, well, the point is,

you don't have to feel weird
about it, all right?

Doesn't mean anything.

I don't, and I agree completely.

I'll see you later.

Hi, Dr. Ogawa. It's, uh, Juliet Higgins.

And I was wondering if I could
come in and see you this week.

Something's come up.



I had that dream again.


Is this seat taken?

Um, it's not.

And you don't even have to knock
over my purse to claim it.


Well, thank you.

And, uh...

thanks again for agreeing to meet me.

I see they got
your name right this time.

Her name was Kate.

My sister.

She helped run the family farm
while I went away to school.

I guess I never thought
it was fair that, uh,

I got a degree and she got cancer.

So I promised myself

that I would do everything I could

to hold Polaris accountable
for what they did to her.

Well, you accomplished that.

So, uh, what's next?

I don't know.

But I do know that
there's nothing waiting for me

on the mainland.

Which is why I was thinking of

staying in Hawaii for a while.

See how I like it here.


I'm really glad

that you decided
to track me down, Emily.


Me, too. (LAUGHS)

So, tell me more about you.