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04x11 - A Thousand Deaths

Posted: 01/10/22 08:39
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on the The Shield: Wanna have dinner?

You work with Vic. We barely see each other.

Carl, Scooby, you guys on foot? Oh, Jesus.

What happened to those police officers?

k*lled somewhere, dumped here.

We seized this house last month.

Somebody's certainly making his point.

Antwon k*lled Angie in front of me and Army.

He did it with our g*ns. Will you help me?

You want Pitarrio? Where's your stash?

Where's your stash?

We find the dead girl's body, you get this back.

ANTWON: Vendrell and the burrito boy?

They were dirty way before I got anything on them.

It's bullshit.

Just trying to take down as many of us as he can.

Let him have his way? They pass the lie detector, they'll be fine.

Captain's not buying your tall tales, Antwon.

She bought the one about me knowing nothing about dead cops.

You'll never find out who offed them pigs.

MAN: Now, I need you to tell the truth.


MAN: ls your name Shane Vendrell?


MAN: Are you currently the mayor of New York City?

SHANE: Heh. No.

Have you ever lied to keep yourself out of trouble?


MAN: Have you ever won the gold medal in women's gymnastics?



MAN: Are you married?

SHANE: Yeah.

MAN: Do you have children?


MAN: Have you ever been unfaithful to your wife?


Eating ain't cheating.

I've been fielding calls all day by people very angry we put away Antwon Mitchell.

He confessed to murdering a teenage girl.

Mitchell's always claimed we're targeting him.

Now he's screaming that Vendrell's dirty.

People think we're trying to cover our ass.

That's bullshit. I know.

I just need you to explain it to them.

I'd be a little nervous.

VIC: Yeah.

So how are we supposed to beat this thing?

Well, it's easier if you're a pathological liar or a narcissist.

All right, so Shane's safe. What do we do about Army?

I heard putting a tack in your shoe messes up the results.

VIC: Yeah, along with your foot.

Tack in your shoe.

Bar of soap under the armpit. No proof they work.

Plus, if they catch you, they know you're lying.

Come on, Smitty, what do we do?

All right, you be the interrogator.

Ask me about some crime you think I did.

You like little Asian boys?

Let's say I did.

I do what they call a substitution.

I'd replace your question in my mind with another question to which the truthful answer is no.

I might ask myself, do I have $10 million in the bank?

I answer no.

The polygraph records the response as truthful.

That really works?

You do it right, yeah.


VIC: Got no choice.

Captain's got a spotlight on all of us until you two pass that lie-detector test.

We got a few days to practice.

We can do it.

The officer Mitchell propositioned was undercover.

We heard he was corrupt.

That's Mitchell's allegation. We're investigating.

WOMAN: I was at your first meeting.

RAWLING: I remember. That councilman said seizures breed police corruption.

I have the officers involved taking a polygraph test.

I will be happy to make those results public.

MAN: We also hear you're trying to blame Antwon for those dead police.

RAWLING: We're investigating all leads.

Investigate yourself.

Taking people's houses is what got them k*lled.

Now you hide it.

How much longer you gonna let these seizures go on?

RAWLING: We don't know what got those officers k*lled.

But attacking the seizure policy isn't gonna help us find it.

We're re-evaluating the seizures entirely.

This department is not interested in any policy that inflames the community or leads to cops' deaths.


Here. The files you were looking for.

Nailing Antwon's really shaken things up.

What's the fallout on the street?

Naturally, decapitating the One-Niners has created a power vacuum.

Now a few of his sloppy seconds wanna try on the crown.

So how do we take advantage?

Hit them up for info on our dead cops before the dust settles.

Or at least until Antwon sets up shop in prison, circles the wagons again.

You think Antwon's lying, One-Niners are responsible?

Don't you?

Hit 'em hard.


But I need Shane and Army.

Not until they clear the polygraph.

That's not until next week. I need guys now.

Just let them work on who k*lled Carl and Scooby. Nothing else.

They only work the cops' murders.

Anything goes sideways with them, it is on you.

Got it.


SHANE: Looks like Antwon Mitchell isn't the only One-Niner on his lawyer's buddy list.

I knew that shylock was dirty.

Officer of the court running errands for Antwon Mitchell?

Gives us a good card to play with Halpern.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?

Lighting up. No, you're not.

I finally got something nice where the A.C. actually works. Toss it.

I'll blow the smoke out the window.

Or you can blow me.

I want this to smell like rich Corinthian leather, not an ashtray. Come on.


ACEVEDA: I heard what happened this morning.

Phillips threw you to the wolves.

He hauled me in front of Antwon's true believers and promised them that he'd re-evaluate the seizure policy.

It's a real shame you weren't there to witness your handiwork.

He's linking it to Carl and Scooby getting k*lled.

Is it?


We don't know.

If you can prove the killings had nothing to do with the seizures...

However it breaks, it breaks.

I'm not suggesting slanting evidence.

I'm offering you an olive branch.

High enough to hang myself from?

I don't like people capitalizing on cop killings.

I'm willing to talk to the chief on your behalf, on behalf of the seizures.


If you agree to a few modifications.

Such as no auctioning properties until the suspects are actually convicted.

That leaves money in escrow accounts for years instead of in the community where we need it.

It's an olive branch.

Thanks for your offer.

I think I can take care of Phillips.

And, listen, anybody gives you shit, you come find me.

Get on the horn and you call me.

Go get your nails done, girls.

We need some quality time with big poppa. Screw.

What? You already got Antwon sitting down.

That deal we were discussing prior to your accident, it's back. What is it with you guys?

I look like I got a pork chop around my neck?

Antwon's lawyer went straight from the men's jail to a meet-and-greet with a cat named Weed, you know him?


Thought you're next in line.

White smoke coming out of Antwon's cell, man.

Means he's anointing Weed as his new pope of dope.

We're trying to figure out whose side we're on.


You fools still playing that dirty-cop shit?

Shithead, we don't wanna get in business with you.

We're looking for the guys who k*lled our cops.

I already gave you the El Salvadorans.

No one specific.

And all we got to was that street-level assh*le, Pitarrio.

You're out of ICU. You're reconnected to the street.

You must've heard something new.

VIC: This guy's not a player. Let's go talk to Weed.

Hold up, hold up, hold up.

When Antwon got with the Salvadorans he only talked to one guy.

Cat named Gusano.

Where do I find this maggot Gusano?

He deals to Pitarrio.

Now, how you gonna handle Weed for me, huh?

You're looking at a bunch of bona fide weedwackers.


SHANE: Hey, Weed.

You wanna hang up the phone there, superstar?

Grab some skull, dickhead.

You know, it's funny, man. I see your mouth moving, but I don't hear you saying nothing.

Yeah? Can you hear me now?

Any of you guys smell the sickly-sweet odor of ganja?

Yeah, all right. Come on, man, it's the 21st century.

That old-school trickery, it ain't gonna fly in these last days.

You'll be locked up a week before the judge drops the charges.

Antwon's gone, man.

One-Niners are deciding who's got next.

Can you really afford to be benched?

Especially with Halpern on the campaign trail.

Look, check this out.

Quit beating me in my head conversation.

What is it y'all want?

Give us something that gets us our cop K*llers I guarantee you Halpern goes down in the polls.

All right. Word on the street, some kids running their mouth talking about some dead cop's g*n.

Where'd you hear that shit?

n*gga named Jamani. He stay down on Grape Street.

He run g*ns, you know, to the street struggle.

So Halpern really wants to squabble, huh?

You got my back, right?

Hey, this tip pans out the street will be kissing your ring before you know it.


I'm going to Giovanni's. You want lunch?

Chicken parm. You need cash?

No, get me later. What about him?

CLAUDETTE: Dutch hates Giovanni's.

I'll pick up some wine on the way.

I can do it. You've got such a long day.

I don't mind. Chardonnay, right?

My favorite.

DUTCH: I know what you like.

Uh, I gotta go. I'll see you tonight.

See you then.



Where are you on Scooby and Carl?

CLAUDETTE: We've talked to all the neighbors twice.

We've papered the town with fliers.

Crime-scene reports haven't turned up anything new.

I want you back in regular rotation.

You're taking us off the cop K*llers?

You can provide support. But I can't let this trail get colder.

This case will break. May take six months, six hours, you know that.

Six months is good enough for you?

Every spare moment you have, work on Scooby and Carl.

But I've got Vic looking into it, so bring him up to speed.



Oh, shit.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I was on my way home from work. Oh.

And I really need to tell you something.

Everything all right? Yeah.

Actually, I've been seeing someone.

Well, I've seen a few people since the separation.

We're allowed.

You kind of work with this person.



You're kidding me.


How the hell did that happen? It just did.

You just said dating was allowed. It is.

Just know this guy's a first-rate assh*le.

No, he's not. We're always riding this prick.

He's got a bug up his ass about me.

He just wants to get back at me through you.

That's ridiculous.

I'm just telling you the truth. Do what you want with it.

I'm not gonna do anything with it. Fine.

You didn't tell him about the money I gave you, did you?

No, of course not. I didn't tell anyone.

Good. Don't.

I gotta go.

Wait, you're not gonna do anything, are you?

What would I do?

Please, don't get in the middle of this.

Forget I said anything.

Fine. Kiss the kids, will you?

Okay, bye.

Got an address on Weed's tip. Guy bragging about the cop g*n.

All right, go pick him up.

We'll try to find Gusano, we'll trace it back to Antwon.


RONNIE: Not your most ingenious prank.

Yeah, but it felt good.


Pitarrio, get out here!


WOMAN: I have a g*n, I'll sh**t.

We're the police.

WOMAN: Bullshit. I know who you are.

We're coming in. We'll sh**t.

Me too. Stop.

VIC: Where's Pitarrio? WOMAN: Gone.

Where to?

He lost something he was holding.

He knew the Salvadorans would come to k*ll him.

VIC: What did he lose?

Heroin, a kilo.


Where'd he lose this kilo?

Look, we're not here to bust you.

I'm Pitarrio's cut-up girl. The Salvadorans can't find him, they'll come after me next.

I thought you were them.

Then why'd you come back here?

Thought maybe I could grab some product, or some tools to sell.

Pitarrio left without paying me.

I got nothing for us.

Who's got you and Pitarrio so scared?


Dealer named Gusano.

You know where we could find him?

Vic. Vic, come here.

She was here when I roughed Pitarrio up and took that heroin as collateral.

So if she's running, it's because of me.

She see you take it? I don't know.

Come on, let's just get out of here.

And leave her hanging? No way.

SHANE: What do we do with them?

Pack a bag. Pack a bag, let's go.

W-What exactly did you tell him?

I told him that we were seeing each other.

Yeah, how'd he take it?

He said that you two weren't exactly the strangers you said you were.

Well, we've bumped heads over a case or two.

But you know Vic.

We need to talk about this.

Listen, I hate to do this to you.

But I'm looking at a dead body right now. I've gotta go.

Okay, I'll still see you at 8?

Sure. If this... If this case wraps up, sure.


CLAUDETTE: Louis Saldera, 21.

Took four sh*ts at close range.

Do we know the car yet?

Saldera's registered owner of a 2003 Honda.

Still wet.

Maybe there's a witness. Somebody was here recently.

You're not gonna wash your car with a dead body next door.

Yeah, don't be so sure.

I'll post a squad car out front.

But trust me, no one's gonna find you.

Gusano thinks I know where Pitarrio is, or that I have the heroin.

Last woman he thought crossed him?

His man held her down, stuck a rat in her p*ssy till she bled to death.

That's a street fairy tale cholos have been spinning for years.

Well, something happens to me, make sure somebody takes care of my boy.

Nothing's happening. You let me take care of Gusano.

After that, things can change.

I'm out of a job.

Can't exactly collect unemployment.

And H-cutter don't look good on no résumé.

You could clean up your act.

Start fresh.

I don't see where you have much of a choice.

I'm helping you this time.

Next time, I'll be arresting you.

Besides, how old is this kid? What, 2, 3?



He seems small.

We take care of ourselves.

RONNIE: But the good news is, this g*n guy, Jamani, works alone.

Come on, dude, put that shit out.

This is my car.

This guy deals in filed-down g*ns and sawed-off shotguns.

Gotta be careful.

We'll try not to get your hair messed up.


I can't go through with this lie detector.

SHANE: That's just jitters.

We'll get you back to Smitty's, get you strapped in.

Hey, we got three days to practice.

I mean, we're gonna beat this thing based off the tips of a g*dd*mn locksmith?

Smitty was Army intelligence for 12 years before he got into keys.

I was in the service.

A.I. means he was carrying extra batteries for the field radio.

Look, man, Vic put his ass on the line for us. So did these guys.

We just need to be calm and concentrate. Answer these questions that we ask.

We're gonna get through this.

Bro, I... Don't "bro" me.

Now, this is a team.

And it all comes down to us delivering.

We're not gonna let these guys down.

Let's go find this assh*le and see what he knows.

RAWLING: We hear you fix g*ns for Grape Street, Jamani.

Anyone approach you with a slain officer's g*n?

Looks like you got some bad information.

We found three silencers and a stash of unregistered handguns in your crib.

Unless you wanna hone your legal skills in Soledad, you better tell us about the g*n you heard about.

African cat stepped to me with it.

Told me how he needed the numbers filed off.

What kind of piece?

It was a Beretta 92F.

I told Kunta Kinte he could take that business somewhere else.

He came in acting all arrogant, high and mighty and shit.

This dude called me a n*gg*r, like G-E-R.

RAWLING: What's his name?

I don't know.

We'll need you to look at some mug books.

No. Later for that.

I didn't even get a good look at him.

Hey, man, this guy's great, great, great grandpappy sold one of your ancestors to the man.

You really wanna let him get away with acting like he's better than you?

GIRL: I heard something loud.

Came over to the window to see what it was.

What'd you see?

No one's gonna know your name.

I only saw one car.

And it was dark blue and old.

This was about a minute after the sh*ts.

1990's? '80's?

I'm really not good with cars.

Older, I think. Like a classic.

We're back from the car wash. Victim was a Latino.

k*lled during a carjacking.

Girl heard the sh*ts.

She didn't see the k*ller, but saw a witness.

sh**t had Los Mag g*ng tats, drove the stolen car.

Two other Latino males followed him in a black BMW.

Sounds like your witness called in.

Wouldn't give a name, but he caught a lot of detail.

911 get his number?

No, called the switchboard.

He knew how to keep his name and voice out of it.

Hey, man, what you got? Unis papered the neighborhood for the Nigerian named Ade Achebe.

Lives here. He was trying to clean a cop's g*n.

From the make, it looks like Carl's.

Any connection to the Niners? Haven't seen one.

But he's on a Homeland Security watch list.

So is every African that's entered the country since 9/11.

What's the big deal? You can fit them all in a phone booth.

[WHISPERS] Ronnie, Army, take the back.

Hey, man, we got a warrant?

Just my winning smile.

Anybody else hear those cries for help?

[QUIETLY] Police.

Clear. VIC: Here we go. Here.


[ECHOING] Six-Paul-Eleven.


That's another radio. Hit it again.


Keep hitting it. Six-Paul-Eleven.

[ECHOING] Six-Paul-Eleven.

Test, one, two. Test, one, two.



Test, one, two.


So somebody ex*cuted our best lead?

VIC: We found Scooby's radio.

Any g*ns? Nope.

Well, he could have bought that radio in a pawnshop.

VIC: Or took it from him after he k*lled him.

This guy couldn't subdue Carl and Scooby on his own.

The whole neighborhood knew we were looking for a Nigerian.

Maybe his accomplices heard too and tried to tie things up.

Feels like it's moving away from Antwon.

Might not even be seizure-related.

I wouldn't rule him out just yet.

We haven't found his Salvadoran hookup, Gusano.

This reads mob to me.

The neighbors are screaming blue justice.

Payback for one of our own.

Let them stick their fingers up his ass.

He's been cold for hours.

We just got here.

We just need to get a fix on what direction this is going.

El Salvadorans, Nigerians. Just get me answers.

We should talk to Vic. Maybe he could find out if our dead guy was beefing with another g*ng.

We can do anything he can do.

Including dating his wife?

Ex-wife. And we're friends.

You wanna keep secrets, go ahead.

But when it starts interfering with our investigations, give it up.

It's just weird timing right now.

Maybe you should be the one to talk to him.

Where are you going?

Blue classic car. Well-maintained.

That's a classic?

It is to Billings.

You're not serious.

Witness knew enough to call the switchboard instead of 911.

You're just mad at him because he took our cases.

Witness with a spot-on knowledge of g*ng tattoos?

I'm still not there yet.

That's dried soap.

I thought he was supposed to be getting you lunch.

So, what's up?

DUTCH: We're stuck on this carjacking m*rder.

Thought you might be able to help us out.


Anything you wanna tell us about it?

What do you mean?

The anonymous caller who witnessed the sh**ting provided a lot of detail.

Very thorough.

Called the switchboard. Recognized g*ng tats.

Your car is streaked with dried soap like you rushed out of there without having time to rinse.

Dried soap? We had Nicole's blood in O.J.'s bedroom and look at what good that did us. Give me a break.

We got the bills back from the car wash.

Your fingerprints were on some of them.

You guys must've broken the world record.

I can't get anything back from those rats in a day.

So it'll take a day. But when it does come back, we gonna find yours?

All right, I was there.

I'm here because I didn't feel like committing su1c1de today.

Come on, I was 15 feet away from two armed bangers who already had their g*ns out.

That's not being a coward.

That's living to fight another day.

Why didn't you report it?

I called in and told them what I saw. Every detail.

If I didn't care, would I have done that?

You should've called us instead. Why, so the people here could think I didn't do something to stop it?

Did you?

I was outnumbered and outgunned.

Come on.

You know you can't show weakness in this house.

You saw how they treated Reynolds when they caught him bawling his eyes out.

Or Lowe, when his boyfriend threw a hissy fit.

They still make f*g jokes behind his back.

It wouldn't be like that.

After what happened to Carl and Scooby everybody's looking over their shoulder.

They give us this badge and a g*n.

And they expect us to act like Superman.

Like I'm not a middle-aged guy who could use a few more hours a week on the treadmill.

You're both smart.

You got the facts.

I gotta work with the people here.

Keep me out of this?


What are you doing?

I'm practicing for the damn polygraph.

Listen, dude, you're gonna pass it.

And after you do, you should get out.

For real?

Look, this team gets into a lot of shit.

You're telling me now?

We always say we're through.

Okay, but if you're not in a hundred percent split while the going's good.

Because you're either built for it or you're not.

Hey, techies pulled a slug out of that dead guy's wall.

Ballistics don't match Carl or Scooby's g*ns.

INS gave us his roommate off an expired visa.

Ididsa Okoye.

It's Okoye with me, if it's Okoye with you?

Sponsored by a family out of Long Beach.

If Okoye ex*cuted his roomie, he's gonna need a place to hide.

So grab your swimsuits, we're headed to Long Beach.

Lem, Ronnie, go around back.

LEM: You got it, man.

Come on, Ronnie, let's go down the side.

Ididsa Okoye, is he here?

Is he inside? Speak English?



VIC: Get them out of here.

SHANE: Army.

Army, get these kids out of here.

VIC: Police! Come on, buddy.

ARMY: All right, come here.

Come on.


Sounds Russian.

You ready? Go. Yeah.





Let's go, he's empty.

Don't move.

You all right?

He's down. He's down.



Hey, thank you. Yeah.




Don't move. Hey, hey.

We're cops. Farmington P.D.

You wanna sh**t somebody, I volunteer this guy.


When we responded to sh*ts fired, we found this guy fleeing from the scene.

He involved in the sh**ting?

That's Ididsa Okoye. His sister lives here.

Yeah, well, we found this on him.

It's Carl's.

Hey, man, you just snagged yourself a cop k*ller.

Where's your partner?

He's in the restroom.

I've got a m*rder I could use some help on.

I'll be with you in a second.

I heard you're banging my ex.

Trying to get my attention? No, it's...

I hope you're thinking that through.

VIC: By the way, we just picked up one of the guys who k*lled Carl and Scooby.

That's great. Yeah.

Weren't you primary on that?

Yeah, well, we're all here to help each other out, right?


RAWLING: You are in deep shit.

We know you k*lled two police officers.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

Why were two Russians holding your family hostage, waiting for you?

Let's start with the cops.

Did Antwon Mitchell hire you to k*ll them?


Why were the bodies left in a seized house?

Look, I don't know how it works back home in lion country, but here you get the needle for k*lling cops.

Give yourself a chance, you start talking.

Naming names.

You say I k*lled someone?

I say you are wrong.

They found a police radio in your apartment.

You had one of their g*ns on you when they picked you up.

Both were taken off the bodies after they were k*lled.

I am tired now. I'm going to take a nap.

Okay. Settle down.

Now, even cop K*llers have rights.

Sleeping just isn't one of them.

This guy doesn't even know to ask for a lawyer.

Give me the night. I'll get him to own up to stabbing our guys.

It just doesn't add up. Why are the Russians involved?

We'll figure it out.

Looks like it has nothing to do with the seizures.

Well, isn't that a good thing? Yes.

Vic. The Russian guy from the house won't say a word, but I tied him to Carl and Scooby.

Pulled his boss over a few weeks back.

Clocked him doing 50 in a school zone.

They got into some kind of argument and they tossed the guy in lockup overnight.


Carl liked to get in people's faces.

They got k*lled over a speeding ticket?

DUTCH: We need you to ID the sh**t on the record.


Unis pulled over the stolen car. He was Los Mag, long rap sheet.

So why do you need me? Because he's not talking.

We don't know who his accomplices are.

We didn't find a m*rder w*apon.

You're the best detectives. Tell him you got 10 witnesses.

Break this assh*le and get him to confess.

We tried. You're our only eyewitness.

CLAUDETTE: Look, I know you're scared.

BILLINGS: Come on.

Can you honestly say that you wouldn't have done the same thing?

I know I'm an assh*le for asking.

But please take another crack at this guy. I'm begging.

Well, don't.

Ever heard of Andrei Tretiak?

He's Russian organized crime.

Same as the comrades who were holding your family hostage.

RAWLING: You're safe and sound here in the police station.

But what about them?

They already k*lled your roommate.

And we stopped them before they r*ped and tortured your family.

Well, next time, they'll be quick.

They might let the kids live but only if they cut their eyes out so they can't be identified.

I mean, it's over for you.

It was over the moment you k*lled our two officers.

But I'm giving you a chance to save the lives of your sister and the rest of them.

How would you protect them?

We'd move them out of state.

But you have to give us a statement and leave nothing out.

VIC: Did Tretiak hire you?

I can't say. Achebe arranged everything.

Well, while we're gluing his brains back together, you give us something on these Russians.

Just did what Achebe asked.

RAWLING: And what was that?

Well, he was given names and pictures.

We followed them, your officers, and we waited for our opportunity.

Then they went into an apartment, so we opened a manhole cover.

When they came back, we told them we heard a child below.

So they bent down to look.

That's when I stabbed the Asian one in the back of the neck. He was paralyzed.

Couldn't move his arm.

But the other one, the black one, he fought hard.

So I went to help Achebe.

We stabbed him, we kept stabbing him, but he wouldn't die.

And then we...

We heard the Asian one.

He was still breathing.

So I went, took him down and finished him as well.

Cut him here.

And then we carried them into the building.

The one you had stolen.

Just as Achebe was instructed.

VIC: We straight?


Hey, I just wanted to say that it really means a lot to everyone that you guys nailed those assholes who k*lled Carl and Scooby.

This old team still has a few new moves.

We still gotta get the Russian string-pullers.

Also, we got a lead on Antwon's Salvadoran connection.

A guy named Gusano.

You still think Antwon's involved?

Well, we think he might be connected somehow.

We're on the way over there now.

Shane and Army have other business first.

Polygraph in 10 minutes. g*ng Central.

I thought that was next week.

You know the public pressure we're getting on this.

If I'm to stand up for this team, I need assurances, and I need them now.

If you can put it off till tomorrow, this Salvadoran might fill in some blanks for us.

These two are staying.

Anyway, good work.

Did you have to get such a pretty tester?

Try and relax.

I'm just, uh, saying you got my heart rate up.

Could you take a few points off for me, darling? Heh-heh.

I'm gonna ask you a series of questions first.

Just to make sure the machine's working properly.

Make your answers accurate and honest.

Is your name Shane Vendrell?



What's up?

I'm here to talk about Pitarrio and his heroin cutter, Emolia Melendez.



Yo, man, it's a friendly visit.

Since when have cops been so friendly?

Pitarrio lost something of yours.

Emolia was worried that you might blame her too.

I helped her to get it back.

Now I'm helping to make it right.




Tell her to relax, don't even trip.

As soon as I tell you to stay the hell away from her and her kid.

Thank you very much. It was very nice to meet you.

Hey, it's not that bad.

RAWLING: Army, let's get started.

I'm not taking it.

You're what? Mm-mm.

I talked to my PBA rep and he said I can refuse to take it.

But we got... We got nothing to hide.

And I can't get penalized for it.

He said polygraphs are subjective and the results aren't worth shit.

And that's why they're not admissible in court.

This isn't about covering your own ass.

We have to prove that we didn't set up Antwon.

If people believe that, they'll think we framed our cop k*ller.

Everything will fall apart.

I'm sorry, that's not my problem.

It is about everyone in here and how people think of us out there.

You are screwing every single cop in this building.

This has nothing to do with anybody else. This is about taking care of me.

Look, the guy's just nervous. I can...

No, it's too late!

ACEVEDA: The injunctions are keeping the gangs indoors.

I'm surprised to say it.

But Monica's policies are taking an effect.

The public sees us as having our boot on their neck.

When does the press get good?

We're seeing a difference.

Somebody just has to report it. Don't shut it down now.

ACEVEDA: She brought down Antwon Mitchell.

You've been pissing on her policies. Why the change?

I'm allowed to re-evaluate my position, as long as she's willing to also.

I think there's a middle ground that we can all be happy with.

PHILLIPS: Like what?

No. Compromise, retreat is the worst thing that we can do.

You'd be abandoning the memory of those two dead cops and all that they fought for.

PHILLIPS: Christ. Don't play that card with me.

Most people think still they were k*lled because of your seizure policy.

Well, they weren't. It seems there was a traffic dispute.

Do we know that for sure?

Is there any proof we can put in front of people?

I'll find it.

As for the seizures, they stay or I go.

Then you can tell the brass how you lost one of L.A.'s two female captains because she was too tough on crime.




I took care of Gusano.

He's not gonna be a threat to you anymore.

You can stay here for a few more days but after that, I can only fudge the paperwork for so long.

We'll be fine.

How's this little guy?

Has he been to a doctor?


What did they say?

I gotta make him eat.

Try to get him into a preschool.

He used to talk more, but some of the stuff he's seen, I'd keep my mouth shut too.

I'll go pick up a few things to make you guys a little more comfortable.

Maybe that'll get him back to talking.


He confessed. Kept your name out of it.

Thanks, really.

You're welcome.

How about I buy you both a beer?

No, thanks.

Can't. I gotta be somewhere.

Vic's put me through hell but never this malicious.

He just said that to hurt us.

You're not getting close to me to get back at him?


Absolutely not.

Maybe at first, a little.

But I really like you now.

Look, I put up with Vic's shit every day.

So was asking you out a perk? Sure, but Vic... Vic's an assh*le.

He's the father of my children.

That makes him my assh*le, not yours.

It's not where we started, it's where we are now.

We started with a lie. I don't even know where we are now.

I'm sorry.

You think this is easy for me? Dating again?

I told you it was a bad idea, but you kept pushing it.

What about my kids now?

I love your kids.

You weren't honest with me before.

How can I even trust you with them now?

Or trust myself to you?


You can leave, okay?

L-I, uh...

I am sorry.

It was nothing you couldn't handle.

I don't have to. The PBA guy told me...

You trust him before us? Damn right.

He may not be as well-versed in these things as an ex-Army locksmith, but I'll take my chances.

You stupid shit. Hey, hey.

Your PBA genius, he gonna get you your next job?

He's gonna keep me out of court.

You toss your career if you want.

But you made us look guilty when you blew off that test.

You are guilty. LEM: Shh.

Who's the one who lost it and shot Halpern?

I know I didn't.

Which makes me guilty too.

VIC: Hey.

Maybe Army's right.

This is as good a time as any for him to jump.

No reason we can't leave as friends.

The captain's right. You are screwing people over.

You're screwing this team over. ARMY: This team?

That bullshit never worked for me when I was pulling sand out of my ass in the desert, it's not working now.

I didn't take a b*llet there, I'm not gonna take one here.

Not for you guys.

I appreciate your honesty.

Let's go.


I vouched for him. I'm sorry.

Don't worry.

We have to shake the Russians.

Figure out how this all comes back to Antwon.

You think it does?

There's only one guy who can get El Salvadorans Russians, Africans and One-Niners all in the same bed.

Antwon. We just got out from underneath his shadow.

Why shake a stick at a hornets' nest?

Anyone who had anything to do with k*lling Carl and Scooby has to pay.

Plus, I got eight missing months of kicking ass with you guys to make up for.

