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05x01 - Extraction

Posted: 01/11/22 07:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield:

We're talking about making a case
that puts Mackey behind bars...

-...and I want you to help me prove it.

Detective Terry Crowley was
pronounced dead at 2:13 this morning.


We k*lled a cop.

Get over it
and don't bring it up again.

Stay on Mackey, all of his guys.

-You sure?
-I wish I wasn't.

Your captain's been relieved of duty.

We need someone
in an interim capacity.

What was that about?

He asked me to be
the company-yes-man jellyfish.

Told him to shove it.

-Where's your stash?
-It's in there, man.

If we find the dead girl's body,
you get this back.

Those dr*gs were never
logged into evidence.

Wally called in
one of my colleagues.

We were able to ID Lemansky
from her description.

Searched his vehicle,
procured the heroin...

...and replaced it with a nonnarcotic.

Vic likes me and my boy.
He wants to take care of us.

We can use that.

I thought you were Vic's CI.

Whoever's got the money.

Stop it!

Stop it. Stop it!

-Stop, police!

All right, let's split them up.

Hey, hey.

Come on, Joe.

Let's go, in the other room.

-Get out.
-Get out.

-Get in the other room.
-Get him out of here.

Get in the other room right now.
Get out of here. Get out!

-Ronnie, you all right?

Everybody, just be quiet.

Who hit me?

Jesus Christ?

Come on, man, turn around.
Let me see hands.

-Nothing. No blood on the Mexis.

-Blacks are clean too.

Go to the ER, get that looked at.

Get a wagon.
Haul in the grieving families.

-Tell the captain I said to send it.
-All right.

-Bullshit uni calls.
-Better get used to it.


You see who domed my guy?

Black kid. Got, like, a blond afro.

I see him hanging out in front
of Kwiky's Liquor on my way home.

What the hell's going on here?

It's, like, the second black
and Latino brawl this week.

-Where do you live?
-Culver City.

You better learn how to coordinate
your colors, there, Westside.

Last week, some black guy went
hit-and-run on a Mexican kid.

Crushed his skull.

We couldn't generate
any cooperative witnesses.

Cholos took it on themselves.
Hunted the driver, beat him to death.

Black crew jumped in,
k*lled two Mexicans.

Went sideways ever since.

-I didn't know.
-Yeah. Thanks.

She's got three punctures
in her back.

Who found her?

A junior. Zellie Praza. She's pretty
devastated. She's in my office.

-Do you have any metal detectors?
-Some of them don't work well.

-Any other witnesses?
-There's 1 500 students in the school.

-I would think so.

Good questions. Nice work.

Officer, would you like to see Zellie?

The detectives will. Keep her
in your office until they get there.

Tina? Tina. Hey.

-T-- Tina!

You're contaminating
the crime scene.

Oh, shit.

All right, come on. The captain's gonna
address the troops. Let's head in.

This should be educational.

Hey. Hey, come on.

I'm hormonal and I expedite
your paychecks, so let's move it.

-What's going on?
-Captain's calling a pep talk.

Yeah, because when I think pep,
I think Billings.


Thanks for joining me.

Bet you lunch he says
"and so forth" at least twice.

As you probably know...

...yesterday, Measure 16
on the city ballot failed.

So it looks like those temporary
budget cuts are now permanent.

That will be 17 percent
across the board.

Which means....

Which means we'll have to make due
with the lack of manpower... in the Barn and on the street
and so forth.

The chief wants you to know
this is by no means a reflection...

...of the fine job that you're all doing
for our city.

Of course not.

Listen, starting next week, we're
gonna be going to single-unit patrols.

I know. Which means if you have
more than six months on the street...'re gonna be flying solo.

-That's bullshit.

And speaking of flying solo
at six months...

...Officer Sofer might be mum
on who the daddy is...

...but she'll gladly spill the beans
on your new assignments.

Okay. That's all I have.

You guys keep up the good work,
all right?

Hey, cheap bastards don't wanna
cough up a half a cent of sales tax...

...screw them.

Next time somebody b*tches
P.D. didn't show up...

...tell them that could have bought
two cops, on time.

So let's keep showing up.

Everything else will even itself out.

That's right.
Everything always evens out.

And so forth.

Don't hate me
because I'm always right.

We need to talk
to the rest of Zellie's class.

-The juniors are at lunch.
-The entire class?

We'll be here all day.

Hey, hey, hey.

Get down. Get down.

Come on, move it.

Get down. I said, move. Move!

I'm out of here!


Come on. Get them out!



Oh, my God.

We got a riot
at Wellman-Chase High School.

sh*ts have been fired.
Officers need help.

Tactical alert. All we got.
Get them there now.

Have FD and EMS
stage two blocks out.

-Tell them it's chaos-on-arrival.
-Got it.

-Stay down.
-Stay down.

Let go of me. Let go.

Hey, kid, get off him. Back off!

Get off. Get off him.

Shit. Go on, get out of here.
Get the hell out of here.

Let me borrow that. Give it to me.

All right, fire it up!

Vic, Wilshire East came through.

Set up a mobile field force.

Come on. Get up, punk.

This was your solution?

Turn the g*dd*mn fire hose
on my kid?

-What was I supposed to do, open fire?
-Never stopped you all before.

Excuse me, ma'am.
I'm David Aceveda, your councilman.

I can assure you that it was the safest
option to protect all these kids.

-Let's get a gurney over here.

Have to bag him.

Get the lab rats to lift those prints.
May be our knifer.

It's not.

-Officer Hanlon.

She got too close to the crime scene.
I've already discussed it with her.

-You went into the bathroom?
-It's my fault. I should have--

Preserving the scene
is Training Officer 101.

-That's how murderers go free--
-Murderers go free. I....

I'm really sorry, detectives.
It won't happen again.

It's okay.

Let's go.

It was a rookie mistake.

She's way too young for you.

I am mature and distinguished.

A lot of young women
appreciate that.

You really ought to cut back
on the porn.

Please move back.

This sh**ting related to our stabbing
or was this for extra credit?

Either way, he's not graduating.

-You okay?
-I'm fine.

I can grab those paramedics.

I said, I'm fine. Let's give that to Vic
and we'll stick with the stabbing.


-Parents want their kids.
-Nothing would make me happier.

Unfortunately, all the shitheads
are suspects and witnesses.

-They wanna talk to a captain.
-And I want more hair.

You handle it.
It's good mothering practice.

Vic, what do you got?

Armed and dangerous, Taser.

He was in the cafeteria
when the kid got shot.

All right. Listen.

Anything you can do to quiet
this shitstorm, get it off my plate...'s got my blessing.

You a member
of the Varsity Taser Club, Weston?

Eleven of your classmates are in
Mission Cross, some critical, one dead.

And this...

...puts you at the top of the
most-likely-to-be-tried-as-an-adult list.

A knife and g*n did the damage.

That don't mean shit.


-That's persuasion by proxy.
-I didn't hurt nobody.

Yeah? What do you use this for?
Toasting Pop-Tarts?

Protection, man.

-Shit's crazy going on.
-What shit?

g*dd*mn, that shit ain't right.
All right, all right, all right.

It's a k*ll clock.

Some Mexican's gotta k*ll
a couple brothers by tonight.


I don't know the whys, man,
just the what.

Who's the Mexican?

If I knew that,
I wouldn't be carrying the zapper.

That's for being a wiseass.

Claudette, I might know
what your stabbing's about.

-Guy thinks there's a k*ll clock ticking.
-k*ll clock?

Gangs use it to set a time limit
on an initiation or a retaliation.

He heard some Mexican's
gonna try to k*ll two blacks.

-Just randomly?
-You think it's legit?

Doesn't matter.
If it stirs up enough fear, it's real.

Explains why our witness
isn't talking.

-Keep at her.

-I'm gonna tap into a CI of mine.

Hey, that girl that was stabbed,
Caroline Tylin...

...she just died in surgery. Sorry.

Hey, how you feeling?

-How do I look?


Pretty much how I feel.

Thanks for asking.

-Bad news, Zellie.
-We know about the retaliation.

And right now you're the closest
brown to our dead black girl.

She died?

Which means you were involved
or you know who did it.

By not talking, you're interfering
with an investigation...

...and that's a crime.

All right,
I saw him running out as I came in.

And then I saw her by the sink,
all bloody and shit.

Who was it?

Lorenzo Lavedra.

This k*ll clock's gotta fall gangland.
Vic and I should follow up on this.

We'll take over
the cafeteria sh**ting.

I'll tell the captain we traded cases.

Why confuse him?

That it?

For now. You'll hear from me soon.

Something else?


Excuse me.

You're here early.
Come in, please. Come on.

Come on. Have a seat.

I've only got a few minutes. How can
I help you, Lieutenant Kavanaugh?

You know that IAD has been
looking into Detective Mackey...

...and the Strike Team he ran
while under your command.

Captain Rawlings began
that investigation.

I was aware of it.

That investigation still ongoing?

Yes, it is.

Well, what have you got?

What have I got?

We've got Lemansky.

He lifted a brick of tar
off the El Salvadorans.

We've been waiting for it
to spin into something more.

Which means
you've got nothing on Mackey.

His day job's keeping him busy.

He hasn't had the freedom
to navigate much game.

But we got a CI next to him,
and when he jumps dirty, we'll know.

Until then, I was hoping that you
might be able to help us out.

You've got my letter...

...and I've got nothing else to add.

Mackey's your problem now,
not mine.

No, perception is your problem.

I'm going after Mackey and his team.

Now, you can get onboard
and be proactive...

...or you can sit back and spectate.

Just like you did when
he was running dirty on your watch.

Hey, I did everything I could
to rein him in.

Don't sit there
and thr*aten me with bad PR.

You're right. That was out of line.

Hey, I'm sorry.
Please, come on. Sit down.

Mackey's jacket is like
a 20-page cautionary tale.

This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

I just wanna get him before
he does any more damage.

P.D. is looking for a poster boy
for corruption.

They crucify one of their own,
the public will trust the rest.

And next time,
that ballot measure, it passes.

When you were captain, Mackey
and Vendrell were interrogated...

...about the sh**ting death
of a Detective Terry Crowley.

From the notes, it's very clear
that you thought Mackey was involved.

And your comrades
ruled it line of duty.

I was hoping you might be able
to shed some light on the specifics.

Though rumor has it that the feds
might have been involved with that.

Is that true?

What's my end?

Your suspicion. This is your letter.

We say you got the ball rolling.

You followed it through
even after you left the job.

Now, that's the man
that I would want to be mayor.

I would vote for that man.

Vic and his guys are tight.
And Lemansky, he's a soldier.

He'll follow Mackey anywhere.

But he's also the one
with a conscience.

You're gonna need something... drive a wedge
between him and Mackey.

I need that wedge, councilman.
I need that wedge.

If I give you this, I'm done. I don't want
that guy's stink on me anymore.

My word.

Terry was working with Justice
to bring down Mackey...

...and I think Vic had him k*lled.

What kind of proof you got?

Detective Crowley's deal
with Justice.

That's good.

That's good.

That's good.

Can I get the intel
by the end of the day?


No, thank you.

Come on, this is a fresh pack.
It's Juicy Fruit.

I said, no. Thank you.

You hold this out long enough...

...some people feel compelled
to take the gum.

It's a sign they'll crack
under pressure.

I know.

Hey, listen-- Oh, there he is.

Hey, Sebastio, how you doing?

Look how big you got.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

How did that get in there, huh?
You want that?

You want anything?

No. Here on business.

Got a k*ll clock ticking.

Mexican-on-black. These things
usually start on the inside... check with your
prison contacts, okay?


Your CI renewal papers hit my desk.

You need me to sign them?

Look, I know it pays the rent,
but CI work is a roll of the dice.

We've had a good six months...

...but you should get out
before you get hurt.

I need that money, Vic.
What else am I gonna do?

Anything else.
I'll help you find something.

You're worried about us.

I just want this to end
on good terms.

Now, tell me you'll think about it.

Okay. I'll think about it.

Good. And if you hear anything
about this k*ll clock....

-I'll let you know.

Was the riot g*ng-related?

We're still putting the pieces together,
trying to get a clearer picture.

Well, what the hell started it?

We don't have a motive yet,
but we have a suspect.

Good. I need a minute.

Shut the door.

This about me hosing down
those kids?

Rather have them pissed off and wet,
than dead and dry.

What, you breaking up with me, Roy?

Got a call from Pensions.

Chief's having them
put through your papers.

They want you out
when you hit your 15.

You're putting me on the beach?

This referendum failing,
cutbacks are hitting hard.

Anybody near their 20 or carrying
a risky jacket is getting the push.

At least you'll get
a piece of your pension.

-There aren't enough cops as it is.
-It's not personal.

If it's not personal,
then why am I getting the news...

...hand-delivered to me
by the chief's inner circle?

Figure I owed you a face to face.

It's bullshit and you know it.
It's some suit making a judgment call.

Can't you put in a good word,
turn it my way?

I'm not Gilroy.

It's a different time.

Play this smart, Vic.

Don't give them a reason
to pull your pension.

Hey, AC.


Kid who did the stabbing,
Lorenzo Lavedra, 17.

A couple misdemeanors,
nothing violent. No g*ng ties.

His pops, however, is....

Is doing a dime in Chino. as*ault.


What's up?

Jesus Christ.
These are retirement papers.


Am I missing something?

Department's cutting its liabilities.

Phillips wants me out
by the time I hit my 1 5th year.

That-- That's like in four months.
That's crazy.

What are we gonna do?

I'll walk out the front door
on my own...

...before I'll let someone
push me out the back.

This is between you and me.
Not a word.

-That's right.
-Hey. How's the head?

-Man, nothing can hurt that cabeza.

Is it sore?

-Okay, okay.
-Let's see it.

I want that assh*le who clubbed me.

We'll get him.

'Hood needs a little reminder.
You hurt us, we hurt you worse.

We'll make sure
that measure passes.

We got a clock to k*ll first, guys.
Let's go.

We're looking for Lorenzo.

-Haven't seen him since this morning.
-Hasn't been home all day today?

Don't know, just got here.

I was picking up Cisco from soccer.

-Hey, that's our guy!
-Stay here.

He went down.

assh*le's trying to finish
the k*ll clock.

-Can't let him get out of browntown.
-I got it.

Get out of there or I'll sh**t.

-You okay?
-Hey, give me your keys. Right now.

Get out.

Damn it.

Get out of the car!
Hey, get out of the car!

-Hands on your head right now!
-Don't move or you're dead!

-Let me see your hands!
-Let's go, let's go!

Come here.

Let's see your hands, buddy.
Stop struggling.

-Got him?
-Yeah, I got him.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Why are you arresting him?

He ran a stop sign.

-Where's Cisco?
-He's downstairs.

The black guy.
The guy with the Bible.

-Is he dead?
-He lost a lot of blood.

-But he'll live to see Armageddon.
-My son was scared, he panicked.

He sees what white cops do
to Mexican kids.

Oh, really? He panic when
he stabbed Caroline Tylin today?

Got a witness,
saw him fleeing from the bathroom.

-No. Tell him you didn't do it, Renzi.
-What time is it, Mama?

-You got some place you gotta be?
-I don't feel so good.

I wouldn't feel too good either
if I just slaughtered an innocent girl.

I'm guessing you didn't download
the death photo with your ringtones.

Oh, Jesus.


Take him to the bathroom, please.

Hey, Officer Hanlon,
got a little job for you.

Anything you need, detective.

Clean him up. Get him to the john.


I'm Mexican. Why am I gonna
be offering up some other homes?

-Maybe you had a beef with him.
-So crazy in the cafeteria... got caught up in the rush,
fired some sh*ts.

-I didn't.
-Sure you did.

-No, I didn't.
-Then who was it?

-I don't know.
-Because you shot him.

Why do you keep saying that?

Because the truth rolls
comfortably off my tongue.

Heard you were bragging
about the new g*n you bought.

Telling kids
you pack it for protection.

Man, that was just me talking.
I didn't even bring it to school.

You snuck it past
the metal detectors...

...pulled it out during the riot
and shot him.

-Man, it wasn't me.
-Fine. Call Juvie.

Let him spend a few weeks in lockup,
get a taste of his future.

Maybe a little truth
will seem like a good idea then.

It's Every-Day.

What's every day,
that you sh**t somebody?

Evan Dayne.

Call him Every-Day.
Bangs with the Hope Hill Set.

He can't know it was me
that said anything.

-Whoa, whoa, hey.
-Hey, get off, man.


-Stop it, you're k*lling him!
-Dutch! That's it, it's over. That's it.

Are you okay?

Fine. I'm fine.


g*dd*mn it, this is a new suit.

Have a wonderful day. Bye.
Bye, guys. Love you.



Jon. I'm new here. At the school.

Corrine. Which one's yours?

He's inside already. Orientation.

-Oh, no thanks.

Come on, it's a fresh pack.
Here you go.

Sure, thanks.

-That's your boy?
-Yeah, yeah. And our daughter.


Wow, that must be tough.

And I'm struggling
with just one autistic child.

It's the challenges
of single parenthood.

-Yeah. Yeah, doing it alone is hard.
-You too?


-The daddy's not in the picture?
-He does what he can.

My ex, she doesn't even
acknowledge our child.

I'm sorry.

Sometimes I wonder
why I even married her.

You ever feel like that?

I'll see you around.

Could I call you sometime?

Sorry, they told me that I should try
to get to know some other parents...

...and I'm out of my depth.

I could talk to you or to your husband.
Either one, if, you know, whatever you--

Okay, last name's Mackey.

And you can call me
about the kids or the school.

-My husband won't be much help.

Thank you.


Hey, Julien. You gotta give me
the scoop on Danny's baby.

-What do you mean?
-The father.

The pool's up to 1100 bucks.

Course, there's a, you know,
broker's fee for insider trading, but--

She won't say. Why don't you guys
just leave her alone?

Come on, man. Help a brother out.

-Who would you take?
-I always take Shane in these things.

Not me, brother. I'm married.
That means no sticking, just licking.

-Besides, I like my women tiny.

So your d*ck fits better?

Easy. Easy.

Put me down for 20
on the sperm bank.

I gotta get this organized.
Tina, 20, turkey baster.

You okay, mijo?

See you later, darling.

I got it.

Turn around.

Are you on dr*gs?

I didn't raise an animal.
You hear me?

What the hell is wrong with you?

Who set the k*ll clock?

-Don't you touch him!
-Vic. Vic.

The little kid who got run over last
week was a nephew of a Los Mag capo.

Doing 20 in Chino. Los Mags
are reaching out to settle the beef.

Chino's where Lorenzo's pop
is stretching.

'Hood's been under the microscope.
Maybe the Mags use a proxy.

Make sure no blood
blows back in their direction.

I got a few Juvie graduates in Chino.

I'll find out what
pop's story is. Come on, buddy.

-Shane, give me a minute.

-Where's Sebastio?
-My mom's watching him.

-It's okay, I'm on the clock.

-I know how much gas costs. Come on.
-More and more.

-Any thoughts about hanging this up?

Still thinking.

A Los Mag captain set the k*ll clock
from Chino.

Same cellblock
where your father got caught...

...helping the black brethren
distribute smokes.

Pissed off the inked vatos.

That assh*le
can't even play by the rules in prison.

My guess is Lorenzo Senior
offered you up as a junior assassin.

Settle both scores.

Is that true?

Does that bastard
have something to do with this?

Answer me.

Mommy can't help you.
You grow a d*ck. Tell the truth.

It's about justice.

Thought I could help the cause.
It's Mexi-pride.

-Jesus, mother of God.
-I didn't wanna hurt no one.

Dad started crying. Said if
I didn't k*ll two dark by 10 tonight...

...Los Mags were gonna waste him.

It was him you were
on the phone with last night?

I gotta finish it or he dies.

Why would you do this for him?

Not for him. I hate him.
But if I don't do it, it falls on Cisco.

He was on the other line.
Dad told him too.

He gave us the combination
for the g*ns.

g*ns? There's more than one?

Oh, no.

Cisco still thinks
my dad's like a real dad. He'll do it.

He'll throw it all away
for that assh*le.

Paula. Where's the kid
that was sitting in that chair?

-What kid?


Description of the sh**t
sounds like our lost brother.


-What happened here?
-Little spic came in, shot him cold.

Tommy never saw it coming.

-He's gone.
-Which way did he go?

-Out the back.
-Come on, Shane.

That crazy kid stopped
to take a g*dd*mn Polaroid.

-I stuck him with my best pair.
-With your scissors?

Shit, they're here. Let's go.
Go, go, go.





Cisco? Put the g*n down, kid!

Put it down right now or I'll sh**t!

-I gotta get this picture to my dad.
-Hold it.

All right.

We'll talk about the picture
after you put the g*n down.

-You'll take it to him?

Yeah, I'll take it to him myself.

That's it. Where we can see it.

Good boy. Go.

All right, give me the camera.

-Give it here.
-This really hurts.

Don't--! Shit. Oh, Jesus Christ.

-Hold on.
-Put pressure on it.

-Go get those paramedics!
-g*dd*mn it.

-Oh, Christ Almighty, here we go.
-Got it?

Watch out. Go, go, go.

All right. Hurry up, Ronnie!

What happened in the cafeteria,

I heard those sh*ts
and hit the floor like everybody else.

-Anyone else see that?
-Don't know. We all ran.

We got three people
who saw you pull the trigger.

-Then you got three liars.
-Three against one.

-Those aren't very good odds for you.
-I'm used to it.

We're gonna need
a little more than bad attitude... be convinced of your innocence.

You best tell pale boy here
to get out of my g*dd*mn face.

Look, I ain't been playing trouble
for a while now. Ask around.

We did.
That's how we got the statements.

From who? Chili-shitters?

They're k*lling n*gg*s. You don't think
they wanna put another one away?

-That sounds like motive to me.
-Lazy-ass cop.

-Hey, I bust my ass on this job.
-Well, your busted ass suck at it.

-Hey, book him for m*rder.
-This is wrong, man.

-I ain't k*lled nobody, man.
-Come on. It's been a long, shitty day.

Every day.

EMT says he's gonna make it.

Yeah, I wouldn't be too thankful.
He just k*lled an innocent man.

I wanted to k*ll their father
a dozen times...

...and I never did, for their sake.

Los Mags should slit his throat
from ear to ear.


She's right, you know.
That prick should die.

He will.

Just not today.

This isn't the way
I wanted to do it...

...but at least it'll end this round
of blood. Talk to your guy in Chino.

Find out where those pictures go.
You got two hours.

-All right.
-Stop the clock.

I'll get it done.

Got a call from a teacher at Wellman.

He just realized his g*n was stolen
out of a locked drawer.

-Evan Dayne in any of his classes?
-Homeroom and science.

Now we know where Every-Day
got his w*apon.

Whatever happened to rapping
a kid's knuckles with a ruler?

Good job. Thanks.

It's Vic's kid.
I got 50 bucks in the pool.

That's funny,
because I got 50 on you.

-I tried calling. No one answered.
-Something wrong?

I thought maybe I'd try to catch them
before they went to bed.

-Say good night.
-It's not your usual night.

I know.

Vic, you can't just show up.
I mean, they have a schedule.

Mine's always changing.
Want me to ever see them or not?

These aren't my rules.
It's the custody agreement.

Oh, Jesus.

Is that blood?

Shit, I thought I got it all.


It's been a shit day.
I just wanted to kiss them good night.

Wash it off before you see them.


My baby.

Heard you have a suspect in custody
on that cafeteria sh**ting.

Most cases are solved
within the first 24 hours.

After that, the odds of solving them
decrease exponentially.

I'm gonna learn a lot from you,
aren't I?

Could be.

-Have a good night, detective.
-You too.



g*n-residue test came back
on Evan Dayne. Negative.

We're sure about this guy?

He knows when to wash his hands.

So do I.

We're looking for a brother.
Blond afro, tall, hands might be cut up.

-Ain't seen nobody like that.
-Yeah, we know he hangs here.

And we know this shop's been hit
nine times last year.

Twice last month.

And it took you guys three hours
to show up last time I called.

Well, next time... call us. We're your new 911.

We'll make sure
people don't mess with your shop.

We steer that kind of business
someplace else.

You talking straight
about keeping my place safe?

I got a badge, don't I?

Darius McBride. D-Mac.
Came in this morning.

Bought some Band-Aids and beer.
Lives over in Belmont Green.

Consider your protection clock


Anybody, any color, hits this store,
I will beat them half-dead...

...and plant enough shit on them
to send them away for a 10 stretch.

Spread the word.


Guys like the girly girls.

Who says you gotta look like
Janet Reno, right?

You replaced your breastplate
with lipstick and tampons?

Well, a place to put your shit,
you know?

Yeah, well, that's a reprimand... well as probably
getting you k*lled.

Lose those hoop earrings
before someone rips your ears off.

-Did I do something to piss you off?
-You have a job, sweetheart, all right?

Take it seriously.
You're a cop, not a Kelly Girl.

Okay, look.

I appreciate you
being straight with me.

It's just hard to catch a break
with these guys.

Treat you like you don't belong.

Yeah, I know.

They talk about equality,
but the truth is...

...the shitheads just think we're
a bunch of little girls playing cops.

-So we have to prove them wrong.
-Yeah, we do.

It's good to have some backup.

Here you go.

You still here?

I thought you were supposed to be
more 9 to 5.

Thanks. Tell that to Billings.

You pretty much run the place.

I'd rather be running the streets
with you. Hell of a lot easier.

Don't be so sure.
I got my work cut out for me.

Tina, she ain't no Danny Sofer.

Well, who is?

Anyway, I wouldn't write her off
too soon.

She's raw, but she's got potential.

Yeah. Guess I made a few mistakes
out there myself.

Yeah, you still do.

You're supposed to have your DFARs
on my desk before the end of the shift.

I'll get Tina right on them.

-See? I did train you right.

Damn it.

-Curtis Lemansky.

-What's up?
-Jon Kavanaugh, IAD.

I need you to come with us.

What about?

Get dressed. Guys?


-I'll get dressed. Leave me alone.




Come here.


About six months ago...

...we found this kilo of pure heroin
in the glove compartment of your car.

We seized the dr*gs,
documented it on camera...

...and replaced it with dummy tar.

But... never logged it into evidence.

So you've been watching me
for six months?

I don't want you to spin a story.

I just want you to think about
what this means.

Felony theft
under color of authority.

Intent to distribute.

You're a smart guy.

You've been on the other side
of this table a long time.

You know how that will play out.
Does that seem fair to you?

If you were arresting me,
we'd be at Police I...

...and you'd be parading me
past OIG.

What do you want?

I want us both to do
the right thing, Curtis.


Why is it that the guy
with the conscience...

...always has to get caught
holding the bag?

And we never really want that guy,
do we?

We want the guy
that put him into motion.

The one who is really dangerous.

Who do you think I want, Curtis?

Come on, man. Come on.

Who do you think I want?