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05x03 - Jailbait

Posted: 01/11/22 07:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield:

Detective Terry Crowley.
Remember him?

Two years ago,
he was on your Strike Team.

He was undercover.
A federal investigation.

He was your teammate,
he was a threat, so he had to die.

We k*lled a cop.

Get over it. Don't bring it up again.

You didn't know, did you?

-Vic never told you.
-Vic did not k*ll Terry!

So prove it. Wear a wire.


Hey, man. We need to talk.

Don't you lie to me. Don't lie to me.

-What are you doing? Stop.
-I need sound.

-IAD has me wired, all right?

They're watching us right now.

They busted me with some heroin,
they're talking prison if I don't do this.

-Why is it even a question?
-I think you're lying.

Look me in the eye
and tell me the truth about Terry.

-Don't buy into their bullshit.
-Look me in the eye, tell me the truth.

Oh, my God.

What happened to your mike?

Got disconnected in the fight.
How much you get?

after you two started to mix it up.

-Wanna fill me in?
-Yeah, I asked him about Terry.

And he still says it was
the drug dealer who shot him.

How'd it get physical with Vic?

Guys like him don't just come out
and tell you shit.

Had to make it personal
to get the truth.

I can't believe I was stupid enough
to let you in my head...

...make me think Vic had
something to do with Terry dying.

Lift up your shirt.

No, you know what?
I'm done with that.

Done? Let's just put a pin
in Terry for a minute, okay?

I still need to get a sense
of what your team's into.

And I got a 1 5-year sentence
hanging over your head.

So please, lift up your shirt.

Let's avoid any technical
malfunctions this time, all right?

-Yeah, gotcha.
-All right? Okay.

Hold on, buddy. Yeah?

-Hey, what is it?
-When we're alone, man.

-Baby, can you take him?

-Hey, guys.
-There she is.

-Here's Mama.
-Come here, cutie.

-It'll be just a second.

I love you.

Yeah, what's up?

Lem got picked up by IAD.

-For what?
-They nabbed him for heroin.

Heroin? We haven't busted
any heroin in a while.

What's Lem doing with horse?
He's not using.

Are you telling me he's
running something on the side?

-He wouldn't without telling us.
-Like burn the money-train cash?

IAD's got him wearing a wire.

So they're coming after us.

We planted a g*n on Doomsday
and dropped him off in Mexico.

He was covering us,
we didn't have a clue.

What do you think
they're looking at us for?

How long has this been going on?

We gotta stay focused on Lem.

Figure out exactly what they got
on him and how to get him out of it.

How we gonna do that if he's wired?

Grab your laptop.

Sweep the clubhouse for bugs
and meet us there in a few.

Hey, let's keep our regular routine.

IAD gets a whiff that Lem tipped us,
it's over for him.

Lem asked me about Terry last night.

-On tape?
-He pulled the mike out first.

-What did you tell him?

But he knows.

So, what are we gonna do?

Lem needs help right now.
We just gotta back him up.

We'll explain everything
once he's out of trouble.

First downtown asks us
for our records on Terry, now Lem.

-Think he told them?
-He's got nothing.

-But that's what IAD's after.
-You and I were the only people there.

Nothing that Lem or IAD can do
can ever change that simple fact.

Just gotta stick together.

First one in.

Came to put the java on
when I found them.

What time was that?

Let the detectives
handle the interviews.

We just need to preserve
the crime scene.

What do you think? Heart attack?

Then she got crushed underneath
him? Talk about coitus interruptus.


She's alive.

-Give me a hand.

-She looked dead.

-You got no sense of humor, assh*le.
-It's just not that funny.

-Tell me this isn't hysterical.
-Oh, for God's sake.

-Don't tell it again.

You got three explorers
in the Congo, right?

They get captured by natives.
Natives tie up the three whiteys.

They bind and gag them, right?

Chief says, "You have two choices.

You can choose death or chi-chi."

First explorer didn't wanna die.
He says, "I'll take chi-chi."

Twelve men grab him, r*pe him...

...cut off his d*ck and balls,
send him into the woods bleeding.

The chief walks up
to the second explorer and he says:

"You have two choices.
You can choose death or chi-chi."

The second explorer debates
in his head. He doesn't wanna die.

He says, "Chi-chi." Eighteen tribesmen
grab him, r*pe, s*domize him...

...cut off his d*ck and his balls...

...shove it into his mouth,
send him into the woods bleeding.

The chief goes up to the last explorer,

And he says "You have two choices.
You must choose death or chi-chi."

Third explorer, big macho guy,
mustache, looks at him and says:

"I'll choose death."

The chief turns to his entire tribe
of a hundred natives, and says:

"Very well, then. Death by chi-chi."


See, I told you I was funny.

That's not funny. That's disgusting.

Hey, guys, it's locked.

Hold on. Sorry about that.
We didn't know it was locked.

You got a dead body,
possible sex crime.

Give that to somebody
whose time isn't as valuable.

We got a million balls in the air.

Yeah, welcome to my world, hon.

Okay, boys, what do you say
we clean up a DB by lunchtime?

All right, man.

-You okay?
-Yeah. He just kicked.

He? It's a boy?

-Thanks. Yeah, just found out.


I'll get the car.

Find out everything we can about
this Kavanaugh guy sweating Lem.

What about the heroin
they got him on?

Could be chum to set us in motion.

Let's get a bead on this guy
before we take his bait.


We found him on top
of an unknown female.

Arms were bound.
We found keys on the table.

Got a truck outside, let himself in.

Poppers. Intensifies the orgasm.

Guess he popped
more than he bargained for.

Run it.

Shop owner called it in.

-You know this guy?
-Never seen him before.

Really? Then why does he
have keys to your place?

It's a Teamster shop.

Shane, call the Local 629.

Tell them Rick's taking cash
out of their pockets...

...and feeding it
to the non-union w*tbacks.

Rodrigo's a part-time driver.
He never made trouble before.

Union wages
are k*lling my bottom line.

I see the scabs
are working out nicely for you.

Where's his rig parked?

Over there.

You know what, check the cab
for a purse. We need an ID.

Check them.

Dude, no dr*gs. No candy.

Nothing in the cab.

Hey, guys.

Let me see that crowbar.

-Watch out.

-Shit. Oh, Jesus.
-Get this off.

Watch out. Watch out.

Come on, let's go.

They gone?

Yeah, all three of them.

Guy covered up the air vents
with electric tape to keep them quiet.

Shithead suffocated them all.

No IDs on any of them.

Rodrigo did a nickel in Chino
for as*ault and r*pe a few years back.

And you saw the Los Perdidos ink.

They must've expanded
from dr*gs to skin trafficking.

Address on the license is old
but his PO gave me a new one.

Why don't we file for a warrant?

Gotta check out his crib,
see what's there.

Lem and I will hit Mission Cross,
see what we can get from the victim.

How's she doing?

She's sedated and severely
dehydrated, but she'll live.

Any signs of sexual as*ault?

There's multiple tears.
It's pretty bad.

Tox report shows
Rohypnol in her blood.

-She give you a name?

Says that a Federale in Mexico
sold her and her little brother... Mexican gangbangers.

She's not too big on cops.

I told her you were
two of the good guys.

We found three girls in the truck.
We didn't find your brother.

It's okay to talk to them.

They dropped him off
just before we stopped.

I heard a man take him.

About 1 0 minutes later,
we stopped again.

That's when the driver
took me inside.

Forced me.

Then he just died.

Is there anything you can tell us
about the men who sold you?

Or who you were
supposed to go to?

They tell us nothing.

My brother, Pablo.

Please find him.

We're gonna do everything we can.

Excuse me, detectives,
I have an attorney here for you.

I'm Becca Doyle.
You arrested my client, Evan Dayne...

...for the cafeteria sh**ting
during the school riot.

-Evan? Calls himself Every-Day.
-How'd that come to your attention?

I represented him two years ago
when he was guilty.

This time he's innocent,
so I offered my services pro bono.

What makes you think
this guy's innocent?

Is there some place we can talk?

Several eyewitnesses ID'd your boy.

I re-interviewed your witnesses.

Sorry to say, pretty shoddy work.

Mariano gave us Evan,
four others confirmed it.

They're all Mariano's friends.
Did you know that?

We're not gonna reopen this case
based on who's in what clique.

Mariano gave you a patsy
and his buddies backed him up.

You didn't look into your
original witness very hard, did you?

Evan has a history
of weapons and as*ault.

He's cleaned himself up since. He's
stayed away from g*ns and gangs.

I've checked in with him every
few months for the past two years.

We do our own investigations.

Look, we all have tough jobs.
And we all make mistakes.

Mine's having a little bit too much faith
in my clients sometimes.

But this time, my faith is justified.

We'll look into it.

Thank you. I'll wait.

Yeah. All right.

We'll hit you up then. Yup.

Coroner says
Rodrigo died of a heart attack.

Mixed too much party fuel.
Shane and Ronnie got the warrant.

Tell them we'll meet them there.
I'll see you at the car in a minute.

Has anyone from the department
come around asking any questions?

What are you talking about?

There's a rumor flying around.

Someone might be trying to make
political hay by coming after my team.

Could be IAD.

-And this is just a rumor?
-We're clean.

But they might come
poking around asking questions.

The fact is
that you and I were married... spousal privilege
applies to that entire time.

You don't have to tell
anyone anything.

-Well, what do I say if they ask?
-Just tell them nothing, call me.


Is there something
I need to hide from them?

No, of course not.

Listen, thanks for the help
with Magdalena.

-Rodrigo's place.
-Something wrong?

No, I'm fine.

Come on, ladies, it's playtime.


All right. He's gone.

-Tear it up.

Rodrigo's gonna be pushing
the snooze button in hell from now on.



No. It can't be that easy.

He's an ex-con from Mexico,
it damn well could be.


Pictures of girls, a few boys.

Hey, it's Magdalena.

The other three girls in the truck.

That accounts for four of them.
What about the rest?

Where are they?

Hey, Magdalena's brother.

-Names, prices.
-A passenger manifest.

It's a g*dd*mn kiddie catalog.


What's granny doing in here?

Either someone's into dry p*ssy
or she's helping traffic these kids.

Fifth and Alvarado. Let's go.

I just checked with my witnesses.

Those kids
are contradicting everything.

They still say Mariano's innocent
and Every-Day did do the sh**ting.

Maybe it's time
to reexamine your faith.

Mariano scared his friends
to keep their mouths shut.

You don't know anybody who would
be willing to give up Mariano?

-lf he did, I would have given it to you.
-Look, Mariano's a bad dude.

Besides, it was a riot
and we were all running.

Maybe I was the only one
seen him pull the g*n.

So right now, it's still his word
against five others, right?

No one said this would be easy.

But someone
will tell the truth eventually.

Or maybe it's just a play
on your part.

You get us to reopen the case, that
creates the reasonable doubt you need.

He's facing 1 2 to 25.
All I'm asking is we be sure.

Why are you
still playing along with her?

You know witness statements. They
go down quick, maybe we got taken.

-No, this is about something else.
-No, it isn't.

You're pissed I called you out
about dragging your feet.

You're undermining
a case I pushed for.

Excuse me, I'm really short-handed.
Is one of you free?

Dutch is.

Dutch, this is
Parole Officer Marshall Traynor.

He's got a case. I think it's
pretty much right up your alley.

Loel missed his court date
the other day, violated his parole.

Means he goes back
for another two years.

My friend Ned
just did a stretch for armed robbery.

Some dude was taking care of his dog.
Ned asked to drive him to pick it up.

But the dude wouldn't give it back,
so we go to this guy's place.

-A trailer.

Somewhere around here,
but he doesn't remember.

So I'm sitting in the truck and
Ned comes out all bloody and shit.

Tells me the guy
wouldn't give him back the dog.

They fought and Ned hit him
in the head with a shotgun.

So you decided to hang around
and violate your parole?

Ned had the g*n, made me grab
the dead body, hack the head off.

We buried it in a field
and then chopped up the body.

What did you do
with the body parts?

There was this junkyard
with, like, a half a dozen guard dogs.

I was an unwilling participant, okay?

Did you buy this story?

I believe he's telling the truth.

Because you've dealt with him a lot?

Because his brows were raised,
his lips parted and stretched.

I've studied up on reading faces.
Gotten pretty good at it.

I've read up on micro-expression
facial action units.

It's fascinating stuff.
The results are disputed.

Proof's in the pudding.

So can you spare some time...

...and help me find
this headless pile of dog food?


First though,
what do you think of this kid?

I don’t know, Every-Day.
You sure you’re not wasting our time?

Lady, I don't have
a lot of friends at that school.

But I ain't never shot no one.

My initial hit is he's being truthful.

You’re sticking with your story?

Take a look. Got it?

There's our granny. Who's she with?


Hey. You get the tortoise.
We got the hare.

Get out of the way! Stop!


Drop the knife. Drop it!

-You got him?

Give me your hand.
Give me your other one.

-I want my lawyer.

In a minute,
you're gonna want a doctor.


If he wants his lawyer,
he gets his lawyer.

Big macho guy, mustache...

...looks at him and says,
"I’ll choose death."

Chief turns to his entire tribe
of a hundred natives and says:

"Very well, then. Death by chi-chi."

I always get a kick out of that one.
But he's got it wrong, right?

It's kee-kee, not chi-chi.

Must be some kind of white thing
or something.

I got your message about Lemansky's
wire mishap last night.

You think
your operation's compromised?

I sweated him pretty good.
I'm hoping we're still okay.

You're still making the same mistakes
everyone else makes.

And what is that?

I used to think that Mackey
was the luckiest son of a bitch alive.

That things just fell
into place for him.

And then I realized
he was creating his own luck.

So, what you see
as a simple microphone malfunction...

...I see as calculated.

The worst animal in the joint,
98 percent of the time...

...he's just like everybody else.


It's the other 2 percent
that lands him where he is.

And I'm going to know everything,
everything about Vic Mackey.

And when he goes into
2 percent zone, I got him.

You still don't know
who you're dealing with.

Or maybe you're still too convinced
that he's evil 1 00 percent of the time.

And that's why
you keep grabbing for air...

...and he keeps slipping away.

You've never looked Mackey in the
eye, had him lie straight to your face...

...and made you doubt yourself...

...even though you know
he was full of shit.

So until you do,
this is all just a waste of time.

I am so surprised that you're here.

Yeah, you knew I couldn't let go.

Well, Terry was your guy,
so I understand.

Stop playing me
and start worrying about Mackey.

This could be our last shot at him.

And I'm gonna be right here
to make sure you don't blow it.

Here, here, here.
Now, where are these kids, lady?

You're not exactly his type.

Nixon was in office the last time
you could pull off wearing a skirt.

Rodrigo likes the young bloods.

Listen to me, you piece of shit.

I don't know these girls
and I've never seen them before.

I don't have to talk
to no g*dd*mn cops.

This is more gringo bullshit.

Threatening me because
I am poor, old, sick Mexican.

I hope your syphilis-infected d*ck...

-...gets ripped off by rabid dogs...

...and gets fed to your whore mother,
may she rot in hell.

That's enough of that.

I want to talk to an attorney.

Did you get that?

That is one cold slice.

It's a skill she picked up doing a dime
and a half in Chowchilla...

...for m*rder 30 years ago.

-How's this going?
-It's not. She lawyered up.

There goes eight hours before we can
push her PD about these missing kids.

Call the public defender's office.
See if they can get a lawyer here.

All right.

Got a minute? It's Doyle, right?

-I'm working a case now.
-That's funny, so am l.

I've got a little old lady right
in the middle of a sex-trafficking ring.

She needs a lawyer.

I'm sure the public defender's office
will send a capable candidate.

It can't wait. I still got almost
50 Mexican sex slaves in play.

Word hits the street
that Grandma and Jethro got busted...

...whole operation goes underground,
they cover their tracks.

How'd you like to do
a good deed for the day?

Already have.

I remember you have a talent for
shading things on the witness stand.

I think you'll be fine.

You still upset
about the Crawford case?

The jury felt that guy was guilty.
You can't hold that against me.

-The case rested on your testimony.
-Which was completely on the level.

Sorry, I have my hands full.

So you'd rather hold a grudge than help
make a case that could save lives?

Actually, it's about picking
and choosing my clients.

As appealing as your offer sounds,
I'd rather not devote the next month... protecting
a sex-sl*ve-master grandmother.

All I'm asking is an hour.

They bring the girls to the fruit stand,
a few at a time.

Her job is to take them
to the drop-off point.

Different places. Places where
there's a lot of kids around.

Bunch of teenage kids
with a little old lady like yourself.

Doesn't raise eyebrows.

Who's the contact?

It always changes.
He finds her after she makes the call.

-We gotta set up a meet.
-That's not part of the deal.

I have to send
one of my people to the meet.

We follow the contact
and bust up the whole operation.

If you want fieldwork, which wasn't
in the deal, then I need probation.

Dream on.

If everything hinges on her,
I'd be a fool to give up that hammer.

Just like you were foolish...

...for letting me know how important
she is to making your case.

Come here.

You'd set her free?

No. You will.

And maybe next time,
you won't make that mistake.

Right now,
it's the only deal to be made.

We're gonna hear
every word you say.

You're gonna be in our sightlines
at all time.

-No, I'm good.

Lowe has misgivings
about putting his trainee under.

-She's still on probation.
-Decoy's supposed to look young.

Wide-eyed and new works for us.

The thing I don't want is the bad guys
getting one whiff of cop off of her.

Could jeopardize
the whole takedown.

What about you, honey?
Think you can handle this?

They got me. I don't see a problem.

Let's do this thing.
Julien, you're in charge of uni backup.

-Appreciate the support.
-You heard my reasons.

My only concern now
is getting you home safely.

-Hey, Vic.

That report you asked for.

Everything we could find
on short notice.

Word is he gave up his own partner
to IAD back in the day.

Flies solo, only investigator
that worked without a partner.

Means it's four on one.
That's good. Anything else?

Grew up in Inglewood.
Put himself through school.

Degrees in psychology, criminology.
Poor kid done good.

-Golden Gloves champ at the academy.

Five in Vice.
Stint in Robbery Homicide.

-Divorced, no kids.

We gotta figure out
what this guy has to lose.

Look, everybody's all-American
can't be that clean. Keep digging.

She's dropping her off.

What's this guy doing?


Looks like our trafficker.

They're getting into a van.

-You speak English?

Julien, suspect's driving a brown,
two-tone, shit-box van.

Just keep your team in position.

-They like it when you come in English.
-Whatever you want.

-Hey, move it, shithead.

Hey, move your car. Hey!

-What the hell is this?
-Come on, move!

-Move your car!
-I'll move my car.

Shit, shit, shit.

-Turning left on Wilshire.
-I got it.

Come on, man, we're losing them.

You get to the house,
they get you started.

-Clothing, makeup, morning-after pills.
-He's turning again.

Vic, where are you?

Minor detour, Julien.
Just hold your position.

-When can I see my brother?
-You turn enough tricks in... get privileges. Do as we say.
-Is he safe?

Yeah. As long as you behave,
he’ll stay that way. Got it?

He's heading into the alley?

-What is going on?
-We’re gonna break you in first.

-They're stopping at the gate.
-Get down on your knees.

Fiesta time, amigos.

It's fiesta time.

-It's a g*ngb*ng.
-Screw it, let's go.

-No, hold on, hold on.
-You boys got a condom?

We're gonna do your mouth,
not your clam, bitch.

Come on, open up.

Excuse me.

-I got gonorrhea in my throat.

Look, I'll suck you boys off,
but don't hate me later if it burns.

Forget about it. Never mind.

When we get to the house,
we run a train on your ass.

Don't be telling any customers
that you're sick.

-Good girl.
-Yeah, shorty's got game.

They're moving.

You sure they're chained up tight?

Long as you don't piss me off,
we're good.

I always thought
face-reading should be... of the first things
they teach at the academy.

I taught myself.

Be happy to loan you
some books and DVDs.

If you wanna grab a bite later,
I'll give you a quick rundown.

Yeah, sounds good.

You'll be surprised
how transparent people become.

-Your partner, for instance.

Trying to hide something from you.

Pretty obvious.
Something's in the closet.

The whole pack was over here
the entire day.

That's when I found it.

Well, thanks for the hand.

This is his place
or they run girls from here?

Hold on.

We jump too early, we'll get nothing.

Okay. Looks like the madam to me.

That's it. Everybody move in.
Let's bust it, now.

Hope you take walk-ins.

On your knees.

Get down!

Get down right now on the ground.

Get down!

-Let's find Tina.



You okay?

I didn't have my baton,
but every guy's got their weak spot.

How right you are.

Good girl, nice work.

-Where's the kid?
-Acting like he doesn't understand.

Found 1 0 girls.
The rest of them are still missing.

You don't know about Pablo?

What about the rest of the girls?
And the boys?

I want my lawyer.

That the first thing they teach
you pricks once you cross the border?

Put him in the van.

We take this shithead to the Barn,
he's gonna clam up.

Word gets out about this, we're
never gonna find the rest of them.

Well, maybe he's not
as stupid as he looks.

-Come on.
-Let's go, assh*le.

This is a shitty day.
Only got about half those kids.

At least we get to stick the needle
in someone for it.

What? Guttierez is gonna get
five to seven, max.

Hey, hey, we got three dead girls.

This assh*le
wasn't anywhere near that.

We've got conspiracy,
so he's up for the murders.

That's right.

That is good news.

Doesn't mean
he'll get the death penalty.

Calhoun is prosecuting.

Wow, man.
So I guess that means he will.

-Who's Calhoun?
-Shut up, you prick.

You wanted a lawyer,
now we can't talk to you.

But I ain't getting no death penalty
for girls I didn't k*ll. I didn't even see.

Save it for your last words
lying on the gurney.

I wouldn't expect any clemency
with the Terminator as governor.

Carlos Odonez. He's the boss.

-You waiving your right to an attorney?
-Of your own free will?

Yeah. But you'll help me, right?

Where are the rest of the girls?

There's a house on Colquitt.
Another one on Adams.

All right, the boy Pablo,
where's he at?


They flew him, the rest of
the boys, out this afternoon.


-Jon, hi.

Hey, help your sister in the car,

-How you holding up?

Andy's a handful,
but you know, it's worth it.

Yeah. Listen, here is my address
and phone number.

-We still on for that Friday play date?
-lf there's a problem, I'll call you.

-Yeah, I'm looking forward to this.

Where is Andy?

I wonder if this program is an
excuse to bilk me out of extra money.

From the school, yes.
The teachers, no.

You liking the teacher or...?

I'm blanking on her name right now.
Remind me.

What, it's the woman with the....

I thought Mr. Dunhill taught
the after-school program.

He does, but I'm talking about
her aide, his aide.

Anyway, look, I'll see you on Friday,
if not sooner.

Yeah, good.
I gotta get my kids home.

But I'll see you then, okay?

See you.

Just got this case an hour ago.

Why is my client arrested for m*rder
when another boy was arrested?

I'm sure you've heard Every-Day's
attorney is making my life hell.

She's taken depositions
from half the high school.

Depositions listing you
as the sh**t.

Bullshit. My friends were there.
They saw Every-Day pull that g*n.

-What are you writing?
-Every-Day's release.

DA's decided to drop the case,
charging your client.

Based solely on witness statements?

They also just found
g*n residue in his locker.

What else do you have?

DA doesn't want me revealing it
until we're closer to trial.

This does not need to go to trial.

What do I have to do to make a deal?

Convince your client to drop
the high school clique crap.

School him on what it's like
to have this evidence...

...a high-priced lawyer, and a very
pissed-off cop working against him.

g*n residue in a locker?
I'd never let you get away with that.

Cops are allowed
to twist the facts with suspects.

I directed my comments to him.

Evan's being released tonight.

-I know.
-Thanks for your help.

I owe you one, I mean that.
Call in a favor whenever you need it.

I will.

I heard.

-Nice work.

-How's yours going?
-Turns out the parolee was coerced.

So he won't go down for the m*rder
or hacking up the body.

The other guy's
going away for a long time.

And I'm sure about him.

Good. Where you running off to?

A dinner with Marshall.

What? I can't have
other colleagues as friends?

Marshall has quite a reputation
as a man's man...

-...if you know what I mean.
-He's gay?

While you were reading faces,
he was reading your package.

Have fun, though.

Cage would look a lot prettier
with Abuela's ugly mug in it.

Sure you don't wanna find
a loophole in our deal?

I couldn't let you run roughshod
over a little old lady...

-...much as she deserved it.
-You looking for more business?

I appreciate the offer but
I'm okay watching from the sidelines...

...while they get theirs.

I'd like to go home
and wash this place off me.

You talking about the cops
or the criminals?

See you in court someday, detective.


I got something important.

Someone has been asking questions.

-This man approached me a few times.

-Where at?

He said he was
a parent of an autistic child.

But I've been around cops long enough
to know what they sound like.

I've never even seen his kid, so....

That him?

Why's he coming to our school?

-What did he ask you?
-I'm trying to remember.

Something about paying the tuition.

And how do we do it,
how involved you are.

What did you tell him?

Told him you gave us money
for whatever we needed.

I was trying
to sell you as a good dad.

I didn't tell him
about the cash in the bag.

Good. Don't tell him shit.

assh*le has no business talking
to you about this. It's my problem.

I'll take care of it. All right?

Oh, I'm gonna come.

Everything okay?


That was great.

But you were somewhere else.

Was it about that meeting
this morning?

Yeah. Lem's in some hot water.


How hot?

We don't know yet.

I thought you said that you were done
with that, that you're gonna keep clean.

I have been.

-I swear.

Then why are you so worried?

Don't you worry. Okay?

We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out.

"We" meaning you and Vic...

...together as a team
standing behind Lem?

No, listen. Listen to me.

Listen to me.

Team's one thing. Family's another.

All that stuff
that happened with Antwon... know,
I was looking at prison in the eye.

I know. I know.


I'm not gonna let
anything happen to us.

Jackson needs his father.

Well, I need the both of you.

Buddy in Immigration called.
He's putting the word out on Pablo.

Spoke to an American diplomat
in Bangkok.

I meant what I said
about not giving up.

Okay. Good.

Feel like there's some
unfinished business between us.

What's that?

It's this Terry thing.

You thought I was
hiding something from you?

Here's the truth.

I swept through that house.

I cleared that bathroom.

At least I thought I did.

Somehow Two-Time got past me.

I left Terry exposed.

I made a mistake.

Never told anybody
I thought it was my fault.

It's something I've been living with
for a long time now.

Finally, I decided to move on.

Something you're
gonna have to push past too.


Hey, Vic. Her Majesty Billings
needs to see you.

-Tell him I'll be right there.
-Got it.

-What's up?
-Somebody here to see you.

Jon Kavanaugh. Internal Affairs.

-Vic Mackey.

Mind if I have a moment alone,

-No, not at all.
-Thank you.

-What can I do for you, detective?
-It's lieutenant.

-We're just cops, just like you.

I guess the good looks,
it just throws everybody off.

we're making a tour of the division.

With the budget cuts,
the bosses, they're afraid...

...that there might be a lot
of temptation to take short-cuts.

And I'm just here to remind everyone
that I'm still on the case...

...and there is a right way
to do things.

I've been a cop for 1 4 years.
You guys never toured before.

New management.

Putting a friendlier face
on the old "rat squad."

Anyhow, there is no reason
why you and l...

...should not be on the same page.

Why you talking to me?

You run a special team.

Those get
most of the abuse allegations.

And from what I hear...

...those people out there,
they all follow your lead.

Well, can't blame them
for having good judgment.

Is there anything brewing
I should know?

I mean, anything at all suspicious.

Not that I can think of.

You sure?

It is good to meet you.

You too.