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05x05 - Trophy

Posted: 01/11/22 07:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield:

You're sick.
Dutch, I was here yesterday.

I'm here today.
I'll be here tomorrow.

About six months ago, we found
this kilo of pure heroin in the
glove compartment of your car.

But you never logged it
into evidence.

Lem got picked up by IAD.
Got him wearing a wire.

Councilman, a moment of your time.

He came by the office.

You didn't have regular
sit-down meetings with him?

I'm just trying to figure out
which uniform you're wearing.

It sure as hell isn't Mackey's.

We think Kavanaugh's gonna try
to get Emolia to give you up.

You're not safe here anymore.
We gotta go. We gotta move you.

Why? What happened?

We got a couple of possible leaks.
You said Vic wouldn't find out.

Vic, what the hell?
You didn't return any of my calls.

What did you tell him?

That I saw your guy
take the heroin. That's it.

Six months you could
have warned me.

One of my men, maybe all of us
are going to jail because of you.

I found you once,
I can do it again.


Oh, Jesus. It's you.

What are you doing here?

I had no idea that Vic knew about
you giving up one of his guys.

That's my fault.
I made a mistake. I'm sorry.

But now I can make sure
that you and Sebastio are safe.

Nobody's gonna hurt you.

I gotta get him to school now.

Need anything? You want anything?
No, I'm good. Thanks.

Can your guy
take me back now?

Sure, he can. Sure.

You know that you may
have to testify against Vic
and his guys in court.

That's part of
the deal you signed.
You know that, right?

No. Not with them there.

Yeah. I'm sorry,
it's part of the conditions.

No, you never said that.

Just get him to admit stuff,
that's all.

But you haven't got him
to admit anything, Emolia.


I don't wanna do this no more.

He's been good to me.

I don't want your money.

Please, take it.


MAN: Yeah?

Double up security,
take her home.

Other than the kid going
to school, no one comes,
no one goes, no one calls, all right?


See you next time, Dad.
I can't wait, sweetie.

Jump in. Buckle up.

Love you.


I can't believe how much
homework these kids get.

CORRINE: Yeah, I know.
VIC: Sixth grade.

ANETO: Aaagh!
Jesus Christ.


Watch her.
AVILA: Crazy bitch, get off him.

VIC: Hey, stop.
Help the driver. Help the driver.

Get off.

Please, God. Get a doctor.

Shit. Jesus.


Sir, you're okay. Don't move.
It's okay. Just calm down, sir.

We're gonna get you some help,
all right? We're gonna help you out,
no problem.

Just calm down.

Nice work, man.

Where's Cass?
Nurses' lounge.

She thought it was cool.
Been hanging around you too much.

Hey, this was your world
this time, not mine.

Yeah, speaking of
your world,

is there anything, um, else
I need to know about that
special work thing?

No, everything's okay with that now.
MAN: Corrine, good.

This is Dr. Lesser, runs our ER.
Wanted to talk to you.

Vic Mackey. What about?
The girl who just died.

Yeah, our officer said they found her
strolling down the 110 freeway.

Nothing new. She's a total
nut job, schizophrenic.

But I found
these meds on her.

Brother says she's been
taking them for the last month.

French label. No doctor.
Bad scrips?

What's on the label, what's inside,

two very different things.

This shit's k*lled five people
in three months.

Thought you guys would've
made a dent in this by now.

We've been on this?

Filled out a complaint
with your captain last month.

Who do I need to bitch to?
Let me do the bitching for you.

VIC: Where did your
sister get her meds?

The dr*gs were supposed to
stop the psychotic breaks.

Where did you get them?
Just, you know, the drugstore.

What kind of drugstore fills a bottle
without a doctor's name?

Could you give us a minute?
Be gentle. His sister just died.

I'm oozing gentle.

Sis was screaming about
devils before she died.

I hope she wasn't talking
about you feeding her bad meds.

I didn't know they were bad.
Then tell me where you got them.

And don't tell me Rite Aid.

Clinica Esquina.

The guy who runs it helps locals
with affordable prescriptions.

Black-market Blue Cross.
Better than nothing at all.

Kavanaugh's gotta know
we were on to Lem's wire.

And us tracking down Emolia.
Why hasn't he arrested Lem yet?

This guy doesn't follow a script.
We can't assume anything.

You think you convinced Emolia?
At the time.

But I'm sure Kavanaugh's
crawling inside her head.
Who knows where she's at now.

So the next move is?

Get a note to Lem.
Keep him up to date.

Everything else, business as usual.
BILLINGS: Hey, guys, easy with that.

Hey, Billings.

You remember a doc over at Mission
Cross filing a bad-scrip complaint?

Yeah, sort of.
The body count's sort of piling up.

The hospital board's
about to bring in the feds.
It's gonna make some noise.

Shit. You know, I just thought
it was some bogus Viagra.

Stone was gonna get
around to it, time permitting.

Five dead citizens,
Phillips is gonna be
crawling up your ass.

All right, look, it's dr*gs.
That's you guys.

Run with it.
Just keep me plugged in.

So Vic got to your CI, huh?
KAVANAUGH: He is resourceful.

It won't happen again.

I can tap some justice contacts,
maybe we can get her into
witness protection.

She's protected.
Thanks, though.

Yeah, well, they're on to you.

So when are you
gonna arrest Lemansky?

You ever get one of those, like,
really bad feelings?

You can't explain it,
can't explain it at all,
but can't shake it off either.

I got one of those about you
and Mackey.

And I think this investigation
is going off point

because you're too distracted
about those bad feelings.

I got Emolia ready to testify

and one of his own men
on the edge of turning.

So if you are,
for whatever reason,

maybe working on both sides
of the street here...

Well, I appreciate
the friendly heads-up.

But I know what side
of the street I'm on.



Check this out.
What's this?

This would be one
of my good feelings.

Remember Vic told us about
that clinic selling the scrips?

Most of the prescriptions came
from a French drug company,
they went bankrupt two years ago.

Doc was right,
pharmacology is hit-and-miss.
Pretty much a loaded g*n.

All right, tell Billings we need
a warrant for this Esquina clinic.

So what? They probably already
know you've got Lem wired.

It's not just scumbags
dying, it's families.


They're sending him on another one
of those bullshit errands.

That way, he's out of earshot.

The threat out of sight,
they now feel comfortable to share.

How's Lem feeling?

He won't go to the doctor.
I think he's puking blood again.


You bugged the clubhouse too?

OIG signed off on it.

I planted it last night
in the base of a softball trophy.

Did you know that they were
Police League champs?

Make sure all our heads are straight.
Yeah, okay.

Don't worry, I got this
whole thing sealed off.


Hey, that's sophisticated machinery.
Dude, it's a vending machine.

You put money in,
shit comes out.

It's a gourmet
quick-mealer, assh*le.

It ain't nothing without power.

Where are the
g*dd*mn outlets?


Hey, this is Danny.
Leave a message,

I'll get back to you
as soon as I can. Thanks.

Sofer. What happened to the g*dd*mn
outlets of the vending machines?

Oh, shit.

You were supposed to call
the electrician.

I'll chalk it up to hormones, but you
better get down here and fix this.


So how'd we do?
Some of it looks legit.

FDA seals, valid expiration.
But there's over a dozen boxes
that don't have seals.

No record of these
being logged in.

We'll run them against
the bad scrips at Mission Cross.

City Council in the house.
How did Aceveda get here so quick?

You think this is the
source of the bad dr*gs?

What the hell is Aceveda doing there?
BILLINGS: I should get back.

Keep me posted and so forth.

Bring out Dr. Feelgood.

My office got a call, I wanna
make sure everyone's getting
the care they need.

Well, it looks like half
their stock are bootleg meds.

I'm shutting it down.

Mission Cross has been overflowing
with bad-scrip deaths.

We hear your clinic is ground zero.
Our dr*gs aren't bad.

They're illegal.
GLEN: Yeah, but they're not bad.

Look, I make a few deals,
cut some corners,

but it's not about the profit,
it's about helping these people cope.

These are different than
the ones we got from the ER.

Real labels. American.
Where did you get these?

Gruhani brothers.

Persian dudes,
run a small trucking company.

Got a contract with
Pyren Meryl Pharmaceuticals,
distribute to East L.A.

Gruhani skims off their shipments.
I buy at a third the price.

Take him.
Come on.

You know, a lot of people can't
afford these dr*gs any other way.

I'm not looking to
hurt this place.

But I got black-market scrips
poisoning the Farm.

I gotta come down on everyone
until we figure it out.

Yeah, I know.
But the sooner we can get this
place up and running again...

I'm working on it.

Someone I want you to meet.


It's that lawyer chick, right?
VIC: Yeah.

You hitting that?

No. I hired that.

You hired a lawyer? Why?
Not me, us.

She's walking us through
this thing with Lem.

Collecting intel on the whole
suit-and-tie side of things.

You think we're gonna need lawyers?
I just wanna be prepared.

It's a whole new
playing field we're on.

Holy shit. A lawyer?
Should I get my own?

Shane. Relax.
She's just advising. All of us.

BECCA: Detective.
VIC: Counsellor.

This is Detective Shane Vendrell.

Welcome aboard.

Someplace private we can talk?
Sure. Let's go inside.

Hey, Ricky, park that for me?
Yeah, no problem.

This makes sense?

I think it does.

Right over here.

I was just getting Shane up
to speed on our arrangement.

The others too?

Lem's still wired, so we
have to keep him in the dark.

How did you find out about the wire?

We were hooping in the back
and I felt it on him.

We got him in here,
scribbled a few notes.
We found out it was IAD.

So you have any luck?

I went digging.
The rabbit hole's deep.

The IAD investigation was
initiated by Captain Rawlings

a little over six months ago.

Rawlings set us up?

I don't think it was
a search-and-destroy.

It was to prove
we weren't crooked.

Cover her ass.

Shit. She was trying to
warn me, I didn't listen.

When the chief's staff saw it in play,
they took it in another direction.

And what direction is that?
The way of politics.

This new chief wants to move past
the stain of the last five years.

The riots, lawsuits.

He sees the Strike Teams
as a failure of the old regime.

You're a high-profile team leader.

Hanging you and your guys
puts a face on that failure.

The brass puts some distance
between then and now, it buys
them their public cleansing ritual.

We get screwed by a history lesson.
VIC: What about Kavanaugh?

Closed book.

All I found out
was he's way inside.

Looks lik e he reports
directly to the chief.

g*dd*mn it.

You need to shift perception.

Start piling up some wins
in bigger cases.

Make Internal Affairs look like
they're hurting the good guys.

VIC: Okay. Got it.

That's a huge help. Thanks.

Looks like I'm on board.
You know what that means?

You're gonna need
a retainer. How much?

I'm a one-gal shop.
I'll need at least 10 grand
to get started.

If I strik e early, I might be able
to mak e a deal for Lem.

VIC: Deals are for the guilty.

You need to know
the financial realities of this.

We're talking about
legal counsel for four.

That's a shitload
of man-hours.

On cop's salaries,
you guys both have families.

We'll worry about that later.
No compromises.

We all get cleared,
we all keep our badges.

Nothing less.


Look that over and call if you have
any questions. I'll be in touch.

SHANE: Thank you.
VIC: Thanks.

What's the matter?

Attorney-client privilege.

It's all inadmissible.

This quasi-pharmaceutical shit

caused an aneurysm in
your sister, it stroked her out.

We find out you knew these
dr*gs were illegal, we're gonna
arrest you for manslaughter.

You get these from the clinic?

Clinic charged 45 bucks
for her prescriptions.

And that wasn't
cheap enough for you?

I knew they were
Russian mob.

Had the same kind of drug.
Ten bucks a bottle.

I was afraid to tell you.

Where can we
find these guys?

Operate out of a strip joint
on Hensley.

That's Popovich's place.

Popovich stepped in for Tretiak.
He's running the red clan now.

Sounds like a guy we should know.

Somebody trashed
the Gruhani brothers'
trucking office.

Checked the brothers' homes.
Looks like they left in a hurry.
Both Zal and Babak are MIA.

Zal and Babak?


Found these up your ass.


MAN 1:
Hey, close the door.


Is that p*ssy smiling at me?

LEM: Hey.
MAN 2: Oh, shit.

Come on, girls, you know
this is a patch-the-snatch zone.

Here's your pink slip, ladies.

Mikula Popovich.

I hear you're the czar to know.

You have warrant
to be here?

Violation of pornography laws,
assaulting a police officer.

Probable cause.
Search and seizure, boys.

About a half a dozen of these
in the supply room.

VIC: Not much of a supply.
This is a French label.

It's the same shit we got
from the ER.

VIC: You selling
hangover cures, Popovich?

No. I just like p*ssy.

Dancing p*ssy.

Turn around.

Last time I saw you, you said
you were headed back to Saratov.

Mikula lets me strip,
better money.

Safer than being whore.

on your promotion.

Your boss is selling bad
prescriptions out of this club.

k*lling a lot of innocent people.
I need to know where he keeps
his supply.

I just dance. I know nothing
about dr*gs or gambling or anything.

How about I share with Popovich
how you ratted out Tretiak?


I know they have a garage
on Savannah.

Blackburn Auto.
That's a start.

Tough shit, white cop.
I tell you nothing.

You go shit yourself.
Nice touch.

You wanna wait up there?

No. Paramedics are here
if I don't make it.

DUTCH: Fear of gates?
Border flashback?

Maybe he just likes
a challenge.

He told us he got hit by a car.
It knocked him down the hill.

Witnesses saw it different.


A neighbour saw him jump out
of a moving car. Red Infiniti.

DUTCH: g*ng retaliation?
Lots of scratches, no ink.

No, no.




He says he doesn't wanna
go to the hospital.

Forearm's gotta have a fracture.



PARAMEDIC: We can't force him.
DUTCH: We can.

Trespassing, destruction
of private property.

You're under arrest.
Take him. Make sure he
gets medical attention.

Fill him in, huh?

So people are gonna break
their necks on those wires.

Then tape them down.
People gotta eat.

Oh, shit.
Men's toilet's clogged.

Take care of that next.
JULIEN: Detective Wyms.

Tina talked to Hidalgo
down at Mission Cross.
He wants to tell the truth.

He said he jumped out of the
car because he was scared.

Gave us a description
of the woman driving.
Black, 40s, heavyset.

Picked him up for day work
at the Home Depot on Third.

Drove him out to the Angeles Crest.
Made him dig a hole.



She wanted him to bury a body.

She must've seen him
getting skittish.

He said she threatened
to report him to the INS
if he didn't finish the job.

That's when he freaked
and jumped out of the car.

That's, uh, really good work.

Both of them.



Wow. How tall are you?

She asked him
to make it this big?


Yeah. She told him
to make it longer.

Hey, you guys done?
Yeah, you done?

Yeah, sorry. Good job.


Got nothing, man.
There's nothing.

Think the whore lied?
You mean the stripper.


What the hell is that?

Hey. Jesus, in here.

Holy shit.

Okay? You got it?

Who did this to you?
SHANE: Hey, Vic.

Get him up, man.

Zal Gruhani, it's one of the brothers
who owns the trucking company.

Jesus Christ. This is chemo
medicine. Do you have cancer?

No. Why?

Popovich knew this French shit
was k*lling people.

So he wanted our supply,
take over our shipments.

I said no.

Then he throws me in that hole
for two weeks and pumps this
poison in me.

Until you change your mind.


Can't say you're
not committed.

Where's your brother?
Babak runs our Westside office.

But Russians don't know him.

He's hiding at our mom's.

We hide the dr*gs in her garage.

Lock it on that side.

So pick up the scrips at the mother's?
Charge Popovich with attempted 187.


Hang on.

Have a seat, Ivan.

Yeah, whatever.

They're back.

What is this room?

This is the room
of endless possibilities.

Away from the
department's cameras.

We have a business opportunity
we'd like to share with you.

Turn it down, it's a short
walk back to the cage.

We know about the garage
and your cancer research.

Don't know garage. Just manage club.
SHANE: We know.

Dancing camel toe.

I can arrest you and your guys.

Squeeze one of them until
we find out where the dr*gs are.

But I'm all about diplomacy,
raising the iron curtain.

So you're talking
maybe relationship.

Just lik e the way you guys
lik e to do things in Moscow.

You like to help out folks who can't
afford the high cost of medicine.

We appreciate that.

We just wanna make sure
your product doesn't k*ll anyone.

That's just bad business.

We'll trade you that French shit
you've been dealing

for all-American,
FDA-approved shit.

We'll give you access
to the Gruhani brothers' supply.

You give them 20 percent.
Why would Gruhani agree to this?

VIC: If he doesn't,
we'll arrest him and his brother.

They'll lose everything.

What's in it for you?

We get bad dr*gs off the street.


We also get 10 percent off the top
for putting you on the right track.

That's 70 percent in your pock et.
Easy half mil a year.

You say yes, you walk out
of here, free and clear.

You say no, or try to burn us,
perestroika dies.

I can say yes to this relationship.


You bring the bad French
scrips to the garage.

And I'll get Gruhani's brother, Babak,
to bring what he's got in storage.

We're gonna need a piece
of our fee up front,

good-faith gesture, $10,000.

You get a better product,
we track down the bad dr*gs.

Everybody gets a win.


Who says there is never police
around when we need them? Hm?


Who says that?

Yeah, who says?

Faster than that, Leo.

Tell them it's for me.
What's going on?

I got Mackey making a deal
with the Russians.

Hot prescription dr*gs.

You know anything
about that?

They closed a city-funded
clinic today for doling out
illegal prescriptions.

People were dying.
He didn't call you about it?

Talk to you about it in one
of his private conversations?


Did you know our boy has hired
a lawyer for him and his team?

Checked around,
it sounds like her.

Rebecca Doyle.
Yeah. You know her?

Met her a few times.

Well, it makes sense.

She knows how to
protect career criminals.

There's another brother
of a dune-co*n mother.

Fill our Persian drug boy
in on the plan. I'll wrangle
the big man.


What the hell's going on?
Come on, man.

Sofer told me you released
Popovich. I thought he was the
one pushing these bad meds.

He is. We just don't know where
he keeps his supply. We couldn't
hold him on the shit we found.

Yeah, well, Phillips drilled me
a new ass channel for my lack
of community awareness.

This bullshit's gonna
totally ding me.

I'm working on something
that might cool your a**l burning.

I'll let you know.

There was two missing persons over
6-foot-4, guess who reported one.

Peaches Pyman. Reported
a red Infiniti stolen this morning.

Puts Alex Gardling missing
May, 2004. 6-foot-5.

A perfect peg
for a very large hole.

You found my car?
Yes, we did.

There something
I gotta sign?

Just need to ask you a few questions.
Anyone else have the keys, Peaches?

Not to the car. My realtor
has the house keys.

Just sold my house.

Moving out of state?
No. Just out of the 'hood.

Where were you
when the car was taken?

Sleeping in,
I run a sports bar.

Didn't get to bed till after 3.

While we have you here,
we also need to ask about that
missing-persons report you filed.

On Alex?
That was over a year ago.

You're just following up on that now?
DUTCH: Alex your boyfriend?

He was.

He sent me an e-mail
a few months later.

I should have reported that, I guess.
CLAUDETTE: So he's alive?

No, I don't think so.

He was terminal.
Some kind of blood disorder.

He didn't wanna
put me through that.

He moved to Panama. Wanted
to die in his boyhood home.

So he e-mailed me
to apologise and say goodbye.

Had the techs plant cameras
and mikes in the garage.

Gives us a 360-degree view
of the whole space.

Front-row seats to Mackey's
drug swap and cash infusion.

Hey, he's on.

How's our cancer victim?

He's doing okay. He's real
worried about his brother.

Well, he should be.
How's your gut?

Same, I guess.

You should stay home
tonight, take it easy.
We can take care of things.

Okay. You hear anything else
about that other thing?

No. We're gonna give our guy a call.
See if there's any movement.

All right, man. Thanks.


MAN: Yeah, yeah.
But, basically, we're in a
holding pattern right now.


Our CI's giving us the 20
on those bad scrips.

Thought you might wanna be there,
spin it that Aceveda way.

I'll give a call.
You bring the cameras.

Yeah, I understand. Right.

It was Mackey. He wants to
turn picking up the bad dr*gs
into a media event.

After he makes the trade
and takes the payoff in private.

Steals his cake and eats it too.
Look, I got a district to take care of.

You don't mind sticking around,
do you, councilman?

Help me get rid of that bad feeling.

You know,
Prednisone's pretty toxic stuff.

How'd you...?
You looked in my desk?

Your drawer was open.
I glanced over.


Why don't you talk to me
about this? I just wanna help.

It's not about
what you want.

WOMAN: What's going on here?
CLAUDETTE: Who are you?

I live here.
Shonda Cromwell.

Well, we got a warrant
to search the house.

Oh, my God.

What did Peaches do?
JULIEN: Detectives.

CLAUDETTE: What is it?
You're not gonna believe this.

Is that a...? Is that a body?

Damn. He must've
pissed somebody off.

Yeah. Or maybe he was caught
rifling through their drawers.

Or maybe his dying wish
was "dry clean only."

You, uh, recognise this guy?

Breaking up is hard to do.

We found him that way.

In your garage.
Oh, my Lord.


No, no, no.

Alex, baby.

Oh, no.

No, no. No.


That's not the response
of a woman who just tried
to bury a guy in the woods.

No, it isn't.

Sit down. Someone will get
your statement in a minute.

What's that about?

When you gotta go,
you gotta go?

Hey, I checked out
that e-mail that Peaches
said came from Panama.

Turns out our IT guy says it came
from an Internet caf? in Burbank.

Long way from the Canal.

No kidding.

Nice catch on that Infiniti,
by the way.

Oh, sure thing. Oh, God.

MAN: What happened?
DUTCH: Danny.

Danny, you all right?
DANNY: Oh, shit.

JULIEN: You okay?
LEM: Want a doctor?

No, really. It's just stupid.
SHANE: She ran into the pole.

Just help me up, okay?
DUTCH: I'm sorry.

Are you sure
you're okay?

No, I'm fine. Just, who put
the g*dd*mn pole there?

I got it.

I was walking this way...


How's the head?

I just gave Tina a whole lecture
on "never let them see you cry."

Then I go and give them a ticket
to my emotional breakdown.


When I was pregnant with my first,
I trashed the aisle at the Ralphs

because I couldn't decide
which disposable diaper to buy.


I just don't... I don't
know what I'm doing here.

None of us do,

They all need to mind
their own damn business.

You just worry about
what's in here.

Let the rest of us
wade through the sewer.



How you gonna handle it if he
makes the deal with the Russian?

You gonna just go in,
or wait till you have more?

Gonna use the shock and awe
to our advantage.

Take them into custody,
separate them.

Full-court press.
One of them will turn
on the others.

See you later.

Good luck tonight.

Hidalgo was afraid of being deported.
I told him we weren't gonna do that.

What else?

Said sometimes people
who cooperate with the police
get their green cards.

No wonder he was so happy to help.
It's true.

Well, yeah, if you, like,
help bring down a cartel.

But it worked.
He's been cooperating, right?

He ID'd the first black woman
you put in front of him.

Now the witness is an illegal
coerced into a statement

by a false promise of citizenship.


It seemed like the right thing to do.
It wasn't.

It'll be okay.
Dutch man's got a plan.

Ah, sorry to keep you waiting.
Oh, it's okay.

Is that pregnant cop all right?
She'll be fine.

It's a crazy day.
God, no kidding.

Jeez, and with Peaches
k*lling Alex like that.

I just can't believe it.
DUTCH: Well, no one can.

What do you mean?
We mean, Peaches didn't k*ll Alex.

She loved him. You k*lled Alex.

And you a crazy bitch
because I ain't k*lled no one.

Then why did you send this man
to dig a grave in the Angeles Crest
this morning?

What's the going rate
for day workers?

You also work two blocks
from the caf? you e-mailed
his Dead John letter from.

So Peaches
would stop looking.

And your shrink-wrapping skills
preserved Alex so well,

we've got your DNA all over him.

You were trying to move the body
before Peaches sold the house.

DUTCH: First rule of hole digging:

If you're standing in the hole,
stop digging.

So tell us the truth.

One crazy bitch to another.

All right.

Look. He was with Peaches.

But then he came on to me.
It's understandable.

We started having some fun.

But then he falls all in love
with me and shit.

Wants to tell her everything.

Peaches owns the house,
she would have kicked my ass out.

He wasn't worth all that.
DUTCH: What happened?

We had sex.

Started fighting
about Peaches.

I keep a bat beside my bed.

Shit just happened.

Up against the truck.

Don't you trust us?

Sure. What makes
you think I don't?


When we see the dr*gs.
Don't you trust us?


Hey, Vic. Old French Zocor.

I think I arrested him once.

POPOVICH: That's all of it.
Everything we have.


Open it up. Let's get
the real meds in here.

We ready?

Go on my call.


Babak, meet your new boss.

I want to see merchandise.

Got just what the doctor
ordered. Show him.


You got that tingling
feeling like I do?

We got it right here.

Here's our good faith.

The 10,000.

Come on, you deserve it.
Just take it.


That's bullshit.

He almost k*ll my brother.

He poison him and then
he take our business.

ACEVEDA: What's he doing?
Where'd the g*n come from?


VIC: Let him go.
SHANE: Hey. Hey.

Son of a bitch.

Go ahead. I don't give a shit.
Can't let him walk out of here.

He'll give us all away.

What the hell?

You take care of it.
No. He's your problem.

He's our problem.

Man, come on.
There's gotta be another way.

No other way.
You want relationship, huh?

Just not in the face.

KAVANAUGH: Go in. Go in.
MAN: We're a go.

Vic. Vic!


MAN 1: Freeze! Freeze!
MAN 2: On the ground.

MAN 3: Let's go.
MAN 4: All right. All right.

MAN 5:
Let me see them.


MAN 6:
Don't move.

MAN 7:
Secure. All clear here.

MAN 8:
Sir. All suspects are accounted for.

Vic, what the hell is going on?

IAD just shit all over our sting.

What's this? What's this?

Detective Baham.

There were blanks in the g*ns.
ACEVEDA: What are you running?

We were trying to establish
a relationship with the Russians.

Knew Popovich wouldn't let
the Persian threat get out alive.

k*lling the competition would have
been the blood tie that binds.

Prescription dr*gs
is just the tip of the iceberg.

This shitbag's got ties
going back to the Kremlin.

Would've been
a huge win for us.

Did you think I was making
a deal with the Russians?

That I'd actually k*ll someone?


I don't know where
you got your intel,
but it's wrong.

He ran the whole operation
by me this afternoon.

I guess IAD will spin any kind
of fiction to stain good cops bad.

Uncuff my men. You idiots
did enough damage for one night.

Book him for attempted m*rder,

and illegal dancing p*ssy.

It won't topple the ROC but at least
it'll make a dent in the local machine.



Gannon come out of retirement?
Hey, if it ain't broke, it ain't the Barn.

Heard about IAD. That's bullshit.
Yeah. Typical.

How you feeling?
Well, a little better.


Can I get you something to eat?

I sort of lost my appetite.

Should we talk?

About what?

Well, maybe I can help.

Looks like the dad's
not in the picture.

Yeah, well,
the dad doesn't know.

I think it's better that way.

I just... I don't think that
he could handle it right now.

I'm gonna do this on my own.

If you change your mind.
Offer still stands.

All right.


I've got lupus.
I've had it for 15 years.

It's just been
flaring up lately.

Fifteen years?
Got my girls. James.

I've got family.
I just need you to be you.



Little Southern will comfort that belly.
I think I'll stick with the pink.

I like the pink.

Billings wants us to clean up
in here. Make sure there's
no code violations.

Seems someone ratted him out
to the fire marshal.

Who would do something lik e that?


You know what
we should do?

We should get rid of some
of this shit on the locker.
It's a little too close to this light.

No, not the trophy, man.
I went 3 for 4 to win that.

You were 0 for 5.
But who's counting?

You know what? Screw it.
It's a cheap piece of shit.

You know what? We'll just
beat IAD again next year.



Hey, Dutch.

I just wanted to thank you.

You keep going out of your way
to help me, and, well, I just really
appreciate it.

Oh, sure thing.
Any time.

Well, I'll see you


Word is IAD stepped on
a big sting you guys were
setting up on the Russians.

They just keep hurting
the good guys.

Could've picked it up
on Lemansky's wire, maybe.

Thought you guys were
making some kind of deal.

There's egg all over IAD's face.

If this tipped Kavanaugh off
that you're on to the wire,

he's gonna be pissed.

I have Ronnie sweep
for bugs every day.

He found one in the clubhouse.
We know it had to be Kavanaugh.

So we spun it our way.
Just like you said.

Jesus Christ. You knew the place
was bugged when you talked to me.

That conversation...
You used me too?

Any part of that
conversation is privileged.

No. You withheld information.

They can't...
You lied to me.

No. It happened fast.

Look, I'm winging it here.

I'm sorry.

Any move he makes
against us now

just seems like part of an
ongoing misguided vendetta.

I better prepare
our next move.

Because Kavanaugh
is going to arrest Lemansky.

And he's gonna try
to hurt you by hurting him.

We'll be ready for that too.

You know what? We'll just
beat IAD again next year.


You want me to go
back to the Barn?

Plant another one
someplace else?

Billings wants us to clean up in here.

Mak e sure there's no...
Don't bother.

Seems someone ratted him out
to the fire marshal.

You know, Farmington did
beat us in the semi-finals.

Could have been talking about that.
Thanks, Buzz.

You should get going.

SHANE: Not the trophy.
I went 3 for 4 to win that.

LEM: You were 0 for 5.
But who's counting?

You know what? Screw it.
It's a cheap piece of shit.

VIC: You know what?
We'll just beat IAD again next year.


