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04x11 - Grief

Posted: 01/12/22 06:25
by bunniefuu
I know. And I'm sorry for what I said.

I was just... I'll tell you
when I see you, okay?

Love you too, Mom.




- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm looking for Rina Trenholm.

Her room was right here,
but her stuff isn't there.

Did you move her?

Can I have your name, sir?

Sure, Jubal Valentine.

- Just a moment.
- Okay.


- Mr. Valentine.
- Yeah?

Susan Blanchard,
patient affairs coordinator.

I'm afraid life support was discontinued

for Ms. Trenholm last night.



Her parents had
medical power of attorney.

It was a decision they made
after a consultation

with our medical staff
and deep reflection.

I talked to her doctor.

He said it wasn't gonna happen
until the end of the week.

I-I was gonna...

I'm sorry.

If you'd like to be connected
with a grief counselor,

I can...

Hey, Susan?

Sorry, please excuse me.



I'm on my way.

Angela Mullins, .

She's a freshman
at Woodhaven Junior College.

She was abducted last night

walking back to her apartment
from the library.

NYPD got word this morning
when the owner of a nearby shop

checked his security cam.

We're about to take a look.
Ian, roll it.

And we're assisting?

No, we're primary.

The abduction site is on the fringe

of a newly designated national park.

We been able to pull
the suspect's ID off the video?

There's not enough
data points for facial rec.

Can we get a location
of the victim's phone?

Cell signal is still
transmitting near the park.

And looks like Angela's
last call was to her mother,

Valerie Mullins, at : p.m.

Okay, that's four minutes
before the abduction.

We'll meet the mom
at Angela's apartment.

We need to check with college security

for any stalking complaints.

And we need to vet Angela's texts

and emails for any red flags there.

Let's go to work, people!

One more thing.

As many of you may
or may not have heard...

Rina Trenholm passed away last night.

She was family.

So we will be having a memorial,

and details will follow.

In the meantime, let's honor her memory

the way she'd want us to.

Let's do our jobs.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm good. Thanks.

Listen, I know how close you guys were.

- If you need some time...
- No. No. I'm good.

We need to... we need to find this girl.

Go, people! We need leads now!
Let's take a move.

ERT found the girl's backpack
ditched inside the park.

Cash and credit cards weren't touched,

so it doesn't figure for a robbery.

What about her cell phone?

Just pulled it from the gutter.

Okay, let's have ERT dust it for prints,

and pull traffic cams
from a ten-block radius.

Copy that.

- Where are we on the canvass?
- Still in process.

But a deli worker named
Manny Statler saw something.

Thank you.

Okay, okay.


Hey, Manny,
can you tell us what happened?

- I was taking the trash out.
- Seen this tall white guy

with a gray cap, might've had a beard.

He was dumping some chick in his car.

What do you mean by "dumping"?

- She was out cold.
- He put her in the back seat.

Said something like, "I'm gonna
take care of you, Angela."

Okay, why didn't you call it in?

I assumed they were together.

We get the college crowd
looking to work off a buzz.

Figured she was bombed on Long Islands

like they usually are.

- What kinda car was it?
- Gold sedan. Older model.

All right, thanks.

"I'm gonna take care of you, Angela."

Sounds like they might've
known each other.


You said you spoke to
your daughter late last night?

Yes. It was a nice call.

I can't believe this is happening.

Did she ever tell you
anyone threatened her?


Was she having problems with anyone?

Not that I know of.

But the last time she was home,

Angela said she was seeing an older man.

I didn't approve.
Said things I shouldn't have.

She left angry.


Do you know anything else
about this guy?

Just that that they'd dated
a few months.

Angela called last night
to say it was over

and she was sorry about our fight.

We were gonna get mani-pedis today.

Ms. Mullins, I know this is hard,

but we're gonna do everything
in our power

- to get her back, okay?
- Okay.

Now, you mentioned an older man.

We ran Angela's cell history,
and it seems that she had

a lot of calls with a English professor

named Alex Bradshaw
over the last few months.

Did she ever mention him?


- Okay.
- Hey, Tiff.


A gold bracelet.

Gift receipt comes back to a jeweler

that's a few blocks
from Woodhaven's campus.

Thanks for coming in,
Professor Bradshaw.

What's this about?

Angela Mullins. You know her?

Who said I did?

Look, we're gonna level
with you, Professor.

The girl's gone missing.


Oh, my God.

And a bracelet of hers

was tracked back to your credit card.

So let's just cut the preliminaries

and tell us about your relationship.

I prefer the term "friendship,"

which lasted for two months
until I ended it.

Yeah? Why'd you call it quits?

We were meeting
at Bistro Ambrosia in Soho.

I see her chatting up some troglodyte

in a car across the street.

She says he just rolled up to say hi.

I question her veracity.

It spiraled from there.

You get a good look at this troglodyte?

Not really. He never got out.

- What about his car?
- An old Chevy.

Gold. New York plates.

Oh, and the first three numbers are .

Why was that significant?

Because it's pi.


Not bad for an English professor.

Yes, well.

I really do hope you find Angela.

She's a lovely girl.

But I do have a class I need to teach.

Not so fast, Professor.

Why don't you educate us
on your whereabouts last night

so we can check that out?

All right, Alex Bradshaw's
alibi checks out.

Where are we on the car?

Search for a gold Chevy
near the park around the time

of the abduction
didn't turn up anything.

Yeah, okay. What about the plate?

We got three gold Chevys
with New York plates

beginning with .

A Impala, a Volt,
and a Malibu.

Okay, we're looking for an older sedan,

so maybe the Malibu.
Who's the registered owner?

Robert Bender from Syosset.

Okay, have Maggie and OA check it out.

Does the Malibu have an active GPS?

Yep... if the car is moving,
I can grab a fix.

Just need to get the VIN from the DMV.

Jackson Avenue, Long Island City.


See if you can
catch him on a traffic cam.

He's crossing Crescent now.

There is a cam at that intersection.

I can't get a clean view,
but that driver...

A tall guy with a beard and a cap,

and the blonde's in the passenger seat.

Tiff and Scola
are in that area. Tiffany.

Yeah, we got a suspect
in Long Island City

heading east on Jackson Avenue.

She's running.

FBI, don't move!

Hey, stop!

Damn it!

Call it in and get an ambulance.

Suspect is fleeing northbound.

I need an ambulance
at Lefferts and st.


I know. It's not Angela.

What the hell happened to that signal?

We need eyes on this Malibu.

NYPD found it b*rned out in Brownsville.

GPS was fried, so we don't know
where it was headed.

Okay, where are we on
the Chevy's registered owner?

Robert Bender has been in the hospital

the last four months
with a spinal cord injury.

Okay, we need the victim ID now.


Name's Cassidy Drabeck
from Bushwick, age .

Huh, looks like her father, Phillip,

filed a missing persons report

with the police four months ago.

Hey, Tommy, how quick
can we dig up that NYPD file?

I'll get on it.

All right, so the profile
is coming into focus, right?

Yeah, similar age
and appearance suggests

stalking behavior,
not crimes of opportunity.

All right, a serial predator
fixated on a type.

We need to find a nexus
between Angela and Cassidy.

Maybe that'll shed some light
on the suspect.

No overlap in educational institutions

or social organizations.

And there's no obvious
geographical links either.

Angela lived alone in Woodhaven,

Cassidy with her dad in Brooklyn.

Okay, we need to bring the dad in

as soon as NYPD makes a notification.

Maybe he can help us figure out

who the hell is abducting
these young women.

Yeah, Tiff and Scola
are with the M.E. now.

Let's get an update as soon as possible.

- Let's go, people!
- We're chasing a k*ller here.


- Blunt force trauma.
- Death was instantaneous.

But sepsis would've k*lled her
within hours

if not for the accident.

Sepsis? How'd she get that?

The metal restraints on her ankles.

She was shackled for a long time.

Any signs of sexual abuse?

Vaginal bruising
is consistent with that.

I also found multiple stun g*n
marks on her torso

and dorsal regions.

This girl, she had it rough.

- Thanks, Neil.
- Mm-hmm.


Thank you for coming in, Mr. Drabeck.

I'm very sorry for your loss.
I just have a few questions.

My daughter disappeared four months ago.

Where was the FBI
with its questions then?

I understand how you feel.

The reason I brought you in

is because a second girl has been taken,

and we think these abductions
might be connected.

So you could help us catch
this monster right now.

If you could just take a look
at this list of locations

the second girl visited
the day she was abducted.

Maybe there was some kind
of overlap with Cassidy.

I don't recognize any of these.



If you don't mind, could you tell me

about the last time
you spoke with Cassidy?

She went to a rehearsal
at the Round Bridge,

this community theater in Astoria.

She called telling me
she was on her way home.

I never saw her again.

And the police looked into this?

For a minute.

"No evidence of foul play," they said.

Made it out like Cassie just ran off.

The idea that my daughter
would turn her back on me?


Okay, um...

We'll have someone drive you home.

I really am very sorry for your loss.

I didn't know Cassidy all that well.

She was just an extra.

Well, do you know
if she had any problems

with anyone else, Ms. Page?

Oh, it's Beth, please.

And no, no, Cassidy was lovely.

Okay, do you recognize
this other girl by any chance?

Her name's Angela Mullins.


Is there anyone else here
more often than you

that I should be speaking with?

I make bucks an hour
to oversee the space,

so I'm pretty much the only one around.

Hey, Maggie.

"Woodhaven J.C. Psych Department.

Ask for Angela."


Psych Department confirms
Angela was handing out flyers

in that neighborhood a few weeks back.

Yeah, okay, so Cassidy
was performing at the theater,

Angela was handing out fliers there.

It's not much, but it's something.

It's connection.

We need to take
a deep dive into everyone

in that repertory.

Yeah, and let's widen the net,

janitors, delivery guys,

anyone who could've crossed
paths with both of them.

Look for sexual assaults,
violent priors.

I dug up the files on Cassidy Drabeck.

We did a bit of legwork

before closing the missing persons case.

She called two nights
before she disappeared.

Says a gold car followed
her home from the grocery.

At the time, it was too vague
to justify follow-up.

Well, it's specific enough
for another conversation

with Cassidy's dad. Thanks.

No, Cassie never told me

about any gold car
that was following her.

Well, she never said
she was being stalked or...


But I am...

I was the kind of dad

that would've gone looking for the guy.

She probably didn't wanna worry me.

All right.

I've been worrying for so long.

Maybe I just gotta let go.

No. No, no.

You don't wanna do that. Not yet.

Not until we get
justice for your daughter.

- Okay.
- Now, what about the theater?

She have problems with anyone?

Was she seeing anyone there?

No. Nothing like that.

I don't...


At her last production, opening night,

couple of weeks before she went missing,

she said some guy came backstage,

tried to hand her hyacinths.

It weirded her out 'cause
that was her favorite flower.

Any chance you filmed
that night's performance?

Suspect is down here,
tall, beard, baseball cap.

And he's filming.

Ian, where's his camera pointed?

Straight at one of the extras.

That's Cassidy.

All right, we need
a full frontal of this guy.

Scrub every frame.

Wait, I got something from
a second video Drabeck took.

Dad, stop.

- You were great, sweetheart.
- I gotta capture the moment.

Seriously, you are embarrassing me.

There. Freeze. Kelly...

Yeah, running it now.

Doyle Buckler, .

A few violent priors.
There's one for sexual battery.

- Okay. Okay.
- We have a last known address?

- Phone number?
- Negative.

Tax records show
a last job as a file clerk

for a Jersey paper manufacturer
five years ago.

Okay. Any connection to that theater?

- No.
- Whoa, hey, check this out.

You are embarrassing me.

- That's my job, honey.
- You're a famous actress.

I'm gonna sell this to the talk shows.

That's Beth Page.

What the hell?

We need a location
on Beth Page right now.

Thank you.

The theater said
that Beth went home sick

right after we talked to her.




It's still warm. She was just here.

Well, it doesn't look like
she's coming back

any time soon.

All right, so Beth Page
works at Round Bridge.

That makes sense.

Both of our victims have
a connection to that theater.

Assuming that she used her access

to scout girls for Doyle.
But why? What's in it for her?

Yeah, whatever her involvement is,

right now she's our best lead.

We got no phone number
or car registered to her?

No. It looks like she was
using a burner, though.

So she and Doyle were in this together.

Ian, where are we on the desktop

we found in her apartment?

Just hacked into the hard drive.

- Okay.
- Whoa.

Dozens of photos that Beth snapped

over the past six months.

All blonde, slim, ' " to ' ".

They look like Angela and Cassidy.

She kept detailed files on both victims.

There's a file of a third girl too.

Wait, what? There's a third girl?

Darcy Edmonds. Chelsea address.

Okay, pull up her number. Reach out.


It's off.

Okay, we have to assume she's
either a target or a victim.

Maggie, OA.


ERT didn't find

any of Doyle's effects
in Beth's apartment.

Which tells us he was not
staying with her.

And since he's the one
that grabbed up Angela,

he's probably keeping her
somewhere else.

So we got two co-conspirators
in the wind

and no solid lead on our missing girl.


All right, guys, keep working.

We got two suspects now.


Oh, um, yeah. Okay.

I'll be... I'll be right there.


This is where Rina spent
all those hours?


My girl.

Always trying to make a difference.

Well, she... she made a big one.

Everyone here is just quite shaken

when we heard she was... she was gone.

It was a decision no parent
should have to make.

But her father and I knew that

that's what she would've wanted,

so there was no point delaying it.

Yeah, of course.

Oh, here it is.

That's everything?

Uh, yeah.

Rina's life...

Reduced to a box.


You're why she took this job, you know.

She was happy in Newark,
but she wanted to be near you.

I didn't know that.

I'm ready to go now.


You can leave that.

Doyle Buckler?

I haven't heard that name in five years.

Now you're telling me
he kidnapped a girl.

Two... uh, one is dead,
and the other is still missing.

So anything you can tell us
about your history together

might help our investigation.

We dated for about two months, if that.

It was fine at first,
then things got weird.

How'd you two meet?

We ran into one another
at The Booksmith.

He was charming and attentive
in the beginning.

And then?

I found this creepy dossier
he kept on me in his apartment.

Turns out he was lurking on
my social media before we met,

friended me using a fake profile

of an old classmate, Julie Clark.

I totally fell for it.

So he was stalking you?

Since before we met.

This girl that's missing,
is there any place

you can think of
that he may have taken her?

No idea.

See, the only real thing
about Doyle was his focus.

It was all about me,
even on our last day together.

Like, what happened then?

He took me to the Cloisters,
another place I'd posted about.

He actually proposed to me.

I mean, we'd only been dating
for two months.

It was creepy.

I broke up with him on the spot.

He emailed me these crazed
love letters, followed me.

I got a restraining order,
and that was it.

I never saw him again.


Do I need to worry?

Just to be safe, we're gonna
station an agent out front

till we have him in custody.

Darcy Edmonds
is Doyle Buckler's Girl Zero.

She broke his heart,
and he's trying to mend it

by abducting women that look like her.

Or, as BAU says,

he's requiting his unrequited feelings.

His first move's a chance encounter

with the women he's eyeing,

what the BAU calls "intimacy-building."

But he needed access
to get personal information.

And to get it, he might've left a trail.

To find Angela, we need to find Doyle.

And figuring out
how he hunted these girls

might help us track him down.
So let's start with Darcy.

Now, Doyle impersonated her
with what, Julie Clark,

and he sent her a fake friend request.

Where was that friend request sent from?

Don't know. Profile was deleted.

And Angela Mullins has
no social media presence.

Okay, that leaves Cassidy.

Doyle brought her hyacinths, right?

He didn't pick those at random.

What's her online presence like?

- Now, please!
- Robust.

Lots of posts about
hyacinths across platforms.

And all of her accounts are private.

All right, we need
to track her online activity.

I want a rundown of her friends
she added in the weeks

prior to her abduction.
Send me the results.

No, I don't know that man.

Right, okay,
we're gonna try something else.

I'm gonna show you
some social media friends

Cassidy added in the weeks
prior to her abduction.

One is likely fake,

used to access your daughter's
personal information.

So just tell me if any of them
seem off in any way.

Take a look.

I don't know.

And it doesn't matter anymore.

None of this is gonna bring
my daughter back.

We are going to catch the son
of a bitch who k*lled her.

That's something, right?

Let's just... let's focus on this.

Right, okay, so what about
this one, Melissa Miller?


Yeah, Cassie was gonna have lunch

with Missy over Christmas.

Okay, and how about this one,
Mia Morgan?

She's from her youth group.

Cassie had a huge falling-out
with these girls.

She told me there's no way
they'd ever speak with her again.

There's no way she would've
reached out to Cassie.

The real Mia Morgan
never sent Cassie Drabeck

a friend request.

The profile's a fake one. Ian...

Got the IP address the
friend request was sent from.

All right, now
a physical address associated

with the digital one.

- A shipyard in Greenpoint.
- Munroe Road.

- Have SWAT meet us there.
- Let's go, people!


FBI, don't move!

Go around! Go around! Watch the door.

- Where's Angela?
- I don't know.

Where's Doyle?

I don't know.

Hey, guys, I think we got something.

The shipping containers were padlocked.

The first two are empty, but this one...

Holy hell.

Judging by the smell of bleach,

hell's been scrubbed clean.

Okay, here's what
you're looking at, Beth.

Cassidy Drabeck d*ed
trying to escape Doyle Buckler,

and you were his accomplice.

More specifically,
you were finding girls for him,

destroying evidence.

That puts you on the hook
for felony-m*rder.


I didn't touch that girl.

Doyle loved Cassidy.

He took care of her.

Okay, you don't know.

That stupid girl
walked right into traffic.

It wasn't Doyle's fault.

Well, the law actually states
that it is your fault as well.

So let's start talking about ways
that you can help yourself.

You don't have a registered
phone number,

neither does Doyle,
but we are aware that you guys

have been communicating
frequently on a burner phone.

Is that correct?

This woman is way far gone.

Just gotta bring her
back enough to cooperate.

Give us his number.

Help us find Angela,
and then we can help you.


Okay, this is your last chance, Beth,

or you're gonna be spending
the rest of your life

in prison. Do you understand that?

Doyle loves Angela.

Okay, she's lucky.

Cassidy was lucky too.

You don't understand.

Doyle loves all of us.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Got a full workup on Beth Page.


"A submissive dependent personality."

Yeah, you know, it's like we suspected.

Doyle targeted her,
knew a sprinkle of attachment

would be enough to give her
a sense of purpose,

make her devoted to him.

You know, I never asked
Phillip Drabeck about Beth.

Maybe he saw her.

Maybe he can give us something,
you know?

- Any-anything. I'm gonna...
- Jubal.

Phillip Drabeck? Cut him some slack.

He just found out
his only daughter is dead.

Yeah, well, we got
a missing girl here, so.

I get it, but he is reeling,
and so are you.

Okay, okay.

Hey, sorry for just showing up.

Can we talk?

I got no more time
for you today, Agent Valentine.

- Okay, it'll just...
- It'll take a minute.

I got something important here.


Um, okay, so this woman's name
is Beth Page.

- You recognize her?
- No.

This is Doyle's accomplice,

so you might've seen her
lurking around, taking photos.

I don't recognize her.

I mean, look again. Take a minute.

I don't need a minute.

I got nothing else for you.

No, it's not for me. It's for Cassidy.

With this woman's help,
Buckler kidnapped

and k*lled your daughter,

and we have got to make him pay.

Make him pay?

It's me that's gotta pay

every day for the rest of my life.

- Yeah.
- 'Cause Cassie is gone.

And the monster who did this
is still out there.

If you do not do everything you can,

- if he gets away with this...
- That's enough.

This man needs to begin
his process of healing,

and it only happens
by embracing forgiveness,

not vengeance.


- Hey, how'd it go?
- Struck out.

Which means our only hope
is sitting in that box,

refusing to cooperate.

So in love with the guy we're chasing

she's willing to take the fall.

Maybe that's what
we should be exploiting.

She thinks that she's protecting a guy

who loves her back, right?

Maybe all we have to do is
make her see that he doesn't.

Angela Mullins.

Cassidy Drabeck.

Darcy Edmonds.

What do these three women
have in common, Beth?

Come on, take a look.

All right, they're pretty.

They're young, blonde.

But none of them look like you.

It doesn't matter.

That's because he loves you, right?

That's right.

Well, how do you know that?

Has Doyle ever been intimate with you?

Doyle needs me.

More than he's ever needed
anyone else before, right?

That's right.

Okay, "Darcy, you are my everything,

"my love and my life.
All I can think about is you.

All I want to do is make you happy."

Do you know who wrote this?

I don't care.

You know that Doyle wrote it.

That's not the only letter.
We have dozens of them.

So what?

All of these tell the same story.

The only woman that Doyle
has ever really needed

is Darcy Edmonds.

That's not true.

We found your bags
packed in Doyle's trailer.

Did you really think that
he was gonna come back for you?


Yes, okay?

Beth, he wasn't.

And the minute you're locked up,

you're never gonna hear from him again.

Why are you sacrificing your life

for somebody who's using you?

Let's go, Maggie. She's a lost cause.

All right, okay, I... wait.

I don't know where Doyle brought Angela.

When was the last time
you spoke with him?

About an hour before you got there.

He said...

He said he wouldn't let anyone
steal her from him this time.

Okay, we need the number to the burner

so we can locate him, right now.

Okay, I tracked Doyle's cell signal

to Fort Tryon Park, where it went dead.

Yeah, yeah. What's... what's there?

That's the Cloisters.

That's where Darcy dumped his ass.

That's where it all began.

Doyle knows we're hunting him.

Means Angela's in grave danger.

Yeah, go. Set up a perimeter.

Close off the streets
surrounding the park.

And we need air support. Let's go!



FBI, freeze!


Where's Angela Mullins? Hey!

We're not gonna ask you again!

Angela and I will always be together.

That's all you need to know.

Okay, copy. We got a witness

who saw him entering
the park alone minutes ago.

He said he was carrying a shovel.

It's a key fob.

Where's your car?

- This is generic.
- Get this thing cloned.

Pass them out
to as many agents as possible.

Where's your car?

We're gonna search every
parking lot and street

within a ten-block radius. Let's go.



I got something!


She's here. Hey, hey, hey, come here.

Okay. Her pulse is faint.
She's still breathing.

I need an EMT and ambulance now!

- Angela, honey, come on.
- Stay with us, okay?

- Come on. Come on.

That's right.

Everything's gonna be okay, all right?

Hey, thank you for coming in.

Look, I know that I...

I asked a lot of you yesterday.

And I just want you to know
that it paid off.

Doyle Buckler's in custody.

So he's going to jail
for the rest of his life?

In due course.

Right now, he's at Hope General
getting treatment.

Make him better
so he can deny what he did.

Find him a smart lawyer
to help him b*at this.

No, he's... he's not
b*ating anything, Phillip.

He'll answer.


You know, he'll be tried
within the year,

assuming he's mentally competent.

Assuming he's competent? So...

After all this, after all the questions,

I get to think about
this monster for another year?

Think about what he did to my daughter?

Worry about him getting off?
Lying his way out of this?

You have to trust the system.


Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure.

Trust the system.

'Cause it always did
so damn much to help Cassie.


To hell with you,
and to hell with your system.

Hey, I just heard from the hospital.

Buckler's injury's
a through and through.

He stayed overnight.

They're gonna release him
in a few hours.

Okay, be there when he gets discharged.

I want him arraigned today. Thanks.

We'll be back in about ten minutes

when the doctor's done checking him out.

We're gonna get some coffee.
You want some?

I forget, who's buying this time?

I buy every time.

Oh, so you then?

Was that...

- Mr. Drabeck?
- Excuse me. Sir.

- Stay back!
- Hey!

Put the g*n down and let her go!



- Right. Yes. Hi.
- Hey.

Just updated the director.

- Any developments?
- We're on scene.

Scola made contact.

Okay, what is Drabeck asking for?

Doyle Buckler.

- Okay, that's not happening.
- I know.

Let me go down there,
see if I can talk him down.

- Yeah, go.
- Okay.

Phillip, it's Agent Valentine.

I'm coming in to talk,
just the two of us.

No tricks.

Just... just here me out. Okay?

Where's Buckler?

- He's not coming.
- Yes, he is.

Where is he? I'm not asking again.

What's your name?


Alice, do you know who Doyle Buckler is?

What were you doing here?

My... my dad had a heart att*ck.

Alice is innocent, Phillip,

just like Cassidy.

I don't care.

Yes, you do. You do care.

You know why? Because your daughter has

a beautiful legacy.

And if you hurt Alice,
if you force us to k*ll you,

how's that gonna honor it?

I get it.

Look, I understand. I do.

I understand what you're going through.

The hell you do!

Someone very close to me was m*rder*d.

And I think about revenge too.

And I think about it
all the time, but...

I don't think revenge

is gonna fill that hole in me.

In fact, I think
it's gonna make it bigger.

You know what keeps that hole
from swallowing me up?

It's the knowledge
that she would want me

to make her proud.

You gotta ask yourself,

is all this making Cassidy proud?

Because she's here right now.

She's looking down on you.

Is this what you want her to see?

Come on, Alice.

Thank you.

You ready to go?