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05x07 - Rom-Traum

Posted: 01/12/22 08:36
by bunniefuu
Michael and the family attorney

- were visiting Buster in jail.
- I take it Mother's not coming.

- Mom? No. She couldn't make it.
- Why is that?

She said that I could make up
whatever reason I want.

You tell me what is easiest on you.

Hmm, no, it's too mean.

I think you're entitled, Buster.

She hates you, Michael.

- We'll use that one. Sure.
- Mothers cannot accept the idea

that they've raised someone
who could do something so vile.

- What?
- In my case, twice. Well,

two times, allegedly. Hey.

This falls under client-attorney
privilege, right?

Mother's disgusted by me.

- No.
- She thinks I didn't just tamper

with the evidence,
she thinks I tampered with Lucille 2.

- No, no, no.
- She must think I'm guilty of m*rder.

- Don't say that.
- Or she's busy frolicking

on the beach with Dusty,

- her trophy son.
- I should never have put

that image in your mind.

The good news is,
you thought I said "frolicking."

I don't think it's that.

She knows more than she's letting on.

Like where Lucille 2 actually is.
Think about it.

She made a deal with her.

Or maybe she just tricked her
to leave town.

I don't know,
but there is something going on,

and she needs to let that play out,

even if you need to stay in prison
a little while.

No pounding!

She holds the keys to my freedom,

and she won't use it
until she gets her selfish needs met.

Like when she used to lock me
in the bathroom

for grown-up selfish needs night.

- Oh, did we have a good time.
- What?

- No, it ended in tears.
- Guys, hey, let's focus.

I'm wondering if there is a way
we can get Mom to think

that the DA is onto whatever
her scheme is, like,

we tell Mom that the DA knows
where there is some evidence,

and then, Mom or Dad slip out
and try to get rid of it.

And then I follow them.

What evidence should
we say they have, Michael?

Lucille 2's head in a box?

- Spooky.
- Well, no. Hang on.

That's... It's gotta be real.

Okay, so, if it's gotta be real,

how about the DA is close to locating

the stair car that she was last seen on,

because they have a picture of it
from a security cam

- or traffic light cam?
- That's getting there.

Okay, now inside the stair car
are two heads.

One bald, one spiky.

- Spooky.
- No. I loved it, all the way up

till the end. I think stair car's plenty.

- Okay.
- Why don't I have the family

gather at the beach cottage
about 3:00?

You call me.
You tell me you found out they've got

the stair car evidence, and I wait

for either Mom or Dad
to make their next move.

Any questions?

What's the beach cottage?

I found out, Buster.

- Oh.
- What a relief.

- Yeah.
- I almost said "the cottage."

I changed it to
"ing on the beach."

- It's "frolicking."
- "Frolicking."

the story of a wealthy family

who lost everything,
and the one son who had no choice

but to keep them all together.

It's Arrested Development.

Michael group-texted his family
to meet at the cottage,

but accidentally included...

- Gangee's renting this place?
- ...his son.

No, this is her place.
It's been in the family forever.

They never told either of us, huh?

- Oh.
- Says "Maeby" here.


How dare they keep track of
my height while not telling me?


So, how did it go with Rebel's family?

You guys seem
really buddy-buddy on Instagram.

I also saw that that hair thing backfired,

Yeah, it was great.
I mean, they're just such a nice...

I don't want to use "family,"
'cause they like each other,

but they're a nice group of people.

I think I really like her.

Isn't it still weird with your dad?

Well, maybe that was just me.

I'm worried she might have been seeing
her ex all summer.

- Your dad?
- No, no. On the movie set,

down in Mexico.

Didn't your dad say
he was down in Mexico, too?

- They sh**t a lot of things there.
- Mm-hmm.

It was fun. I'm not gonna see her
for the next few days,

'cause she's going
to Mexico for reshoots.

Reshoots? Oof.

She must not be a very good
actress, huh?

Hope she gets it right this time.

Well, she's not perfect, but, uh,

it doesn't turn my stomach
to see her eat an ice cream cone.

Speaking of that,
how are things with Stan?

Did he finish that ice cream cone
after I looked away?

I don't know.
I threw away all the ice cream.

But, not to make you jealous,

turns out we are dating.

For some reason,
he wants to wait till after the election

to be what he likes to call "intimate."

In fact, Stan was waiting
so there would be no scandal...

You gotta try this new eyebrow glue.
You can eat soup again.

...especially once his daughter
joined the race.

Have you thought about what I asked?

You have to run for office.

You said we couldn't risk it,

with... with Lucille 2 missing.

That's the best part. She's gone.

I'm dating this woman
who's a gossip hound.

Somehow, she got intel that
Lindsay Bluth has skipped town.

- But the Bluths are running her anyway.
- Oh.

It would be nice to oppose
Lindsay's sudden interest

in building this awful border wall.

Which was my idea.

I have to say, Dad,

I'm surprised you're taking
such an interest in this race.

If you tried the new eyebrow glue,
you could look surprised, too.

He expects sex
after the election?

What are you gonna do?
That's in two days.

I know. I mean,
I can't let the guy see me naked,

'cause, not to brag, but, you know,

there's not a lot of 75-year-old women
who got a body like this.

- You know?
- I don't think that's bragging.

Well, I guess you are jealous, huh?

I'm waiting to hear from Barry,

so I don't have
too much new information.

Uh, Barry's probably trying to mitigate
the damage you caused

by taunting Buster with a skinhead.

you gotta blame Buster for that.

Say what you will about Ron Howard
as a filmmaker,

but the man is not a n*zi sympathizer.

- Thanks.
- I've heard things

about what's really going on
in that Grinch movie he made.

You know, that anti-Christmas thing,
with the Who-ish people?

I don't know what you want me to say.

I offered to talk to the DA.
You sh*t that down.

Oh, she's a shark, Michael.

I don't want you swimming
anywhere near her.

Especially after you tried
to drown yourself

in the bay the other day.

We're sticking with that, huh?

Mom, if you're not gonna bail out Buster,

- you can visit.
- And risk having

a story come out
that I went to a prison

to visit my son before the election?

That would be bad for Lindsay's campaign.

So the plan is to run her,
even though she's not here?

- Yes.
- Got it.

Especially now that Sally's in the race.

Tobias better find Lindsay
before the 4th of July parade,

which is on the 2nd.

- The 4th of July parade is on the 2nd?
- Mm.

Yes. They moved it
because they don't want the Hispanics

to get even by using up
all the supplies a day early

like we do with Cinco.

Yeah, and good luck using
the 4th of July fireworks on the 3rd,

because we will have done it
on the 2nd.

By the way, guys,
as far as the Bluth company float goes,

I bet you guys are thinking, uh,
will he, won't he?

- "Willy Wondy?"
- Who's Willy Wondy?

"Will he, won't he"
do magic on our float.

- Won't he.
- Tony?

- Did you say Tony?
- Won't he.

Wonder. What? Why are you trying
to say "Tony Wonder"?

- No one's saying Tony...
- Stay out of it!

Why are you saying Tony Wonder?
Is he doing a trick?

No one's saying that

- or asking anything.
- Good.

Let's keep it that way.

Anyway, you're probably saying
or wondering... Now I'm doing it.

...why I won't be doing
a magic show on our float.

And the answer is:

because I've been asked
to do so on another float.

A great company, Laguna Closet
Conversions. Know those guys?

It's not what you think.

They, like, convert closets
to, like, organize and stuff.

Who would think anything different?

This geo-bead would.

So, what do we have to do
to get you into a closet, huh?

Wow, you guys don't mince words,

After realizing his friendship
with Tony Wonder was over...

I don't think we can hang out.

...Gob, desperate to push
his feelings back into the closet,

decided conversion therapy
was the only answer.

- We're different.
- Although, it's worth noting

he didn't do a lot of research.

Plus, it's great
for your resale value.

How's your resale value now?

Gob didn't want to let on
that he didn't know

what "resale value" was gay slang for.

I've never had any complaints.

Let's talk about you.
The more we know about you,

the happier you're gonna be
with your results.

I love Tony Wonder.

I guess you want the details.

- Anyway, it's...
- Gob told the closet salesmen

all about his night with Tony,

and how devastated he was
by being ghosted.

...Michael walked in,
I had to waste my roofie...

But he doesn't remember...
Him, with my...

I guess that's how we're different,
in the same way.

We should put him

in the Catalina cedar walk-in

with the pocket doors
and the floor lighting.

And that's when Gob
realized his mistake.

But keep in mind,
we edited, like, an hour out of this.

What are the confidentiality laws
concerning people

who walk into a closet store?

They're kind of sane
and, you know, they just,

they listen, they're good...
and they work for us

'cause I bought the company.

Ah. Oh.

Hang on, this might be him. It is.

- Barry.
- Michael, I'm calling you,

I've got new info. It can be whatever

you want to say, I'm saying.

I understand, so you are saying...

I'm not saying anything.

- I didn't think I had to.
- I see.

- What does that mean, "discovered"?
- Oh, they're listening, right?

If they're listening, just say "dogshit."

Mm. What you said, I would repeat,

but the family is here,
and I want to make sure

- that I don't get it wrong.
- Get it wrong?

- Say "dogshit."
- Apparently, they know

where the stair car is,
and they might even know

where Lucille 2 is,
which means they will talk to her,

and we'll get all this sorted out.

- Did I get that right?
- Well, with two heads in it.

One spiky one and one bald one.

No, that's plenty.

- Thank you. Good job, Barry.
- Know what's funny?

In the 30 years that
I've represented this family,

that is the first time anyone
has said "good j..."

Well, listen.

If that's all true,

they might be closer to figuring
this out than we thought.

And now,
Michael had to just sit back

and wait for something
out of the ordinary to happen.

I'm gonna take off.

And I'll check back on you later
and we can, uh...

Um, can I speak to you privately
for a moment?

Oh. Yeah?

You need to speak privately?

Oh, it's just so mundane.
I don't want to bore everyone.

- It's just so mundane.
- I'll get out of your hair.

And Michael went
to stake out the parking lot.

- Hey, Dad. Wait. You're leaving?
- Hey.

You never even said hello.

- Yeah, I just...
- Or good-bye.

- Thank you for coming out.
- I was glad to come out

because I have some good news.

Um, do you still need
that 50 grand for Buster's bail?

Because I can get that
from the business.

No. No, no, no, no. I told you
I'm not gonna be taking your money.

And it's 75 grand
that I'm not gonna be taking

because the bail went up.

Buster tried to strangle a, uh...

Well, he technically
did strangle a skinhead.

- Very cool.
- I guess, in a way.

Now that we're talking about money,
I want to tell you,

I couldn't be more proud
of what you've been able

to do with the Fakeblock thing.

But with this kind of success,
it puts a target on your back.

People are gonna think,
"Here comes the next Steve Gobs."

- They're gonna want...
- Jobs.

Jobs, for sure,
but they're also gonna want money.

And don't be throwing it away.
Not just to family.

Be careful with friends, too.

New friends,
a girlfriend that might be trying

to slow things down.
Isn't that what you...

Isn't that how you described it?

- With Rebel?
- Huh? Yeah.

She just works a lot.
She's in Mexico right now.

But we're better than ever.

Actually, that money that I mentioned?
That was from Rebel.

You know, to be a friend and support me.

Oh, boy. There's some of that
Hollywood BS. There it is.

Right there.
That's how they use people.

That's the culture there,
and I want to make sure

you don't give too much away.

Don't change yourself.

You don't change your look

to be a part of the g*ng.

You talking about my hair?

Why'd you dye your hair?

Come on.

George Michael
couldn't tell his father

that he'd attempted
to dye his hair pink

- to push Rebel away.
- Um...

Yeah, I guess, you know,

so... so Rebel would think
that I was cool.

- I see.
- Look at this.

Three generations of Bluths
in one place.

Anybody have a camera?

- On my phone.
- Yes, sir.

Oh, no.

It's a figure of speech. I gotta run.

Where you off to, Dad?
I could run some errands.

- Need a hop on?
- No, thanks.

Personal business. Heading northward.

Okay. I'm actually
complete opposite direction.

Where you heading, Dad?

Uh, west.

Well, I'll hang out with you
at the, uh, beach.

Oh, uh... No.
Why did I say west?

East is where I'm going.
Northeast. Northeast, actually.

I'm going up to Search campus.

I love the idea of you going to the beach.
Do that.

Make sure
it doesn't turn your hair red again.

And, Dad... Well, he's gone.
Okay, I gotta go.

How'd you know I had red hair?

- Did you see it on Instagram?
- Yes.

I did. I did. I did.

I just didn't want to embarrass you.

Showed up on my e-mail
this morning.

So you use Instagram?

Mm-mm. No, no.
Your uncle showed it to me.

You know me. I'm a 20th-century guy.

You can keep that futuristic stuff.


Okay. Prismo.


User, Michael Bluth. Lost my keys.

Okay, Prismo, reverse.

I will. And how was...

- Mom's f*cking cottage
- ...with Gob.

And so,
a suspicious Michael took off

after his father...

- He was there.
- ...while his own son...

Where are you going?

...found himself
feeling suspicious as well.

And Barry

showed up at the cottage
to make sure

the scheme had worked.

You are here. Why was Michael

- so stingy with the dogshit?
- What are you doing here?

Was Michael lying about talking
to you on the phone just now?

Oh, no. That was me.

I just wanted to see
how Michael was enjoying

- knowing about the cottage.
- You want to know

if we fell for Michael's
and your little trap.

It was a trap, wasn't it?

You're wrong.
Why would I do that?

Because he paid your bail
and threatened

to make trouble if you didn't play along.

You're right.

I knew it.

The DA has a picture of the stair car?

Like Lucille 2 would be stupid enough

to disappear in a truck
with her name on it?

- What kind of lie is that?
- I totally agree with you.

A good lie is head in a box,

but they wanted
to go with something real,

so we went with the evidence
they actually had.

This is real?

Yeah, and he doesn't want
to use the best part, the two heads.

One spiky, one bald.

Lucille 2 and Oscar.

That idiot.
I told him to keep her out of sight.

Speaking of out of sight,

do you know where your husband is
with that Winnebago?

Because since I got
out of prison,

George is letting me stay there,
without him knowing it.

- I don't know where he went.
- Hmm.

Maybe he went to find Oscar,
warn him about the picture.

You think he really did?

I think the prosecution
gave us this picture

so that George or you
would lead them to Lucille 2.

Go find him. Track him down.

Get to him before he finds Lucille 2.

I will not let that woman steal
everything I've taken from her.

George Sr. turned south
on Coast Highway,

unaware he was being followed
by Michael,

unaware he was being followed
by George Michael.

- Maeby? Hello?
- I think my phone's ringing.

Maeby. Hello?
Come on. Hello?

- Hello?
- It's me.

I know you're not old.
Can we have a system

where I don't have to wait
the 40 seconds?

Look, I have to be careful, okay?

These are not tech-savvy people.

The other day,
I turned the lounge TV on,

and now that's my job.

They call me "Buttons" now. Buttons.

- He's going to meet Rebel.
- Who? Your dad?

I think you were right.

They were together in Mexico,
and that's why

my dad has been weird with me.

Wow, I was just "specu-lying."

Well, you nailed it, Buttons.

And he probably made plans
to see her this time in Mexico

when I said my relationship
was slowing down.

You know,
it's hard to believe because...

my niece always told me

never to give away
my Social Security number,

but if it really is
a free trip to Aruba...

Oh, you have to go, Buttons.

Sign me up!

Peg's walking by.

No, you have to.

He lied about being
at the Howard barbecue. He was there.

Wow, and I thought my parents
were the selfish ones.

At least my mom never tried to sleep
with somebody I was da...

Oh, wait. No. Steve Holt.

Uh, but he's family.

We've got to stop the lying
in this family.

Tell me about it.
You tell one little story

to get a place to live.
Next thing you know,

you're sorting through
your roommate's pills

to figure out which one
will k*ll his sex drive.

- Like estrogen?
- Wait, that's a thing?

I mean, I was just day plotting.

Stop right there.
The minute you start talking

about neutering your romantic partner,

you're into sh*t
that even Gangee wouldn't do.

The monster or the grandmother?

The monster.
But, yeah, I don't think

our grandmother would do that.

Yeah, maybe it is too far.
I guess I can just

pretend like I have an illness
where I forget everything.

Like Alzheimer's?

That's a thing, too?
I was just crime-storming.

You know, just lying out loud.
How funny.

Gob was having trouble

forgetting someone himself.

Okay? Now you're gonna be
in the closet...

Which was why he was distracted

as the closet guys helped him
with his parade float illusion.

Sorry. I'm still really torn up
about this love affair with Tony,

which, if you guys mention,
you're fired.

We can't change
your feelings, okay?

But we can change whether Tony
is in your life.

After you left,
we got to talking about you, and...

You're a magician,

he's a magician...
Go double magician.

Two guys, one trick.
Do an act together.

Why are all the cute ones so dumb?

Look, guys, this is not that hard.

I am pretending to be
a Christian magician.

Tony's pretending
to be a gay magician.

We're like oil and vinegar.

What trick is gonna have room for both?

Yes, everyone could be smarter,
that's true,

but what we meant was that

we could book you and Tony
to do a trick on our float.

Yeah. A classic two-fister.

An old-fashioned will he, won't he?

We're just gonna need the perfect trick.

We're wasting daylight.
Let's do this.

What did we decide on?
Sorry, I...

And soon, George Sr. arrived
at the border...

- Hello?
- Hey, Dad.

...two cars ahead of...

Michael. I thought I'd give you a call,
see how the drive

- north is going.
- Oh, it's fine.

I took Highway 5,
so there's, you know, no view,

but there's no traffic.

What's the bell?

Oh, there's this Salvation Army
Santa Claus guy

who's just going from car to car here.

Ice cream?

Stop screaming
and get off the highway!

Oh, there's an Andersen's Pea Soup,

so I think I'm gonna buy him soup.

That's George Michael.
I gotta go.

I hope that I'm half the father
to him that you are to me.

You're embarrassing me.

- Thank you.
- You should be.

George Michael.

where are you?

I'm approaching,
uh, Andersen's Pea Soup.

Oh, that's north.
You said you were going northeast.

Well, I'm headed north,
then I'm headed east.

Otherwise you don't
pass the Andersen's P.S.

Oh, right.

Michael felt doubly guilty

for not just telling a lie,
but stealing one.

- What's that bell?
- That's, uh,

we got a Danish girl ringing a bell

- in front of, uh, A's Pea Soup.
- Ice cream?

Ice cream?
What's that about ice cream?

No, thank you. Uh, nein, danke.

Big boy, I gotta go. Okay?

- I'll talk to you later.
- Love you.

They made their way
through the border crossing.

Next one.


He's going to Father B's.

Which, to Barry,
could only mean one thing.

I have time for an ice cream.

- Ice cream!
- In fact,

George Sr. was returning to property

he used as a motivational
retreat called Father B's

for the first time in months.

And, unseen, Michael snuck
into his blind spot.

Of course this is where
they'd hide Lucille 2.

- Mm.
- Hey.

How'd Santa like his pea soup?

Michael, uh...
What are you doing here?

Figuring out why you lied
about where you were going.

I didn't want you to know.
I was embarrassed.

I would've been embarrassed
if I was making Buster rot in prison,

while I was hiding Lucille
down in Mexico.

Hiding Lucille?
What are you talking about?

I set you up.
I told you that the DA

found the stair car.
You took the bait and you had

that private conversation with Mom.
She said to you,

"Make sure Lucille 2 stays hidden."
Did she not say that?

- Tell me she didn't.
- She didn't.

- It's so mundane.
- Let me get out of your hair.

Lucille had something else
on her mind.

I know you said
you wanted to check in on me,

and I have plans with Dusty,

and I didn't want you
to find us together

and get your feelings
hurt tonight.

So you want to hurt my feelings
now instead?

- To get it out of the way.
- Is that it, or are you afraid

- I'll tear him in two?
- Hey.

If you could tear anything in two,
you'd still have a sh*t at me.

Okay, you want to see
a real man, you're going to.

I know. I just didn't want you
to see me with him.

Don't cry.


what are you doing down here?

This is where the curse began.

This is where that guy
turned me into Oscar, and Oscar...

- into me.
- Mm.

Years earlier,
when Oscar introduced

George Sr. to maca...

The strong will become the weak,

the weak will become the strong.

...the brothers had
an ominous vision.

Probably so they can build
a border wall.

They want to separate...

Which is what
Lindsay's boyfriend

wanted them to think.

You don't believe that maca
does all this crap, do you?


- You see that?
- I have something for you!

Great spirit,
that's why I'm here!

My son doesn't believe.

Please, take his strength,
and give it to me!

- Take it easy.
- No, it's me, Tobias.

Fünke. I'm still legally
recognized as your son-in-law.

- Why are you dressed like that?
- Humorous anecdote.


Ugh... Come...


Here... here it comes.

Well, maybe I'll jump in here.

After being kicked off
Father B's land,

the men finally found their way
to Marky Bark's trailer.

It was worth it. Now you know
how to do a proper spit take.

Now, if Lindsay's here,
let me do the talking.


- No water.
- Oh, uh,

we're looking for Lindsay.

Lindsay? That dumb blonde slut

my moron son keeps calling
every five minutes

since she came back
on Cinco de Mayo?

Yes, yes, my wife.

- Nice girl, but you just missed her.
- Oh.

Well, uh, could we wait here
until she gets back?

Normally, I would say no,
but the ostriches

have been making a hell
of a mess this past year.

How's your gag reflex?

Well, if you mean is my son anything

like his father, well,
he's never had any complaints.

And Tobias explained
what happened next.


I got it... hey, hey... I... One...

Okay, well, so...
Tobias, also, was given a job.

The mail's been piling up.
You can start at Father B's.

Oh, no, no, I can't go there.

They held me up
at gunpoint,

so you'll understand
if I pass on going back.

If you're that worried,

you can wear the ostrich suit.

Mark always did.

Oh, fun.

If you pass out,
it keeps buzzards off your eyes.

Double fun!

Tuna fish... sandwich.

So, I got a job delivering mail
for the day.

Yes, I suppose I could've told you that
from up there,

but I am glad to see you,

uh, 'cause your mail certainly
has been piling up.

And this is my last delivery,
so I get to put on my human clothes.

Adios, muchachos.

Oh, my Viagra.

See, and this used to work.

Since when is Viagra pink?

Your mom says that the Medicare
only does the generic.

You know, this is estrogen.

- Really?
- How long you been taking that?

Uh, two years.

Two years. Isn't that about
the time that Mom was in jail

and started, uh...

- Forwarding my mail.
- Yeah. Why do you think she did that?

Maybe she figured that
if she was gonna do hard time,

I should do...

Soft time. Yeah.

But that doesn't explain Oscar.

He has my mojo,
and all he eats is maca.

And, actually,
it's this particular maca

that grows all over this gully.

- Down the hill from that.
- Yeah.

It's from when I was running
the executive training camp.

Boy, talk about guys high
on testosterone.

I wish I could get
some of what they were on.

Yeah. Sounds like Oscar has.

♪ Coincidence? ♪

Having kept a safe distance,

George Michael soon arrived
at Father B's ranch.

How is the Pea Soup Andersen's
pea soup, Dad?

Assuming his father was
inside the Winnebago with Rebel,

he rang her to catch her off guard
when he made his move.

- Hey, where are you?
- In Culver City.

- I thought you were in Mexico.
- No, my character's in Mexico.

- I'm in Culver City.
- Oh.

- I'm on set.
- I see.

All right, well, then,
I guess all that's left to say is

lights, camera,


Always so lovely to hear your voice.

George Michael knew
he had made a horrible mistake,

and knew he had to get out
of there before anyone saw him.

But he couldn't
get to his car unseen

now that Barry had arrived.

With the coast clear,
George Michael made for an exit

to avoid running into his father...

I can't believe
you're suspicious.

...who was behind him.

You have to trust me.
I don't know where Lucille 2 is.

Dad, trust

is a two-way street. Okay?

That's Lucille 2's car.

I swear to you, I didn't know
she was here. I...

You're probably not impotent, either.

- We should be following her.
- Get in the Anustart,

and I'll follow. Go.

Follow Lucille 2.
If we get her, Buster goes free.

Ooh, triple fun.

And so, Michael rushed after
Lucille 2's Cadillac

with Tobias at the wheel,

which only made his son more
desperate to lose his father.

Yet, none of them saw
the spike strips.


I'm okay.

The bathroom doesn't work back here,

so I peed in a Wetzel bag.

What are you doing here?

I live here.

And the family that
was chasing itself for no reason...

soon had a reason to stop.

- George Michael? What are you doing?
- Uh...

Three, four, five, six, seven,
eight flat tires?

- Yeah.
- Who do we sue?

You, until we find out
who put down the spike strips.

That would be us!

Hyah! Ándale.

Oh. Hi.

We're sorry
about the spike strips,

but we can't always
personally patrol our land.

Your land?

This is Bluth land.

This has been Romney land

since my great-grandfather
settled here.

Along with our 18 great-grandmothers.

- Romney land?
- Like Mitt Romney?

Yes, we are the Mexican Romneys.

♪ Mexican Romney Family ♪

we used to have better signs.

Until, as it turns out,
Oscar and his friends

discovered how cold Mexico was
at night.

This is America. If they don't want us
to burn signs,

they shouldn't write them in Spanish.

And besides,
George Bluth signed it over to us.

- Oscar.
- That's a bit much. That's very nice.

I wouldn't say I deserved an Oscar,

Hold on.

I'm George Bluth.
I never signed anything like that.

Now perhaps,
before I rediscovered my manhood

in the gully,
I would've caved, but not now.

I am gonna fight you
for the land.

Where's a pen?

On the next Arrested Development...

Gob and his new
conversion buddies labor

to design the perfect trick.

♪ Don't tell me not to live
Just sit and putter... ♪

Then, we have the other one,
like he said.

Gay equals straight.

♪ To rain on my parade... ♪

I need two closets!

Two guys coming out of the closet!

How hard is that to understand?

You've got two...
Thank you, you're a dear.

One is gonna be well-organized.

The other one is just gonna be
shredded all apart.

Yeah, that's good, that's good.

♪ Bam! ♪

It's garbage!

- It's all garbage!
- ♪ Here I am! ♪

Wow, now that's gonna
be a great show.