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Ox-Bow Incident, The (1942)

Posted: 01/12/22 19:11
by bunniefuu
Looks deader than a Paiute's grave.


That guy's awful slow gettin' there.

I feel sorry for him. Always in reach and never able to do anything about it.

I got a feeling she could do better.

You're boasting.

What'll you have? Whisky? What've you got?

Whisky. You ever see such a guy?

All winter I've been thinking... And all he's got is whisky.

That's rotten, ain't it? Rotten.

Two glasses and a bottle.

Well, what's on you boys' mind?

Does somethin' have to be on my mind?

Well, there's mud in your eye.

Friendly cuss, ain't he?

He's just getting around to asking if his girl is still in town.

His girl? If you mean Rose Mapen, no.

She went to Frisco the first stage out this spring.

That's a lie. She said she'd wait.

It's a fact.

What a town.

It's my guess the married women run her out.

Oh, no tar and feathers. No rails.

They just righteously made her feel uncomfortable.

Not that she ever did anything, but...

They just couldn't get over being afraid she might.

Say, what is there to do in this town anyway?

Unless you wanna get in line and woo Drew's daughter.

We don't.

The only other unmarried woman I know is 82, blind and a Paiute.

That leaves you five choices.

Eat, sleep, drink, play poker or fight.

Or you can sh**t some pool. I got a new table in the back room.

That's just great.

I see Risley's still around. The sheriff?

I thought he never got closer than Reno except on special calls.

Hey, it wouldn't be that rustling folks we're talking about last fall?

Could be.

Gettin' to be a kind of touchy subject, huh?

They don't like to talk about it except with fellows they sleep with.

Afraid they'll find out it's somebody they know?

Maybe. They lose some more this spring?

Some. How many?

About 600 head. They got any leads?

They picked up a small-herd trail and signs of shod horses down the south draw.

Wouldn't everybody know if there were strangers around?

Sure. And there hasn't been any.

Except you two.

That ain't funny. Now who's touchy?

You're talking about my business. Stick to my pleasures.

No offense, Carter. I just wanted to let you know where you two stand.

Listen... Take it easy, Gil.

He's had five whiskies, and he's sore about Rose Mapen.

Keep your mouth shut about Rose, see. OK, Gil.

I was just jokin'. You can take a joke, can't you?

Sure I can take a joke. Some jokes.

Lost any over your way?

No more than the winter and the coyotes are to account for.

You haven't got any ideas, have you, Farnley?

Except not to have ideas.

Make that clear.

There are a lot of things around here ain't clear.

You still talkin' about rustling?

And strangers.


Looks happy, don't he?

He just needed exercise.

Whenever he gets low in spirits or confused in his mind, he doesn't feel right until he's had a fight.

It doesn't matter whether he wins or not.

He feels fine again afterwards.

Ain't that guy got there yet?

Holy cow! Now I'm gonna have to start all over again.

Somebody's sure in a hurry.

Did Darby use his fist? No, a bottle.

That's all right then.

Hey, lay off Farnley, will ya? Why should I?

Because you hit him pretty hard. You made him look foolish.

Did I really get him? I thought you busted his neck.

No foolin'.

Why, that no good... Shot right through the head, I tell ya.

Where'd it happen?

Down in the southeast corner of the valley, about eight miles from his ranch.

You see him? No, sir, but Olsen did.

He found him laying in a dry wash in the sun, shot right through the head.


About two o'clock, but he must've been shot earlier, 'cause they picked his horse up clear over near the ranch road.

Any cattle missing? They couldn't tell.

There been so many working that range down there.

Olsen send you for us? No, he's in such a hurry, he just yelled at me to go get the sheriff.

Hey, Jeff. Jeff...

Rustlers? Looks that way.

Who was it they got? Kinkaid.

Kinkaid? Farnley's buddy?


They've been working together ever since they were kids.

All the way from the Panhandle to Jackson's Hole.

Sure, I knew him.

Short, dark Irishman. Didn't say very much. Liked to sing a lot.

These fellows will go a long way to get the guy that k*lled Larry Kinkaid.


I judge.

Got plenty of sand, but when he's mad, he's crazy!

Wait, Jeff! There's no rush.

Even if they have got a five-hour start.

It's a good 500 miles to the first border.

Besides, there may be a bunch of 'em.

It won't help Kinkaid now to get yourself k*lled.

That kid, Greene, got no idea which way they went.

Better wait till we know what we're doing. We're all with you about Kinkaid.

Only, we ought to take our time and form this posse right.

So if we go, we're sure to get what we go after.

OK. Make your posse.

Somebody better get the sheriff first thing. And Judge Tyler.

Oh, what do we want with old Tyler and his trials.

Yeah, one good fast job without no legal papers and that's all there is.

Remember, this ain't just rustling. It's m*rder.

Wait a minute, men.

Don't let's go off half-cocked and do something we'll be sorry for.

We want to act in a reasoned and legitimate manner, not like a lawless mob.

Trouble with you, Davies, you've been storekeepin' too long.

You don't see no profit in this.

If any of you fellas had offered to buy the rope from him...

If we go, you're going with us, fat gut.

Brother, I wouldn't miss it.

Only thing that'd bring me out any faster would be your necktie party.

Who knows, maybe this is yours.

I'll remember that and see you handle the rope.

In Texas where I come from, we go and get a man and string him up.

That's right. I say stretch 'em.

It ain't just a rustler we're after. It's a m*rder*r.

Larry Kinkaid, one of the finest, most God-fearing men that ever lived is lying out there right now with a b*llet hole in his head.

If you let this go by, there won't be nothing safe around here.

Our cattle, our homes. Not even our womenfolks.

I'm with ya, Farnley.

I'm going to get me a g*n and some rope, and I'll be right back.

And if nobody else will do it, me and you will do it ourselves.

Count me in too!

Come on, boys. Get your g*ns!

Listen to me, men! Don't lose your heads like this.

You mustn't do this thing. You must not!

Shut up, Grandma. Nobody expects you to go.

Don't take it so hard, Mr Davies. You did all you could.

Will you do me a favour, Carter? That depends.

I'm sending Joyce here for the sheriff and Judge Tyler.

I want you to go along and help explain.

You know how Art and I stand here. We came in at a bad time.

I've got to stay here and see if I can't stop 'em till they realise what they're doing.

If I can make this thing regular, that's all I ask.

Come on. Let's go. Oh, wait a minute.

Do you know Mapes?

The one they call Butch? Yes.

The sheriff's made him deputy for times he's out of town.

And we don't want Mapes.

Well, they said I was to be the executioner, so I come all fixed.

Think I don't know my business, huh?

You don't look very well, Mr Davies.

Maybe you'd better stay home and rest up for the funeral.

Maybe you could get the flowers.

Boys wouldn't begrudge a few flowers, even for a rustler.

So long as he's a good dead one.

Get your hat and g*n.

I'm not going, Father.

I don't wish any argument. Do as I say.

Perhaps this will do what I've obviously failed to do... make a man of you.

Scrape your boots, put your hat on your hand and straighten your wig.


Why, is the judge at home, ma'am? Yes.

Can we see him? You got business?

No, we just dropped in for tea.

Very funny.

Mr Davies sent us, ma'am. It's awfully important.

It's not regular office hours.

That the judge's better half?

His housekeeper. His wife's dead.

Well, you can see why there's times when the judge don't seem to be able to make up his own mind.

Come in! Come in!

He says come in!

Well, well, Carter, how are things out in your neck of the woods?

All right, I guess, Judge.

You don't appear to have been pining away, exactly, since last I saw you.

And what can I do for you gentlemen?

We're here for Mr Davies.

Oh. How is my friend Davies? Well, I trust.

Yes, but could we see you alone for a minute, Judge?

Oh, a matter of a private nature, eh? Yes, sir.

Mr Davies said particularly just you and Sheriff Risley.

Risley ain't here. He deputised me.

Where'd the sheriff go?

Down to Kinkaid's ranch early this morning.

When will he be back? He didn't say. Couple of days maybe.

But anything you can tell him you can tell me.

Sure, we know that, Butch, but we're here for Mr Davies.

If the judge thinks it's your job, he'll tell you.

Certainly, Mapes, certainly.

All right. But if it's a sheriff's job, call me, see.


Well, what can I do for you gentlemen?

Ain't so much that Mr Davies don't want 'em to go.

It's just he wants to make sure a posse's sworn in to bring him in for a fair trial.

That's why we wanted you and the sheriff to hurry.

Confound it, men. The sheriff's not here.

Today of all days. You can talk to them. They'll listen to you.

No. No, no, that's not my job. I haven't any police authority.

Where are you going, Mapes?

There's a posse forming, Judge, in case you hadn't heard.

That's sheriff's work, ain't it?

That's no posse. That's a lawless, lynching mob.

It'll be a posse when I get there. I'm gonna deputise them all proper.

But you can't do that. Risley's the only one empowered to deputise.

Should we tell Davies you're coming, Judge?

Yes. Yes, of course. I suppose I'll have to.

But doggone it, this is the sheriff's job, not mine.

Coming along, Sparks?

No, sir, Mr Smith. I don't guess so.

Oh, you better come along, Sparks.

Ain't every day we have a hanging in a town as dead as this one.

You won't have to do nothin'.

All the real work's signed up.

I just thought we ought to have a reverend along

'cause there's gonna be some prayin' done.

Maybe you're right, Mr Smith.

Maybe somebody ought to go along that feels the way I do.

Davies'll loan you his Bible, so all the reading will be done right at the burial.

Thank you, sir, but I knows my text without the book.

They're kidding you, Sparks. I know, sir.

But maybe Mr Smith's accidentally right.

Maybe I ought to go along.

There's an old horse in my shed you can use.

Thank you, sir. I'll go and fetch it.

Ya-haw! Here comes Ma!

Come on! We're ready to go. Hiya, boys!

Come on, Jenny! These boys are getting tired of waiting!

Well, boys, what are we waitin' for now?

Judge Tyler. Davies asked him to come over.

I understand how it is, men.

My old friend Larry Kinkaid, one of the finest and noblest...

Cut the stumpin', Tyler.

All we want is your blessing.

Of course you can't flinch from what you believe to be your duty.

But certainly, you don't want to act hastily in the same spirit of lawlessness that begot this foul crime.

Ah, Judge, before you get ready to act, them rustlers will be clear down over the Rio.

One more word, Smith, and I'll have you up for impeding the course of justice.

Judge, you can't impede what don't move anyway.

And you, Jenny Grier, a woman to lend yourself to this.

Now, listen. Listen, men.

I've just found out that Sheriff Risley's already down at Kinkaid's.

That right, Judge? Yes. He's been there all morning.

Yes. So you see, probably everything's being attended to right now, legally.

All you'll get out of it is a long, hard ride.

It'll be dark before long and mighty cold.

My advice is to come inside, have a drink and let's wait till we hear from the sheriff.

Drinks on the house. But only one round. I'm not filling any bucket bellies.

I'll make it two.

Any of you fellas wanna stay in town, I can take six if you don't mind sleeping doubles.

It's not like you were giving up, boys. It's just good sense.

Farnley, come back!

I'm not asking you! I'm telling you!

You don't have to worry, Jeff.

This business is going to be taken care of.

Yeah, and I know who's gonna take care of it. Me.

I tell you now, whoever shot Larry Kinkaid ain't coming back here for you to... fuddle with your lawyers' tricks for six months and then be let off because Davies or some other whining old woman claim he ain't bad at heart.

Kinkaid didn't have six months to decide if he wanted to die.

Disbanding, men?

Davies has just about convinced us, Major Tetley.

Of what, Mr Davies? Why, of... of...

I take it you were acting on the assumption the raiders left for the south draw.

Yes, of course.

They didn't. They went east by Bridger's Pass.

That's through the mountains?

Over the old stage road to Pike's Hole.

But that's 8,000 feet up. Approximately.

They'd be crazy to go that way.

Not so crazy perhaps, Mr Davies, knowing how crazy it would look to us.

How come you're so sure, Tetley?

Pancho saw them. He was coming back from Pike's.

Had trouble getting by them in the pass. Sí. He not see me, I think.

So, he was headed down the hollow and I drive my horse out of the way.

At first I think I say hello.

And then I think it's funny how to drive the cattle then.


Sure. Why do you think I had to get out of his road?

Go on.

When I see what mark those cattle had, I be very, very quiet.

What kind of marks? Oh, in the throat.

Three little whatchamacallem.

That's Kinkaid's mark.

The dirty rats!

How many were there? Forty head.

I mean rustlers. Three.

Why were you so long in bringing us this word, Major?

I knew my son would want to go along.

He was out on the range.

Major Tetley, you mustn't let this be a lynching.

It's scarcely what I choose, Davies.

Promise me you'll bring them in for a fair trial.

I promise that I'll abide by the majority will.

Tetley, you know what's legal in this case as well as I do.

All we ask is a posse to act under a properly constituted officer of the law.

That's where I come in. Risley made me a deputy.

In that case, Mr Mapes, suppose you deputise the rest of us?

That's not legal. No deputy has the right to deputise.

How 'bout it, boys? Suits me, Butch. Go ahead and pray.

Mapes, you're violating the law.

Raise your right hands.

I hereby solemnly swear that I am duly sworn in as a deputy in the case of the m*rder of Larry Kinkaid and am willing to abide by the decisions of the majority, so help me God.

Say "I do." I do.

Tetley, you bring those men in alive, or as I'm justice of this county, you'll pay for it and every jack man in your g*ng!

Tetley! You coming?

Get my horse. I'm going with them.

Then get down to Kinkaid's. Get the sheriff.

We'll stop here for a minute, gentlemen, and breathe our horses.

Winder, take one man with you, go up to the top of that ridge and see what you can see.

Doin' this in the middle of the night's crazy.

I thought you liked excitement.

I got nothin' particular against hangin' a murdering rustler.

It's just, I don't like doing it in the dark.

There's always some crazy fool to lose his head and start hangin' everybody in sight.

Us? Funnier things have happened.

Well, we didn't have to come.

Look kind of funny if we hadn't, wouldn't it?

Besides, I like to pick my own bosses.

Whether we picked them or not, we sure got 'em.

That's what I don't like.

That Smith and Bartlett sh**t' off their mouths.

Farnley... and that renegade Tetley.

Struttin' around his uniform pretending he's so much.

He never even saw the South till after the w*r.

Then only long enough to marry that kid's mother and get run out by her folks.

Figured there was something fishy about him dressing up like that.

Sure. Why do you suppose he'd be living in this neck of the woods if he didn't have something to hide.

Come on, let's get out of here before we all freeze to death.

Or else give it up.

We'd be the laughing stock of the country if we went home now just on account of a little cold. That's right.

But I'm telling you, this rope's gonna have to be thawed out before it's fit to use.

Mind if I come in a little closer, Mr Carter?

No, come on. I'm finding it kind of lonesome myself.

Powerful cold tonight, ain't it? I got a blanket if you want it.

No. Thank you just the same, Mr Carter.

But it takes all my hands to stay on this old horse.

Better have a couple of sh*ts. I never use it.

I sure wish we was well out of this here business.

Ah, it's a way of spending time.

It's man taking on himself the vengeance of the Lord.

You think the Lord cares much about what's happening up here tonight?

He marks the sparrow's fall.

I seen my own brother lynched, Mr Carter.

I was nothin' but a little fella.

But sometimes now, I wakes up dreamin' about it.

Had he done what they... picked him up for?

I don't know. Nobody never did know for sure.

Well, a couple of sh*ts more whisky can't do my soul any harm.

Darby sure sells rotten liquor.

Warms you up though.

Feels like fire creepin' in the short grass.

I guess I'll just let her spread a little while.

Put out that light, you fool. You wanna give us away?

Who to?

Chuck that butt or I'll plug you.

Start something. For every hole you make, I'll make two.

Looks like you're gonna have a lot of sh**t' to do, Mr Farnley.

Listen, something's coming!

Whoa. Whoa.


Hyah! Hyah, hyah, hyah!

Fools! Stop! Stop it!

What's the matter, Art? Shot.

Where? Left shoulder.

You fool, you must be drunk.

Nobody but a drunken idiot would drive down a grade in the dark like that.

I thought it was a stickup.

If those horses weren't a sight smarter than you, that coach would be at the bottom of the canyon right now.

Rose Mapen!

Hello, everybody.

This is my husband, Mr Swanson of San Francisco.

And, uh, my sister-in-law, Miss Swanson.

Did you just get married, Rose? Just today.

No wonder you were in such a hurry.

My name is Tetley, sir.

I can understand why Miss Rose is in such a hurry to show the other ladies what can be done in the way of matrimony.

Thank you, sir.

Say, what's everybody doing up here this time of night?

Why, uh...

Art's shot.

What? Bring him over here.

Gee, I'm sorry. You couldn't tell.

You hadn't ought to come barging out like that.

In the dark especially. I couldn't tell who it was. Everybody yelling like that.

Aw, shut up!

Here. I'm good at this sort of thing.

Look, do women have to watch this?

There's room in the stagecoach for you, Art.

Yeah, I better get you on back to Darby's and get some hot food into you.

I'm all right.

Come on. Be a good boy. Don't be stubborn.

Yeah, don't be a fool. Mind your own business!

Bring his horse over, will ya?

She's his wife now and kind of new. Yeah, looks that way, don't it?

I take it you've had the privilege of knowing Miss Mapen before she became my wife.

That's right.

And possibly you imagined at the time there was some understanding between you?

Yeah, sure.

My wife is a very impulsive woman. That's what I'm saying.

Needless to say, I'm pleased to regard any friend of my wife's a friend of my own.

However, I don't need to remind you that the pleasure of such an acquaintance depends upon the recognition by all parties of the fact that Miss Mapen is now my wife.

She must be given a little time to become accustomed to her new responsibilities.

As yet, I must confess that I'm jealous of her least attention.

You'll forgive me, I know.

A bridegroom is prone to be overly susceptible for a time.

Later, when we've had time to get accustomed to our new relations, I shall be delighted to welcome you and others of my wife's friends to our home in San Francisco.

If it is still her desire.

Until then...

Why, that superior little...

Looks like Rose's took onto herself a lot of trouble.

Giddy-up! Giddy-up!

Where are we? The Ox-Bow.

There they are, gentlemen.

I suggest we avoid any sh**ting or rough work until they've had a chance to tell it their way.

Mr Mapes and I will do the talking.

The one that got Kinkaid is mine. Don't forget that.

He's yours when we're sure.

Ten men will go with Mrs Grier and come up from behind.

Bartlett, take six men and work through those woods in back of the cabin.

Gerald, you and Farnley and the rest will go with me.

Would you like a g*n, Mr Davies? No, thank you.


Thank you. No, sir, Major Tetley.

As you choose.

Get up!

Drop it!

Now put up your hands.

No sabe.

It's all right, brother. You will.

Take it easy, mister. Stay where you are and put your hands up.

Gerald, collect their g*ns.

What do you want? We'll tell you when we want you to talk.

This ain't no stickup, brother.

This is a posse if that means anything to you.

But we haven't done anything.


Get 'em up!

Tie them up!

Get in... All right, get in there.

Well, at least you might tell us what we're being held for.

I'd rather you told us.

Well, we must be pretty important. Or else awfully dangerous.

It ain't that you're so dangerous.

It's just that most of the men ain't never seen a real triple hangin'.

A hangin'? What have we done?

Aren't you even gonna tell us what we're accused of?

Rustlin'. Ever hear of it? Rustlin'?

And m*rder.


Oh, Mr Martin, what did we do?

It's all right, Dad. There's some mistake.

Remember me?

He's talkin' to ya, mister.

No sabe. He don't speak English.

I got a different notion. I'll make him talk.

That'll do, Farnley!

Listen, your wife had enough of you playin' God Almighty.

Who picked you for this job anyhow?

We got him. I say let's swing him before we all freeze to death!

You cold? Here's a fire. Warm yourself.

And I'll advise you to control your tongue too.

We'll get along better.

Who's boss of this outfit? I am.

And your name? Donald Martin.

Where you from? Pike's Hole.

That's a lie! This gentleman's from Pike's Hole.

Would you like to change your story? I just moved in three days ago.

I'm on Dave Baker's place up on the north end.

Dave Baker moved out four years ago, and the place is a wreck.

The barns are all fallin' down and the sagebrush is stickin' up through the porch.

Well, I bought the place from him for $4,000 in Los Angeles last month.

Then, mister, you was robbed. That may be.

But surely it's not so far to Pike's Hole that you can't go over there and find out.

My wife's there right now... and my two kids.

That's really too bad, just too bad.

Even in this godforsaken country, I've got a right to a trial!

You're getting a trial with 28 of the only kind of judges murderers and rustlers get in what you call "this godforsaken country".

So far, the jury don't like your story.

Well, I'm not gonna say another word without a proper hearing.

Suit yourself, son. But this is all the hearing you're likely to get short of the Last Judgement.

Have you any cattle up here with you?

Hey, Mr Martin?

I'm not gonna ask you again.

Yes, I have. How many?

Fifty head. Where did you get 'em?

From Mr Kinkaid.

That's just what we figured, son.

I'm no rustler though. I didn't steal 'em!

I bought 'em and paid hard cash for them.

My own cattle were so bad, I didn't want to risk bringin' 'em up.

So I sold them out at Salinas, and I had to stock up again.

Well, you can wait can't ya, till you can see Kinkaid?

Or ask about me over at Pike's Hole. That's a good one.

He's wants us to wait and ask Larry Kinkaid.

Gotta hand it to ya, Martin. You're a cool one all right.

You know as well as we do, Kinkaid can't tell us anything.

He's dead. Dead?

What do you think we're up here for?

Well, how should I know? He was all right yesterday afternoon.

Listen. Why don't you stop this farce and take us in!

'Cause the law's slow and careless around here sometimes.

We're here to see it's speeded up.

Who sent you up here?

The sheriff. That ain't true!

Let's don't get started again. It's gettin' late.

The sheriff didn't even know we were comin'.

I beg your pardon. I should have said the deputy sheriff.

Listen, men. I'm not trying to obstruct justice, but just as this young man says, this is a farce.

And it'll be m*rder if you carry it through.

All he's asking is what every man's entitled to... a fair trial.

You say you're innocent, Martin, and I, for one, believe you.

Then I guess you're the only one, Arthur.

If there's any justice in your proceedings, Tetley, it will only be after a confession. And they haven't confessed.

They say they're innocent, and you haven't proved they're not!

Shut up!

Have you a bill of sale for those cattle?

Well, no, I haven't. But Mr Kinkaid said it would be all right.

I couldn't find him at the house. He was out on the range!

He didn't have a bill of sale with him. He said he'd mail it to me.

Moore. How long you been ridin' with Kinkaid?

Six years.

Ever know him sell cattle without a bill of sale?

No... Can't say that I ever did.

Course, I can't remember every head he sold in six years.

But it's customary for him to give a bill of sale?


Ever know him to sell cattle after spring roundup, this or any other year?

I can answer that.

I heard him say myself just a couple of days ago he wouldn't sell a head to nobody this spring.


I know it looks bad giving a dead man for a witness, but it's the truth.

You don't believe me. Would you in my place?

I'd do a lot of finding out, before hanging men who might be innocent.

If it were only rustlin', maybe, but... but m*rder?


What are you tryin' to do, play cat and mouse with 'em?

I would prefer a confession, Martin.

If you've got any doubts, Tetley, I say call off this party.

Take 'em back to Judge like Davies wants.

This is only slightly any of your business, my friend. Remember that.

Hangin's any man's business that's around!

If your stomach for justice is coolin', Carter, I'd advise you to leave now before we proceed any further.

Otherwise, your interruptions are gonna become very tiresome.

I still don't like it! Hangin' murderers is one thing, but to keep guys you don't know for sure did it standin' around sweatin' while you sh**t your mouth off, that's another.

Take it easy. This ain't our picnic.

If you keep on buttin' in, I got a hunch it might be.

You called this old man "Dad". Is he your father?


Speak up, man. You're taking it like a woman.

Keep your chin up. You can only die once, son.

No. He works for me. Uh...

I didn't do it. I ain't even got a g*n.

Then who did? Uh...

The Mexican did it. He told me so.

Eh, no...

I saw him do it.

Juan couldn't have done anything. I was with him all the time.

Uh, yes, he did, Mr Martin.

He was asleep, and he didn't mean to tell me.

But I was awake, and...

I heard him talkin' about it.

The old man's feeble-minded. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

He invents things.

If you've got to go through with this, you can at least let him alone, can't ya?

Shut up!

Lay off, Mapes!

First, he won't talk. Now he talks too much.

What's his name?

Alva Hardwick.

And the other?

Juan Martinez. No, it ain't.

Still don't remember me, eh?

I'm talkin' to you, mister.

No sabe. The devil you don't.

Your name's Francisco Morez, and the vigilantes would like to get a hold of you.

He was a gambler. They want him for m*rder.

How about that? I don't know.

Stick together nice, don't they?

Why do you keep asking me questions? You don't believe anything I tell you.

There's truth in lies too, if you can get enough of them.

What do you know about the old man?

I don't know, he... he was in the army.

Confederate or Union?

I don't know. He's not clear about it himself.

Maybe both... at different times.

A half-wit in the army?


Oh, he's forgotten. Not that.

I'll make a deal with you, Martin.

Tell us which of you shot Kinkaid, and the other two can wait.

None of us k*lled anybody.

Then that's all, I guess.

Bring 'em along. You don't mean you're gonna do it?

Pull! You got to wait, I tell you!

You got to wait. You got to give us some time!

You've got to give us some time!

You got to listen to us! We haven't done anything.

Throw the other rope up.

Remember, the Mexican's mine.

My kids... One of 'em is just a baby.

Just a little baby, and they haven't got a thing to go on! Nothing!

I've got to write a letter!

If you're human, you'll give me time to write a letter!

That ain't askin' much.

They're scared and trying to put it off.

Yeah. You want Tyler and the sheriff to get here and the job not done?

They won't come in time.

I believe you're right, Mr Davies.

Though I doubt if you want to be.

What time is it?

Five minutes after three.

All right.

We don't want to give anyone cause for complaint.

With your permission, gentlemen, we'll wait... till daylight.

Bring 'em back. That'll give you time, Reverend, to finish your business at leisure.

Sure. And them time to think it over.

I can't write like this. Very well, untie them.

He's says he wants to eat. He's much hungry from so much of the talk.

Thank you.

Why, look! Fresh beef!

Oh, Ma. Fix up a spread for everybody.

Can't call it stealin' because at the time of death there won't be any owners.

What are you thinkin' about?

The sheriff... he's an awful long time gettin' anywhere.

Suppose he don't get here at all?

That's what I'm thinking.

# There's a great camp meetin'

# In the Promised Land

# Walk together, children

# Don't you get weary

# Walk together, children

# Don't you get weary

# Walk together, children

# Don't you get weary

# There's a great camp

# Meetin' in the Promised Land

# A line to meet your Saviour

# Don't you get weary

# A line to meet your Saviour... #

I'm not disputing that fact, Mr Davies. It may be a fine letter.

But if it's an honest letter, it's none of my business to read it.

And if it isn't, I don't want to.

Is that my letter you're showin'? Yes.

What right have you got to show my letter?

Don't raise your voice, rustler!

He's right, Smith. I told him I'd keep it for him.

I asked you to make sure that it was delivered.

I'm sorry. I was just trying to prove that you were...

It's enough to be hanged by bullying outlaws without having your private thoughts handed round to them for a joke.

I said I'm sorry. I was merely trying...

I don't care what you were doing!

I didn't write that letter to be passed around!

It's none of these murderers' business! I made no promise, son.

I thought there was one white man among you. But I was wrong.

Give me my letter. I'll see that she gets it.

Oh, I wouldn't have her touch it now.

In that case, give him back the letter.

Your wife ought to hear from you, son.

None of us could be as kind and understanding as this letter.

She'll want to keep it... for your children.

I'm sorry. Hey, the Mex!

Spread out! He might have a g*n!

Mapes. Winder. Keep an eye on those two.

Where's he hit? In the leg.

Here's his g*n.

Well, I guess we know now, don't we?


Say, that's Larry Kinkaid's g*n. Where did you get this?

Somebody will take this b*llet out of my leg, I'll tell you.

Ha! So he speaks American!

And ten other languages, my dear.

But I don't tell anything I don't want to in any of them.

My leg, please.

I wish to stand upright when you come to your pleasure.

Somebody lend me a knife. I'll take it out myself.

Don't give him no knife.

He can throw a knife better than most men can sh**t.

Better than any of you, no doubt.

But if you're afraid, I promise to give the knife back... handle first.

I'll do it.

He's very polite, but has no stomach for blood, eh?

That was very fine sh**ting, my friend.

You should try again with that one.

Now, where'd you get that g*n?

Found it. Where?

Lying in the road. You're a liar.

I thought we might find somebody to send it back by.

You're a liar!

And you're a blind fool.

I asked you where you got it.

No sabe.

Well, that's the truth. He did find it.


Won't you even read it?

Is it because you've made up your minds?

Or you believe everybody else has and you're afraid to stand up for what you feel is right?

You heard what Martin said about showing his letter.

What does it matter to the man or his wife who sees this letter if it saves him from hanging?

It's a beautiful letter.

Read it, and you'll know he's not the kind of man that could steal or k*ll.


But all that kind of argument in the world can't stand up against branded cattle, no bill of sale and a dead man's g*n.

Gentlemen, I suggest we act as a unit, so there will be no question of mistaken reprisals.

Mr Davies...

Are you willing to abide by majority decision?

How about the rest of you? Sure. Majority rules with me.

Everybody with Mr Davies in putting this off and turning it over to the courts, step over there.

Excuse me.


Not a majority, I believe, Mr Davies.

Any other message you'd like to leave, Martin?

I... I don't wanna die. I'd like to make a confession.

I didn't do it. And about time.

To a priest. There's no priest here.

This man can hear me and take it to a priest.

All right. Get along with it.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

Bring him along.

I didn't do anything.

I didn't...

That must have been an awfully busy life.

Farnley, you, Gabe Hart and Gerald will whip the horses out.

No, not me.

Any volunteers?

I'll do it if no one else will.

I won't do it. You'll do it.

I... I can't. We'll see to it that you can.

The kid's seen enough already. Why don't you let him alone?

This is not your affair, Carter. Thank you just the same.

I'll have no female boys bearin' my name.

You'll do your part... and say nothing more.

What did he say? I ain't no priest.

For God's sake, man. At least say whether we'd better wait.

Well, I ain't no priest. I don't know.

No, thanks.

I'll give you two minutes to pray.

Time's up.

Will you find someone to look out for my wife and children?

Take some older woman along. It's not going to be easy.

Your family will be all right.

My parents are dead, but Miriam's live in Ohio.

Kinkaid's wife may buy those cattle back for enough to cover their travel.

Tie 'em up!

I suppose it's no good telling you again we're innocent.

No good. It's not for myself I'm asking.

Other men with families have had to die for this sort of thing.

It's too bad, but it's justice. What do you care about justice?

You don't care if you've got the right men!

All you know is somebody's got to be punished!

There's nobody to look out for them in a strange place.

Can't you understand that?

This is a fine company for a man to die with.

Shut up! You shut up! You shut up!

Get 'em off me! Pull that guy off!

Come on. Tear 'em loose. Don't let 'em do that.

Stop it! Stop it, you fools! Aw, you stop it!

Keep him there!

All right. Put them up.


I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

Anytime you're ready, Mr Mapes.

Finish him.

# You got to go through the lonesome valley

# You got to go there by yourself

# Nobody here can go for you

# You got to go there by yourself

# Oh, you got to stand before your maker

# You got to stand there by yourself

# Nobody here can stand for you

# You got to stand there by yourself

# Oh, you got to ask the Lord forgiveness

# You got to ask him for yourself

# Nobody here can ask him for you

# You got to ask him for yourself

# Oh, you got to go to the lonesome valley

# You got to go there by yourself

# Nobody here can go for you

# You got to go there by yourself #

Hey, there! What's all that sh**t' about?

We got 'em, Sheriff!

Everything's been attended to. What are you talking about?

Kinkaid's murderers we got all three of 'em.

Yeah, and we hung 'em too, Sheriff. Aagh!

Larry Kinkaid's not dead!

Not dead? But we just...

I just left Larry Kinkaid with the doctor at Pike's Hole.

Caught the fellas who shot him too.

But, Sheriff! They had Larry's cattle down there.

They even had his g*n. Give me that badge!

Mr Davies, I know you well enough to know that you didn't have anything to do with this.

I'm depending on you to tell me who did.

All but seven.

God better have mercy on ya. You won't get any from me.

All right. Let's go.

If you've got no objections, Mr Davies, I'd like to read Martin's letter now.

It would be a good idea if a lot of people read it.

If you ask me, that Tetley's the one we ought to lynch.

You're a great one for hangin', ain't ya, Smith?

You loved it. That's why you kept them waiting so long.

I saw your face. It was the face of a depraved, murderous beast.

There are only two things that have ever meant anything to you... power and cruelty.

You can't feel pity. You can't even feel guilt.

You knew those men were innocent, yet you were crazy to see them hanged... to make me watch it.

I could've stopped you with a g*n, just as any animal could be stopped from k*lling, but I couldn't do it because I'm a coward.

Aren't you glad you made me go, Father?

Weren't you proud of me?

How does it feel to have begot a weakling, Major Tetley?

Does it make you afraid that there may be some weakness in you too that other men might discover and whisper about?

Open the door, Major. I want to see your face!

I want to know how you feel now!

They're getting up a pot for Martin's wife.

Even Mapes chipped in.

I didn't know he was showin' his face.

He ain't. He sent it by Sparks.

That reminds me, I put in $25 bucks apiece for us.

How much they got? About five hundred.

Not bad for a husband who don't know any better than to buy cattle in the spring without a bill of sale.

Maybe you ought to read this letter too.

You know I can't read.

I'll read it to ya.

"My dear wife, "Mr Davies will tell you what's happening here tonight.

"He's a good man and has done everything he can for me.

"I suppose there are some other good men here too, "only they don't seem to realise what they're doing.

"They're the ones I feel sorry for, "'cause it'll be over for me in a little while, "but they'll have to go on rememberin' for the rest of their lives.

"Man just naturally can't take the law into his own hands

"and hang people without hurting everybody in the world, "'cause then he's not just breaking one law, but all laws.

"Law's a lot more than words you put in a book

"or judges or lawyers or sheriffs you hire to carry it out.

"It's everything people ever have found out about justice

"and what's right and wrong.

"It's the very conscience of humanity.

"There can't be such a thing as civilisation unless people have a conscience

"because if people touch God anywhere, "where is it except through their conscience?

"And what is anybody's conscience except a little piece

"of the conscience of all men that ever lived?

"I guess that's all I've got to say except kiss the babies for me and God bless you.

"Your husband, Donald."

Where are we goin'?

He said he wanted his wife to get this letter, didn't he?

Said there was nobody to look after the kids, didn't he?