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07x03 - Money Shot

Posted: 01/13/22 08:05
by bunniefuu
If there's a bug
hidden, this'll find it.

That's unnecessary.

Yeah, tell it to the feds.

Heard about the city's
new top-10 g*ng list?

Word is they're holding a spot
for a local Armenian kingpin.

Feds would like to beat them to it.

Since father and daughter
Kesakian are gone...

I guess that means you.

It's safe.
You're wasting your time.

Well, up until now,
we've been slow-dancing.

If we're gonna slip into bed,
I'm gonna need some protection.


I got a real job so anytime
you want to get started.

Your job will have to wait.

I've got something
you need to do for me.

It better be quick. I got a
lot on my plate these days.

Your police department is about
to destroy its confiscated g*ns.

Yeah, I know about it.
It's an annual thing.

We want them.

Well, I'm sure the SWAT team
guarding that shipment...

...won't have a problem
with me taking a few.

The g*ns are stored
before they're moved.

Find out where and
get to them first.

Look you want g*ns... can get them anywhere
else a hell of a lot easier.

Those g*ns have been
processed, cleaned.

Thanks to your city,
they're untraceable now.

I got to pass on this favor.

You have no choice.

I don't need a choice.
The answer's no.

You just k*lled your
friend and his family.

You know what?
Go ahead. k*ll Mackey.

k*ll his whole family!

I'm not going on some career
su1c1de mission for you!

I'm not gonna spend
the rest of my life...

...with somebody else's debt
hanging around my neck, either.

You said that we would be
compensated for our loss.

How about saving your
ass in county jail?!

That slip your mind?!

Money compensation.

Those g*ns are a down payment.

Those g*ns are a tall order.

I need fair market value for
the risk that I'd be taking.

I'll come up with something...

...but you got to tell me what
you need these gatts for.

We'll move them out of state.

That's all you need to know.

Interesting strategy.

- "k*ll his whole family. "
- It's the smartest thing we've done...

...with these assholes, Vic.

I gave us a chance to
end all of this.

By putting a truckload
of untraceable weapons... the hands of God knows who?

I put us in a place, finally... ensuring that your
kids stay alive.

By letting innocents get
k*lled somewhere else.

We don't know that.

Look, Rezian's negotiating
with us now.

We still don't know who
in Rezian's crew...

...knows about
my money-train debt.

I don't see him volunteering
that anytime soon.

We have no choice.

Until we figure out
exactly how deep the threat...

...against my family goes,
we got to play ball with them.

So, all we got to do is hijack...

...the department's annual
P.R. Bonanza.

Maybe we don't have to
steal the g*ns.

Maybe somebody gives them to us.

Yeah, how's that?

I got a card to play.


You shouldn't have come here.

Where's that blackmail box?

The one we were supposed
to only access together?

See, I knew you couldn't
resist the temptation... use it for
your own purposes.

The very fact that you're
here now just proves it.

So, you took it?

Yeah, I'm in control of it...

...until the time is right
to turn it over to justice.

Look, I'm in the middle of

I don't have time to
bullshit around here!

Hey, we're still working together.

The only change is that I'm
now in possession of the box.

We're close to drawing
Pezuela out of his hole...

...and into the light of day, and
that only works if he thinks...

...the box is still out there.

And that hasn't changed.

Look, if Pezuela's smart...

...he hasn't had any contact
with anyone in that box... I have to link him
directly to the cartel...

...or all you're doing is
giving the feds amm*nit*on... destroy the careers
of everyone in that box.

Before one of them has a
chance to save your job, right?

When you finally turn
it back over to justice...

...they're gonna wonder
what took you so long.

I was trying to understand
exactly what I had.

Determine who put it all together.

I could tell them that...

...or I could tell them that you're
just another dirty politician...

...trying to extort his way
into the mayor's office.

You'd only be incriminating yourself.

Yeah, but I'm on the way out.

You could still maintain the lie.

Keep yourself distanced
from all this.

That is, if I'm willing to tell
the right story on that day.

Don't look for the box.

You won't find it.

I don't need the box...

I have you.

- How did that card play out?
- It didn't.

If this is gonna happen,
it's gonna be the hard way.

Did you find out where
the g*ns are stored?

Department's kept them in
five different locations.

I'm about to get
roasted in two days.

They gotta be in the same place now.

The only question is which one?

It might seem little obvious
if we start asking...

...right before the g*ns
get jacked.

We gotta take this risk. We got to know
that we have a deal with Rezian.

Who is this?

Vic Mackey.

Why is he here?

If you want those g*ns,
I can't do it alone.

He's got more motivation
to succeed than anybody.

Going after my family
got my attention.

But I'm gonna defend
them one way or the other.

He stole from us once.
Why trust him?

You shouldn't. I took
your money-train cash...

...and I'm not afraid to come
here and tell you about it.

But we both know I just
stole what you already stole.

You and who else?

Me, my buddy Lem, who's dead...

...and two of his homies
from out of town.

I couldn't find them now
if I wanted to.

Shane and my partner, Ronnie
they had nothing to do with it.

Maybe we just k*ll you, then.

No, the foot-chopping generation
is dead and buried.

You filled the vacuum,
but you're new.

You're consolidating power...

...and you've got a Mexican threat
you don't understand...

...and can't defend yourself from.

Then you can give us our money back.

Sorry, we burned through the money.

But I can offer a, uh,
solution that benefits us all.

End this now.

First, I need to know...

...where the g*ns are headed
once we've delivered them.

They're going to Chicago by train.

We need to see a light
at the end of this tunnel.

So, instead of the $2
million that I don't have...

...I'm gonna grant you three wishes.

The g*ns can be wish number one.

Use your wishes well... a lot more valuable
than the missing cash.

But once you've had
your three meals...

...we walk away from the table...

...fat, happy, and even.

He doesn't give us terms.

The talk is your w*r with
the Mexicans is heating up.

You're gonna need more help,
you're gonna need more intel.

Don't listen to this.

Trust me or not,
that's your best offer.

Rezian's buying it for now,
but that assh*le Khalulian's...

...he's give me nothing but trouble.

I know. First, we'll get
the g*ns out of storage.

After that, we'll find out
exactly where they're going.

Who cares where they're going?

I care.

Look, you know who
we're dealing with.

If the Armenians want g*ns,
they're gonna get them.

If not from us,
from someplace else.

The most important thing
is I have finally found us...

...a light at the end of
this g*dd*mn tunnel.


What can I do for you guys?

Well, you can help me
save my partner's ass.

We a, we had a g*n that should
have been stored in evidence.

Somehow, my partner let
it slip into the pile...

...that's headed for the
Smith & Wesson Wienie Roast.

And now the assh*le who
wounded two people in a robbery... himself a retrial.
We need the g*n back.

I'm sorry, you're too late.

g*ns aren't supposed to
be destroyed for two days.

True, but they're locked
up at the impound yard...

...over on San Fernando right now.

Let's get out there man.
We still get to...

There's almost 8,000
loose g*ns in that pile.

You think you're gonna find
one serial number in all that?


Looks like the D.A. will
have to get by on his charm...

...instead of limping by on forensics.

Steve, there's a girl here
about a missing person.

So give her the paperwork.

She filled it out yesterday.

I think there's some new information.

Well, I'm about to jump
into something else.

The crossword puzzle?

Jumble, actually.

Just give it to Dutch.

If it's got legs,
I'll hop on board.

Dutch, there's a young woman
outside, Marisol Griego.

Some missing girl is her friend
Wan Lee, 16.

Try runaway.

You think your friend
Wan was abducted?

I was meeting her after
school to get something to eat.

She passed me on her
scooter trying to park.

I saw somebody, a man,
push her into an SUV.

An officer called
wan's mother yesterday...

...was told she wasn't missing.
Said it was a mistake.

Wan hasn't been at school.

She missed a midterm today.

Sometimes kids don't
want to go to school.

Wan's 4.0.

She wants to go to Stanford.

Something happened to her.

Mrs. Lee?

I'm detective Wagenbach.

Are you Wan Lee's mother?

A friend of Wan's is concerned...

...she hasn't heard from
her in a couple of days.

I already spoke to the police.

I told them there was no problem.

I still have a
missing-person's report on file.

If I could just talk to her,
close it out...

- ... get out of your way.
- She's not here.

Where is she?

Come back when my son is home.

Well, I'd rather do this now.

She went away for a few days.

Okay, well, why don't we call her?

You'll have to talk to my son.

Mrs. Lee, is everything all right?

If something's happened
to your daughter...

There's nothing wrong.
We don't need your help.

Thank you.

Says Wan's not missing.
Just went away for a few days.

I'd rather spend the limited
time I have on the clock...

...investigating actual crimes.

The mother's scared, covering.

If you'd gotten your ass out of
the car, you'd have seen that.

How about I take your word for
it and we end this field trip?

Hey, Vic.
I'm on San Fernando.

If we can get in
we can drive right out.

The g*ns must be in
the main warehouse... know, where they keep
those expensive rides.

Nothing like a tricked-out Benz.

And Rezian was right on one thing.

Until the cameras roll...

...these g*ns are nothing but
the department's garbage.

They got one guard inside.

Guy couldn't protect
his own assh*le.

That makes sense.
Budgets are tight all around.

Hey, you rember that
dealer we used once...

...blew a hole in his wall
for that m*rder case?

What was his name?
Burnout, wasn't it?

That sounds right.

I saw him driving a few days ago.

Guy got himself a
brand-new Escalade.

Business must be good.

All right, I'll track him
down and get back to you.

Why the mysterious invite?

We've been working a local
Armenian crew from the inside.

Our C.I. tipped us off
about a major g*n heist...

...that's about to land
You want in on it?

Think it's as good as
your last lead?

Sounds like it's better.

Probably took a lot of effort
to get your name in so deep.

Anybody else would be
trying to keep...

...that lid screwed on
as tight as possible.

Yeah, well, I'm not anybody else.

No, you're one of those rare cops
Who likes to share his spoils.

We're all fighting
the same w*r, right?

My father always warned me...

A boy does you one favor,
maybe he's just nice.

But if he does two favors, he's
either trying to put his hand...

...on your wallet or
down your panties.

I'll bet your daddy had to
beat the boys away with a stick.

A Louisville slugger, actually,
and he wasn't afraid to use it.

And no one's gonna hang
anything over my head.

So if you think
sharing a couple busts... you the right to
something, think again.

In case you haven't heard...

I'm not exactly appreciated
around here.

The department's trying to
force me out.

So I'm gonna clear away as much shit off
the street as I can before I go.

And I don't give a rat's ass
who gets the credit for it.

You still want in on this, or not?

Hey, captain.

How you doing?


You want to tell me what you
wouldn't tell the desk sergeant?

This guy Larry,
he's been coming into my porn shop...

...wanting to invest in my films.

Who could blame him?

I know about Larry.

His main thing is dr*gs.
Only pays his actresses in coke.

Of course, I threw him out.

Because you commit your
smut to a higher standard?

Interested in a drug-peddling,
money-laundering assh*le?

What happened in the meetings?

I showed him my product.

He wasn't interested.

It's not my fault he can't appreciate
The mature female body the way I can.

What kind of stuff did
he want to invest in?

Oh, um, guy-girl, girl-girl,
three-way, atm, black-on-white.

If you ever get tired of
squashing people's civil rights...

...I can make you some real money.

So far, this is working out...

...but if something changes,
I'll let you know.

Call Larry and set
another meeting.


Would you fold Tina
in with you as bait?

You want us to set up
on the porn guy?

Sounds like more a vice thing.

It's a drug thing.

Larry's got to get his someplace.

Follow the coke trail
where it leads to.

Where's Vic and Shane?

Uh, Vic had a C.I.
the reach down...

...he and Shane are
following up on it.

Well, if you need bodies,
get them back.

I'm gonna need to see
some I.D., Burnout.

Mackey, what I do, man?


This is wack.


That's a nice ride.

Thank you.

I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to take you in...

...for driving without a
license and registration.

Man, you got both of them
in your g*dd*mn pocket!

You start talking back, we're
gonna add a resisting charge.

Really nice ride.

Make the introductions
and shut up.

We'll take it from there.
Everybody ready?

I thought we were
meeting up with Vic.

What, we can't handle it?

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm feeling my groove.

Remember to wait for
him to offer the dr*gs.

Don't ask to be vague, or
else it becomes entrapment.

I was listening the first
time you taught me this stuff.

- Glad to hear.
- Let's go.

About time you got out of that old,
disgusting granny shit.

- Glad you approve.
- How many scenes you done, hon?

I've only done a couple
of home ones with Devon.

But I just got into
town a few days ago.

Is that okay?

Yeah, it's okay.

Who's Devon?

I'm her boyfriend. We were
hoping to break in together.


Small, but natural.

You done a**l yet, sweet thing?

I'm waiting for the
right material.

I was thinking we could do
a few scenes together...

...until she got
more comfortable.

All right, hon, get naked.

Let me see how you suck it.

Axl didn't mention free samples.

This is an audition.

Yeah, well, Axl had said
that he had been to you before...

...and that he always
came back empty-handed.

Look, I don't get
laid unless I get paid.

This already feels different.

I got to know what my
money is buying, okay?

What's the problem, baby?

I'm just a little nervous.

You need something to
help you get in the mood?

Yeah, okay.

What do you got?

You got a stage name?


You like that?

Yeah, I like that.

If those give you an erection
that lasts more than four hours... me so I can film it.

And this bag of powder means
I get to tap that ass, too.

Welcome to the world
of adult entertainment.

You're under arrest!

Natural... but small.

I don't want it touched until
the techies run through it.

Sure thing.

Just dump it at Farmington.
I'll check it out there.

Luxury vehicles get
parked at San Fernando.

Department regulation.



You know, the way this cocaine is
packaged small quanties...

...buys you a distribution charge.

I don't sell it.
I give it away.

It gets a better
performance out of the girls.

Then you bought it from somebody.

Demetrius Harms.

There's no sense in you taking
the hit if it's harms we want.

You're done now.
Get lost.

Someone gonna take me
back to my store?

Call a uni to haul
him back to his place.

Just get him out of here.

Okay, come on.

What do you say, Larry?

You want to help yourself out?

- Is your son home?
- No.

We went by his market on the
way over here. It's closed?

Mrs. Lee, was Wan kidnapped?

Wan is not missing.

I want to bring
Wan home safely...

But you're gonna have
to help me help her.


You're Wan?

Where should I take her?

Just go up the stairs
any open interrogation room.

Wan, Wan, Wan!

I'm sorry, you're gonna
have to wait down here.

- No, my sister.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Miss Johnson from child
protective services...

...explained your rights.

You're just gonna have
to be patient. I'm sorry.

Hey, feel free to sit in.

- Dutch.
- Yeah?

Maybe I should be the
one to talk to her.

I don't know, she
seems really shut down.

I think it should be
girl to girl.

You trusted a hunch.

Trust mine.

I promise you, I'm
just trying to help you.

Then let me go home.

I will as soon as we sort out where
you've been for the past three days.

I'm here now!

What difference does it make?!

I think that you were kidnapped.

I think your mom paid the ransom.

So you're calling me a liar?

I think you're hiding something.

Listen, Wan, I know
you're tired, okay?

I'm gonna let you go, but...

...just answer one thing
for me, okay?

If you weren't taken,
what are you so mad about?

And don't tell me it's
because I won't let you leave...

...because I've heard
that you're a nice kid.

I mean, you're a good
student, straight "A's".

You want to go to
Stanford, right?

I mean, you have
everything working for you.

So what are you so mad about?

What if I were to tell
you something about me...

...that nobody else knows?

A few days ago,
I was working on a case.

We were arresting some
really dangerous people.

I thought that the
other officers I was with...

...had cleared the room
that I was in, but...

...but somebody was hiding,
and they missed him.

I didn't even see the guy's
face until he was choking me.

I couldn't, I couldn't get his
hands from around my neck.

What happened?

I honestly thought that
I was leaving my baby boy...

...without his mother,
and I have never been so scared...

...and at the same
time, I've never been so mad...

...and I wanted to k*ll him.

I still do.

They r*ped me!

Any special instructions?

Yeah, the cop said to stay out.

They're waiting for a
tech to run through it.

Anything else coming in?

No, it's the last one.

Okay, gonna lock up.


Hey, Vic.
It's Ray Carlson.

Is Matthew supposed to
be outside by himself?

No. Why?

Cause he just walked out of the house
and took off down the street.


Where's Corrine?

She left about an hour ago.

Where's Cassidy?

Inside the house with a friend.

Ray, what's going on?!



I'll take him.
I'm a friend of the Mackeys.

Whoa, whoa, wait.
Hey, hey!

I don't know who the Mackeys are.

I don't know who you are...

But you're not leaving
with this kid.

- Ray?!
- We can let the police figure it out.

Vic, you better get down here.

Oh, shit!

How's that thing going?

I got sidetracked.
What's going on where you are?

Caught a little fish
rolling on a bigger one...

Demetrius Harms.

We've been trying to nail him
since he moved out from Oakland.

Well, now's our shot.

I can use you.

I'm tied up.

Is there any way you could
squeeze a couple of unis...

...without alerting
the African Queen?

OK.Listen. Harms is supposed
to be by himself...

...with one other guy
I'll make it work.

Sorry to jam you up.

Put him in the van.
We're rollin' on harms now.

Aren't we supposed to
process him first?

No time. Harms is alone
or undermanned.

He finds out Larry's been
burned, that'll change fast.

Hey, they're fine, Vic,
don't worry.

- What's going on here?!
- Are you the father?


Cassidy and Ellen were
drinking beer.

And she had the door closed.
She wasn't watching Matthew.

Where were you?

I had her parent-teacher conference,
remember? I told you.

So you just left them alone?

Cassidy watches Matthew
all the time.

It was only for an hour.

How do you think I do everything
around here without you?

Look, I'm a cop.
This is my ex-wife.

The parents of the other girl are
filing a complaint over the alcohol.

Your wife's got to be processed.

I'll talk to the parents.

I can smooth this out.

I can release the kids
to your custody...

But that's about the
best you're gonna do.

We got to take her in.

I'm sorry, man.

Vic! Vic!

I'll be right behind you.

We'll straighten this out
at the sheriff's station.

Don't take your eyes off them.

Child services took Wan to
mission cross for a r*pe kit.

Okay, good work.

Actually, it was Danny
who got her to open up.

The only thing that she remembers
about the house is it was empty...

...but she could hear
a freeway nearby...

...and she saw part of a
billboard outside of her window.

It was a Suntan-Lotion
ad in Spanish.

I'll check it out.

Um... Wan's been taken to
the hospital.

She was sexually assaulted
by her kidnappers.

The hospital is gonna do
a post-as*ault examination.

You can't do that.

Mrs. Johnson from child
services is gonna be with Wan.

Don't worry.
Wan will not be alone.

No! Just bring my sister back here!

Well, that, that's not possible.

This is a criminal
investigation now.

There's no kidnapping.


I'm gonna get a lawyer.


Is the coast clear?

I got caught up.

I had to cut out.

You're supposed to be outside
keeping an eye on things.

- Corrine got arrested.
- You gotta be kidding me.

I had to arrange bail.

Did you get it?


Now I got to get past the guard
blind if I'm gonna get out.

I'm not anywhere near there,
and we got to be there soon.

Fine. I'll handle it.

I'll see you there.

This is Vic Mackey.

It's going down.

Try the door.





Aah! Get it off me!

Get him off!


Move in! Move in!

- Take the back!
- I got it.

The place looks empty.
We missed harms.

I need a paramedic
at 2489 Gorham!

Officer needs assistance!

Shit! Shit!

Over here.

Pull it in.
I have to close the gate.

Don't worry,I don't plan on
being here long.

I don't care.
Just move it.

Is that everything?

It's most of them. Had to leave
a few crates behind.

That should be enough
to wet your whistle.

Hey, is this place secure?

Of course it is.

Something doesn't feel right.

Shane tell you the feds
put you on their hit list?

All right, let's get this shit
unloaded and get out of here.

I told you, this place is safe.

Now get over here and
help your friend.

That's a police radio.

Jesus Christ! You were set up!

Did you hear me?
We got to go now, leave the g*ns!

Your choice, but don't forget
I tried to pull you out.

Rez... Rez.

Where are you going?

This is ridiculous.

Where are you going?!

Get on the ground!

On the ground!

Down on the ground!

Don't move!
Right there!

You got the results of
the r*pe kit yet?

Vaginal tearing.

I've been on the phone
with every realtor...

...who has a house for sale
within earshot of the freeway.

These three have a partial
view of the billboard Wan saw.

Thanks, Steve.

Um, interrogation room two.

- I'm gonna get my coat.
- Forget your coat.

I need you here.

I want to follow this through.

Brother's out looking for a lawyer.
I need you here to keep them...

...apart until we figure out
what we've got.

I'll get the r*pe book.

Maybe the Billings minimum
is all we need today.

It's just like Wan said.


Hey, um, that story you
told her in interrogation...

...about a guy choking you?

Yeah, I made it up.

Did it to draw her out.
It worked.

Um, I'm always here, you know...

If you ever want to
talk about something.

I guess I'm a better
liar than I thought.

I bet you're glad you
listened to me now.

What happened?

Did they follow you
or did you bring them?

I'm the guy who just saved
your ass from that federal fire.

Because you heard the radio?

Consider yourself lucky.

I got out, but my men
didn't and I lost the g*ns.

And you stayed out of jail.

So did we.
Unless your boy sold us out.

He didn't, and if you
did, you're both dead.

Sending you to jail would
be the worst thing for me.

You'd have nothing to
lose going after my family.

I know that.
Think the g*dd*mn thing through!

Vic just risked everything
getting you out of there.

If you're blaming us, it just
means you got a blind spot... whoever it is that's
trying to burn you.

You got a hole in your
organization you better plug...

...before you accuse me again.

What about Khalulian?

He'd never betray me.

We'll see.

You need to grab anything incriminating
and clear it out of here.

No one knows about this place.

Like they didn't know about
the trucking company, right?

You sweep in here?

Uh, yeah, today.

- Every room?
- Just this room.

This is where we were talking.

Khalulian got an
office of his own?

Someplace where he made
a call about tonight?

Over here.

Khalulian might be loyal, but
he's also stupid and careless.

You better hope he didn't
mention your name or ours.

Let's just get out of here.

You dodged the feds
tonight with our help.

But that's just the
tip of the iceberg.

You really think the Mexicans
are just gonna go away?

They're gonna keep coming
until they get what they want.

And we all saw your idea of
taking precautions, come on man.

Can you find out what
the Mexicans want from me?

Maybe, but first, I need
to know who's on your crew.

Only the ones that are
close, that you trust.

I'll check them out.

If I don't find anything,
that'll be the end of it.

Thank you.

You set that whole
thing up, didn't you?

Without telling me.

Something like that, yeah.

And now Rezian is gonna
send me a list...

...with his most
trusted crew on it.

And everyone who knows
anything about us...

...and the money train
is gonna be on it.

I'm trying to help you.

Don't you get that?

You think I would do
something that would...

...let those g*ns be in play
somewhere else?

You think that I would let
three random kids in Chicago...

...get k*lled just to save my own?

OK.So, now Khalulian's busted.
And maybe he doesn't give up Rezian.

But he's sure as hell gonna
point a finger at you and me.

Let him.

Claudette was in on it.

She knew about the bust?

I told her we were working with the feds
on a tip you picked up from Rezian.

It was the only way to pull it
off and keep us in the clear.

Khalulian knows about
the money train, too.

If he says anything, our story is...

...that it was a lie you fed
to Rezian to keep him close.

So, why did you
keep me in the dark?

I don't trust you, remember?

You know what?
That's bullshit.

I've done nothing but look out
for you, Corrine, and the kids.

And every single thing
that I have told you...

...has checked out so far.

Hasn't stopped you from
using your secret file... hang over our heads, listing
all the shit we've ever done.

You know exactly why I did that.

I'm the one standing by you, Vic.

You're the one cutting
me out, punishing me.

And you know what?

It's a stupid, dangerous
game that you're playing.

Because I'm just trying
to help you protect...

...the only thing that
really matters to you.

Interrogation one Tony.

Is that our r*pist?

He's the guy who's
renting the house...

...looks like our crime scene.

Hey, um...

I, uh, I heard some
of the unis complaining...

...about the new
administrative duties.

You ever think about someone
to assist you permanently?

You have someone in mind?

Yeah. Danny.

Danny's a sergeant. I wouldn't
waste her time at a desk.

You ever think the reason
you run into problems... the person on that desk is
underused or underqualified?

What are you doing, Dutch?

Ever since Lee was
born, she's changed...

Some kind of maternal
survival instinct.

What she wants is something
out of the line of fire.

She told you that?

Too much pride, but if you
wanted to go that way...

...I think you'd
be helping her out.

She's already I.D.'d
you for the kidnapping.

I'm sure the D.A. can add
conspiracy to commit r*pe... any additional charges
involving crimes against a minor.

Any thoughts?

Honestly, I wish they
were all this easy.

I never touched her.

She had sexual contact
with two other minors...

Boys her own age.
It wasn't r*pe.

It wasn't consensual.

What she experienced was a
part of a therapeutic treatment.


For what?

Wan's brother found out
she was involved...

in a h*m* relationship.

Joe had assumed the role as head
of the family after his father died.

He didn't appreciate his
sister disgracing them.

He wanted to spare his
mother from heartbreak.

So, her brother hired you to...

r*pe the lesbian out of her?

To show her a preferable

And this was supposed to get
her to want more sex with men?

I offered positive encouragement
at a critical moment.

As far as Wan's case is concerned...

...I'm hopeful it was successful.

You have any proof that Lee
hired you to "treat" his sister?

I have a signed, legal document... me temporary custody over
Wan while she was in my care...

...and a check for $3,000.

- How many stitches?
- 19.

Anything on Harms?

I got a "stake and notify"
on his car.

And I talked to a neighbor.
She told me that Harms...

...always keeps his dog in
the back, not in the house.

Axl gave us up. He's the only one
who knew we were going there.

So I got him stewing
in the clubhouse.

You tipped off Harms, dickwad.

Who's harms?

He knew we were coming.

He left his pit bull
there to greet us.

Now, the only question is,
what did you get out of it?

You must be more hooked
into harms than we thought.

You're barking up the
wrong tree, fellas, okay?

That's for the D.E.A
to decide now.

And the way those guys
like to drag their feet... will be 9, 10 months
before you get your store back.

Look, I had no problem
giving up Larry.

He's an assh*le, but
I didn't want to burn...

...a guy like Harms 'cause that's like
a death sentence, all right?

Where is he at now?

Where is he at now?!

We recovered over 900 g*ns
from the trucking factory...

Thanks to your cooperation.

Vendrell's snuggling up to
Rezian seems to be working.

Southern charm's
good for something.

Thanks for not burning
our Armenian target.

With Rezian still in play, we can
get deeper into the organization...

...try to take
the whole thing down.

Well, Khalulian's not talking.

Hasn't mentioned
any cops neither... it looks like your
man's cover is still solid.

Guess he's as loyal
as Rezian says he is.

Where is she?

In her room.

Cassidy, come out here!

Cassidy, get out here!

- What were you thinking?
- Never mind the illegal drinking... were supposed to be
watching your brother Matthew.

He could have gotten
hurt or worse.

- He's 10 years old.
- He's autistic!

Nothing happened, did it?

Your brother was walking
around loose on the street.

He's your responsibility,
not mine.

Hey! Who the hell do you
think you're talking to?!

The only parent that's
ever around to listen to me.


You're hurting me!

Don't you ever push your mother
like that! Do you understand?!

It was an accident.

Vic, let her go!

- Do you understand me?!
- Let her go!

We didn't raise her
to be like that!

You should go.

Look, I didn't mean to
grab her that hard.

You know what, let me
deal with her, okay?

No, I should apologize.

Go now!


You said we had to move...

...and you made me
do it all by myself.

- Where were you?
- I was out.

Oh, yeah, you were out.
Stupid me.

No, you talking to Corrine...

You talking to Corrine.
That was stupid you.

I thought somebody had to do
something for Jackson and me.

Because when it comes to
Vic, you don't do shit.

Where's the file?

The list of shit that
Vic and I did, Mara.

What did you do with it?!


What did you do?

God damn it, Mara.

Shane... Shane!

Where are you going with that?

- I'm gonna give it to Vic.
- You can't.

I've already made another copy.

I'm sorry.
I should've told you.

You're always chasing Vic's tail
as if he's most important thing.

I don't know what's the...

I have to get Vic's
family in the clear again.

Once this threat is gone,
we are out of his life.

What about our family?

What about me?

Mara, you and Jackson and
the baby you always come first.

You know that.

We just have to be patient
a little while longer.

I owe him this one last thing.

I used to be worried about
Lee not having a sibling.

I'm not so worried anymore.

Yeah, um, hey...

...would you ever consider taking
Claudette's desk full time.

Helping her run this place?


She's been a little
uh, erratic.

- You've noticed.
- Is she all right?

I can't get specific, but
she can later if she wants.

No, she's not all right.

If she doesn't get somebody
real good backstopping her...

...this place could
really suffer.

Just think about it, okay?

Mr. Lee's lawyer got a court
order for Wan's release.

He's got good timing.
Mr. Lee?

You're under arrest.

What's the charge?

Kidnapping and
conspiracy to commit r*pe.

Come on, we're going.

Peter Meyers is under
arrest, too. He's upstairs.

He's got some
interesting theories...

...on treating aberrant
sexual behavior.

Stick around.
We'll talk about them.

I'll get him printed.

Let's go.



What are you doing here?

I've been worried about you.

Go away!

But I'm the one
who told the police...

Get away from me!
Stay away from me!

Bite looks bad.

How's the bark?

Almost got my balls chewed off...

...because we went in there
too quick and undermanned.

Look, man, I'm sorry.

I had no choice.

We all had choices once
and we made 'em...

And now we got to live with them.

Ronnie, we're gonna get
out of this quicksand.

No, we're not.

Jesus, Vic, everything we do... get out of this shit
just drags us down deeper.

And hanging with Shane is
gonna push our heads under.

We need Shane right now.

I'm sick of walking
around half the day...

...smiling at a guy who put
a grenade in Lem's lap.

Hey, you know what's
at stake here for me.

I do, yeah, but I'm not
gonna drown for Shane...

...or you.

Hey, Rezian just gave
me his list of names.

Aside from Khalulian,
who got swept up tonight...

...there's only five guys.

Think that's everyone who knows
about us and the money train?

Aside from Diro, who's
in the wind or dead, yeah.

Then what are we waiting for?

Protecting my family was
only one part of this w*r.

Tearing Pezuela down is the
other, and I'm not there yet.

That's it.

That's everything.
There are no copies.

Take it.

It's all I can do.

Now I've got nothing
on paper on you guys.

I talked to Mara. The thing
that happened with Corrine...'ll never happen again.

You want blood from me?

Just break out the g*dd*mn
needle, man, I will give it.

Well, I got to get back.


Look, we all heard
the lies about Lem.

We knew he was under
pressure and scared...

...thought he might have turned.

None of us will really know
exactly what he would have done.

But you were the only
one of us who saw him.

Now, I hate it...

...and it hurts me...

...but under the circumstances,
you made the only decision... could at the time.
I know that now.

Thank you.

Yeah, we're gonna all
get through this...

...and come through
the other side one day.
