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07x07 - b*tches Brew

Posted: 01/13/22 08:10
by bunniefuu
This may take a few days.

What about today?

Today I watch my back.

Vic didn't get another crack
at me.

Just be careful, okay?

Always. Come here.

I love you... much.

We'll always be together.

All of us.

Bye-bye, buddy.

I love you.

Talk to you later.




I wanted to talk to you
outside of the job.

I didn't feel good about the
tone of our last conversation.

Especially on my end.

I appreciate the apology.

But if you're interested
in doing the right thing...'ll relinquish
your rights to Lee.

Can I come in
so we can talk this over?

No, he's about to wake up.

- I've got to feed him.
- I'll make it quick.

This is for him.

It's one of those things
you hang over the crib.

It's supposed to be good
for the hand-eye thing.


Look, Danny, I don't want us
to be at odds over our boy.

Then sign the quitclaim form.

Well, you hit me up
with your paperwork...

...and I'm just here
to give you a heads-up...

...I'm about to hit you up
with mine.

Court-ordered DNA test.

I'm pursuing
my legal remedies.

Jesus Christ. You wana
have a kid so bad?

I know a lot of women
who'd like to get knocked up.

I've got things to do.

We can slug it out in court...

...spend a lot of time and money
we don't have...

...or we can work together
on a plan.

Vic, don't you dare
turn this into something ugly.

I'm just trying to
figure out a way...

...that we can make an arrangement...

...that we could both live with
that acknowledges my rights...

...and my responsibilities
as the father.

That's it.

All right.

Look, I can pull the court order
at any time between now...

...and the end of business

You let me know
how you want to handle it.

Director Chaffee, when these
files turned up in my office...

...I realized that Cruz Pezuela
was using them... blackmail prominent citizens.

Any idea why this anonymously
landed on your doorstep?

I wouldn't want to speculate.

Well, my guess is whoever
was sitting on this got nervous...

...after the Martin k*lling.

Realized his file was in there...

...which could implicate him
in a m*rder...

...wanted to dump
the hot potato.

Mr. Pezuela is one of the biggest
contributors to my campaign.

But that doesn't buy him any rhythm.

If anything, it obliges me
to bend over backwards... see that he is brought
to justice.

RHD has been running
the Martin case.

As lead detective, I'd be open to some
sort of joint investigation here.

Take a look at this.

Armando Rios, veteran lieutenant
in the Mexican drug cartel.

We believe the cartel
is using Pezuela as a front...

...for their California operation.

What are we looking at here,

I met with Rios.

I tried to develop him
as an intel asset.

I was trying to prove your hunch.
Connecting him to Pezuela.

When i realized that
Martin's file was in there...

...My first impulse was to go
to detective Mackey...

...figuring it could be
evidence in a homicide.

So, in point of fact... didn't come to I.C.E.
first with these files.

Vic and I thought it could
be managed at a local level.

But after the Armenian

...we both realized that this was
more than Farmington division...

- ... was equipped to handle.
- Right.

You knew this was
an RHD investigation.

You were instructed
to stand down.

I was already hip deep.

I wanted to put
the pieces together...

...And bring you a package
with a bow on it.

Well, it's pretty clear
detective Mackey...

...disobeyed a direct order
by meddling...

...which we'll deal with
on our end.

That said, if you'd like to embed a
couple of your agents with my team...

...this agency will take it
from here.

Sir. Sir, my people
are down the line.

- They're ready to go.
- This in an I.C.E. investigation now.

Hey, you just cost me a high-profile
case you little prick.

I'll try to live with
the disappointment.

Thank you.

Well, Vic, it looks like
Pezuela's blackmail box... finally someone
else's headache.

I thought you wanted to take
down that menudo shitter... you could get credit
for cleaning up Farmington.

Oh, I intend to.

Plus, kissing I.C.E. into this
should win me some friends... a federal level.

Pezuela's gonna grind up
half of L.A...

...before these dipshits
come up with a code name...

...for their operation.

But I guess as long as the times
gets a photo of you... an I.C.E. windbreaker,
that's all that really matters, right?

You know, I just handed you
an alibi in there...

...while you were
on surveillance...

...jawboning with one
of Pezuela's thugs.

What about Olivia?

Her file's in there.

By giving it back,
you might as well have...

...pushed her in front
of a freight train.

Yeah, well, I took out
Olivia's file.

You gave it back to her?


But I got it out
of a bad situation.

Bet she can't wait until
that bill comes due.

How'd it go?

Another Mexican donkey show...

...and Aceveda had me playing
the reluctant virgin.

- Seen Shane this morning?
- Not yet.

We're gonna talk about finishing
what we started?

Bad enough I called an audible...

...trying to pull Shane
out of there...

...and you didn't back my play.

Because you were right
the first time.

Yeah, and now we have no idea
what Shane knows...

...what he suspects,
or what he'll do.

On a good day,
this prick's a wild card.

I've known Shane from way back
before the strike team.

He wasn't always like this.


I played a big part
in where he is right now.

I got to own that.

That's why you got to
put him down.

I got a daughter traipsing
around in a French maid's outfit... front of boys
popping "X".

Is that the way you'd advise me
to deal with her, too, huh?

I'm gonna work with her...

...try to get her
going straight again.

And maybe that's what
I have to do to Shane.

I'll fix him, too.

I wish that you could hear
your g*dd*mn rationalizations.

Vic, you need to be
downtown in an hour...

...for your review board hearing.

That's not... That's not
for another two weeks.

Schedule's moved.
You're up.

PBA rep will meet you there.

Termination without pension...

...effective 10 days from now.


What happened?

I didn't have Pezuela's box
to hand them... offset my shaky jacket.

That bastard, Kouf, he's the one
who sealed the deal.

Said I cost him
the Martin investigation.

Didn't follow orders.

Taking down the public face
of the Mexican cartel got you canned?

Apparently, the brass thinks
this assh*le shits spumoni.

You're gonna fight this,

- Detective Mackey,
- Jesus, Vic.

We're not done.

In spite of this ruling...

...the final determination's
up to the chief.

Go to your captain, get her
to put in a good word.

I see you're a married man.

Is your wife pretty?


You mind if I take her to Vegas
for a dirty weekend...

...ride her ass hard
and put her away wet?


Now, that's about the level
of cooperation I can expect...

...from my captain on anything.

Hey, what's this buzz I'm hearing
about them taking your badge?

Done deal. 10 days.

Holy Christ, man.

What are you gonna do?

You doing okay
after that close call?

Yeah, it was a long, dark night
to think about what almost happened.

Just makes you want to
hug your kid and not let go.

You're telling me.

Yeah, thank god I'm
blessed with a wife...

- ... who loves me to death.
- That's right.

So, you want to track
down those Mexis...

...that put me in the middle
of that sh**ting gallery?

Damn straight.

Let's find out what bullshit
we're facing here first.

What are we looking at?

Ag as*ault, working girl,
sketchy vitals.

Why'd you dime us?

Strike team has no stake
in a half-dead blow girl.

A co-worker found her,
said she knows you.

What is it with you and whores?

I was trying to keep them
from tempting you.

We might as well start
getting the cameras going.

Don't work up a sweat.
I'll be quick.

Where's the chickenhead?

This pretty lady
waiting right there.

Hey, baby.

You're upset.


It's me. Farrah.

Holy Jesus Christ.

You've got to get the guy
who did this.

It was Bombay, our pimp.

A hooker scoring a beat down
is below my pay grade.

A friend of yours
is even lower.

Am and I were getting clean
for each other.

That's why Bombay did this.

He'll be coming for me next.

You had your chance.

I gave you a bus ticket
out of the life.

Instead of doing the smart
thing, you played me.

- Why are you mad at me, Vic?
- I don't give a rat's ass about you, lady!

Did bad shit go down
between us?

I don't, I don't rember.

You don't remember whose cock you
gagged on this morning, either.

I'm not like that anymore.

Amber and me had two weeks
without using.

We're going to meetings
and everything.

Hey, Vic, the EMTS
just pronounced her.

She, She's dead?

Oh, my god. Oh, my...

You've got to catch
the guy who did this.

Please, Vic. Please, Vic.

Get this skank on record
and get her out of here.

I thought you were
gonna help me.

I accidently touched you...

...and I haven't had a tetanus
shot in a while.

My girl gets m*rder*d
and you don't give a shit?

- Don't care I'm next?
- By me, that's euthanasia.


I've already been down
the road with this slut.

Her mouth is only good
for two things...

...and one of them's
lying through her teeth.

I need help, Vic!

Have a seat.

When was the last time
you saw Amber?


She works nights.

The manager at the liquor spot...

...lets her clean up in the back sink
on the way home from the stroll.

Usually gets to the car about
the time the sun comes up.

When she didn't show,
I knew something was bad.

You told Vic you know who did it.

Damn straight.

Our pimp, Bombay.

How do you know it was him?

Cause he said he was gonna.

Bombay turns you out...

...puts you on the track... don't leave.

Where's Bombay get his dr*gs?

Manufactures them.

Crystal's the main gig.

Running b*tches is just a hobby.

Said it's like
owning race horses.

I trusted you.

Now I find you had Pezuela's
box the whole time.

Yeah, I had the box...

...and you were in it.

I had to make sure
I could trust you.

And I lost the box to Aceveda...

...and he flipped it over to your
boss against my objections.

Know a good trial attorney?

Aceveda pulled your file
before he turned it over.


One side of his mouth...

...he would call it a good deed.

The other would call it
leverage over you...

...for favors to be named later.

So I've traded one blackmailer
for another?

You're been granted a reprieve.

That's all that matters
right now.

My here and now is how
to bring down Pezuela... the 10 days
I still have a badge...

...because there's no way in hell...

...the geniuses in your agency
are up for the job.

Chaffee's making this case
a priority.

Whatever that means.

Rios has disappeared.

Pezuela's insulated.

He knows there's heat.

You need someone on the inside...

...and that only means me.

Chaffee will never go for it.

Far as he's concerned...

...local cops are either
incompetent or dirty.

What's his plan, then?

He's gonna raid Pezuela's
construction site today.

Looking for what?

Surveillance has Rios going into
that job site two days ago.

He was never witnessed
coming out.

We find a body...

...Chaffee goes after Pezuela
on conspiracy homicide.

You're not gonna find a body.

Trust me.

And the only thing
this raid is gonna do... send Pezuela scurrying
for his bunker.

You have to stop it.

I could tip Pezuela off...

...keep alive the fiction
he's still got a hook in me.

I got a way we can both
curry some favor.

By the end of business...

...the feds are gonna be crawling
all over this place.

Where did you get
the information?

I got a real deep
throat in D.C...

...tipped me the local office is waiting
on approval to move forward.

A local cop with federal reach.

Well, when you're a grower
not a shower... helps to have a deep throat
with no gag reflex.

And if your information
should have some merit?

Then we should start talking
about a promotion and a raise.

I had another thought.

This week's pay and severance.

You haven't found my missing box...

...and in 10 days... won't have a badge.

You're no use to me.

Hey, I handed you the Armenians
on a platter...

...and I'm telling you the feds
are about to show up here...

...pry your mouth open...

...and take a big, long piss.

What have you done
for me lately?

Listen man, I have kids.

I'm about to lose my job.

I'm scrambling.

Our business is done.

I was in my room
getting ready for work...

...when someone tried to break in.

I heard the glass, got scared...

...and went for my g*n.

Did you get a look at
the intruder before you fired?

Not really.

I yelled, "I have a g*n. "

I was just trying to scare him...

...but I think
I might have shot him.

So you probably couldn't
identify him...

...if you saw him again.

You live here alone?

Yeah. This area was supposed
to be on the way up.

I was gonna flip the house
like on those infomercials.

Do me a favor and finish up.


Claudette's house is
five doors down.

I want to go over and
check it out. Thanks.

All right, no problem.

That's what partners
are for, right?

This is Claudette.
Leave a message.

Hey, Claudette, are you there?

Pick up.

I, uh, see your car here.

I'm, uh, I'm walking up
your front steps.

Pick up.

Hello? Hello? Hello?

That's me knocking.

Oh, shit.



Hello?! Claudette?!


Whatever dance you
and Vic got going on...

...I don't want
to be a part of it.

Vic is taking me to court to
prove that he's my son's father.

I don't want him in our lives.


I don't even want
child support, okay?

And on a cop's salary?

I can't imagine you want
him paying money...

...that should be going
to you and your kids.

What exactly do you want?

I want sole custody
and no visitation rights.

But the thing is,
to get that...

...I have to make a case to the
judge that he's an unfit parent.

Well, Vic may be
a lot of things...

...but he cares about his kids.

Yeah, well, when Cassidy came
to my house the other day...

...she had a different
take on it.

Okay, sorry.

It's not my business, all right.

It's why I called you
to come get her...

...but Lee is my business.

Come on, you know this guy
better than anybody...

...and with Vic, it's all
about him all the time.

What good does it do my kids
to drag their father's...

...dirty laundry into a courtroom?

Just tell your side of things
to the judge, okay?

The records are gonna be sealed.

They never even have to know.

Corrine, don't even think
about it as a favor to me.

Think about it as a long-term
business decision... the best interest
of your kids.


Crime scene's this house,
not mine.

All this excitement right
down the block from you.

I saw your car in the driveway.

Alternator trouble.

Black and white gave me a lift
to work this morning...

...then the neighbors
starting calling...

...which is why I want you
to clear this pronto.


See you back at the Barn.

Vinnie's found blood
around the side of the house.

Looks like Annie Oakley
winged the guy.

Let's get a sample.

Tried to get a reading
on Shane.

Looks like he might be
all right.

As long as he's alive...

...we're not all right.

What about saving your badge?

Any ideas?

A squeaking noise like that... probably want to check
your fan belt.

I hear you'll be moving on.

You still got me for
another week and a half.

I'll make a deal with you.

You clean out your locker
and leave today...

...and I'll go personally
to the chief...

...and get a piece of your
pension restored.

I, uh, still got a few
loose ends to tie up.

I'll stick around, thanks.

In that case,

I want your people deployed
on this working-girl m*rder.

You want the strike team
on pimp patrol?

In addition to m*rder,
this guy also manufactures...

...and moves meth in quantity,

Which if memory serves... one of the hot spots you people
are supposed to be on top of.

Bombay's government name
is Marcel Letourneau.

Ran his priors, no address.

The girl didn't have
a twenty on him.

Get ready for a long...

...lazy afternoon on the stroll...

...turning down free bjs
while we look for this idiot.

Who said anything about
turning them down?

Count me in.

Farrah did have info on one
of Bombay's new earners.

Calls herself Capuchina.

She probably stole Farrah's
crown as bottom bitch.

Why wouldn't she rat her out?

Anything else?

Pretty much it.

Waiting on forensics.

Shane and I will meet and greet
with Capuchina.

You guys hang tight.

Stay on the lab rats.

Let's do it.

I'll catch up
with you outside.

Come over here.

What's going on?

Danny came to see me.

What did she want?

First, why don't you tell me...

...why you want joint custody?

You don't have to worry
about any of that.

Tell me,
I'll stop worrying.

Why do you want
shared custody?

Because I have
shared responsibility.

That's bullshit, Vic.

You've had 14 years... be the most important part
of Cassidy's life.

Never once has she been
your top priority.

Given where she is
in her life right now...

...I'd do things differently.

I don't want to make
the same mistake with Lee.

This baby gives you
a do-over?

How can I be an example
to our three kids...

...look them in the eye...

...if I just walk away
from this other child?

I mean, they know about him,
for Christ's sake.

How can I prove to Cassidy
that I love her...

...if I won't even fight
for my son?

Now, g*dd*mn it,
what did Danny want?

You out of the picture.

She wants me to help her
to make a case...

...that you're not fit
to even see this kid.

Are you signing on?

I know why you think
you want this...

...but you need to ask yourself if...'re just putting up a fight...

...just because you're a fighter...

...or if this is what's best
for this kid.

- You don't...
- And before you answer...

...Just sit with the question.

What's up?

Shit can jump off with these
187 cats, man.

Detective... you smell the sickly sweet
odor of cannabis sativa?

- Yes, indeed I do.
- Yep.

Sit down.

Bag of skunk...

...drug paraphernalia...

...undisclosed earnings.

Possession of a concealed w*apon.

Jesus Christ.

I keep that around
for protection.

One of my regulars likes me
to use it on his nuts.

Who could blame him?

What do you boys want?

We want to find Bombay.

That gray bitch turned you
on to me, didn't she?

What do you know
about Farrah?

Bitch couldn't handle
her business.

Chose the white smoke
over her black pimp.

Bitch is paying the price now.

Word on the street is Bombay
m*rder*d her squeeze.

Shit, white Farrah
ain't right in the mind...

...why she got kicked to the curb.

I'm down for mine.
Got vision.

Run b*tches on my own one day... an entrepreneur.

Well, you help us find Bombay...

...and we'll sponsor you
for the rotary club.

Baby, I don't do a**l.

What about bondage?

Now you can add obstructing
a police investigation to the list.

I swear that n*gga only come
around here... hit my shit
and hold his paper.

- Stop fighting me.
- Two-Man will know where he's at!

- Who's Two-Man?
- His boy.

- Collects his dope money.
- Where do we find him?

- I don't know.
- What's he look like?

Big, ugly,
black as a flat tire.

Puts a hurt on folks
who can't pay.

Man, talk to Farrah.

She'll know where Two-Man's at.

Word, if I knew anything else...

...I'd tell y'all
'cause I don't love county.

Two-Man collects in the jungles
every mother's day...

...when the county checks
come in.

That's his car.

Ronnie, suspect vehicle's
on your left.

- Pull over where you can.
- Got it.

So how come you didn't
turn us on to this guy...

...when we interviewed you
back at the Barn?

I don't know.

I didn't think of it.

Wasn't sure if he's still
working for Bombay.

Now, we are gonna sit here
until this guy shows up...

...and you're gonna point him
out to us.

- When are we gonna...
- Until then, we're gonna keep...

...talking to a minimum.

There's been a 15% increase in
B and E's the last three months... Claudette's neighborhood...

...mostly electronics and jewelry.

A couple private security
companies working that area now.

Figured they're worth
a conversation.


More like rent an ex-cop.

PRP protection is owned by guys
who used to be on the job.

We should call over.

May be one of their patrols
saw something.

Way ahead of you, Dutch man.

As a matter of fact,
this must be my guy.

thanks for coming in.

Are you kidding me?
Happy to help.

Say hi to Dutch Wagenbach.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, ex-cops running
a security company.

It's genius.

I think I see my future.

I recognized an opportunity..., really.

I got a business bone myself.

What are you into?

Most recently vending machines...

...Not the cheap stuff.

...gourmet food and beverages.

Good money there?


It's not bad.

So, what can I do
for you guys?

Uh, recent increase in B and E's
in your service area...

...what do you make of it?


You got white people moving in...

...'cause the real estate's

...and they bring better
gear to steal.

For the blacks and mexicans...'s a crowbar christmas.

Company logs and files
for the past three months.

It's a general who's who
and what's what...

...of crimes that we responded to
in the area.

I'd take a look at a couple
of troublemakers in particular.

Elliott Gallardo, He's
a recently paroled crackhead...

...lives in the area.

The other guys's
called Paolo.

He owns the luxury pawn shop
down on sixth.

Got an interesting way
of compensating...

...for his low inventory.

You gonna break this whole
thing on your own?

Here's a new one.
White shirt coming out the gate.

That's him right there.

It's Two-Man.

Stay in the car.

Try to keep your clothes on.

Stop! Police!

Look out!

The court! Cut him off!

Shane, wake up, brother!

Up and at 'em!

Yo, watch out, man.

Take it easy!
Take it easy!


Shut your hole.

Don't move.

We're looking
for Bombay Letourneau.


How's that?

I understand you do this for
a living, except to girls.

If anybody feels the need to
write me up for excessive force... better do it
in the next 10 days.

You gonna break it!

Get up! Get up!


Give me your hand.

Tell us where he is.

We'll forget all about
this track and field tryout...

...and you get to keep this.

That grip belong to Bombay.

Well, he won't be
needing that anymore.

He got a new cook-up spot
in the dust bowl... the five
in Glassell Park.

I think he broke
my g*dd*mn jaw, man.

You broke your own jaw,

Smells like cat piss.

Means they're in the
middle of a cook-up.

We could probably
catch him off guard.

So, do we wait for uni backup?

We take him hard to the paint...

...they won't know what hit them.

Vic, Connie was always saying
you were nice... you helped her.

Whatever I did to make you mad,
I'm sorry.

My life's different now.

Yeah, mine too.

Four or five people
in the main trailer.

I don't know
about the other one.

We go in, roust everyone...

...little miss claptrap
ID's our bad guy.

You stay here and
keep your mouth shut...

...until we need you to
eyeball mack daddy.

Come on.

Be careful.

Suspect down!

Get out of there!

Get out of the trailer!

Let's go right now!

Get against the wall.

Spread 'em against the wall.


- Ronnie, you got that?
- Clear! Get out of here!

Julien, clear that other


I did what I had to do.

You fellas took a few rounds.

I only returned two sh*ts.

Okay, I don't want you
talking to anyone.

O.I.S. is on its way.

I want you to contact

Get a rep standing by, okay?

I.A.D. will take your formal
statement at the Barn.

I'll take possession
of your w*apon.

It'll be all right.

One of you guys get him back.

Glad I stuck around.

Might even pick up a letter
of commendation for this one.

Looks good in the jacket.

Raise my rate next gig.

We appreciate all the help.

Hey, just doing my part
as a citizen.

I point them out,
you put them away.

That sounds like a plan.


Hey, Danny,
you got a minute?

What's up?

Danielle Sofer?


You are hereby ordered
to appear in family court...

...on the date indicated.

Have a good day.

You son of a bitch.

You told me I had
until tomorrow night.

That was before
you went behind my back...

...and dragged Corrine
into this.

Shredding another family
for your own agenda...

...isn't gonna win you "world's
best mom" in a courtroom.

Guess we do this
the hard way.

After all the shit you pulled
Corrine through...

...she comes crawling back to you
like a whipped puppy.

Jesus Christ...

...what kind of hold do you have
on that poor woman anyway?

She understands
a basic human concept.

Children need fathers.

Now, I'm not gonna
let you puzzle...

...over that little brain teaser
one more day... my son's expense.

You missed one hell of a show
at Pezuela's place.

Two helicopters with
thermographic display...

...field command module
with satellite uplink...

...two dozen agents,
canine team...

...and a posse
of forensic accountants.

And your boss came up
with jack shit and no body.

Your tax dollars at work.

Chaffee walked himself
out onto a limb...

...with the big boys in D.C.
on this one.

And the limb just snapped.

When can you get me into
a room with Chaffee?

I'll find out.

Hey, Vic.

There was a guy here earlier,
Lester Spirakus, ex-cop.

You know him?

I've seen him around. Why?

I got a sense you two
had some history.

Good ob. You should be
a detective.

Guy's an assh*le,
into all kinds of wrong shit.


What did he do now?

Well, maybe nothing.

If you think
he did something shitty...

...he probably did.

Captain, I need signatures
on last week's O.T. reports.

I couldn't help catching
you and Vic square off earlier.

Sorry about that.
It won't happen again.

Is that a promise
you can keep?

Probably not.

And not even
for the next 10 days?

Vic's being terminated.

He'll be gone after that.


I don't mean
to insert myself...

...but if I've got a personnel
problem on my hands...

...even a short-term, I'd like
to know what I'm dealing with.

Captain, it's not
a secret around here.

I mean, everybody knows
Vic is the father.

I've heard rumors.

I tried to keep him
out of the mix.

It's just that things
have gotten really messy.

You ought to know that that's
the book on Vic going in.


I think I was just focused
on the baby of it all.

Take whatever time you need.

Handle your business.

I don't want to leave you
in the lurch.

I can look out for myself...

...and you should do the same.

Talked to Elliott the crackhead.

Alibi checks out.

Four people saw him stealing food
from the soup kitchen this morning.

How do you steal
from a soup kitchen?

That was his argument.

How about we head over
to the pawn shop...

...perform a three-ball squeeze?

Hey, maybe we've been going
in the wrong direction.

What about Lester?

That's a good one.

I've been going through
these logs he gave us.

Most of his new accounts
are from residences...

...where there
were recent 211s.

It makes sense.

Probably gets a list of
B and E's from a friendly cop.

Or maybe he's staging
them himself... create a market
for his product.

He's an ex-cop,
for Christ's sake.

Then let's let him come in
and clear himself.

You showed your hand...

...and a covert investigation
came up empty.

I'm out of my department on
my ass because of this thing.

Sounds like we both
had a bad day.

I have a way to take
our respective shit piles...

...and recycle them
into something useful.

Pezuela's guard's up.

It's gonna take more than you
turning your pockets inside out... get next to him.

That's why I have to deliver
something that matters to him.

I have to give him back
the blackmail box.

We'd be handing the man
a loaded g*n.

Do the math.

If someone like Pezuela can't lean
on people to do his bidding... costs him
juice with the cartel.

The harder it becomes for us
to use him... move up the food chain.

Now, I'm in your wing tips...

...I'm going after the guy...

...that's making Pezuela
lose sleep at night.

And the box by itself is nothing...

...but a tell-all
about human weakness.

It doesn't even get you Pezuela.

Let him put the box in play.

That keeps him positioned
as the cartel's go-to guy.

At the very least...

...we get him on conspiracy
and extortion.

With me on the inside
keeping a travel log...

...of all the dark and dirty
places he visits.

Unless you have a better plan.

Only one problem
with your idea.

Pezuela's gonna smell a rat...

...when he gets this back
and your file's not inside it.

Especially since he knows the
agency's dogging his every move.

That's why I've got to get it
back from Aceveda...

...and put it back inside.

You gonna be all right with that?

This sting works...

...maybe I'll finally be able
to hang up my kneepads.

Keep them on just a little while
longer and this all goes away.

Aceveda's not gonna
just hand it over.

I already went to his office
today and asked.

I've known David a long time.

It's all about how you ask.

I'm working undercover for I.C.E.

The box is back in play.

We need Olivia's file
in order to sell it to Pezuela.

When the hell did this happen?

You said something
this morning...

...about wanting
to see justice done.

Time to jump on board
the karma train.

I have to handle Pezuela
very carefully.

He can hurt me.

And you, you say you want
to bring him down?

You were just working
for the man.

She had no choice.

Look, I'm sorry...

...but Vic doesn't make a very
compelling character witness.

Holding on to your file
gives me a card to play... case you're ever tempted
to switch sides again.

Here's what happens if you don't
give up the file.

Pezuela doesn't take the bait.

I.C.E. doesn't understand why... they put his balls
through the ringer...

...just on general principle,
and he gives up Olivia anyway.

Then I roll on you
for blackmailing me.

And I back her story.

You two make quite a team.

You know how much of my life I
spent in interrogation rooms?

It's quieter in here.
You mind?

No, I'm fine with it.

What's up, guys?

You mind if
I cut to the chase?

I'd love that.

The more security systems you
sell, the more money you make...

...and what better way
to stimulate demand...

...than breaking into houses.

I spent 15 years on the job.

This is a hell of a way to thank
me for my time and service.

There's a quick and easy
way to clear this up.

Perp got grazed by a b*llet...

...left a trail of blood.

What? You want to
check me out?

Why didn't you say so?

53. Still ripped.

You guys are too busy on the job... get to the gym regularly.

I remember.

Um, can you turn around so we
can see the back of your legs?

Liking that ass?

Can I go now or do you want
to tickle my balls?

Uh, your partner,
J.R. Cornelius...

...I'd like to talk to him.

How do I reach him?

He's on vacation.

Since when?

Last weekend.

J.R. wasn't in town
when this happened...

...but you're welcome
to knock on his door.

Woman's here to see someone
from the strike team.

Somewhere we could talk?

Bombay's as hard
as they get...

...but he didn't k*ll no girl.

Why do you say that?

'Cause I saw who did.

I'm working the track.

Two-Man rolls up on Amber...

...tells her to get in.

Bitch wasn't trying to hear it
on account of knowing...

...what's in store.

Well, just 'cause
she got in his car...

...doesn't mean
that he k*lled her.

I'm gonna be real with you.

n*gga gets a cut of what he
collects and any p*ssy he wants.

Only he ain't about
hitting no trim.

He about banging
those shorties.

So he's into rough stuff.

Shit. That brother don't even
get his swole on.

'bout bringing the pain.

All the b*tches he sent
to killah king with...

...broken bones and shit.

That's bad for business.

Bombay put up with that?

He never let him beat
on his earners, but, daddy... was open season
on low-end skeezers.

Amber should have taken her beat
down same as every other ho.

The minute she said "no"
it was on.

Two-Man snatched her by the
hair, bashed her in the face...

...banged her head against the car...

...and threw her in the back.

When he drove off I know, I was
never go see that breeze again.

You know, you'd have saved
everybody a lot of time...

...and amm*nit*on if you would
have told us this before.

If I'd have snitched
on Bombay's dude...

I'd be in the mortuary
right behind gray girl.

Pimp juice dead.
It's all good.

Be even safer if you tossed
Two-Man in and lose the key.

You seem like a good person...

...and you're just trying
to do the right thing.

Maybe you saw Two-Man do those
things, maybe you didn't.

I know what I seen.

The point is, you're in a cloud of
chronic all day every day.

You're not a credible witness.

And I also have concerns
about your personal safety.

What if you testify
and we don't get a conviction?

I don't want anything
happening to you.

I'm gonna treat this
as an anonymous tip.

I ain't mad,
keeping it in the cut.

Looks like J.R. decided
to vacation in the E.R...

...out in Riverside.

That's news to me.

He was being treated
for a g*nsh*t wound.

Arrived two hours
after the sh**ting.

Told the doctors he was
an ex-cop who was wounded...

...when his g*n
accidently discharged.

He always was clumsy.

Riverside P.D.
picked him up.

They're bringing him
back here now.

You know what it'll mean for us... be able to clear
all these open B and E's.

Go easier for you if you
tell us what happened.

We found blood
at the crime scene.

When we test it,
it's gonna match J.R.'s.

He's my partner.

Well, I respect
that kind of loyalty...

...and since he's got more
to lose than you do...

...I hope he does, too.

I walk on the B and E's.

Trespassing and vandalism.

Got to make sure you're out of
the home-protection business.

We thought the house was empty.

I was on the lookout
when he went in.

I heard the g*nsh*t...

...and then he came running out.

Then I drove him to his car.


Bombay never posted lookouts
during a cook-Up.

He needed everybody in the lab.

So why did he come out
g*ns blazing?

- The phone call.
- What phone call?

Somebody called his cell...

...said there were cops outside
are gonna k*ll him.

He told us to get down...

...went for his g*n...

...started sh**ting.

You spun that sob story...

...about your pimp k*lling
your girlfriend?

You set up Bombay for a
death by cop payback...

...for kicking you out?

He's the one who started
her on the pipe.

He got what he deserved.

I don't give a shit
about your g*dd*mn pimp!

You understand?!

You called him.

You warned him
so he'd come out blasting!

You used me! You used
one of my guys as a sh**t!

You could have gotten us
all k*lled, you sick bitch!

Oh, I used you.

Played you same as last time.

I remember it all now.

You were an assh*le
back then, too.

You just keep getting
more pathetic and miserable.

I still got you handling
my business for me.

May not be so pretty any more...

...but I am walking, talking p*ssy...

...and you let me lead you
around by your d*ck.

You ever thought
about just cutting it off?

Free your mind
once and for all?

Ha ha. Ha ha.

When I... went already your house
this morning check on you...

I had to brake a window
and go into your house.

Had to!?

I was worried.

And you thought I was lying dead
on the floor because I'm sick.

You live alone, your car was in the
drive way, nobody came to door...

...there was a B and E
down the block...

...and potencialy dangerous
suspect down to loose.

You know I'll send you the bill
for that window.

I know I've been a little ax.

It was obvious you not
taking care of your self.

Changes in your life in work
we need to get you little help.

I don't need help.

- Cloudette...
- The house is messy, I'll clean it up.

Look you have to...
You have to understand...

It takes, every ons of energy
for me to be here...

...every day to do what
I need to get done.

What time I get home
I don't have nothing left.

I, uh, hired you a cleaning lady.

- No!
- Her name is Cecilia...

...she'll be coming on mondays
and thursdays.

- Dutch!
- I will pay for it.

I'll pay for it.

No I will. So I know
she is doing the job.

Is she even legal?

Uh, she is coming on
mondays and thursdays...

...I just need the key,
so she can get in to house.

- Vic, please don't...
- I thought give another shot...

...try to talk this out.

I'm sure both are see
the money worry about...

...the burn through goin to
at least collage, rigth?


I give.

But I'm real perimeters
that I can live with.

Now put your name on the bar staficid...

...but I want sole custody.

...and we gone work out
visitation rights.

I can live with that.

I talk to this family arbitrator
she said we can... know sit down
and work out the details.

I'm there. Just tell me
when and where.

Call tomorrow get some times.

Hey, I'm glad we gone be able to
reasonable way through this.

At the end this realy gone
work out for the best.

That's what I want for Lee.

Alright, I'll see in the morning.

See in the morning.

You need get a better lock Two-Men.

Some low life could break in.

You got a warrant?

Shit no.

What do you want do?

Chup it up with you.

But that strawberry
you beat to dead.

- I know nothing about new dead strawberry.
- Cut this shit.

Bombay now the seast F.V...

...only do his gas cruiser part of
your compensation package.

Bombay not k*ll the bitch.

Who were to tough on Amber?

I got eye vitnesses
how all thing go down.

Now, two different ways
we can handle this.

I'll take you in.

My whore's fingers you arrest you
for m*rder with special circumstances...

...but you know what that gets you.

Or you can work with me...

...make this whole thing go away.

Work with you, how?

I need you help getting rid to

That's gone be looking
somebody in the eye...

...pul in the tricker thou.

You ein't serious.

You don't know how
goddam serious I'm.

Did I know guy, who?

How's your jaw feeling?