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07x09 - Moving Day

Posted: 01/13/22 08:12
by bunniefuu



Looks like he must have
split in a hurry.

Shane's had plenty of time
since k*lling Lem

to figure out
an exit strategy.

You have any intel
on what Shane's driving?

Downtown found his truck
couple hours ago.

Unis have plate numbers
for Mara's Lexus.

Think he'll head south?

Well, Shane knows the first
place we'd look is Mexico.

The question is if he's stupid
enough to go there anyway.

See anything?

A couple of photos missing
from their frames.


Hey, check this out.

Prescription for Jackson.

"Amoxicillin. Take one teaspoon
two times daily for pertussis."

Yesterday's date.

If Jackson's sick,
they might need to refill that.

You keep gathering police
intel for Mara's phone call.

We'll keep feeding them
whatever they need to hear

until we find them.

Well, then what?

What if we don't
find him alone?

What if Mara's with him?

What, you mean
his accomplice?

Mara's not an innocent.

She's pregnant.
And the kid's 2.

That's a decision for when
we need to make a decision.


Does, uh, Lloyd ever let
new people into his life?

Teenage kid?

Doesn't take much
to scare a man away.

I started seeing somebody
too soon after Chuck left,

and I don't think Lloyd
really liked that too much.

What did he do?


Well, it was one
of Lloyd's teachers

when we lived
back in Tulsa, and...

You know what?
I don't wanna talk about this.

I don't wanna
ruin a lovely evening.

Sure. But if you ever
want to sometime...

This guy...went after Lloyd.

Pushed him around.
It was really awful.

Wow, well,
what caused that?

Let's save that
for next time.

Does Lloyd
have any trouble

getting back into
his schoolwork since--?

Lloyd adjusts easily,
with all this moving around.

It's just--

We shouldn't do this.

We shouldn't?

This is an--
An, uh, an open case.

It's still, um...
It's not right.

It's crossing the line.
Wasn't this a date? Good one?

Uhm, Rita, I'm-- I'm sorry,
I can't do this.

I'm-- It's not a good idea,
Rita, I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry.
I can't handle this, really.

Please don't.

I think we should wait,
given the circumstances.

Get some distance
between us and the case,

then in the future

I-- I can-- I can definitely
see something happening.


Detective Vic Mackey,
Farmington Division.

How can I help you,

Well, can you tell me what these
antibiotics are used to treat?


is whooping cough.

Hm, can you check if any
of the local pharmacies

have refilled this prescription
in the last 24 hours?

Well, medical records
are private.

I know. I know, we're just
trying to track down a k*ller

before he leaves the country.

I was hoping
you can give us a head start.

Well, I'd be happy
to help you, detective,

if you could come back
with a subpoena.

Uh, do you have
any other police ID?

I, uh-- I left my badge
in my squad house.

I'm sorry.
Sorry, I can't help you.

I'll be happy to call
your boss, let him know why.

No, that won't
be necessary.


Every law-enforcement agency

has a description
of Vendrell's vehicles

and recent pictures
of the family.

How long you planning to keep
Shane out of the press?

We'd rather have him
in cuffs before word gets out

that he tried to k*ll
an officer.

In 24 hours,
if we hadn't found him,

we'll release his picture
and charges

to get the public's help.

I'd like to be
off a desk by then.

We've already discussed this.

At least let me roll on
the Strike Team with Julien.

Gangs aren't taking
a holiday just--

Gangs aren't your problem

I'm dismantling
the Strike Team.

That's not your decision alone.

You told me I'd have
authority over the Barn.

I'm exercising
that authority.

We've got the highest
arrest rate in Farmington.

Who takes the credit
when we arrest Shane

and haul his corrupt ass in?

You don't blame the whole army
for one soldiers' w*r crimes.

Do I have the authority
or don't I?

It's your house. Hope you're
doing the right thing.

Julien, you'll be reassigned
to uniform duty.

I've earned the rank.

Yes, you did.

You pass the detectives' exam,
I'll see to it you're promoted.

In the meantime, Vendrell
is our number-one priority.

When you're cleared for work,
you'll be reassigned.

The Strike Team
is my team to run.

Give me some new blood.
I've had enough blood.

You don't like it,
put in for a transfer.

I don't like this.

Me either.

Can't let them get caught.
That's right.

Not gonna help you find them
if somebody's gonna get hurt.

Corrine, the last thing in the
world I'm gonna do is hurt them.

You really expect me to believe
you're not gonna want payback?

This isn't about payback.

It's about the father of your
children staying free.

And the best way
we can do that

is to keep Shane and Mara
a couple--


You know what to do.
Now do it.



Hi, Corrine,
tell me what you know.

They're holding off releasing
Shane's picture to the press.

What else?

Um, all divisions
are involved.

The federal authorities
have been notified.

Your pictures are being released
to borders and airports.

If-- If you give me a 50-mile
radius as to where you are,

Vic can probably
get more detailed information

as to exactly
where the police are.

Said that if we give a 50-mile
radius of where we are,

they can get more specifics.
Give me the phone.

Put Vic on. Now, Corrine.
I know he's there.


I'm listening.

The deal was my wife
speaks to your ex-wife.

Not that you sit in
on the call

or coach Corrine on how
to pump Mara for intel.

Just looking out for you,

Don't want your plan
to go to shit

just like your plan
to k*ll me and Ronnie.

That plan was solid.
You had no idea.

Just couldn't get the brother
to close the deal with Ronnie.

And you were waiting for me
at my place, weren't you?

Least I had the sack
to take you out myself.

You're the p*ssy who sent
some random Mexicans

to rub me out
along with Rezian.

What can I do for you now,

You can help me steer clear
of the police

so we both don't end up
in prison.

I can't do that
if I don't know

which direction
you're pointed in.

I'm gonna be pointing at you

if I catch you near any one
of these calls again.

Don't think
I won't be watching.

I'm glad to know it.

Tonight, 10:00,
when we call this number

Corrine had better have
some new intel,

and you'd better not be there.



What did he say?

Shane's paranoid.

The sooner we get him
out of the country, the better.

What would happen to Jackson
if he had whooping cough

and he stopped his meds?

He doesn't get
the right antibiotics,

it could turn into pneumonia,
get dangerous.

There you go.

Claudette shut down
the Strike Team.

Holy shit.

Another thing that I've
gotta thank Shane for

when we catch up to him.

How'd the phone call
with Mara go?

Wasn't able to get a 20.

Here, see if, uh, Shane tried

to get this prescription
refilled anywhere around here.

Not getting anywhere
without my g*dd*mn badge.

What are you gonna work next?
If Shane's got fake ID's,

who's the paper man?

How's he financing
this cannonball run?

He didn't ask for cash,
so he must have some.

We assumed that the Mexicans
who k*lled Rezian

took his hundred grand.

You think Shane snagged it?

That kind of money
can take him a long way.

Yeah. Here's hoping
Jackson's cough

doesn't take a turn
for the better.

We need to get out
of L.A. soon.

The less moving we do
for the next day or two,

the better off we are.

He's still running a fever,

Hell, I'm doing
the best I can, Mara.

Look, we gotta get rid
of this car.


Then we can
take care of Jackson.

If that black assh*le you hired
had done his job,

then we wouldn't be running.

I don't get
to pick and choose

which guys I can hang
m*rder charges over.

Look, this shouldn't
take long, okay?

Just wait in the car.

Be careful.

Hey, what's the word,

Last time
you called me "amigo,"

I caught a four-month bid
in County.

It could've been four years
with the shit I found on you.

You got any cars on this lot
with a clean VIN and papers?

I'm legit.
Wanna search my records?

I won't have to, Redding.

I take three more steps
into this dump,

I'm gonna come across
stolen auto parts

with the serials burned off.

You want me to call

for an evidence truck
to come down here?

I may have a car
with clean paper.

Today's your lucky day.
See that Lexus?

I need to unload that.

Straight up trade,
no questions asked.

It just can't show up anywhere
where it can be found.

So show me
what you got.

I got that.

Are you sh1tting me, man?

I'm offering you a Lexus,
for Christ's sake.

She runs, my man.

And it's the only car with
the paperwork that you need.

No questions asked,
no calls made.

I was hoping
I'd never wear blues again.

Hey, Julien.

Captain just told me
we're back riding together.

Need to look for Vendrell.
Holy shit.

A girl takes a long weekend
and the whole world

starts spinning backwards.

Look, since
the captain benched me,

I'd appreciate
you keep me in the loop.

Yeah, sure.

I need to clear that
with Claudette.

Look, the guy tried
to k*ll me.

I can't be in the game, I'd
like to hear the play-by-play.

As soon as I run that
past the captain,

I will keep you posted.



This whole thing is so weird.




You know my partner Shane?

Ain't you still gotta be a cop
to have a partner?

You think Vic Mackey
loses his job

and the streets
don't hear about it?

Few months back, Shane was
in the market for some new ID.

Know anybody who could make

some, uh, good passports
for him on the quick?

I know he didn't come to me.

I said they had
to be good.


I don't gotta tell
ex-cops shit anymore.

Now that you got
no badge.

I might not be a cop anymore,

but I'm not
a crooked w*tback either.

Why don't we call
some of my old colleagues,

see whose story
they're more interested in?

Mine or your
illegal operation?

All right,
I might know a name.

But then you're
out of favors.


Working on your stamp
collection there, Marcos?

Who are you?
On your feet, shithead.


Forging a federal document,

that's a three-year stretch,

Recognize this guy?
He's a cop.

Not anymore. He skipped town
without saying goodbye.

I wanna send him
a postcard.

But since you gave him
a new name,

I don't have an address.
I didn't make him any paper.

One more lie and I'm sending
half of you to a hospital.

The other half,
I'm leaving on the floor.

The guy said don't talk,
or else.

Don't need to worry
about him anymore.

You need to worry about me.
All right.

I made him three passports,

One for him, and then one for
his wife and one for his kid.

Under what names?



Shawn and Katie Hoover.

And the kid's name is Bryan.

It's good quality.

Pictures not in there yet.

I was just about to do that.

I'll spare you the trouble.

Cost of doing business.


He's getting
even hotter, Shane.

Yeah, well,
maybe we should, uh...

We should run him
a-- A bath again.


Uh, yeah?
MAN: Open the door.

Come here, honey.

Okay, just a--
Just a second.



Does that kid
ever stop making noise?

Yeah, we're figuring out
a way to get his medicine.

Figure it out quicker.

I got jetlag and a meeting
I gotta get sleep for.

We're trying
the best we can.

Most people wait till
it's dark to go to sleep.

Just shut
the goddamned kid up.

Why don't I take a shit
in your ear holes,

give you a little
peace and quiet?

I'm sorry. Our kid has
a fever, and he's miserable.

We're getting him
the medication.

He'll be better
and he'll be quiet real soon.

I promise.
Appreciate it.


Let's just get in the car,
get Jackson's medicine

and get as far away
from here as we can.

Look, you know
why crooks get caught?

Because they move around.

We gotta be
smarter than that.

We gotta stay off the roads

and out of sight
as much as possible.

For how long?!

Right now, every cop
from Seattle to San Diego

is beating the bush
looking for us.


There's a presidential motorcade
coming to town this weekend.

It's gonna tie people up.

It's the best shot
that we're gonna get

to get out of here,
but until then...


Until then,
we just gotta hole up here.

We still have to get
Jackson his medicine,

so we have to go out
for that.

Only because
you left it at home.

I'll go get his medicine.
Come on, buddy.



Hey, Mags.

I told you,
don't call me that.

Just happy to see you,

I told you I mailed the check.
I'm sorry it's late again.

It's fine.
That's not why we're here.

Anita Brohm
called me last week.

Someone moved
into the Lynch house.

Single guy,
name's Irving Heep.

Anita looked him up
on the Internet.

He's a registered
sex offender.

He molested a teenage girl
in Sacramento.

Mags, I'll take care of this.

Don't you worry about this guy,
all right?

It's what I do.


Irving Heep?

I'm Detective Wagenbach,
this is Detective Billings.

We hear you're new
to the neighborhood.

I re-registered
two weeks ago.

Yeah, well, consider us
the welcome wagon.

My family lives
down the street.

I notice you're
not cops in this district.

I know my rights.

I'm not going anywhere near
your family or anyone else's.

That what
you wanna hear?


I am sick, detective.

That won't ever change.

And I r*ped that girl
in Sacramento.

But I did my stint.

Haven't touched jailbait since.

So I've just as much right

to live on this street
as anyone else.


Hi. You responded
to the police alert?

Shawn Hoover?

I didn't see your bulletin
until after he left.

It was less than
half-hour ago, though.

Is that him?

He had a young boy
with him.

Quite ill.
Did you happen to see

what kind of car he was
driving when he left?



Did he buy anything else?

Yeah, there was
one other thing.



Uh, gave Jackson
his medicine.

Pharmacist says, uh,
if it's gonna work,

it's gonna work fast.

But we gotta watch him,

And, uh...

We got you this.

Thanks, baby.


What are those for?

Uhm, I had an idea.

The market's
so bad right now.

There's all these houses
sitting empty.

Some of them are sitting
six, eight months at a time.

It's too dangerous to squat.

Yeah, but some of these houses
aren't even being shown.

The owners are just waiting
for the market to rebound.

Mara, we're better off
just staying still.

Yeah, well, Jackson's not.

I mean, this place
isn't good for him.

The dust in here,
the air.

Plus, baby,
if he keeps crying,

more people are
gonna come checking.

I just missed him.

Put Shane's alias out to all
the local emergency rooms.

Why all the ER's?

Jackson might be sicker
than we thought.

It's why Shane's still in town.

I'll go wide,
60-mile radius.

I'm gonna check out motels.

Start in the area of this
pharmacy and work my way out.

Shane's not stupid enough
to go to a pharmacy

near where he's staying.

No, but maybe Shawn Hoover is.

Well, if you do find him,
it's decision time, Vic.

What about Mara?

She's not an innocent.

Mara knows
everything Shane does.

She always has.

That's the way he wanted it.

He came after us,
and she helped him.

Now, if we take out Shane
and leave her,

she's gonna get caught.

And she's gonna start pointing
all kinds of fingers at us.

Jesus Christ.

What about Jackson?

Jackson's too young
to be a witness.

Latest research indicates

voters want their populism
in small doses

with competence and authority
as the main attraction.


I thought your
campaign headquarters

should reflect them.



I met with Miguel Calderon

He's very interested
in coming onboard

as your campaign
finance chief.

I know Miguel.
He's a good guy.

But, uh, I'm inclined to head
in a different direction.

Mm-hm. Calderon
starts on Monday.

Cruz, that's
not your decision.

And this is a conversation
we should be having in private.

You need to be very clear
on one thing.

This place,
your campaign w*r chest,

media buys,
high-dollar strategists,

everything that insures
that you will be

the next mayor
of Los Angeles

comes with a price.

And I am very grateful
for your support.

But this is still
my campaign.

Mr. Mayor,

the d*ck is up your ass.

And I am the one,

not you, who decides
when and if it comes out.


It was all I could do to keep
from breaking this prick's jaw.

You did great.

The whole point here
is to get Pezuela believing

he's calling the sh*ts.

Lull him into
false complacency,

he'll get overconfident.

Start making mistakes.
Lets us take him down.

Well, this better happen
sooner than later.

I have an election,
and I'm not gonna win

pretending to be
this assh*le's water boy.

Especially in front of
his new business associate.

Who's that?

Introduced him
as Guillermo Diaz.

Pezuela's verbal beatdown
was for this guy's benefit.

And judging from his obvious
need to impress,

I'm guessing your intel about
a cartel evaluator was dead-on.

Would you be able
to pick Diaz out

if we gave you
some intelligence files?


Deena's tip was dead-on.
Shane and Mara were here.

They traded down
for a green '91 Ford Taurus.

Give Dispatch
that plate number.

You gonna let Ronnie know?

Don't you think
he should know?

Look, the whole city's working
overtime to find Vendrell.

Updating Gardocki
is not my first priority.

Hey, I sure hope
you can help me out.

Have you seen this guy,
by any chance?

He's a friend.

He's traveling with
his wife, a-a sick child.

Shawn Hoover.

Look, I-I picked this up
for him.

His kid really needs it.


Been getting a lot of complaints
about that brat crying.

What room?




Dr. Willard, now to 451.

Dr. Willard to 451.

These people look fine.
Jackson's really sick.

He needs to see a doctor.

What do you
want me to do, Mara?

I think he's having a bad
reaction to the medication.

I understand.

Well, can you get your sick son
in to see a doctor now, please?


Excuse me.

He wasn't there.
I missed him again.

Call just came in.

City of Angels Hospital.

Nurse at the desk
flagged Shawn Hoover.

Brought his son Bryan in
with a high fever.

I'm on my way.

Julien and Tina tracked down
Mara's Lexus through Deena.

Chop shop in Sunland.

He traded for
a 1991 green Ford Taurus

with clean plates
and registration.

Claudette and company
have that info?

About five minutes before me.

Got it.


Margaret saw Irving Heep
just now.

He kept staring at her, angry,
passed the house a few times.

It scared her, Steve.
What the hell did you do?

I just went by his house
to put the fear of God in him.

Everything is fine.

How is it fine? The man's
still living on our street.

I came to you for help,

and whatever you said to him
made things worse.

Look, these types,
they operate in the shadows.

All I'm trying to do
is draw him out.

Now he sees my kids
as a threat.

Nothing's going to happen
to our kids.

Heep knows I'm a cop.

I thought you
might be able to help.



You lied to me.

You g*dd*mn bastard.

Rita, what--?

Lloyd told me everything
last night.

About what?

You think that he shot
that kid deliberately?

You think he actually
planned to k*ll him?

Is that true?

I actually thought...

I'm so stupid.

I looked into
something you said.

That teacher in Tulsa
that pushed Lloyd around?

He wanted to file
criminal charges against Lloyd.

Apparently one night
when you were out,

Lloyd tied up his son--
That was a game.

--and threatened
to t*rture and k*ll him.

That was a stupid game.
He was never gonna do that.

No, it was him acting out
on his m*rder fascination.

You made me think
we were on a date.

And all you were doing was
gathering evidence on my son?


I ought to slap you.

If I were brave enough,

I would slap
the shit out of you.

Just don't come near us.

You got that?

You found
Pezuela's compadre?

Yeah, I did.

His name isn't Diaz.

It's Guillermo Beltran.

You're certain
that's the man you saw?

Yeah, 100 percent. Why?

You wanna keep me embedded
in this jackpot,

I'm entitled to know who
I'm rubbing elbows with.

Guillermo Beltran.

Former secretariat
of the presidential guard.

Resigned ahead
of a corruption shake up

during the Vicente Fox

Used his grimy affiliation
to kiss himself

into the Guerrero drug cartel
as head of security.

You know, I knew Pezuela
was hooked up, but--

This guy's worldwide.

He's been on the DOD's
watch list three years running.

No wonder Pezuela
was trying to impress him.

His boss is in town.

Power player of this caliber
elevates Pezuela

way beyond Byz Lat
game level.

No shit.

And him taking stock
of local operations tells me

the Guerrero cartel
wants a seat

at the table running the
second-biggest city in America.

I need to get Washington
in the loop.

You know, from now on

your bosses need to stop
treating my mayoral campaign

as some loss leader
for an ICE investigation.

That's never been the case.

Oh, we both know that it is.

And it stops right now.

You heard Vic turned in
his badge yesterday?

I thought he had another week.

So the way that I see it,
that leaves me

to be your most
important instrument

in the Guerrero cartel

And you still have
our appreciation.

But what I want is

credit for a high-profile
international takedown.

'Cause if
I don't get mine,

then I've never seen
this guy.

I need to take care
of this Irving Heep situation.

Heep hasn't
come anywhere near

violating the terms
of his parole.

I know we're not gonna get this
guy acting officially as cops.

You're my partner, right?


What, I'm supposed
to be Shane Vendrell

to whatever Vic Mackey
plan you've hatched?

Look how it worked out
for them. No, thanks.

How's everything going
between you and Rita?

She looked pretty pissed.

Her son
committed a m*rder.

She's starting
to realize that fact.

You know,
I'm not exactly sure

what Lover Dutch game
you're playing there,

but I know that none of it's
been above boards.

Now, I was with you every step
of the way on that case.

I listened to your theories,
I got you alone with the kid.

Now it's your turn to step up.

I can't be a party
to anything that's unethical.

I'm sorry.

I've given him a shot
of a stronger antibiotic.

It's gonna help with his, uh--?
His cough and the fever?


My immediate concern is
getting the temperature down.

I wanna keep him here overnight
so I can keep an eye on him.

Oh, is that really necessary?
We can do that, right?

I'd rather have him here.

Look, doc, it's just that
I'm starting a new job

in a couple of days up north.

If I'm not there, it's gone.

Your son shouldn't
be traveling.

Trust me, we don't
want that either.

It's just that I've been out
of work for a little while.

And we don't have insurance.

We'll watch him
every minute.

If anything goes wrong and
his fever doesn't come down,

we'll stop at a hospital
on the way.

I have some samples of the
antibiotic to tide you over.

I'll meet you
at the nurse's station

and tell you how they
should be administered.

Thank you.


Jesus Christ.

Detective Keefe,
I got your call.

Steve Billings.

Looks like you caught
the bastard on something.

We found child pornography
in his bedroom.

Second offence, so this guy's
going back to prison.

Detective Wagenbach.
I'm curious, uh,

how'd you get the warrant?

Anonymous tip.

Where from?
Don't know.

It was anonymous.

Once in a while,
you get lucky.

I appreciate the call.

If you ever need anything,
you know where to find me.


Shawn. We gotta go.

I'll be right there.
Leave it, let's go.

I heard two nurses talking.

They said
somebody got shot,

there's an ambulance
and the police.

Come on, come on, come on.



It's okay.
It's okay, Jackson.

Shhh. It's okay.

[g*n COCKS]



Officer! Officer,
that man over there has a g*n.

Hey, you!

Hey. Stop right there!

There's no problem here, guys.

Stop walking now!

Keep your hands
where we can see 'em.

Are you carrying
a w*apon?

Three-fifty-seven Eagle.
Cross draw.

Get on the ground.

I said, get on the ground!



The whole
neighborhood's talking

about Irving Heep's arrest.

Area police
were already on the job.

I just gave them
an insider's nudge.

Thanks, Dad.

I'll take you to that movie
this weekend, okay?

Hm. Okay.


I love you.

Feel good
about yourself?

Actually, I do.

I'm gonna sleep better tonight
knowing my daughters are safe.

You committed a crime.

What crime is that?

Did Heep really
have that child porn?

Or did they plant it along
with their bogus warrant?

You were there, I didn't ask.

Detective Keefe did me
the courtesy of not telling.

He's been clean
for six years, Steve.

No, he wasn't clean,
just hadn't been caught.

For all we know,
he was gonna stay clean.

They found kiddie porn
in the guy's bedroom.

Oh, come on. He's
spot-checked twice a month.

Today he just
happened to leave

kiddie porn
on his dresser? Please.

A cop helped another cop out.
It's called loyalty.

It's wrong.

Yeah, well,
if it's so wrong,

why don't you turn me and half
the North Hollywood Division in?

Vic Mackey was detained
by two police officers

in a hospital
in East Hollywood tonight.

Why was he held?

A couple with a small child
told the officers

that he had a g*n
and pointed it at them.

Well, that doesn't
make any sense.

No. So they looked

at the hospital's
surveillance tape,

and the couple
was Shane and Mara Vendrell.

Tell me what you know about it
and don't leave anything out.

I've been chained
to a desk, remember?

I don't know what Vic does
every minute of the day.

Then tell me about
the minutes you do know about.

Of course Vic
wants to bring Shane in.

But I don't know why
they were at a hospital,

I don't know
how Vic found them.

Vic's gone.

He left in disgrace.

Now, you've got two roads
to choose from:

You can either look at this
as a fresh start,

or you can throw your career
away just like he's done.

What do you wanna do,

I want my job.

Then start fighting for it.

I'm gonna ask you one more time
about last night.

Why does Vendrell
want you dead?

Vic and I found out
that Shane k*lled Lem.

Go on.

We'd been suspecting him
for a few weeks.

After all this time
trying to find

the assh*le that k*lled
our friend,

things started pointing
at Shane.

Which things?
The grenade.

We made a bust on the
Salvadorans, confiscated some.

We think Shane held one back.

What reason would
Shane have to k*ll Lem?

I don't know.

The only thing that
we could figure out

was Shane's involvement
with the Armenians.

Shane was double-dipping,
Lem found out about it.

When Rezian's whole crew
wound up dead,

that theory
started looking better.

Do you have proof
for any of this,

or is this all based
on assumptions?

Kavanaugh's final report.

The night Lem was k*lled,

Shane told us he'd been followed
all night long,

just like we had.

Only Kavanaugh wrote
only Vic and I were followed.

Shane lied to us.

And why am I just finding out
about this now?

Uh, captain,
Shane was our friend.

We didn't wanna come to you

until we knew
we had all the proof.

And Shane must've
found out about it

and tried to have us k*lled.


Vic thinks
that Shane was waiting

at his place personally
last night.

If I hadn't called him,
Vic would be dead right now.

So Vic went to the hospital
for revenge.

No. A b*llet is too good.

Vic wants Shane caught.

He wants him to serve time

with all the other shitbags
that we've put in there.

We're all on the same side
on this, captain.


Returning my calls in person?

Better late than never.

I've got a lot on my plate.

Really? 'Cause I hear
you're already unemployed.

I didn't want
to tell you over the phone.

Quite the assh*le.

This is the guy ICE has been
interested in all along.

Aceveda's the one
who put us onto him.

Then prepare to get
bitten in the ass.

The lies start

with Aceveda looking
at himself every morning.

David's an open book.

He's agreed to keep us advised
on Beltran's involvement.

Then I'll pick up
where he leaves.

Get a handle on Beltran's
street activities.

But we're gonna
have to formalize

our business relationship
on the long-term.

Vic, you're
not a cop anymore.

You're just a CI now.

Then I'm not freelancing
for you people in a w*r zone.

I need ICE credentials,
a paycheck and full dental.

That was an easier sell
before you turned your badge in.

If you're no longer
valuable to Pezuela,

we're not sure you're valuable
to this investigation--

Who says I'm no longer
valuable to Pezuela?

I'm still on his payroll.

I still have all the cop
connections I need.

If anything,
being badgeless just means

I have more time
to devote to his cause.

We're not sure
we see it that way.

I've been keeping you
out of jail and in a job.

Now, when that box shows up
with your file in it,

you'll see how
g*dd*mn valuable I am.



just give me some time to get
cozied up to this Beltran guy.

You'll see I'm still
the man on the inside.

I helped you out of your jam.

You can help me out of mine.


Why are you so convinced
Lloyd's a m*rder*r?


Come in.

I went home last night
after seeing you,

and he and I got
into an argument.

About what?


I told him
that we kissed.

And that I was hoping
that we could start dating.

I thought he'd be happy

because you had been
so good to us.

And he called me pathetic.

He started laughing at me

because I thought
that you were interested.

Then he said that
you ruined me for him.

What does that mean?

You need to get away
from him.

He's not an abusive husband
or a cheating boyfriend.

He's my son.

I cook dinner for him.

I drive him to school,
I wash his clothes.

I can't walk away from him.

Bring him into the Barn.

Help me convince him to confess.

And what if he doesn't?
If he's innocent?

He's not.

You can't prove that.

We both know it.

He's my boy.

Every k*ller
this world has ever seen

started out
as somebody's boy.


Lloyd is gonna k*ll
somebody else eventually.

Someone else's
son or daughter.

Unless you help me stop him.
I don't believe that.

I don't believe that.




What if Shane
saw you coming here?

He didn't, I made sure.

Don't worry about it.

Hey, Cass.


What are you doing here
so late?

Oh, your mother and I
have an important phone call.

Listen, you should
get ready for bed, okay?

I didn't do anything
this time.

No one said you did.

Is that phone call
about me?

No, Cass, no, no.
It's not about you.

I am glad
that I caught you

before you went to sleep,

Go on, get ready.


Shane said
he didn't want you here.

Well, then
let's not tell him.





What the hell's wrong with you?

What the hell
is wrong with me?

Is Vic there?

You told him to stay away,
didn't you?

I get why Vic lied.

What I don't understand
is why you would.

I didn't lie to you.

All we're trying to do
is get away from him, Corrine.

Don't you comprehend that?

We don't wanna see you,
and you don't wanna see us.

But that's not enough,
is it?

That'll never
be enough for Vic.

We want the same things
that you do, Mara.

Vic tried to k*ll us tonight.
And you helped him.

He made you an accessory
to attempted m*rder.

And now you're a criminal.

Just like Vic.

What do you mean?

He came after us
at the hospital tonight

while I was trying to get
Jackson treated for his fever.

And if those cops didn't
show up when they did,

he would've m*rder*d
my entire family.

My unborn child.
I understand.

I hope so, because that's why
Vic turned in his badge.

He's just gonna keep
coming after us

until he gets what he wants,

and the death of my children
will be on your head.

When I call you
tomorrow at 1:00,

you need to have detailed
and specific information

on how and where the police
are looking for us.

Got that?

I'm only asking you again
'cause I don't have a choice.


What did she say?

She said that-- That they
don't trust you anymore.

And that they're not going
to be calling back here.


I think I scared her.


Want you to do
something for me.

Sure. What?

You got me here, and, uh...

And, uh-- And I'll be safe
for a few days.


I want you to go back,

and I want you
to turn yourself in.


I-I don't even wanna
think about that.

It's too late.
Listen, listen to me.

Okay? They got
nothing solid on you.

You just tell 'em--

Tell them that-- That I
threatened you into helping me,

and tell them that you were
scared for your life.

They'll believe that.

I won't do it.

Mara, you gotta
take care of Jackson.


Our little baby girl
right in here.


Mara, you and-- And the kids
can still have a good life.

And that's-- That is all
that matters to me.

No, we wouldn't.
We wouldn't have you.

Listen, you can't think
about me now, okay?

You can't. All right?

Now, you gotta go.

Okay? You gotta go.
You gotta go. Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

We're a family.

Nobody's gonna
tear us apart.

Let's go inside.

Well, I always told you
I'd get you a mansion someday.

