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07x10 - Party Line

Posted: 01/13/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
-Who the hell are you?
-Tell Stella we're here to see her.

She's asleep, being the middle
of the g*dd*mn night and all.

We're old friends of her daughter's.

I haven't seen Mara.

Since you boys drove all the way
from Los Angeles...

...can I get you a drink?

The local police have been here.
Stella told them everything.

Why don't you pour yourself
a turpentine martini...

...and give us some air.

Last time I saw you... daughter got herself
in some trouble...

...and you weren't
real nice about it, Vic.

Yeah, well, Mara's got herself
in an even worse jam.

You have any idea
where she and Shane might be headed?

Keeping your mouth shut
means aiding a fugitive.

You made that sound so official.

It just doesn't seem legit, though,
this whole midnight drop-by.

And I don't know shit
about where Mara's gone to.

Shane's dangerous.

It's not safe for Mara out there,
or for Jackson.

-Her pregnancy could be in jeopardy.

Oh, well, this is a real fine way
to get the happy news.

How long's it been
since Mara's been in touch with you?

I stopped keeping track.

She used to help me out with money.

And once she got married,
that all changed.

But if you find her... tell her I'm happy for her
with that baby.


I'll be real sure to do that.

Nice crowd for after-hours, Santi.

Tip well, they leave the lights on.
You're on the wrong side of town.

I'm here to give you
a reason to celebrate.

Name's Vendrell.

There's a reward waiting
for anyone who can deliver him.

Now, 10 grand, that will buy you
an awful lot of cervezas.

You or any of your boys find Vendrell,
you hold him for me.

But be careful, he's an ex-cop.

Call me at that number.

I show up with the money,
we make the exchange.

This gonna get us into any shit
with your pals in blue?

It's staying just between you and me.

But I've already got a few other
search parties after that cash... there will only be
one winning lottery ticket.

Keep it.

Not feeling very sentimental
these days.



Hey, buddy.


Water warm?

It helps my back.

Wanna come in?

Close your eyes.

It's like we're off the coast

Somewhere far, far away.

Soon, baby.

I promise.



All right, Shane knows
we're already onto his last motel... he's probably looking for a place
with less eyes.

My shift starts in a couple hours.

All right.

You coming?

We're not gonna find him.

Sure we are.

We're betting our freedom
on g*ng leaders, Vic.

-And that's if any of them spot Shane.
-I'm turning over every rock I can.

I'm gonna run.

Hey, we're not there yet.

I call in sick to the Barn... across the border
before anybody knows about it.

Be days before they look.

Once you flip that switch,
there's no going back.

Look, when they find Shane,
we're lifers in jail.

That's why we gotta find him first.

We had our chance.

Hey, man,
it's just like any other case.

You gotta wait until something hits.

I can't sit in the Barn and wait.

If something goes down
and I don't hear...

...all they gotta do is march across
the bullpen and slap the cuffs on.

And how's your running
gonna make me look?

You should run too, man.

Hey. Hey.

This isn't something
I haven't thought of myself, okay?

-Then let's go.

-Let's go.
-No, Shane does not get to win.

He dropped the grenade
that k*lled our team.

But he doesn't get to k*ll your career,
my life with my children.

This side gig I got going with ICE,
it's going really well.

Now, I'm trying to insulate us
from all this shit.

Set us up with jobs and fed badges.

Why would they wanna bail us out,

Me helping out Olivia,
it's got her in my corner.

And she's whispering
in all the right ears.

All I gotta do is nail this Mexi.

-Not Pezuela.

His boss.

This cartel guy.

When that mouse trap springs...

...I'll tell ICE that it's time
for them to cut us a deal.

-You think they'll go for that?
-All I need is two, three more days.

We keep looking for Shane
or he stays hidden that long...

...I turn it up a notch with Olivia...

...and then I toss your name in
when she starts talking terms.

Give me one last shot
at getting us through this shit.

If I fail, we'll both run.


-What's wrong?
-Megan had a bad dream.

Didn't you hear her crying?


Go back to bed.

Come on,
you've got school in the morning.

Come on.

Nurse Mackey? We're here
about that as*ault victim you called in?

Yeah. Can you cover my beds
for me?

Thanks, Barb.

Before I say anything, I need to be sure
that I can't get into trouble for this.

Vic cannot know that I came to you.

Anything you say pertaining
to this investigation is protected.

You have my word.

I'm gonna need it in writing.
I want my lawyer to review it.

Corrine, it's us.

Just have the papers drawn up
and be back here in two hours.

What's the rush?
Vic planning something?

-No, just be back here in two hours.

Corrine, we'll draw up
whatever documents you want.

But we need to know
what we're dealing with.

Oh, God.

Shane and Mara contacted me.

They wanted information
about the police search.

Vic convinced me to go along with it.

He lied to me
and he used me to try to k*ll them.

I need Vic out of my life for good.

But my kids cannot know
that I did this to him.

Arrest her and find out what she knows
in interrogation.

We arrest Corrine Mackey...

...that leaves us limited
and dated information on Shane.

Now, we work with her,
that allows us to get to him.

She's admitted to having contact
with a fugitive.

She can be forced to cooperate.

Corrine's only trying to get free
from the web that Vic has spun.

She didn't have to come forward.
We owe her.

Not to mention...

...this could close the book
on Vic Mackey for good.

Something that should have been done
a long time ago.

I gave Vic a pass from time to time...

...but only when he could
make a difference.

No, you were sweeping him
under the rug.

He's made a lot of good arrests.
I don't want all those overturned.

The crimes Corrine can help get Vic on
are limited to him and Shane.

Shouldn't jeopardise
any convictions.


Let's give her the help she needs.

How's the early retirement?

It's not all Hawaiian shirts
and fishing trips.

Heard about Vendrell.

Strike Team's demise
is more violent than I predicted.

End of an era, but I'm already
looking forward to a new one.

Of course.

Vic Mackey doesn't hand over
his badge without an exit strategy.

I'm here to warn you.

Your golden parachute
might be about to rip.

Olivia gave me a heads-up.

-Guillermo Beltran's the new fed get.

Pezuela's an M.B.A.
with a dirty agenda.

This guy Beltran,
he's the real power.

Which is why ICE needs me now
more than ever.

You think Chaffee and the line-up
of budget-crunchers he answers to... a rat's ass about you?

About keeping you alive?

The moment Beltran crossed that
border, the rules of the game changed.

The feds want this guy so bad
they can taste it.

And they will not have a problem
sh**ting the messenger.

Oh, I see.
So you want me to just back off...

...and let you handle things
and gobble up all the glory, is that it?

There's only room for one guy
to work Beltran.

And that's gonna be me.

-That's what I do.
-Not anymore.

You're way in over your head,

Working the Mexican cartel
from the inside out?

This isn't pushing paperwork
from the Barn to downtown.

This is real police work.

Pezuela's seen your old photo album.
He doesn't fear you.

He doesn't respect you
and Beltran won't, either.

So do yourself and your family
a favour.

Step away from the table,
stay away from me...

...and let the real men finish this job.

Eat one of those hot dogs.

You know, baby?


Might be kind of nice
to find a place on the coast.

I'd like that.

Hey, buddy. You ready?

-Watch this.

You see that?
You see what Daddy's doing? Yeah?

Bet you 100 grand could get us
a place even bigger than this.

You know what...

...I bet you you're right.

You gonna cook for me every day
down in Colombia too?

No, I am going to hire us
a personal chef... make us breakfast in bed
every single morning.

I love you.

I love you.

All right, Daddy's gonna make his.

Okay, scoot over, buddy.

Come on.

-Did we have a meeting?
-Think of it as roll-call.

I'm clocked in and ready for work.

If I need you, I'll call you.

I've had some extra time
on my hands lately...

...thought I could keep busy
for the cause.

But, hell, I get paid either way.

Haven't had the pleasure.
I'm Vic Mackey.

That's right. I was a cop.

But now I'm more of a

What kind of favours?

I specialise
in the hard-to-deliver kind.

I guess you're a good guy to know.

Well, I'm a real--

Vic Mackey?
Didn't expect to find you here.

So you're making new friends.
How do you know Cruz?

Just finishing some paperwork
on an old case.

What are you doing here, David?

-You and I need to talk in private.
-Come back later.

If you and I are gonna
continue this arrangement...

...I need a restatement of my terms.

You don't get terms.
You get to be mayor.

Oh, I know. But that will be
with or without you.

I'm still deciding which.

Well, do you mind giving us a hint
as to which way you're leaning?

From now on... don't make any decisions
regarding my campaign.

Who I work with
or where I work out of.

I don't care how much you
or your investors contribute.

You are my goddamned errand boy
and you will do exactly as you're told.

You're an empty suit.

You're a chequebook, nothing more.

And just because you hang out
with tough guys...

...doesn't make you tough.

-Get back.

Get back, Vic.

You assaulted a reserve police officer.
And that's a felony.

You have made a very big mistake.

The only mistake I made...

...was letting you think
that I was your errand boy...

...instead of the other way around.

What the hell was that?

I just proved my point.

You blew that ICE investigation
out the window.

The one you're so desperate
to stay relevant to?

By taking on the cartel, you've opened
yourself to a world of possibilities...

...all of them bad.

You're gonna get yourself k*lled.

Beltran saw the same thing you saw.

I'm gonna deal with him directly
from now on.

If you're still fantasizing about
being ICE's connection to the cartel...

...well, you better get yourself
a new gig.

Here you go.
Would you like me to stay?

I'm fine, thank you.

Mara came to see me
a few nights ago.

She claims that Vic and Ronnie
tried to k*ll Shane.

Something having to do with
the Armenians.

Mara asked you to help get information
regarding them as fugitives?

Vic thought it would be best
if Shane and Mara left the country.

That it would be better for all of us
if they got away.

Instead, he tried to
track them down himself?

Ronnie have anything to do
with this?

I don't know if Ronnie
helped him or not.

How did Vic find Shane?

He asked me about medication
that Jackson was taking.

Mara called me to say that Vic
had tracked them down last night.

Tried to k*ll them.

She's pregnant for God sakes.

I never liked her...

...but she doesn't deserve this.

Pay Vic a visit?

Not yet. We've seen the hold
he's got on Corrine.

I'm not sure she'd be willing
to repeat that in a court room.

I'll use Inglewood to set up the tap.

That way we won't trigger
suspicion with Ronnie.

I'll park him with Billings
until we know what his involvement is.

Steve will like that.
He's got a pretty big man crush.

I don't want Inglewood to know
who this number is for.

You never know
how far Mackey's reach goes.

Think Vic's got many friends left?

So from here on out,
this investigation is between us.

Nine, 10. Ready or not, here I come.

Where's Jackson?

Where's Jackson?

Nope, he's not in there.

Is he over here?


I didn't know you played the piano,

Yeah, my mom made me take lessons
when I was a kid.

I was in class with these four girls.

It didn't last long.

I was too busy
wanting to help my dad fix cars.

Wish I would've kept at it, though.

Where's Jackson?

Let's see.

There you are.

I found you.

Baby, come dance.

Come on, baby.
Show me your two-step, little man.

Come on.

Come on, buddy,
show me what you got.

All right, I'll tell him.

-Oh, should I come back?
-What do you need, Steve?

Got a call from North Hollywood.

Asked if we'd interview a couple
of locals for him on a m*rder case.

We're a little busy right now.

It's just taking a few statements,
eliminating them as suspects.

I figure if Dutch and I split up,
we could knock it out by lunchtime.

Grab Gardocki.

Dutch is staying with me
on Vendrell today.

You catch a lead on Shane?

-What's going on?
-We got nothing.

Hey, looks like you and me
are first string today.

-What do you mean?
-North Hollywood's got a m*rder.

-So they want us to do interviews.

This is a chance to chat things up.

You can tell me
how you met that Asian hottie.

I wanna stick around,
see what breaks on the Shane thing.

Well, sorry, Claudette's orders.

Besides, by the time we're done... could be speaking to Vendrell
in person.

What'd you hear?

Dutch and Claudette are playing
I Got a Secret, but it's real enough.

Vic and Shane
always seemed so tight.

Friendships do get tested, I guess.

What's he doing here?


Vic's walking up to your front door
right now.

-What do I do?
-You on a landline or a cordless?


Set the phone down, act like it's off.
I'll keep the line open.

-Hi. What are you doing here?
-It's almost 1:00.

It's a long shot, but I thought maybe
Shane and Mara would call back.

She said she didn't trust us,

She doesn't trust me.

Either way, they're desperate.

Can I come in and wait around
for a while? You never know.

-Hey, place looks nice.

I took advantage of having the day off
and did some cleaning.

Look, I know you never asked
to be a part of this.

I want you to know...

...I really appreciate
you pulling through for me here.

Just hanging in there.

We're gonna miss the call.

Looks like they kept their promise.

If you hear from them,
let me know right away, okay?

Okay, I will.

-Still there?
-He's on his way to his car.

Hang up the phone.

-Why was the line busy, Corrine?

I have two autistic kids, Mara.

One of them knocked the phone
off the hook. I'm sorry.

Tell me what you know.

They've expanded their search
to include other precincts.

All major thruways out of the city
are being watched.

What else?

They're going to release your pictures
for the evening news.

I'll call you back at 10.

Sounds like she's in.

-I got nothing yet.
-Look at you, Beverly Hills Cop.

Been a long time.

-What are Dutch and Claudette up to?
-They've been out all day.

I've been stuck in Interrogation
with Billings.

Something's going on,
but I don't see how I can find out what.

Can he get something out of Dutch?

I'll try.
He wants to be my best friend.

Ask Julien too.

-I'm not sure what side he's on here.
-It's better than nothing.

-How's it going with our ICE angle?
-That's all looking good.

Hey, don't treat me like Claudette.

What's the real deal here?

Right now, it's all about Aceveda.

So I've gotta get ICE
to move away from him first.

-Well, how you gonna do that?
-With a little help from you.

You got a drink
you can recommend here?

How'd you know I was here?

More mysterious if I don't tell you.

This conversation will be a lot longer
if you do.

Waited outside of Pezuela's place
for you to come out...

...see which car you were driving,
I got the plate.

Had a friend of mine
put your car on a watch and advise.

Ten minutes later, we got a hit.

Your Benz was sleeping outside
in this parking lot.

-And here I am.
-You've still got juice with the police.

Enough to make a screwdriver
for every vato in L.A.

I don't know who you are exactly...

...but judging by the way Pezuela
puffed up his chest when I got there...

...I'd say important.

Which means you're cartel.

Pretty high up too.

Can I guess why you're here?

Pezuela's screwing up.

Public assassination.

Pointing the finger at your organisation
while he walks around in a tie...

...more interested in his big buildings
than doing business for you.

Getting his ass kicked
by a politician today...

...that couldn't have inspired
much confidence.

We don't work well with outsiders.

Who do you think
has been cleaning up Pezuela's mess?

You wanna prove yourself to me?

Try me.

I never wanna see his face again.


Show me the cop washes off of you.

Hey. Hey, someone's here.


Finish getting him dressed.

They're not coming by
for another hour.

I wanted to get here early
to air the place out.

I thought I heard someone.

Hi, I'm Debbie Paluf. I'm with Keller.

You scared me.
Why didn't you leave the door open?

Oh, I have a single dad in there.

He has a toddler and he wanted
to make sure the locks worked.

He's a very nervous guy.

I'll call you back.

They weren't showing this place
until 4.

Oh, yeah, probably.

I was showing a place over on Belden
and we drove by and saw the sign.

So I called Hillary Gratham
and I asked her for the lock-box code.

Can I ask you
about the schools around here?

-Oh, hi.

Mr. Wilson, apparently this house
is being shown to another buyer at 4.

Well, I better make
my decision quick then, huh?

Not sure if Debbie showed you...

...but did you see the patio's
been newly re-tiled with terra cotta?

And the--

What are you--? Oh, my God.

Take her cell phone. Take her keys.
Come on.

-Please, don't hurt me.
-It's okay.

Please, don't. I beg you.

-My husband, my daughter--
-Shut up already.

Just shut up.

Hey, how's the Shane thing coming?

Hard. Like trying to find a needle
in 10 haystacks.

Dutch. So you think
that Shane's still in L.A.?

Like I said, Steve, we got nothing.

A realtor was forcibly detained
by an armed man and woman...

...when she found them squatting
in one of her homes.

Locked her in a pantry
before escaping.

Shane and Mara.

-Los Feliz.

Unis said she was locked up for about
an hour before another realtor arrived.

I'll call their captain,
quietly get a few cars over there.

Pull a few of ours as well,
get them over there.

Right, right, right.

Julien. Got a second?

Sure. What's up?

I need you to issue a message
on the MDT.

Is this about Vendrell?

Yeah, and I don't want it
to go out on the radio.

Beltran gave me my first task today.

Apparently, he's not happy
with your job performance.

He sent me to k*ll you.

Lucky for you,
we don't play on the same team.

I work for Olivia Murray.

That's right.

Murray has a few questions for you,
asked if I could bring you in.

I need you to give me back her file
before we head over there.

That file's what I got on that bitch.

That bitch will send you
out on the street... the Cartel's mercy if I tell her to.

Now, you're about to get something
that nobody ever gets:

A second chance.

For a guy who could be face down,
you don't seem very cooperative.

You were green-lit.

You understand how lucky you are...

...Beltran gave the hit
to a guy working for us?

If Beltran wants me dead, I'm dead.

If I talk, it just gives him
more incentive to find me.

-How are you going to protect me?
-We'll give you a new life.

What's that,
a townhouse in Phoenix?

No, thanks.

Give your boss a ring.

Tell him it looks like
we're gonna be here for a while.

Well done. You keep stonewalling
like this for a couple of days...

...I promise you,
I will deliver Beltran to them myself.

You walk out of this
without a scratch.

Beltran will never
stop looking for me.

He's not gonna be looking
for a dead man.

It's gonna be a slow-go,
but Pezuela will talk.

How long before he starts
on my file?

Don't worry, I'm heading to his place
to get the box.

We have to convince Beltran
that I took out Pezuela.

That way, I'll have earned my keep
in becoming the new Pezuela.

Your bosses
aren't gonna get any closer.

-They're content to use David.

Maybe David can clue you in
on Beltran's master plan.

What plan?

From the little Beltran
clued me in on... sounds like he's starting up
a money-laundering scheme...

...that would make Ivan Boesky flinch.

But you can get the details
from your boy, Aceveda.


Let me make another phone call.

-What's that?
-This is a police scanner.

That way we can have some ears
on their movement.

Baby, I think we should
get out of California.

No, not yet.

It's gonna take a lot of manpower
to check all those empty homes.

Should keep them busy
until the motorcade hits town.

So all we gotta do
is make it through tomorrow...

...then we'll be in the clear.

And I know a place
where we can stay in the meantime.

I'm guessing
it probably doesn't have a pool.

There was a minute today...

...when you were playing the piano
and Jackson was dancing, I actually--

I actually forgot about everything
that was going on...

...and I was just happy.

Every day is gonna be like that
in Colombia, baby.

-I promise you, okay?

Now, what's going on
with the little man?

He's hungry.

Well, I'm pretty sure I can fix that.

I have some sad news for you.

A colleague of yours
committed su1c1de tonight.

Blew his brains out in his office.

You'll be reading about it
in tomorrow's paper.

And how do the polic?a know
it's a su1c1de?

Because the g*n in his hand... gonna match the b*llet
they find in his brain.

An assortment of alcohol and dr*gs
will seal the deal.

Means there won't be
any investigation.

Now, if I'm not mistaken...

...that means there will be a hole
in the organisation.

Where do I submit an application?

Sorry, buddy.

It's that punk right there.

-Hold up there, homes.

Fellas, I'm a cop.

Not no more. Grab his heat, dawg.

-Shane, what's going on?
-It's okay, baby. I got it.

Hey, hey, man.

-Get out of the car.
-Don't, she's got my kid in there.

No, no, no.

Hey, call Santi.
Tell him we got his guy.

Hey, homey, you must've really
pissed off your cop buddy.

He's paying 10 G's
for your head, ?se.

Hey, look, man.

Before you make that call, maybe
we can do some business ourselves.

Unless you got 10 grand...

...only business we got
is selling your ass.

Today's your lucky day,
because I got 20.

That's the easiest cash
you boys will ever make.

That's 10 grand apiece.
All you gotta do is keep walking.

-You carrying that kind of green?
-If I do, does that mean we got a deal?

You walk away,
you leave my wife and my kid.

You leave us alone.

Sure. Let's see it.

Mara, get the money.

Go ahead, baby.

That's all you got in the bag?

Come on, man,
I thought we were straight.

Oh, shit.

-There's more than 10 G's in here.
-Come on, man, we had a g*dd*mn--

That's before you were rich,
white boy.

All right, fine. Fine.

You got almost 100 grand.
More than enough to keep walking.

Why walk away with 100
when I can walk away with 110?

Look, the cop who's looking for me?

First thing he does is flash a badge
and he takes that money.

Trust me.

Now, you got two choices:

You can take the $98,000 and change
that you got right there...

...or you make that call...

...and you see how much
you walk away with then.

Come on.

Just wanted to let you know
that Pezuela k*lled himself tonight.


Didn't seem the type.
I've been following your career.

You're like a fish
swimming through razor blades.

-I'm impressed.
-Glad you approve.

Relax, man. Relax. I'm not like Cruz.

I don't like to micromanage.

I like to stay focused
on the bigger picture.

Besides, you're the politician.
You decide how to run your campaign.

Hire who you want,
target the areas you want...

...focus on the issues you want.

Just don't lose.

I won't.

The Fruit Growers Union...

...are going to be announcing
their formal support for your campaign.

You know those campasinos...

...they need a place
to keep their earnings.

And immigrants, we don't--

We don't trust American banks.

And I have a suggestion
which would be beneficial to all of us.

But that's for later, huh?

Well, great.
I look forward to their support.

And yours.

-He came after us again.

Who? Vic?

We have our son with us.
We could've all been k*lled.

What kind of animal did you marry?

What happened, Mara?
What did Vic do?

He put a bounty on our heads
with the gangs.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

-Hey, assh*le.

-As punishment for the shit today...

... there is a letter on its way
to the Barn...

...addressed to Claudette Wyms.

A written confession
of one of your many sins from the past.

-And which sin would that be, Shane?
-I'll let that be a surprise.

But you and Ronnie had better
get used to being cellmates...

...assuming you can't
bullshit your way out of it.

Either way, it will keep you two
off my ass trying to intercept it.

This is our axe to grind, Shane.
You leave Ronnie out of it.

Come on, we both know you're not shit
without your badge.

No way you could've got that close
to me without Little Vic.

Now, for your contrition.

Since you caused us
to lose all of our cash today...'re gonna replace it.

A hundred thousand dollars
and I want it by 5 p.m. tomorrow.

-I'm gonna need more than a day.
-I don't give a shit.

I can't get it together that fast.
You know that.

This coming from the guy
who masterminded the money train?

You'll figure it out.

Shane's on the phone with Vic now,
giving him a task to carry out.

Please make sure that he does it.
I just want this to be over with.

Me too.

Now, Corrine is gonna handle
delivering the money to us.

I will call her tomorrow
with a location at 1 p.m.

Corrine's done enough
for you already.

You stop trying to shield yourself
behind my ex-wife.

You man up and you and let me come
and deliver that cash to you myself.

What, so you can get another shot
at my pregnant wife and son?

-No, thank you.
-I didn't put Mara in the cross hairs.

You did, when you decided
to involve her in our shit.

Corrine delivers the money tomorrow
or my next love letter to Claudette... about the b*llet that you put
under Terry Crowley's left eye.

Let's see how much the cops
back at the Barn adore you then.


We gotta figure out a way
to put 100 grand in Corrine's hands... tomorrow afternoon.

I can't go through this again.

Just make sure Vic does
what we want him to do...

... or I don't know
what we're gonna do.

Mara, this is Claudette Wyms.
Please don't acknowledge me yet.

I wanna get you and Shane
out of this mess.

If you and Shane
are willing to talk about Vic Mackey...

...I'm willing to listen.

Mara, I can hear the desperation
in your voice.

There is still time
to turn this around.

You've got two options.

Come in now
and I'll grant you immunity.

I can't promise the same for Shane...

...but I can guarantee that
it will be a better deal than Vic will get.

Or you could keep on running
until we catch up with you...

...then it will be
a whole other scenario.

You'll be giving birth
in a state penitentiary...

...your baby will be taken from you.

Jackson too.

They'll be put in the system.

Do you want your children
to be in foster care, Mara?

Be a mother to your children
and do what's right for them.

-I can't talk now.
-I want you to know...

...that all I want from this
is Vic Mackey behind bars.

That's it.

If you are interested
in helping me do that...

... then you find a place
where you can talk.

And you call me tomorrow morning,
8:00. This line.


I think we got to her.

So how did it go?

Corrine's working with the police.

It's okay.