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05x08 - Song of Songs

Posted: 01/13/22 15:26
by bunniefuu
Three days later,
the bus continues to burn bright

with an unusual range of colors

due to the hazardous pairing
of chemicals in the expl*si*n.


- Hi, mom.
- Oh, Drew, honey.

It's just awful. I'm so sorry.

All those friends of yours
just burning to a crisp.

Yeah, thanks, Mom.

The death of Dory Sief

and her band of popular followers...

Dude, dude, dude, dude,
you could have burned alive.

You could still be burning alive

just like, "Ahh! Ahh!"

Reid, Reid, be sensitive!

Everyone he knows is dead
and he just lost his job.

Drew, honey, why don't you come home?

You have nothing to live for anymore.

That's when people come home.

No, Drew can't come home.

We always have to be
respectful of his sadness.

It sucks.

If Drew comes home, I'll k*ll myself.

- Stop.
- Ow!

Son, it's time to come home.

Why don't you just rent a car

and buy a bunch of granola bars

and take a long, slow drive to Chicago?

That's what I did when I was your age

and all my friends died.

Yeah, I'll think about it, Dad.


I gotta go, though, so bye.




♪ ♪

♪ Something happens ♪

♪ I get pulled out of rhythm ♪

Everybody be careful.

There might still be chemical activity.


♪ ♪


I don't see any remains.

Could it have dissolved
their bodies completely?

I wouldn't think so.

Oh, shit.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Don't let this leak.

If they know we know they're not dead,

they'll be harder to catch.



- Oh, good job, Pepper.
- Thank you.


- Hi.

Oh, my God, hi.

Oh, my God, you all smell awful.

I know. Sorry.

How was it?

We almost didn't make it.

There's snacks, guys.

And hi, everyone.

- Everyone get a snack.
- I'm so hungry.

- How many days has it been?
- Three.

- Wait, did everything change?
- Who's famous now?

We all need to get on
antibiotics immediately.

Portia, you swallowed so much poo.

Good job, Drew.


♪ Oh, but dear, the sky is low, watch ♪

There he is, John Halwood.

The man who impregnates you with a child

that will bring about
the end of the world.

But he's married. Ugh.

No, not the dad. The son.

Smug little assh*le.

That's a child.

In the year , when he's ,

he travels back in time to the year

and he mates with you.

Oh, okay,
so he has access to the time meridian.

[SCOFFS] Must be nice.

Honey, you feel like those
women are staring at us?


Oh, yeah. Kinda
seem like it, doesn't it?


Oh, my God. Okay,
she's coming over here.

John, it's me, Chantal.

Excuse me, how do you know our son?

This has nothing to do with you all.

This is between me and my husband.


Well, friends with benefits,
at the very least.

- What?
- Jesus Christ, lady.

Excuse me.

You may try to manipulate me.

You may try to charm my pants off.

You may think I'm just a vessel
for your disgusting plan,

but guess what.

I'm strong.

So do yourself a favor

and don't even try
and seduce me in .

Okay, honey, call the police right now.

Oh, the police.

They're not gonna do anything

other than gnaw on
your puny brain, sweetie.

Welcome to reality.

- Look at him.
- He doesn't give a shit.

I've got a g*n in this bag. Take it.

Do it, you're a perfect
shot. End this now.

- Oh, God.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

- No. No.

He isn't worth it.
Let's just get out of here.

You know, but when you come for me,

and you will,

I'll be ready.

You bet.

- What was that?
- Well, you tell me, young man.

Yeah, where do you know that lady from?


They've landed.

Oh, it is so good to see you.

Thank you so much for having my family.

Oh, well, let's get y'all showered...

- Yeah.
- And then do hugs.

You're all welcome to stay
for as long as you like.

Thank you. I smell so bad.


- Enjoy.
- So good.

- Thank you.
- Joy.

- Have you had this before?
- Yes, dig in. Dig in.

Oh, you look like people

who haven't eaten in three days.

Dory, have more lentils, girl.

[LAUGHS] You deserve it.

Hey, so, um... So the pills are getting

more and more valuable, right?


Well, let me know if you need
any help keeping them safe.

I'd love to kind of head up,
you know, protecting them.

I'd love to be in charge of that...
it'd be an honor.

I think it's best

if I'm the only one who
knows where they are.

It's not that I don't trust you.

It's just that a lot of people
are gonna be after this.

Right. Mm-hmm.

That's so smart. That's so smart.

- But are they in the house?

'Cause I noticed
they weren't in the car.

I looked in the car and I didn't see
'em anywhere.

So what's the next
step in the revolution?

Well, we're gonna get
a good night's sleep.

- Yeah.

And then tomorrow,

we're gonna take the pills.

Are you saying that tomorrow,

we're finally gonna become enlightened?

Yes, we all are.

And then we're gonna distribute the rest

to everybody we can,
and the world will see

that it is needed.

- Oh, my God.
- Yes!

Oh, my God.


- Oh, wow.
- I'm, like, so excited.

I'm scared too. [LAUGHS]

It does feel scary just
to jump right in, yeah.


I'm obsessed with you, I really am.

- And it's perfect.
- It's right before the fall.


- Hi.
- Hi.

- You found me.
- I found you.

When I look at the stars,

I see you, Drew.

Everything has led to this moment.

In a way,
I think I had to sit and stew in doubt

so I could really
understand what it's like

to commit to something
greater than myself.


To have and to know complete faith.

Now that I'm on this
side, I feel so free.


I'm not gonna question anything anymore.


- Isn't that incredible?
- Yeah.

I mean, the journey

that it's taken for us to get here.

I believe I'm exactly where I should be.

I was put on this earth
to be by your side, Dory.

It's always been about you.


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

That's cool though.



Yeah, I just got a...

It's still stuck. [CLEARS THROAT]

I'll be right back.


Hi, Portia.


You looked so beautiful tonight.






My selfishness is showing.


- Is the bathroom...
- I think it was... yeah.



- Hey. Hey.
- Hey.

I, um... I literally can't be
left out of this any longer.

It actually really hurts my feelings,

so I just wanna do this,
get it over with, right?

- Okay.
- Yeah.

If that's how you
wanna express your love.

It so is, Dory.


- Okay. Yeah.


Mm-hmm. Mm.

- Okay.
- Okay.



We'll have the alabaster
game hen wagyu tenderloin

with heirloom carrot puree,

candied lobster roulade,

organic vegan turducken,

and we'll do a round of martinis.

Should we also do a bottle of champagne?

Yes, a few, and I'll take a bottle

just for myself to feel included.

You see, I just had my face diamond

lifted this morning, and I...

I do want to feel included.

So we'll do a few of your absolute best.

The stuff you hide away until
the richest people show up.


Money is no issue for us.

All right. Very good.

And do you carry Hot Baby?

Oh, the hot sauce just for babies?

I don't think we do.
But I am familiar with it.

Well, you should.

I took acid and invented it.

I made this family rich off of it.

I'll have a case overnighted
to the restaurant.

Really, it's no trouble.

Are you jealous that my husband

is the inventor of Hot Baby?

I am.

I'll be right back with your drinks.

- What in the world?
- Who is Chantal with?

- Turn me.
- Katherine, I can't see.

- Hello, everyone.
- Long time no see.

Who is this?

This is Liquorice Montague,
and she's a genius.

- Ah, fellow genius.
- Are you an inventor like I am?

I'm here actually because
I want your blessing

on a very pressing issue.

Is that so?

I'm asking for your
daughter's hand in marriage.

- Since when are you a lesbian?
- Shut up, Katherine.

This is much bigger than that.

Your daughter Chantal
is going to give birth

to the man who brings
about the end of the world.

I'm sorry... what?

And the only way to stop her

from mating with the father

is to marry her so
that she does not stray.

I tried to k*ll the father, but...
he's a child.

- I couldn't do it.
- Chantal, this is scaring me.

- Oh, stop it.
- He's only a child right now.

He'll be a man in a couple of years

because he's gonna travel
back in time from the future.

I wouldn't have sex
with a child, Katherine.

Don't be insane.

This is confounding.

As you can see, this is time sensitive.

And I do not think it's
right to move forward

without your blessing,
so do I have your blessing?

- I-I think it's up to Ted.

Ted makes all the big
decisions for us now.

Well, all I know is,

I've never seen Chantal happier.



♪ ♪



today's the day.


But before we take the pill,

we have one last
journey to go on together.

Before I died, I had a reckoning.

I was at an impasse with myself.

My ego had driven me to a place

of such despair.

I was afraid to let go of my ego

because it was my armor.

And I believe that is the space

that you are all in now.

So what we are going
to experience today...

Is a transformation of the ego.

And it's going to feel like pain.

But here's the thing:

when you really investigate the pain...

You learn that what you are experiencing

is actually the overwhelming
support of love.

- Wow.
- So everybody lie down.

Put your hands by your side facing up.

And gently close your eyes.

And this is Dr. Benny Balthazar?

So the cause of death
was ruled as a su1c1de

as she jumped out of a
window several stories up.

But the way the body's decomposing...

you gotta take a look yourself.


♪ ♪

- Oh, good God.
- Yuck.

I know. Imagine how I feel.

I haven't been able to
talk about it with anyone.

♪ ♪

Breathing in

and breathing out.

Each breath in making you
feel lighter and lighter...

Until you feel so light

that you begin to raise

off the ground.

begin to feel your body

separating from the ground.

Each breath in raising
you closer to the sky,

closer to the tapestry of the universe.

Breathing in love and lightness.

Breathing out any and
all worldly attachments.

And then you notice a golden light

shining from the top of your head.

Allow it to grow,

filling the space above
you and below you.

Allow it to flow all over your body,

encompassing you.

Allow your golden light

to mix with the light
of those around you.

Flowing in a collective energy

that reminds you of your deepest truth.

That we are all one.

Now quicken your breath.

Two inhales through the
mouth and one out, like this.



Yes, yes, yes, keep breathing like that

to create heat and energy.

Bring to the surface that
which no longer serves you.

Your wrath, your envy, your pride.

Anything that you will
not be taking with you

on your journey back to love.

Bring it forward

as we release all of our old selves

in a scream from the depths of our souls

in three, two, one.



♪ ♪


You are now ready to take the pill.


So what's strange is
that the color patterns

started at the area of her wound

and then dispersed outward from there.

- Wound?
- Here.

- That's not a wound.
- It's a bite.

- I know. I know it's a bite.
- I'm just... it is also a wound.





♪ ♪

Based on the blood pooling
and rectal decomposition,

I can't help but think
that this person died

before their recorded time of death.

So you think they were dead

before they fell out the window?

Hey, I just run the numbers.

I wonder if there's a place
to get breakfast foods

even though it's lunchtime.

- I don't know.
- I'm more of a lunch guy.

- Yeah.
- Hold up, I forgot my camera.


♪ ♪


♪ Night ♪

♪ Catches day ♪

♪ Still awake ♪

♪ Counting off the thunder ♪








♪ ♪

This shit is happening.

Holy shit, it's happening.

I'm finally, like, truly, deeply happy!


Oh, my God,
I feel like I can feel my infinite soul

and my body all being one.


- Can you believe it?
- Oh, isn't it incredible?

This is what I've
been telling you about.

- I love you.

I-I love everybody here.


♪ ♪


I'm sorry, are they
trying to have an orgy?

Is that what that is?

They're just being love, El.

It's so exhilarating.

Oh, don't you feel it?


Yeah, I actually have
to tell you something.

Tell me.

I can't be bruised by words anymore.


I switched the pills.



Switched the pills.

No one is high off of
enlightenment right now.

Everyone just ate a jelly bean.

It's fake, Porshe.

[SCOFFS] Look, look, look.

These are the real pills.

No, but I feel changed.

Right, well, don't you think it's cool

that you could feel that way
from just eating a jelly bean?

Why would you do that?

Because someone in my life needs them,

and it's the only way I can fix

a very sensitive family matter.

And please don't tell Dory, okay?

She doesn't know.

I cannot believe you! f*ck.

- I feel like I can fly.

Like I'm every person who's ever lived

since the beginning of time

soaring through the universe
at the speed of light.


Ah, Drew, this is how
it's supposed to be.


And I just want to share it

with as many people as possible.

Will you come with me?

- Right now?
- I just... I can't wait.

- Yeah, let's go.
- Yeah? Let's go!

Let's go, let's go!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

There are only eight pills in here.

Someone must have taken a real one.


Did the janitor come in
and take the body away?

There's no one else in the building.

It's just us.

You sure?



♪ ♪



Do you see anyone back there?


- Oh, God! f*ck.



♪ ♪

- Hey, babe, you okay?

- Oh, God.

Oh, my God. Oh, no.

She's really sick.

- Help!


- Mick, call an ambulance!
- Just breathe, sweetie.

We're gonna get you some help.
Does anybody have any water?


Okay, good.



- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- No, no, no, no, no, no!

Get off. Get off her.



♪ ♪