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02x11 - As Nottingham was to Robin Hood

Posted: 01/14/22 08:25
by bunniefuu
In the nation's largest city,

the vicious and violent
members of the underworld

are hunted by the detectives

of the Organized Crime Control Bureau.

These are their stories.

Nicknamed Constantine,

Sebastian McClane
hacked the Federal Reserve

and locked a janitor
inside a gold vault.

- He suffocated to death.
- He feels guilty.

He wanted me to get in touch
with the guy's wife,

try to make amends.

I'm recovering slowly.


It's almost like witnessing a miracle.

The feds are bringing in
their own specialist.

He's making a fool of you,
out of all of us.

Unlike Elliot here,
I don't hold grudges.

You remember Richard Wheatley.

He's here to help you find the hackers.

Did I make good on my word or what?

Your ex-husband said

that he had planned
to bust me out of prison.

Right now, you are
the most wanted man in America.

I'm here to address what's
on most New Yorker's minds:

that is the escape and pursuit
of Sebastian McClane,

the last remaining fugitive
still at-large

and the presumed architect
of the Remsen Prison break.

Now, I assure you that all
of the state's resources

have been deployed to ensure the capture

of Mr. McClane and to keep you
and your families safe

as the dedicated men and women
of the New York State

and New York City Police Departments

hunt him down.

Now, I urge you all to take
this situation very seriously.

While Mr. McClane is only one man,

he has ties to very dangerous
criminal organizations.

His reach is far and wide,
and he's a desperate man.

Don't make the same mistake I did,

and underestimate the potential threat

he presents.

That mistake cost me my wife,

and it cost my children their mother.


Mr. McClane, if you're listening,

we will find you,
and we will hunt you down

until you're back behind bars once again

for good.

♪ ♪

Breakfast is ready.

I used to love New York City.

It provided me with a life

I only thought I could dream of.

New York was one of the two
great loves of my life.

What was the other?

- You've met Angela.
- Your ex-wife.

I plan to remarry her.

A certain pigheaded detective
helped me realize

how much she means to me.

Does this police detective
have anything to do

with what you want from me?

In fact, he does.

He ruined New York for me.

I plan to burn this city to the ground.

And the pigheaded detective?

Took away everything I worked
my whole life to build.

I am sorry for all your losses,

but revenge is an ugly motive,
and not one that appeals to me.

I also intend to make back
my fortune many times over.

You can share in the bounty.

I'm not interested in money.

Maybe not for its own sake,
but think about the damage

we could do to the institutions
you most abhor.

What could be more satisfying

than to cr*pple the NYPD, the banks,

the justice system, all the institutions

responsible for the wealth and power gap

you've been fighting against
your whole life.

- No thanks.
- No thanks?


I mean, don't get me wrong,

I appreciate everything you've done.

Hospitality, the security's
top-notch too...

But I'm gonna pass
on your generous offer.

Perhaps you'd prefer the security

of your previous accommodations.

♪ ♪

Is that a threat?

I'm just pointing out the obvious.

Governor Teddy Garcia,

that sanctimonious
pseudo-leftist windbag,

is talking about hunting you down

like an animal.

I kind of like the new governor.

He's the first guy in a while
that makes progressive values

seem consistent with law and justice.

I think he's the real deal.

That's naive.

You owe me.

I didn't ask you
to bust me out of prison,

but since you did, there's
only one person I owe,

and I'm gonna take care of that debt.

So again, thanks, but no thanks.

Good luck with that revenge stuff.

Can I go now?


Mr. McClane wants
to go out for a stroll.

Take him and drop him off
someplace grimy.

Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

He'll be back.

I'm not gonna remarry you.

Yes, you will.


♪ ♪

New York State Police
confirmed the series of tips

outside of the city are negative.

None of them are actually McClane.


Uh, nor are the three
separate individuals

at three separate dive bars
in Annandale-on-Hudson.

Man, the fanboys are running rampant.

Seems like we should
count you among them.

- Excuse me?
- The fanboys.

You might even lead
your own club chapter.


I don't have to be here.

Actually, you do.
Ask your parole officer.

You smell great, by the way.

Ms. Cartwright,

you and Mr. McClane weren't married.

That jerk never even took my daughter

out on a proper date.

We weren't together for very long.

Was he there when you gave birth?

He's never even met his daughter.

He probably don't even know she exists.


He only cares about people
he's never met.

He sat up in that attic room
all day and night

talking to people on his computer.

He lived here with you?

He just stayed here a few weeks.

He'd come down
and help himself to whatever

was in the fridge,
blabbering about helping

the victims of big pharma or the S&Ls

or whoever was his bogeyman that day.

He's got some kind of Robin Hood,

save the world complex,
but screw his own family.

Victoria, has he reached out
to you or Callie

- since he broke out of prison?
- Not before either.

He never even wrote us a letter.

I tried to visit him once,
and he wouldn't see me.

All you cops coming around
gotta get it in your heads...

he's not coming here.

Go make the world a safer place
for someone else's children.

Just leave us alone.


♪ ♪

Jet, other than Rogin Moon,
is there anyone else

McClane had a personal
relationship with?

Not since his sister died, no.

He is a classic asocial hacker.

The only distinguishing characteristic

is that he seems to have
a genuine affection

for humanity in concept.

But not humanity in person.

Hey, what's the last thing
she said, the mom?

"Go on and make the world safe
for someone else's children".

The other day at that podcast interview,

he kept saying over and over,
he wanted to make the world

"a safer place for our children",

- like a theme...
- Elliot, don't.

Wheatley reinvents himself
as a cybercrime expert

just at the same time

that the world's biggest cybercriminal

escapes from prison? Come on.

I'll bet you anything
that Wheatley and McClane

are working together.

We need facts, hard evidence.

Right now, that is
just a working theory,

and it's one that needs
to stay between you and me.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Well, what we know about McClane

is he's driven by an extremist
social justice ideology.

In some twisted way, he thinks
what he's doing is good.

Wheatley represents
everything he rails against.

- Therein lies our hope.
- What?

Wheatley represents
everything McClane hates.

We just gotta get him to see that.

Why are you sweating?

We're about to get hit with a tsunami.


What's happening, Jet?

- It's a thread on Discord.
- It's gone viral.

Constantine's followers
are urging one another

to commit acts of resistance
in their hero's name.

Hacktivism, doxing politicians.
We're talking mass chaos.

♪ ♪



Yeah, copy that, Sarge. We're on it.

Ten more ransomware
hackers are threatening

to release a list of credit card charges

- unless they get k.
- Copy.

Also, in the last hour, there have been

six more McClane sightings.

Ithaca School District
is considering shutting down.

They haven't actually been hit yet,

but they've received multiple threats.

What about hospitals?

That'd be a worst nightmare scenario.

We're already in
a worst nightmare scenario.

- This is just the beginning.
- Mr. Wheatley.

The FBI said you offered to sit in.

We're grateful for whatever
insights you can offer.

I have a fair amount of insight

into the Sebastian McClanes
of the world.

What's happening right now
is just a prelude.

None of this is McClane.

- Where is he?
- Laying low.

McClane will stay offline
for as long as possible.

He's well aware that his
legions are working for him.

What else can we expect?

Mostly they'll keep doing
what they're doing,

so over the next few days,
you can expect

a series of att*cks,

some small, others consequential.

Some will come with ransom demands.

Some will just be for theater
or to foment chaos.

There'll be public and personal att*cks.

Have you been hacked yet?

You mean me personally?
Like, my computer or... ?

Any and all of you. Check your phones.

You're all likely targets,
especially you, Governor.

In fact, check your phone.

♪ ♪

Mary, mother of God.

What... what do I do?

This is a Faraday bag.

It blocks your phone from being hacked.

I know it's a bit late, but give this

to the governor's security
people for debugging.

It's all well and good
to be prepared, Richard,

but at the end of the day, I just want

to get McClane back where he belongs.

As do I, Governor. As do I.

Slootmaekers and her team
have created a firewall.

Cybercrimes is recommending
that you transfer

all of your data.

They're gonna hand deliver
a secured location to you.

What do you think?

It's absolutely the right thing to do.

I've met Slootmaekers and their team.

- They're top-notch.
- You gotta be kidding me.

So what's your strategy, Sergeant?

McClane is still at large,
and the hits keep on coming.

Look, every division and
every bureau is engaged.

We need to compare notes.
McClane is slick.

He's gonna try to get inside our heads

and sow distrust and confusion.

How do you know that? Have you met him?

No, I did my homework.

Well, interestingly enough,
according to Slootmaekers

and her, uh, top-notch team,
you and McClane

were on the same prison transfer bus

from MCC back to Rikers.

I honestly don't know
what he's getting at.

How is this relevant, Detective?

Is this gonna help us catch McClane?

That is our sole priority, Governor.

Listen, I realize they're under

an enormous amount of pressure.

Maybe they're in over their heads.

Just find him. Am I clear?

Crystal clear,
but you know something, sir,

- we're more than halfway there.
- What do you mean by that?

You're sitting right next
to the criminal mastermind.


♪ ♪

I asked for Asian style noodles.

That was the only kind they had.

- Keep the change.
- Thank you.

Gareth, my man, just checking
on the delivery of my package.



♪ ♪

I'd like to make a deposit.

Sure thing, just need your ID.

Reteti's an amazing place.

I worked there during
my college gap year.

I'm going there this summer.

I've always wanted
to work with elephants.

Make sure that you meet Adana Kombu.

She is one of the keepers.

Mention my name, and she'll invite you

to dinner, and you can meet

all the amazing people of her village.

- Seb, is that your name?
- Yeah.

Thank you, Seb, that's so kind.

Claudia, I need a favor.

There's $ , of cash in here.

I need to open an account,
but not in my own name,

but it's not counterfeit,
and it's not stolen.

I swear.

I'm opening the account
for a ten-year-old girl

named Kesha Jones.

You're him, the hacker.

Your face is everywhere.

Why can't you just send cryptocurrency

or whatever it is cybercriminals do?

No, it's too risky. Please, Claudia.

I am not ready to go back to prison

until this is all taken care of.

♪ ♪

- Wait, don't.
- I'm sorry.


♪ ♪


Meet me at First Central Savings Bank.

Keep an eye out for McClane.

I'll be there in .

You had a five-minute conversation

with him before you pressed
the security button?

I didn't realize at first
he was a fugitive.

- When did you realize it?
- I thought I recognized him.

Then he said he wanted
to open an account.

What kind of account?

He didn't want the account
in his own name.

It was for another person.

He said this had to be taken care of

- before he goes back to prison.
- He said that?

"Before he goes back to prison"?

Kesha Jones.

♪ ♪

The janitor that suffocated in the vault

when McClane hacked the Federal Reserve?

- Luther Jones.
- Kesha Jones.

Yeah, what do you think? Wife, daughter?

Well, whoever it is,
McClane wants to make amends.

Hey, Jet, what are the chances

of us getting a message to McClane?

Hang on.

Do you think McClane is following

any of the threads on Discord?

I don't know.

- Why?
- Stop it.

I need you to try
to get a message to him.

What do you want the message to say?

Tell him we know about Kesha Jones.

Tell him we're prepared to help him

if he's willing to help us.

You'll meet him in Central Park.

He can pick the spot.

Let him pick the spot,
but he needs to give you

the exact coordinates.

♪ ♪

Holy crap. Hey.

He responded.

Are you sure it's him?


Exceptionally complex encryption

from an anonymous user.

The digital signature,

it has three authentication keys,

which is a classic
Constantine technique.

He's actually telling you
how to decrypt.

I know.

It says, "If you do as you say you will,

I'm willing to turn myself in".

Constantine says
when we make the exchange,

he'll be ready to discuss
the terms of his surrender.

We're in the exact spot,
but I don't see him.

Crap, I bet he got one
of his fanboys to come...


- Is that a...
- Pay phone.


Hello? Where are you?

I have the money.
I'm gonna leave it for you.

But I want to tell Sherry Jones,

Kesha's mother myself in-person.

Hang on.

Okay, I'm talking to McClane right now.

He says he wants to meet

with Kesha Jones and
her mother in person.

Tell him we're working with him.

Tell him...

♪ ♪

Aw, hell, tell him not to panic
when he sees me.

I'm coming to you.

Okay, McClane.
We're gonna work with you.

If you're watching, don't panic.

A man is coming to talk to you.

I can't tell you his name,
but he's my boss,

and he's good for his word.

♪ ♪

- Sebastian McClane.
- I'm listening.

I know how important this is to you.

I just need to know what it is you want.

I'll do everything I can
to make sure it gets done.

I want $ ,

put into a crypto account
in Kesha's name.

I just sent your hacker a TOR mailbox.

I need her to send me the account number

- so I can verify it.
- Sent you a TOR mailbox.

- Got it.
- Confirmed, we've received it.

Once I verify that the money
is in the account,

I will peacefully surrender tonight

at : p.m. in front
of Kesha Jones's house.

Okay, but how will we get the money?



♪ ♪

He's not here.

He set us up.

Oh, my God!

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

♪ ♪

Now I know how we're
gonna get our money.





Who's there?




What do you want?


Okay, I'm calling my son.

He's a very important police officer.


- Yeah, Mama, what's up?
- Elliot, where are you?

I'm home, just parking the car.

What's the matter?

Uh, someone's here in the garden.

What do you mean some... who?

I don't know.

I just... I heard a funny
sound, like a whistle.

A whistle. [SIGHS]

Look, Mom, it's probably the...

♪ ♪

Get inside. I'll be right there.

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

Just grabbing a slice.
Is that illegal now?

I saw you following me earlier.

You want to talk about something?

This's your first, last,
and only warning.

If you ever come anywhere near
anyone in my family ever again,

I'll k*ll you.

This is between you and me,

and you better remember that,
or you're gonna end up

in a shallow grave out in the woods

with a b*llet in your head.

♪ ♪

- Was him, wasn't it?
- It was nothing.

Look me in the eye and say that.

He's gone.

You never were a very good liar.

I'm putting an end to it, Mama.

I'm putting an end to it.

Yes, of course you will,

but in the meantime,
what happens to you?

That's what I'm concerned about.

I look at you, Elliot,
and I don't see any light.

There's just this...

I don't know what to call it.

I mean, you don't sleep anymore.

You're hardly ever home,
and when you're home,

you're just so unreachable.


♪ ♪

Don't let him do that to you, honey.

Don't let him live inside you.

He took something from me, Mama.

I know he did...

but destroying yourself
won't bring her back.

♪ ♪

What do you mean,
we're not making the arrest?

- We're not making the arrest.
- Why?

The governor told us to stand down.

He's turning it over to the feds.

That wasn't the deal.

I know that wasn't the deal,
but I got my orders.

Now you have yours.

And Kesha Jones, what about that, huh?

Does she get the money?
Does she get the money?

- How about that promise?
- I don't know.

It's up to the feds now.


♪ ♪

Mrs. Jones?

So you know why I'm here.

They said you wanted to talk
to me about my daughter.

Is that Kesha?

You stay away from my daughter.

Oh, I would never hurt her.

You already hurt her plenty.

You k*lled my husband.

What happened to Luther
was never supposed to happen.

Oh, I know it wasn't the Lord's plan.

The only peace I got was knowing that

you were in prison...

- yet here you are.
- Mrs. Jones...

Luther loved his little girl.

He coached her basketball team.

He was saving up so she could go

to basketball camp that summer.

That's all gone now.

You... you caused all this pain.

I know this is a small, tiny gesture

in light of your enormous loss,

but, um, I opened an account for Kesha,

- a crypto account.
- What do you mean?

A nest egg for college
or whatever she chooses.

It's $ , .


I don't want either of you
to have to struggle anymore.

I know that this is not gonna
bring back your husband...

♪ ♪

Her father.

But I hope it eases some of your burden.

What happens to you now?

Go back to prison, probably.

That's where you deserve to be.

♪ ♪

Bye, Kesha.


Show me your hands.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Where's the fugitive?

There was a bad transfer!

Put him in the wrong vehicle.

Wait, what's going on?

Nothing good.

The vehicle was not clear!

♪ ♪

Well, this was fun.

You taking me directly back to Remsen?


I'm taking you where the boss
told me to take you.


Don't do that.


♪ ♪

My kids are asleep upstairs.

I don't usually take meetings at home.

I appreciate it.

Have you read them all?

Some three or four times.

Make this one your next.

It may shed some light
on what I'm about to say.

Go on.

I'm hopeful we're closing in on McClane.

I understand OCTF

is handing him over to the feds.

They know you were instrumental

in getting us to this point.

I'm not looking for any credit.

The police are the ones
that put their lives

on the line.

You're familiar
with Detective Elliot Stabler.

We met the night my wife was m*rder*d.

He tried to warn me.
His sergeant did, actually.

So you also know that
he lost his wife tragically.

I know it now, but
we've never spoken of it.

Mr. Wheatley, I'm aware of your history

with Stabler and the fact
that the charges were dropped.

Right now, I'm grateful that both of you

are focused on Sebastian McClane.

That's my concern.

Detective Stabler is prone
to lose that focus.

He appears to be a dedicated cop.

Beyond dedicated.

The man is like the Energizer bunny,

he's unstoppable.

I am going to assume
that you were sincere

during your campaign when you pledged

to transform the culture and practices

of the police department.

Are you telling me Stabler
is an overzealous cop?

It's not mine to judge,
but he was on a mission

to take down organized crime.

Sadly, he lost his wife in the process.

I know you of all people understand

how devastating that can be.

The wounds are slow to heal,
but we move forward

'cause we have to.

Ahab didn't.


I see.

You're a wise and
reasonable man, Governor.

You processed your grief
and redirected it

towards change for the good.

My Captain Ahab, on the other hand,

has become dark and twisted.

His grief clouded by rage
towards me, of all people.

I'm his white whale.

♪ ♪

Ugh, where am I?

You're not in prison.
That's the good news.

Where is he?

I don't work for him.
You tell him to let me go.

He doesn't want you
to work for him, Sebastian.

- He wants you to work with him.

What are you, his hostage whisperer?

[CHUCKLES] Fighting
Richard is pointless.

Believe me, I have tried,
and it almost cost me my life,

so I came to the conclusion
that it's better

to be with him than against him.

Well, I'm not interested.

Don't want to spend the rest of
my life running and hiding.

And what if he can protect you?

At what cost?


Listen, it...

it doesn't sit well with me,

trying to convince you
to trust Richard Wheatley.

He is the very heart of darkness,

and I know that's not who you are.

But will you consider one thing?


What you did for Kesha Jones
was beautiful,

but why do that
for just one little girl?

There are so many people

impoverished, disenfranchised, oppressed

that need the kind of help
that only you can provide.

However long it lasts,
you could do so much good.


♪ ♪

Will you help me?

I will.

This is the first time in a long time

I haven't felt hopeless and helpless,

so yes, I will help you.

♪ ♪

Yes, we just got a hit

on the car McClane was last seen in.

It was abandoned

in a grocery store parking lot
in Queens.

McClane was passed out.
He was dragged on foot.

All right, alert every unit
in every borough.

We're not gonna let Wheatley
slip through our fingers again.


McClane... we're not gonna let McClane

slip through our fingers.

Wherever they are,
they got there on foot,

- so they can't be far.
- Hey, answer me something.

You, answer me something.

Did he or did he not wink at you?

- What?
- Wheatley.

Sitting next to the governor,
he looked right at you.


- Did he or did he not?
- Maybe.

Maybe he didn't.

I can't help if somebody
just looks at me.


Okay, you should go.

Is your ex-husband expecting me?

Well, I told him I didn't
know what you'd decide.

He'll be there, though,
should you choose to show up.


I put a few things in there
in case you got cold or hungry.


Asian style.

Thank you.

- No, thank you.
- For what?

For giving me something
to believe in again.

♪ ♪


- The love of my life.
- Oh, shut up, Richard.

It's tedious.

McClane left here minutes ago.

I did my best. Now it's up to you.

What about the police?

I'm guessing they're looking for him.

Me too.


♪ ♪

Put your hands down, Professor Wheatley.

We're not here for you.

We're here for Sebastian McClane.

Maybe you've heard of him.

Well, you're welcome
to come in and look for him,

- but he's not here anymore.
- Oh, so he was here.

Yeah, he collapsed on my front doorstep.

He was a mess. He asked for shelter.

I told him "Whatever it is
he and Richard are into,

- I don't want any part of".
- Sounds dramatic.

- When did this happen?
- Not too long ago.

You can probably catch him.
He stole my car.

- A blue Kia.
- I'll have Jet run the plates.

Keep working on that limp.

Our APB just paid off.

We got a report of a suspicious vehicle

in an industrial park in north Jersey.

It's a blue Kia.

♪ ♪

There it is.

The plates match.

♪ ♪

Seventh floor.


Looks like I'm and .

I got my girl, Ange,
and my boy, Sebastian.

What do you got, Elliot?

Blue balls?


Good to see you again.

♪ ♪

I think I got eyes on 'em.

- It's McClane and Wheatley.
- Need a location.


♪ ♪

The east side...

east side windows, both of 'em.

I got eyes on 'em.

I can't see anything.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪