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01x10 - Austin, We Have a Problem

Posted: 01/16/22 17:12
by bunniefuu
♪ I can’t stop ♪ Boba gets a bad rap because it basically has no nutritional value, but most people just don’t appreciate the fact that it’s fun to drink.

I mean, yeah, the tapioca’s sort of like blobs of snot, but, uh, it’s delicious blobs of snot.


You filibustered a solid six minutes on boba.

Before that it was Billie Eilish, the Cowboys’ running game, and how underrated was.

Well, Brad is magic even as a baby, so...

How long are you going to avoid talking about it, TK?


The elephant in the juice bar.


When I saw you in that hospital bed, not knowing if you’d ever wake up again, I had all these feelings... Strong feelings, which is crazy because I still barely know you.

I’m just confused.

What are we? Are we even a "we"?

Honestly, I have no idea, Carlos.

"I have no idea." Yeah. That’s it.

Look, hey, you think you’re confused?

I don’t even know who I am anymore, all right?

I don’t know if this is the life I want, or I’m even in the right career or in the right state.

I feel like I need to figure that out first before I can... You can figure this out?

I got it.

I’m sorry.

I sound like such a narcissistic d*ck right now.

No... Thank you.

You sound pretty reasonable, actually.

Hey, look, at least let me get it.

No. Let me get it.


From what you said, you’re about to be unemployed, so...

I feel like you’re bummed.

No, I’m good.

If it’s not meant to be, it’s not meant to be.

Not like it’s the end of the world.

Ow... the hell?

You okay? Yeah.

The hell is this?

Whoa, whoa. Oh, wow.

Hey, are you all right?

Help, this thing won’t stop.

Oh, my God.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Watch it, hey, hey.

Hey, you all right?

Hey, why are those lights green?


Those lights are green.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the...

Hey, Mom.

Hey, Michelle, what are you up to, honey?

I’m just leaving the camp. I have a shift.

What’s going on?

Okay, so I know you’ve been laying low since we found out about Iris, but I don’t know.

I was thinking it’s time we...


Take... a little...

Mom? - I found this ador...

Mom, you’re breaking up.

Air... listen...

Mom, can you hear me?

Hey, Doc, remember me?

Guys, I think we have a problem.

It’s not working, and now it’s making this "krrsshh" sound.

Ooh, dude, tell me you did not just break Cap’s espresso maker.

He had that custom-made in Italy.

It’s his prized possession. Think I don’t know that?

And besides, I didn’t break it. Paul did.


Mm-mm, don’t even try it, Probie.

Thing was working fine when I used it.

And you probably packed the filter basket with extra fine grounds and ran it on a high temp, didn’t you?

I enjoy a robust cup.

I’m not gonna apologize for that.

How many times do I have to tell you?

It puts a strain on it.

Probably overheated, threw off the water conditioning system.

This is why I’ve been saying we should just buy a coffee pot.

Hey, yeah, there you go. Go ahead and whack it.

That ought to fix it.

Oh, God, what am I gonna do?

You’re gonna do the right thing...

Fall on your sword and tell the truth.


Paul did it. Objection!


See, I tried to make you one of those Cap’s half-caf cap like you like, but Paul over packed the filter basket.

Again, wow.

No, it’s true.

I always try to warn him that his grounds are too tight.

Throws off the calibration and... he broke your machine.

So unplug it. Get it serviced.

So you’re not mad?

At a coffee maker? Who cares?

Did he really just say "who cares"?

Did he really just call it a "coffee maker"?

Yeah, whatever’s going on with him this morning is...

It’s bad.

I know how you feel, boy.

Hey, Cap.

Uh, can I help you guys?

Yeah, we were actually gonna ask you the same question.

Hey, if you wanna take a cr*ck at these quarterly fire prevention and training totals, knock yourself out.

Look, I hope you’re not expecting us to pretend like we don’t see those dark clouds hanging over your head.

Dark clouds? There are no clouds.

Those frown lines between your eyes would beg to differ.

Has anyone ever told you that when you do your thing, it feels a little bit like a violation?

Yes, all the time.

The therapy that you forced me into...

My guy’s always saying that the first step to solving a problem is admitting that there is one.

Is Cowboy Judd really gonna force me to talk about my feelings?

I’m as surprised as you are, you know?

It’s TK.

He may not be coming back after his medical leave.

Whoa, what... was there a complication?

No, medically, he’s gonna have a full recovery.

He just doesn’t know whether he wants to do this.

The kid got sh*t, all right? So you gotta give him a minute.

Yeah, as many as he wants, but now he’s saying he’s not sure that he ever wanted to do it.

That’s crazy. I mean, he was made to do this.

I agree.

Even if he doesn’t know who he is right now, I do, but I’m the one person who can’t tell him.

Nobody can, Cap.

Yeah, it’s something somebody has to figure on their own.


You want me to talk to him?

Sorry to interrupt, guys, but Captain Strand, is there any chance you’ve spoken with Captain Blake this morning?

No, why? She hasn’t come in.

We haven’t been able to reach her all day.

That’s odd.

What the hell is that?

Some sort of a power surge.


♪ Blinded me with science ♪

♪ Science ♪ Are we being hacked? I don’t know!

♪ I can smell her chemicals ♪ Judd, get up there and secure that ladder.

♪ Blinded me with science ♪ Paul, Marjan, k*ll the batteries in the rig.

♪ Science ♪

You take care of this, Johnny.

Cap, the espresso machine is working.

Must have reset during the brown out.

But it’s not plugged in.

Dispatch, FS-126, you copy?

Hey, Cap, none of the rigs are on.

As far as I can tell, the sirens turned themselves on, which is just spooky.

The ladders too.

Talk about ghosts in the machine.

No such thing as ghosts.

Well, either way, this is weird.

Dispatch, FS-126, you copy?

Copy that, 126. This is dispatch.

It’s good to hear your voice. Have any idea what’s going on?

Looks like we just had a...

10-4, Big Papa Jay, look out for smokeys...

I told you it’s spooky.

Guys! Guys, check this out!

Waves of solar energy began hitting Texas and much of the central time zone an hour ago.

We’re told it’s the largest solar storm to reach Earth since an event in Quebec in 1989 which wreaked havoc on the power grid for 12 hours.

Joining us via satellite from Los Angeles is astrophysicist Dr. Isabelle Wali.

Dr. Wali, what are we dealing with here?

The waves of energy currently battering our plane are a result of a coronal mass ejection or CME... an expl*si*n on the surface of the sun which has released powerful bursts of electromagnetic energy into the solar system.

So what can we expect?

Well, it’s been 150 years since we’ve experienced an event this powerful, so we’re not really sure, but it will likely...

Created... lar...

9-1-1, what’s your emergency?

I don’t know what happened.

It just started acting up.

The power’s going out...

I assure you, sir, if it was a nuclear att*ck, you and I would not be speaking right now.

The power drill came to life? No, it doesn’t sound insane.

You’re the third call I’ve gotten...

"There will be signs

"in the sun and moon and stars.

And on the Earth, distress of nations in perplexity."


"People fainting with fear

"of what is coming, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." Luke 21.

"But concerning that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, but only the Father."

Matthew 24.

Now, I could go all day, sir, but I do not have all day.

Do you have an actual emergency?

We all do. Judgment is near.

Okay, well, it sounds like you are all ready for it.

Good-bye now.

9-1-1, what’s your emergency?

This is Chuck Granger of AirMed 0-5 niner romeo.

My nav systems, instruments, radio, everything went haywire.

Okay, Chuck, let me try to get Austin-Bergstrom ATC on the line.

They can help you make a visual approach to land.

It’s a little late for that, ma’am.

Whoa, somebody did not stick the landing.

All right, let’s deploy the rescue cushion.

Dispatch, can you hook me up with the pilot?

I’m on it, Captain Strand.

Thought you said they turned the power lines off.

Yeah, they did.

That must have something to do with the solar storm.

Those added electrons in the air need a way to get to the ground.

Okay, thanks, Professor, now help me with the bag.


I’ve got you patched in with the pilot now, Captain.

This is Captain Owen Strand, Austin FD.

Who am I talking to? - This is Chuck Granger Chuck, how many people you got up there?

Three souls, sir.

All right, we’ve deployed a rescue pad directly underneath you. I need you to open your door.

Captain, this is an AirMed flight.

One of my patients is seriously ill.

Yeah, I understand that.

Just don’t have many options, and we’re running out of time.

Oh, my God.

It’ll be over before you know it.

Now, I need you to hand the phone to the next person and jump.

All right, all right.

Listen, you take the phone.

Just do what they say, all right?

All right, sir.

All right, we’re just gonna take you over to medical, all right? Get you checked out... come on.

Yep... how do you feel, buddy?

Who am I talking to now?

- This is Kim. Hi, Kim, your turn.

I can’t.

I know it’s scary, but you saw how easy it was for Chuck.

That’s not it.

My husband needs a liver transplant.

That’s why we were flying in. The fall could k*ll him.

This can’t be the only option!

We’re in the middle of a solar storm.

These lines could go hot at any second with a lot more power than they were designed to handle.

It would be worse than the fall.

Believe me.

Can’t leave him.

You have kids, Kim?

Two boys... Tyler’s eight. Blake’s six.

Jump for them and do it now.

I give you my word I’ll come up there myself and get your husband down.

Hey, you have to jump.


Tell the boys I love ’em.

I love you.

Okay, okay, okay.

She good?

Yeah, she’s good. She’s good.

She’s good.

All right, Mateo, rubber gauntlet gloves and two harness packages. - Yeah, Cap.

What... you ain’t going up there.

Gave her my word.

No, you did what you had to do so those two boys could grow up with a mom.

I gave her my word.

And I respect that, but look, we can’t get this truck anywhere near there without it turning into a lightning rod.

I’m not putting the ladder up.

Cap, ever since that storm hit, those surges have been coming through every few minutes.

Well, then it’ll be quick.

Hold on, friend, I’m on my way.

Nice on up, Cap!

You must be Rick. I’m Owen.

Put this on you.

Oh, shouldn’t be difficult.

All right. There you go.

I... I can’t, my legs.

Yeah, let me help you. Ah, thanks.

It’s a hell of a thing, cirrhosis.

I don’t even drink.

Lung cancer... don’t even smoke.

Know if today has taught us anything, it’s that everybody’s gonna get thrown a curveball.

Oh, I’ll say.

You good? All right.

He’s coming down.

Hey, hey. Come on, come on.

All right, buddy. It’s okay.

Hey, hey, hey, we got you, okay?

All right, just gonna unclip you.

These look okay, just...

We gotta go. We gotta go.

Cap, you gotta jump now! Go, go, go, go!

Let’s get him out of here!

Go, move it!

Come on, Cap! Cap, jump!

Cap! Cap!

Holy crap, Cap, you all right?

Yeah, never better.

Yeah, well, I give you a two for style and a ten for timing.

Hey, just... hey, you good?

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Police... stay on the sidewalk.

Hey, you guys okay? Stop, stop, stop!

I think we’re all okay, but the driver... she’s stuck.

Hey, come on, come on, come on. Hey, sir, come on.

Grab my arm. All right.

Hey, I’m coming for you.

Everybody get off okay?

Yeah, everybody’s fine.

What the devil’s going on?

What’s your name, ma’am? Ellen.

Ellen, okay. Ellen, I’m TK.

I’m here to get you out, all right?

My back’s wet. It’s not blood, is it?

No, it’s just some water.

You took out a hydrant when you flipped.

Ellen, are you in a lot of pain?

Fair amount...

I’m pretty sure both my legs are busted up.

Can you wiggle your toes for me?

All right, good... I don’t think there’s any spinal damage.

Are you a medical student?

No, I’m a... I was a firefighter.

Well, that’s convenient.

Yeah, it’d be convenient if I had some equipment.

Um... I’ll be right back, okay?

I’ll be right here.

Hey, Carlos! Yeah?

We got a gas leak here. Keep everybody back.

Everybody back! Everybody stay back!

Please, everybody stay back!

That’s my bumper?

Well, it’s no Jaws of Life, but it should do.

Oh. Okay, okay.

Honey, you’re bleeding.

Huh? Oh, that’s nothing.

It doesn’t look like nothing.

I got sh*t.

And I thought I was having a bad day.

No, not just now, earlier.

One of the stitches must have come off.

Oh, yes, we’re good. We’re making progress.

Okay, okay.

I need to move you. Can you move your leg?


Sorry, sorry.

The water level is rising. We gotta get out of here!

Whoa, uh, is there a fire extinguisher?


Okay, okay.

Oh, come on.

Honey, honey, honey...

You’ve done everything that you can.

You need to g... go.

No, no, no, hey, hey, hey, no, no, no.

Hey, no, no, no! Hold your breath!

♪ Daddy, I’m alone ♪

♪ ’Cause this house don’t feel like home ♪

♪ If you love me, don’t let go ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ If you love me, don’t let go ♪

♪ Hold, hold on ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ ’Cause I’m a little unsteady ♪

♪ Little unsteady ♪

♪ Hold, hold on ♪

♪ Hold on to me ♪

♪ ’Cause I’m a little unsteady ♪ Whoa, whoa. Hold on right there.

♪ Little unsteady ♪

♪ Mother, I know ♪

♪ That you’re tired of being alone ♪ Go on. You too, son.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You saved us.

Think everybody saved everybody here today.

Go on, get in there.

He’s an impressive guy.

He’s my son.

♪ Hold on ♪


What happened?

You got conked, but I saved you.



Oh, my God, you’re alive.


Oh, I’ve missed you so much.

We thought you were in an accident.

Wade missed the turn.

Mandy moved her mouth, but no words happened, so I left.

How long have you been living here?

What day is it?

Uh, Monday.

I don’t know.

Have you seen me here before?

You come alone. It is not good.

So why haven’t you said anything?

They wouldn’t like it.

They said dead, dread, red if they can, and they...

They prefer it when distance satisfies.

Iris, I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you when you needed me, when you tried to call me that night.

I’m so sorry.

What night?

You know I’d do anything to protect you...

From anyone, even them.

You can’t, and it’s okay.

I chew gum sometimes.

Iris, will you take a ride with me?

Just for a little while.

Uh, no, I would, but I can’t. I can’t, um...

Iris, trust.

But that junkie stole your van.


You know, you got me arrested, like, 15 times.

What? How did I get you arrested?

Dustin filed a restraining order to avoid talking to me about you.

Dustin, what a jerk.

I was a little bit pushy with him sometimes, but...

Yeah, that I believe.

You know, I have to say, I’m mad at Carlos for not keeping you out of trouble.

Who do you think kept arresting me?

Oh no, he did not.

Oh, yes he did.

I’m gonna have words with him.

Look at you, my beautiful baby girl.

Hi, Mom.

I have been praying for this moment every day for the past three years.

Oh, honey.

I love you so much.

I love you too.

Your sister tells me you’ve been living under a bridge.

Um, in a tent.

You did it.

You found her just like you said you would

Mm, incorrect.

I found her, actually.

That’s true.

Well, however it happened, it happened.

It’s a miracle, and you look so good.

The doctor gave her some medicine to calm her nerves.

They’d like to keep her overnight for observation.

Well, okay, but tomorrow morning, you’re coming home with us.

We’re gonna put some meat on those bones.

What... wait, wait, what?

Don’t worry, I can cook now... No more frozen pot pies.

A lot has changed since you’ve been gone, girl.

I can rue. I can stew.

I can cook up a storm.

She’s been taking classes.


No, I’m not going anywhere with you.

I have a home.

Well, you don’t think we’re gonna let you continue to live under some overpass, do you?

It’s not safe for you there, my love.

Maybe not for you, but that’s where they want me.

They? Who’s they?

The ones. The ones.

I know... I know you wouldn’t understand, but if I don’t listen to them, it’s very bad.

Iris, there is no "they." No.

You need help, honey.

Tomorrow you’re coming with us...

Mom... End of discussion.

Go easy, okay?

You... you lied to me.

You said... you said that we were just going away for a little while!

You lied! You lied, lied, lied!

Iris, I did not lie.

Don’t touch me! I’m sorry.

Where are you going?

I have to go home!

Call... we should call security.

We can’t make her stay if she doesn’t want to, Mom.

I know where she’s going.

Iris Lynn Blake, stop right there!

If you’re gonna go back, at least take this.

And some money.

Please take care of yourself.

Yes, it’s probably related to the solar storm, ma’am.

I need you to stay back and tell me where you are.

We’re on the east side of...

Hello, who am I speaking with?

Hey, I think I got Beijing this time.

Please, can you read me? Is anyone there?

Hello? Hey, sir, I’m here.

Houston, thank God, thought I’d lost you.

Oh, sir this isn’t Houston. It’s Austin.

Austin, Texas?

Yes, sir, Austin 9-1-1 emergency services.


We’ve been having some kind of solar event that’s been scrambling all our lines.

No kidding.

You think it’s bad there?

You should see it from up here.

Sir, who am I speaking with?

Tom, Tom Scanlon.

Okay, Tom, where you calling from?

The International Space Station.

You’re calling from outer space?

Wish I were... low Earth orbit...

Which is pretty much the problem.

We were in the path of the solar flares when the storm hit.

I was reporting to mission control when I got transferred to you.

Well, let me see if I can get you reconnected.

No, I’m sorry. I can’t.

If you give me a few minutes, maybe I can try again.

I’m not sure I have a few minutes.

What’d you say your name was, Austin?

My name is Grace.

Tom, you wanna tell me what’s going on up there?

Is there anything I can help you with?

Not unless you can cure acute radiation syndrome from 300 miles away.

Radiation... sir, I’m so sorry.

Don’t worry, everybody down there’s got the atmosphere to protect them.

Well, Tom, I can’t get through to Houston, but maybe you can if you wanna hang up...

No, please don’t hang up.


Grace... there is one thing you can do for me, actually.

You name it.

Scanlon residence.

Hi, Melissa Scanlon? - Yes.

Hi, my name is Grace Ryder. I’m in Austin, Texas.

Mrs. Scanlon, I have your husband on the line.

That’s impossible. My husband’s in...



Melissa, I don’t have a lot of time, so I need you to listen, okay?

Now, remember, all the insurance and bank information’s on the computer.

In the folder named "boring crap," I know.

What’s going on? Why are you...

Oh, Tom.


Is that Daddy?

Yep, come say hi, honey.

Hi, Daddy!

Hi, Evie.

I miss you!

I miss you too, baby.

When are you coming home?

I’d give anything on Earth to be down there with you right now.

You know that, right?

But you’re not even on Earth.

You’re so funny.

Evie, can you make me a promise?

Promise you’ll do whatever Mommy says.

Always give her a hand when she needs help.

I promise.


I want you to know I love you both so much...

More than anything. - Mommy’s crying.

I’m not. I’m not crying.

♪ Without saying good-bye ♪ Look out the window and wave up at the sky.


We can’t see you.

But I can see you, and I want you to know I’ll always be up here... looking over you, okay?

Yes, Daddy. I’m waving!

I’m waving back.

You’re silly.

Daddy, are you there?



♪ ’Cause soon enough we’ll die ♪

♪ ’Cause soon enough we’ll die ♪

Aquaman, back on dry land?

What are you doing here? How’d it go at the hospital?

Nothing crazy... they just added a couple extra stitches.

I’m good.

Why do you look like you’re about to jump off of a cliff?

Hey, guys?

Uh, I wanted to talk to you about something, and, um, if you could, bear with me

’cause it’s kind of a lot.


I’m an addict...

No, Dad, I need to do this. Please?

It’s opioids, and a few months back, in New York, I had a relapse... Pretty bad one.

I OD’d and my dad...

Well, my captain... he found me unconscious.

My heart had stopped, and, well, he did what he does best, and he saved my life, and the only reason I came down here was ’cause he forced me to.

You know?

What I’m trying to say is, I never really chose this for myself.

Any of it.

Not even becoming a firefighter.

And, uh...

Well... Hey, hey.

Whatever you gotta say right here, say it, All right. Yeah?

He’s right, man. We got you, fam.

Yeah, well, that’s the point ’cause today at that intersection when that woman was dying, I would have given her everything I had to save her, and I did give her everything I had, but it wasn’t enough...

Until you showed up.

All you guys.

And I knew in that instant that not only was she gonna be okay but I was gonna be okay too because this is what I wanna do for the rest of my life.

And, at least for now, this is where I wanna do it...

With you guys, so...

I choose this family...

Because this is... This is where I belong.

So, um...

No, that’s...

That’s all I got.

Aw, hey, well, group hug.

I don’t think that’s ne...

Ooh, ooh, Mateo, stitches, dude.

Ow. Ooh, someone’s ripe.

That’s me. I’m guessing that’s Judd.

Yeah, well, that’s what you get for showing up at the end of a shift, man.

Proud of you. Hey, thanks, man.

All right, everybody, hit the showers.

Proud of every one of you.

Don’t you mean "every one of y’all"?

Yeah, that too.

Hey, are you sure about this?

It’s been a traumatic day, an emotional time, you do not have to make this decision right now.

Dad, I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life.

All right, I got some paperwork I’m gonna finish up, then I thought maybe...

How many life decisions did you make today?

One step at a time, Dad. I’ll see you at home.


Your texts just came through... All of ’em.

Yeah, it’s a crazy day. Yeah.

You were out in the middle of it.

Sort of. Whoa.

What happened to you?

I found my sister. She’s alive.

That’s amazing!

And then I lost her again.

And I came here. I don’t really know why.

I know my shift’s over, but...

Well, tell me. What’s going on?

She’s been living on the street this whole time.

She’s sick...

Has untreated schizophrenia.

We realize now that she was showing signs of it the whole time before she disappeared, but...

I’m so sorry.

She’s been living in this homeless camp where I volunteer twice a week.

For years I have been searching heaven and Earth for her, and the whole time she was just right there in front of me.

I mean, how many times did I just walk right past her?

Well, you’d never walk past somebody who needs help, so she probably didn’t wanna be found.


My mom and I tried to get her to come with us, but she refused.

So what now?

Oh, I have no idea.

I could try and get her committed, but she’s been out there for three years.

It’s hard to argue she can’t take care of herself.

Yeah, that’d be difficult.

Well, I’ve recently learned that you can’t make anyone do anything even if it’s for their own good.

Particularly if it’s for their own good.

So what do you think I should do?

Keep the door open. Keep the light on.

Keep trying. Love her the best way you can.

TK’s lucky to have you as a dad.

Iris is lucky to have you as a sister.

Judd could not get out of here fast enough, could he?

It’s ’cause he’s got someone to go home to.

Yeah, true that.

I don’t know about y’all, but something about facing down Armageddon has given me a ferocious appetite.

You guys hungry? I could eat.

You could always eat.


It’s incredible.

What is that?

That might be the most beautiful thing that we will ever see.


Let’s go eat.

Hey, girl. Hey.

That’s amazing, isn’t it?

Out of chaos comes such beauty.


I spoke to somebody up there today.

Yeah, I think we all did.

Literally, he was, um... He was an astronaut.

Oh, he was an astronaut?

♪ I am not the only traveler ♪ Are you for real?


So what did he want?

He wanted to say bye to his family.

To his wife and his daughter.

And that was a tough one.


Can you imagine being that far from the people you love?

But y’all bring ’em together.

♪ And then I can tell myself ♪

♪ What the hell I’m supposed to do ♪ What are you thinking?

I’m thinking... we make a pretty good team.

♪ And then I can tell myself ♪ We really do, don’t we?

Afraid so.

♪ I had all and then most of you ♪

♪ Some and now none of you ♪

♪ Take me back to the night we met ♪

♪ I don’t know what I’m supposed to do ♪

♪ Haunted by the ghost of you ♪ Thought you could use some supplies.

♪ Oh, take me back to the night we met ♪


You’re welcome.

♪ And your eyes were filled with tears ♪ Well, I’ll see you soon, okay?

♪ When you had not touched me yet ♪

♪ Oh, take me back ♪ Goodnight.

♪ To the night we met ♪ Michelle.

♪ I had all and then most of you ♪ It’s a nice night for a picnic, huh?

♪ Take me back to the night we met ♪ Yeah, it is.

♪ I don’t know what I’m supposed to do ♪

♪ Haunted by the ghost of you ♪

♪ Take me back to the night we met ♪

♪ I don’t know what I’m supposed to do ♪ Go for a walk?

♪ Take me back to the night we met ♪

Oh, boy, you seeing this? Huh?

And I thought the lights in Manhattan were beautiful.