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01x08 - But the Righteous Will See Their Fall

Posted: 01/16/22 20:17
by bunniefuu
Daddy asked us to be part
of the Easter broadcast.

Uh-uh. He don't get to have you, Judy.

You belong to Uncle Baby Billy now.

We're gonna learn a new move today,

the shuffle back step.

Singing and dancing at
church has changed you, Judy.

It's over, that's that, we're done.


It's your dad's sex tape.

First, we get the cash,
then we destroy your old man.

Where's the money?!

SCOTTY: Hey, party boy. We gonna take

- a little ride to church.

And you're gonna open that
f*cking vault for me.

We could've been a k*ller team, Gideon.

You've made your choice.






Home, sweet home.

Thanks for the ride, Baby Billy.


And Aunt Tiffany.


Now, don't worry your head no more

about that little daffodil,

and your career will go much further

without the needless
encumbrance of a lover.

Now, you trust Uncle Baby Billy, now.

He knows.

Happy Easter.

Happy Easter, sweet girl. Good night.


Who wants to suck a old man's d*ck?



Good God Almighty!

- Oh.


God gave you a gift, girl.

He gave you a gift!


This is romance.

Ooh, you got strong hands.

Strong hands.

Don't forget them balls, now.

- Mm, no, wait.
- What, you need a break?

- No... Mm.
- You got to get...


How about some crazy
eight on the prostate?

I like that other finger. Big finger.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah. Yes.


Oh, this is my favorite part, now.

Oh! Oh.

Just like that. Oh, Tiff.

I'm gon' ej*cul*te. Oh, here it come!

Oh, it's comin'!



Oh! f*ck...



You okay?


Anything broke?

What happened?

That shit-for-brains ran
through the intersection!

That's what happened.



Help me, now. Hold my hand.


Ow, my back!

- You okay?


Is it yucky stuff? Ooh.

- Oh, Dear Lord.
- Mm.

You okay, boy?

He ain't lookin' too good.

I'd check for a pulse,

but I-I don't want to
mess with the scene, now.

Baby Billy, I think you better come back
here and take a look at this.

He was clearly the one at fault.

You saw it, now.


Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

What do we have here?

That's gotta be thousands of dollars.

Try millions.

That's millions of
dollars, is what this is.



Oh, man.

Come on. Come on in here.



What does this say?

Gemstone Vault? Gemstone Vault?


Look what else he's got.

You got to be careful
with that thing, now.

Don't point that at nobody.

- Put that thing away, now.


What do we got here?

I'll bet you he was a bank robber.

Nah. This is Gemstone money.

Hold on one second. Look here.


Hey, boy. Wake up.


Just like I thought.

He's dead as a doornail.
Dead boy, is what he is.

- [g*nsh*t FIRES]








What are we gonna do?

Well, it don't matter now,
you already shot the man.


Now, we report this,
you gon' go to jail!

I don't want to go to
the women's correctional facility.

I don't want you to go
either, Reese's Cup.

Which is why we got to cover our tracks.

We got to get rid of all this evidence.

We got to get rid of all of it.

We got to get rid of it.


My ship has come in.

Your ship has sailed.



All right. Take that.


Hurt my f*ckin' back.
Go on, take it in there.

- Put it in there. Gon' get all of it.
- In the car?

Hey, you did this to yourself.

Well, we got to get it
off to the side, now.

You got to get it off to the side.

You got to make room. Here we go.

Yes. Money, money, money, money.

Good luck.

Put some shoulder in it, now.

Let's go. Ready?


- Oh, no.

Hold on, now. [GRUNTS]

Hold on. Get this now.

Come on, get in there.

Get in there.

There it goes.

Sink, truck, now.

It's goin' now.

There it goes.

There it goes.



The water ain't deep enough.
You can still see it!

That's all right, it's still low tide.

By sunrise, high tide will come in

and have the whole thing covered up,

sink it down deep in that pluff mud,

take it totally out of sight.


Three million dollars,

stolen on Easter g*dd*mn Sunday.

I can't begin to tell you
how disappointed I am,

how hurt I am,

to have been betrayed
by, of all people, you, boy.

You let that snake

slither inside our walls
and steal our money.

I swear I thought I put an end to it,

that Scotty was headed back to LA.

I had no idea he was still
gonna go through with any of it.

Your poor father could've
been k*lled on your account.

I could've been k*lled!

Eli, I know there has to be
so much more to this story.

I know my son, and he would never

do something like this.

If he needed money, he would
just come to me, right?

So is that true, Gideon?

Is there more to this story?


I already told you everything.

There's nothing more to tell.

So you're saying you did not come here

to be with your family.

You just came for your family's money.

That's what I'm saying.



Well, then, you can just get
up and you go back to Hollywood

or wherever else that you want to go,

but you cannot stay here!

I want you as far away from
your brothers as possible,

because I have lost one son,

and I will not risk losing another.

Mama, I'm sorry.

Oh, you're sorry?

You're sorry?

Baby, I'm sorry.

I thought that I raised an honest man.

I don't even know who you are.

How about you?
You're awful quiet over there.


I must still be under the effects
of toxic shock syndrome.

It's all just kind of a blur to me.

Guess everything that needs to
be said has... has been said.

Gideon? It was effin' Gideon?

That was right in front of you, Jesse.

How could you not notice that?

Well, it was right in front
of y'all too, damn it.

I can't believe this happened.

Right as Daddy's puffin'
me off my fair share too.

- Damn it all to hell!
- I gotta know

I'm not gonna be wrapped up into this.

I'm having anxiety flashes and...

And sharp shit pains in my stomach.

Hey, I sacrificed everything
for my church songs career.

I mean everything.

This cannot ruin that.

Well, look,
y'all don't have to worry, okay?

You're in the clear.

Gideon didn't tell Daddy nothin'
about the blackmail,

so he don't know nothin'
about people getting run over

with cars, taking money, doing cocaine.

- Whoa.
- Daddy don't know nothing about that.

All he knows, that Gideon, my son,

my first-f*ckin'-born,
tried to steal from us.

Ooh! Thank God.

You better make sure he doesn't turn

damn state witness all of a sudden.

I was "top five young ministers
to watch" last year, Jesse.

I got a reputation. A following.

My brand is on the rise.

If you go down, boy,

you better keep our names

- out of your f*ckin' mouth.
- Mm-hmm.

Stop trying to step up to me.

- Man, I wish I wasn't related to y'all.
- You know what?

I wish I wasn't related to y'all either.

All y'all do is care about yourselves.

My shit hurts too.

My son hates me.

- Go!
- Gotta turn it on, dummy.

He's gonna tell.

This family's f*cked.


Come on! I got this, I got this.

This blood's freakin' me out.

Boots. Cosmetics.

Toenail clippers.

Hair dryer.


How many hair dryers you got?

Shit. It's the cops. It's the cops!

- Shut your mouth.

Shh, shut your mouth.

Uncle Baby Billy!

It's Judy-Leigh.

I need to sing and dance! [LAUGHS]

Let's do this, man!

[LAUGHS] Did you hear what happened?

I know you're in there. Come on.

What are y'all doing?

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Where y'all going?

We're not leaving for
the tour today, are we?

There's been a change of plans, Judy.

- Wait, what?
- Ain't no rehearsal.

Ain't no show. It's all off.

Now, I-I'm pulling the plug now.

- Now, we had a good run, Judy.
- What?

That road has reached
its finish line now,

and your rhythm ain't blue.
Give me that.

Come on. We're just getting started.

I appreciate your time and effort, I do.

But this whole thing has
turned out to be a big turd.

Now, come on, get in here, Tiff.

- No, no, no, hang on. Hang on, Tiffany.
- Get in the car now.

Is this 'cause I said I'd only pay
for Tiffany's top teeth?

I'll pay for her lowers too.

This ain't about your
Aunt Tiffany's teeth.

It's about the goods, now,
and your lack of 'em.

This is show biz, kid.

Now, you got to have the looks,
and you got to have the talent,

and you ain't got either.

You said I did.

[SNIFFLING] You said I was special.

You ain't no Aimee-Leigh!

Hell, you ain't even no Judy-Leigh.

You're just plain ol' Judy.


Move now.


- Hey, kiddo.
- Hey, Daddy.

Have you got the
authorities involved yet?

They have any leads?

We're not going to the police.

All that'll do is land
my grandson in jail

and bring us press we don't need,

give the government an
excuse to look at our books.

We'll handle it internally.


I-I think that's a great idea, Daddy.

This situation is what
is known as lose-lose.

Maybe my daddy was right.

All you need is four walls,

some willing souls, the good book.

All the things we have,
all the things we built,

there's more places for snakes to hide.

I feel like an old fool.

Don't be hard on yourself, Daddy.

I didn't see it coming either.

It's not your fault, okay?

It's not my fault.

It's Gideon's fault.

A little bit Jesse for not
keeping his house in order.

I can't do this anymore
without your mama.



Hey, bud.


Look, you don't need to go.

I can figure out a way to
fix this with your mom.

All she needs is a
little time to cool off.

She's right. I should go.

I don't belong here.

You should take this.

What the hell is this? A Game Boy?

It's a hard drive.

The last copy of the video.

If I were you, I'd destroy it.

Thanks for not telling
anybody about this.

I appreciate it.

No point in us both taking the fall.

Besides, I...

I honestly feel like a huge weight's
been lifted off my chest.

For the first time in a while,
I feel kind of free.

The night you made that tape,

I blew you off to party with my dudes.

I kicked you out of the room.

You were pretty pissed.

That's why you did it.

It's no excuse.


That's why you moved to Hollywood.

Not because you're a f*ck-off

or some kind of traitor,

but because of me.

'Cause I wasn't the dad I needed to be.

I want you to listen to this
because I'm more than likely

never gonna say this again,

but... I was wrong.


I failed you,

and I'm so sorry, Gideon.



Come here.

It's okay.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

- I'm sorry, Dad.
- It's okay.


Customer service, line five.

Customer service, line five.


Hey, Beej.

Thought I'd bring you some lunch.

Well, it's nice of you
to bring me something,

but I already ordered lunch.

Come on. It's your favorite.

Yellow curry with tofu.

Sticky rice in there too.

I don't eat Thai anymore,
especially not for lunch.

It gives me the shits.

God, BJ, you don't say "shits."

You say "BM."

A lot of things are
different with me, Judy.

I'm more edgy now.

Look, I gotta get back
to work, all right?

BJ, wait. BJ, look.

BJ, let me just say,

I-I got caught up in
my church songs career, okay?

Fame was overwhelming,

and, um, it changed me,

just like it does many other stars.

I miss you, though.

I miss you really bad.

Look, I'm flattered you're here, Judy.

I really am.

But obviously, I'm working right now.

- Will you...
- Come on. Come on.

BJ, I think about you all the time.

Come on. We're meant to be together.

- Judy.
- I quit the show.

No more Judy-Leigh.

What? Why not?

'Cause... it's my choice. I quit.

I chose you. No more questions.

Judy, you shouldn't have done that.

This break between us
has helped me realize

a lot of things.

I gotta do me for a bit.

Do you for a bit, what? Come on, BJ.

Let's go in the back. Come on.

Come back here.

We'll take shirts off
and rub backs and dicks.

Judy, you just don't get it.

Lunch is served.

Hey, Denim.

Got you your extra ketchup, you maniac.

The f*ck is this?

You're bringing him lunch?

Uh, yeah. Every day.

And your name is Denim?

Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, you can help me, actually.

You can help me find
the f*cking wherewithal

to not beat your sturdy
ass right here in the LCO

- for f*cking my man.
- Whoa. Hold on a second.

Slow your roll.
You need to calm down, Judy.


You're Judy.

I see.

You see what?

BJ, are you banging this dude?

I have a wife, honey.

I don't give a shit what you have,

'cause guess what, I know what you are.

You're one of those benevolent lesbians

out to meet a hot guy,
make friends with him,

so you can sample-suck some clean d*ck.

Look, if you want
to throw hands, that's fine.

- Let me tell you one thing.
- Mmhmm, mm-hmm.

Just about every single day,

I catch BJ crying in the break room,

and it's always because you've hurt him.

What? I don't hurt BJ.

I poke fun. I grew up
with brothers. I'm rough.

That's what he likes about me.

I don't like it, Judy.

I've never liked it.

Now, Mr. Walters here has
been waiting patiently

to try on a pair of transitional lenses.

If you'll excuse me!




What the f*ck, Judy?


BJ, I hope you live forever,
I hope you discover magic,

and I hope you learn to fly
like we always talked about.



















Come and get some!







Is that a alcoholic beverage?

New Kelvin drinks recreationally.

I hate to see you this way, amigo.

How can I rid the world of darkness

when I live amidst so much of it?

Don't say that.

Mama died.

Daddy was assaulted.

The church... The church was robbed

on Easter Sunday, the holiest of days.

Don't you see what's happening?

God is punishing us.

For what?

Not being who we say we are.

Well, if that's the case,

don't you think God's
being a little harsh?


When the Philistines stole
the Ark of the covenant

from the Israelites, God smoked them

with hemorrhoids and testicle tumors.

I think we're getting off easy.


You should go, Keefe.

Go... go where?

You need... need a Mello Yello?
You want me to do a store run?

No! You should go.

Leave! Away from here.

I'm sorry, but...

I am no longer fit to lead you.

You need to find someone
more worthy of the task.

No, but there's no one
more worthy than you.

Get the f*ck out of here, Keefe!

- Now!
- What?

Do I need to call
security, m*therf*cker?

You don't mean that.

Get the f*ck out of here!

Get out!





Hey, Jesse. How's it going, man?

- Hey, what's happening, Levi?
- Hey, buddy.

- Good to see you.
- How are you, man?

You go take a seat in the living room.

Hey, how's it going?
Wonderful to see you.

Yo, it's movie night, baby.

Actually, Matthew, it's not movie night.

- What?
- So stop saying that.

Just go sit in the living room.
Hey, how are ya?


Chad, what the f*ck, man?
I said no kids.

Oh, sorry, we couldn't find a
sitter on such short notice.

God damn it. Okay, fine. Whatever.

Just go take a seat and keep 'em quiet.

Major motion pictures tonight.

- Oh, I love movies.
- Come on, have a seat.


[SIGHS] Thank y'all for coming today.

There's something I'd like to...

Well, that I need to
share with all of you,

my nearest and dearest
family and friends.

- Ooh, that's nice.
- But before I do this,

I just want to thank you in advance

for your continued understanding,

love, and support.

- Aw, you're welcome, Jesse.
- I got you, bud.

Levi, are you gonna
sit there the whole time?

I'm just, I'm trying to talk,
and I just feel like

you're just sitting there,
like, looking that way.

- Oh, sorry.
- I'm trying to talk to you.

It's just a big moment,

and I just, you know, I don't know.

- I'll just sit on the floor?
- Yeah, on the floor would be great.

Look, y'all,
I've been very fortunate in this world

to be born a Gemstone.

I mean, it's about as close
to God as one can get.

- But today,

I stand before you as just a man,

just like these other
flawed men in this room:

Chad, Matthew,

Levi, and Gregory.

I'm very sorry to say

that these flawed men and myself

have participated in
some sinful, illicit activities.

Mm, what you doing, Jesse?

I'm exonerating my son, Matthew.

I'm protecting him the
way he protected me.

Gideon's not the bad guy.

Gideon was put into an
undesirable position...

[EXHALES] Because of the sins that me

and these flawed men committed

at last year's Prayer Power convention

- in Atlanta.
- Oh, my God.

Sins that were captured
on my son's cell phone,

which he then used to blackmail me with.

- Mm.
- I knew it!

Amber, I told you they
were up to something!

Mandy, the past is in the past, okay?

That's not what this is about.

What this is about is me

finally having the bravery
to admit to myself

that even though it may seem like it,

I'm not perfect.

Jesse Gemstone is human.

[SNICKERS] And here's the proof.

Aw, shit.

Oh, my Lord in heaven.

Oh, Jesse. What are you doing?

f*ck is that?

Our transgressions.

- Lord, help me...
- Gideon gave me this...

Metal computer thing so I
could destroy the evidence

once and for all,
banish our sins forever.

If he hadn't done that,
because of my immense fame,

instead of facing you all right now,

I'd be facing the entire world.

I want to see that f*cking tape, Jesse.

Mandy, you might not want to,

unless you like seeing your
husband's gray scrotum.



Screening room.



Sweetie, I don't think

- it's appropriate that the girls...
- No.

I want the girls to see
who their father really is.

Well, they're definitely gonna see that.

I just want to warn you all

that this is a lot like the
al-Qaeda beheading videos.

Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Okay, without further ado,
our feature presentation.



Don't mind if I do.

dr*gs? Classy.

All I did was dr*gs, baby. That's it.

- Oh, my God. She's pierced.
- Oh, wow.

And that prost*tute with
the huge tits was a close talker.

Her breath smelled like shit,

so I didn't go any further than that.

Because her breath smelled like shit.

No, because I love you and
I would never betray you.

Chad! Why don't you have any pants on?

f*cking kidding me?
Dancing around all naked?

Are you out of your f*cking mind?

Mandy, he did lose his mind.
We all lost our minds.

This is not who we are, okay?

What am I even looking at right now?

Well, that's, uh, that's Gregory

attempting to do cocaine.

And then that's Matthew
successfully doing cocaine.

- Matthew! Really?
- Oh, my God.

You're a bitch, Jesse.

Shut the f*ck up.

Levi, how do you smoke crack?


All right, I can explain.

I only was gonna do crack

because I needed
to counterbalance the cocaine

'cause I thought I was gonna die, baby.

So we're doing crack now?

It's a weight-loss substitute.

That's me giving Chad a prophylactic

to, uh, lessen the effectiveness
of that ej*cul*te.

And then that's Chad having
sex with the prost*tute.

- Oh.
- Oh, God.

Chad! Chad! Chad!

Yeah, Chad, f*ck her!

- Oh!
- Ow!

You lawyer up, shrimp d*ck.

Oh, God! Come on.

- Girls...
- Don't touch him!

- Don't look at him.
- That ain't Daddy.

That's CGI, baby.

God damn it, Jesse.

Okay, I know that this is disgusting,

but let's look at the bright side, guys.

No one else in this
room f*cked a prost*tute

- except for Chad, okay?
- Amen.

And everyone had the opportunity to,

and everybody here was pure
of heart and chose not to.

This is so heartbreaking.

This is where the truth set us free.

- Pam.
- We can no longer hide behind a lie.

Jesse. Boo!



You mind going so I
can speak with my wife?

I wish I had somebody special in my life

to get mad at me for doing bad things.

Well, you do. Jesus Christ.

Now get the f*ck out of here.

Amber. Look, baby.

I know what's on that video, okay?

It is a deception for sure.
I will own that, all right?

Let's forgive and forget.
We can get past this.

I'll do whatever it takes.
You can't be mad at me.




- Stop that!
- Lies! So many lies!

Right to my face!

Look, I couldn't tell you, all right?

- There were too many lives at stake!
- [GRUNTS] Too many lives at stake?

- Knock it off!
- You did this.

You drove Gideon away.

You have destroyed this family.

At least I didn't make you look as dumb

as Chad made Mandy.



Amber! Come on, grow up!

That is enough of this
childish behavior!

Do not run from this!
We can't run from this, Amber!

Amber, please, be an adult.
We gotta talk.

- Oh, Jesus!

Oh, f*ck, run! Run! Oh, shit!

f*ck, shit! Oh!




Oh, shit, shit. Oh, f*cking shit.

[b*llet WHIZZES]





♪ Oh, Lord ♪

♪ What's wrong with me? ♪

♪ I can't seem to be ♪

♪ What I want to be ♪

♪ And it's not for the sake of tryin' ♪


♪ Tried so hard, God know ♪

♪ And felt like dyin' ♪

♪ And if You've been watchin' ♪

♪ You would've seen me cryin' ♪


♪ So, oh, Lord, oh, Lord ♪

♪ Won't You give me Your hand ♪


♪ Won't You give me Your hand ♪




♪ So, oh, Lord, oh, Lord ♪

♪ Won't You give me Your hand ♪

She got me in the butt cheek!

- Ow! f*ck.
- ♪ Won't You give me Your hand ♪

Oh, she got me in my meat.
Oh, she got me in my meat.

Ow, f*ck! Ow!

It's down my butthole.

You broke my butthole! Ow.