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02x03 - Hold the Line

Posted: 01/17/22 07:48
by bunniefuu
This is my buddy Spence.

Injured himself
on the waterslide.

Captain Strand?

Captain Strand,
the wind shifted.

How long was I out?

Almost an hour.

That's about all I need.

The weeks-long battle
against the San Angelo fire

continues at this hour,

with officials now saying
the blaze has consumed

more than 180,000 acres

with less than 5% containment.

Resources here in West Texas
have been

stretched to their limits,

but help is now arriving
from neighboring states.

Fire companies from Oklahoma,
New Mexico,

and as far away as California
are sending

equipment and manpower
to aid in this fight,

a welcome sight
to the embattled Texans

on the front lines
of this blaze,

one that has to look
a lot like the arrival

of the cavalry.


Wake up. We're here.

Oh, we are?

What's up with the air?

The wildfire, remember?
That's why we're here.

I mean the way it feels.

Like getting slapped
with a wet towel.

It's called humidity.

Welcome to Texas, Buck.

*9-1-1 LONE STAR*
Season 02 Episode 03
Episode Title: "Hold The Line"

I'm Deputy Chief De Leon

of the San Angelo
Fire Department,

acting incident commander.

For those of you just joining
the party, welcome.

Buck, stop staring.

- I'm not staring.
- You're staring.

I think that guy is
staring at you.

I want to introduce
my operations section chief,

Captain Owen Strand
out of Austin.

The thing we were praying
wouldn't happen has happened.

The wind has shifted.

The fire's now on
a collision course

with the city of San Angelo.

There's a possibility
of weather coming in,

but we can't rely on it,
and we won't.

We have one last shot
to turn the tide.

On Copper Ridge.

We cut a containment line here,

and we can stop this beast
in its tracks.

I know you're exhausted.

A lot of you haven't had
a couple of hours sleep... days

But on behalf of the city
of San Angelo

and their 120,000 souls,

we're gonna get you
up on that fire line

and you are gonna cut
like hell.

Good luck.
Stay safe.


Please don't make me report you
to HR.

No, no, I swear I know her
from somewhere.

It's k*lling me.


We have a situation.

I thought all the evacuations
had already happened.

That was before
the wind shifted.

How many people are up there?

Eight kids, one counselor.

There's been no contact?

Not in at least eight hours.

It's a camp for at-risk teens,

so those kids aren't allowed
cell phones.

What's going on?

There's a bunch of kids
at a camp

trapped up past the fire line.

Can we get an evac chopper
up here?

It's too dangerous, and these
access roads are all aflame.

We can't get an engine
up there.

Pardon me, Cap.

You could get to it with ATVs
easy enough.

I used to ride around on ATVs

in woods just like these
growing up.

Firefighter, you just became
strike team leader.

Hell, I'm in.

Driving through fire
instead of digging a ditch?

- Sign me up.
- All right.

Eight man team.
Take a medic.

You don't know what
you're gonna find up there.

I'm a medic.

Eddie Diaz with the 118,
Los Angeles.

You a paramedic?


But I was a medic in the army,

and on more than a few missions

that looked a lot like this.

What you waiting for,

Get your bag.
Meet us down by the motor pool.

We'll roll out.

Copy that.

Uh, where have you been?

Took a tour
of the medical unit.

- Where's Eddie?
- I don't know.

You guys abandoned me.

Also, why did we drive
these trucks

all the way here from LA
just to park 'em?

Only way up to that fire line
is by foot.

Trucks go into the motor pool.

Commander De Leon will use them
as he sees fit.

That's how it works, Buck.

Still, not sure I like the idea
of strangers on our rigs.

No strangers here, Buck.

Just grunts with shovels.

Uh, okay.
And where's yours?


I volunteered
for base camp medical unit.

But have a good hike.

Eddie, can you believe this?

Hen is not going up
the fire line with us.

Just gonna be you and me.

You ready, soldier?

Be right there.

Well, hop to it.

Not giving any less average

Uh, her?
You're going with her?


Wait, guys, guys, guys,
I know who that is!

She's Firefox.


You guys seriously don't know
who Firefox is?

She's gone viral,
like, five times.

Total badass.

I... follow her on Instagram.

Some reason,
she didn't follow me back.

Don't forget your shovel.


Captain Strand.

For a second, I thought
that was a butt dial.

No butt dial.
I was just checking in on you.

You're checking in on me?

You're the one fighting
a wildfire.

I know Paramedic Rosewater's
funeral was today,

and I was very sorry
to miss it.

Just... just seeing
how you were holding up.

But you're okay?

I think so.

'Cause after a trauma...

loss like that...

things can sneak up on you.

- Captain Strand?
- Yes?

Are you okay?

Captain Strand?

You've requested a list of
all reserch and call signs.

- I have that for you.
- Yes. Thank you, Molly.

I gotta go.

Got you some
of them critters, Hollywood?

Bet they don't get that big
in LA.

Oh, well, we got plenty
in El Paso.

Oh, no way.
You're from El Paso?

Where'd you go to high school?

- La Salle.
- La Salle.

Whoa, we used to whoop your ass
every year at State.

I was Austin Heights.

- You're a Bulldog?
- Roger.

And I thought
we were gonna be friends.


She always like that?


I only count seven kids.

IC said there was
supposed to be eight.

- Yep, and a counselor. Hey!
- They're missing!

Back up. We're here now.

We're gonna get you all
down the mountain, okay?

Marjan and Eddie's gonna check
everybody out,

make sure they're okay.

So... hey, hey, hey,
who's missing?

Mr. Gomez.

He left last night
looking for JJ,

and he never came back.

- JJ run away?
- No, man.

- He was out doing his solo.
- Solo?

Yeah, it's two nights mandatory
alone in the woods.

It builds character
and self-respect,

but it's usually
pretty well-monitored.

- You know that how?
- Mr. Gomez have a cell phone?

He's the only one that does.
We're not allowed.

No call in eight hours,
it could just be bad reception.

Or something else.

Hey, hey.
Oh. Oh.

Please help.


Hey, where's JJ?

Couldn't find him.

He's not breathing.


Down, sir.
There we go.

Marjan, grab the IV bag
from the kit.

I'm gonna run a line.

- Can you hold this?
- Hey, men, let's back up.

Let's let them work.
Back up. Right back here.

Keep going. Keep going.
Keep going. Keep going.

I'm not hearing
any air escaping.

Lungs are intact.

Then why isn't
his chest rising?

Ah, damn.

We need to do an escharotomy.

What the hell's that?

It's constricting his chest
like a rope.

It's preventing his lungs
from expanding.

He can't draw a breath.
We need to cut it.

- Now?
- Now.


Hope you're not squeamish.

Rescue breaths.


Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

- JJ.
- Easy, buddy. Easy.

Sir, we're aware
of the missing kid, all right?

I need you to take
nice and steady breaths.

Nicely done, Diaz.

You too, Firefox.

Put your backs into it!

We're almost there!

This road is everything.

We hold the line here,

we put this fire on the ropes.

So LA, huh?


That's cool.

I got a cousin in LA.

People say we look alike.
Maybe you know him.

It's kinda a big place.

No, I know.

His last name's Chavez.

Yeah, I don't think so.

He's in jail anyway.

I bet you get some
pretty crazy calls out there.

You have no idea.

We get our fair share in Texas.

You ever get a call
at Disneyland?

That's Orange County.

But LA, right?

You know, we did get called
to an amusement park once.

I had to scale the loop
of a roller coaster.

Guy was hanging on
by his bare hands.

You saved a guy
hanging from a roller coaster?

Uh, he let go.

That's rough.

I had a woman
almost drown on me last year

in less than a foot of water.

She was trapped in a bus
upside down

in the middle of the street.

It was wild, man.

We had a bus rescue.

It wasn't upside down though.

But it was sticking out
the fifth floor

of an office building.

No way!

That's insane.

We just had an active volcano
last week.

Yeah, I think I saw something
about that on my Twitter feed.

It looks like just the driver.

Hey, we're gonna get you
out of there!

Move! Move!

Argh, it's locked!

Buck, heads up!

Come here, man.
Come here, man.

Come here. Up, up, up.
Up, up, up.



Oh, damn it!

Oh, thank God.

Oh, bad boy. Bad boy, Clyde.
I am so sorry.

I left him alone
for, like, ten seconds.

He must have unlocked
the parking brake.

Your dog has a lead foot.

So that was weird.


Nice move, by the way.
Good reflexes.

Yeah, you too.

Keep it dry.

Change the dressing
every 24 hours.

This is
Great Oaks strike team.

Do you copy?

This is base med unit.
Go ahead.

Sending seven minors your way.

Mild dehydration,
smoke inhalation,

few lacerations,
but they're fine.

One adult male, critical.

Gave him 11 milligrams
of morphine.

He will need a life flight.

Hey, Eddie.
It's Hen.

You're sending out
seven minors?

I thought you went up there
for eight.

One kid's still missing.

Couple of the guys
from the Austin 126

are searching out for him now.

All right, you got about
two hours of daylight left,

and the wind reports are
not good.

Yeah, it's getting
a little toasty out here.

All right, Eddie, you need
to put a clock on this.

I don't think
any of these folks are leaving

without this boy,
clock or no clock.

Remind me a little
of some other people I know.

Hey, JJ!


- Hey, JJ!
- JJ!

JJ, if you can hear us,
holler back!

We may have already passed it,

'cause that camp counselor
was saying

he was doing his solo
right through here.

Hey, man,
you never told me

how you know
about those things.

The solos?

Yeah, I didn't, did I?

Hey, JJ!

Just never pictured you

as one of those
at-risk camp kids.

And why the hell not?

- Fair point.
- JJ!

Slow down. Slow down.




Fire must've came through here
like a freight train.


Hey, he must've had
a head start on us,

'cause I don't see no remains.

Where the hell did he go?



Fire rescue!

I need reinforcements
on that line.

Tell Tulsa company to take
Houston's engine up there.

Yes, sir.

Captain Strand.

Henrietta Wilson, 118,
Los Angeles.

What can I do for you,

You can approve a chopper,

equipped with a rescue winch

and infrared FLIR tech

to search the hillside
before it gets dark.

To search for what?

A missing boy from Great Oaks.

The strike team was able
to evacuate everyone

except for one boy
who's still missing.

That is right on the edge
of the fire line.

That wind's blowing 20 knots.

I don't feel good
about sending anybody up there.

All right,
tell Commander De Leon

I had to take a run
up the mountain.

Maybe we should go out
and help them search.

Judd told us to stay here.

That's what we should do.

How can you be so calm
under literal fire?

Well, at least no one's
sh**ting at us.


You wanna follow me on Insta?

Heard you put a lot of effort
into it.

Was curious.

I'll show you mine
if you show me yours.

I haven't been on social media
in a while.

The last post is,
like, nine months old.

Super boring.

I'll be the judge of that.


Is that a Prius in the air?

Tornado dropped it
between two buildings.


Is this your kid?

Yeah, that's Christopher.
He's my world.

Doing the whole, you know,
single dad thing.

You did not build him
a skateboard.

Yeah, well, Buck helped.

Wait, is that that creepy guy
who was staring at me before?

He's harmless.


Great Oaks search team,

give us your current location.

We're sending air support.

Air support?

Who's crazy enough to go up
in something like this?

Appreciate this, Mark.

What are you doing here?

What does it look like?

I'm coming with you.

No, you're not.
It's too dangerous.

It's too dangerous
for you to fly into this

without a medic.

We're burning daylight,
Captain Strand.

Not crazy about this,

Yeah, me neither.

Call me Hen.

Great Oaks strike team leader,

this is air support.

- Judd, do you copy?
- Cap, is that you?

Yeah, I heard
you could use a hand.

What's your 20?

Yeah, we're
a few klicks west of the camp.

We haven't found this kid yet.

We found his tent,
but no remains,

so we think he went deeper
into the woods

trying to get away
from the fire.

All right, we see you.


Captain Strand,
I think I've got something.

Judd, we've got something
under a grove of trees.

of your position.

I'm gonna try to get
over on top of it.

Okay, Cap, we're coming at you.

- JJ!
- JJ!

All right, you're closing in.
Less than 20 meters.

JJ, you out here?


I'm down here!



I'm over here!

God, it hurts!
Help, please!

Cap, we got him.

- How's he look?
- Not good.

His ankle's caught
in a bear trap.

Think you can get him out?

I don't know.
It's got him pretty good.

All right, we're hooking him up
to the LIFEPAK right now,

but it looks like he's lost
a lot of blood.

He's gonna lose a lot more
when they try to free him.

What kind of loser gets caught
in a bear trap

running away
from a bear, right?

There's bears?

I thought they were chasing
the wolves.

There's wolves now?

They were running away
from the fire.

- They're gone now.
- Hey, Judd?

This is
Paramedic Henrietta Wilson.

I'm up here with your captain.

You've gotta be kidding me.

I'm pretty sure
you firefighters are

fully equipped
and capable to handle this.

No, no, please.
Walk us through it.

All right,
before you do anything,

I need you to place
a tourniquet

3 inches above the wound.

But not over the knee.

All right, now, JJ,
I ain't gonna lie, man.

This might hurt.

It's what I deserve.

Just like my dad always said.

I'm a waste of space.

We're gonna do this
on three, okay?

One, two, three.

- There we go.
- Okay.

There it is.

Okay, did it.

Tourniquet's on.
What now?

All right,
get him out of the trap,

but keep the foot elevated
above the heart.

Then wrap the wound as fast
and as tight as you can.

Let's do it.

Oh, it's coming out.

All right, kid.
There we go. We got this.

Talk to me, boys. Talk to me.
What's happening?

He ain't doing good.

You need to get fluids
in him to stabilize him.

- Saline, now.
- Hey.

Hey, man.
Keep him talking, man.

Keep him talking. Come on.

Hey, stay with us.

Judd, get in there.
Talk to the kid.

Keep him awake.


I know you think
that you deserve this.

You're wrong.

You don't know anything
about me.

Hell, son, I was you.

I was you.

And whatever fool thing you did
to put yourself here,

that don't matter.

Okay, years and years from now,
this is gonna be another story

you tell some other
little idiot kid.

But you gotta stay with us now.

Come on, keep him talking, man.

Stay with us, JJ.
Kid, come on.

Hey, man, keep him talking.
Man, keep him talking.

Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey!

Hey, snap out of it.
Snap out of it.

Keep him talking, man.
Keep him talking.

I'm talking to you, boy!

"Oh, boohoo and poor me!

Why don't you stop being
a little baby

and grow a pair?

All right,
you wanna know why life

and this camp
and probably your old man too

keep kicking your ass, JJ?

- Hey, he's slipping, man.
- I got you. You wanna know why?

It ain't because
you're weak and scrawny,

even though you damn sure are.

It's because when you get hit,

you don't stand up
and swing back.

That's how come.

Now stand up and fight,
damn it!


There it is.

Hey, his heart rate's back up
to 100.

That's a good fight, kid.

That's a good fight.

Miss Henrietta,
the fluids worked.

I'm very glad to hear it.

All right, I'm gonna harness up
for the rescue.

Not with these gusts.

We shouldn't be up here
much longer.

Judd, can you get him
out of there on an ATV?

Yeah, that ain't a problem.

I gotta pick up
Marjan and Diaz.

Roger that.
See you back at base.

Base, we need assist.

Mayday. Mayday.
We are going down.

This is a distress call.

Mayday. Mayday.
We are going down.

Oh, God.

Oh, come on.
It's California.

Of course you're gonna
have earthquakes.

But you can't tell me
that that's cooler

than the 126 going up
against a solar storm.

What even is that?
You can't see it.


Don't you see
what you're doing?

You're falling into the classic

Iron Man versus
Captain America trap.

Is Captain America better

because he's a super soldier
with an indestructible shield,

or is Tony Stark better

because he's a tech genius
with a sick weaponized suit?

So? Who's better?

Neither is better, bro.
That's the point.

It's a speeches argument.

They're both badass.

And when they team up,
nobody could beat them.

Except maybe Thanos.

Oh, glad to see strike team's
already got their feet up.

Ooh, you guys must
be exhausted.

All that go-karting
up and down the hill?

You didn't hear, did you?

Hear what?

Yeah, that radio's dead.

I can't get cell reception
to save my life.

Hopefully Command can pull GPS
from the chopper to find us.

How's he doing?


Fractured femur,
couple of cracked ribs.

He'll live.

Don't speak too soon.

You feel that?

It's creating its own wind.

It's a firestorm.

Gonna find some shelter.

Okay, we're somewhere
near here?

- This could work.
- That could work.

Feel that?

It's making its own wind.


You just repeated yourself.

I think I should
probably check you out.

Do you know what day it is?

It's night.

You know where you are?

Somewhere I really don't
wanna be.

All right.

Uneven pupillary responses,

I think you might have
a concussion.

So what are you gonna tell me,
to stay off my feet?

Avoid stress?

Or in this case, run like hell!

Yeah, but what we need
to do is get containment

in here, here,
or if I make it myself...

This is a joke!

We know exactly where
the chopper went down.

So why haven't you sent out
a rescue team?

As I said, the beacon is coming

from two miles inside
an active burn zone.

It is not safe to send
anyone up in the dark.

with all due respect,

we accept the risk and we ain't
asking anybody else to go.

You know I can't
authorize that.

You know, those are our people
up there.

They could be bleeding out
right now.


Son, we haven't had any cell

or radio contact at all
since the Mayday.

Nobody else is risking
their lives tonight.

And your father would be
the first one to agree with me.

Okay, that's good.

I've spent my whole career
running to danger,

but there's never actually been
a sign.

The deeper we get,

the more protected we'll be
from the heat.

- Here. Right there.
- Okay.

- All right.
- That's better.

This is good.
All right.

- I got him.
- Okay.

- How's he doing?
- He's hanging in there.

Can you believe this?

It's like stepping back
in time.

Hey, is that
what I think it is?

Oh, my God, that's dynamite.

It's gotta be 100 years old.

Guess worksite safety
wasn't a thing back then.

Remind me
to lodge a complaint with OSHA

if we ever get out of here.

This is the end of the line.

All right, well,
we better get comfortable.

It's gonna be a minute before
anybody comes looking for us.

And you'll let me know if you
start feeling dizzy, right?

Oh, don't worry about me.

It's kinda my job
at the moment.

You picked the right person

to be
in a helicopter crash with.

Oh, yeah?
Why's that?

'Cause I'm invincible.

My wife will be glad to hear.

Sure, you survived.
It's great for you.

Captain, you okay?


Okay. I will.

I love you too.

What's up?

Well, they just delivered

20 kinds of pizza
if you're hungry.

I'm good. Thanks.

They survived the crash.

Believe it.

And your dad is with Hen, so...

so he's in really good hands.

So is she.

No doubt.

Look, my captain is not my dad,

but he might as well be.

You know, he could've given up
on me so many times,

and he never did.

Even when I used to steal
the fire truck.

You used to steal
the fire truck?

Oh, yeah.

All the time.

Yeah, my dad,

he's never given up
on me either.

And I've done a lot worse
than steal a fire truck.

It just sucks, you know?

Just sitting here
and doing nothing.


what if we didn't have to?

Is that...

A key to a fire truck?

Yes, it is.

Damn it.

I still can't get a signal.

Yeah, me either.

You're in a mineshaft, genius.

So how long
have you been married?

You mentioned a wife.

Oh, good, small talk.

Almost eight years now.

She's a rocket scientist.

A literal rocket scientist?

Well, she's a stay-at-home
rocket scientist at the moment.

Cutbacks at JPL.

You have kids?

Denny is ten.

And our little Nia,
she's three.


One son. TK.

You might have met him.

He works with me.

He's probably climbing
the walls right now.

Now that you mention it,

I did notice the resemblance
at the briefing.

Yeah, people say that.

I think he looks
like his mom, Gwen.

If the plague was good
for one thing,

it was getting us
back together.

After 15 years
of being divorced,

it looks like we're giving it
another go-around,

which sounds crazy
as I say it out loud.

You know what's crazy?

Getting hit by a lava b*mb.
That is crazy.

I'm sorry.

For what?

The wind has shifted.

We gotta find
another way out.

There is no other way out.

If the wind keeps blowing
smoke in here,

we won't last ten minutes.

You know she's never seeing
those kids again.

Shut up.

We picked
a real nice tomb though.

I said shut up!

Captain Strand,

I believe you're talking
to somebody who's not here.

I'm aware.

But he did give me a good idea.

You sure it's still here?
Maybe they deployed it.

Not according to the board.

All right, go, go, go, go, go.


You know
you don't have to do this.

There's no reason
that both of us get fired.

Hey, my friend's up there too.

She would do the same thing
for me.

I think.

- She would.
- Okay.

Oh, hey, here it is.
Let's go.

Uh, no.
That's not it.

What do you mean?
118, Los Angeles. Let's go.

Yeah, no,
we're not taking that.

Bobby would k*ll me...


This is the key to your truck.

Hey, dumb-ass.

Did you stop
and consider the consequences

of what you're about to do
at all?

You obviously don't know Buck.

You two didn't seriously think
that you could sneak off

and drive into wildfires,
did you?

- Yes?
- Well, that ain't gonna happen.

You think you're gonna stop us?

Stop you?

We're going with you.

Come on, let's go.

You think these being
100 years old make 'em

more or less stable?

Definitely less.
You see the crystals?

That's nitroglycerine.

It sweats out of the dynamite
after years

and recrystallizes.

Definitely makes it
more volatile.

Kay, put it down nice and easy.

I hope this isn't overkill.

Better to have too much
than too little.

Give me your brush jacket.

Feeling chilly?

If we're gonna lock ourselves
in a mine,

we may as well leave
a marker outside

just in case somebody comes by.


- Okay.
- Wish me luck.

Try not to blow us up.

For the record,
this wasn't actually my idea.


All right.

Are we really doing this?

I don't think we have
much of a choice.

Unless dying of
smoke inhalation is your thing.

Wanna do the honors?

Go, go, go, go!

Is it just
my traumatic brain injury,

or does the air in here feel
a little thin?

Every time we exhale,

we poison the air
a little bit more.

Unventilated mines fill up fast

with CO2, nitrogen,
and water vapor.

It's called black damp.

Maybe this wasn't
the best plan.

It was the only plan.

I should never have let you
get on that chopper.

I'm sorry.

What are you talking about?

You're invincible, remember?


It's the...

people around me
that tend not to be.

Is that what's been
haunting you?

Someone who didn't make it?

The people who didn't make it

couldn't fit
into this mineshaft.

But recently, a paramedic...

got k*lled
not two feet from me.

It's brutal.

Brutal sometimes.

Being the one who survives.

Yeah, pisses me off.

I lost 14 of my brothers
on 9/11.

We all went into the tower,

I'm the only one
who walked out.

I've never admitted this
to anyone.

I've never forgiven them.

You got a lot of guilt
about it.

I've got guilt over everything.

Over surviving,

over forcing my son to follow
in my footsteps,

over... the failure
of my marriage,


telling this all
to a complete stranger.

We're probably
gonna die anyway.

Now you're just trying
to cheer me up.

You wanna talk
about guilt, Captain?

I k*lled a girl.

With my ambulance.


16 years old.

I'm so sorry.

So yeah,

you're not the only one...

locked in here...

With a ghost.




- Dad!
- Hen!

- Hen!
- Dad!

- Hen!
- Dad!

- Cap!
- Cap!

They're not in here.
Buck, they're not in here.

- Hey, they made it out.
- Get clear!

They made it out!

Hey, let's fan out

and let's search
this area here, yeah?

- Dad!
- Hen!







Guys, over here!

Over here!

- Cap!
- Cap!




- Hey!
- Cap!


Hey, I see them!

- Hey!
- Cap!

- Hey, keep going!
- Cap!

- Hen!
- Dad.

We got you.

We're here.

I got a pulse!

Stay with me. Hey.

Stay with me.
Stay with me.

I got you.
I got you.

Hey, Dad, Dad, Dad.
We're here. We're here.

We got you, Cap.

We're gonna get you
out of here.

Stay with us.

Pulse is slipping.
Come on, we gotta move.

Hey, you'll be all right.


Look who's up.

Captain Vega.

What are you doing here?

Wait a minute.
Are you here?

I'm here, Owen.

Here, take these.

They'll help
with that headache.

When'd you get in?

Uh, first light.

After our talk yesterday,
I couldn't shake the feeling

that maybe you needed a friend
out here.

Turns out you have several.

Could always use another.

Thank you for coming.

Y'all put a real hurt
on that fire, by the way.

Between the containment line
and the rain last night,

they're saying it's boxed in.

Commander dismissed
all the out-of-state crews.

So if y'all get hungry,
there's a great barbecue place

in Fort Stockton
called Rudy's Ribs.

You just tell 'em
that Judd sent you.

Thanks, but I think
we're gonna go

to my parents' in El Paso
to eat.

Judd, you're all right,

even if you were a bulldog.

Well, it makes sense

that a California firefighter
as good as you

had to have been raised
in Texas, so...

All right, brother.

Hey, Marwani.

Was hoping I could get a pic
for Insta.

I thought you were off
social media.

Yeah, well, it's not every day
you get to take a selfie

with #Firefox.

Oh, now, that is just
way too much pretty.

Shut up, Strickland.

- Brother.
- Great work up there.

Hey, great working
with you guys.

And for the love of God,

please follow Buck back
on Insta.

Marvin Chavez.


He gets out
in about three months.

I will keep my eyes open.

Cool, cool.
Drive safe.

Hey, Buck.

You really put yourself
out there.

Can't thank you enough.

It's what we do, right?

Ooh, hey, if you ever
find yourself in LA,

we should get together.


I gotta mention, though,
I already have a boyfriend

and it's pretty serious, so...

but it was really nice
meeting you, man.

Take care.

Uh... oh.

Great working with you, man.

Great working with you too.

Where's Hen?

I'd say I'm glad to see you
back on your feet,

but you shouldn't be
back on your feet.

I heard you were shipping out,

and I wanted to make sure
I caught you.

I'm still amazed we made it
out of there alive.

Told you.
I'm invincible.

Is that really your takeaway
from the experience?

I cannot think
of a more logical explanation

for how we survived what we did

and still walked
out of there alive.

Well, actually, I can think
of about two teams

of logical explanations.

And we didn't walk out.
We were... We were carried out.

Who knew you could get
so stoned on oxygen?

In O2 veritas.

Pure oxygen can give rise

to feelings of euphoria.

Yeah, I'm not so sure it was
euphoria I was feeling.

What happens in the mineshaft
stays in the mineshaft.

I appreciate that.

Maybe that's not the only thing

that could stay
in the mineshaft.

Maybe you could

leave some of those ghosts
in there too.

It was a pleasure to share
a foxhole with you, Captain.

Call me Owen.

Take care of yourself, Owen.

Even if you are invincible.