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03x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 01/17/22 10:18
by bunniefuu
'Summer was coming to an end.

'The dawns were paler
and the mornings cool.

'Yet we had few thoughts of autumn
or of harvest

'for we saw the fruits of women's
labours every day.'

Good morning. Morning, Fred.

'The wheel of our year turned slowly.
Work was its constant driving force,

'as present yet as changeable
as the weather.'

'But time passed in Poplar as it did
everywhere, holding mysteries

'and secrets in its net.'

We were nibbling Maraschino cherries

and drinking gin cocktails
on the deck of his yacht.

Gosh, I'm sorry,
did I sleep through breakfast?

There's something kept warm for you
but you need to be quick about it.

And then he said, "Trixie, darling,
let me take you to Monaco."

Who did? Rock Hudson.

In a dream she had.

But then I said, "Rock,

"that sounds lovely, but I'm afraid
I have to be up early to prep

"and pack for my home visits."

Can you imagine?

I blame Christmas
and the long winter nights.

Number of young women due to give
birth nine months later.

There's 30 in the next
two weeks alone!

And my district patient
numbers are spiralling wildly.

I don't know how we're going to get
through the next month.

Unless we start home visits
an hour earlier.

No, he really wouldn't want me
to do that.

Who wouldn't?

Rock Hudson.

Well, the obvious answer is you
need to attend to your social life.

It's true.

And it wouldn't have to be terribly
glamorous. It wouldn't have to

be a yacht or gin martinis.

Or Rock Hudson.

Thank you, but is he really my type?

She doesn't like the handsome type.

Perhaps he hasn't enough film star
charisma for her.

All right. Thank you.

I'm sure the curate's very sweet,

but I dated one once
and it has slightly put me off.

Good morning. Reverend. Hello.

What do you think?
It belongs to an old college friend.

He said we could borrow it
if we fix it up.

It ought to be a boon for
the Guides and Cubs

if we can actually get it started.

Do you think it might make it
all the way to Monaco?

Actually, Nurse Franklin,
you might be just the person I need.


For advice on a matter of style.

I didn't think the church funds
would cover a coat of paint

but Fred thinks he can get me
some cheap.

I could do you eight
gallons of blue for five bob

or some yella.

Well, I'm not quite sure what
buses are wearing this season,

but I wouldn't have thought yellow.

Maybe blue will suit.
What kind of blue?

It's blue. Fred, have I not
taught you anything?

Is it duck egg blue,
full of the warmth of summer?

Well, on the tin,
it just

Fred, I hope you don't think you can
leave that thing parked there.

I suggest you leave
your money in your pocket.

My experience of Fred's deals is
you always regret getting involved.

Received and understood.

We've quite a full list
this afternoon,

so you may have to be patient.

Take a seat. Thank you.

Sorry, Sister.

I was helping one of my home visits
to breastfeed. Mrs Lloyd again.

Baby just wouldn't latch on.

They only keep you as long as
you let them, Nurse Miller.

Now hurry up
and make yourself useful.

Don't you think, Sister, especially
during these busier periods,

that timed appointments might move
things along rather more swiftly?

Hello, Mrs Brindle.

Heavens! What a whopper!
Easy to see who baby takes after.

If you could just pop baby on
the scales for me, Mrs Brindle.

You registered with us quite close
to your due date, Mrs Doyle.

We only just - myself and my husband
- we only recently came to London.

It will mean moving
things along quite quickly.

We'll set up a home
visit for tomorrow.

I see Dr Turner has done routine
bloods and a pelvic assessment.

Everything seems to be normal.

I told the doctor I'm worried
my baby isn't moving so much.

And I'm sure Dr Turner told you that
baby's movements are very varied.

There is no right amount.

You might try drinking
a glass of cold water.

That will often get baby to kick.

But you will check? Do tests?

We'll listen in to baby's heart.

But first, we need some
details from you.

Let's start with your maiden name.

What would
you need to know that for?

We need to get a full picture
of your family health history.

Stocks. Phoebe Stocks.

And do you have someone other
than your husband to help out?

No, I don't know anyone.

Could all mothers keep their
children under control, please?

And once you've been
seen by the midwife,

can you please make your way out?

Nurse Mount.

If you think you're
here to bawl like a publican...

Hardly, Sister.
Certainly loud and clear, but I...

Or upset mothers with unhelpful
remarks about their babies,

I think your time would be
better spent elsewhere.

Beg your pardon?

Here are your district
patients for today.

I know Nurse Noakes will be relieved
to have your support.

Sister Julienne, you know
that I came to Nonnatus House

specifically to
enhance my midwifery.

I do. But needs must.

And, as our most recent
addition to the staff,

your transfer will be
less of an upheaval for the mothers.

I will admit that midwifery's been
quite the dizzying

shift of tempo for me.

But I know that I can learn
and adjust to it.

For now, our decision must stand.

There! Did you feel it?

Jesus, he nearly had my hand off!

He'll be playing
fly-half for Ulster one day.

He? No. It'll be a girl

and she'll have all
the boys after her.

Just like her beautiful mother?

Declan, was it the right thing?

To leave everything and come here?

Not everything.
We still have each other.

And we brought this little
fella along.

The receipt from the registry
office. I paid them today.

It took a fair bite out of my first
wage packet, though.

It's what we agreed, Phoebe.


In a grim wee room instead of us
both at the altar.

Well, it's not our fault neither
church will marry us!

I know. I just...

I wish there was
a way we could do it right.

Maurice Glennon, get
back in that bed!

The nurse'll be here any minute.

Doreen, don't fret!
I'll be back at work tomorrow.

It's all very well them
saying you need bed rest.

You should've been
back at work days ago.

Let the Nurse in, Gillian.

They won't hold that job for you
past this week.

And trying to feed us
on the sick club money's worse than

when we used to have
the ration book.

Doreen, we'll manage!

We always have, always will.

He's just through here, Nurse.

Mrs Glennon. I'm Nurse Mount.

I hope your husband's been getting
plenty of bed rest.

Haven't moved my backside off this
mattress, have I, Gillian?

I understand a fall at work
gave your back a very nasty jolt.

Yes, off the ladder of his crane,

He's been off close to two months.

A fractured "vert-i-bray".
It's in his spine.

You've got some competition there.

Gillian says she's going to
be a nurse.

Any pain in the back still?

Nothing. I'm fit as a fiddle.

The steroid injections Doctor Turner
prescribed your husband seem
to be doing their job.

This should be the last.

And then he can get back to work?
We hope so.

Mr Glennon, how did you get that?
Another accident at work?

A souvenir from me army days.

I hope you've got a better touch
than that other nurse.

I've had no complaints so far.

That's a lovely thing, Sister.

Isn't it? An exquisite
cartography of the heavens.

I suppose some of these old
instruments are a bit

out of date now, what with recent
scientific discoveries.

I think you'll find that
old instruments,

if they are of good quality,
retain their value and purpose.

Neither this reliable globe nor I,

though both old instruments,

are by any means redundant.

Oh, of course not, Sister!

I didn't mean anything against you,
Sister Monica Joan!

You look like you're
waiting to see the headmaster.


I'm waiting to talk to
Sister Julienne about arrangements

for the harvest festival.

I have an idea to distribute boxes,
like this one,

into which people can
place their donations.

The boxes are then collected
by a whole team of volunteers

just before the harvest festival

I'd love to help, but today is
terribly busy. And tomorrow.

And then it's my first
day off in quite a while, so...

No, I wasn't for a moment trying to
recruit you, Nurse Franklin.

Did you plunge headlong into
the murky world of Mr Buckle?

Did you buy Fred's dodgy paint?

No. No, I decided to
heed your advice. Thank you.

Very wise.

Perhaps I could say a proper
thank you, if you'd let me.

Would you care to join me
for a lovely day watching some

first-class cricket

on your day off,
unless you've plans?

I don't think I know the first
thing about cricket.

Isn't it terribly complicated?

It's just a man with a stick
trying to hit a ball.

The key ingredients are
a splendid picnic hamper,

a clear blue sky and...

Well, one's choice of companion.

I'd love to.

I think it will be rather lovely.

Ladies with the latest millinery,

promenading in the
members' enclosure!

Actually, I think
you may be confusing it with Ascot.

Sipping long glasses of Pimm's
and munching on strawberries.

And Wimbledon.

And I dare say we may hobnob
with the great and the good.

Gosh! But what does one wear?

What exactly are you doing, Sister?

Making a sheaf loaf for the harvest
festival. Or at least trying.

My mother made it look
so terribly easy.

Perhaps you're being just a little
too ambitious, Sister Winifred.

But you can't have a harvest
festival without a sheaf loaf.

♪ While I'm far away from you
My baby

♪ I know it's hard for you, my baby

♪ Because it's hard for me, my baby

♪ And the darkest hour
is just before dawn

♪ Each night before you go to bed
My baby

♪ Whisper a little prayer for me
My baby

♪ And tell all the stars above

♪ This is dedicated
to the one I love

♪ This is dedicated
to the one I love. ♪

Peter, it's a minor matter. Just let
the curate park his bus here.

It is not a minor matter, Camilla.
It is the law.

Yes, but it's not as
if anyone k*lled anyone.

If we let people pick and choose
what laws to obey, what do we get?

Anarchy. Yes, I know.

Mr Glennon, why are you out of bed?

Just let me have the chitty.

I said we might be able to sign you
fit for return to work, but...

You've a high temperature.
It's probably close to 100.

There'll be no work for you today.

There'll be none all month
if I don't get there and clock in.

Mr Glennon, where's your wife?

Stitching shirts at
three shillings a box.

You think I can lay in bed
with that going on?

Mr Glennon,
on to the bed with you right now!

I need you to telephone Dr Turner.

Tell him he must come quickly.

We don't need the doctor coming!

It's just a piece of paper
to make it legal!

Why is it so important
we do it in a church?

Because I want to take my vows under
the eyes of God, not just the law!

I cannot see how anyone,
raised the way we were,

wouldn't want to
turn their back on the whole thing!

It's not just for us.
It's for the baby!

You think I'm not
thinking about the baby?

But if you want it to stay a bastard,
that's fine!

Let's not get ourselves married!

Did you hear everything or would you
like me to write it down for you?

I'm the midwife here to see
Mrs Doyle.

Well, I didn't think you
were Alma Cogan!

I'll be out of your way.

And this is the rubber sheet
to cover the bed with

when the time comes.

I thought you might be
interested in coming to
some of our Mothercraft classes.

There's still time to learn
a little about baby

and get to know some other mothers.

That'd be nice.

I'm sorry about earlier.

Declan's not always so unpleasant.

I'm quite sure he's not.

But it's not good for you
or for baby to be getting upset

and arguing like that.

We eloped.

Sounded more romantic than this.

I wanted a church wedding,
but he's Catholic, I'm Protestant.

The two of us grew up
on neighbouring streets in Belfast.

We only met because of work.

Our parents didn't like it at all.

And then you got pregnant.

Back home, a girl like me,
pregnant and not married...

..she has to hate herself for the
shame she's brought to her family.

And with a boy from the other side?

That's the world we ran away from.

Your father's very stubborn
and foolish, Gillian.

What if you'd fallen
and damaged your back again?

You've a fever. You're wheezing.

Your heart's banging like
a barn door in a hurricane.

What's the matter with him, Nurse?

Feel your father's pulse.

His heart's working too hard
and we need to find out why.

Hello? Go on. Doctor!

Tell him I'm on the mend,
Nurse. Please?

That's for the doctor to decide.

Thank you for coming so promptly.

Mr Glennon,

I hope you haven't been getting
on the wrong side of Nurse Mount.

I believe we've established
who's boss.

♪ Bringing in the sheaves
Bringing in the sheaves

♪ We shall come rejoicing
Bringing in the sheaves. ♪

Oh! That's interesting.

Old, but reliable.

That's all.

How long have you had this rash?

It's nothing.
Just itches a bit is all.

And the chest is crackling.

Possibly a result of you
spending so much time in bed.

There you go. I should have been
up and about days ago.

I'm going to prescribe you some
antibiotics for your chest.

We'll see how it responds.

You'll sign the chitty,
though, won't you?

I can send Gillian with word
I'll start work tomorrow.

I'm afraid you won't be going back
to your job yet, Mr Glennon.

But I've got to!
I got a family to feed!

Everyone gets into
an awful tangle over this

problem between the Catholics
and the Protestants.

Obviously, the district round gives
me plenty to get my teeth into.

I've never really understood it.

I mean, they both go to church
and pray to the same God.

The point is, Sister Julienne knows
I came to Nonnatus House to

gain midwifery experience.

I told Phoebe Doyle she should go
and talk to Tom Hereward

and that he was very nice.

And he is.

I don't know why you all thought
he wasn't my type.

Think the only one who thought
he wasn't was you.

Now the problem is deciding
how alluring one should make

oneself for a date with a curate.


What a lovely thing.

I have a scarf this would go
just perfectly with.

What are you doing?

Well, I was just thinking this would
make the perfect accessory and if...

Would you not touch
my private things again?

Are we still not getting any post?

None here, and apparently
none at the surgery either.

They say the strike could
go on another week.

Can I show Colin my Airfix
Supermarine Spitfire when he comes?

Do you have any time
before your outing?

Have you got your packed lunch?

And who's Colin?

It'll only take a minute.
Yes, I have.

And Colin's a new boy at school.

That'll be Colin.

Hello! Come in. He's got his lunch.
It's just through here.

This is Colin.
Hello, Timothy's mum and dad.

Hello. Hello.
No time to see the Spitfire.

Goodbye, Timothy's mum and dad.

Ah, yes. The cricketing jaunt.

I must say, I find Mr Hereward
very agreeable.

Yes, so do I.

Perhaps he'll bowl a maiden over!

Excuse me?

Fred tells me it's a cricket joke.
Apparently, it's... it's quite funny.

Hello. Good morning.

You look lovely. You look very nice.

I've had to make a change or two
to the outing I had planned.

A day at Lord's would be splendid,

but the Oval at Vauxhall
would be lovely, too.

You see, I have done some homework.

Ah. Actually, we're going to

Essex are at home to Warwickshire.

And we'll be taking the bus.

Really? Just for the two of us?

Well, I'm afraid their trip
to the zoo was cancelled

at terribly short notice.
Whose trip?

And we couldn't not give them
a treat of some sort.

♪ I want to be in that number

♪ When the Saints go marching in. ♪

That'll be the nine o'clock
shift starting.

I'm sorry you lost your job.

It's not just the wages.

I hate seeing Doreen
coming home so worn out.

And I miss the work.

Being stuck in here, weeks on end,
doing nothing.

I can't stand to be idle, either.

You wouldn't believe
the view from the cab of my crane.

Everything so small down below.

Isn't it lonely?
Up there all on your own?

Peaceful, I'd call it.

All alone, with your thoughts.

You'll be back up there.
I promise you, you will.

It should be a terrific match.

Yes, I'm looking forward to it(!)

If the wicket offers some turn,

then Bill Greensmith's googly
ought to be quite a handful.

I'm very sorry,

but you do know I haven't the
first idea what any of that means?

Nurse Trixie, Colin Monk's eaten
all of his packed lunch

and two spiders for a bet, and now
he's been sick all over the floor!

This will, at first, feel
like a terribly awkward procedure

but you'll have rather more chances
to practise this little skill

than you could ever imagine.

The first objective,
if at all possible,

is to avoid jabbing the pin
into young sir or,

of course, young madam....

whilst also avoiding
injury to oneself.

I pity the poor wee things
with us as mothers!

Oh, dear!
Are you in a bit of a muddle?

Let's start again.

We won't miss the start of play,
though, will we, Reverend?

I managed to mop up most of it,

although the smell's lingering
somewhat. How's the patient?

Now, I want you all here nice and
promptly for our next class, ladies.

We'll be unravelling
the mysteries of breastfeeding.

You look like you enjoyed yourself.

I did.

And you look all sweet, like
we didn't have a hell of a row.

I'm here to apologise for that.

You're forgiven.

Now, who could have taken
things from a charity box?

Who indeed?

Sister Monica Joan,
you didn't by any chance...


these things were left as donations.

Yes. Isn't that kind? But I mustn't
keep them all to myself.

Mars is very tasty. Please help
yourself to Saturn or Jupiter.

It shouldn't take more than an hour
to get back to Poplar,

once you get this wreck
started again.

You think we should turn back?

Well, yes.

But the cricket!

We'll obviously miss the start
of play, but I...

I did promise the boys.

♪ Wait for me

♪ I love you only

♪ Wait for me

♪ And when you're lonely

♪ In your dreams
I'll walk beside you

♪ You have my prayers to guide you

♪ Just say you will wait for me

♪ Wait for me

♪ Wait for me

♪ Through all the grey days

♪ Soon they'll be
just faraway days... ♪

It's no good.

There was a telephone box
a mile or two back.

I'll call for a mechanic
while you look after the boys.


Reverend! Reverend! We found
the cricket scores on your radio.

Trevor Bailey's 120 not out!

I'll go to the phone box.
You listen to the cricket.

♪ How I long
to put my arms around you

♪ I'm thinking now about you

♪ Every day, for sure
I just love you more and more... ♪

You may now kiss the bride.

♪ Wait for me

♪ I'll be returning

♪ And the world
will soon be learning

♪ We were born to be together

♪ Love like ours will last for ever

♪ If you say you will wait for me. ♪

What can I say? I am so sorry.

I'm sure it wasn't quite the day
either of us had in mind.

Perhaps we could try another outing,
just the two of us.

Perhaps when I've had a little time
to recover from this one.

I am disturbed by this
ghostly apparition.

It is very unsettling.



Come along, young man.
Your dad'll be home soon

and we can't keep him
waiting for his dinner.

What is for dinner?

Someone's feeling better!

I have tried to tell him insects
aren't good for the digestion.

Never mind. He seems fine now.

And they've had such fun.

Yes. I worry that Colin gets lonely
sometimes, as an only child.

I worry for Timothy, too.

Would you have liked another?

He's actually my step-son.
Dr Turner was widowed when we met.

My husband and I couldn't have
children of our own.

But Colin's mum had d*ed
and he'd been put in foster care.

He knows he's adopted.

And we all know we're lucky.

And all the way along,
the more love he's needed,

the more love we've found.

We haven't run out yet.

But I will if he doesn't get a move
on! Colin!

Perseus and Cassiopeia.

And between the two lies the Perseus
Double Cluster. Remarkable!

It's working all right, then?

Oh, it certainly is.

Gillian? You've got to come.

Dad said I wasn't to trouble you,
but he's got really bad.

Where's your mother?
Out at Mr Goldman's all day now

cos somebody has to put
food on the bloody table.

I can feel baby's head's engaged.

I also need to go to the toilet
a lot more now.

That's because there's more pressure
low down on your bladder.

It all means baby's getting ready
to come out and meet the world.

The wee thing must have
heard the news.

It's official now.


Not a church wedding.

Declan would've never've
converted to my faith.

So how does it feel to be Mrs Doyle?

I'm married...

..though I'm not sure
I really feel it.

Nurse. Mr Doyle.

I should say thank you for pushing
Phoebe to go to these classes

and for meeting other girls in her
condition. She's full of it.

And spending less time
thinking about making her peace with

the Church. I must say,

this whole business seems to bring
her more grief than joy.

If it was up to me,
I'd shut all the churches.

Turn them into bingo halls.
Something useful.

But I know it's important to Phoebe.

Come on, now.
Let's have you on your side.

No more pills. They make me worse.

Hold on to him, Gillian.

Why isn't he getting any better?

what's wrong with someone stays

a mystery for quite a while.

Did you get those scars
fighting in the Far East, Mr Glennon?

Gillian, why don't you pop next door
and put the kettle on for us?

They're scars for the treatment
of leg ulcers, aren't they?

Treatment by doctors with no access
to proper equipment.

Doctors in a prisoner of w*r camp.

We were defending an airfield
in Java when the Japs came.

Never had a chance.

They sent us up the Straits of
Malacca to build the Burma Railway.

260 miles of track.

Eating rats and flies.

Fighting over a grain of rice.

And you decided to act as if
none of it had ever happened.

My mother,

when there was a storm, she used to
be sure to open the front door

and the back door... the thunder and lightning
would go straight through.

"Don't let your misfortunes
find a home," she'd tell me.

It's about Mr Glennon, Doctor.

His condition is considerably worse.

He's not responding
to the antibiotics?

Not at all. Mr Glennon was
a prisoner of w*r in Burma.

Could it be some kind
of tropical disease?

It would be an extremely
long incubation period.

16 years.

Sister Monica Joan, have you seen
this? You have to look.

It's proper fascinating!

The American satellite they sent up

has taken the first ever photographs
of planet Earth from space.

What could be more fascinating
than a first-hand

account of Halley's Comet in 240 BC?

I want nothing to do with it!

But Sister...

Do you not recall the catastrophe

when the Gorgon saw herself
in the mirror?

Or how Lot's wife looked back and
was turned into a pillar of salt?

Well, yeah, but...
I'm disappointed in you, Fred.

I don't understand how you can't
see that this is an abomination!

Yes, yes. I think
we have what we need.


What did they say, Doctor?

According to the Hospital
for Tropical Diseases in St Pancras,

the time delay between
contracting the disease

and the appearance of symptoms
isn't atypical.

Do they know what it could be?

They think that what's causing
the infections and sepsis

in Mr Glennon's body is... Ah!

Strongyoides Stercoralis.

What on earth is that?

A roundworm.

Its larva enters through
the sole of the naked foot,

then migrates through
the circulation system to the lungs,

crawling up the respiratory
tract to be swallowed

and make its home
in the small intestine.

But why is it active now?

The steroid I prescribed.

I'm told that there are cases
where the injection has woken

the worm and caused it to replicate.

It's remarkable that you spotted it,
Nurse Mount.

What put you onto the right track?

I must have read something
in a medical magazine.

You know how these things
stick in the mind.

I fear the worst should
I look upon that unholy image.

Absolutely, Sister.

And yet, my crime, if crime it be... my weakness.

I can resist no more.

This is our Earth?

How ridiculous!

Mr Glennon,

we think the problem is something
you picked up in Burma

and it's lead to you
developing pneumonia.

We'll need to take you to hospital
for tests and observation.

He never told me a thing
about his time in a prison camp.

It's not an uncommon thing

for someone to keep an experience
like this to themselves.

And there's me been pushing him
to be getting back to work.

I can't help thinking
this is all my fault.

No. It's not, is it, Nurse Patsy?

It's not Mum.
It's the infection making him sick.

That's right.

And that's why your dad is going
to need a lot of help to
make him better.

Help from both of us.

Spitfires weren't bombers, Tim.
They were fighter planes!


Somebody's expanding
their vocabulary.

I made a new friend yesterday.

Did you? Jean Monk, Colin's mother.


Cub Colin. Ah, yes.

Jean was telling me
that Colin is adopted.


You know what I'm going to say,
don't you?

I know how much you want a baby

and I think you know how much
I'd like one, too.

I really don't believe
I'd have to carry

a child inside my body
for it to feel like ours.

If I felt that, it would mean
that loving Timothy has
taught me nothing!

Shelagh, if you want to adopt,
we can look into adopting.

Really? Really.

I know as little about this from
a parent's perspective as you do.

But we can work it out together.

First time for both of us.

Just hope Timothy agrees.

People have responded

so generously with donations
for the harvest festival.

Mr Hereward is a breath
of fresh air, isn't he?

Yes. He's quite a chap.

He's very good at making more work
for us in our busiest times.

His harvest festival parcels
aren't going to wrap themselves.

Sister Monica Joan, I think Fred
rather thinks he's upset you again.

Something about a photograph.

Oh, no. No.

Fred has the foolish idea that
the mystery of the stars

and planets is a fragile thing.

We have to realise that we have
nothing at all to fear from science.

Patsy? We thought you were
coming back for pudding.

Sister Monica Joan is starting
to chew the cutlery!

Telephone call.
It was about Mr Glennon.

The chap you thought had some
sort of tropical disease?

And I was right.

Only Dr Turner says the recovery
rates aren't at all high.

But you gave him a chance.
And that's the thing to remember.

How did you even know to
consider such an exotic thing?

Because of the scars on his legs.

I've seen them before.

Until I was nine-years-old,

I was living a life
of privilege in Singapore.

Two weeks later, my mother, sister
and I were separated from my father

and put in a Japanese
internment camp.

We were beaten and tortured
for the slightest misdemeanours.

I have so few things to
remember my family by.

They took everything from us.

There was a makeshift hospital.
Just another hut.

I was still a child but I felt drawn
to it, helped where I could.

You never forget what dreadful
cruelty people are capable of.

w*r leaves us all a lot poorer
than it finds us, doesn't it?

Everyone has their story.

But we can't let it affect our work.

We have to rise above it.

Why? Why must I rise above it?

Oh, Patsy, come down and...

I saw my sister and mother
die of disease and malnutrition!

Patsy, I had no idea. I'm so sorry.

And I'm sorry if everyone thinks
that I lack compassion.

They know you don't.

But sometimes patients need
to see that you care.

In the hell I grew up in,
what was important was what we did,

not some great show of
sentiment and emotion.

So, fire away.

If you did adopt
a little sister or brother,

would I have to share my bedroom?

Do you want to? No.

Would I still get the same pocket
money? I wouldn't get half?

No. You wouldn't get half.

Could they play piano
at the choir practice

so I could play cricket instead?

I think that's a possibility.

So, what's the verdict?

I would be good.

Good morning!

Wherever she was going,
she seemed in a terrific hurry.

Who's that?

Nurse Mount.

She's been gone for
several hours now.

She hasn't cleared her rota or told
anyone when she might return.

Patsy was up and out first thing
and nobody's heard from her since.

It means that Chummy's single-handed
again on the district rota

and having to cover for her.

She was in a prison camp.

And at nine-years-old.

It must have
been unimaginably awful.

We had a bit of a set-to.

She seemed to think none of us
really understood her.

And now nobody knows
where she's gone.

Do you fear that she might have left
Nonnatus House altogether?

I did. But all of her clothes
are still in her wardrobe.

Yes. You just need to
calm down a little and...

Mr Doyle...

Mr Doyle, could you just tell me,

have your wife's waters
actually broken?

Heart rate's nice and steady.

Baby's obviously ready to come
and see the world.

Breathe deeply.

Push a little. Not too hard.

I can't do it any more.

You can. A small gentle push for me,

Ahh... help me!

You're doing wonderfully.

Just keep calm and breathe.

It won't be long now.

Here comes your baby, Phoebe.

Gently now. Gently.

And the head's out!
Shoulders are coming.

It's a boy!

Hello, wee fella!

We just need to wait for
the placenta now, Phoebe.

Would you like to meet your son,
Mr Doyle?

Mr Doyle, just one moment, please.

Isn't he beautiful?

He's the best thing I ever saw.

Cynthia...'s not pinking up
quite as much as he should.


I'll try the mucus extractor.

Is something wrong?

Baby's breathing
is a little laboured.

What does that mean?

It's all right, Phoebe.

Nurse Franklin just needs to help
baby get his breathing
started properly.

Declan, didn't I say
about him not kicking?

Shh. Settle now. The midwives
know what they're doing.

I'm just going to
rub his back for a few moments.


I'm scared we're going to lose him.

Oh, God! And I feared for his soul!


Mr Doyle, your wife needs you here!

Please tell me he'll be all right!

Sometimes, baby needs
a little encouragement

when he comes into the world.

Let me hold him, please?

I need to hold him.

I need to wrap him in another
blanket to keep him nice and warm.

Don't hold him too tightly.
We have to let him breathe.

Your little boy may need the help
of a specialist baby unit.

I'll let Doctor know
and telephone for an ambulance.



Reverend, please!

You have to come. It's my baby!
Of course.

Come on!

The ambulance will be here
very soon

and the hospital will do
everything that they can.

Reverend Hereward?

Nurse Franklin.

I brought the priest,
Phoebe. How is he?

They want to take him
to the hospital.

But I can't let him go.

Not yet, Reverend.

Not yet.

Would you like me
to christen your son, Mrs Doyle?

Would you do that?

With your permission, Nurse.

You have a beautiful baby, Mrs
Doyle. Do you have a name for him?

James Declan.

James Declan...

..I baptise thee in the name
of the Father...

..and of the Son...

..and of the Holy Ghost.


We humbly beseech thee to grant,
that as he is now made partaker

in the death of thy Son, that he
may be also of his resurrection.

And finally,
with the residue of the Saints,

that he may inherit thine
everlasting Kingdom,

through the same, thy Son, Jesus
Christ, our Lord, Amen. Amen.

The ambulance is here.

I've made what enquiries I could at
the station about Nurse Mount.

I... I dropped in at the London

to see if she'd gone to see
Maurice Glennon.

We must remember that
some of the most brusque amongst us

are also the most kind-hearted.

No accident involving
a nurse has been reported.

She's very capable. I hope we're
all worrying about nothing.

She has no right to make us
feel frantic like this.

Honestly, I could give her a slap!

Sister, please!

Nurse Mount!

Are you all right?

Where've you been?

I set off first thing for the
Hospital of Tropical Diseases

at St Pancras.
And they told me there was

a doctor who'd written
a paper on Strongyloidiasis.

Didn't you think to tell anyone
where you'd gone?

So I tracked him down
and he said there was a specialist

trialling a new drug at the Liverpool
School of Tropical Disease.

But because of the postal strike,
I thought

I should go up there and get the
medication myself. To Liverpool?

Fortunately I had my emergency
five pound note in my purse.

The medication is American.

I need to get these to
Maurice Glennon.

No, you do not. You need to rest
after the day you've had.

I can take those.

Thank you.

What you need is a nice, long bath.

I'll go and get that
sorted right away.

Busy day?

A landmark day!

We are now completely up to date
with the polio vaccination

That's wonderful, Patrick. Well done.

Meanwhile, I haven't been
entirely idle.

I called in at the
Church Of England Children's Society,

asking about the possibility
of adoption.

And I was made extremely welcome!

Tea in a china pot
and some very superior biscuits.

I think they quite like the idea of
us - a GP and a retired midwife!

As a first step, we have to fill
in all of these forms,

then, if all's well,
we'll progress to interview.

We'll be filling
these in for a week!

Quite right, too.

As the lady said, the children have
already got off to a sorry
start in life.

They need the very best parents
the agency can find them.

I don't know why they need to
know half of this stuff.

I've never seen so many questions.


No, I'm sorry, Shelagh.
You've rushed into this.

There are plenty of
adoption charities

and we should talk to them all,

find out what conditions
they impose.

No-one's imposing any conditions.

They just want to know who we are.

Well, it's perfectly
obvious who we are!

Patrick, we're filling
these forms in tonight!

Some babies are slow to take
the deep breaths they need.

They have to be given oxygen
for a while.

And is that all that's wrong
with the baby?

Well, we have to hope there's
no serious cardiac problem.

But quite often,
the problem sorts itself out.

Really? How?

Once a baby has to breathe on its
own, the heart can heal itself.

And what about grown-ups?

Can their hearts heal themselves,
too, Nurse Franklin?

I think so. Trixie. Please.


Very glad to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.

Oh, look at that.

The harvest moon.

Am I forgiven?

What on earth for?

Everyone's being awfully
careful around me all of a sudden.

Well, the last time I saw you,
you were rather angry with me.

Only cos you were right.

There's nothing worse than having an
argument with someone who's right.

I think it's time for an Advocaat.
Don't you?

For you. It's a
harvest festival parcel.

We need to build you up
and get you back to work.

You've given me enough.

One of the nuns came. Big woman.

She told me
what happened to you as a girl.

I didn't suffer any more than you.

Don't let it eat you up
for the rest of your life.

Remember what I said.
Next time there's a storm... need to leave open both doors.

Don't let your misfortunes
find a home.

'History needn't be a trap.

'We can escape its web
and shake off its weight of pain.

'We can change our minds

'and open up our hearts.

'We can let forgiveness speak
and allow it to be heard...

'..let friendship flourish
and let love in...

' it might feed
and sustain us all our days.'

♪ Shine on

♪ Shine on, harvest moon

♪ Up in the sky

♪ I ain't had no loving
since January... ♪

I miss the East End.

Hello, stranger!


Oh, Camilla!

You always were a stomper.

You ain't supposed to come here.

Mrs Saint, whatever are you doing?
I have to clean her.

I have to sterilise everything.

You're embarrassed by our home?

Trixie can have the pick of any man
she wants. I have two left feet.

I won't live with this between us,

I saw you. With Tom.

♪ I ain't had no loving since
January, February, June or July

♪ Snow time ain't no time to stay
outdoors and spoon

♪ So shine on

♪ Shine on, harvest moon
For me and my gal

♪ I was planning
on a wedding in June... ♪