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Stagecoach (1939)

Posted: 01/17/22 17:50
by bunniefuu
♪♪ [Bugle Call]

♪♪ [Bugle Call]

These hills here are full of Apaches. They've burnt every ranch building in sight.

He had a brush with 'em last night. Says they're bein' stirred up by Geronimo.

Geronimo? How do we know he isn't lying?

Ah, he's a Cheyenne. They hate Apaches worse than we do.

Clear the wires to Lordsburg. [Telegraph Receiver Clicking]

That's Lordsburg now, sir. They seem to have something very urgent to tell you, sir.

Well? Well, what's wrong? The line went dead, sir.

What do you got there? Only the first word, sir.


[Man Shouts]

[Driver] Whoa! Whoa! Steady, whoa!

Well, so long, Buck! Nice trip, Buck?

Oh, so-so. Got the payroll for the mining company?

Yes, sir. Right here in this box here. Good. Give me a lift here, Jim, will ya?

Jim, I'll pay ya that two bits when I come through.

Okay, partner. Hey, now, you kids get away from that wheel.

Well, sir, we run into a little snow up there.

'Tweren't bad, though, but you fellas better prepare for a good frost.

Passenger out for Tonto.

You'd better get out and stretch your leg - I mean, your limbs, ma'am.

We're gonna change horses here.

Is there a place here where I can have a cup of tea? Well, yes, ma'am.

You can get a cup of coffee at the hotel across the street there.

Thank you, driver. Uh, you look a little peaked -

I'll be all right, thank you. Yes, ma'am.

Why, Lucy Mallory.


How are you, Captain Whitney? Fine, thanks, Mrs. Mallory.

Why, whatever are you doing in Arizona?

I'm joining Richard in Lordsburg. He's there with his troops.

He's a lot nearer than that, Mrs. Mallory. He's been ordered to Dry Fork.

That's the next stop for the stagecoach. You'll be with your husband in a few hours.

[Nancy] Oh, I'm so glad to see you, Lucy.

Sit down, darling. We'll have a cup of coffee. You must be tired from that long trip.

Who is that gentleman? Hardly a gentleman, Mrs. Mallory.

I should think not. He's a notorious gambler.

Hello, Mink! Hidee, Frank!

Well, Marshal, I'm looking for my shotgun guard. Is he here?

Out with the posse, Buck, trying to catch the Ringo Kid.

Ringo? I thought Ringo was in the pen. He was.

Busted out? Well, good for him.

My guess, the Kid's aimin' to get even with them Plummer boys.

It was their testimony sent him to the penitentiary.

Well, all I gotta say is that he'd better stay away from that there Luke Plummer.

Why, gosh, Luke's run all of Ringo's friends out of Lordsburg.

The last trip there, I seen him hit a rancher on the head with the barrel of his g*n... and, well, he just laid it wide open like a butchered steer.

You seen Luke Plummer in Lordsburg? Yes, sirree.


You boys take care of the office for a couple days.

I'm going to Lordsburg with Buck. Gonna ride shotgun.

Oh, gosh, if I could learn to keep my big mouth shut -

Here's the payroll, Mr. Gatewood.

Ever since I opened this bank, I've been trying to tell those people... to deposit their payroll six months in advance.

It's good, sound business.

Good business for you, Mr. Gatewood.

Well, there's your receipt - $50,000.

And remember this - what's good for the banks is good for the country.

[Man] Now, now, now, my dear lady -

Good riddance to bad rubbish! Get out and stay out!

I'm keeping your trunk 'cause you ain't paid your rent.

"Is this the face...

"that wrecked a thousand ships... and burned the towerless tops of Ilium?"

Farewell, fair Helen.

Doc. Doc, can they make me leave town when I don't want to go? Do I have to go?

Dallas, don't you go makin' no fuss.

Do I have to go, Doc, just because they say so?

Dallas, I've got my orders. Don't blame these ladies. It ain't them.

It is them!

Doc, haven't I any right to live? What have I done?

We're the victims of a foul disease called social prejudice, my child.

These dear ladies of the Law and Order League are scouring out the dregs of the town.

Come on.

Be a proud, glorified dreg like me.

You get going, Doc. You're drunk. [Scoffs] Two of a kind.

Just two of a kind. Take my arm, Madame la Comtesse.

The tumbril awaits! To the guillotine!

Oh, wait till I get my badge, girls! I'll join you!

[Clears Throat] If ever you go East, brother... come out to our house for dinner.

No one in all Kansas City, Kansas, sets a better table than my dear wife, Violet.

Jerry. Yeah, Doc.

Jerry, I'll admit, as one man to another... that, economically, I haven't been of much value to you.

But... suppose you could put one on credit?

If talk was money, Doc, you'd be the best customer I got.

I'm leaving town, Jerry.

Honest? Yes, old friend.

And I thought you might, out of memory of our many happy -

All right, Doc. Just this one.

Thank you, Jerry.

Here's a man goin' on the stagecoach with you.

He's an Easterner from Kansas City, Missouri. Kansas City, Kansas, brother.

To your health, Reverend.

[Clears Throat] I'm not a clergyman.

My name is Peacock. I'm a -

[Jerry] He's a whiskey drummer.

A what?

[Doc Sighs]

Well, well! How are you, Mr. Haycock?

Peacock. Don't tell me, sir.

I know, I know. A familiar name and an honored name.

I never forget a face or a friend.

Samples? Hmm!

Ahh! Rye.


[Buck] Well, Brownie!

Blackie! Belle! Bess! Giddap!

Well, lookee here. Got a pretty good team there.

Whoa! Back up.

Come on in.

Yeah. Back it up.

[Buck] Got my favorite team there, Slim!

Yeah, Buck, they're all good and fresh. They'll take you right there.

I want five dollars, Henry!

Certainly, my dear. Certainly.

What is it to be this time, my dear? A pair of shoes -

I want to pay the butcher. Dinner's at 12:00.

Don't worry, my dear. I'll be there.

I've invited the ladies of the Law and Order League.

All - [Clears Throat] All aboard for Dry Fork...

All - [Clears Throat] All aboard for Dry Fork...

Apache Wells, Lee's Ferry and Lordsburg!

I'll take that, Dallas. Oh, thanks.

In you go, Dallas, and a pleasant voyage. [Man Whistles]

Leave your baggage, Doc?

Thank you. Thank you, my friend.

Curley, my shingle. Carry it with honor.

I'll take it, Doctor. Oh, no. No trouble at all.

No trouble at all. I'll carry it on my lap.

Here we go. Here we go, Reverend.

Mrs. Whitney, you're not going to let your friend travel with that creature.

She's right, Lucy. And besides, you're not well enough to travel.

It's only a few hours, Nancy. I'm quite all right.

[Nancy] But you shouldn't travel a step without a doctor.

There is a doctor, dear. The driver told me.

Doctor? Doc Boone?

Why, he couldn't doctor a horse.

Lucy darling, you must be very careful. Take good care of yourself.

Watch that step now. [Buck] Lady folks ride facing forward, please.

There you go.

Pleasant journey, Mrs. Mallory. Thank you. Good-bye!

Good-bye! Bye! [Chuckling]

Like an angel in a jungle.

A very wild jungle.

What are you doin', Hatfield - talkin' to yourself?

You wouldn't understand, cowboy.

You've never seen an angel... nor a gentlewoman... nor a great lady.

I raise, gentlemen. [Chips Clatter]

Well, so long, Buck! So long, Curley! Nice trip, boys!

So long, kids! Wait a minute! Hold it there, Buck!

Cavalry comin'!

[Dogs Barking] [Buck] Steady, girls!

Captain Sickels asks if you'll deliver this dispatch in Lordsburg the moment you arrive.

The telegraph line has been cut. Sure.

We're going with you as far as the noon station at Dry Fork.

There'll be a troop of cavalry there, and they'll take you on to Apache Wells.

From Apache Wells, you'll have another escort of soldiers into Lordsburg.

But you must warn your passengers that they travel at their own risk.

At their own risk? What's the trouble, Lieutenant? Geronimo.

Geronimo? Well, then I ain't go - Will you sit down!

Of course, the army has no authority over you gentlemen.

If you think it's unsafe to make the trip - This stage is goin' to Lordsburg.

If you think it ain't safe to ride along with us...

I figure we can get there without you soldier boys.

I have my orders, sir, and I always obey orders.

[Buck Whimpers]

Did you all hear what the lieutenant said?

Yes, we heard.

Well, me and Buck are taking this coach through, passengers or not.

Whoever wants to get out can get out.

It's - Courage. Courage, Reverend.

Ladies first. Oh. Excuse me.

How about you, Dallas?

What are you tryin' to do, scare somebody?

They got me in here. Now let 'em try to put me out.

There are worse things than Apaches.

If you'll take my advice, ma'am, you won't take this trip.

My husband is with his troops in Dry Fork. If he's in danger, I want to be with him.

[Clears Throat] You see, brother, I have a wife and five children in Kansas City.

Then you're a man. By all the powers that be, Reverend, you're a man.

All right, folks. [Hatfield] Marshal!

Make room for one more.

I'm offering my protection to this lady.

I can sh**t fairly straight, if there's need for it.

That's been proved too many times, Hatfield. All right, get in. We're late.

May I trouble you to move over, sir? Oh, yes. Yes, of course.

[Curley] Close the door.

Aw, Curley, we shouldn't - Get going, Buck!

Bessie! Brownie! Bill!

[Doc] Farewell, ladies! [Screams]

[Buck] Sweetheart! Come on now, girl! Good-bye!

[Buck] Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Room for another passenger? Sure is, Mr. Gatewood.

Goin' to Lordsburg? That's right. Just got a telegram.

Had to stop to pack this bag. Oh, I got it in.

[Buck] Hyah, hyah! Sassy! Blackie! Brownie! Bill!


All right, Brownie. Queenie, steady, girl.

Good boy. Get along.

If there's anything I don't like, it's drivin' a stagecoach through Apache country.

Funny catching Gatewood outside of town that way.

I just took this job 10 years ago so I could make enough money... to marry my Mexican girl, Julietta, and I been workin' hard at it ever since.

Bonnie, get over there! Ho!

Marriage? Well, certainly.

My wife's got more relatives than anyone you ever did see.

I bet I'm feedin' half the state of Chihuahua.

Sweetheart! Ho!

That seem funny to you about Gatewood?

Yeah, and then what do I get to eat when I get home in Lordsburg?

Nothin' but frijole beans. That's all. Nothin' but beans, beans, beans.

Bessie! Brownie! Blackie girl! Yow! Get along!

Excuse me, ladies. [Chuckling]

Close quarters. [Sighs] Warm today.

Your wife made it warm for me, Gatewood.

She was chairman of our farewell committee.

[Clears Throat]

Fine-looking bunch of soldier boys back there.

Always gives me great pride in my country... when I see such fine young men in the U.S. Army.

Anybody know where they're going?

Brother, aren't you aware of what's happened?

Happened? I - I don't follow you, Reverend.

I'm not a clergyman. I'm a -

My friend's a whiskey drummer.

We're all gonna be scalped, Gatewood.

Massacred in one fell swoop.

That's why the soldiers are with us. He's joking, of course.

Oh, no, he's not. Oh, dear, no. I wish he were.

It's that old Apache butcher, Geronimo.

Geronimo - nice name for a butcher.

He's jumped the reservation. He's on the warpath.

Geronimo? Why weren't the passengers notified? Why wasn't I told?

We - We were told, Gatewood.


Weren't you told when you got that message from Lordsburg?

[Clears Throat] Oh, yes, yes. Y-Yes, of course. I - I forgot.

Steady now! String out! Sweetheart!

Now, doggone it, they're bringing up her grandfather... all the way from Mexico to live with us.

I can't figure out how he got that message.

Who? Her grandfather? No, Gatewood.


Said he got a message. Sweetheart!

Telegraph line ain't workin'. Sweetheart.


[Horses Whinnying]

Hold it!

[Buck] Whoa! Steady! Ho. Ho.

Hey, look, it's Ringo. Yeah.

Hello, Kid.

Hello, Curley.

Hiya, Buck! How's your folks?

Oh, just fine, Ringo.

Except my grandfather came up - Shut up.

Didn't expect to see you ridin' shotgun on this run, Marshal.

Goin' to Lordsburg? I figured you'd be there by this time.

No. Lame horse.

Well, it looks like you've got another passenger.

Yeah. I'll take the Winchester.

You may need me and this Winchester, Curley.

Saw a ranch house burnin' last night.

You don't understand, Kid. You're under arrest.

Curley - [Horse Whinnies]

Everything all right, Marshal? Everything's all right, Lieutenant.

Hope I ain't crowdin' you folks none. The more, the merrier.

Bonnie! Brownie! Blackie! Hyah!

Hyah, Bessie!

Ain't Ringo a fine boy?

I think so.

You're just smarter than a trade rat. You knew all the time he was goin' to Lordsburg.

Hey, reckon what he meant he saw ranch houses burnin'?

Apaches. Oh, Apaches.

So, you're the notorious Ringo Kid.

My friends just call me Ringo.

Nickname I had as a kid.

Right name's Henry.

[Doc] Seems to me I knew your family, Henry.

Didn't I fix your arm once when you were, oh - bucked off a horse?

Are you Doc Boone? I certainly am.

Now, let's see.

I'd just been honorably discharged from the Union army... after the w*r of the Rebellion.

You mean the w*r for the Southern Confederacy, sir.

I mean nothing of the kind, sir.

That was my kid brother broke his arm.

You did a good job, Doc, even if you was drunk.

Thank you, son.

Professional compliments are always pleasing. Yes, they are.

What happened to that boy whose arm I fixed?

He was m*rder*d.

Put out that cigar.

You're annoying this lady.

Excuse me, madam.

Being so partial to the weed myself...

I sometimes forget that it disagrees with others.

A gentleman doesn't smoke in the presence of a lady.

Three weeks ago, I took a b*llet out of a man who was shot by a gentleman.

The b*llet was in his back.

Do you mean to insinuate - Sit down, mister.

Doc don't mean no harm.

Hiya, Pete! Hi, Joey! Hello!

[Buck] Be careful of old Bessie up there now.

Take it easy. Hold it steady, girl.

[Soldier] Prepare to dismount!

[Buck] Take a look and see if there isn't a stone bruisin' that hock down there.

If it isn't my old friend, Sergeant Billy Pickett!

Well! How are ya, Billy? He's fine, Doc, and mighty glad to see ya!

Great heavens to Betsy! Didn't figure on no stagecoach comin' through... with them Apaches raisin' Cain.

I was just telling Billy to hitch up the buckboard so we could get the young ones in -

Wait a minute! You mean to say there are no troops at this station?

[Mrs. Pickett] Ain't no soldiers here but what you see.

But my husband, Captain Mallory - I was told he was here.

He was, dearie. Got orders night afore last to join the soldiers at Apache Wells.

[Buck] That means we gotta go back. [Gatewood] I can't go back!

Driver, you started this coach for Lordsburg, and it's your duty to get us there.

And it's your duty, young man, to come along with us!

It's my duty, Mr. Gatewood, to obey orders. I'm sorry, sir.

Well, if the soldiers go back, Lieutenant, that means we all have to go back?

My orders are to return from here immediately, and I can't disobey those orders.

I think we can get through all right, Curley.

Oh, now, don't egg him on, Kid.

I'm drivin' this here outfit, and, well, if the soldiers go back, so am I.

I call this a desertion of duty. I'll report you to your superior officer.

If necessary, I'll take the matter up with Washington!

That's your privilege, sir, but if you give us any trouble here...

I'll have to put you under restraint.

Now, don't lose your temper. Don't lose your temper.

I'll tell you how we'll settle it. We'll take a vote. Inside, everybody. Come on, Buck.

Oh, Curley, I don't wanna go to -

Now you girls set yourselves down. I'll get you something to eat.

Now, folks, if we push on, we can be in Apache Wells by sundown.

Soldiers there will give us an escort as far as the ferry.

Then it's only a hoot and a holler into Lordsburg.

Well, that old mare, I don't - We've got four men can handle firearms.

Five with you, Ringo.

Doc can sh**t, if sober.

I can sh**t?

I can sh**t?

Now, Miss Mallory, I - I ain't gonna put a lady in danger without she votes for it.

I've traveled all the way here from Virginia.

I'm determined to get to my husband.

I won't be separated any longer.

What's your vote, mister? [Clears Throat] Well -

Where's your manners, Curley? Ain't you gonna ask the other lady first?

Well, what do you say?

What difference does it make? Doesn't matter.

I vote that we go on. I demand it. I'm standing on my legal rights.

What do you say, Hatfield?


Four. You, Doc?

I'm not only a philosopher, sir.

I'm a fatalist.

Somewhere, sometime, there may be the right b*llet or the wrong bottle... waiting for Josiah Boone.

Why worry when or where? [Curley] Yes or no?

Having that philosophy, sir, I've always courted danger.

During the late w*r, when I had the honor to serve the Union... under our great president, Abraham Lincoln... ah, and General Phil Sheridan... well, sir, I fought 'midst shot and shell and cannon roar!

Do you want to go back or not? No!

I want another drink.


That's five. How about you, Mr. Hancock?

It's Peacock. [Clears Throat] I'd like to go on, brother.

I want to reach the bosom of my dear family in Kansas City, Kansas, as quickly as possible... but I may never reach that bosom if we go on.

So, under the circumstances - You understand, brother -

I think it best we go back with the bosoms - [Stammers] I mean, the soldiers.

One against. Well, Buck?

I want - Buck says aye. That's six.

I'm voting your proxy, Kid. You go with me.

Ain't nothin' keeping me out of Lordsburg, Curley.

There sure ain't.

Well, folks, that settles it. We're going through.

Sit down, folks, and eat your grub. Come on, Buck. We'll change them horses.

But, Curley, ain't we gonna eat? Ohh! You can eat later!

Here you are, folks.

Here you are, folks.

Food's on the table. Help yourselves.

You got a long ride ahead of ya.

You ain't drinkin', Billy.

Sit down here, ma'am.


May I find you another place, Mrs. Mallory? It's cooler by the window.

Thank you.

Looks like I got the plague, don't it?

No. No, it's not you.

Well, I guess you can't break out of prison and into society in the same week.

Please! Please.

You're ill, Mrs. Mallory.

No, it's just that I -

I'll be all right.

You've been very kind. Why?

In the world I live in, one doesn't often meet a lady, Mrs. Mallory.

Have you ever been in Virginia?

I was in your father's regiment.

I should remember your name. You're Mr. Hatfield.

That's what I'm called, yes.

Why do you look at me like that? I'm just tryin' to remember.

Ain't I seen you someplace before, ma'am?

No. No, you haven't. Hmm.

I wish I had though. [Chuckles]

I know you. I mean, I know who you are.

I guess everybody in the territory does.


Well, I used to be a good cowhand, but... things happened.

Yeah, that's it.

Things happened.

And now they'll take you back to prison.

Not till I finish a job in Lordsburg.

But you can't. You're going there as a prisoner.

All aboard for Apache Wells, Lee's Fer -

All righty, folks, the horses are changed. We'd better get going.

And Lordsburg, maybe. All right, get going, Ringo.

Mrs. Pickett, tell Billy the buckboard is all ready. Let's get going.

[Mrs. Pickett] All right, Marshal, we're ready.

Come on, folks, let's move. [Lieutenant] My compliments to your husband.

Thank you.

[Peacock] I still feel that we ought to go back with the soldiers.

[Curley] We've got to hurry if we wanna be there by sundown.

[All Chattering] ♪♪ [Doc Singing]

Bridesmaid! Baby! Yow!

What'd you say? Nothin'.

Well, why don't ya say somethin'?

A fella gets nervous, sittin' here like a dummy, nothin' to think about but the Indians.

You say something! You've been sitting there all day talking without making any sense!

All right, I'll say somethin' that makes sense. If I was you, I'd let 'em sh**t it out.

Let who? Luke Plummer and the Kid.

There'd be a lot more peace in this territory... if that Luke Plummer was so full of lead he couldn't hold his liquor.

I ain't sayin' I don't share your sentiments, Buck.

But you're a born fool. Well, I know that.

In the first place, Luke would k*ll the Kid in a gunfight.

In the second place, if Luke did get shot, he's got two brothers just as ornery as he is.

Nah, the only safe place for Ringo is in the pen, and I aim to get him there all in one piece!

Well, I'll be doggoned if I didn't do you an injury, Curley.

I figured you were after the reward. Reward?

Why, the Kid's old man and me was friends. We used to punch cattle together.

Besides, I could use that 500 in gold.

Bridesmaid! Uh-uh! Steady!

Steady, girl! Bridesmaid! In line!

I can't get over the impertinence of that young lieutenant.

I'll make it warm for that shavetail! I'll report him to Washington!

We pay taxes to the government, and what do we get?

Not even protection from the army. No.

I don't know what the government is coming to.

Instead of protecting businessmen, it pokes its nose into business.


Why, they're even talking now about having bank examiners.

As if we bankers don't know how to run our own banks!

Why, Boone, I actually had a letter from a popinjay official... saying they were going to inspect my books!

I have a slogan that should be blazoned on every newspaper in the country -

America for Americans!

The government must not interfere with business!

Reduce taxes! Our national debt is something shocking!

Over $1 billion a year!

What this country needs is a businessman for president!

What this country needs is more fuddle.

What? Fuddle!

You're drunk, sir!

I'm happy, Gatewood.


How come you're taking this road? It's gonna be cold up there.

I'm usin' my head.

Those breech-clad Apaches don't like snow.

Maybe you'd like to - to sit next to me.

I - You could put your head on my shoulder.

No, thank you.

How are you feeling, Mrs. Mallory?

Is there any water?

Driver! Canteen, please!

Just a minute, Mrs. Mallory.

Haven't I seen this crest before?

Isn't this from Greenfield Manor?

I wouldn't know, Mrs. Mallory. I -

I won this cup on a wager.

Oh. How about the other lady?


Sorry. No silver cups.

This is fine.


[Wind Whistling, Blowing]

Please, Doctor.

Yow, girls!

[Men Speaking Spanish]

[Spanish Continues]

[All Shouting]

Whoa, steady. Ho.

Howdy, Chris. Seven hours from Dry Fork. Pretty fast drivin', amigo!

Get the folks a bite to eat, Chris, while we change horses. We're pushing on to Lordsburg.

You come without soldiers?

Oh, we weren't a-scared. We didn't see one Apache, did we, Curley?

Where's the cavalry, Chris? Uh-huh. Where's the soldiers?

There ain't no soldiers.

Huh? Soldiers have gone.

Where's Captain Mallory?

Where's my husband? Where is he?

You're his wife, I think?

Yes. Where is he? Did he go with his men?

Si, señora.

Little what you call it - scrimmage with the Apaches last night.

Soldiers take Captain Mallory to Lordsburg.

I think he get hurt maybe.


Si, señora.

I think so.

Mrs. Mallory, I'm awfully sorry. If there's anything I can -

I'm quite all right, thank you.

Marshal! Come here! Quickly!

Come on, Doc.

Let's go, Doc.

[Peacock] Poor woman. [Gatewood] A sick woman on our hands!

That's all we needed! [Buck] I feel kinda sick myself.

We're in a fine fix, my friends. It's a fine country we're living in.

The army has no right to leave a public place like this undefended.

Looks to me like the army's got its hands pretty full, mister.

Have you a wife? Si, señora, I think.

Call her. Yakima! ¿Dónde estás?

Ringo, go in the kitchen and get some hot water, lots of hot water, please.

Yes, ma'am. Hey, Chris! ¿Dónde la cocina?

[Chris] Aqui está, Kid.

A fine member of the medical profession.

Drunken beast.


Give me coffee.

Black coffee.

Lots of it.

More! More! More! Ain't it enough, Doc? That's four.

Blacker! Stronger! Keep it comin', Curley! You'll have it coming out your ears in a minute.

Drink it down, Doc. Go on. Drink it down.

Get it down. That'll make you feel better.

All right, Doc.

Isn't that drunken swine sober yet?

He's doing the best he can! Well, hurry!

Shh! Está malo. [Curley] Tinhorn.

How you feeling? [Exhales] Fine.

[Gasps] Thanks. Again.

Sit down here, Doc.

Keep the fire going, Chris.

Plenty of hot water. Si, señor. Si.


[Chuckles] That's my wife, Yakima. My squaw.

Yes, but she's - she's savage!

Si, señor. She a little bit savage, I think.