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05x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/18/22 10:57
by bunniefuu
'In the early 1960s,

'the entire world still seemed
to flow through the London docks.

'We were shown an image of plenty
and it encouraged us to want

'and made us hungry for more.

'For some, these new luxuries brought ease

'and wonder into tough,
hard-working lives.

'But for others, they
made it more difficult

'to accept the lot was truly theirs.'

It's saving. Regular amount
each week till it's paid off.

Better than the never-never.

Johnny don't hold with no more credit.

He should want to treat you.

Mrs Beckett? Midwife's ready.

Your blood pressure's a little up again
-- you aren't overdoing it, are you?

Chance'd be a fine thing.

It's just staring at four
walls now I can't work.

And them flaming tramps dossing outside.

What kind of world's that for a baby?

Whenever I worry, my father tells
me to trust God, he says God has

a plan and no matter how dark the
world appears the sun always rises.

Your old man thinks a
lot of God, don't he?

I should probably add he's a vicar.

Well, God don't seem too
bothered about Poplar.

Breathing can ease anxiety.

Deep breath in, so you
can feel your chest rise,

and then...

breathe out slowly -- it really can help.

That's the tip, is it? Breathing?

Here we have the Marlowe's product.

As you can see, the tin is a very
convenient size for the kitchen.

Now, Marlowe's are the first company
to create a whey-based formula...

What's all this?

An exercise on behalf of
Marlowe's Baby Formula.

A photograph and free tin of formula
for each baby. They're American.

It's "public relations".

Propaganda more like.

.. so much easier for baby to
digest and enriched with vitamins.

Some doctors say formula can
make baby more intelligent,

more attractive.

Can you really afford not try it?
Doesn't baby deserve the best?

Baby has the best. And
it's free -- the breast.

This is nonsense.

Nonsense? Offering mothers choice?

Healthy mothers don't need choice.

Well, maybe she wants to go back to work.

Maybe she wants her shape back.

This is just shillings and
pence to you, isn't it?

You're all charlatans.

Perhaps we should get on with
clinic? You have Mrs Manley.

Ah. C'mon, Connie.

If you can tear yourself away
from Professor Flimflam here.

Cup of tea?

How are you getting on
with the Woolwich shells?

Do I have to keep on with them?

Yes. Because they're doing their job.

They're drawing out your nipples.

And we can't feed baby with
inverted nipples, can we?

That formula looked ever so tempting.

I thought you had more sense than that.

You're a healthy young woman
and what you can give your baby,

no fancy slogan or doctor can better.

It's practically a sea view.

Imagine we're dining in St
Tropez with David Niven.

Quite what he'd make of cockles
and chips, I don't know.

It's David Niven. It doesn't
matter what you're eating.

There are chips going
uneaten, Nurse Franklin.

And while not an emergency,
it is cause for concern.

Patient shows no sign of elation in
the presence of deep-fried matter.

I don't know what it is. I'm
trying to look after Mrs Beckett.

She's got high blood pressure
and she's very anxious.

But she won't talk to me.

Whatever I say, she makes me

feel like if I'm straight
out of Malory Towers.

It's the same for all of us at the
start -- it's about building trust.

But I'm not new any more.

No, but you're newer. You just
need a few more battle scars.

I have them. I just choose
not to display them.

Well, we think you're wonderful and
we couldn't manage without you.

And your knowledge of
Bunty is quite unsurpassed.

Remember dancing to this?

♪ Somewhere beyond the sea

♪ Somewhere waiting for me

♪ My lover stands... ♪

Even you wouldn't mind pushing that.

It's handsome all right.

Rita was saying with the mail order,
you pay for it in instalments.

We ain't getting in the red for a pram.

How else are we going to manage it?

Cos you ain't bringing nothing in.

Ain't my fault the docks are slowing down.

You got to try harder.

You got to want less!

I just... I just mean, things are tight.

I ain't asking for a week in Paris.

It's a pram.

♪ It's far

♪ Beyond the stars

♪ Near beyond the moon

♪ I know beyond a doubt... ♪

A new system -- help us get the
most out of every day and ourselves.

Each coloured pin represents
you and your patient visits.

We can see straight away if
we're covering the same patch.

Nurse Mount -- you're on district with me.

You're yellow.

Not my best colour.

I'm blue. Efficiency, ladies.

We need to do more and
we need to do it faster.

Why not simply give us radio transmitters

so we can telegraph our whereabouts?

There are people in Poplar
falling through the cracks.

I've persuaded the borough council
to provide a number of home helps.

So, when you're on your visits,

make a note of anyone you
feel cannot cope, we'll

put their names forward, and see if
we can't make life a little easier.

Mission accepted. Quite so.

Oh, and while I've got you,

we have visitors of many lands
now amongst us and I thought

we might equip ourselves with
languages to serve them better.

I had hoped to find a class in Urdu
or Punjabi but these have eluded me.

However, there is a module in
Spanish starting this evening.

Anyone who wants to join me,

I shall be leaving at
seven o'clock, sharp.

Half the day's gone, Johnny.

There's men down at the docks
from dawn waiting to take work

and you're still half asleep.

There is no work.

Fill it. Cos that's your side of things.

And this is mine.

Midwife calling.

Them tramps are back again.

They ain't doing no harm.

A decent man don't live on charity,
he goes out and finds work.

I'll pop the kettle on.


Yes! Pence!

Paterson. Sir.

Milling. Tender. Watts.

And the Turpin brothers. That's it.

We want you to have baby at
home but if your blood pressure

remains high we'll have to bring you in.

Be a relief.

Oh, Mrs Beckett, Oh,
please don't be upset.

The thought of baby's daunting,
but you're not alone...

I'm talking about having no home.

In the past six months, Johnny's
brought in next to nothing

in shifts and I'm living off
what my sister can send us.

I don't know how we'll make next rent.

Have you applied for National Assistance?

He won't beg.

But the Assistance Board's
there for hard times.

My father's parish serves
the docks in Liverpool

and he's referred many men
to the Board in recent years.

There's work for those who wants it.

The man I married, he
would've died for his family

but Johnny ain't the same no more.

Some men are overwhelmed by
the thought of fatherhood.

There ain't no time to be overwhelmed!

Well done, Connie... Yes!

Here's your beautiful little son, Connie.

What did I tell you?

You made that look easy -- just
like your mum when I delivered you.

I wish she were here now.

She'd be very proud of you,
Connie. And her little grandson.

I heard the crying -- I
couldn't wait any longer.

Oh, Connie... We got a
little boy, Frankie.

We are not yet done, Mr Manley.

And until we are, this
is my delivery room.

And you will knock.

Sorry, Sister. But I
do so want to see him.

All right, one quick look
and then out, please.

Going to be putting baby to the breast.

Well, he's just perfect,
Connie. He's just perfect.

We haven't slept, we've been that nervous.

No need for nerves -- your wife
can take all this in her stride.

Isn't that right, Connie?

I hope so, Sister.

Good evening. Buenas noches a
todos, and welcome, everyone.

I'd like to welcome Phyllis. Miss Crane...

Hola, Phyllis.

Let's begin. The verb "ser".

Yo soy.

Yo soy.

Tu eres. El, ella es.
Nosotros, nosotras somos.

Vosotros, vosotras sois.

Might I say what lovely
accents you young people have.

Past tense.

Oh, I've missed that sound.

Glad you could make it, Tommy.

Hola, Tommy!

May I?

I don't believe I've seen you
here before? Tommy Smith.

Oh, Phyllis Crane.

Vosotros, vosotras fuisteis.

Ellos, ellas fueron.


I can't be the only one drinking Campari?

I told my class my complexion
was purely down to the lemons

in my lemonade.

I must live as I teach.

Do we get a mention in that letter home?

It's more to do with my
father's experience with

the National Assistance Board
-- advice to help Mrs Beckett --

she and her husband are
having quite a struggle.

How dreadfully dull for your parents.

Wouldn't they rather hear about
your exciting London life?

Excitement is what parents want
for other people's daughters.

When I used to help my father on
his visits, he would introduce me

as Barbara, his parish assistant.

Oh. Black mark, Mr Gilbert, in my book.

It's quite all right. It's just his way.

Though I suppose when I was
younger, I did wish he might say,

"This is Barbara, my daughter."

So, "Weather mixed, work splendid,
social injustice is still rife.

"No accidents, injuries or boyfriends."

Well, good night, Mr Smith.

May I ask, senora or senorita?

It's Miss.

Buenas noches, Senorita Crane.

Oh. Buenas noches.

Puedo acompanarte a casa?

Now you've lost me, I'm afraid.

May I walk you home?

Thank you, but I have my motor car.

Might I drop you somewhere?

I would miss the night air of spring.

I'm a flaneur, Miss Crane.

Hopeless romantic,
strolling through London

as if seeing it anew at every turn.

Oh, we can always roll the windows down.

Hope to see you at the next class.

I should like that.

It's got spring suspension
and an anti-tip device

and look at that brake, I
mean, you'd think it was ivory.

We'll be the pride of
the street with this.

I'm so happy for you, Mrs
Beckett. For both of you.

I'm so happy for you, Mrs
Beckett. For both of you.

And me cursing him like I was.

I can be harsh, can't I, Nurse?

You've had an awful lot on your plate.

Yeah, you were right -- he
was all a tizz about the baby.

But he's getting the shifts again.
We're going to be all right.

And your blood pressure agrees.

He, he, he won't stay on the breast.

He will, if you give him time.

Can't I try him on a bottle
of formula, please, Sister?

I know you're struggling
but we can't give up.

This is colostrum, it's the first fluid.

Nothing like it on earth,
certainly not in formula.

It's packed with goodness
and you don't want him

missing out on that, do you?

We can top him up with a
little water in the meantime

but we must keep trying.

Now, come on. Relax... that's it.

We want the very best for baby, don't we?

Excuse me, if I could
just... Excuse me....

Shift it, gents!

Thank you, Florie -- you're busy today.

Busy every day, dear. They
the cooling powders for Esme?

Tell her to just rub a
little on baby's gums.

It will help with the teething pain.

It'll help with keeping me sane.

Me granddaughter cries like a sea nymph.

I'll see she gets it. Ta, love. Bye.

Excuse me! Excuse me.

Sorry. Excuse me!

Oh, Mr Beckett. Hello.


Early finish.

Of course.

Ain't you got no home to go to?

Never known a man make a pint last longer.


I wouldn't want my wife to get
the wrong idea, you understand?

I wouldn't want her worried.

Baby Travers is making good weight
gain now her colic has cleared.

Ah, just the person. How are we
getting along with Baby Manley?

Is he latching more successfully?

Not yet, a little more
time, we'll get there.

Perhaps we should encourage formula

if matters continue for another day or so.

Shall I include her on my list
of mothers not breastfeeding?

No need to put Mrs Manley on a list.

She wants to keep trying and
I've every confidence in her.

Meantime, we're topping him up with water.

Hola. Hola.


Oh. Well, I hope it's nothing serious.

He may have a weakness in the chest,

that's why he wears those odd sweaters.

I think that's the fashion. What
a shame about tonight, Mr Smith.

Tommy, please.

Will your wife have
kept you back some tea?

I lost my wife many years ago.

I am sorry. That was careless of me.

Miss Crane, as two scholars
in want of a lesson,

may I suggest we attempt it ourselves?

Perhaps over a cup of tea and, if
the mood takes us, a slice of cake?

Well, given that I put aside this
evening, I don't see why not.

And, please -- it's Phyllis.

Take care. See you tomorrow. Thank you.

You make soup for the tramps every night?

Soup's a loose term, I make something hot

and wet for the poor devils.

Every night?

Everyone deserves one meal a day.

Tom, what do you do

when you learn something about
one parishioner that another has

a right to know, but knowing would
probably cause quite a bit of upset?

I deal with confidences every day.

There's no need to be quite so cryptic.

One of my patients -- her
husband's not been working,

and she has high blood
pressure with the worry

and now she thinks he's back
in work and she's so relieved.

But he's not working,
he's in a pub all day.

Well, I've never been thanked
for interfering in a marriage.

I can't just stand by.

You're quite the warrior, aren't you?

I thought cleanliness
was close to Godliness.

Apparently not.

I'd have liked to have
travelled more, I suppose.

But work got in the way?

I love nursing, but, yes, it leaves
little time for a private life.

You must see the Spanish coast.

I went there several years ago.

Just a smatter of fishing
villages, really, but the warmth,

smell of the flowers at night.

It was magical.

Do you have a motor car?

I couldn't justify it.

It is an expense, but it's freedom, Tommy.

The Great North Road, a
picnic and a fine day.

It rivals anything the
Mediterranean can offer.

I'll hold you to that. The next fine day.

You had a drink?

Just with the lads.

Good for you.

Back on track, aren't
we? Our little family.

Rita was showing me this cot,

and before you say
anything, it's not dear.

And now you've got your shifts
back, we know where we are.

Nurse Crane, I've Mr Danvers and
Miss Lane down for home helps.

Bravo, Nurse Mount.

♪ .. desesperado... ♪

Long may these Spanish lessons continue.

Have you ever known Nurse Crane
speak so little yet say so much?

♪ Estas perdiendo el tiempo

♪ Pensando, pensando. ♪

Mr Gibson, I don't mean to
interrupt you. Keeping well, sir?

Fit as a butcher's dog, Mrs Beckett.

What dock's Johnny on?
He forgot his dinner.

I can't be no help to you.

I don't follow you, sir.

I just want to know what dock Johnny's on.

Look, there's been a confusion.
Johnny don't work here.

But he got his shifts back.

No, no, I'm afraid not. Your
Johnny's been telling lies.

Go home, Mrs Beckett.

But he must be back, he bought the pram.

Mrs Beckett. Oh, good God.

Someone fetch one of the Sisters!

I don't understand how he's losing
weight, I'm doing all I can.

It's perfectly normal for a
little while after birth --

he'll soon start putting it back on.

Connie, is it still
difficult for you, feeding?

I just got to keep going with it, is all.

Like Sister Evangelina
says, it gets easier.

It does. But not always for everyone.

You would say, wouldn't
you? If you needed help?

The milk's where the goodness is.

It's, it's where my baby gets
his best start in life from.

I just got to get on with
it, is all, like Mum did.

I want to do this right, Sister.

I, I want to be the best mother I can be.

Well, you don't have to manage alone.

I'm here if you need a
little more support.

I best see to him, Sister.

Excuse me. I need to get through.

Mr Beckett. You must go
home. Your wife's collapsed.

She's all right, she's resting now.

But she collapsed at Mr Gibson's.

Strike me down -- you told her.

You told her I weren't
working. You had no right.

She came to the docks
to bring you your lunch.

My only concern is the
health of your wife and baby.

If you knew how hard I'd tried.

Mr Beckett, please. Talk to your wife.

What, tell her how I worked
like a sl*ve for Billy Gibson?

Shifted fortune every year in what I
lifted, same as me dad, same as his?

And now he's put me out like
I'm no better than a dog?

How do I tell my wife that?

It's the truth. What other
way can you tell it?

I wanted to get straight back up.

I just ain't had the energy.
My battery's all run down.

It's me who's having the
baby, for crying out loud!

It's just a dip.

We got each other,
that's all that matters.

How, if you ain't got
the backbone to work?

How did you buy the pram?

Don't matter.

You pawned it, didn't
ya? Your docker's hook.

How are you going to get work without it?

I'm sorry.

That ain't enough for more than a deposit.

We don't even own that
pram? Oh, God, Johnny!

Look I'll, I'll, I'll sort
it, I'll take care of us.

I'm sorry, it's not my
place, but Mrs Beckett --

we have to think of your blood pressure.

Please, both of you sit down,
please, we need to be calm.

You heard the nurse.

Get out.

What you talking about?

Mrs Beckett -- that's not what...

This ain't your business!

My blood pressure's all cos of you.

You ain't, you ain't making no sense.

I got another life in here.

I can only carry this, my baby.

I can't carry you an' all.
You ain't no good for me!

I want you gone.

Come on! Come on!

What's the matter with ya?!

It's good of you to come by.

Now, you be sure to give her our best.

Actually, I'm here about MR Beckett.

It's just it's a terrible
struggle for them at the moment.

I think Mrs Beckett's health is suffering

because Johnny has no work.

I don't take petitions,
Nurse. You see this place?

Industry, not charity.

But surely three generations
of one family's labour must

count for something?

Johnny's labour?

We'd find him asleep through his shifts,

curled up like a stray
in the haulage crates.

Well, perhaps he was
just under the weather.

Yeah, and perhaps he was workshy.

The docks are brutal and I
need men that's fit for them.

Now, if you need a worthy
cause, Miss, I suggest you find

a Seaman's Mission.

Men give you their lives, Mr Gibson.

At least respect them, even
if you won't protect them.

I think it was when we were at the
community centre. I really don't...

Am I disturbing you?

Not at all.

It's just I couldn't help hearing
your gramophone the other evening.

Are we too loud again?

No, that's by the by. For now.

No, I wondered if you'd
show me how to use it --

there's a long playing
record I'd like to hear.

Oh, how thoroughly romantic.

It's simply to put me in the Latin
mind-set -- for the Spanish.

Of course.

Then I'll do better than show
it to you, I'll play it for you.

I'm so glad you've found
something you enjoy so much.

We all need more than just our work.

I sometimes think there
must've been a terrible

hole in my life before Keep Fit.

Charming -- those were probably
the evenings you spent with me.

They weren't.

Can I interest anyone in a barley sugar?

Oh, yes, please!

You know I rather envy you.
You live life as you please.

You have a motor car, your
work and now a genuine passion.

And no-one ever bothers you
with endless questions about

when you'll marry and why you
don't have a gentleman friend.

Oh, we must always live as we please.

So long as no-one gets
hurt in the process.

Recklessness is quite another matter.

But these are wonderful days, girls.

Go out there and take hold of them.
You're not GIVEN opportunities.

You GRAB them. With both hands.

I'd adore to.

I thoroughly enjoy my class but it feels

a little like Grandmother Hen
has landed in a nest of chicks.

Well, I hope those chicks know
that Grandmother has two deadly

midwives on her side.

"Put 'em up. Put 'em up."

You're very kind, but there's no need.

I did wonder -- might it
be possible for you to...

.."polish" me a little?
Just a touch of powder,

something around the eyes,
perhaps. Nothing dramatic.

Phyllis, you look quite magnificent.

I'm sure I don't know why.

Mind you, this is a new cardigan.

Shall we? Actually, there's
something I wanted to ask you.

Before we get caught up in the class.

Of course. What is it?

I have a half day coming up.

Now, I can't promise the weather

but I can promise you a good sandwich

and a flask of tea.

I think, with a fair run
we could get to Rutland

and still be back before dark.

I shall pay the petrol, of course.

We shall go Dutch.

Then I shall buy us supper.

The service station at Watford Gap.

I've been itching for an
excuse to try their restaurant.

So, it's a yes, then, is it?

Only if I can get us

tickets for the flamenco
performance at the class next week.

My diary's getting rather full.

So's mine.

Oh, Sister, come quick, please.
It's my Connie. She's in a bad way.

I told you not to call no-one.

I told you I was managing.

But you're not. You can't feed
him. Connie, please, let me help.

What kind of mother
can't feed her own baby?

Oh, you're bleeding. Connie, all
right now, we're going to stop this.

This isn't fair on you.

No. I got to keep trying.

You've tried.

It may be your nipples,

perhaps the inversion's still
making it difficult. May I?

When did you last change him? Hours
ago -- he's been good as gold.

That's because he's dehydrated.

His fontanelle's depressed.

His mouth's parched. He needs fluids now.

Bring me a clean spoon, some
sugar and some boiling water.

I, I won't have him on
that charlatan's milk.

Connie, what are you talking about?

You know what the Sister
says about formula.

All a baby needs is what
his mother can give him.

If I can't give him
nothing, what good am I?

Connie, listen to me.

Baby needs fluids and
he needs them quickly.

So we're going to put aside
all those other thoughts

and focus on what is
best for your little boy.

Do you understand?

This way, doctor.

He's just round here.

We found him like it.

He's breathing, but he won't wake up.

We need an ambulance. Right away.

And bring something to
keep him warm. Hurry!

Like the magpie, I am
enamoured of all things shiny.

How about you be "enamoured"
of all that is yet to be tidied?

Might I have a word,
Sister? In private, please.

Well? The magpie, give it a go?

It may.

There's much to do, Sister,
so snap to it, if you would.

I've just been with Mrs
Manley. How's she doing?

Mrs Manley cannot breast-feed.

We know it's difficult,
particularly with a first baby,

but we just have to keep trying.
No-one could have tried harder.

So hard, in fact, she's bleeding.

Yet still she won't consider formula

because she thinks it
makes her a bad mother.

Well, you put her straight, I hope?

In fact, I'll go and do so myself, now.

I'm afraid your opinions
got there first, Sister.

Whatever do you mean?

She refuses to consider
anything other than the breast.

But that isn't what I meant.

Unfortunately, that was the implication.

I didn't mean that.

Another day and baby would've
been seriously dehydrated.

I'm sorry, Sister, but
you have such influence.

Please take care how you use it.

Johnny has regained consciousness.

He's been able to talk to the doctors.

But he's very poorly, Mrs
Beckett. He has pneumonia.


I didn't know what you
was going to say then.


It's the dust down at the docks,
he just needs a vapour bath.

The chest specialist is treating Johnny,

but he is concerned there may
be some underlying cause.

Your husband mentioned to staff
he'd been exceedingly tired

for a good while.

Well, that'll go, won't
it? With the treatment?

The London are going to
run some further tests.

I should like to go to him, doctor.

If I might suggest you go this evening.

The consultant may have some
of the test results back.

I'll go with you, Mrs Beckett.

It will fit in quite well with my rounds.

Your husband said I could come up.

I tried so hard, honestly I did, Sister.

I wanted to do it like you said.
I wanted to be like my mum.

I wanted to do it right. But look at me.

He's almost died of thirst, because of me.

I put his little life in danger.

No, no, no, it wasn't you
that put him in danger.

I'm so s...

I'm so sorry.

I'm not family, I'm just the neighbour,

I, I sit with her when I can.

Mother! You came.

She don't half get confused.

Old age comes to some sooner than others.

Mrs Smith.

We have you on our list as a possible

beneficiary of the home help service.

I thought you were going to France.

No, love.

Does Mrs Smith live alone?

No. She has a husband.

I shall add that to her notes.

He does what he can but
it's ever such a strain.

I mean, one minute she knows him,

the next she thinks he's a boy
who stole her sweets at school.

Nurse calling.

Oh. Hello.

Good afternoon, Nurse Mount,
to what do we owe the pleasure?

You weren't assigned to this visit.

The yellow pin on the map says otherwise.

Oh, well, yellow pin,

blue pin...

Mrs Smith appears to be
suffering from senile dementia.

Perhaps you could pop by the telephone box

and ask Dr Turner to
drop in on his rounds.

I'd like his opinion so we
can see how best to help.

Of course.

I'm back!

Oh! You must be Mrs Smith's husband.


I am.

We're here at assess your wife,

with a view to providing home
help for her and for you.

This is my colleague,
Nurse Crane, and she...

Nurse Crane and I are in fact acquainted.

We attend Spanish classes together.

That is of no consequence. Mrs
Smith's wellbeing clearly is.

Please. Let me explain.

No, no explanation is required, Mr Smith.

Everything is perfectly clear.

Could I buy you a cup of tea?

We've a great deal to
do and no time for tea.

I shan't ask you a thing about it

but you don't have to
pretend nothing's happened.

We all do that too much of the time.

It's utterly exhausting.

I'm very happy with my life, Nurse Mount.

It's exactly as I want it.

But for a moment, perhaps,
I saw something else...

.. something I neither expected
nor sought, and I liked it.

It's very kind of you -- the offer of tea.

I wish it weren't him who'd told me.

The consultant?

What a cold man.

Talking about my Johnny like, like
he was a stranger, not my husband.

What did he call it?

"Cancer of the blood"?


But we got a baby coming.

You should go to him.

Be with your husband and say
all you want to say to him.

I'm sorry, Johnny, I'm sorry.

All those things I said.

Oh, God, Johnny, I wish I could go back.

Let me go back. Please, let me go back.

You can't leave us. I love you.

I want my family.

I can't have this baby without him.

You're not going to be alone.

I mean I won't have it without him.

How long? Till I'm due?

A week? Two?

About that, but the dates are never exact.

Johnny's got days to live,
and he must see this baby

so I need it to come now.

You can make it come.

We would only induce a mother
if her health was at risk.

My heart is breaking.

Ain't that risk enough?

You promised me you'd get me through.

Well, now I'm asking --
will you stand by your word?

I will. I will stand by my word.

I want to ask permission to go away.

For six months at least.

To the Mother House?

No. I want to spend time
with an enclosed order.

The Sisters of the Blessed Infant Christ.

But the Sisters of the Blessed
Infant Christ are very austere.

Silence is kept throughout the day.

I need to be somewhere
where the only being

I can speak to is a higher one.

I've got so wrapped up in my work,
I've forgotten my calling --

to be a vessel for God, to do His work.

I've... I've got to start listening again.

Connie tried to tell me
she couldn't breastfeed.

I thought I knew best. My way or no way.

We both know how I am.

I'm all mouth, and He knows that too.

This is not a decision you can make alone.

At the very least,

you will need permission
from Mother Jesu Emmanuel.

Please, speak to her on my behalf.

I will come back, if that's
what He wants, but speak to her.

Oh, Sister...


Nurse Crane -- a distressed
gentleman wishes to speak with you.

I beg your pardon.

A Mr... Smith.

Oh, erm, tell him I'm not at home.

He awaits you in the front hall.

I don't wish to see him.

And I do not like greens, yet
they are very good for me.

I asked if you were married,
you said you were widowed.

I said I'd lost my wife.

Don't stoop to semantics.

For five years, she hasn't known who I am.

No matter what I tried,
I couldn't reach her.

It was as if she'd died,
as if we both had.

Those classes have been my happiness.

Meeting you, well, it lifted me, Phyllis,

gave me something I
thought I'd lost forever.

I'm sorry for your loss.

But the facts are the facts
and we can escape them

no more than your wife can.

I thought we were friends.

I don't need another friend.

You've made a fool out of me, Mr Smith.

Don't come here again.

Mr Beckett has days left at best.

He will never see his child.

There is no medical reason to induce baby.

And Mrs Beckett's blood
pressure is now regulated.

But she has a history of it --
wouldn't that be reason enough?

No obstetrician would hear of it.

Obstetricians will never be satisfied

until women are entirely absent
from the sacrament of birth.

Dr Turner has always been happy
for us to expedite labour.

When a mother is past her term.

Mrs Beckett must be very close now
-- and the dates can be a little hazy.

We know our ways work.

Bath, oil and enema to
bring on the contractions.

A man is dying.

We must ask ourselves,

is it right to put Mrs Beckett
through a traumatic procedure

when her husband may pass away
before the baby is delivered?

To give false hope when
perhaps she should use

these last precious hours
to be at his bedside?

You are unusually silent,
Sister. What miracle is this?

Forgive me, Sister. But we
don't just deliver babies.

We build families.

Isn't hope for that, however
faint, better than none at all?

If you believe this is what is
best for your patient, then we will

support you.

But it is a great
responsibility -- Mr Beckett may

pass before the baby is born and I
worry about that burden for you.

And it won't be hers
alone. I'll work with her.

I want to try to build this family.

What will I do?

Pray for me.

Stella, we're trying to
trick your body into thinking

labour's started.

The castor oil we gave you
last night irritates the bowel.

That can start contractions.
The enema will do the same.

Then you'll take a hot
bath to help you relax --

the heat intensifies the
effects of the castor oil...

He's not on his own, is he?

Dr Turner's with him. Johnny
is waiting for this baby.

And I promise you, he will see it.

Doc? Nothing's wrong,
is it? Not with Stella?

The very opposite.

Your wife is in the maternity
home and everything's going

so well I'm quite redundant.

I heard you're a Spurs fan.

So I thought I might try to keep
you posted on how the Cup goes.

We're on for the double.

Well, you'd better keep
your strength up, Johnny.

We have a long Saturday ahead of us.

It must be coming. Oh, the cramps.

The cramps are from the castor oil.

Your contractions haven't started yet.


Try to relax, Stella.

Dr Turner wonders if
there is any progress?

We're still in the early stages.

(We need to hurry things along.)

Stretch and sweep.

We're just going to
feel what baby's up to.

We need to do a little more
to bring on contractions.

I'm going to gently stretch
your cervix and them I'm going

to ease away the membranes holding baby.

Oh, God.

The procedure will release a hormone
that will start your contractions.

Now, another deep breath.

Well done. You're about
four fingers dilated.

That's very good. This should
move things along for us.

Another deep breath.

That's it. Breathe out.

Think about Johnny meeting his baby.

Think only of that.

My old man used to take me to the game.

His old man took him.

I got so much in here.

But my child won't know it.

Come on, Johnny.

Kick off's nearly here.

You are going to tell
your little son or daughter

that Spurs won the Cup.

Stay with us, your baby's coming.

That's it. Keep moving, it's
bringing on the contractions.

Come on. Come on.

You got to see your daddy.

Very soon you're going to be on your
way to the London with your baby.

Keep going, Stella.

That's it. That's the one. Baby's coming!

Just breathe, breathe
through the contractions.

Tell them I love them.

You'll tell them yourself.
Because you're staying with us.

Do you hear me?

I can't protect them.

What will happen -- to my baby?

Your baby will have an amazing mother --

one who is moving heaven and
earth to get to you today.

And you will be here waiting for her.

Do you hear me?

That's it, keep pushing.

I can't. That's it! You can do it.

I've got nothing left. Stella?

Johnny is waiting, he is
waiting for you and your baby.

Now, I know you have it
but you need to find it --

you need to find your fighting
spirit because baby is coming.

That's it, Stella, one
big push, that's it.

Come on, Stella, push! Yes, that's
it, keep going, nearly there!

Nearly there! Gentle breaths...

That's it, head's born!

Stella, you have a son.

Johnny, you must hang on.
Whatever strength you have,

hold on, man.

Hello, little one. That's it!

You came,

you came in time to meet your daddy.

Mrs Beckett. He's wonderful.

I'll have an ambulance standing by
once you've delivered the placenta.

Thank you.


Here he is, my love.

This is your daddy. Remember him.

Please remember him.

Our son.


John. Another Beckett at the docks.

I love you both.

I want to stay.

Ah, Nurse Mount, just the person.

We've good news from the Council.

They are providing 20 home helps.
I shall be pushing them for more.

Super! You deserve the night off.

If we got what we deserved, I'd
be driving the Daimler SP250 with

Gene Kelly on hand to change my tyres.

Well, I can't manage that but
I can cover the telephone

so you can go to your Spanish class.

I visited Mrs Smith -- to arrange
for Dr Turner to see her.

I witnessed great care from Mr Smith.

But he could've been
anyone for all she knew him.

He might as well be a widower, poor man.

But he's not.

I'm sure it takes a terrific strength to

manage as he does at home and
still find a passion for the world.

And it would take a very long time

to build the trust to share
such a painful and private truth.

Esta ocupado este asiento?

I say, is this seat taken?

You came.

For the flamenco, that's all.

Poor souls, falling through the cracks

with no-one there to catch them.

You're there, ain't ya?

I'm just one man, Mrs
Beckett. They need an army.

A good man's an army by himself.

He has your husband's smile.

He does, doesn't he?

I thought I couldn't bear to be on my own,

thought that would be
the worst in all this.

But I don't feel alone.
Not with little John.

I'll pick my job up
again -- when he's older.

We'll manage.

Dear girl, I'm more sorry than I can say.

He was a fine man.

He was.

And I should've taken greater care.

You made me look to myself,
Nurse. Not before time.

You don't need to listen to my regrets.

So I'll say it how I speak best...

It's not a king's ransom, but
it'll see a little prince right.

And you put this back
where it belongs, eh?

To Johnny.

To Johnny.

To you, Johnny.

In the future, Barbara,
don't listen to me.

A warrior was just what
the Becketts needed.

You know far more about
marriage than I do.

'It was a world promising
all that we could desire,

'newer, better, brighter.

'We put our faith in the dreams they sold,

'in machines to save us labour,

'clothes to make us more alluring,

'furnishings to give us greater comfort.

'Yet the one thing we could not
do without could never be bought,

'no matter how generous the terms --

'and it was love.

'Love, in all its forms.

'Precious, fragile and enduring --

'the priceless gift that

'made our lives worthwhile,

'invisibly upholding us,

'demanding no repayment,

'offered in silence,

'more precious than gold.'

I appear to have won a meal
in an Indian restaurant.

Gosh. How exotic.

Well, come with me, then.

I mean it's not "going out" going out.

How do you know it isn't
"going out" going out?

Is there any chance at all
that you might be pregnant?

There are things you can... do.

Send me to some...

butcher in a back alley?

What's the matter?

Mrs Mahoney, could you go
call an ambulance, please?

It's the only time I've
seen those pink spots.


through the dark places of the world,

Out there...

is the k*ller.

The liar.

And you know you must find them,