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04x13 - Family

Posted: 01/19/22 06:45
by bunniefuu

♪ Oh, I like you so very much ♪

♪ So much, in fact,
I got to wake you up ♪

I got it. Hey, guys.

Sweetheart, sweetheart,
pass the ball back?

Give him a big kick.

- Well done.

♪ When the sun comes up,
we're gonna put on our shoes ♪

♪ We're gonna shake the dust ♪

♪ Open the door
with your brand-new key ♪

♪ We won't be afraid
of being sweet to ourselves ♪

♪ Or anybody, anybody else ♪

Oh! Champion! Oh!

The crowd goes wild! Yes!

Oh, Luna! Luna for the win!

Everything okay?

Not unless you're a doctor, no.

Uh, As a matter fact, Dr. Max Goodwin,

- Hampstead Hospital, adjacent.
- Good enough.

How can I help?

Uh, I got a bit of a problem
with my meat and two veg.

Meat and two...

your meat and two... Right, yes, got it.

What seems to be the problem?

Well, it's itching
like a bastard, and my lady...

She won't have it off with me
until I get it sorted.

So, even now, the carcass is chafing.

- Do you want to take a gander?
- No, no, no.

I don't think that'll be necessary.

Um, I think you have
a bad case of jock itch.

Is that it, do you think?

I can write you a prescription,

and it should be fine.

Oh, mate, thank you.

Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver.

Hey, boys, anyone else

got some freaky stuff
going on below the belt?

Found ourselves a team doctor!


So I said to the guy,
"Let's get the head

"of psych on right now, and let's see

how attached he is to city funding."

- Nice power move.
- Thank you very much.

You know, it worked because
the university will no longer

be dumping their un-housed patients

on New Amsterdam's doors, so, mm!

If I may say, you're kind of

the perfect Behavioral Health Chair.

- You may.
- You patient and kind

most of the time,

but you're also
commanding when you need to be.

Your wife must be super into that.

Martin doesn't like it when
I call him my wife usually.


You're gay?

Yeah. Yes, I am. I thought...

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

Don't be?

No, as in because of the flirting.

The flirting?

What? Flirting?

I only meant it in a fun way

because, like, obviously
nothing could ever happen.

Yeah, no, no, of course,
yeah, and, you know,

nothing has changed because
nothing can happen, Trevor,


I'm not a home wrecker.

I know that. I know you're not.

And, uh, I... everything is...

everything's fine.

You didn't do anything
wrong, Trevor, okay?

So let's... you don't
need to change a thing.

- Let's just leave it alone.
- Okay.


Uh, I got to deal with this.

- Sure. Okay, yeah.
- Yeah, okay.


[GROANS] Why isn't it working?

Hey, hey, seem to be having

- little bit of trouble there.
- Stay back.

Yeah, no, I will.

I'm just wondering why
you're trying to pick that up.

There's something wrong with this place.

I'm very strong.

I can pick up anything...
Elephants, pyramids.

Super strength, huh?
So you're like Superman.

No. No, I'm not like Superman.

- Right.
- I'm real.

I have strength.

Yeah, okay. I hear you.

- Why can't I pick up the desk?
- I don't know.

What did you people do? Huh?

- What did you do?
- Nothing.

- Stop, stop.
- Adam!

- Knock it off.
- Stop!

Now, get in your gurney, calm down.


I am not gonna tell you twice.

How did you do that?

It's my brother.



- Morning.

- Hmm, good morning.
- Great morning.

Played a little football in the park

with Luna and my new mates,
and she even scored a goal.

Oh, and the crowd went wild.


Sorry, I'm just not at the same
level or joy that you are.

You all right?

What's wrong?

My mother called again.

And... and she just...

She just has this knack for
completely ruining everything

as you just experienced.

Yeah, what was she calling about?

Combo platter...

Guilt trip, uh, followed
by a judgmental tirade

with a side order
of profound disappointment.

Sorry, I shouldn't be burdening
you with all this.

No, no, burden me.

I want you to, always.


You've never even met my mother.

I was beginning to think
you were hiding me,

ashamed of me, but then, uh...

Then I realized that in this country,

I'm the one with the charming
and sexy accent.

Mm. Yeah, I have no doubt

that she would be charmed, but I suspect

- I would be utterly miserable.
- Mm.

Wasn't part of the reason we moved here

was for you to be
closer with your family?

- Yes.

Yes, okay. I will book a lunch for us.

And now I would like you to distract me

from the terrible decision
that I just made.



- What do we got?
- [SIGHS] Frickin' MVA.

- MVA's your jam.
- It's Leyla.

I mean, I've tried everything
to reach her and nothing,

radio silence.

I mean, I have no idea
if she's even okay.

- It's driving me nuts.
- Hmm.

- "Hmm"?
- What?

That's all I get?


Floyd Reynolds, you know something.

- I know every bit of nothing.
- Spill it.


- Saved by the gurney.
- This isn't over.

MVA, car versus bridge abutment.

-year-old restrained driver,
legs and pelvis trapped in car

with severe crush injuries.

Hypotensive and tachy in the field.

- All right, I got them.
- Let's get him in trauma one.

- -year-old woman

and four-month-old infant

were both restrained passengers
in a MVA.

Ambulatory at the scene.

- Full eval pending.
- "Pending"?

Mom wouldn't let go of the baby

till I got to the hospital,
not even for a second.

All right, let's get her to bay .

- Let's go.

- One, two, three.
- How bad is it?

Pulling off the field dressings now.

Must've been one hell of a crash.


- Baby seems fine.
- She won't stop crying.

She senses your stress, and
the energy here isn't helping.

And babies cry.

That is exactly what the
doctors in Westchester told us.

Okay, I sense that you're upset.

- You need to listen to me.
- Ma'am, calm down.

- Tiya is not our first child.
- We had a child ten years ago.

He died at four months,
exactly Tiya's age now.

He cried the exact same way
right before he died.

What was wrong?

The doctors never knew.

I will never forget
the sounds of those cries.

It's happening again.

Something is wrong with my baby.

You have to believe me.

So just keep doing those
finger exercises

whenever you're at a stoplight,

and that should help
with the carpal tunnel.

- Thanks, Dr. Goodwin.
- Sure.

When do you meet
the mother-in-law, then?

I'm on my way there now, actually.

Oh, give her a bit of the old flannel.

You'll be all right.

I would ask what that means,
but I don't think I'll need it.

- Moms love me.
- Yeah, seems about right.


Oi, Doc!

Uh, uh, just set him down here.

- Easy, mate.
- Easy, easy.

Had a few too many pints there, Colin?

I don't drink. I never have.

Your pulse is sky high.

- Hands been shaking, too.
- Can you help him?

- [GAGS]
- Look out.

Oh, he's gonna puke.


- Why's that happening to me?
- Okay, okay.

Let's get him up. Let's get him up.

- Come on.

Mmm, these have a nice spice.

And Mina, how is she?

Oh, she's grown glamorous.

She's studying improv this term.

Oh, she's not here?

I assumed that's why you were visiting.

Actually, I am living here now.


We've spoken several times,

and you neglected to mention
that you moved back home.

I-I guess I just knew

that it would bring up, um,
a lot for us.

When did you get here?

Seven, eight weeks ago.

You've been here two months,

and you couldn't be bothered
to let me know?

- It's not that simple.
- We wanted to get settled first.

Who's we?

I've moved here with Max and Luna.

Your cats?


No, Mum.

They're the man I'm seeing
and his lovely daughter.

His lovely daughter.

Yep, what about it?

You keep insisting on raising
other people's children,

Mina, this Luna.

If you want to be a mother
so badly, have a baby.

What happened to
the egg freezing and all that?

My fertility treatments
were not an easy experience.

They were not a cheap experience either.

So much money, so many years,
you just gave up.

You wonder why I never tell you stuff.

'Cause when I do, your response
is purely designed to hurt me.

I'll tell you something.

You get hurt that easily,

maybe you're not cut out for motherhood?

It's best you never know
what it's like to have

your child treat you like some
errand they put off for months.

I'm not a chore. I'm your mother.

I gave up everything for you.


Real Mother of the Year
material, you are.

What's that supposed to mean?

- Ready for your wine, ladies?
- BOTH: Yes.



This has been a day from hell.

Yeah, I-I can only imagine.

Um, anything you need from me,
just you name it.

You committed Adam, right?

Yes, -hour hold.

Good, then you can let him out.

I can...


I'm his guardian,
and I want to take him home.


Adam is potentially dangerous.

[SCOFFS] Not to me.

Not to me.

He had a full psychotic break.

What he needs right now
are trained professionals.

That's... that's it.

He's been living with me for years.

I take care of him, and
I am a trained professional.

- No, not right now you're not.
- You're his sister.

And I will not compromise
his health and safety or yours.


Either you release him,

or I will go petition the court.

I think a -hour hold is more than...

Dr. Wilder!



BP's crashing.

Cytokine storm from the crush injuries.

Start a dobutamine drip.

Losing blood everywhere. He's in DIC.

- Hang a six pack of FFP.
- On it.

- Can we get more gauze?
- Coming.

- Whoa, hey.
- [SOFTLY] Any word on Tiya?

She's still being evaluated.


Something's wrong with Tiya. I know it.

I was driving so fast.
I had to get her here.

I had to save my daughter.

If there's anything wrong,
we'll find it, okay?

We got you. Just relax.



Got labs back on the baby... All normal.

What? There has to be something.

LFTs, thyroid, electrolytes...

everything's fine.

That's a good thing, right?




Oh, my God, is she dying?

- No, she's not dying.
- She's having a seizure.

Walsh, get me
. milligrams of Lorazepam.

I told you I don't drink.

And now you're trying
to make me do vodka sh*ts?

For your health.

You have something called
gut fermentation syndrome.

- That sounds bad.
- Oh, bloody hell.

It just means that, uh,
due to excessive yeast

in your digestive tract,
every carb that you eat

gets fermented into
alcohol inside your body.

That sounds quite nice.

Well, if there's already
lots of alcohol in my body,

why you trying to force-feed me more?

Well, because when I
prescribed the antifungal

- for your...
- Meat and two veg.

Right, it wiped out
all the yeast in your body,

which means that alcohol is no longer

entering your bloodstream,
which means...

- Colin's got the beer shakes.
- Yeah.

But a bit of day drinking
should clear that right up.

And in hours, you'll be fine.


[GROANS] That is awful. [LAUGHTER]

Come on, lads, we can't
let him go through this alone.

Oi, another round over here.

Uh, No, no, none for me, thanks.

I've got a mother-in-law to meet...

a half hour ago.

Uh, I got to go. Good luck.

Hey, you got a sec?

I'm prepping Dion
for a double amputation.

Oh, God, that poor family.

Tell me about. How's their baby?

Well, we managed to stop the seizures,

but still no diagnosis.

Given family history,

it's got to be a genetic
disorder of some type.

That's a crowded room.

Tay Sachs, Gaucher, Fabry, Pompe,


You need a separate
draw of blood for each test.

The baby doesn't have that much blood.

Exactly, so I'm sequencing
her entire DNA.

Find the defective gene directly.

The family already lost one kid.

I'm not gonna let them lose another.

Leyla came to me this morning
for a recommendation.

- She's coming back?
- Honestly, I don't know.

I shouldn't have said anything,
but I knew I'd cave eventually.

Better to not drag it out.



- They wouldn't let Adam out.
- Request denied.

Yeah, I know. I heard.

I'm sorry.

Are you?

Can you tell me about
your relationship with Adam?

Maybe I can get
a clearer picture of who he is?


Do you mind?

Whenever you're ready.

I was the only deaf kid
in a hearing family,

so everything was all about me.

You know, there was... there was
no talking during meals

so that everybody could practice ASL.

And my parents moved our
entire lives across the country

so that I could go
to the best possible school.

It would've been easy
for Adam to resent me.

He never did.

He was happy.
He was doing his own thing.

- So...
- So...

We never saw it coming.

No, no one does.

But we could have.

There were... there were signs.

We just didn't see them

because we were all so...
So focused on me.

Adam's psychosis is not on you.

No, it's not. You know that, right?

Even if you had
seen the symptoms earlier,

it wouldn't have changed anything.

He still would've gotten sick.

- It would've.
- It would've.

Do you know where Adam
had his first psychotic break?


hundreds of miles from home,
surrounded by strangers.

He jumped out of his window

because he thought he could fly.

He broke four bones.

And you know what they did?

They put him in jail to dry him out.

They thought he was high.

He could've died.

- He could've.
- He could've


- He needed me.
- He needed me.

He was scared out of his mind,
and he was alone.

I wasn't there.

You think I feel guilty?

- No.
- No, this is not guilt.

This is what I owe.



All right, the lab has
sequenced all of Tiya's DNA.

Now we have to find the gene
that's threatening her life.

I'm not gonna lie.

I don't know much
about DNA-sorting software.

Good, 'cause we don't have any.

We're doing it by hand.


Oh, my God.

How's this even going to work?

All right, this stack here
is Tiya's DNA... all of it.

The research lab went from one end

of her genetic sequence to the other.


This stack here is the DNA sequence

to every single known genetic
disorder that effects infants.

Take one from the disease pile,
find the corresponding section

in Tiya's DNA,
see if you can find a match.

Just like that?

Well, it's not rocket science.

Anyone who can match a pattern
can do it.

Come on, let's go.


Full amputation of both
lower extremities complete.

The crush injuries extend further up.

We need to widen the field of resection.

But that means going
into the abdominal cavity.

Well, if we don't get
all the crushed tissue,

we won't be able to control
the DIC and cytokine storms.

Resecting more tissue
will certainly get us

into vital organs
that he can't live without.

And if we do nothing, he'll surely die.




Hey, you've reached Max.

I can't take your call,
so leave a message.

- Max, where are you?

You're an hour late,
and she's been completely...

Oh, damn it.

Mum, please, Max is
gonna be here any moment.

I really want him to meet you.

Why should I wait for a man

who can't be bothered to show up?

I've spent enough of my life doing that.

Wow, you never miss a trick, do you?

- Any opportunity to insult Baba.
- Helen.

I don't know why you still use
that name for your father.

Sweet little pet name for the
man who walked out and left us.

You're a liar.

How dare you speak to me like that?

He didn't walk out the door.

You drove him away. I remember.

Mum, please...

just stop.

I remember him begging to stay.

I remember him holding me.

And I remember you ripping me
out of his hands

while you screamed at him to get out.

And then you spent
the next years telling me

that he abandoned us,
that he's a r*cist,

that he didn't love me.

That lie shaped my entire future,

my feelings towards kids, towards men.

He called me.

He called me on his deathbed,
and I hung up on him.

I will never have even an idea
of a father because of you.

So the next time...

The next time you want
to talk about Baba,

I would... I would love for you
to try something...

Try something at which
you have very little practice.

Shut up.

Oh, good. You started without me.

Uh, so sorry I'm late. I, uh...

[CHUCKLES] Crazy story.

You wanted this lunch
so much, you have it.



Exposing the rectus abdominis muscle.

Scalpel, forceps.


Resecting the necrotic portion.

That is a large cut.

Yeah, and I didn't even get it all.

Let's see how far down
the destruction goes.



- Just loops of dead bowel.
- And the bladder's in pieces.

There's no end to the damage.

- Cautery.
- Okay.

All right, look, scalpel.

If he's gonna stand any chance,

we're gonna have to slash
and burn as fast as we can.



Would you mind if we have a little chat?

I'm a little foggy.
Can you come back later?

Your sister told me
about the break you suffered

in college when you tried
to fly out of your dorm.

Do I have to talk about this?

But today, um,
you weren't trying to fly.

You were trying to, uh, pick up
buildings, right?


So psychotic delusions
almost never change over time.

Why do you think that happened, Adam?

I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know.

- Stop!
- Stop, you're upsetting him.

It's all right.


I need you to look at your sister...

and tell her the truth.


I faked it this morning.



I don't know.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I think I do.

You were maybe thinking

that you could become
an in-patient here.

- Why?
- Why?

So he doesn't have to live with you.

Adam. Adam!

Last week your friend came over.

You went out for drinks.



It was the happiest
you've looked in years.


You never go out.

Don't date.

- Because of me.
- No! [WHINES]

I'm a burden.

I'm ruining your life.


I want to move out.




Dr. Bloom?

Oh, sorry, Carl.

Uh, We're gonna clean up,

but I think we're gonna
be here all night.

That's why I came.

My little boy has Apert Syndrome,

so I'd like to help you if I can.

Yeah, you can. Yeah.

Thank you, Carl.




We've managed to preserve
kidneys, colon,

- small intestine, ureters.
- We got it all.



I got these for your mom, but
I figured you could use them.

Wouldn't really categorize
the rest of lunch as pleasant,

but, uh, we got there.

Wow, you know, she's had
a lot thrown at her at once.

I mean, Mina, me, Luna,

and I think, really...

she just wants to feel included...

like she matters to you
as much as you matter to her.

So, when I threw out
the idea of a family night,

she... she lit up.

And the idea would be
that once a week we would all...

- Stop.
- What?

I didn't ask you to try
and fix things with my mother.

No, you didn't,
but you did leave me there.

That's 'cause I just detonated

my entire life with her.

Yeah. Sorry, uh... I'm confused.

I thought a big part
of why we moved here

was you wanting to connect with her.

Yes, connect with her, Max,
not to appease her.

Yeah, right, so you can only do that

if you're in
the same room together, right?

I mean, what's so wrong
about inviting her to dinner?

Max, these are not your
problems to fix... they're mine.

Okay, when I moved
across an ocean for you,

your problems became ours.

Don't you dare use that against me.

I'm not using anything against you.

Moving here for me,
leaving New Amsterdam for me...

That is the trump card that you can use

in every argument
we are ever gonna have.

It's the one thing you can say

that's gonna shut everything else down.

I'm not trying to shut anything down.

I have been begging you
to talk to me about this.

And you won't, so now you're mad at me

for not knowing what you want.

That's because I don't know what I want!




From her or from me?


Max, I need you...

to stay out of my family.

Oh, okay.


I guess I thought we were a family.

Are we...

A family?





Oh, my God.



Great, thank you, Trev.

- These are your...
- Those are my files.

- Yes.
- Yeah, I can see that.

Will that be all, Dr. Frome?

Trevor, come on, man.

Come on. It's... it's me, all right?

No... no harm, no foul.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure. I'm positive.

You are not a home wrecker, okay?

You're not. I'm a big boy.

All right, I've been in a happy,

wonderful marriage for over years.

I feel like you're suppressing
your true self.

You certain?

As you were, Captain, all right?

Thank you, Dr. Frome... Iggy.


You're welcome, Trev.
Now, come on, skedaddle.

Your husband is very lucky

to have someone as special as you.

Yeah, I'm...
I'm the lucky one, actually.

If only I met you years earlier.



















- _

























What's wrong?

It's not, uh...

it's not good news.

The crush injuries were too severe.

We tried to remove all
the damaged tissue, but we...

We couldn't.

So your body is failing, and...

There is nothing more we can do.

How long?


There's a high probability

that you won't make it
through the night.

[SOBBING] Oh, God.

Oh, God, no. Please, no.

I'm gonna give you two some time.

[SOBBING] No, I can't...

[SOFTLY] I love you.

[SOFTLY] I love you.


Floyd, Floyd.

You're not gonna believe this,
but we found it.

The gene?

Thiamine metabolism
dysfunction syndrome,

just like her brother had ten years ago.

That's curable.

Yeah, just a dose
of thiamine once a day.

I mean, I can't believe we found it.

Well, I mean, my eyes were going numb

from just lines of ATGC,

but now Tiya's going to get
to live a normal life.

And you know how much I hate
this word, but it's a miracle.

What's wrong?

Where's Tiya now?


Look who it is.

Baby girl, yeah.

Hey, little bit.





Wait, just...

I told you I don't want to see you,

but you continue to call me.

You text me. You ambush me.

I know, I know.

I upended your life.

I violated your trust, your boundaries.

I tried to control you with money.

And I'm probably gonna regret

losing you for the rest of my life.

But I'm not trying to change it.

I'm trying to atone for it.

You shouldn't have to leave
this place because of me.

[SIGHS] Your residency spot
is still open.



I can't work with you, Lauren.

You won't have to.

I'm the one who's leaving.

- Yeah, hi. Come in.

Just heading out for the day.




What? What's wrong?

It's Vijay. He...

- He...
- No.



♪ Throw me a bone ♪

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh. Oh, no.

♪ What did you know? ♪


♪ How do we ever decide? ♪

♪ Careful, love ♪

♪ Blow it away ♪

♪ Let's go there ♪

♪ What do you say? ♪

♪ Whole life ♪

♪ Why do you wait? ♪

You heard?

♪ How do we get to the sky? ♪

- You heard?
- Yeah.

What a sight for sore eyes.

You guys didn't have
to come all this way.

Of course we did.

We're family.

♪ What made you ♪

♪ Maybe you know ♪

♪ Whole life ♪

♪ Let it all go ♪

♪ How do we get to the sky? ♪