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03x17 - Countdown

Posted: 01/21/22 08:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Castle"...

I'm Mark Fallon, Department
of Homeland Security.

Jamal Alhabi. He had his cousin
Amir fashion a dirty b*mb.

How can you not know

the man you're sharing a
bed with is a t*rror1st?

- I swear to you. I don't know.
- Jamal and Amir are not t*rrorists.

You're chasing the wrong guy.

Let's just talk about something else.

- How's Josh?
- He's gone. He's always gone.

- Fariq Yusef. Syrian Consulate.
- At your service.

As events unfold, you may
find yourself in need

- of a man with my skills.
- What if Amir suspected another driver?

So the last two places
Amir was, and Kevin McCann

- has been to both of them?
- We got a location on the truck.

We at least have to go see
why this warehouse area

- is so popular.
- Open her up!

The b*mb was not in the truck.

No, sir. That's negative.

The b*mb was not in the truck.

We have rad crews on the ground now.

Yes, sir. I'll keep you apprised.

Keep the perimeter at a 3-block radius.

And keep the press the hell outta here.

We don't need a panic on
our hands, all right?

Sir, radiation teams have finished sweeping

the immediate area...
negative across the board.

- If they moved the device, it's not nearby.
- It makes no sense.

- Why would they move it?
- It's a rodeo clown.

- Rodeo clown?
- The truck... It's a diversion.

Jamal must have sensed we were closing in.

He gave us something to chase,
throw us off the target.

He's playing us.
So we're back to square one?

We gotta find Jamal.
Move in on his employees.

Shake the trees.

Somebody's gotta know something.

You think Fallon knows
he's chasing a dead man?

No. And he won't know
unless we get out of here.

Think they're coming back?

Why would they?

For Jamal. Why else would
they keep his body on ice?

Whoever's behind this

Per Jamal. Perche' senno'
avrebbero congelato il suo cadavere?

Chiunque ci sia dietro a tutto questo

They wanted his body in
that van with the b*mb.

That way, when the b*mb goes off...

They'd have his remains and his D.N.A.
at the crime scene.

People would think that he was the t*rror1st.

And then the real t*rrorists
would get away scot-free.

Okay, so then the question is, why?

What is their agenda?

We're not gonna find out in here.

Well, Castle, thank you
for stating the obvious.

You got anything?
No, no.

No thermostat, no control box.
Must be on the outside.

Got any bars on your phone?



Wait, wait, wait.

No. You?


How cold do you think it is in here?

Um, judging by the way that it feels,

I'd say it's well below freezing.

How long do you think we're gonna last

dressed like this?

A couple of hours at the most.

That's what I thought, too.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

That door is made of steel. I don't...

I don't think that's gonna do anything.

Castle, nobody knows that we're in here.

Nobody even knows to look for us.

We're gonna freeze to death
if we don't get outta here.

Well, maybe there's another way out.

Right. Uh... on three?

Yeah. One. Two.

Three. Okay, again. One. Two.

Two. Three.

Again. One.

Two. Three.

We didn't have to come back.

I was fine, you know.

I could literally feel
your anxiety level rising

the further we got from the city.

A spiritual retreat

is supposed to be spiritual, darling,

not stressful.

We'll do it another time
when you don't have a test

hanging over you.

Although I could've written
you a brilliant excuse.

I used to write the best
ones for your father...

Circus accidents, apartment... fires.

Movie night?

I don't know.

He has the projector up, but...


He's not here.

Well, maybe he's out, as in...

Yes. Ew. But he always calls when he's out

or leaves a note.

Well, he figured we were gone,

so why bother?

It's late, darling. Come on.

We'll ask him in the morning.


Castle, that's not good.

No, it's not.

All right.

Stand back. Mm.

What are you gonna do?
Just stand back.

Oh, whoa.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Are you trying to k*ll us sooner?
Do you have a better idea?

Maybe just save a few rounds
in case they come back.


I could use a silver lining

right about now, okay?

Yeah. Um...

I wish I had one.

This doesn't make any sense.

What, bro?

These guys that work for
Jamal's moving company,

they are Middle Eastern, but
most of 'em are citizens

born here in the States.

Aside from a couple of traffic violations,

their records are clean.
Maybe that's why they were recruited.

Now you're starting to sound like Fallon.

You know, maybe Castle was right.

Maybe there is something
else going on here.


You get anything?

Nothing so far.

They claim to not know anything
about Jamal's whereabouts

or his activities.

And the ones that are lawyering up

are accusing us of racial profiling.

They're not wrong.

You okay?

Compared to a nuke,

a dirty b*mb is a fairly crude device.

It's designed to instill
fear in the populace.

The majority of the immediate damage

is gonna come from the
conventional expl*si*n,

creating a k*ll zone.
Like Oklahoma City.

Except for it's not just
a building that falls.

It spreads radiation for several blocks.

That's your secondary k*ll zone.

If left untreated, people can
die from radiation poisoning

in less than a week.

But what makes this such
an effective terror w*apon

is the outer zone.

Now in this area, everybody
seems fine at first.

Then the cancers start showing up...

babies, kids, adults.

And with every new case that's reported,

people flock to the emergency
rooms, overwhelm the system.

It's like we're being
att*cked all over again.

Look, if we can't find the b*mb,

maybe we can find the target.

Pull everybody you got.

Give me a list of every significant event

going on in the city for
the next 48 hours...

Anyplace were people might
gather in large numbers.

This is New York City.
There are a hundred events

going on every day we
have to narrow it down.

Focus on anything political
or government related.

Are there any sporting events going on?

What's happening at the U.N.?

Maybe there's a reason they're
choosing to strike now.

Sir, can I speak with you alone?

Excuse us.

So what's wrong?
I just got off the phone with Castle's daughter.

Apparently, he hasn't come home,

and she hasn't been able
to reach him on his cell.

So? Castle got kicked off the task force.
Why isn't he at home?

How should I know?

Beckett's not answering her phone either.

We thought, given their history, that...

We thought the two of them might
have got on to something.

You two do realize that a
t*rror1st cell is threatening

to strike and thousands
of lives may be at risk?

Yes, sir. But...
What do you want me to do,

send out a search party

because your pals aren't
answering their cell phones

in the middle of the night?
For all I know, they could be

out having a cold one.

I appreciate your concern,
and I'm sure they appreciate

your concern, but they can
take care of themselves.

Besides, we have a t*rror1st to find.
Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Mm. Castle.

Are you there?

Yeah, yeah. No, I'm... I'm right...

I'm right here.

I can't feel anything.


I always thought...

Being a cop, I'd take a b*llet.

I never thought I'd freeze to death.


W-w-we're not dead yet.

I just wish this was one of your books.

Then you could rewrite the ending.


I'm s... I'm sorry.

For what?

Fo-for being me...


For going rogue, getting you into...

Into this.

If we hadn't gone on our own...

Oh, shh. Shh. Castle, no.

Shh. Shh.

You were right.

We found the b*mb.

We were just too late.



Thank you

for being there.


I just want you to know how much I...

Hey, Kate.

Stay with me.


Shh. Shh.

Stay with me.

Castle [3x17] - Countdown
Aired At 28-02-2011

Easy, pal.

Beckett. Where is she?

Sir, I'm gonna need you to calm down.
Where is she?

She's gonna be fine. You're both fine.

Got to you just in time.

Hey. So you're recovering from a
moderate case of hypothermia.

And you're gonna be a little
bit sluggish for a while,

but with some warmth and some fluids,

you should be all right. What...
I thought you were in Haiti.

Mm-hmm. Didn't go. This is gonna hurt.


Let's see if we can't get you to sit up.

All right? Move slow.

There you go.

How long was I out?

Uh, I don't know. About an hour?
The b*mb.

We searched the entire warehouse.
It's gone.

How'd you find us?

Oh, Alexis called.
Said you didn't come home.

Alexis? She's supposed to be out of town.
I guess she came back.

We figured you were with
Beckett until Josh called.

We thought you must be out there

doing something incredibly
stupid against orders,

so we sent patrol units

everywhere we figured you'd
be moronic enough to go.

Found Beckett's car, searched the area

till we found the light
from the storage container.

Well, I'm glad my stupidity is predictable.

You pulled us outta there?


So your boy's back in town.


He came back.

So what does that mean to you?

It means we have a chance.

Come on. Fallon wants to debrief.

Think he's ready to believe us?

N.E.S.T. confirms high
levels of residual radiation

along with a m*llitary-grade Semtex.

There's no question that device was here.

I'll have my team pull surveillance tape

on every camera within a
quarter-mile of here.

Sounds good. I'll catch up to you.


You two. Are you always this
stubborn and insubordinate?

Only when we're trying to save the world.

I'd be more impressed if you succeeded.

How did you know to come here?

Security cameras in Amir's cab.
We think that

he was keeping tabs on one
of his drivers...Kevin McCann.

We pulled McCann's route records.

Turns out he visited that storage facility

in Washington Heights where
the radioactive material

was being kept and this warehouse

long before Amir did.
McCann was here before him?

Yeah, it looks like Amir was
following McCann, trying to

figure out what he was up to
until he was caught and k*lled.

And with Amir, their intended
patsy dead, we think they were

trying to implicate his
cousin Jamal as the bomber.

That's why they were
keeping his body on ice.

Did you see any other members of the cell here?
No, it was dark.

And they were sh**ting.
But we do

know that the b*mb is housed
in a white commercial van

with a rear and side passenger door.

A white van in New York City?

Well, that narrows it down.

We saw the counter.
It's set to go off at 4:00 today.

That's less than ten hours from now.
All right.

I'll put up checkpoints.
But it's already in the city.

Look, I know all the evidence
points to Amir and Jamal,

but something bigger is going on here,

and Kevin McCann is involved.

Got it.

That was a taxi company.

McCann's supposed to be on shift right now,

but he didn't show up and he's

not answering his phone.
Did you get an address?

D.M.V. lists an apartment off
Jerome Avenue in the Bronx.

All right. Get a team together.

Go up there and get him.
Agent Fallon?

Given the circumstances, we'd like to request

to be reinstated on the task force.

Well, that's not up to me.

It'll be up to your doctor, isn't it?

You know, it's funny.

When I first met you two, I
thought you were together.

Oh. No, just... just friends.

Get cleaned up.

We got a long day ahead of us.

Oh, Richard, darling.
Oh, are you all right?

Are you using that blanket? Oh, no.
I'm gonna give it to you.

Oh, you poor baby.

You look like death warmed over.

If someone tries to sell you on cryogenics,

say no.
I knew you wouldn't turn your phone off

without leaving me a message.

Now is this about the cab driver?

Look, I need you girls
to do something for me.

But I don't want you to ask any questions.

I want you to go the Hamptons.

I want you to stay there for the weekend.

Richard, what is this about?
See, that...that's a question.

Look, there might be a...

An event...

That will make it very
dangerous to stay in the city.

What are you doing?
Calling Ashley.

No, no, no, no. You can't tell anybody.

Okay? You can't tell anybody.
You tell Ashley,

he'll tell his parents, they'll
call someone they love, and...

A panic will make this thing

a thousand times harder to stop.

Dad, he's my boyfriend.
I know.

This isn't fair. You can't...
Fair has nothing to do with it.

I need you to go. Now.

But you'll come too?

I will when I can.

But I need you to go.



Figured you could use the caffeine

and the warmth.

Thank you.

Are you okay?

Yeah. No. I'm...

You ever wonder about Fallon?

I mean, what this must be like for him,

living this every day?

I told Alexis and my
mother to get out of town.

I didn't tell them why, but they knew.

They wanted to tell their friends,

and I told them they couldn't.

I felt like a monster.

I mean, that must be some kind of hell...

Feeling that all the time.

Kinda makes you wonder

how many times this has happened since 9/11

and we were the ones who didn't know.


Yeah, the McCann address

is a dead end. Korean family lives here.

Been living here for the past four years.

Did you search the place?

Yeah, didn't seem to be
anything out of the ordinary.

But we did talk to a longtime
neighbor, and they said

the McCann family lived here,
but it was over a decade ago.

She seems to recall something about them

having a son named Kevin, and
he went in the m*llitary.

Kevin McCann...

Army special forces, recipient
of two purple hearts

and the distinguished service medal

during his six tours in Afghanistan.
Six tours?

m*llitary is stretched
pretty thin these days.

Doesn't make any sense.

What's a w*r hero doing mixed
up in a t*rror1st plot?

Don't look at me, pal. It's your theory.

Do they have an address listed?

Arlington, Virginia.

Kevin McCann...

the real Kevin McCann...
d*ed a couple of years back

at a V.A. hospital from
complications of wounds

he suffered during combat ops.

Buried at Arlington with full honors.

So someone stole his identity.

He could be anyone,

including a foreign agent.

Run this through FBI and CIA

facial recognition databases
all the way up to Interpol.

I want to know everything
I can about this guy.

All right, so tech tracked the phone

that he's been using under the McCann name.

Patrol units just found it in a dumpster.
Been wiped clean.

We've got an A.P.B. out on him
and we sent copies

of his photo to everyone.

Teams are on their way to the taxi depot

and the impound to pull prints
from the cabs he drove, but with

multiple drivers and
passengers, there are gonna be

hundreds of prints in each cab.

It's gonna take some time.
It's time we don't have.

Why would he steal McCann's identity?

I thought this guy was a crime novelist?

I-I am.
Well, then you

should know that sometimes
people who operate

outside the law will take
the social security number

of a deceased individual and use
it to forge a new identity.

I know. I've done it
three times in my books.

What I'm saying is,

why would he steal Kevin McCann's identity?

Because it was convenient.

Why was it convenient?

I mean, the money that was
deposited into Amir's account

to implicate him,

we tracked it back to Afghanistan.

McCann served in Afghanistan.

Maybe there's a link.
What kind of link?

I don't know. Maybe...
Maybe this guy wasn't just

stealing the identity of
some random dead guy.

Maybe... McCann is someone he knew

or someone he needed to be.

Contact the Pentagon.

Get everything you can on McCann.
Got it.

His family used to live here.

Are they still around?
Parents are dead,

but he's got a sister in Queens.

Sorry about the mess.

It's just...
it's been hard since Doug left.

Sweetie, just go play in your room.

So what happened?

My deadbeat ex got arrested again?

Actually, Ms. McCann,
we're here about your brother.

Yeah, I know him.

That's Radford.

Radford Hayes.

He was in my brother's unit.
They were best friends.

He assumed your brother's identity.

Do you have any idea why?


How well did you know him?

Mostly from my brother's letters.

They were in the V.A. together.

He was there with me when...

When Kevin d*ed.

In his letters, did he
ever display any animosity

toward this country?

Why is he asking me that?

There's a possibility that Mr. Hayes
is working

with a set of extremists who
are plotting against the U.S.



Radford took me out for a
beer after Kevin d*ed,

and he was angry...

Angry at how everyone stopped
caring about the w*r.

Like it wasn't even happening,

angry at the way politicians
were treating them,

like they were tissue paper,

to be used and thrown away.

He thought the folks in Washington

cared more about scoring political points

than winning.

He said that maybe what this country needed

was another wake-up call.

Maybe next time, we'd get it right.

Do you know where we can find him?


All I have is his cell phone number.

His phone's active, but it's old-school.

No native GPS.
How long before you get a fix on him?

I'll need a few minutes to
triangulate off the cell towers.

Do what you gotta do.
Just don't let him know we're coming.

I can't believe we're
chasing one of our own.

He's not wrong, you know?
Used to be, we'd go to w*r,

everybody sacrifices, everybody pitches in.

Now you don't even see it on the news.

I'm not defending him.
I'm just saying, I understand the anger.

Well, Amir is the perfect patsy.

He has a background in weapons
engineering, ties to Syria,

which is a hotbed for Al Qaeda recruiting.

I mean, it has t*rror1st
written all over it.

And the money from his Afghanistan account

would've had people believing

Taliban was involved.
We're so programmed by fear.

People are gonna believe
exactly what Radford

wants us to believe...
That we were att*cked again...

and then they're gonna cry out for blood.

In less than four hours.

If we can't stop it, shouldn't we tell people?
Tell 'em what,

that a dirty b*mb is gonna go
off somewhere in Manhattan?

You know the kind of
panic that would create?

No. Our only hope is to stop this thing.

Let's just hope that we can.
We got him. Let's roll.


Get down! Get down!

Get down! Get down! Now!

On your knees! On your knees!

Interlock your fingers behind your head!


Tell me where it is.

Where's the b*mb? Where is it?

Where's the b*mb?

This guy makes me sick.

He swore an oath to defend this country.

In his mind, he's a patriot.
Yeah, like Tim McVeigh.

Ryan, contact D.O.D.

See if you can get 20s

on the guys he served with in Afghanistan.

See if any of 'em are blowin' in the wind.

You ready?


We break him, no matter what.

Got it.

Look, I know you're angry,

and I understand.

But what you're doing, what
you're involved with...

It's not the way.

Radford, you're a soldier.

The people in this city
are not your enemies.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Look, we know about you

going up to the storage
facilities in Washington Heights

and the warehouse.

What about it?

Well, we know that there was

nuclear material in the storage facility,

the b*mb was assembled in
the warehouse, so don't

insult us and tell us you
don't know anything about it.

He's wasting his time.
Why do you say that?

He's Special Forces.
We're trained for this...

Never to give up information,

never to give up your
position if you're captured.

They can't break him.
Not in time.

Do you see yourself as a...

a great hero

doing this for a-a mighty cause?

You think that's how
people are gonna see you?

Because I'll tell you right now, brother,

if you let this happen, you're
gonna go down in history

as America's greatest mass m*rder*r.

Is that what you want?

When this b*mb goes off,

do you think they're
gonna be looking at me?

People will see this as an act of terrorism

so they will be looking for a t*rror1st,

not a patriot, not one of their own.

Is that what you think you are, a patriot?

There's a word for people like you,

and it's not "patriot."

It's "traitor."

The powers that be have
no use for a traitor.

So when they find their t*rror1st,

and they will find their t*rror1st,

what do you think will happen to me?

Well, let me tell you, because I know them,

I know how they think.

I will become a footnote
in one of your files

buried so far back, no
one will ever find it,

because anything more
would be an inconvenience

to their self-serving,
rabble-rousing narrative.

So why don't you do us all a favor

and just accept the inevitable?

You think this is a joke?
You think I'm playing with you?!

Where's the b*mb?!

Where's the b*mb?!
Fallon, no!

Where is it? Where's the target, Radford?

Lower your w*apon, Fallon.
Where's the target?

Fallon! Lower your w*apon now!

Not until he tells me what I want to hear.

Where is it?!
Lower your w*apon!

You ready to go all the way? Huh?

I'm prepared to die for my country.

Are you?

Put down your w*apon now.

Hey. I got that.

Thank you.

He wasn't gonna break, you know?

If I had a couple of days, maybe a week,

but not in three hours.

We needed him to break.
I saw an opening. I took it.

You violated his rights.

I can think of probably
a dozen federal lawyers

that would disagree with that.

He was never in any real danger.

I removed the b*ll*ts from my clip.
My g*n wasn't even loaded.

Well, mine was.
Yeah. Well,

I was pretty sure you
weren't gonna sh**t me.

You know, next time, I wouldn't be so sure.

Detective, I understand
that you probably hate me.

You have every right to, both of you.

But my job isn't to make friends.

It's to stop bad things from happening.

And seeing as how we're
just a couple of hours away

from a major t*rror1st event

and we are basically back at square one...

I could really use your help.

Yes, sir.

Man, does that guy take jackhole lessons

or was he born that way?


I asked my buddy at D.H.S. about him.

Turns out his wife was k*lled on 9/11.

She rode the second tower down.

They were on the phone
together when it happened.

He's right.

If we don't get Radford to
talk, we're dead in the water.

Maybe not.

Okay, I need backpack detectors spread out

to the ten most likely targets.

Get the N.E.S.T. teams ready. Go.

Where are we on Jamal and
Amir's coconspirators?


Why? We know that they're patsies.

Remember what Radford said
about the b*mb going off?

He said we will find our t*rror1st.

But with Jamal and Amir
out of the picture...

They're gonna try to pin
it on someone else.

Somebody related to them both.

All right. Get locations
on all known associates

of Amir and Jamal Alhabi.
I don't care

if we've dismissed 'em before.

Anybody of Middle-Eastern
origin or descent.

Nazihah, Amir's wife,
find her, track her down.

See if she'll cooperate.

She trusts you.
Maybe she

can help us narrow down the list.
On it.


That's Fallon's surveillance guy.




She's gone. So is the kid.


I found this on the table.

"Allah Akbar. God is great.
I go to my glory

against the forces of the infidel."

She's their new t*rror1st.

They're gonna have her set off the b*mb.

Uniforms are canvassing neighbors,

but none of them
saw the abduction.

What about the traffic cams?

I got teams out there, but
with less than two hours left,

there's no time to go

through all the footage.
Where's Montgomery?

He's on the phone with one P.P. coordinating

city emergency response
teams, just in case.

Mobilize FEMA with full radiation protocol.

Have 'em standing by to airlift to the city.
Yes, sir.

We found her phone at the house.

The family car is out in front.
So we have no way to trace her.

Yo. I got something.
According to D.O.D.,

most of the guys in Radford's
unit are still deployed.

I was able to locate all but two...

Evan Bauer and Jack Cochran.

Their families say they've
been on a fishing trip

since last week.
What do we know about them?

Well, Bauer is a weapons specialist,

and Cochran did a tour in
expl*sive ordinance disposal.

An E.O.D. guy would know
how to build a b*mb.

All right. Get a team together.

Crawl up these guys'
asses with a microscope.

- Phone records, financials, anything...
Get a location. - Yeah.

What's wrong?

We find these guys, you
know what we're gonna see?


These aren't brainwashed radicalized kids

on a student visa.

This is highly trained m*llitary.

They're probably reading
out of our playbook.

We are running out of time.

Get N.E.S.T. in the air.
Yes, sir.

Maybe we'll get lucky,

the ground teams can make a move.

There, uh...

There might be another way.

But, uh...

I don't think you're gonna like it.

Make the call.

It's really very simple.
Do what we ask, everybody lives.

Don't do what we ask, everybody dies.

It's as easy as that.
You k*lled my husband.

Why should I believe you?

Because I'm afraid you
have no other choice.

See the van?

All you gotta do is drive it where we said,

park it, and walk away.

You do that for us, we'll return your baby,

and we can all go on with our lives.

But you should know, there's a
camera on the driver's side.

If you do anything stupid, we'll know.

Nod if you understand.

Mr. Castle.

Detective Beckett.

So good to see you again.

And, agent Fallon, your
reputation precedes you.

Does the Syrian Consulate
even know you're here?

When last we met,

Detective Beckett, you
relieved me of my p*stol.

I thought now was a good
time to retrieve it.

Mr. Yusef, when we last met,

you told me it was in your
business... to stay informed.

I find, in my business,
it's important to...

Keep up with current events.

And I'm sure that your country

would do everything in its power

to avoid a terrible misunderstanding.

If somehow Amir or his wife Nazihah

were mistakenly believed to be involved

in an act of domestic terrorism.

I would say, it's in both our interests.

You also mentioned that Amir was
of special interest to you.

We at the Syrian Consulate

wanted to make sure
he liked his new home, so...


We checked in with him from time to time.

And what about Nazihah,
did you check in on her?

Under the circumstances, we
thought it would be appropriate

to send our condolences.

You had her under surveillance, didn't you?

Where is she?

Mr. Fallon, the Syrian Consulate

is strictly a diplomatic mission.

We're certainly not

in the business of spying on U.S. citizens.


If you were to happen by a red
brick industrial building

on the corner of 158th Street and Franklin,

I do not think you'd be wasting your time.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I have an appointment outside the city.

That's her baby.

The baby's fine.

Where's Nazihah?

Guys, over here.

Camera frame is too tight.
We can't tell where she is.

No way to get in touch with her,

and let her know her baby's all right.

Well, I guess it's all up to him.

He knows we're on a deadline, right?

Yeah, he knows.
I mean a literal deadline.

As in, you go over the line, you're dead.

Castle, can you just give him a chance?

I-I'm happy to give him anything he needs.

It's the clock that's not cooperating.
Alert all units.

Target is in a black van.
Repeat, a black van.

They left for Times Square ten minutes ago.

How'd you get 'em to talk?
I lied. I told 'em Radford cut a deal

implicating them both.

I want checkpoints and
barricades in Times Square.

Get choppers in the air. Find that van.

If she just left ten minutes ago,

there's a chance we can catch her

before she gets there.
Take Broadway or Riverside.

We got Broadway.

You should not have taken Broadway.

It's the most direct route to Midtown.

Yeah, but it's not the fastest.
We should cut over to...

Castle, will you please stop
telling me how to drive?

I'm not telling you how to drive...

You are telling me how to drive.
Nazihah's husband was a cabbie.

- So? - So Broadway slows down
in the 70s through Midtown.

She would know that the fastest
way is West End to 11th

and then cut crosstown on 48th.

Okay, why 48th and not 46th?

Because 46th has construction on it.
Turn here.

All units, this is 23.

We are tracking a black van
southbound on Broadway

passing 72nd.

I repeat, southbound on
Broadway, passing 72nd.

I, uh...

I'm turning around.
No, no,

don't turn around. It's the wrong van.

Castle, how do you know?

There! There! There! There! There! There!

It's her.

Pull over!

Nazihah, pull over!

Please, no. They have my baby.

Nazihah, no. We've got her.
She's okay. She's o...


Dispatch, this is 1 Lincoln 40.

We found the b*mb on 55th and 11th.

1 Lincoln 40, copy. b*mb squad is en route.

E.T.A. three minutes.

Dispatch, that's about
two minutes too late.

1 Lincoln 40, stand by.


Fallon, you have any idea
how to defuse a b*mb?

One minute.
Where are you?

We're at 55th and 11th.

I'd... I'd have to see it.
Can you send a picture?

Yeah, yeah. Hold on.

It's uploading right now.

45 seconds.
You got it.

Yeah, it's opening... it's opening now.

Hang on!

30 seconds.

I can't see anything!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.







No, he... No, you should've seen his face,
because he stopped,

he looked at me, he grabbed all the wires,

and then he just yanked them.

All of 'em?

I figured one of 'em had
to be the right one.

You know, the Mayor wants
to give you guys a medal.

I didn't have the heart to tell him

you had no clue what you were doing.
Thank you.

The Captain's right.

You guys don't know how lucky you are.


I do.

Could I talk to you two for a second?

I just want you two to know

the U.S. attorneys office
is gonna be charging them

with multiple counts of
conspiracy to commit terror.

And thanks to you two,
we won't have to add

the m*rder of innocent New Yorkers
to that allegation.

Well, we were just doing our job.

Actually, I was doing my job.
I don't know

what the hell he was doing.
Hey. But that's true.

Listen, um...

What I do is not who I am.

It's just how I have to be.

I hope you both understand that.

Why don't we just say it was a pleasure

and that we hope that we
don't have to do it again?

Fair enough.

I-if it does happen again, though,

maybe you could just text
me, have a code word.


Hell of a day, huh?

Hell of a day.

You know...

I was thinking.

I was thinking maybe...

I should go home,

get some rest.

Long day.

Good night.

Good night.

Oh, hey.