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06x05 - Legacy

Posted: 01/22/22 08:21
by bunniefuu
What was wrong
with staying on the coast?

There was sun, surf, sand...

You got two out of the three.

We were supposed to relax,

We had bad luck.
Goin' inland didn't have to be this way.

No, deserts don't have to be dry,
windy and desolate, Xena.

It's optional.
I can't see anything.

Here. Take my hand.

Do you even know where we're going?

Do we ever know
where we're going?

Don't say I never give you anything.
Sun... Sand...


That was unnecessary.
A little uncalled for.

All right, I'm pruning.
I'm outta here.

Strange beauty to the desert.

You do look for the good in everything,

Why does it sound like an insult
when you say it?

-Well, maybe not everything.
-Yeah, well...

Sand up my wazoo
gets me a little edgy.

Hate it when that happens.

What's that?

Let's go check it out.


Crawl, you snakes of the devil!

Let's even the odds.


Who do you think you are?

Who asked you
to interfere?

You were being att*cked.

Well, in the desert we learn young to mind
our own business.

you don't become old.

Growing old is overrated.

I never pass up a good fight.

You should pick your fights more wisely,

We don't pick them.
They pick us.

Come on, Xena.

Who are you
to take that name?

Xena, the legendary Warrior Princess
is long dead.

No, she's not.

-This is Xena.

No, it's just hard to explain.

Oh, and I suppose you're Gabrielle,
the Battling Bard of Poteidaia.

I've ner heard it used like that, but,
yeah, I'm Gabrielle.

You're both lying.

I guess that's supposed to be
the legend'ry chakram...

Supposed to be.

So you have a chakram...

That means nothing.
You didn't use it in the battle.

It wasn't necessary.

You are a coward and a fraud!

Only the real Xena
knows how to use a chakram.

Show her.

In the time of ancient gods,...


...and kings...

...a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess...

...forged in the heat of battle.

The power...

The passion...

The danger...

Her courage will change the world.


So this is the desert hospitality
that I've heard so much about.

That's right.

Though the fact they worship us...

...could be
influencing the welcome a bit.

Don't refuse anything.
You'll insult them.

What is this?

Something yummy.


Xena... I sent word that
you will lead us against our enemy.

Is it the people who att*cked you today?

Oh, no. That's Tazir.
We're rivals, yes.

But the enemy we both face
comes from across the seas.

They've invaded our lands
and k*lled many of our people.

You know them, Xena.



Some things never change.

Every time our tribes
try to join together and fight...

...ancient feuds drive us apart.

There's been so much bloodshed,
sometimes I think uniting is an impossibility.

But with you to lead us, Xena,
I have renewed hope.

Thanks for the compliment, but...

Xena, we've grown up
on the stories of your victories.

There's nothing you can't do.
No place we wouldn't follow you.

-Of course.

Your scrolls.

We were brought up listening to them.

Well, surely you knew,

I had no idea they'd come
this far.

I'm pleased.

All right.

We'll do what we can
to help you defeat the romans.

Bring us wine.

We shall honor our guests.

Of course, our tradition
is one of hospitality.

My cousins will be honored
to take you both to bed.

What was that you said about
not refusing anything?

Do you think those guys bought
that "amazon chastity" I made up?

Oh, I think they were hanging on every
word of Gabrielle, the Battling Bard.

I think it has character.


I wish I had a dinar
for every time I heard...

..."Xena, the legendary warrior princess".

Bet you do.

I think you're loving it.

Sure, what's not to love?


It's just that these people
need help.

If anyone knows romans,
we do.

I'll say.


Do you ever have
those moments in battle...

...where you have to decide
whether to disable someone... or to k*ll them?


Don't you ever think about it?

You just have to trust your instincts,
that's all.

Well, what if your instincts
are wrong?

If you're gonna stop and debate that,
you're gonna get hurt.


It's Kahina!

Are you ready to join with me,

Show me this myth you claim
to have found wandering in the desert.

Watch who you're calling
a myth.

-Korah, is this the woman you saw?
-Yes, Father, it is.

She and her magnificent friend
swept down on us...

...and drove us away
as though we were children.

It was incredible, as I told you.
I have never seen anyone...

-That's enough.
-...fight like either one of them.

-Xena has more strength, but...
-Korah, I said that's enough.

I could hardly believe
my son's crazy tale...

...but maybe the prophecies
are coming true after all.


We welcome you.

How far have the romans gotten?

They invaded nearest town
not long ago.

They come in great numbers
and overwhelm any resistance as if... if they're tryin'
to wipe us from the face of the Earth.

I want to be a warrior.

I dare not aspire
to Xena's greatness...

...but I've seen your fighting style,
such intelligence and restraint.

I'm going to model myself after you.

These weapons you use,...

...they help you to fight defensively
when you don't wanna draw blood.

They do, but you see...
You can k*ll someone with it.

Could you teach me to use
those weapons?

If you want me to.

May I wash your feet?

-I don't think you wanna do that.
-No, it is a custom. Please.

-No, really.
-May I?


If you must...

Your descriptions of the battles you've been
in show growth and understanding...

...from the earliest of the scrolls
to the latest. Were you aware of that?


They've started building roads
across the sand.

-How many legions are there?
-We don't know.


Let's go check out the town and find out
what the romans are up to.

-It's too...!
-Hold it!

Gabrielle and I can handle this.

Everyone else stay here.

Just need to put this on.

What's with the desert boy?

He wants me to teach him how to use the sais.

He's picked a great teacher.

It's kind of strange being thought of
as a warrior more than a bard.

Guess I've come a long way.

Is that a good thing?

Yeah, it is.

For once, Xena, I'd like to be
roman noble and you be the sl*ve.

Yes, what is it?

My loyal servant and I
have just arrived from Rome.

-Are you in charge here?
-Yes, yes, I am. What can I do for you?

I am Fasmia...

...Wife of Cypio Africanus the fifth.

I assume you've heard
of my family.

Indeed I have, madam.

Cypios are well-known

I've come to see whether this would be
a profitable place to invest our money.

My dear lady...

Please, excuse my manners.

Our prospects here are excellent.

We've set up a profitable
trade route...

...protected by the forces of Rome.

Protected from what?
The nomads?

I've heard
they're very fierce...

Scattered savages, I assure you.

The tribes fight more amongst themselves
than with us.

And what if they were
to unite?

-They'd be dangerous, wouldn't they?
-There is no chance of that.

They spout old stories of Xena,
Caesar's thracian whore,...

...and wait for a legendary warrior
to rise out of the sand and lead them.

-Are you concerned?

About a long-crucified


My dear lady...

Your money
will be safe with us.

At this moment...

...three legions
are preparing an offensive to...

...pacify the ethnics
once and for all.

Call it a...
cleansing, if you will.

Seems overconfident,
if I may say so.

You seem a little outspoken for a sl*ve.

I think someone should be punished.

Oh, someone will be.

I promise.

Thank you, Governor.
You've been most helpful.

I think we should stop!

We'll get covered over!

Keep moving!












It's a scroll.

What have I done?

I never thought I'd see this.

What's that?

You washing blood off my hands.

I never thought I'd see it, either.

It says that Kahina and Tazir
have finalized their peace treaty.

I want you to go back
to Kahina's camp...

-...and wait for me there.
-Where are you going?

To take him home.

I'm going with you.

No, just give me a chance
to explain to them.

-Xena, I have to talk to Tazir.
-You will...


A rider approaches!

It's Xena!

Xena! Did the message reach you?

It's Korah.



What happened?

Quickly, men!

-Korah, how...?
-What's going on?


Someone'll die for this.
I swear it!

Who could have done it?

Thieves? Yes.
More like one of your men, Kahina!

Get your hands off me!
We had nothing to do with it!

You've been trying to weaken my position
for years.

-Now you take my son!
-Tazir, wait.

I saw tracks where he was k*lled.

...Tracks of a thousand men
a mile wide.


My people wouldn't leave
a grain of sand out of place.

We had nothing to do with it.

Only the cursed romans would...


-Xena, did you see them?
-No, there was a storm.

It must have been the romans.

How foolish I was to send Korah.

The romans are coming in several legions.

We have to hit them
before they're ready.

They have cost me my son.

They will all die for this.

I will slaughter them one by one
with my own hands.

I will have justice
for my son's blood!

Save it for the romans!

How'd it go?

Not good.

I should have gone with you.

I'll talk to him, Xena.

No, it's more complicated
than you think.

Xena, it's not complicated.
It is simple. I k*lled Korah.

Out here,
the penalty for that is death.

I accept that.

Well, I don't.

What purpose would it serve?

It can't bring Korah back now, can it?

Xena, that man out there
deserves to know the truth.

He thinks he does.
He thinks the romans did it.

Did you tell them that?

It was an accident.

Let him believes
the romans did it.

They have to fight
them anyway.

-I can't lie about this!
-You don't have to lie.

Please... Please...

-Don't say anything.

We've spotted romans in the desert.
We sent a patrol out.

What we have to do is find out
where they are now and lure them into a trap.

There's a valley just north of here.

-We could lead them there.
-That's perfect.

They cannot come soon enough.

I hunger for this fight to begin, Xena,
and for you to lead us to victory.

Kahina... We found him.

-He's the k*ller?
-Of course.

We caught him near the water-hole.
He tried to escape.

See? Korah's blood is still on it.

Let's take him to Tazir.

-Let him make an example of him.
-Just because he's a roman...

...doesn't mean he's the k*ller,

I have all the proof I need right here.

Tie him! We'll drag him
into Tazir's camp.

Hold it.

To k*ll a man in a fight
to protect your homeland is one thing.

But to pick out a roman at random...

...and execute him for a crime he may not
have committed, that is something else.

If he didn't do it, someone just like him did.

Come with us, Xena.

-You're one of us now.

He isn't the k*ller.

I am.

-Where are they taking her?
-To Tazir's camp.

She doesn't deserve to die, Kahina.

Neither did Korah.

The law is a just one, Xena.

-This changes everything. You lied to us.
-That's right, I lied.

And even if you were to k*ll Gabrielle,
the romans would keep coming.

Then they will.

We can't follow you now.

Tomorrow at dawn, she dies.

How does it feel?

-How does what feel?
-k*lling an innocent.

It's unbearable.

He admired you and you slaughtered him.



If I had know
what a snake you were...

...I'd have struck your head off
and my son would still be alive.


I'm going to join up with Xena.

I'm going to be a warrior, like her.

A warrior?
Gabrielle, I can beat you up.

You've got to take me with you and teach me
everything you know.

You have a remarkable gift for healing.

No, that's Xena's specialty.

No, Perdicus! Oh! No!

I won't take a life, even yours.

It's hard the way of love.

But if you choose to follow it... must do so
with all your heart.

No, look. You promise me.

If something happens to me,
you will not become a monster.

Get up!

I can't, Gabrielle.

You're walking through life preaching peace...

...and Xena and I have swords
in our hands.

...sometimes the only answer is to fight.

If I k*ll you... win.

I become like you.

These weapons you use,...

...they help you to fight defensively
when you don't wanna draw blood.

They do, but you see...
You can k*ll someone with it.



You once prayed never to see
the light go out in me.

I just don't think there's much of that
left in here.

This is best for everyone.

The end will come too quickly
for what you deserve.

Pray the vultures
don't get to you before we do.

Bury the m*rder*r.

My dear lady...

Is there something I can do
for you?

Actually there may be something
I can do for you.

The nomads are joining forces.

They found someone to lead them.
This could mean trouble for you.

A minor annoyance.

But one you could avoid
if you knew where they were gathered.


Our legions could use
a diversion.

-A life for a life!
-Justice for Korah!

Avenge my son!
Avenge Korah!

The romans!
The romans are coming!

Get the horses!

I hate to interrupt their game,
but I'm getting you out of here.

To the valley!

Saved by the romans...

I would have bet against that.

It sure took 'em long enough.


I needed a diversion.

Last night, I thought letting them k*ll me
was the best thing for everyone.

Gabrielle, you may never forgive yourself
for what happened to Korah...

...but you'll be a stronger person for it.

I don't know.

I felt that way once.

I felt there was nothing left
to live for.

I was tired of hurting
and I just wanted it to end.

What changed it for you?

You did.

I guess we've come full circle, huh?

Come on.

You're out of time and you're out of options.

Now they know that you're here,
they'll hunt you down unless you stop them.

You expect us to trust you now?

-Why should we?
-You have no choice.

We could have ridden
in the opposite direction.

Why didn't you?

Tazir, your son's blood
is on my hands...

...and it will be
for as I walk this Earth.

I can't change that...

...but I can help his people
win their freedom.

Maybe his death'll have
some meaning then.

And I promised you that I'd help you
defeat the romans.

I keep my promises.

The romans are coming!
They found our trail!

She's right.
We have no choice.

All right.

Let's move it!

Get those horses outta here!

You said the sun
had to be in this position?


-That's how we know when one is coming.
-They're right behind us!

Everyone, get covered up!

We don't have enough people,
even with the surprise.

You have Xena.
What more do you want?

Funny how the romans showed up
just in time to save your friend...

-...almost like it was planned.
-You got the fight you wanted.

Stop complaining.

Left a few details
out of those stories, didn't you?

Form up!


Come on!

Tell Caesar Xena sends her regards.


Do you think they'll succeed
against the romans?

They've got a good chance.

The desert's a powerful w*apon in their favor.

For a while there,
I didn't think the day would end so well.

Neither did I.

You saved me today, Xena,
against the greater good.


Isn't that what we've been fighting for?

Gabrielle, in everyone's life...

...there's something
that goes beyond the greater good.

That's what you are in my life.

I wasn't about to let you die out there
if there was something I could do about it.

What if it was my choice?

Especially if it was your choice.

It seems I've treded Korah's life
for my own...

...thanks to you.

That evens the scales between us.

It doesn't really, does it?


He could have become a great warrior...

...just like you.

Just like me.