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08x20 - Bon Voyage

Posted: 01/22/22 10:20
by bunniefuu
[Upbeat music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need ♪

♪ To help somebody

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ There comes a time when you decide if
you will lead or follow ♪

♪ Don't wait around till you have found
that time cannot be borrowed ♪

♪ We're all trying hard to make it but
sometimes it's hard to see ♪

♪ When we're running round in circles we
get so dizzy ♪

♪ Now it's time to take the wheel and make
it feel ♪

♪ Like there is no tomorrow

-Well, the tradition continues.

First neely, then
donna, now lani.

All on the cover
of inside sports.

-Yeah. Well, personally,

I wish the tradition
ended with donna.

-Hobie: dude, I'd be
stoked if my girlfriend

Was on the cover of a magazine.

-Cody: lani and I were
supposed to go to cabo

On our vacation.

Now he's taking them to alaska.

How do you do a swimsuit
layout in alaska?

-Are you kidding me?

Fire and ice is gonna
be the hottest mag yet.

-Mitch: do I detect a
note of jealousy, cody?

-You're telling me you're
not the least bit jealous

That neely's cruisin' to
alaska on the love boat?

-Mitch: contrary to rumors,

Neely and I are just friends.

-Mitch, the two of you
are livin' together.

-The four of us are
living together temporarily

Till neely and ashley
can afford a place

Of their own.

♪ But if I work hard I can play hard be a
super star ♪

♪ Word on the street is- you can't take
the heat ♪

♪ Me and my girls will make your heart
skip a beat ♪

♪ With the sun on our side

♪ As we roll with the tide

♪ You can try all you want

♪ But you can't keep us from our fun

♪ With the salt on our skin

♪ You know we're playing to win

-You know what we should do?

We should get tickets and
go on the cruise with them.

I've always wanted
to see alaska.


A relationship is
based on trust.

-Cody: yeah, I
know all about that.

I'm callin' a travel
agent right now.

-Don't waste your time.

-Why? What do you mean?

-I already tried.

-Mitch: dawn princess
is sold out.

-Cody: there's always
last-minute cancellations.

-Hobie: and there's always a
chance I'll win those tickets

From that contest.

-Mitch: what contest?

-The one princess
cruises is sponsoring.

You remember that ad on tv.

They're gonna announce
the winner any day now.

-Announcer: far to the north
of where you and I dwell,

There lives a
beautiful princess.

Win a dream vacation for four

From princess cruises
and alaska airlines.

Write an essay in
200 words or less

Explaining why you and
three of your friends

Deserve to cruise
alaska's inside passage

On the love boat.

Hurry. Contest ends in 30 days.

-Give me a break, hobie.

What are the odds of you
winning something like that?

-Better than the odds of
you taking lani to cabo.


-You gotta get
used to it, ashley.

I'm running five miles

Every morning

While your mom's gone.

By the time she gets
back from alaska

You're gonna be ready
for the triathlon.

-That's something we
need to talk about.

-Oh, I know, I know.

Keep her out of the sun,

Keep plenty of formula,

Make sure the brake is
always on when we stop,

Don't forget pampers.

What? What'd I forget?

-That's not what
I was gonna say.

-What were you gonna say?

-Well, that I'll be
taking ashley with me

On the cruise.


You're worried that hobie
and I can't take care of her

While you're gone?

-No, it's got nothing
to do with you.

I finally tracked down peter.

He's living in alaska.

Juneau. It's one of the
stops on the cruise.

-Peter. Your ex-husband, peter.


-So. You're gonna
introduce ashley

To her daddy.

Great. Great.

He must be thrilled.

-Well, i, uh,

I haven't told him yet.

-You haven't told him?

-No. I mean what am
I supposed to say?

"Hi, it's your ex-wife,
remember when we were thinking

"About gettin' back together?

"Well, I got pregnant.
I had a baby,

"And, I didn't
bother to tell you."

That's, uh. That's not
the kind of conversation

You have on the phone.

-You're just gonna
show up on his doorstep.

-I don't know.

I still need to work out
my feelings toward peter.

I mean, on the one hand,

He deserves to be
part of ashley's life.

And on the other hand,

I don't know if I
want him to be a part of my life.

Then I think that she deserves
to be a part of a family,

And that peter and I should
give it another shot.

I wish you were coming.

I'm gonna need all the
moral support I can get.

-Come here, come here.

You got it, okay?

You got it.


-Let's go.

-Mitch: that's
it? You finished?

Yeah, yeah, good, girl.

Hey, hey.


-So, you really think
neely's gonna get back

Together with her ex?

-That's hard to say.

Having a child is a strong
bond between two people.

-Wasn't strong enough

To keep you and mom together.

-That's not the point.

-Well, maybe it's
not strong enough

To get neely and
what's-his-name back together.


-His name is peter.

-All I know is that
you're the only real father

Ashley's ever had,

And I can't believe you're
not gonna put up a fight to keep her.

-It's not my choice.

Or your choice.

Or even little ashley's choice.

Look. Let's just not
talk about it, okay?

[Knock on the door]


Burp her will you?



-Mitch: hey.

You guys eat yet?

-Mitch: no, come on in. I'm starved.

Yeah, I knew you
were watching ashley,

And I figured you
might be hungry.

-What are you doing here?
I thought you were
supposed to be

At some inside sports
dinner with lani.

-Yeah, well, that was before

Lani and I got in a huge fight

And she said she never
wanted to see me again.


-We need to have a long talk.

You're blowin' this
way out of proportion.

[Knock on door]

My turn.

Hey, how's it goin'?

-Delivery man: pretty good.

-I know I'm nuts but

All I can think of is cj.

Remember she was supposed
to go away for a week

And she never came back?

-Lighten up, man.

It's not gonna happen with lani.

-Thanks a lot.

Overnight mail.

-From who?

-Princess cruises.

-The contest.

You said they were gonna
announce the winners. What's it say?


You're the winner of
the princess cruises

Alaska airlines sweepstakes.

I'm goin' to alaska!
-Cody: yes!

-Hey, whoa, unbelievable.

Look at this.

-You guys missed
the essay I wrote.

I wrote about how
much I loved the beach

And how bad we
needed a vacation.

-You are the man.

-Majestic mountains,
wondrous streams,

Incredible glaciers, fishing.

Awe, man. This is awesome.


-Now all I have to do
is find three people

To go with me.

So I'm takin' bids.

-Well, I'm your father.


-Twenty bucks and I'll do
your laundry for a month.

-Yeah, yeah.

-You got twenty
bucks for me, dad?

-No, but I'm your father.


-All right, you're goin'.


[Dark, ominous piano music]

-Oh my god, would you
look at these things?

These gotta be worth a fortune.

-Oh, they are.

We can cut thousands of stones

From just one of these emeralds.

Now, what are we gettin'
out of this, robby? Huh?

We risked our lives
diving for these.

-What are you talking about?

-I'm talking about
getting our fair share

Of the profits.

Are you outta your mind, leslie?

You forgettin' who we're
dealin' with, here?

Look, these guys are K*llers.

You'd never make
it off the dock.

They k*lled to get
these emeralds.

They'll k*ll to keep 'em.

-You gutless worm.

-Shut up, leslie.

You don't know what
you're talkin' about.

-All I know is I am tired
of working for nothing.

-You know what I think?

I think you mighta stayed
down a little too long.

You're not thinkin' straight.

-You're throwin' away
the chance of a lifetime.

-No. You know what I'm doin'?

I'm playin' it smart.

All right? I suggest
you do that same.

Now why don't you come help me

With this anchor?

-Come give me a
hand with this thing.

I want to get outta here.

[Man grunts]

[Man yells]

[Man yells]


-Bye-bye, baby.

-April: hey, newmie!

-Newmie: yee-hah!

Here I come.


-April: this is so fun.


-Hey, newmie.


-It's me.

I've got the emeralds.

No, quinn is on the
bottom of the ocean

Sucking on an anchor.

Yeah. No, of course.
[Playful shouts from skiers]

Of course I was careful.

Look, I know what
they would do to me

If I got caught.

Which is why I'm not
going to get caught.

Now, yeah, I saw them once.

No, no they won't remember.

Besides, even if they do,

They'll be searching for
a blonde leslie stryker.

I'm clair hodges now.

I'm a redhead.

-Newman: all right, april.

Looking good.

-Stop the boat.

-Sheryl: april's down.

-Jim: okay. Let's pick her up.

-Hold on.


We may have a problem here.

-Sheryl, no!

There's a shark.

Lets get him back to the scarab.

[Hard breathing]

-I can't tell if
he's dead or alive.


[Man yells]

-Barnett, I got ya covered.

-Newman: help 'em in the boat.

-Look, enough. Okay?

I'll take care of it.

Just wait until I call you

And tell you where to meet me.

-Radio the coast guard.
We're gonna need a helicopter.

-Newmie, they won't
make it in time.

-Get the ambu bag.

-Barnett: there'll
be an ambulance waiting at the dock.

-He has severe head trauma.

-What do you think
happened to him?

-Probably fell off some boat.

-One, two three.

-April: no one seems
to be looking for him.

-Newman: one, two, three

Four, five.

[Police and ambulance sirens]

-Clair: that bastard
better not be alive.

-Dock worker: got it.

-Clair: this
dork should get me

Into lifeguard headquarters.

-Hobie: what's she doing?

Watch out!

[Woman yells]

-Clair: help!


Somebody, please help me.


-Are you okay?

-I'm not sure.

-Hold on to this.

-I'll tow you in.

-Are you doing all
right back there?

-I'm fine.

[Phone ringing]

-Hi, hobie.
-What's up?

-Hey, clair. Sorry
about the wait.

Thanks a lot, al.

-Uh, huh.

-So, I'm gonna have to ask you

A couple questions.

-About what?

-Well, when a lifeguard
participates in a rescue

He has to take
an incident report.

Real basic stuff. Come on.

Sit right here.


-So, have you ever
been in a kayak before?

-The funny thing
is, I row every day.

I don't know what happened.

It's as if my brain
just shut down

And all of a sudden
here's this boat coming

Straight at me.

Thank goodness you
were there, hobie.

It was the scariest thing

That has ever happened to me.

Feel my hand.

I'm still shaking.

-Oh, don't worry.

You're safe now.

-What's up, hobe?

-Hey, what's up, jd.?

-How's it going?
-Hobie: good.


I heard about you
cruisin' to alaska.

-Hobie: hey [shushes]

It's supposed to be
a secret, all right?

-Hey, I haven't said a word.
-All right.

-So, got a spot open?

-Um, possibly.

Hey, I'll talk to
you about it later.

-Yeah, sure.

Don't forget about me.

-I won't.
-Who loves ya?

-Love ya, babe.
-All right.

-Ah, so, back to
the incident report.

Name, clair hodges.

Is that a c-l-a-i-r-e?

-Uh, no e.

-All right.

-So, uh, you're going
on a cruise to alaska?

-Yeah, I won this contest and--

-When are you going?

-Actually, we leave
for vancouver tomorrow.


Guess we won't have
much of a chance

To spend any time together.

But that's okay.

You are gonna have
a fabulous time

In alaska.

It is so gorgeous
this time of year.

-You've been there?

-I live there.

Well, I used to.

-What do you mean?

-I came down here
to do research

On whale migration.

I'm majoring in marine biology.

Anyway, the apartment
I was staying in,

It got ripped off.

They took everything.

All my clothes,
my tuition money.

It's all gone.

-Oh, that's terrible.

What about your parents?
Can't they help you out?

-My parents were k*lled
in an accident last year.

So were my brother and sister.

-I'm sorry.

-There's nothing
you can do about it.

-Well, maybe there is.

I've got four tickets.

So far, it's me,
my dad, and cody.

You could be the fourth.

-Hobie, you don't even know me.

-I know, but I feel like I do.

-You do?

That's so sweet.

I feel that way about you too.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't impose.

-Oh, come on, why not?

It'd be like I was
giving you a ride home.


-This is so incredible.

No one has ever done
anything like this for me.

Where have you been my
whole life, hobie buchannon?

-I been right here.

-Thank you.
-No problem.

-Is there somewhere
I can change?

-Uh, yeah. Girls locker room.

Down the stairs.

Let's go.

-Hey guys.

What was that code r all about?

I thought you went water skiing.

-Well, we were until april

Found a body floating
in the water.

-Jd.: Oh my god.

-Yeah, we thought
he was dead at first

But we gave him cpr
and he's still alive.

-Newman: we don't know if
he's gonna pull through though.

He was still in a coma when
we got him to the shore.

-I'm gonna call the hospital
and see how he's doing.

They took him to
pacifica medical, right?

-All right.

-Jd.: Oh, man.

-Are you all right?

-What happened?

-You passed out.

-I did?

Oh, all I remember
is getting dizzy

And feeling nauseous.

This is getting really weird.

-We better get you
to the hospital.

-I guess you're right.

-Come on.

-Oh, there you are.

Just finished
examining your victim.

Vital signs are normal.

No salt water in the lungs.

No evidence of
internal injuries.

You know, I suspect
the dizziness

Was more a result
of nervous tension

Than physical trauma.

Seems to be under an
inordinate amount of stress.

-See, I just met her,

So I don't really know
that much about her.


She'll be out in
a moment or two.

She's being released
as we speak.

-Do you know if anybody's
coming to pick her up?

-I don't think
she's got any family

In the los angeles area.

-Okay. I'll take her home.

-I hope she
appreciates how much

You've done for her.

-Me too.

-You bet.

-Where is quinn?

-Pacifica trauma center

In critical condition.

-What happened?
-I don't know.

But I have a feeling
we've been double-crossed.

-You're talking about
five million dollars

In emeralds.

-You don't have to remind me.

-Where the hell is leslie?

-I don't know.

But I'm gonna find out.

Pacifica trauma center.
Let's move it.

-Increase his oxygen

And check him again
in 15 minutes.

[Hospital machinery beeps]

-You're tougher than
I thought, robby, baby.

But not tough enough.

You should've listened
to me, you bastard.

Greed is good.

So while you're rotting in hell,

It'll just be me
and the emeralds

Cruising on the dawn
princess in alaska.

Pretty classy getaway, huh?

You know what they say.

Where there's a will,

There's a way.

Bye-bye, baby.

[Hospital curtain zips back]

-What are you doing here?

-Um, well, I was walking past

And I heard him moan.

-Well, this is
a restricted area.

-I'm sorry.

I should have called a nurse.
-That's okay.

No harm, no foul.

-What happened to him?
-Nobody knows.

He was found
floating in the ocean

By the lifeguards.

-Is he gonna die?

-Well, it depends on how
long he remains in a coma.

But if you heard him moaning,
he could be coming to.

Let's, uh, step outside.

Good as new.

-All right. Thanks, doc.

-You be careful out there now.

-I will.


-You feel better now?

-Actually, I feel
a little foolish.

You know, for overreacting.

Such a major hypochondriac.

-Oh, yeah. Don't
worry about it.

Better safe than sorry.

I mean, you don't
want to get out to sea

And find out something's
wrong with you, right?

-That's true.

Let's go.

-Excuse me.

Excuse me, doctor?

-What's wrong?

-I understand you
have a drowning victim

In intensive care.

-And you are?

-His brother.

-Huh? Um, nothing.

Nothing. I was getting excited

Thinking about our trip.

-Me too.

-I wish I could
be more optimistic

About your brother's
chances of recovery.

The truth is, he's
lucky to be alive.

Lifeguards found him
in the nick of time.

-Do you think I could have

A moment alone with him, doc?

-Sure. I don't see why not.

I have to make my rounds anyway.

If you need any assistance

Just ask the nurse.

-Thank you.
-No problem.

-Way to go, robby,

You incompetent jackass.

I told you she
couldn't be trusted,

But you knew better.

Well, let me tell you
something, smart guy.

We don't get those
emeralds back,

You're gonna wish
those lifeguards

Never found you.

[Man in coma mumbles]

What did you say?



Dawn princess.


-Orderly: hold on,
I'll get the door.


That bitch has the emeralds.

-Where the hell is she?

-On some cruise ship,

The dawn princess,

On her way to alaska.

-You remember what
she looks like?

-How would I remember?

We never met?
-You did.

At a party I hosted a month ago.

Mid-twenties, brown
eyes, blonde hair.

Perfect girl-next-door.

-Yeah, if you live next
door to san quentin.

-Listen, I want
those emeralds back.

You hear me?

And I don't care what
you do to get 'em.

And by the way,

I don't ever want to see

Miss leslie stryker again. Ever.

-I guarantee you she
will never get off

That cruise ship alive.

-Man, this ship
is awesome looking.

Hey, so you think we're
really gonna be able to

Surprise the girls?

Everybody at headquarters
knows we're going.

-Lani and donna are off today.

So unless neely found out,

We are in the clear.

Here's the plan.

First, they fly to
vancouver in the morning.

We take the afternoon flight,

And we are in alaska.

-Hey, so who else is going?

-I don't know.

Hobe's just still
fielding offers.

Hey, hobe-ster.

-Hey, guys.

Someone I want you to meet.

Clair hodges, this is my dad.

-Hi, nice to meet you.

-This is cody madison.


You should be so proud
of your son, mr. Buchannon.

He saved my life today.

-He did?

-I haven't finished filling
out the incident report yet.


-My kayak flipped in the marina

And I almost got hit by a boat.

Fortunately, hobie was
there to rescue me.


-Um, can you tell me
where the bathroom is?

-It's upstairs. First
door on the left.

-Great. Thanks.

I'll be right back.

-Cody: not bad, hobie.


-How old is she?

-She's 20.

-20. Yeah, right.

-Hey, that's what she told me.

You always said never ask
a woman her age, right?

-So you guys
goin' out or what?

-Actually, I'm gonna
take her on the cruise.


You're gonna take
a girl you just met

On an eight-day alaskan cruise.

-She lives in anchorage.

We're gonna leave her up there.

-Hobie, you don't know
anything about this girl.

-Well, maybe I
want to find out.

She's a nice girl.

I want to help her out.

-I'm aware that they'll
have people watching

The train stations
and the airports.

That's why I'm traveling
by cruise ship.

I thought it was rather
ingenious myself.

But quite honestly,

This is the easiest con job

I have ever pulled.

-Hey, I won the contest, right?

I can take whoever I want.

-Yeah, you can take
whoever you want.

I just don't want you taking

A total stranger.

-You know what?
I don't really care
what you think.

I'm 18 years old.

You can't control who I date.

-It's more than a date.

-We have separate rooms.

-That's not the issue.

-What is the issue?

You want her for yourself?

-What are you talkin'--

-Come on. We're outta here.

-Why, what's going on? Where're we going?
-Mitch: hobie.



-Mitch: damn it.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.


-Well, we're off on
our big adventure.

-All right, ashley,
you take care of your mom.

Keep each other warm at night.

-I'll call you from
juneau after I see peter.


-Hey, mitch. No
matter what happens,

I want to thank you
for all that you've done.

I know we've been
a big imposition.

-You haven't been
an imposition.

Neely, you made
us a family again.

Now stop worrying.

Have a good time.

Bye muffin.

-I'll see you before you know it.

-See ya.

-We still have
time to make a quick

Phone call, right?

-I thought you and
cody weren't talking.

-I still thought he'd come

And say good-bye.

I mean we always make
up after a fight.

Sometimes that's the
only reason we fight,

Just to make up.

-Lani, we're
goin' on the love boat,

I'm sure you'll find
someone else to fight with.

Hey, come on.
They're ready to take off.

-Hey, see ya.

Have fun.

Don't eat too much
of that gourmet cuisine.

-Look, lani, how many chances

Do you get to go to alaska?

Let's go have some fun!

-All right. Come on.

-Ashley's first flight, huh?

-Welcome to alaska airlines.

If there's anything you need

My name is kat.

Would you like champagne?

-That's sounds good.
-Yeah, me too.

-You know what?

I'm gonna have some club soda.

-Of course.

-Hey there, little girl.

-She's sleeping
-she doing good?

-So cute.

-Oh, yum.

Thank you.

-Yes, thank you.

-Thanks, kat.

-You're welcome.
-Excuse me,

How long is
the flight to vancouver?

-It's nonstop, so
under three hours.

-Could you tell the pilot
to speed it up a little?

Can't wait to get on
the dawn princess.

-I'll see what I can do.

-Hey guys, I'm so excited.

I've never flown
first-class before.

-Get used to it.

Cause this trip's
first-class all the way.

-All the way.

-I'd like to make a toast.

To inside sports and alaska.

-Alaska, here we come.

♪ You and me

♪ And the wide open sea

♪ Cruising on the
wide, wide blue ♪

♪ Yes indeed

♪ For miles and miles we'll be ♪

♪ Cruising on the
wide, wide blue ♪

♪ Bon voyage

♪ To everyone at home

♪ It's no mirage

♪ We're off to make
the world our own ♪

♪ You and me

♪ And the wide, open sea

♪ Cruising on the
wide, wide blue ♪

♪ Someplace beyond the sea

♪ We'll find our destiny ♪

♪ Cruisin' on the wide, wide

-Oh lani, don't tell
me you miss him already.

We haven't even set sail yet.

-I'm sure
I'll get over it.

-Trust me.

With all the work
you'll be doing

For inside sports,

You won't have time
to think about cody,

Let alone miss him.

In the meantime,

I could use an
extra pair of eyes.

There are 2000
people on this ship.

That means at least
a thousand men.

This isn't going to be easy.

On second thought,

The search might be over.

-Lani: well, he's
certainly your type.

Tall, dark, and rich.

-Thank you.

♪ You and me

♪ And the wide open sea

♪ Cruisin' on the wide

-Check that out.

♪ Yes indeed

♪ For miles and miles we'll be ♪

♪ Cruising on the
wide, wide blue ♪

♪ Someplace beyond the sea

♪ We'll find our destiny

♪ Cruisin' on the wide, wide

♪ Cruisin' on the wide, wide

♪ Cruisin' on the wide, wide

-Announcer: to be continued.