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08x21 - White Thunder at Glacier Bay, Part I"

Posted: 01/22/22 10:21
by bunniefuu
-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be alright ♪

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ [I'll be ready]
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Man: last time
on baywatch.

Well, the tradition continues.

First neely,
then donna, now lani.

All on the cover
of inside sports.

-Now he's takin'
them to alaska.

-I finally tracked down peter,

He's living in juneau.

One of the stops on the cruise.

-So, you're going to
introduce ashley to her daddy.

you're the winner

Of the princess cruises
alaskan airline sweepstakes,

I'm goin' to alaska.

-You can cut
thousands of stones

From just one of these emeralds.

We risked our lives
diving for these.

-What are you talkin' about?

-I'm talkin' about
getting our fair share
of the profits.

-You forgettin' who
we're dealing with, here?

Look, these guys are K*llers.

They k*ll to get these emeralds,

They'll k*ll to keep 'em.

-I don't know,

But I think
we've been double crossed.

-Remember what she looks like?

Blond hair, blue eyes,

The perfect girl next door.

-I'm clair hodges now,

I'm a redhead.

We may have a problem here.

Quin's body's floated
to the surface.

-Stop the boat.

-The lifeguards have
already spotted it.

I can't tell
if he's dead or alive.

-Are you okay?

-I'm not sure.

-So, you guys
goin' out or what?

-Actually, I'm gonna
take her on the cruise.

-You're gonna take
a girl you just met

On an eight day, alaskan cruise?

-She's a nice girl,

I wanna help her out.

-You should've listened to me,
you bastard.

Greed is good. Bye, bye baby.

-Listen, I want
those emeralds back.

I don't ever want to see
miss leslie stryker again, ever.

-I guarantee you,

She will never get off
that cruise ship alive.

-Awesome, right?


Ever been on a cruise before?

-No, you?

-Yeah, once.

-How was it?

-Pretty awesome until
stephanie fell overboard,

Ending up jumping in after her.

-You kiddin' me.
What happened?

-Never heard that story?

-No, but I have a feeling
you're gonna tell me.

-Step into my office,
I'll buy you a beer.

Couple more cervezas, please.

-Right away, sir.

-So anyway,

Here we are, cruising
down the mexican riviera.

I look out the window,
through the porthole.

-oh, oh.

Red alert, there's neely.

Here goes the big surprise.

-Quick, follow me.
Follow me.


Hey, hey, down, down here.

Thanks, put 'em on my room.


-It's on me.


There I was...

-Hey, what's up?

-Nothing much.

-You seen the girls around?
-No, I've been laying low,

I haven't seen 'em.

-Cool, don't wanna spoil
the surprise.

So, how's your friend doin'?

-Really good.

You know, actually, she's
a really cool chick.

I don't know why my dad's
so bent outta shape.

-My dad was
the same way with me.

They always think
they know what's best for you.

It'll be the same way
when you have a kid.

-Hey bud.

-What's happenin', man?

-[Muffled speech]


-Whatcha doin'?

-Buying clair a dress.


-Hey, its my money, right?

I can do what I want with it.
-That's not the point.

-The point is,

You're still trying
to run my life.

Why don't you just let
me enjoy my cruise?

-You were talkin' to him?

-This place is amazing.

-Ladies, good evening.

Welcome to venetian dining room.

-You look so wonderful.

-Thank you.

-This is a beautiful room.

-Beautiful, I will leave
the special table for you.

Let's go.

-Oh, yeah.

-Check this out.

Well, I wonder what
jd. And neely are doing

Right about now.

Neely's probably
gettin' a hair cut.

-You see 'em?

-Right there, right there.

-Buon appetito!

-Excuse me, sir.

-Good day, may I help you?

-Actually, I'm gonna start with
the shrimp cocktail,

And then I'm gonna
have the caesar salad.

-Buongiorno, darling.

I was wondering if you'd like
to have a look at the wine.


What are you doing here?

-Perhaps you'd prefer
some champagne?


-What's happening?
-What's going on?

How'd you guys get on board?

-We stowed away.

-Its great to see you.

-I missed you so much.

-Yeah, me too.
You guys look great.

-Seriously, how'd
you guys get here?

-There was a contest put
on by princess cruises

And alaska airlines,
hobie entered the contest,

Hobie won the contest,

And the first prize was four
tickets on the princess cruises.

-Why didn't you tell me?

-And miss that
look on your face?

Are you kidding me?

Where's ashley?

-Oh, she's back at the room.

We have a sitter.

-I thought she might
be needing these.


That's so sweet.

-Come on you guys, sit down.

-Yeah, let's pop this baby.


-Yeah, let's do it.

[Cork pop]

[Yelling and cheering]

-Table for two, please.

-This way, follow me, please.

-Hey, where's donna?

-She wasn't hungry.

Too busy lookin' for love.

-Well, it is the love boat.

-Oh, there's hobie.

Come on, come over here.

-Who's this girl he's with?

-I don't know, he brought
her on the cruise with him.

-You're kidding.
-I wish.

-Isn't she a
little old for him?

-I'm glad I'm not the
only one who noticed that.

-Hobie, thank you so much.

Oh, winning this contest.

-I'm glad to bring ya.

-Come on, come on, come on over.

-Neely, lani,
this is clair hodges.

-Hi, nice to meet you.



-Have a nice dinner.

-Aren't you guys gonna join us?

-No, that's okay.

We know when we're not wanted.

Come on.




What're you doing here?

-Its a long story.

-Came with mitch, hobie,
and hobie's girlfriend.

-Hobie's girlfriend?

-That's an even longer story.

-Yeah, I'll fill you in
on all the details later.

In the meantime,
what's up with you and mr. Limo?

-I haven't been
able to find him.

And believe me, I've tried.

I've walked every deck
on the ship.

-Well, its only
the first night.

He's bound to turn up
sooner or later.

-Man: mid 20s,
brown eyes, blonde hair,

Perfect girl next door.

-Hello, leslie.

Ironic that we should meet on
the air bold deck, isn't it?

-I beg your pardon?

-I believe that you have
something that belongs to me.

-I don't know what
you're talking about.

-I'm really not in the mood for

-Excuse me.

That's my chair.

And that's my wife.

-I am terribly sorry.

I thought you were someone else.

-Wish me luck.
-Good luck.

-No more bets, thank you.

Black eight.

-Alright, this is
my last dollar.

Now, you gotta win

Or I'm gonna have to
borrow money from mitch.

Come on.

-Come on baby.
-Alright baby.

[Machine dinging]





-Dealer: good luck.

25 Red.

Try again?

-That's it for me.

-This is for the lady.

That's for me.

-No, I can't let you do that.

-I insist.

-No more bets.

-Paul nickels.

-Donna marco.

-Nice to meet you, donna marco.

-Dealer: 32 red.

-32, You won!

-We won.

-I can't believe this.

-Did you win all
your money back?

-And then some.

-That's what I like to hear.

Thank you.

-You're welcome.

-How'd you like to
go someplace quiet,

Where we can talk?

-I'd love to.

-For you.

-Thank you.

-Would you like
something to drink?


-Strawberry daiquiri?


-Two strawberry
daiquiris, please.

Thank you.

So, what do you do
in santa monica?

-I'm a county life guard.


You know, I always
thought that would be

A great job.

Hang out on the beach,

Watch pretty girls go by.

-Well, there's a little
more to it than that.

-Oh, I'm sure there is.

That's just the part
that appeals to me.

-So, what do you do?

-I'm an importer.

-Oh, importer of what?

-Well, I specialize
in rare jewels.


-In fact, I was
admiring your bracelet.

-Oh, its okay.
-I'm so sorry.

Let me get that for you.

As you can see,
I tend to be very clumsy.

-Don't worry about it.

-Oh, sorry.

I think that's about everything.

There you go.

-You are a terrific dancer.

-Flattery will
get you everywhere.

Having a good time so far?

-So good,
I've forgotten why I'm here.

-Well, what's the worst
that could happen, huh?

Peter wants nothing to
do with you and ashley,

And you come back home.

-Where's home?

I don't even have an apartment.

-You can stay with me
as long as you want.

-Let's stop talking
and let's just dance.

Thanks for walking with me, too.

-What are friends for?

Besides, its a
gorgeous night, huh?

-Its beautiful.

[Baby crying]

Aww, sweetie.

-Hey, hey, come on ashley.

-Come on, baby.

-Its okay.

-Its okay.

Aww, its alright.

Hey mitch, you should get
back in there and dance.

You don't have to worry
about a fussy baby.

-No, that's okay.

I could, I could
dance right here.

Don't be shy.
-Are you sure?

-Let me try, come here.

Come here, darling.

Okay, I got you.

Yeah, yeah.

That's it girl, hey.

Shhh, shhh.

Come on.


-Good morning.

-Hey, how you doing?

-Not bad, considering
ashley was up

Most of the night.

-Oh, really?

Hey, ashley.

-Announcer: everyone going
to the...

[Muffled speech]

Leaving in 20 minutes,
20 minutes on bus number...

[Muffled speech]

-Good morning ketchikan.

Wild, huh?


Oh, is this ashley?

Oh, she is absolutely adorable.

Can I hold her?

-She's a little fussy, so.

-Oh, I can't wait
to have a baby.

-Where's hobie?

-Oh, he should be right back.

We're going into town.

-Hey mitch.

I found the perfect
fishing spot,

Salmon falls.

I already rented the
gear, we're all set.

-Ashley's been a little cranky,

I'm gonna hang here with neely.

-I thought you guys wanted
to go salmon fishing?

-Mitch, you know,
you can go ahead.

We'll be fine.

-Yeah, can't you use that
babysitting service again?

-You have to book in advance.

-Look, why don't you two go.

I'll stay with ashley.

I'm sure hobie will understand.

-Well, thank you very
much for the offer

But I don't think so.

-Its okay, really.

I practically raised
my baby sister.

-Come on, man.

This is a once in
a lifetime opportunity.

Streams are overflowing
with salmon.

-Actually, I
wouldn't mind going.

It sounds like fun.

-Yeah, neely.

-You sure?

-Ashley will be in good hands.

It'll be okay.

I'll treat her like
she was my own.

Plus, hobie will be
there to help me.

-Okay, alright.

She just had her bottle,
so she should be fine.

And there are diapers
in the stroller, okay?

-Say bye, bye, ashley.

-Bye bye, honey.

Bye now.

-Bye, have a good time.

-You know, I don't think
this is such a smart idea.

I really don't.

-Well I mean, she may be
a little old for hobie,

But he's with her
and she's a sweet girl.

-Will you guys stop worrying,

They're gonna be fine.

Big fish, big fish man, come on.




-What' s going on,
how come you have ashley?

-I'm babysitting so
your dad and neely

Can go salmon fishing.

-What about ketchikan?

-Well, you can go by yourself.

-No, I guess I'll
just stay here then.

-No, don't be silly.

You've got to see this town,

It is so neat.

Go to creek street,
it is very cool.

-Are you sure you're
gonna be alright

Here by yourself?

-Of course.
Now, go ahead.

-Alright, I'm gonna go
hang out with donna.

-Okay, have fun.


-See you later.

[Baby crying]

-Gavin is on the ship.

I don't know how we found out.

All I know is that he's here.

Yes, I promise you,

He will not find the emeralds.

Just meet me in anchorage.

Alright, I'll see you then.

[Baby crying]

Shut up you little brat.

-I swear, it was this big.

-Why is it whenever somebody
tells a story about a fish,

Its always this big?

-Because that someone
is usually a man,

And they usually exaggerate
about measurements.

-Hey cody, you think she's
trying to tell me something?

-Oh my gosh, you guys,

Look at how beautiful.

-Ship sails for juneau
in five hours.

-I say, let's not waste
another minute, huh?

-Let's do it.

-Alright you guys,

I'm gonna stay here
and take some pictures.

-Be careful, huh?

-Okay, have fun.

-Okay, thanks, see ya.


-I sense the big fish.

-God, this is amazing.

[Heavy breathing]


Oh my god!

Oh my!

Oh my god!



Oh my god!

[Muffled speech]


Hey, man.
-Yeah, man.


-Come on, come on,
come on, come on.


-Woo! Look at that baby.






-Come on.




-Hang in there.

Hey, get out.

Get out.

See if you can find something
to distract this thing with.

Hang in there neely.

Go on.




-Get outta here.

Go on.



-Get outta here, get out.

Get outta here.

-Get out!

Get outta there!

Go on.

-Oh thank god.

-You okay?

-Yeah other than
caught under this log.

-Okay, on three,

One, two, three.

See if you can find something
to leverage her outta here.


-Alright, just take it easy.


You sure you're okay?

-I'm really cold.

I can't feel my legs.

-Alright, we're gonna
get you outta here.

-I know that.

I know.

-Did I ever tell you the time

Eddy kramer was trapped,

Pinned underneath the vault,

Inside an armored car?

-Sinking to the
bottom of the ocean,

Did I ever tell you about that?

-Yeah, about ten times.

-I thought I did.

Do I ever mention
that he got out okay?

-Mitch, I'm really,
really scarred, ashley.

-Ashley is gonna have a mommy

To tuck her into tonight,
I guarantee it.

Come on cody!

-Here you go.

Just gotta position
it as a fulcrum.

-You okay?

-Alright, here you go.


-One, two three.

She's free.

-I'm so cold.

Get me out of here.

I'm so cold.

-We'll get you
back to the ship.

Get you some blankets.

It's alright.

You're gonna be okay.

-Here you go.


Look, why don't you
get some rest, huh?

And I'll take ashley
back to your room.

-Oh, no, no,
I want her to stay.

You know, there for a minute,

I didn't think
I was gonna see her again.

I mean, all I kept thinking was,

Who's gonna take care of her?

And then I looked up,

And I saw you, saving me.

Thank you.

-I, I'll go get the

-Diaper bag.


-Hey you.

-Mitch, hey.

I just heard what happened.

Is neely okay?

-Yeah, yeah, she's fine.

She's up on the deck,
lying down,

I just went to get
the diaper bag.

-Hold on, I'll go with ya.

You know, it sounded
like a really close call.

-Yeah, it was.

Is this your room?

-Yes, why?

-Did you switch cabins?

-No, I've been
here the whole time.

-Donna, I saw a guy go
in your room this morning,

He had the key.

-Are you sure it wasn't
one of the stuarts?

-Uh, yeah.

He was tall, dark,
and had a goatee.

-No wonder I can't find my key.

Must of taken it when
he knocked my purse

Out of my hands.

Why would he do that?

-Who is this guy anyway?

-His name's paul nickels,

He's a jewelry
importer from duluth.

-Here you are ma'am,

That's two tickets for
the helicopter trip in skagway.

-Oh thank you,
we're havin' a great time.

Beautiful ship.

-Thank you, enjoy your day.

-Excuse me,

Do you have a map of juneau?

-Yes ma'am, one moment.

Oh, there you are ma'am.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome,
have a good day.

-Hey, what's up?

-Hey hobie,
I'm just checking out

What there is to do
at the next stop.

-Oh, in juneau, the glaciers'
supposed to be unreal.

I heard you can go paragliding
from the mendenhall glacier

Back down to the ship.

Its supposed to be incredible.

Have you ever been
paragliding, clair?

-What? No.

No, never.

But I'd love to learn.

Let's go.


-Sure you don't want me
to come with you?

-Always there to back me up.

-It's what lifeguards do.

this is your vacation.

-Right, that sort of is.

-I just hope I'm
doing the right thing.

-I just hope peter
likes surprises.

Oh come on, I'll walk you down.


-Hey, come on.

-Hi, leslie.

I want my emeralds
and I want them now.

-They're in my suite.

-Open it.

Open it.

-Won't go.

-Get over here.

Come on.

-Clair, what's going on?

Clair, hold it.

Wait a minute, clair, stop.

Who is this guy?

-Hey man, what's going on?

Oh, what happened to you?

You okay?

-Never had a better day.

-Sorry, there's no one
registered under that name.

-Well she's in room b 422.

-What's this all about?

-I'm not sure yet, hang on.

-That room's occupied by
ms. Leslie stryker,

At least that's the
name on the passport.

-Leslie stryker?

What the hell's goin' on?

Thank you captain.

Who is leslie stryker.

I gotta find hobie.

-Okay, work to rico,

Right at the camera,
right at the camera.


Big eyes, nice,
beautiful, beautiful.

Now off camera.

That's great.

-Come here, sweetie.

Let's feed you
before you meet your daddy.

Come on.

-Back on camera, nice, nice.

You're working well together.

That's terrific.

Very good, very nice.

Now, let's see,

Everybody turn right, please.

-Stop telling me to calm down,

He's found me.

He doesn't have
the emeralds, I do.

That is, if I can get to them.

No, never mind,
I don't have time to explain.

Just meet me in
a town called cicely.

It's due east of
mendenhall glacier.


Oh, don't worry about how
I'm gonna get there,

Just be there.

Okay, bye.

-Really nice, really nice girls.

Okay, now back on the camera.


Shoulders back, very nice.

Now this way, right over here.

Look here, here's your focus,
right here.

Over on that left.

Focus left, good, beautiful.

Good, big eyes, big eyes,

Big smile.

Super, okay, let's wrap it up.

The next sh**t's in juneau.

Nice job.


Its gonna be awesome.

-She is so beautiful.


-Listen, good luck
with peter, okay?

-Thank you, I need it.

Have fun in town.

-You look beautiful.
-Thank you.


-Where have you been?

We're just about
to dock in juneau,

I thought you wanted
to be first on the tram?

-I know, I'm sorry.

I just, I got a
really bad headache.

-Are you gonna be alright?

-Yeah, I'm okay.

Come on, let's go.

Come on hobie.

-I'm right behind you.

-Hurry up, we'll miss the tram.

Come on.

-Get outta my way.

-Hey there, sweetie.

You ready to go?

-There you go.

You have a nice day.

-Here we go, sweetie.


-Come on.

-Tickets please.

Tickets please.

Tickets please, thank you.


-Hey, hey, wait.

-Hey, watch it pal.

-This will work really well.

-Ticket line first, please.


-Its alright, here you go.

Do you have any more?

-Ladies and gentlemen,
the tram is now departing.

Please stand clear of the doors

And enjoy the ride.

-Its alright, here you go.

-Hey, what are you doing?

You gotta pay for that ticket.


How long 'till
the next tram leaves?

-There's only one tram,

It takes 20 minutes to
go up and come down.

-Is there any other way
back down?

-Only if you wanna paraglide.

-Wow, look at that view.

Well, I've done a lot of
hang gliding back home.

Parasailing shouldn't
be that much different.

-Announcer: to be continued.

-This way honey, look it.

-♪ [End theme playing]