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09x02 - Crash, Part II

Posted: 01/23/22 05:49
by bunniefuu
-Mitch: last
time on baywatch.

-Excuse me.
-Oh, we're together.

-I still need to
see your ticket.

Oh, they must have give
me the wrong ticket!

-And I suppose

You're on your honeymoon?

-How'd you guess?

-I don't know him [laughs].

I love you,
mitch buchannon.

-I love you,
neely buchannon!

Why did you lie to
me on the cruise?

Why did you tell me
you went to see peter

And that he was married,
why did you do that, why?

-Because I didn't think
it would matter [sobs].

-I thought I was in 17-a?

-You were, but uh, tyler
here's traveling by himself

And he could
use the company.


-Good morning.

-Oh wow, I'm a big
fan of your films.

-Oh thank you,
that's sweet of you.

-I'm april giminsky.

-Hans ulpan.

-[Engine roaring]

-air speed.

Climb rate's decreasing.

Wind shear, wind shear!

-[Passengers screaming]

-[Electric buzzing]

-Woman: oh my
god, oh my god!

-What's happening,
are we gonna crash?

-Put your head between
your legs, tyler.

-[Frantic music]


-Cody, the front of
the plane is gone.


I gotta find her!

-Neely: cody, it's gone!

First class broke off.

It either sank or it was
destroyed in the impact.

-April: hans,
come on, are you ok?

-[Hans mumbles]

-Can you see anything?



-[Frantic music]

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ Its gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Roaring water]

-We're sinking.
-[Steward groans]

-April: you're right.

With the water level rising
this should be easier to lift.

Come on, help
me, one more try.

-Hans: ready?
-April: uh-huh.


-Forget it, save
your strength.

-Oh boy, from hereafter,
we're all gonna die.

-[Francine moans in pain]

-April: ok, keep breathing.

Keep breathing.
-[Francine moans in pain]

-Can you see anything?

-Hans: no.


-[Steward groans]

-[Steward sighs]

-[Seagulls calling]

-[Anxious music]


-[Phone ringing]

-[Phone beeps]


Wait a minute, slow down.



-Coastguard: baywatch this is

Coastguard 6525, we're
airborne and en route

To the downed aircraft,
meet at the location, over.

-[Engines roaring]
-[sirens blaring]

-Newman: coastguard
6525, this is baywatch 201,

L.a. Air traffic control
reported a coast west plane

Disappeared off
radar approximately

Five miles south,
south west of l.a.


-[Water roaring]

-Come on hans, lift!

-[Hans groans]

-Come on hans, lift!

-[Hans groans]

-You can do it, come on!

-[Shrill scraping]
-april: come on!

-[hans groans]


-Thank you.

-Can you move your legs?

-I think so, a little bit.

-Hans: fine, yes?


-Francine: we're sinking!

-[Water roaring]
-[panicked yelling]

-[Frantic music]

-April: no!

-[Water roaring]


-[Sirens blaring]


-[Engine revs]

-Coastguard: all stations,
this is coastguard 6525,

We're over the crash
site, there are survivors.

Debris scattered over
a half a mile area.

Exact position is

3 Degrees, 50
minutes north.

118 Degrees,
30 minutes west.

-Sirens blaring]
-engines roaring]

-Lifeguard: this is baywatch
201, we've arrived on scene.

And we'll begin recovery
and treat survivors.

-[Somber music]
-[panicked yelling]

-[Panicked yelling]

-Craig: dispatch, report
on dispatched equipment.

-Mitch: did you get
the flight number?

-Craig: not yet.
-What time did they take off?

-Just before sunrise.
-Craig: baywatch to lax

Tower, can you verify
the aircraft involved?

-Mitch: craig,
you're incident

Commander, we're out of here.

-Coast west 619 non-stop
to jfk, it's their flight.

This is baywatch on
sight, where's that helo?

Report, have you spotted
the main section?

-Pilot: negative at this time.


-[Crash victims yelling]

-Mitch: come on,
come on, jump on!

-Neely: give me your hand.


-Francine: I can't
touch the bottom.

-April: it's ok,
we're in an air pocket.

-[Anxious music]
-here, take one of these.

It'll keep you up

-The air in here
won't last very long.

-They know we sank,
they'll come and get us.

-That is if you
believe in miracles.

-Francine: we've
made it this far,

That's a miracle [pants].

-[Trickling water]


-Point bridge: this is
coastguard cutter point bridge

My eta to the accident site

Is 20 minutes.
-[Frantic music]

-Coastguard crew
at long beach,

We need as many service
assets as possible.

Buzz medevac assistance
and anything else
you can get out here.

-Dispatch: baywatch
295 to coastguard--

-[Panicked yelling]

-Where the hell's
that damn plane?

-[Panicked yelling]

-Ok, I got you.

-[Woman coughs]
-grab on, grab on.

-Coastguard: coastguard
6525 to baywatch 201,

We've spotted what looks
like the main section

Of the aircraft 20 yards
off the starboard side.


-Hold on to this.

-Point bridge: this is
coastguard cutter point bridge

I'll be on scene
in five minutes.

-Mitch: you'll be all right,
you'll be all right!

Hang on, hang on!

-Neely: try and stay calm,
we're right here for ya.

-[Woman coughs]

-Craig: got it,
I got it, I got it.

-J.d.: Ready?
-[Craig grunts]

-[Panicked yelling]

-Lifeguard: hold
on to the raft!

-[Panicked yelling]

-Craig: come on.

-Woman: help!

-Right here.

-[Woman gasps]

-[Panicked yelling]
-[engine rumbling]

-Neely: here,
give me your hand.


-Neely: grab on!
-Thank god you're alive.

-Cody: this is
just about everybody

Down on the main cabin.

-You hurt?

-Just a busted rib,
I'll be ok.

-Come on, come on!
-Cody: nah,

I gotta find this kid
I was sitting with.

-You seen april?

-She was up
in first class,

Never saw her again
after we boarded.

-Are you gonna be all right?
-Yeah, yeah.

-All right.

-Point bridge: baywatch, this
is point bridge, I've launched

My small boat to assist with
recovering the survivors.

-Coastguard: this
is coastguard 41373,

I'm here to pick
up survivors.

-Baywatch dispatch: roger.

-I found cody.
-Is he ok?

-He's pretty banged
up but he survived.

-What about april?
-Mitch: no word yet,

She was in the
first class section.

-Fuselage sank straight to
the bottom, looks like it broke

On impact and I couldn't find
the front section anywhere.

-[Bubbling water]
-[anxious music]

-[Francine moans in pain]

[Francine sobbing]
-april: it's ok.

Take a deep breath.
-[Francine breathes]

-Try to relax.

-Try to relax?

[Laughs] this is where
she's about to pass

From this earth and
you want her to relax?

[Laughs loudly].

-[Frantic music]
-[panicked yelling]

-Jessie: over here,
we need your help.

-[Panicked yelling]

-[Panicked yelling]


-Pilot: this is
coastguard 6525,

There appears to be more
wreckage on the bottom

500 Yards due west
of your position.

-Craig: roger
6525, we'll check it out.

-[Frantic music]

-[Panicked yelling]

-Coastguard: I
got you, I got you.

-[Engine roaring]

-Coastguard: take my hand!

-[Survivor gasps]


-O'doule: your
wife's right over here,

She's right there, ok?

-[Survivor sobbing]

-J.d.: You'll be fine,
take a deep breath.

-Stay together,
what's your last names?

-[Man coughs]
-need a neck brace!

-[Man coughs]

-I'm gonna put this
neck brace on you.

-[Woman coughs]
-o'doule: you're ok, easy.

I gotcha, I gotcha.

-I'm going back
down to try to find

The first class section.


-Coastguard says
they may have spotted

More wreckage 500
yards due west.

-I'm on it!

-[Engine revs]

-[Panicked yelling]

-[Ominous music]

-[Panicked yelling]

-[Ominous music]
-[panicked yelling]

-Man: shark!



-[Anxious music]

-[Francine groans]

-I'm freezing,
april [pants].

I can't feel
my toes [pants].

-I know, it's ok, really.

It's ok.

-What a time to
have a baby [laughs].

-What a way to be brought
into this world [sighs].

-[Engine revs]

-Craig: they id'd it as part
of the first class section.

There could be survivors
there too, I'm going down.


-[Helicopter whirring]

-Pilot: coastguard
to long beach,

We'll be returning to base
to refuel, break, break.

Enter station los angeles.
-You ready?

-Pilot: this is 6525, request
hot refuel, eta five minutes.

-[Air hissing]

-[Anxious music]

-[Air hissing]

-I don't know his last
name, all I know is tyler.

-[Crowd muttering]

-He's not on the
list right now.

-Are you sure, can you
double check please?

-What does he look like?

-Um, he's about
ten, dark hair,

He's wearing a gray
t-shirt, what else?

Glasses, he wears glasses!

Oh, no, no, no.

I have his glasses.

-Look, I'm sure he's safe,
we still haven't accounted

For everyone yet, we never
expected this many survivors.

You're looking at a miracle.

-[Crowd muttering]

-Sheryl: cody, I'm
really glad you're ok.

-Yeah, thanks.

gonna be awhile yet.

-[Frantic music]
-[air hissing]

-[Frantic music quickens]

-[Air hissing]

[Air hissing]

[Air hissing]


-[Air hissing]


-[Air hissing]

-[Francine sobs]


-Shut up already!

-You shut up!

-[Francine gasps]

-Don't push, francine.
Whatever you do, don't push.

-Francine: [sobs] yeah.

[Francine cries]



-Hans: you know him?

-He's a lifeguard.
-Hans: get us out of here!

-Steward: what's he saying?
-Francine: what's happening?

What does that mean?

-April: they know we're
here, he's coming back.

-[Air hissing]

-[Uplifting music]

-He's going back up.

-Francine: oh,
where's he going,

Why aren't they
rescuing us?

-Hans: they can't
get us out of here.

-They'll get us out.

-Alive, or dead?

-[Anxious music]

-[Craig sighs]

-Dispatch: all
available units--

-We've got a handful
of survivors trapped
in an air pocket.

One of them's april.


At least she's alive.

-I don't know for how much
longer, the way that fuselage is

Sitting on the bottom,
they're pretty much sealed in.

-There's only one
way to get them out.

We gotta blow a hole
in the fuselage.

-The concussion would
k*ll everyone inside.

-Not if we flooded
the compartment.

-Newmie: then they'll drown.
-Do you have another

Idea, let's hear it?
-Mitch: yeah, let's hear it!

-All right, where are we
gonna get the expl*sives?

-All: coastguard.


-Craig: point
bridge this is baywatch,

We need underwater expl*sives,
do you have them on board?

-Pilot: negative, but
we'll arrange to get them.

This is coastguard 6525,
-[panicked yelling]

We'll pick them
up when we refuel.

-[Anxious music]
-[bubbling water]

-[Trickling water]

-Have the
contractions stopped?


-[Sighs] I'm fine,
april, really.

-Ok, you just gotta hang
on a little longer, ok?

-[Francine sighs]

-Thanks for switching
seats with me,

That was really
sweet of you.

-Francine, don't
you give up on us.

Don't quit on your
baby, francine, ok?

-Oh my leg!

[Steward groans in pain]

-April: it's ok,
just hang in there ok?

-[Steward groans]

-[Somber music]

-[Francine splutters]

[Francine cries out in pain]


Let me go [sobs].

just let me go [sobs].



-Hold still.
-[Muttering on radio]

-J.d.: Here this
will keep you warm,

You're gonna be
ok, all right?

Help is on the way.

-Hey folks, what's
that smell?

-It's jet fuel, it's
leaking up from the tanks.

It's a pretty nasty
spill forming out there

But fortunately it
evaporates quickly.

-Man: o'doule!

-Hey, hey!

Are all the passengers
accounted for?

-I'll let you know
when we find him.

-[Helicopter whirring]

-Pilot: baywatch, this
is 6525, I'm ready to
lower the expl*sive.

-[Engine roaring]


-Craig: we're fine
to receive the basket.

-[Helicopter whirring]

-[Basket clanking]

-Craig: 6525,
basket's on deck!

-[Basket clattering]

-Craig: hook and cable,
pull off the vessel!

-All right.

-[Anxious music]
-[francine whimpers]

[Francine coughs]

[Francine moans and sobs]

-Hans: there she
goes again.

-Steward: shut up, hans.

-[Francine pants]

-[Frantic music]
-[bubbling water]



-[Trickling water]
-[anxious music]

-Hans: what happened
to your friends?

-They'll be back.

They'll get us out.


-[Air hissing]

[Air hissing]

[Air hissing]

[Air hissing]

-[Trickling water]


-Hans: "door boom,"
what does that mean?

-They're gonna
have to blow a hole

In the aircraft to
make a doorway out.


They're gonna have to
fill the compartment with

Water first in order to
set off the expl*sives.

-How are we
supposed to breathe?

-Uh, the oxygen masks,
they were supposed

To come down, they
never came down.

-Then they're still in
the overhead compartments.

-Ok, let's go get them.

-[Trickling water]

-[Frantic music]

-[Air hissing]

-[Muffled thudding]



-[Ominous music]

-[Anxious music]

-They don't work [pants].

-Tanks must have been
destroyed in the crash.

-We'll drown before
they get to us.

-Wait a minute.

Isn't there
oxygen on board?

-It's always on board in case
someone has a heart attack.

-Where is it?

-You had it before we sank.

-It's gotta be in
there under somewhere,

[Breathes deeply].

-[Tense music]


-[Air hissing]

[Air hissing]

-[Trickling water]



-[Frantic music]

-[air hissing]


-[April gasps]

-April: I got it.

Ok, guys, it's time
to flood the cabin.

We gonna breathe in, ok?

-Francine: ok.

-April: hey [sighs].

Ok, come on guys.
-[Air hissing]

-[air hissing]

-[Water hissing]

Ok, it's ready
to blow, guys.

On the count of
three we'll go down.

One, two, three!

-[All inhale]

-[expl*si*n blasts]


-[Air hissing]

-[Frantic music]

-[Air hissing]

-[Water roaring]

-Hans: get us out of here.

-Everyone ok?

-Newmie, take him
first, he's hurt.

-All right, hang on.
-Hans: take me first.

-Newmie: alright, hang
in there buddy, ready?

One, two, three!

-Hans: I want to get out
of here, get me out of here!

-[Air hissing]

[Air hissing]


-It's ok.

-[Water rushing]


-[Air hissing]

-[Water rushing]

-Ok, take hans.
-Hans: get me out!

Get me out!

[Hans grumbles]

-[Frantic music]

-[Air hissing]

-[Steward gasps]
-you ok?

-Steward: yeah.

-[Air hissing]

-[Water rushing]

-You all right?

-Put her in the octopus,
you and I can buddy breathe.

-Mitch: all right.
-[Francine groans]

-Exhale first, all right?

You got it?

Listen to me, go
down on three, ok?

When I make eye contact,
you give me that air, ok?

All right, ready?
-[April mutters yes]

-On three, one, two, three.

-[Frantic music]
-[air hissing]


-Get me out of here,
get me out of here!

-Craig: hey, it's ok.
-Hans: just get me--

-All right, you made it, you
made it, you survived, good.

-Get me out.
-Let's go.

-Get me out of here.
-You got it.


-She's been in labor
since we went down,

We've gotta get her
to the hospital mitch.

-[Francine moans in pain]

[Francine moans in pain]

-Get a coast guard
chopper with a litter

Down here right away.
-[Francine moans in pain]

[Francine moans in pain]
-[lifeguards grunt]


-Newmie: all right,
it's coming in.

-[Helicopter whirring]
-[tense music]

-[Helicopter whirring]

-[Panicked yelling]
-[tense music]


-[Helicopter whirring]

-[Ominous music]


-[Air hissing]


-[Engine rumbling]
-[panicked yelling]

-Mitch: baywatch
to cutter point bridge,

We've got a raft sinking
50 yards off my bow.

-Man: roger point
bridge, we're on it.

-[Panicked yelling]

-[Frantic music]

-Cody, where you going?

Those people need help.

-I gotta go help neely.

-[Passengers muttering]

-Survivor: he's bleeding!

-[Frantic music]
-[panicked yelling]

-Cody: it's all right,
it's all right, come here.

I gotcha.

-[Distant yelling]

-Jessie: cody,
over here, I got you.


-Cody: I got him,
I got him, I got him.

-[Panicked yelling]


-[Panicked yelling]
-[frantic music]

-[neely groans]

-[Panicked yelling]

-[Somber music]

-[Panicked yelling]

-[Engine rumbling]


-Mitch: cody!
-Cody: I can't find neely!

-Mitch: what?

-Cody: I just took
a victim from her,

I turned around
and she was gone!

-[Panicked yelling]

-[Somber music]

-[Anxious music]

-[Mitch gasps]

-[Panicked yelling]

-[Mitch pants]

-[Frantic music]

-Mitch: she's
not breathing guys!




-How long was she down?

-A couple of
minutes at least.

-No pulse, begin cpr!

-One, two,
three, four, five.

One, two,
three, four, five.

One, two,
three, four, five.

-Where's the damn defib?
-Craig: one, two--

-Newmie: coming in!
-Craig: three,

Four, five.
-[Machine mutters instructions]

-One, two--
-newmie: help me out.

-Craig: three--

-Mitch: come on
neely, come on!

-All right, clear, shocking.

Lifeguards: clear!
-Newmie: shocking!

-machine: check pulse.

-Still no pulse!
-Newmie: alright,

Second shock, get
everyone clear.

Shocking twice, shocking!


-Come on, neely, come on!

-[Machine mutters]
-still no pulse!

-All right, third
shock, everyone clear.

-[Abrasive music]


-[Frantic music]
-machine: check pulse,

If no pulse--
-still no pulse.

-Newmie: alright, I'm gonna
give her one more at 360.

Clear, shocking!
-Mitch: clear.

-[ringing halts]

-I love you,
mitch buchannon.

-[Anxious music]

-Come on!

-[Mitch pants]

-I got a pulse, guys.

I got a pulse, all
right, all right.


-[Melancholy music]

-Man: baywatch dispatch,
eta from medevac hospital

Five minutes,
advise when in sight

-[Engines rumbling]

-[Somber music]

-Woman: excuse me.

-I told you, I have
no record of him

Being admitted here, sir.

-I know, could you please
check one more time?

-He's not, I'm sorry.

They took some victims over
to santa monica general,

I suggest you check there.
-Woman: sir!

-I already did.

-Well, I'm afraid there's
nothing else I can do.

-When was the last time
that list was updated?

-Sir, there are other
people who need information

Just as badly
you do, so please.


-Shark got him.

-You don't know that.
-[Phone ringing]

-Then why the hell
couldn't I find him?

He just didn't disappear!

-Cody, look at me.

I know what you're
going through,

But you weren't responsible
for tyler, I was.

-[Groans] what, is that
supposed to make me feel better?

-No, I am just trying
to point out that

You didn't blow a rescue.

You didn't lose tyler, cody.

You helped save maybe
a hundred lives.

It's because you never
thought about saving yourself

And not many people on
that plane could say that.

You should be
proud of yourself.

-Yeah, you too.

-I am.

-Nurse: april giminsky!

Is there an april
giminsky here?

-April: yeah!

Right here.
-Nurse: follow me.


-[Phone ringing]

-[Gentle music]

-April: francine.

-[Francine chuckles]

-I want you to meet someone.

[Francine laughs]
-[baby gurgles]

-Isn't she beautiful?

-It's a girl?

-She wouldn't be here
if it weren't for you,

[Cries] and neither would i.

Thank you, april.

God bless you.

-April: so did you
decide on a name?

Is she a sydney or a sharon?

What were the other
choices [laughs]?

Her name is april.

-[April laughs]

-April: hi, april.

[Laughs] hi.

-Craig: so how's neely?

-Mitch: she's fine, I
took her home this morning.

-Uh, just let me
give you some advice.

Go home, talk to
neely, work it out.

-What if it's not
what I want [sighs]?

-Well, I've known you for
a long time, we've known

Each other most of our adult
lives and I've never seen you

As happy with anyone
as you are with neely.

-[Mitch sighs heavily]
-which tells me maybe there's

Something worth saving.

And that's all I'm
gonna say about it.

Except, go home.

-[Mitch sighs]

-♪ All I ever wanted was forever

♪ When I look into your eyes thats all I
see ♪

♪ My heart knows that we belong together

♪ Lost inside our own eternity

♪ Maybe their right maybe this is a dream

♪ Well I dont want to wake up

♪ Unless your lieing next to me

♪ Ill hold onto this moment

♪ Your all I want to see

♪ Our hearts beat the same rhythm

♪ Every time I feel you breathe

♪ So kiss me

♪ And tell me you'll never leave

♪ I'll hold onto this moment

♪ Cuz I know your everything I needed

♪ Your everything I need

♪ Your everything I need

-[Door clicks]

-[Door shuts]

-[Baby gurgles]

-We'll um, come by later and
get the rest of our stuff.

-Mitch: you don't have
to do this, not now.

-[Sighs] no matter what
I say or do, I'll never

Regain your trust, so
let's just cut our losses.

We always knew we
left ourselves an out,

Let's take it before
things get too messy.

-Where are you going?

-Got the key to lani's
apartment, we can

Stay there while
she's in new york.

-What about ashley?

-I'm sure peter will
try to get custody.

Hopefully I can get a
good lawyer and stop him.

-She needs a father.

-We'll be fine.

-I'll uh, give you a
minute to say goodbye.

-[Mitch sighs]

-[Gentle music]

-[Baby gurgles]

[Baby gurgles]

-Hey, hey, darling.

I just wanted to
tell you that, uh...

You're gonna
have a new daddy.

And I want you to be
really nice to him, ok?

'Cause I'm sure he'll
love you as much as I do.

And you'll always have uncle
mitch, if you need anything.


[Mitch sighs]

-Neely: hey.

-[Baby gurgles]

-I know you feel
betrayed and that

You'll never believe
a word I say.

But I am sorry for
being such a fool,

I love you, mitch,
I always will.

And I'll regret what I did
for the rest of my life.


-[Mitch sighs]


-[Baby gurgles]

-[Door handle clunks]

-[Door shuts]

-[Quick paced music]

-[Seagulls calling]
-[cody sighs]



-Cody: hey, how you doing?

-Good, and you?

-Hanging in there.

You still thinking about
going to see tyler's parents?

-I just saw them.

-Oh, 'cause, um...

I want to give
them his glasses.

-Why don't we give
them back to tyler?


-[Jessie chuckles]

-[Upbeat music]

-Cody, cody!

-Tyler: cody!

-Cody: tyler!

-[Cody shrieks with
laughter] woo!

What happened to
you, where were you?

-One of the other flight
attendants found him.

-Why wasn't he on any
of the survivor lists?

-Tyler's not
my real name,

I just like people
to call me that.

-Well, what is
your real name?

-[Cody laughs]

Well, I can understand
why you might wanna be

Called something
else, pal.

-So, can I have
my glasses now?

-Sure, you can have
anything you want, kiddo.

Ah, come here.

Ah, man.

-[Uplifting music]

-Craig: so, I noticed
you didn't take my advice.

-Well, it's better
this way.

It's apparent the marriage
never would have lasted.

-Still probably gonna
sting for awhile.

-Yeah but hey, you
know, life goes on.

-What's gonna
happen with neely?

-Did she tell her
what her plans are?

-No, no, I just hope she
straightens her life out.

-[Neely gasps]
-craig: oh...

-Neely: hello, hello.

[Clears throat].
-What are you doing here?

-I work here.
-No, I don't think so.

-[Laughs] then you better
talk to the chief because

I already told her I
won't accept a transfer.

Just because our
relationship is over,

Doesn't mean I lose my
job, I worked my butt off

To get back here,
and I'm not leaving

Under any circumstances.

-[Aggressive music]
-[mitch sighs]

-Craig: oh boy.

-She's not gonna
get away with this.

-I think she already has.

-Mitch: gonna be a
long hot summer [sighs].

-[End theme playing]