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01x06 - Time Warped

Posted: 01/24/22 10:08
by bunniefuu
Previously On "Secrets
of Sulphur Springs"...

[reporter] (on television)
Savannah Dillon disappeared
30 years ago tonight,

following a camp dance
at the historic Tremont Hotel.

So all we have to do
is stay with her

until we're positive
she's safe in her bunk,

while keeping an eye on Jess.

Tonight's the anniversary
of Savannah's disappearance,

which means she'll probably
be haunting this place extra hard.

We can always
give her something.

So what do we do now?

We wait.

Your sister is going through
a challenging time right now.

Keep an eye on her, okay?

Do you want to come
to the dance with me tonight?

I can always use
a partner in crime.

Listen, Jess...

You're not planning
on doing anything tonight,
are you?

It's time.
Side A, please.

I love this song.
Do you want to dance?

Jess, everything okay?

You knew I was going
to ask Ben to dance,

and you had Savannah ask him first
to humiliate me.

This isn't over, Hermione.

(intense music playing)

(indistinct chatter)

[camp counselor]
Did anyone hear that?

Hey, is somebody out there?

Who do you think
it is?

Moss man?

(Ben chuckles)

Could be.

He still haunts these woods.

That's just a silly legend.

Not what I heard.

Amanda saw his muddy prints
near the springs last week.

Here's what you guys should know.

About a hundred years ago,

a mutant creature lived...

Campfire is almost over.

Whatever's gonna happen,
it's gonna be soon.

Yeah, we cannot let Savannah
out of our sight.

Or my mom.

I still can't believe how mad she got
at the dance tonight.

When he spotted his next victim...

he'd slowly...

creep closer...

and closer...

And then--

(all screaming)


Now, that's what you get
for putting itching powder in my bed.

Okay, people, finish up.
It's getting late.

[girl 1] Good night.
[girl 2] Good night, Sarah.

Didn't anyone ever tell you
ghosts aren't real?

Oh, poor baby.

I hope you don't have scary dreams.

You had chocolate.


(tense music playing)

Oh, no.

And they're gone.

(theme music playing)

(tense music playing)

We only looked away for a second.

They couldn't have gotten far.

Hey, do you mind?

No dudes. Camp rules.

Did Savannah or Jess come back here?

You sure?

You didn't see them
walking back from the bonfire?

Maybe in the restroom?

How many times can a hummingbird flap
its wings in a second?

This is a little more important
than "Trivia Quizzle."

Don't bother.

They don't know.

We're running out of time.

Alright, um, stay calm and think.

If you were Savannah,
what would you be doing right now?

I don't know.

I guess, um...

pulling a prank with your dad.

All right, uh...

So let's check the hotel.

There's plenty
of targets there.

Sweet dreams, little ones.

Okay, she's gone.

Can't we have
a séance tomorrow?

Today is the anniversary
of Savannah's death.

Tomorrow is just tomorrow.

This is our best chance
to get proof she's real.



It's gonna be cold in the basement.

This is definitely the right night
to summon a spirit.

(wind whooshing)





Didn't mean to scare you.

What were you doing outside?

Oh. I...

heard a noise.

Thought a tree
might have fallen or something.

Was everything okay?


Here, I got this.

I never did anything to Jess.

What's her beef with me?

Last year, everyone
was really into her.

And now you're here...

and you're--you're different.

And fun.

(door opens)

No, she's a total phony.

You followed us?

Because I knew she'd bad mouth me.

I'm just sitting here,
minding my own business.

Give me a break.

Everything you do
is to get attention.

"Look how many pranks
I can pull.

"Watch me sing and dance.

I'm so brave,
I'm not afraid of anything."

I'm not,
including you.


Then I dare you.

Spend the rest of the night
in the basement...

with the ghost.

And whatever else
is lurking around the hotel.

Knew it! Coward.

Jess, come on.

Can't you see?
She's playing you.

You don't know anything about me.

I know this.

Everything would be better
if you were gone.

Any luck?
Not a trace.

This is bad, really bad.

Where else could she be?
I don't know.

(indistinct chatter)

I can't believe
I didn't think of this sooner.

There's a treehouse in the woods.

It's like a hangout spot.

I saw Savannah go there earlier.

Let's go then.


Don't even talk to me.

No, please.

If this is about
what happened at the dance,

you have to know,
I would never--

Humiliate me
in front of Ben? Hmm?

In front
of the entire camp?

Uh, could we, uh...Could we talk
about this later?

Look, you have it
all wrong.

I just want you to be happy.

Yeah? And why
would you want that?

Uh, because you're...

Because you, uh...

You remind her of someone.

Someone she likes.

What is with you two?

Is there a problem?

Nope. All good.

just hanging out.

Um, actually, Becky,
there is.

Lots of problems.

Starting with these two.

They're always around,
asking questions.

They say they're guests,

but I don't think they are.

Of course we are.
Yeah, I mean--

My dad stays
at The Tremont all the time.

I mean, he'd move in if he could.

I've never even
seen their parents.


Let's go talk
to the manager.

You know what?
Not necessary.

Yeah, I think we'll just
get out of your way.

Manger's office
is this way.

Guess what?

I feel much happier now.


Oh, um...

James and, uh...

Lily Potter.

Uh, Granger.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger.

They're weird that way.

No Grangers. No Potters.

Okay, no more games.

You're not leaving this office

until you tell us
how to contact your parents.

I thought
you went to bed.

Still have homework
to finish.

It's taking forever.

Well, you need
some help?

How are you
at tracking

"the migratory pattern
of geese"?

Baby, I'm lucky if I can keep track
of my car keys.

Better get comfy.

We could be here
all night.


What is that?

Um... Nothing.

It's just, uh...

Is that snoring?
(switches off)

Little-known fact,
geese snore.




Well, um...

you told me
to watch Harper, so...

I put a mic in her room
to make sure
she stays out of trouble.

You know, I told you
to make sure

that your sister
didn't leave the house.

I didn't ask you
to spy on her.

Not in so many words.

I'll go unplug the mic.

Don't wake her.

Oh, not a chance.

(door closes)

(banging on door)
Come on!

(doorknob rattling)

What are we gonna do?

(banging on metal)
It's okay. I have an idea.

Really? What happens
when they can't find
our parents?

Won't matter.
We won't be here.

Help me move this.
There's a door behind it.

There is?
I think I know my own hotel.

This is our laundry room now.

Told ya.

All right, coast is clear.

Locker ninjas before
brilliant masterminds.

We need to go
to the treehouse.

camp counselor:
Hey! How did you get out?

Uh... This way.

Hey! Stop! Hey!

Wait. Get back here!

You know,
in my third foster home,

I actually did
sleep in a bedroom
in the basement.

I was not scared at all.

I could do that dare.
No sweat.

You don't have to prove anything
to Jess.

I just hate when people say
I can't do something.

And they say it a lot.

You know what?

I've got an idea.

Let's camp out here tonight.

Then I don't have to deal
with that Jess drama
until tomorrow.

That would totally freak out
Becky and Keith.

Only makes it more fun,

We got water, and look,

half a box of vanilla wafers.

Breakfast of champions.

one thing's for sure,

we found the coldest ghost spot
in the house.

Not looking so silly now, huh?

Let's just get this séance going.

Oh, ghost of The Tremont,
hear our--



I think you should
ask for Savannah,

or else a bunch of other ghosts
might crash our séance.

we summon you.

We come in peace.

Please show yourself.

Maybe she's busy?

Your light!

She's listening.

We shouldn't have left.

We didn't have a choice.
They were about to catch us.

Yeah, but Savannah's
still back there.

She could
still go missing.

Yeah, or...

she could be okay.

How do you figure?


We shook things up tonight.


your mom lost it on us.

Maybe that created a ripple.

Yeah, okay, and when you talked Savannah
into going to the dance,

maybe that changed things too.


We could have altered things
just by being back there.

Only one way to find out.

Savannah, if you can hear me,

please, we ask you to honor us
with your presence.

Speak to us.
Walk among us.

Show us a sign.

As long as it's not too scary.

We're both really nice people

and we just wanna be your friends.

Beloved Savannah,
we beseech you.

We know you're here.

We know you can hear us.

Show yourself.

(can thuds, rattles)

(both scream)

She's mad at us!

Dad! Help!
There's a ghost!

Savannah's ghost!

(door closes)

They were still hunting
for Savannah's ghost.

Which means she's still dead.

We didn't change the past.

Wait, there's hope.

She wasn't found missing
until the morning.

It's still night.

We have to go back.
We can still save her.


(electricity buzzes)

We should start
at the bunkhouse,
see if she got back.


And if she's not there,

Hey, watch it!

It felt like something pushed me.

Pushed you?

You don't think it was...


She's following us.

(both scream)

It's just me.

Why aren't you in bed?

Dad, we saw Savannah.

She threw a can of soup at us.

And then the lights went out.

We know you don't believe us, but--

Where did you see her?

The basement.

So you do believe us.

Kids? Ben? Here you are!

What do you say we brighten
this place up?

Everyone okay up here?

(footsteps approaching)

What happened to the lights?

There's a power outage all over town.

Ah, this wind is crazy.

I wouldn't go in there.

She's sleeping.

You know how she is
if you wake her up.

Well, I will be very quiet.


(tense music playing)

(snoring sounds)

Is she at The Tremont?

(taps on camcorder)

Why won't this dumb thing play?

Maybe Savannah's ghost
broke it so we can't prove she exists.

(continues tapping)

(guitar music)

No way Griffin's still practicing.

Savannah's ghost!

She's in the computer!

It's not a ghost.

It's Griffin faking out Mom and Dad.

And now we know his secret.

(music continues)

(switches off)

[Zoey] (over camcorder)
We come in peace.

Hey, it's working!

Please show yourself.

(can thuds, rattles)
(both scream)

She's mad at us! Run!

You can't see the soup.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

(tape rewinding)

See that?

What is it?

Maybe... a head?

I don't see eyes or a nose.

Ghosts don't all have faces.

And look where the head thing is.

Over the table?

Right where we summoned her,

by name.

It worked!

We did it.
We made contact.


The portal didn't work.

When I went through,
I didn't feel a jolt.

We failed.
Savannah's gone forever.

What are you two
doing out here?

The power's out all over town.

And don't even think about lying.

(ominous music playing)

(door creaking)


(tense music playing)

Next time on "Secrets
of Sulphur Springs"...

We'll start with grounded.
Same for you, Harper.

I need your help.

No way.

All I bought us
was 10 minutes.

You ready?

Let's do this.

We need to find out
what happened to Savannah
after the campfire.

You were with her last night, right?

We-- We all were.

Is Harper here?
Of course not.

Listen, I think that
they've run off together.

I think we need to call the police.