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02x07 - Assassin

Posted: 01/25/22 06:55
by bunniefuu
I wanna be right here
when Feathered Serpent 2 launches

and we change the world.

Every penny from every copy sold

is gonna go straight
to help the w*r on dr*gs.

This is personal for you.

My brother was a drug addict.

Drug addiction kills hundreds
of thousands of people every year.

We're gonna end that.

Damian Cray is dangerous.

Damian Cray tried to k*ll Ed Pleasance.

We need protection against Damian Cray.

SCORPIA are targeting
the president of the United States.

Because Damian Cray wants them to.

They think Cray's the victim.

They're working with him.

But when he was speaking,
I heard something.

I think the game is not a game.

I think it's supposed to do
something totally different.

- But it's there?
- The only way to unlock this

is to go back to the original server,

and that's at Craystar in Amsterdam.

Air Force One.

Blunt said SCORPIA were targeting
the president of the United States.

- I'm taking security settings off.
- Awesome.

Yes, this is it. This is the hidden code.

We're just copying the game code.
It's gonna take some time.

Cray's coming. He's in the building!


Damian, please. This isn't who you are.

You have no idea who I am.

- No!

I really wasn't expecting
to see you here, K7.

This is all a big mistake.

Except it's not K7, is it?

Because she just called you Alex.

Mr. Cray, I'm sorry.
We shouldn't have snuck in.

Alex. Alex.

Please understand...

you're not gonna talk
your way out of this.

Not until I know who you really are.

I just love the game.

You've already got the game.

You stole it from me in London,
do you remember?

So if you were just a fan,

you'd still be at home,
hooked to your screen, leveling up.

Instead, you're here,

breaking into my research facility.

Stop lying to me.

Who are you?

Does he do it a lot?


k*ll people like that.

Just answer the question.

Did you write any of it?

- What?
- The code for the game.

- I'm the chief programmer.
- Oh.

Then you should know better.

I saw it. I read it. It's inelegant.


- That's not true.
- Trust me.

Good code is like poetry.

Yours is like a greetings-card limerick.

This is clever.

Your friend's handiwork, I assume?

She's good.

I should hire her.

Who else is involved?

Does your friend know?

Perhaps I'll get more luck talking to her.

She doesn't really like talking.

You didn't just walk in here.

Not without help.

Who else is there?

One of my competitors? Is that it?

Who else knows you're here, Alex?

Go to hell, Damian.

I don't like v*olence.

I'm not a monster.

But I will hurt you,
if I have to, to get to the truth.

You can do whatever you want to me.

And if you still won't talk...

I'll hurt your friend.

I'll put a b*llet in her,
just like I did with Charlie.

Do you understand?

This is the man
targeting President Walker.

Cray's head of security,
Sean Palmer, alias Thomas Ashton.

There are flights booked
using these identities,

leaving midnight tomorrow.

He wasn't planning on hanging around.

And this?

Aconite derivative.

Heart att*ck in a bottle.
Essentially, an untraceable neurotoxin.

So this would have played out
like a medical emergency,

not an assassination at all.

And before we got it straight,
if we ever got it straight,

Palmer would be long gone.

It's right out of SCORPIA's playbook.

Someone on the inside.

So the question is,
was he going to be working alone,

or is the other shoe about to drop?

We'll talk to him.

You want to tell me about the dream?

What dream would that be?

Your dream.

The one that costs 6.5 million.

What do you dream about
when you were out there

in the mud or the desert
or wherever they deployed you?

Cold at night, under the stars,
waiting on a dawn raid.

What kept you warm?

To be honest, I always thought
a place in Scotland would be nice.

You know, a quiet life, the outdoors.

Maybe learn a new skill.

I've always been interested
in woodturning.

You don't need 6.5 million
to buy some wood.

We can keep you safe.

You know we can do that.

I can keep myself safe.

Not from SCORPIA.


Are we sure we've got this right?

Because there are other possibilities.

For example, that he's telling the truth,

and he has absolutely no idea
what we're talking about.

You think he's being set up.

We went looking for an assassin.
And we found one.

We're not looking anymore.

Think about what I said.

Just don't take too long, okay?

Do you have the title deeds
for the east London center?

I think they're in this one.

Come on.

I'm just gonna turn this off.

Is everything okay?


I'm so sorry.

The title deeds.

- Ah. Great.
- Would you excuse me? I'll be right back.



Um, if you turn to page 3 of the dossier,
you can see the land registration...

Tom. Where are you? Are you okay?

No. Really not.

Alex and Kyra are trapped
in the Craystar building in Holland.

What do you mean?
Hang up the phone and call the police.

You know what everyone thinks
about Cray. No one's gonna believe me.

Where are you?

At Craystar,
in the hallway, losing my job.

You're actually in the building?
That could be good.

We just need to get Cray's attention,
distract him.

How am I supposed to
get his attention and distract him

when he's in a different country?

What about Cray's chief programmer?

Kyra said she hacked all her passwords,

that we can post on her timeline,
maybe we can use that.

Jack, Alex is running out of time.
You've got to do something.

Okay. Okay.
What's the name of the programmer, Tom?



I think it's Anders.

Jack, I've gotta go.

Hey, stop!

Welcome to CrayStar International...

- Tom!
- Jack. Sorry about that.

- Where are you now?
- I'm in the chief programmer's office.

I've got her laptop,
but I don't have much time.

I've got e-mail, web, the works.
Didn't even need a password.

Yeah, told you Kyra had it covered.

So, what's the plan?

Alex said the game's
all Cray cares about, right?

- That he's obsessed?
- Yeah.

Well, that's what we're gonna use.

Jack? What are you doing?

I'm getting his attention.

We need to go over the
financial statements. Where've you been?

I got lost.

- What's going on, Jack?
- Nothing.

I went to the bathroom,
and I must have taken a wrong turn.

We should get back in there.

Dan, please.

You wanted to know
how the boy knew Charlie.

I think I have the answer.

Looked at all common denominators.

Can it be that simple?

All this
because I hurt his friend's father?

That means he's nothing.
He's not working for anyone. We're clear.

I wonder if anyone will miss him.

I'll take care of this.
Get me those throughput numbers.

No, no, no...

- No, no, no.


No. No, no.

Careful. If we damage the electronics,
we're never getting out of here.

Alex, we've got company.

I'm afraid your time is up, Alex.

Mr. Cray, stop!

Something's happened in London.
You need to come and see this, now.

Read it.

"Due to circumstances beyond our control,

the launch of Feathered Serpent 2
has been canceled."

It's gone to all press outlets.
The whole Internet is carrying it.

Who sent it?

- Who sent it?
- I did.

I mean, that's how it looks.
Static IP address is my offices in London.

How is that possible?

It's not.

I don't understand it.
My security protocols are bulletproof.

Clearly, you made a mistake.

Which makes me wonder...

if you've made other mistakes.

I don't. I haven't.

This was coordinated. Deliberate.

Whoever those kids are,
they're working with someone else,

and that someone else
was in our offices in London.

This isn't me.

This was someone trying to
compromise the launch. It has to be.

So, what do you suggest we do about it?

Talk it down. Right now, in person.

Tell them it's a hoax.
If they see you, they know it's true.


Talk it down.

Yeah, I can do that.


We are temporarily
closing the building to visitors.

Uh... we have to postpone.

They're asking all non-personnel
to leave the building immediately.

How come?

Seems there's been a security breach.

Somebody's tried
to sabotage the game launch.


- I need tools.
- We don't have tools.

- What do we have?
- Zip.

- Shoelaces.
- No, no, that's no good. I...

I think this is the trip.
I need to short across both of these.

I need something...

Something steel, a good conductor.

For getting out of locked rooms.

Hi. This is Damian Cray.

And I'm here to tell you
that no matter what you've heard,

tomorrow, the world is going to change.

- Jack Starbright.
- Now, a different story has gone viral

saying the launch of Feathered Serpent 2
has been canceled.

That announcement was a hoax, a fake.

It was purported to have come
from one of my programming team.

It did not.

It was the work
of some unknown saboteur...

Looks like Cray's busy.

We are committed to bringing you...

- Have you got the code?
- Uh, just a moment.

- Kyra?
- I know. Just a moment.

The only thing the game needs is you,
the player.

We assure you, that e-mail was a fake.

Feathered Serpent 2 will launch tomorrow,

and the world will be
a better place because of it.

Nothing can stop that.

- Got it.
- You have my word.

- What do you think this is?
- Alex, we've got the code. Let's go.


- Are they out?
- Not yet.

What do you think happened in there?

- No idea.
- Yeah?

- You sure?
- Yeah.

You were out of the room a long time.
Getting lost.

And then, it all kicked off.

- Did you see anything?
- No.

Not a thing.

- I'm just gonna, um...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Check the terminal.

They made a file transfer.

It's a lot of data.

It's the game code.

I think it's time we...

Time we what?

Mr. Cray, what is it? What's happened?

All security inside.

I don't want any witnesses.

Confirm the game
is ready to launch as planned.

Warning. Perimeter breach.

Okay. Camera five.

Unit control.

Voice authorization, Damien Cray.

Voice activation authorized.

Control systems online.

Unit control, deploy.

Where are the guards?

Can't they see us?

Flight systems to manual.



We gotta get to the trees.

- Are we okay?
- I don't know.

It can't see us, right?


Unit control, imaging systems to infrared.

Infrared! They can see us.

There they are.

Here, mate!

Get down!

Get inside.

In here.

- What the hell was that?
- Drone.

Thermal interference. You lost them.


- You think he gave up?
- I don't know.

- Did you see where it went?
- No.



There they are.


Where are you?

There you are.

Kyra! Move!

Come on.

Get the plane ready.

I wanna be in the air in half an hour.

Yeah. Yeah.

State your identity.


There's something else
I want you to do for me.

- Did we get it?
- Yeah.

- All of it.
- The entire game code.

So we can go home?


What you did with the drone,
protecting me like that...

Yeah. Um...

I tripped.


Thank you.

Mom says I have to go back
to school tomorrow.

I told her I was fine,
but she says it's important.

Your mother sounds very sensible.

She is.

I have the results of your dad's MRI.

Can we go somewhere and talk?


Let me hold this for you.

Air Force One,
this is Calfield Tower.

Come left to heading 2-4-0.

- 2-1-0 degrees.
- Left 2-4-0...

Runway 2-4 in sight.

I've been looking all night
in case we missed anything,

but everything points to Palmer.
There's nothing else.

Maybe we got the right man after all.

Calfield Tower, Air Force One,
final 2-4 for landing.

Calfield Tower, you are cleared to land.

- Copy, Calfield.
- What about the accounts?


SCORPIA could have routed that six and
a half million from anywhere in the world.

Why use an old bank account
with their fingerprints?

One of which we can trace.

Mrs. Jones.

How about that coffee?

Ten minutes.

Air Force One, confirm touchdown.

Welcome to the United Kingdom.

Come in.

Dan. Shame about the Cray situation.

Now, what can I do for you?

I'd never normally
go behind a colleague's back.

But this has gotten out of control.

There's something
I think you need to know about Jack.

Thank you.

What are they doing here?

=Without Tom and Kyra, I'd be dead by now,
and you'd know nothing.

Know nothing about what?

We have a decrypted,
full version of Damian Cray's new game.

The one that launches tonight.

- Alex, I don't have time for games.
- It's not a game.

The game is just a shell.

Like a Trojan Horse.

I've only scratched the surface
but there's gigabytes of code

and hardly any of it
is to do with game mechanics.

- Right. So, what is it to do with?
- We don't know yet.

But what we do know is Damien Cray
m*rder*d his own PR guy,

Charlie Roper, right in front of us,

and then tried to k*ll us as well.

Damian Cray
is planning something terrible.

The countdown isn't for a game launch,
it's for something much worse.

And he has SCORPIA helping him.

Do you believe us?


Then you need to get this to Smithers,
right now.

And you've been working on this?

- Then you're with me.
- No. I don't think so.


Smithers is a good guy.
He'll listen to you.

Plus, you're like 15 steps ahead
of the curve right now.




It's okay.

You did it.

Maybe you should go see Sabina.

You know, let her know
everything's gonna be okay.

- You seen Steph?
- Yeah.

She wanted to know
where the hell we've been

and, uh, what all this was about.

What did you tell her?

"Alex is doing an electronics project."

I'm really running out of excuses here.

Yours, later?

Make sure Mrs. Jones
and that lot are doing their bit?


I'm not gonna ask you
what you did or didn't do.

But is there anything you can say
to change my mind?

I was helping to save the world?

Forget that.

I joined you guys because you were small.

Because you were looking out
for the underdog.

And somehow,

we ended up doing corporate acquisitions
for a multi-billionaire.

And that's not me.

If somebody did do something,

even if that something looks bad...

maybe they had their reasons.

And maybe their reasons were good.

You should gather your belongings
and leave immediately.


I just wanted you to know
this wasn't personal.

No. Clearly it never was.

It is no understatement to say
that an entire generation of Americans

have been lost to the opioid crisis

currently crippling our country.

It is estimated that

$78.5 billion has been lost

to this crisis...


Hello, Alex.

You have something that's mine.

If you're talking about the game,
it's too late. It's already gone.

No, no, no. Something else.
Something you took from me.

- You mean this?
- Exactly.

I'd like it back, please.

- Well, that's not going to happen.
- Ugh.

I knew you were gonna say that.

But it's very important to me.
And I really want it back.

So I took something
that I think is important to you.

Pick up this phone, Alex. Keep it on.

Follow my instructions on where to go,

The camera will watch you
every step of the way.

Deviate from the instructions,
call anyone, tell anyone...

Well, you can imagine what will happen.

Ah-ah-ah. No. Alex,
I know what you're doing.

You're trying to think
your way around this. Don't.

Pick up the phone,

follow the instructions
and bring me what's mine,

and you and Sabina here
will live to see tomorrow.