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06x23 - For Better or Worse

Posted: 01/25/22 07:44
by bunniefuu
Two hundred
and ninety-seven wedding guests!

It's a minor miracle,
our final total is below 300.

There. I am done.

Five hundred autographed copies
of Wild Storm.

My pre-wedding
signing obligations are finished.

- Good. Now sign this.
- What's this one?

Final payment for the rooftop venue.

You mean the perfect venue.
A 360-degree view of Manhattan.

The stars above us,
the world at our feet.

It's too bad Beckett
didn't want to bungee jump

off the side of the building
for our big exit.

Now, that would've been cool.

The tuxes will be in tomorrow evening.
Did you tell Esposito and Ryan?

I did. They will be here
to try them on and to collect them.

You are the most adorable best man
a groom could hope for.


Probably the concierge with more gifts.

Ah, hi, Gerard. Put them over there
with the others. Thank you.

All right. I'm out.


Dad! Don't forget the forms
for the marriage license.

Those are my case files.

Ask your questions,

because I will be pretty much
unreachable for the next three weeks.

Okay. What are you more excited about,
the wedding or the honeymoon?

Three weeks in the Maldives
on a private island? What do you think?

Actually, the only thing
that I'm not excited about

is having to say my vows
in front of all those people.

You'll be fine. Just imagine your
wedding guests are m*rder suspects.

In their underwear.

Or not.

You know, I was so nervous
before my wedding

that I ran into a wall and got a black eye.

You're supposed to be a wreck.

You're about to experience one of
the most important days of your life.

I'm so happy for you, Detective.

Hey, guys!

In spite of who you're marrying.

So, who's ready to
get her marriage license?

Me. Almost. I gotta get my bag.

Excellent. And Alexis
wanted me to remind you...

She called, she texted and she e-mailed.
We will be there.

And we'll bring our black shoes.

Do you have our paperwork?

"I do."

I'm just practicing.

I... I do. I got it.

Have fun, guys.

T-minus 72 hours until we are married.

This feels like a dream.

- That's 'cause I'm dreamy.
- Oh, shush.

- Next!
- Ah.

Here we are.

Mr. Richard Castle
and Ms. Katherine Beckett.

That's us.

Proof of divorce?

Is there something wrong
with my documents?

They're in order.
Ms. Beckett, do you have yours?

- Pardon me?
- Your divorce paperwork.

I'm sorry, there's a mistake.

I've never been married.

Well, according to this, you have.
And it looks like you still are.

I'm married?

To whom?

Rogan O'Leary?

Well, who is Rogan O'Leary?

A guy she met
freshman year at Stanford.

Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick.

And you married him?

Not really.

Except she did.

The two of them drove to Vegas,
had too much to drink,

and thought it would be a riot to take a
cab to a drive-through wedding chapel.

- You didn't.
- She did.

Yeah, I did.
But I never thought that it was for real.

And I broke up with the guy
a couple weeks later,

after I found out he was a compulsive
liar, degenerate and a thief.

Yes, but not before you tied the knot.

And here I thought you were
a one-and-done kind of girl.

Does your father know about this?

I really am gonna be sick.

And that would be my lawyer.

You were both over 18.

Regardless of your seriousness
or intent at the time,

I'm afraid your wedding
at the Drive-Thru of Love

was real, legal and binding.

Okay, we are getting married
in three days.

I'm afraid you can't. Not unless
you terminate your first marriage.

We have 300 people coming.
Most of them are flying in.

So, what are we gonna say
to all of them?

Henry, is there anything we can do
to make this go away?

It's possible, if there's mutual consent.

I brought
a dissolution-of-marriage contract,

and I could expedite it
through the city, but...

You'll have to get
Mr. O'Leary to sign it, too.

How? It's been 15 years.
I have no idea where he is.

Okay, looks like we found him.

But, man, is your

- husband a piece of work.
- Mmm.

He's not my husband.

Except, legally, he is.

So, what do we know about him?

Well, your boy got around. He was
charged with theft in Austin in '05.

He did time for a DUI in Iowa in '07.

He was arrested
for fraud in Kentucky, and...

Oh, this is a good one.

He was put in jail for impersonating
an FBI agent in New Orleans.

I must say, given his record,

I'm really surprised
you stayed with him all these years.

Do you know where he is now?

Yeah, it looks like he settled in
a small town in upstate New York

called Willow Creek
about five years ago.

- Do you have his contact information?
- Texting right now.

The voice mail for...

Rogan O'Leary.

Is full.
Please try again later.

I'm not getting through.
Either the phone rings incessantly,

or I get the "voice mail is full" message.

So, what do you want to do?

I want to get married.

- What do you want to do?
- I want to get married, too.

Okay! Then it's settled.

You'll stay here
and keep the wedding on track.

And you?

I'm gonna go to Willow Creek.

I've got less than three days to find
Rogan O'Leary and get a divorce.

He's not worth it.

Pardon me?

Sweetie, I've been
his neighbor for five years.

He's got a smile
that will make your pants fall off.

But trust me, he's trouble.

Do you know where I can find him?

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Excuse me.

Hi, I'm looking for one of your
bartenders. Rogan O'Leary?

Come on, Tildy!

- Never mind.
- Give me a break!

You want a break?
I'll give you a break.


What the hell did I do?

What did you do?
How about what didn't you do?

I thought you came here to apologize,
to tell me how sorry you are.

But, no! All you want is your stuff back?

It's not even your stuff!

It's our stuff!
And I need it to make things right.

I'm through! Now get out of my bar!

Come on, babe.

You know
you don't mean that.

You love me too much.


How's that for love?

Kit Kat?

Is that you?

Hello, Rogan.

So, I see you haven't changed.

Oh, what? That? Nah!

Come on. That was just...

That was just a lovers' quarrel,
as they say.

So, Kit Kat, what brings
you to Willow Creek, huh?

You walking the nostalgia trail?

Tracking down old flames
to discover who you really are?

Uh... No. Do you remember
a trip that we took to Vegas?

I don't know, it's a little fuzzy.

But most of my best memories are.

So, when we were there, do you recall
a cab ride and a drive-up chapel?

Nope, but I do recall
the dine-and-dash on the Strip.

Huh? Do you
remember that? With the hoagies?

At the counter...
"Hey, you! Get outta there!"

Well, you know what?
You're probably gonna find this funny.

But as it turns out,

you and I have been
married for 15 years.

- Married?
- Mmm-hmm.

For realsies?

- Yeah.
- That is hilarious!

How long have you known that?

Well, I just found out.
But you know what?

It's not a big deal,
because all you have to do is sign this,

and you're off the hook.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Well, you know, it's a...
It is a pretty nice hook, you know?

I mean, heck,
we have been married this long,

maybe we should just give it a chance.

No, well, I know.

So, uh...

It must be pretty important to you
to have me sign these forms then, huh?

You know, if you've driven
all the way from...

- New York.
- New York.

Let me guess. Lawyer?

- Detective.
- Detective!

Yeah. NYPD.

Wow! So, tell me,
how does a girl go from

picking the lock on Pearl Jam's tour bus

so she can steal Eddie Vedder's
jean jacket to becoming a cop?


You know, I'm sorry. I...

You're obviously busy,
and I should probably just go.

Um, but if you could just sign this...

Oh, yeah. Of course. Look, I would...

I would really love to sign this

agreement for you.


But you're gonna have to
do something for me first.

Okay. Which one?

The easy one. Which is this one.

Thank you. Any news from Beckett?

Uh, she texted me
a couple of hours ago,

said she found him,
but I haven't heard from her since.

Maybe they're catching up.

Sure. No, sure,
they got a lot in common.

She can talk about
all the people she's put in prison,

and he can talk about
all the people he's met in prison.

Um, Alexis? I haven't gained
this much daddy weight.

That can't be right.
I double-checked the size 10 times.

Maybe you finally hit that growth
spurt you've been waiting on.


And that's her.

Hey, what's up?

Okay, so there has been a little glitch.

- He won't sign?
- Oh, no, he'll sign.

But he wants me to do something first.

What kind of thing?

He wants me to break into
his ex-girlfriend's truck

and steal a garage door opener.

Okay. Why?

Apparently, after they broke up,

his ex-girlfriend took a few of his things,
and he wants 'em back.

And he needs the garage door opener
to get into her place?

Her mom's place, but, yeah.

But given his record,
why doesn't he just steal it himself?

Because her truck is parked
right outside of her bar,

and he can't get close to it

without someone spotting him
and then telling her.

And you're actually
thinking about doing this?

If I don't, he won't sign.

Castle, he could drag this on for years.

And if you get caught?

I won't. Look, Castle,
he's got me over a barrel here.

If I don't do this, we don't get married.

Just get this over with and come home.

I'll call you when I'm done.

Mission accomplished.

So, you got the remote?

Yes. And I wasn't caught.

And you're sure
he'll sign the papers now?

Oh, he's gonna sign them, all right.

I'm not taking no for an answer.

Tell everyone that this wedding is on.

I'll be on my way back to the city soon.

- Can't wait.
- Bye.

Get back here, Rogan!

Off! Get off!

- All right, man.
- Rogan!

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

- Go!
- Stop!


Did you get the license of the truck?

It didn't have one. But both
of the men were wearing masks.

And your friend who got taken,
what's his name?

Rogan. Rogan O'Leary.

What? Why are you
closing your notebook?

Ma'am, our department doesn't have
the resources to investigate

every claim involving Mr. O'Leary.

But someone took him.

I'm sure they did.
I'm sure they had a very good reason.

And in a few days, he'll show up drunk,
bruised and sorry as hell.

I don't have a few days.
I need to find him now.

Ma'am? From one woman
to another, let him go.

He's been abducted? How? But you...

I know. I don't believe it either.

Okay, okay. I hate to ask, but do you
think maybe we should postpone?

No! No, I'm not giving up.
I'm gonna find him.

- How?
- Well, I'm a detective.

Someone here has to know something.

You shouldn't be doing this alone.
I'm coming up there.

Are you sure?

Yes! Absolutely. Everything here
is completely under control.

I will see you in a few hours. Bye.


Hello. Yes, this is Richard Castle.


We lost our venue?

How is that even possible?

They had a circus party there tonight,
with some first-time fire-breathers.

And now our rooftop venue
does not have a floor.

This is a disaster.

I have no place to get married
and no one to get married to.

I think "disaster" is an understatement.

So-called "disaster" is merely
opportunity in disguise.

We'll just find another place
to hold the wedding.

Are you kidding? Where are we
gonna find a venue in Manhattan

that holds 300 people
in less than two days?

Ooh! We already have one.
Not in Manhattan.

We can move the whole party
to our house in the Hamptons.

Yes. Yes! We've held larger parties
than this out there.

We rent luxury buses
to shuttle our guests

and pay the vendors'
transportation costs!

Brilliant! I will call the housekeeper
first thing in the morning

and have them
start getting the place ready.

You really think we can pull this off?

Oh, please! I once staged
A Chorus Line on a subway platform

when our company lost its space.

I think I can move a wedding.

Alexis will help with everything.

You just make sure Katherine finds
that deadbeat husband of hers.


Thanks for coming up, babe.

I'm so sorry about this whole mess.

Oh, what's a fiancé for, if not to help
find his future wife's current husband?

And Alexis and Mother will get
far more done without my interference.

Well, I just hope that
all their work is not for nothing.

You think Rogan's ex
will be able to help us find him?

They lived together.
If we're lucky, she'll be able to tell us

what kind of mess he was mixed up in.

Can I help you?


Hi, ma'am.

NYPD. We're looking
for Rogan O'Leary.

Well, if you find him,
you can keep him.

Stop it, Mama.

You were in the bar yesterday.

Yeah. I was hoping that Mr. O'Leary
could help us with an old case,

but it seems that
he was abducted last night.

By who?

We were hoping you could tell us.

Wasn't me! I'd have offed him.

Mama, that's enough.

Look, he was taken by two men
in a rusty pickup truck.

Do you have any idea who they were?

No. But he's always working
crazy angles, pissing people off.

Is that why you left him?


I was used to that.

But he took money from me
for one of his schemes.

Said he was gonna make us rich.
He lost it all, of course.

And now I might lose the bar.

The thing is, in spite of it all,

I love him.

I mean, I can overlook the fact
that he's not a "regular job" kind of guy,

or that he can't marry me
while his wife's in a coma,

but he should never have
put my bar in jeopardy.

I'm sorry.
He said that he had a wife?

A wife in a coma.

Yeah. He married in college,
she got in an accident.

Been in a coma 15 years.

Katie something.

It's kind of tragic, really.

So very tragic.

So, um, did he mention
any trouble yesterday?

Or say anything about

you having something in your
possession that he urgently needed?

Something in the garage or house?

Actually, yeah. He said he needed
the laptop I took from his apartment.

Said he needed it right away.

Did he say why?

No. But since it's my laptop,
I figured it was a line of bull,

that he wanted me to give it up
so he could sell it for the money.

Given how anxious he was
to get his hands on it,

it might have something
to do with his abduction.

Tildy, could we borrow that laptop?

Might help us find him.

We are trained professionals,

and Rogan might be
in some very, very serious trouble.

He's in trouble all right!

I mean, all these years,
he knew that we were married!

He knew when I got here.

And for 15 years, he's been using that
as an excuse not to commit.

Coma wife.

It's kind of brilliant.

You mean despicable, right?

Yeah. That's what I meant.

Did you find anything on the laptop?

Their e-mails to each other
are fairly p*rn,

but nothing that would
get a man abducted.

You know what? Maybe we should call
Tory and have her access it remotely.

See if we're missing anything.

And we should
re-check Rogan's apartment.

See if there's anything there that
can tell us what he was involved with.

I gotta call Lanie.

I'm not gonna make my spa
bachelorette party this afternoon.

You were gonna have naked ladies
at your party, too? Wow.

Do what you need to do, girl.

Operation Hamptons is in full swing,

and we'll have a newlyweds' spa day

when you get back
from your honeymoon.

Yeah, Lanie, look, I don't know
when we're gonna get back,

so can you go to my place, pick up the
dress, and take it up with you tonight?

It will be there waiting for you.

Okay. Thanks, Lane.

Assuming we get there at all.

Are we crazy for
going ahead with this?

Yes. But what other choice do we have?

Look, I don't want to have a makeup
wedding in a few months, okay?

I want to do this now.

So, let's find this husband of yours
and get married tomorrow.

Besides, it's not like things
can get any crazier.


Well, what do we have here?

I spoke too soon.

Where's Rogan?

Okay, let's just relax and put down
the g*ns so no one gets...


See, the only ones
getting hurt are gonna be you,

if you don't tell me where Rogan's at.

I'm fine.

We don't know where he is.

We barely know who he is.

Then what are you doing in his place?

Looking for him. Same as you.

What's this? Is that you?

That's a yes.

Okay, well, according to this,
you and Rogan are married.

Thought you didn't know the guy.

Okay, well, funny story there...

Is it still gonna be funny
when I make you bleed?

I don't know.

Your husband owes me a lot of money.
Now, where is he?

I don't know.

All right. Well, seeing as how
you're his wife, you can pay me.

Uh, exactly how much does he owe you?

Less his down payment, $5,000 for
services rendered. Payable today.

- What kind of services?
- That's between me and him.

If you want me to pay you,
then tell me what I'm paying for.

All right, well, that seems fair.

Your husband hired us
to steal a phone last week.

Whose phone?

Uh, some girl named Sapphire.
Some stripper down at The Roadhouse.

$5,000 for a stripper's phone?
What was on it?

I don't know. Didn't ask, don't care.
I just want my money!

And we'll get it to you.
We just need to find Rogan first.

No, Mrs. O'Leary.
I want my money now.

Castle, you wouldn't happen...

Well, my mother took most of my cash,
and Alexis has my ATM card.

I don't suppose you'd take a check.

That's... Uh, uh...
No, I got...

I have $500 right here.

Just for more time.
We'll owe you the rest of the 5 grand.

We just need a little bit more time.

You bought yourself 12 hours.

If you don't have the full amount
when I come back,

I start breaking legs.

Do you understand?

Are you okay?

No, Mrs. O'Leary. I'm not okay.
I happen to like my legs. And yours, too.

And why is your husband paying bikers
over 5 grand for a stripper's phone?

First of all, could we please
stop calling him my husband?

And secondly, I don't know,

but I'm guessing it has
something to do with the abduction.

Hey! It's Beckett.

Yeah, I need you guys to set up
remote access to scrub a laptop.

Castle, can you look up
the address to The Roadhouse?

I want to know what was
on that stripper's phone.

Find a local strip bar?
Now, that I know how to do.

Look, I don't know what you're
talking about. No one stole my phone.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

It's right here. See?

Is there anything on it
that anyone might want?

It's just a phone.

What is this all about?

Do you know a guy
named Rogan O'Leary?

Can't help ya. Sorry.

Wait, Sapphire. Please.
He might be in real trouble.

So if you know something
that can help us find him...

Look, if you don't want a dance,
then I need to move on.

- She knows something.
- Well, whatever it is,

she doesn't want to tell us.

And I don't have
the jurisdiction to make her.

- Beckett.
- Kate? It's me.

Lanie? What's wrong?

I went to your apartment
to pick up your dress, and...

And what?

Kate, a pipe burst in
the apartment above, and...

Oh, no. No, don't tell me.

I tried, sweetie.
I did everything that I could,

but there was just too much damage.

Kate? The dress...

It's gone!

It's only a dress.
It's not the end of the world.

Then why does it feel like it is?

Our wedding was
supposed to be magical!

It was supposed to be our perfect day.

And now it's just...

falling apart.

So, we'll put it back together.

Castle, I'm married to someone else.

And I have no idea where he is.

We don't have any leads.

And to make things worse,
the venue, and then now this.

I mean, it just feels like
all of this is one big sign.

Well, maybe it is a sign.

A sign that ours is a great love story.

So what's a great love story
without obstacles to overcome?

Every fairy tale has them.

Terrible trials that only
the worthy can transcend.

But you can't give up.

That's the deal.

We want the happy ending?

We can't give up.

And that's why I want to marry you.


Hey, it's Tory.
I think I may have found something.

I was scrubbing the laptop,

and came across a hidden folder.

What's in it?


According to image data,

they were recently downloaded
from someone's phone.

Most of them are innocuous,
but there are a couple of them

that, um, I think you need to see.

I'm e-mailing them now.


- Oh-ho-ho!
- What?

I think I know why your scheming,
scamming husband

wanted to steal that stripper's phone.
Check it out.

It's a guy with a stripper.
What's the big deal?

What's the big deal?

That is the big deal.

It's the local pastor.

There's only one reason

your husband would pay
that much to get these photos.

He was blackmailing a man of God.

A pastor with skin in the game.

And motive to make Rogan disappear.

Thank you
for meeting with us, Pastor.

Well, you said on the phone
it was urgent,

and helping people is my calling.

Does that include
helping people out of their clothes

while they're sitting on your lap?

Where did you get those?

I think you already know
the answer to that.

I suppose you want money, too.

I am a pastor, not a bank!

We're not here to blackmail you.

You're not?

It started six months ago.

I had a moment of weakness.

That stripper got photos of me.

It's been a nightmare ever since.

$1,000 here, $500 there.

So, Sapphire was blackmailing you,
not Rogan?

At first. Then Rogan must've found out.

He got his hands
on the photos somehow.

He said if I gave him $25,000,
he would make them disappear forever,

and if I didn't, he would release them
to the Willow Creek Register.

So, is that why you kidnapped him?
To get those photos back?

What? No, I didn't kidnap him!

What kind of a man do you think I am?

I think we have a pretty good picture.
May have a few pictures, actually.

No, I was going to pay him.
I swear. Look.

I was supposed to meet him here
this morning with the money.

He was going to hand over
the laptop and the photos,

but he never showed.

Uh, be right with you, Mrs. Monroe.

So you have no idea where Rogan is,
or who might've taken him?

No. But if you find him,

tell him I am ready to pay.

I just want this to end.

Thank you for waiting, Mrs. Monroe.

So, your husband is hijacking
someone else's blackmail.

Kind of ingenious,
in a degenerate sort of way.

Not if you're Sapphire.

If you're Sapphire, you're pissed
that you lost your income stream,

and you want those photos back.

I'm sorry, but Sapphire's gone.

She bolted right after
she talked to you guys.

Bitch stuck me with her shift.

Do you know where we could find her?

You could try her boyfriend's place.
They sort of live together.

His name's Jimmy Lutz.

He's got a farm off Route 183.

We really should tip.

And there it is.

That's the truck.

The one that took Rogan. Here.

Check out the barn.

- Looks like we found our kidnappers.
- Then we should call the police.

- And tell them what?
- That they have g*ns.

On their own property,
which is their constitutional right.

We don't have proof
that they have Rogan.


Yet? What do you mean, "yet"?

Come on, Castle. Let's see if
that's where they're keeping him.

Do you want to get
married tomorrow, or not?

What if we get caught?

We tell 'em we're tourists from the city.
We got lost.

Yes. That worked out
really well in Deliverance.

Okay, let's start with that barn.

Place looks like the start
of an Amish horror film.




Is that you?

I was not expecting that.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!
Dude, you should've heard yourself.

Kit Kat, who is this guy?

Kit Kat?

This guy is Richard Castle,
my future husband.

Really? Well, after his little scream,

you may want to, uh,
re-check his man parts.

My man parts are just fine,
thank you very much.

Could everyone
please stop saying "man parts"?

So, how did you find me?

Well, we just followed the trail
of disappointment and deception.

Led us right to ya.

Oh, wow. You're engaged to a douche.

Here, why don't you untie me
so we can get out of here?


You're a douche.


What are you... What are you doing?

Freeing up one hand.
That's all you need to sign this.

Good one, Kit Kat. That's hilarious.

I'm not joking. If you want me to
cut you loose, then sign the papers.

I'll sign the papers
when we're out of here.

Sign them. Now.

What, you don't trust me?

In fairness, you did blackmail a pastor.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Just hold on.

Don't you want to hear my side of it?

I don't care about your side.

I just want you to sign these papers.

You know, maybe we should wait to
do this till we get somewhere safe.

Yes! Listen to Man Parts.
Let's get the hell out of here.

So you can disappear again,
or get kidnapped? No.

Just sign these papers.
Right now. On the dotted line.

You don't understand.
Those guys are gonna k*ll me.

Over blackmail photos?
They're not gonna k*ll you, Rogan.

Though, if you think about it,
that would solve our problem.

Listen, this isn't about the pastor, okay?

There were other photos
on that stripper's phone.

Photos that had something to do
with her boyfriend.

Jimmy Lutz?

Yeah. But I don't think
that's his real name.

I mean, the Ugly Brothers,
they always called him something else.

Like, Barbozza something.

Wait. Barbozza?

- Yeah.
- You mean, like, Mickey Barbozza?

Yeah, yeah, that's it. I mean, this guy
wants those pictures something fierce.

But I wouldn't tell him where they are,

'cause I didn't want him
going after Tildy.

I'm sorry.
Are we talking about Mickey Barbozza?

The mob hit man who disappeared
about a decade ago...

Oh, yes. Yeah, that's him.
That's the guy.

Castle, help me untie him.
We got to get out of here.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
So, how bad is this guy?

He eluded a massive manhunt
by k*lling half a dozen people,

and the FBI's been
looking for him ever since.

And so, what,
he's been hiding out up here?

Yep! Congratulations, Rogan,

you accidentally stole photos
of a fugitive mobster.

Okay. But that was not my intent.

Come on, let's go.

Is it just me,
or are we completely screwed?

Oh, come on, Richard. Pick up.

Still no word?

No, not for hours.

- It's beautiful, isn't it?
- It's perfect.

I can't believe Alexis and Martha
pulled this off.

Now all we need is a bride and groom.

The wedding's
less than 24 hours away.

I hope they make it.

Tell me this is still
part of the fairy tale.

If it is, it's a Grimm one.

What do you...

What do you think they're gonna do?

My guess?

Once they recover the photos,
they'll probably k*ll us.

Thus making this
the worst bachelor party ever.

Don't look at me, okay?

We would've been out of there
if she hadn't gotten all stubborn

and just cut me loose.

You could've just signed
those papers and cut me loose!

Hey, believe it or not, I was just
trying to do the right thing for Tildy.

By blackmailing a pastor?

Oh, please. Don't let the collar fool you.

That guy had it coming.

Really? The pastor had it coming?

Yes! He told me about
this investment opportunity

where I could double my money.

Only I didn't have any money,
so I borrowed Tildy's.

Well, guess what? It was a scam.

The guy was rooking me
to pay off the stripper.

I mean, how many
broken commandments is that?

So, I took matters
into my own hands, you know?

And it was a...
It was a damn fine plan, too.

Except the murderous mobster part.

I really didn't see that coming.

This isn't over. We're gonna
get out of this. There's a way.

Love to hear it.

So, the thief has a wife.

That's good.

That makes this all a lot easier.

Where are those photos?

Look, I told you, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Well, guess what?

I can incentivize you.

Where are the photos?

Okay, look, I... I deleted 'em.
They're gone, I swear.

I don't believe you.
I'm gonna count to three.

If you don't tell me where they are,

you're not gonna need
these court papers.

I'll end your marriage for you. One.

- Two.
- I know! I...

I know where they are.

I... I know where they are.

They're on a laptop at his place.

She and I can take you to them.


All right.

Why don't we all go?

So, why are they taking all of us?

Why do you think? Husband, wife,
future husband, your apartment.

When they find our dead bodies,

the story of jealous rage writes itself.

Open the door.

Mickey, trust me,
you don't want to do this.

Trust me, I do.

Okay, where's the laptop?


Where's my money?

What the hell is going on here?

You want your money?
It's right there.

This is Mickey Barbozza.
He's wanted by the FBI.

- So?
- So, there's a reward for his capture.

$100,000. You take him in,
it's all yours.

Let's go, tough guy.

Well, that was a hell
of an angle you guys played.

I guess, uh, I should be thanking
you both for saving my ass.

Well, don't forget the contribution
of the homicidal bikers.

Yeah, so, um, maybe you could
sign the papers now.

- Oh, yeah. Okay.
- Yeah.


You know, Kit Kat, I don't want you
to be sad about this, okay?

'Cause you're better off without me.

Just sign the papers.


There you go.

You are a lucky man, Man Parts.

I, uh...

I just wish I had what you guys have.

Well, maybe you already do.

With Tildy? I don't know, man.

I screwed that up.
You know, I mean, after all this,

I didn't even get her money back.

And she's gonna lose the bar
because of me.

Not necessarily.

- From Pastor Bob.
- What?

A $25,000 apology for scamming
that money from you.

He says if he never sees you
or those photos again, you're even.

- Oh, my God.
- Rogan? What the hell?

I told you I never wanted to
see you in here again.

Tildy, Tildy, wait. Just...

I got some bad news. I...

My wife that was in a coma?

She d*ed.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Don't be.
She's in a much better place.

She left me some money,
and I just...

I want to give it to you.

I love you, Tildy.

I love you, too.


Come with me.

I can't believe you gave him
the money from Pastor Bob.

I'm a sucker for happy endings.

Now let's get the hell out
of this town and go get our own.

Yes! We're getting married!

- Hi!
- Hey!

People are starting to arrive.
Are you ready?

How did you pull this off?

Well, you know, I called your dad,

and he said
he had a dress you could wear.


You look like an angel.

- Really?
- Yeah!

For a second there,
I wanted to marry you!

Oh, just stop, Lanie!

I must say, your mother had great taste.

Yes, she did.

Look at you.

I believe you are the most
beautiful bride I have ever seen.

Thank you, Martha.

Lanie, darling,
could you just give us a minute?

Oh, sure.
I'll just tell your dad that it's perfect.

Thanks, Lanie.

Martha, I just wanted to tell you
how grateful I am to you and Alexis for...

For putting all of this together.

And I want to thank you

for making my son so very happy.

I brought you something.
In case you didn't have something blue.

Oh, wow.

They're beautiful.

They were given to me by my mother
to wear on my wedding day,

and by her mother before.

Only women of substance
have worn these gems.

They've been waiting,
Katherine, for you.

I'm so honored, Martha.

- Thank you.
- Oh, darling, they're exquisite on you.

Oh, excuse me.

- It's him.
- Oh!

Then I will leave you to talk
to your groom. I'll be outside.

Hey, lover! How close are you?

Twenty minutes.
And you'll be happy to know,

things went smoothly with the judge.
You are a free woman.

But not for long.
I got our marriage license in my pocket,

and I will be there soon.

And, Kate?


I love you.

I love you, too.

It's been an hour already, and the
natives down there are getting restless.

Where do you think he is?

I don't know.
When I spoke to him last,

he said he was
less than 20 minutes away.

This is Richard Castle.
Leave me a message.

Straight to voice mail.


Yes, this is she.