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07x02 - Red Card Yellow Card

Posted: 01/25/22 12:46
by bunniefuu
‐ Yup. Well, welcome
to another Crack an Ag,

and bet youse can't, so.

‐ Are you gonna tell them about the beers?

‐ Oh, yeah. You might notice
that we got beers this time.

I guess, uh, Katy got an e‐mail

from one of youse saying that, well‐‐

‐ It wasn't an e‐mail, it was a DM.

‐ What's a DM?
‐ d*ck move?

‐ Dubai Municipalities?

‐ What you‐‐ What you mean,
like, DMT, like, f*ckin' Joe Rogan?

‐ A DM is a direct message.

‐ I never heard that.

‐ Who been slidin' in yo DMs?

‐ Dudes.

‐ I been slidin',
why ain't you hit me back?

‐ I been slidin',
why you ain't hit me back?

‐ Yeah, well, I guess Katy got DMT'ed

by‐‐ by one of youse saying that...

well, youse like the show
because it makes you feel

like you're just, like,
the fourth person...

sitting around with us gabbin', so.

So I figured if we're
just sittin' around gabbin',

we may as well have beers.

‐ Okay.

‐ Um... Okay. Let's take a call.

‐ What's that?
‐ We're gonna take a call.

‐ 'Kay.

‐ Okay. We have
Keith Graydahnus on the line.

‐ Is he really?
KATY: Yeah.

‐ Well, can he hear us?
‐ Yeah.

‐ Graydaniels. You hear us?
KEITH: Oh, yeah.

‐ Right on. How are ya now?

KEITH: Good'n you?
‐ Not s'bad...

KEITH: Right on.
WAYNE: Right on.

DAN: Right on!
‐ Right on!

‐ Youse don't need to yell.

He can hear you just fine.
‐ Oh, right on.

‐ Right on.
‐ Right on.

‐ How can we help youse, Mr. Graydahnus?

‐ Well, you can call him Graydaniels.
‐ I don't know him as well as youse do.

‐ Well, no, but pert near
all the Graydahnuses

are called Graydaniels now.
‐ Are they really?

‐ Yeah, you can get it
from the horse's mouth if you want to.

Hey, Graydaniels.

Is it right true you and all your cousins
and everybody,

they're called Graydaniels, too, or?

Uh, people started callin' me that,

and then they started
callin' my brothers that,

and then, yeah,
it spread to the cousins,

so. Yeah.
‐ There you go.

‐ All right. So, how can
we help youse, Graydaniels?

I've got a tit in the yard.

‐ [chuckles] Just one?
‐ I prefer two in the bush.

‐ You know there's
a type of bird called a bushtit?

‐ No.
‐ It's a type of chickadee.

‐ Right on.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Aw geez, you still down
at the sawmill there, Greydaniels?

KEITH: Yeah, mostly
at the back baggers, yeah.

‐ Bagging firewood?

KEITH: Yeah, I'm back there
baggin' mostly now.

‐ So, who's the tit?

KEITH: I don't wanna be
tellin' tales outta school.

‐ Well, bad gas travels fast
in a small town.

‐ Yeah.

I respects your stance, Graydaniels,
but it's a small town.

If he's a tit, it's out there.
‐ It's out there.

Dalton Thibodeau.

‐ Oh, f*ck.

His old man's a f*ckin' tit, too.
‐ Wayne!

‐ He had a f*cking impaired taking his kid
to soccer practice two summers ago.

‐ Oh, Lordy. That's a degen's move.
Figger it out.

‐ I seen Dalton chain up a sick cow

and drag it across the lawn
'cause it was too sick to stand.

‐ Did he really?
‐ Yeah.

‐ Motherf... Cocks...

f*ck you, Thibodeau.

‐ Yeah, figure it out.
‐ That's what I said.

I said, "Figure it out."
‐ He said, "Figure it out."

‐ "Or I'll figure it out for ya."

‐ Wait a minute,
but isn't it pronounced, um...

‐ No, no, no.

Only ever heard it pronounced "Tibadoo."
‐ Yeah.

Yeah, it's Tibadoo.

‐ What do you got him...
What do you got him tiba‐doing?


KEITH: It's not about
what we got him doin',

it's about him doin' it.

‐ f*ck, pitter‐patter, Graydaniels.

Be in line with you all f*ckin'...
all f*ckin' day here.

So, we bag the firewood.

Drop it on a skid.
Sixty bags per skid.

Then forks come in
and take it over to a container.

‐ I f*ckin' hate skids.

DAN: What kinds of container?
KEITH: Like a train car.

‐ One of those ocean freightliners there?

‐ Oh, like when a hippies
make small houses happen.

KEITH: The forks come in
and take the skids with a couple bags

to the container, then Thibodeau

and a couple others
hand b*mb 'em in there.

‐ Why are you double‐handling?

‐ You're gonna wanna watch
your carbon footprints too.

‐ Well, you hand b*mb
the bags on to the skid,

then the forks come over,
take the skid over to the container.

Just skip the f*cking skid,

hand b*mb the bags straight
on to the container. What's the problem?

KEITH: It gets too hot
inside the container

to be going
in and out all day.

‐ Well, sounds like
your old man should have

kicked your ass another time or two.

KEITH: Oh, this isn't from me.
That's direct from boss hog.

‐ Well, that's fuckin soft.

KEITH: So anywho,
Thibodeau's over there hand bombin' bags

with two others and the others
are stacking three bags to his one.

‐ Well, give him the size nines.

KEITH: No, no, no. Can't do that stuff
in the workplace anymore.

‐ No. Yeah, you can.
Just kick him in the ass,

get the f*ck outta the way.
‐ Put a shoulder in him.

KEITH: Ah, no. The kids'll complain
about that stuff now.

f*ckin' anxiety and depression, autism.

‐ Yup. Uncle Eddie used to say,

"'Kay. Here's anxiety." Okay?

"Here's depression.
I don't think you've met 'em."

I said autism, too, but...

‐ Listen. There is always...

always an alternative to v*olence.

On that, I would like to be
crystals clears.

Except if you're workin' f*ckin' labor.

WAYNE: Exactly.
KEITH: Yeah.

‐ You could be...
You could be making sandwiches,

or f*ckin' scooping ice cream.
‐ He could be doing anything.

‐ You could be doing just about
f*cking anything.

You chose labor.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Yeah, that was your choice.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Yeah, yeah.

You can't be f*ckin' choosing labor

and then slowing ups productions.
‐ No.

They call that bullying now.

‐ Well... [scoffs]
‐ It's not bullying!

It's tough love.
There's a f*cking difference.

Don't open your mouth if you're gonna be
f*cking stupid, Graydaniels.

‐ Yeah, the older kids gave it to us
when we were young, too.

That's why we didn't turn out
tits like Thibodeau.

‐ Yeah, but don't, like,
give up on him either, right?

It's kind of... kind of the whole point
of the thing, like...

You know, you keep your foot in it.

And if he wants to f*ck dog,
make life hard for him.

So he'll either stop
f*ckin' dog or he'll quit.

Sounds like a win‐win.

WAYNE: Well,
that's exactly what it is, Greydaniels.

‐ He'd likely end up
some place he's happier,

and you're f*ckin' happier 'cause you
don't have a tit slowin' up production.

‐ Bing‐bang‐boom.
‐ Yeah, he's right.

You gotta put feelings aside
when there's work to be done.

‐ Yeah.
KEITH: That's good advice.

I got my foot in it.
‐ Right on.

‐ Right on.
‐ Right on.

Right on. All right, I'll talk to ya.

‐ Yup, we'll talk to ya.
‐ [dial tone drones]

‐ Play that song again.

‐ What? Why?

‐ We must have a partition

between callers.
‐ A segue.

‐ Katy, are we takin' another call?

‐ Eh?
‐ Stop slowing up production.

‐ [yelps]
‐ Roald,

do not make me put my foot in it.
‐ [snickers]

‐ Um...

We have Dalton Thibodeau on the line.

‐ Is he, really? Well... Thibodeau.

THIBODEAU: I'm hearin' talk Graydaniels
is tellin'' tales outta school.

‐ I'm hearin' talk you're a f*ckin' tit,
‐ [all shouting furiously]

You chain up another
f*ckin' cow and drag it,

‐ I'll stick my shoe so far...
‐ [shouting continuing]

♪ theme music playing ♪

[all shouting furiously]

‐ Hey!
‐ [silence]

‐ He hung up.
‐ f*ckin' Good. Chores to do.

‐ Oh! Hold your horses.

‐ Yeah, we got time for one more call.

‐ From f*ckin' who?
‐ We got Ken Donkersgood on the line.

‐ Oh, he's a good guy.
‐ He's a real good guy.

‐ Oh, he's a great guy.

KEN [on phone] How're ya now?
‐ Good and you?

KEN: Not so bad.
‐ Right on.

‐ Right on.
‐ Right on, Donkersgood.

KEN: Right on.
Hey, youse like soccer?

‐ What the f*ck you talkin' about?

KEN: I was just, like, there's been
a lot of soccer on TV, and...

‐ They should call it football.

‐ f*ck off.
‐ [whispers] You f*ck off.

‐ Are we sure Donkersgood called
in to the right show?

‐ There's only one show.

‐ f*ck off.

KEN: Oh, there's just been
a lot of soccer on lately and, you know,

and I was just thinkin',
like, well, wondering, how youse like it.

‐ Well... there's not a lot
of contact involved,

so I don't really
have too much time for it.

Ah, kinda thought that too.

I figured youse would think that too.

I just seen you on TV

and thought I'd say hello,
so guess I'll talk to ya.

‐ Yup, talk to ya.
‐ [dial tone drones]

‐ Uh, look, it's been another episode
of Crack an Ag.

If, like, youse wanna call in

with agriculture‐related
questions next week,

see if you can Crack an Ag,

well, I bet you can't, so.

Um... so, we'll talk to yas.

‐ ♪ dance music playing ♪
‐ Our work here is done.

‐ [bell ringing]
‐ There were a baker's dozen callers

left stranded on the line.

‐ Were there really?
‐ Yeah.

‐ Maybe next time
we should weeds out the ones

that don't wants to talks about
agricultural issues theres, Ms. Katys?

‐ Get off my d*ck, Dan.

‐ Don't you think it's kinda too bad

that people have to wait a whole week,
in between episodes,

to figure out their problems?

I mean, you know,
some people have real problems

that they could get solved real quick.

‐ Wanna know what?

Soccer's got a pretty good thing going
with that card system, eh?

‐ The which?
‐ For the referees?

‐ Yeah.

Like, if someone's being a dink,
you give 'em a yellow card.

It's like a warning card.

Then if they keep being a tit,

you give 'em a red card
which means that tit's out.

‐ Mm.
‐ Out where?

‐ Like, out of the game. Like,
you don't gotta deal with 'em anymore.

‐ Well, that's handy then.
‐ That's Handy Moore.

‐ It'd be Handy Orton.

‐ Could be Handy Roddick.
‐ It's Handy Patinkin.

‐ Well, how handy would that be
if it was real life?

‐ Well, no doubt that'd be handy.

‐ It'd be Handy Newton.
‐ It'd be Handy Koufax.

‐ It'd be Handy Alomar Jr.

‐ It'd be Macho Man Handy Savage.

‐ It's like, we could weed out the tits,

it'll give us more time for real people.
What's the problems?

‐ Well, yeah. And then we wouldn't
have to deal with the tits.

‐ Yeah, yeah.
So if ya gets a yellow card,

it means stops being a dinks.

And if you keeps being a dinks,

you gets a red card
which means you're out, ya tit!

‐ Bingo.
‐ Ooh, tits out 2018.

It's not 2018.

‐ f*ck, that's a solid system, eh?

Like, if we give you a red card,

it means you can't call in,
clog up the phone lines,

give us more time for other people.

What's the problems?

‐ Yeah, it shouldn't take long
for somebody to start being obnoxious.

‐ Well, if we're going
to be's efficient...

‐ Well, if you're being one thing,
you should be efficient.

‐ We should start with peoples we knows
ain't gonna takes too long.

‐ I know where we should look.

‐ Can we smoke in here?

‐ Boys.
‐ Boys.

‐ What have youse been up to?

BOTH: Skipping leg day.

‐ That's still a thing then, eh?

‐ Cha. Unfortunatch.
‐ But we're sick of the sitch,

so it's time to dig deep.
‐ Bear down.

‐ And that's still a thing too then, eh?

‐ What's the frequency, Kenneth?

‐ We're suffering,
and others are suffering.

‐ But we will no longer suffer in silence.

Which is why we've started a program,
here at the gym,

to join chronic leg day skippers
with other chronic leg day skippers

who will no longer...

‐ Suffer in silence.
‐ 'Kay.

‐ Sick of weak stilts?

Join our program and we'll match you

with someone to help motivate you
to grind out your getaway sticks,

so you'll...

ALL: No longer suffer in silence.

Well, I'm proud of you, boys.

You know, you had some problems
that was causing youse grief.

‐ Suffering.
‐ [whispers] Unfortunatch.

‐ And you took steps
to not only cures your sufferings,

but you wents the extra mile to help other
peoples whats mights be sufferings, too.

‐ [whispers] Silence.
‐ [whispers] Unfortunatch.

‐ I'm glad to see you're doing all rights.

‐ No, this did not go
the way that I thought.

‐ Yeah, it''s not very efficient, Katy.

‐ Yeah, if you can be one thing,
you should be efficient, Katy.

‐ Well, let us give you
the full pitch then.

‐ Oh, there's hope yet, boys.

‐ I'm Reilly.
‐ And I'm Jonesy.

‐ President and CEO...

‐ CTO, CFO and COO of...

BOTH: Leg Day Bae!

‐ What's that?
‐ You like soccer?

‐ Should call it football.
‐ f*ck off.

New program in effect, boys.

If you're being a dink,
you get a yellow card.

‐ Which is essentially a warning.

‐ And then if you keep being a dink,
you get a red card

which means we're no longer obligated
to give you the time of day.

‐ 'Cause youse a tit, and youse out.

‐ Tits out, 2018.
‐ It's not 2018.

‐ We haven't even shown you
the full pitch yet.

‐ Let us make up some ground, boys.

‐ Pitter‐patter.
‐ Um, um...

So, those looking to learn
the Leg Day Bae way

must fill out this Leg Day Bae survey.

‐ We put all the names
in the Leg Day Bae tray,

and select them random‐lay,

and boom, match you
with your future Leg Day Bae.

‐ Still not working?
Then Leg Day Bae pay may just be the way.

‐ It's our premium service, boys.

‐ With Leg Day Bae pay,
you skip the Leg Day Bae tray,

and you select your own Leg Day Bae
from this Leg Day Bae display.

‐ Liquid Crystal Display. LCD.

Only the best for our users
of the Leg Day Bae pay.

‐ Select your Leg Day Bae,

crush legs, and maybe take 'em down after.

‐ Can almost guarantee takedowns
for our premium Leg Day Bae pay members.

‐ That it?
‐ Hang on.

[pictures whooshing]


[twinkle sound effect]

‐ [shimmer sound effect]
‐ Wait.

‐ That's it.

‐ Are you serious?
‐ What? Are you blind?

‐ How can you not see it?
‐ What?

[indistinct grumbling]

‐ Well, our work here is done, boys.

DAX: Wait, there's more.

I'm Dax.
‐ And I'm Ron.

‐ ALL: We know.
‐ President and CEO...

‐ CTO, CFO and COO of...

BOTH: Gay Leg Day Bae.

‐ Quick! Light up
the Gay Leg Day Bae display.

[shimmer sound effect]

DAX: You're familiar with Leg Day Bae?
RON: And Leg Day Bae pay?

‐ Well, this is Leg Day Bae...
‐ And Leg Day Bae pay...

BOTH: For gays!
‐ [mutters] Let's smash some ass.

Let's get so f*ckin' gay.

DAX: Interested in joining
Gay Leg Day Bae?

Fill out the Gay Leg Day Bae survey.

Put your name in this
Gay Leg Day Bae beret.

We'll select names random‐lay

and boom, you've got your Gay Leg Day Bae.

‐ Or, skip the Gay Leg Day Bae beret
with Gay Leg Day Bae pay,

which allows users to select their own
Gay Leg Day Bae.

‐ Likely take 'em down too.

‐ We're anticipating
significant gay takedowns

for subscribers of Gay Leg Day Bae pay.

[mutters] Let's get super f*ckin' gay,
let's get some ass.

‐ Wait! For the after‐work crowd,

allow us to walk you through
Gay Leg Day Bae soirée.

‐ Also available for hetero Leg Day Bae!

Bring your Gay Leg Day Bae,

we'll serve Cabernet and Chardonnay...

‐ Gay Leg Day Bae cafe au lait.

‐ Don't like your Gay Leg Day Bae?

Become a Gay Leg Day Bae divorcée.

‐ We'll help you find
a Gay Leg Day Bae fiancé.

‐ Have a Gay Leg Day Bae three‐way.

‐ Plenty of Gay Leg Day Bae giveaways.

‐ Oh, forgot to say.
Non‐gay Leg Day Bae,

going international‐‐
Leg Day Bae Uruguay.

‐ Leg Day Bay Mandalay.
‐ Leg Day Bae USA.

‐ Don't suffer in silence.

‐ Where there's a Gay Leg Day Bae will,
there's a Gay...

ALL: Leg Day Bae way!

‐ [yells] No!
‐ Oh, you gotta see that!

‐ It's bullshit!
‐ Come on!

‐ Have you seen our display?
‐ Oh, come on!

DAX: Look at our display!
RON: Come on, you must be blind!

Well, on to the next?

♪ dance music playing ♪

‐ What have youse been up to?

‐ There's been a lot of buzz‐chatter
around town,

our Crack an Ag theme
drum and bass re‐mix.

‐ Re‐worked.
‐ Re‐did.

‐ Re‐edit.
‐ Our Crack an Ag re‐vision.

‐ Our Crack an Ag re‐capitulation.

‐ Our Crack an Ag
extended maxi‐single version.

‐ Our Crack an Ag Nite Version.

‐ Oh, it's got the streets bubblin'.

‐ 'Kay.
‐ So, we said "f*ck it."

We're starting a band.
‐ Whos do youse sounds like?

‐ No one!

If you sound like someone else,
you f*cking suck!

‐ Hoobastank and Incubus mights be
the exceptions there.

‐ Would you believe I seen Hoobastank open
for 311 at Detroit State Theater?

‐ Are you serious?
‐ I don't give a shit.

‐ Ever heard of MSTRKRFT?
‐ No.

‐ We're like MSTRKRFT
and sprinkle a bit of Gold Panda.

‐ And sprinkle a little bit
of The Phantom's Revenge.

‐ And sprinkle a bit of Rustie.

Rusty, like "the top‐selling
Canadian punk band of all time

behind Sum41" Rustys?

‐ No! Rustie, videogame influenced,

Scottish laser hip‐hop
electronic producer,

R‐U‐S‐T‐I‐E, Rustie.

Oh. 'Cause if it was the Canadian Rusty,
I'd be listenings, but...

‐ Groovy Dead was a pretty good track.

Anyone else?

‐ We're like...

the Chemical Brothers!

‐ We're like, eh, The Prodigy!

‐ And how's that going fer ya?

‐ [imitating Daryl]
Workin' pretty good fer me.

We're Firestarters, Charly.

Got Diesel Power. Magic People.
Voodoo People! Poison!

‐ Breathe!
‐ [exhales]

‐ Well, it is nice to see you guys focused

on something, you know,
besides your chemical romance.

‐ Whose chemical romance?
‐ My Chemical Romance.

Welcome to the Black Parade.

[mutters] I'm not okay.

‐ So, what do you guys call yourselves?

[both scoff]

‐ Wait for it.

The Hottest Sex Imaginable.

‐ What?
‐ The Hottest Sex Imaginable!

‐ Where?
‐ That's the name of our band.

‐ The Hottest Sex Imaginable?

‐ [sultrily] The Hottest Sex Imaginable.

With our debut album,
f*ck This and f*ck You!

Yellow card?

‐ Decent band, terrible name.

‐ Are you adapting
football rules to reality?

‐ f*ck off. Football?
What a hill to die on.

‐ This is my house.
‐ It's your mom's house.

‐ If you serve me a red card,
you may not ask me to vacate.

‐ We'll let ourselves out.

‐ Think about it.

The Hottest Sex Imaginable,
with special guest The Chemical Brothers!

The Hottest Sex Imaginable
with special guest The Prodigy.

‐ Hot‐fire hit of the summer,

The Hottest Sex Imaginable featuring
Daft Punk and Pharrell.

‐ The Hottest Sex Imaginable featuring
Susan Serated.

‐ [mutters] Susan Serated?
‐ [mutters] It's my side project.

‐ That is magnificent.

‐ The Hottest Sex Imaginable
with Susan Serated!

‐ Featuring Diplo.
‐ Mad Decent.

‐ Ow. Ow. Owa!

Ow. Owa!

[crying] Ow. Owa!
Ow. Owa!

‐ Next stop, or...?

‐ Yeah.

MAN: The ascent of man.

‐ Ow! Ooh! Owa!

‐ Wayne.
‐ How're ya now?

‐ Thank you for asking.

‐ Not s'bad.
‐ [chortles]

‐ That.
‐ What?

‐ What did you just say?

‐ Not s'bad.
‐ Oh. [sighs]

The way youse talk!

‐ What about it?
‐ It is a gold mine.

I've traveled around
the community centers

and youth groups,
over half a dozen counties,

and the verdict is unanimous!

Youse talk funny!

ALL: 'Kay.

‐ With your saucy slogans
and your quirky quips,

the kids just slurp it right up.

So... [imitates drumroll]

...that's a drum roll.
[drumroll continues]

Wayne, your most famous
expression has now been

immortalized forever on a T‐shirt!

‐ "Pitter patter.
Let's get goin'"?

‐ Yeah.
‐ Air ball.

Like this? Air ball!

[chuckles] Daniel.

Yours too.
Get ready for it.

DAN: Apparentlys?

Oh, swings and a miss.

‐ You're welcome.

I did not forget about you, Mr. Daryl.

What about... this?

Take your time,
read the whole thing, it's long.

‐ "When you love your job,
it never seems like work"?

GLEN: Ooh.
‐ Strike three.

‐ Oh, and Katy.

This one, you have to send over
to your ex‐boyfriends Reilly and Jonesy

because it is...

‐ "For the guys."

‐ 'Cause that's what they always say!

‐ Rim... and out.

‐ Aren't you snotty today, Katy. Badoomp!

"Someone serve this person
a friggin' Puppers."

And this one's for all youse
because you're always...

"Doing my chores."

‐ And...
‐ Wait, no, no.

You don't wanna say yes,
you wanna maybe give it a...

"Hefty no thank you."

‐ Oh, this is too easy.

‐ Boy howdy.

‐ Still a few more boxes to checks off
if we're beings efficients.

‐ Well, if you can be one thing,
you should be efficient.

‐ But that's what I was doing.
I was being very efficient.

I only did six slogans and one hat.

I had so many other ideas.

Do you wanna hear 'em?
‐ Hefty no thank you.

McMURRAY: Mrs. McMurray
and I were down 'Minican

getting right freaky sticky
with some Puerto Ricans,

Costa Ricans and Tahitian
Mozambican treatin's.

Oh, the humidity.

Yellow card?
I thank you, Wayne.

Brings out the hint of lemon in my eyes.

Anyhow, Mrs. McMurray
and I stumbled across

a truckload of this beautiful Arab fabric.

So, we brought it all up here

and we're gonna sell it
by the foot. Calling it...


We don't have any red.

We got some mauve, fuschia,
a nice hint of magenta.

KATY: Next.

‐ Your shirts gettin' tighter, cowboy?

‐ Not that I know of.

‐ Where's that Marie‐Fred?

And when are youse
gonna take me down

and why isn't that happening tout‐suite?

‐ What's behind that curtain?
‐ What, this thing?

Sure, it's MoDean's.

‐ But MoDean's what?
‐ Tavern?

‐ This ain't the f*ckin' Simpson's, Daryl!

‐ Then whats?
‐ You wanna do

good business in a small town,

you need a lil' somethin'...

for everyone.

‐ So?
‐ So, welcome to...

MoDean's Family Style Pub and Grill

Tap House Eatery

Resort and Golf Casino.

♪ exotic music plays ♪

I was onside. f*cking ref!


f*ck you! f*ck this!

‐ Well, that was productive, gents.

‐ Yeah, we must have red‐carded
a dozen teets yesterdee.

‐ Including mine.

Why am I happy about that?

‐ Are any of thems waiting
in the queues to talks to us, Ms. Katys?

‐ All of them, but... not anymore.

‐ Well, that's efficients.
‐ f*ck, that's efficient.

‐ Well, if you be one thing,
you should be efficient.

‐ You ready to get this rig rollin'?

‐ That's a Texas‐size 10‐4.

‐ Wondrous!
‐ ♪ dance music playing ♪

‐ And we are hot to trot in three, two...

‐ Yup. Welcome to Crack an Ag,
and, bet you can't, so.

‐ Okay. We got Greydaniels
on the line again.

‐ Oh, Graydaniels.
Put him through.

‐ He can hear youse.
‐ Graydaniels.

KEITH: How're ya now?
‐ Good'n you?

KEITH: Not s'bad.
WAYNE: Right on.

DARYL: Right on.
DAN: Right on.

KEITH: Right on.
Listen, I just wanted to call

'cause I was feelin' bad about
tellin' tales outta school on Thibodeau.

‐ Bad gas travels fast in a small town.

But if he's a tit, it's out there.

KEITH: So they tell me.

‐ So what happened?
Did you take our advice?

I did. Yeah, I did.

I kept my foot in it
and showed him a little tough love.

‐ And?
KEITH: And he came around actually.

Picked up the slack and isn't slowin' down
production anymore.

‐ Good to hears. It's good to hears.
‐ There you go.

KEITH: Yeah. I'm just callin' you
from the break room here actually

and Thibodeau's here.

He wants to say something to ya's,
so, I'll hand off the phone here.

So, yeah. Talk to ya's.

‐ Yup, talk to ya.

THIBODEAU: How're ya now?
‐ Thibodeau.

THIBODEAU: Not s'bad.
‐ 'Kay.

THIBODEAU: So hey, Greydaniels had
the balls to say sorry

for tellin' tales outta school.
So do youse too?

ALL: f*ck you, Thibodeau!

[Groovy Dead by Rusty playing]

♪ I hit top speed ♪

♪ I smoke the dragon ♪

♪ Into the loft ♪

♪ I drag my assh*le ♪

♪ I stick my head under the pillow ♪

♪ It's so groovy when I'm dead ♪

♪ Pull the covers over head ♪

♪ It's so groovy to be dead ♪

♪ The phone, it rings ♪

♪ And it's the landlord ♪