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08x11 - Dead Red

Posted: 01/27/22 10:31
by bunniefuu
[ thud ]

[ electricity crackling ]

[ wings flutter ] [ gasps ]

[ door hinges creak ]


No, no. No.

[ gasping ]

-What is all that? -Oh, my lord. [ laughs ]

Castle: Somewhere in one of these bags

Is the perfect baby shower gift for jen and ryan.

I just need your help picking which one.



-No. -Is that a bulletproof baby ve--

-It's completely inappropriate. -Really?

-Oh, my -- so wrong. -Okay.

Well, then, you're gonna hate the onesies

That say "I'm with officer stupid."

Richard, I -- honestly.

Why can't you just buy a simple tradition--

Why is that so difficult for you?

It's not. This next one is perfect.

Trust me. -Okay.

Is it a baby-sized lightsaber?

[ chuckling ] no.

Please tell me that's not the creepy robot nanny

That sings leonard cohen lullabies.

What's wrong with leonard cohen lullabies?

It's more like "silence of the lambs"

Than "mary had a little lamb."

Oh, don't worry, sweetheart.


Alexis has purchased the perfect baby shower gift.

All you have to do is sign the card.

Do you have any idea how hard it is

To find machine-washable kevlar?

Why didn't you tell me this before I went shopping?

Because we would have so missed torturing you.

You are our favorite reality show.

I'm so happy I could entertain you.

Thank you, alexis.

I will drop this off at the precinct a little later.

Too bad you can't go to the shower.

Oh, well, beckett got, uh, baby showers in the break-up, so...

That's funny, 'cause you -- recently you just, uh,

Don't seem to be so tortured by all that.

Oh, well, you know, beckett asked for some time,

So I'm just giving it to her.

-Every day. -Well...

-Sometimes twice. -What?

See, this is nice. Thank you so much.

Yeah. No problem.


-Morning. -Hey.

So, our vic is a russian national.

Name of, uh -- -grigory mishkin.

I spoke to the police commissioner.

He's the son of a consulate officer,

Which means this might get political.

Oh. Great.

Lanie, so what do we got?

Throat was slashed.

Liver temp puts the time of death between 2:00 and 4:00 a.M.

Any idea what our victim was doing

In an abandoned building in the middle of the night?

No. His pockets were turned out,

But his wallet and cellphone were found nearby.

So the k*ller searched him,

But there's no way to know if anything was taken.

Lanie, what do you make of these?

Looks like ink that was transferred

From whatever was in his shirt.

See if the lab can reconstruct the characters.

He might have been k*lled because of whatever was inside.

-Yeah. -Thanks.



Yeah, um, "yo" is getting played out,

So I thought I'd try something new.

You might want to keep trying, 'cause "howdy" is just --


Well, I like it.

Oh, by the way, there's a homeless guy

That was camped out down the block.

He heard a car roar to life, burned rubber around 2:30 a.M.,

So I'm pulling the street cam footage.

All right, keep me posted. I'm gonna head off to russia and talk to the next of kin.

-Russia? -What?

Uh, legally,

A consulate is considered foreign territory, so...


All right, see you later.

I'm consul general pavel oborin.

Captain kate beckett, nypd.

Pleasure to meet you, mr. Oborin.

Yes, captain.

I will take you to grigory's father, sergei.

He hopes for a quick resolution and to see justice served.

As do we. Now, is it possible that

Grigory's father's consulate work put his son at risk?

Oh, mr. Mishkin writes economic forecasts for commodities.

It's hardly a thing worth k*lling for.

And did you know grigory?

Oh, yes.

I watched him grow up.

You see, for us this is very personal.

I understand.

Then you will be amenable to my request

To have a russian diplomatic security officer

Assigned to the case.

Uh, mr. Oborin, I appreciate the offer,

But my detectives are the best in the city.

Well, I do not doubt that.

But still I must insist.

A spirit of cooperation is in everyone's best interest.

[ both speaking russian ]

Please, can you tell me what happened with grigory?

Uh, we're not exactly sure just yet.

Do you have any idea what he was doing in an abandoned building?

I wish I did.

Grigory hasn't been himself

Since we lost his mother, anya, in a car accident.


The last month has been a downward spiral of --

Of drinking, dr*gs.

So he could have been meeting with a dealer.

I wouldn't know.

But the new crowd he was spending time with would.

And what crowd is this?

-Diplobrats. -What...

Spoiled children of foreign officers

Who flaunt the law with diplomatic immunity.

They do what they like, and nobody can stop them.

Grigory got lost in their world.

Ryan: Meet the notorious diplobrats of new york city.

We arrest them, but immunity means no prosecution.

So it's like catch and release

But without the cooler full of beer.

Yeah, I'm searching through all their files,

See if there's a connection back to our vic.

But so far, nothing.

Hey, did you hear the russians are sending one of their own

To ride along with us? -Are you kidding me?

Vasily zhirov.

He's part of the russian diplomatic security service.

-"red heat" is coming here? -Oh! Castle.

Bearing gifts, I see.

This is your starter kit for little kevin.

Except for the macallan 25 and the earplugs.

Those are for you.

You're a dear and thoughtful man.

I know. So, a russian?

Yeah, ivan drago's in the house.

I hear those guys are like automatons. Strictly business.

Well, if boris is coming, could natasha be far behind?

[ chuckles ]

[ russian accent ] this could be trouble

For the big moose and little squirrel.

[ laughs ] it's so --

[ normal voice ] he's right behind me, isn't he?


I know you.

You're richard castle, no?


Oh! Ooh!

It's such an honor!

The honor is mine, I assure you.

Mwah! Mwah!

Hey. Mwah.

I love your books.

Many a flight to moscow, I've been kept company by derrick storm.

And nikki heat.

Also known as captain beckett.

It's also an honor to meet the muse, the inspiration.

Yeah, uh, welcome to the 12th, mr. Zhirov.

Such a famous crime-solving duo.

It will be a privilege to watch you work.

Uh, well, sadly, we don't work together any longer.

But it cannot be.

Beckett without castle is like, uh, boris without natasha.

It's like starsky without the hutch.

It's just hutch.

Not "the hutch."

You said "the hutch."

[ cellphone chimes ]

Uh, street cams weren't able to get our getaway car,

But shotspotter was tripped by the engine noise.

What is, uh, spot shotter?

Castle: Shotspotter.

Audio surveillance system designed to detect g*nshots.

And noises over 120 decibels can also activate the system,

So we got a recording.

[ engine revs ]

[ tires screech ]

You know what? I'll just have to get,

Uh, experts to tell me what kind of make and model.

No need. That is a lamborghini huracán.

Yeah, the v-10s are notorious

For crackling and popping like a breakfast cereal.

Jurgen kass. Hmm?

The son of the finnish ambassador

Has that very same car.

He also has a history of drug and as*ault charges,

Though, of course, all of those charges were dropped

Due to his diplomatic immunity.

Well, m*rder doesn't get a pass, so pick him up.

Mr. Castle, you already have broken open the case.

Yeah. You know, I'd be glad to stick around --

But I actually have some business to attend to, so...

Oh. [ laughing ]

There we go.

[ chuckles ]

I should go.


Oh. Yes.


-What's up, five-oh? -Ah, jurgen.

I don't think you understand the trouble you're in.

Oh, please. I ain't in trouble.

I am trouble.

Oh, yeah. You're a regular scarface.

Sit down. Now.

[ scoffs ]

You think you scare me, five-oh?


I could put my little man on this table,

And there's not one thing you could do.

If I see your little man,

We're gonna have a little problem.

-This guy. -Sit down.

You are worried I'm here to make troubles for you.

No. No, of course not.


Do you really want to start off this friendship with a lie?

Okay, fine.

The truth -- a young man was m*rder*d,

And I don't want politics to get in the way

Of catching the bastard who did it.

I admire your passion.

Very russian.

Rest assured, I do not wish to interfere in your case.

I'm as far from the political animal as one can get.

Frankly, I am excited to learn from katherine the great.

May I share a secret?

Uh, yes.

I've never been to new york.

And I was hoping there will be some downtime

For me to see the sights.

Uh, yes. Of course.

In fact, I can bring you in for the important moments.

And otherwise, the city is yours to explore.

[ clears throat ]

Ryan: You went for a little ride in the warehouse district.

We know you were at that abandoned building last night.

You met grigory there to sell him dr*gs.

And then when he stiffed you, you k*lled him.

[ sighs ] all right.

I confess.

I confess that, uh,

I am rich, b*tches.

[ chuckles ]

[ sighs ]

Say "cheese."

The hell's wrong with you? What are you doing?

You're the prime suspect in a m*rder investigation.

You know I have diplomatic immunity.

To charge me, your state department

Has to ask my government's permission, which they have not.

But, um, this has been awesome.

Peace out.

The suspect is leaving.

Yeah, cases don't always get solved

As quickly as they do in castle's books.

What will you do next?

Just keep digging till we find some hard evidence on jurgen.

Means that now might be a good time

To go do that thing that we talked about.


-Where's he going? -Sightseeing.

Looks like he won't be a problem after all.

[ telephone rings ]

Richard castle investigations.

This is vasily.

I have most important news to discuss.

Uh, listen, if it's about the case...

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You see, I'm a writer, too.

Of course you are.

I have an idea for a nikki heat novel.

-Of course you do. -Let's meet for coffee.

Let me -- let me -- I'm gonna check my schedule.

[ clears throat ]

[ cellphone rings ] hey.

Vasily zhirov wants me to meet him for coffee.

What should I do? -Keep him happy.

The more time he spends with you,

The less he's gonna be hanging over my shoulder.

And if I keep him happy?

Then I will keep you happy.



The title of the book will be "heat and ice."

Ice is the code name for the new russian super spy

Who is nikki heat's new nemesis.

Enemy from the east. A new cold w*r.

Cold w*r! Yes!

But though heat and ice are rivals,

Their sexual attraction is like nuclear fire!

-Vasily. -[ laughs ]

I, uh, have to admit you are not at all what I expected.

You thought I'd be like... "red heat."


That is old russia.

I am new russia.

[ both laugh ]

Isn't that our suspect?

What a coincidence.

Your detective friends didn't have much luck questioning him.

I wonder if we can do better.

Oh, maybe we should leave it alone.

Maybe we shouldn't interfere, uh --


Who are you?

Hey, pick up book, young man.

This here is richard castle,

One of the great mystery writers of our time.

And he has a few questions for you

About the m*rder of grigory mishkin.

Oh, get lost, ivan.

If the cops can't touch me, what are you guys going to do?

Ah. Diplomatic immunity.

It is like a soft fur coat that keeps you warm and cozy.

In america.

But, my friend, russian justice plays by different rules.

What is russian justice?

Oh, how should I describe this?

Oh! Yes.

When you're in ibiza next month,

You might wake up on the beach...

Without your feet.


I didn't tell this to the cops because...

...My father gets furious when I hang with russians.

Our countries have bad history, you know.

Look, I dropped grigory off at that building

After we took care of a little business,

But I never went in.

What kind of business? dr*gs?

No. He owed me a ticket

To a reception at the russian consulate.

It will be wall-to-wall russian models.

Yes. Russian women are devastatingly beautiful.

Tell me -- what did you give grigory

In the return for the ticket?

A manual

On how to hack the computer of a cherokee automobile.

This is a strange request.

What did he want with that?

He didn't say.

I swear.

Who was he meeting in this building?

I have no idea.

Very well.

Have a nice day.

So, uh...

We're cool, right?

Esposito: How the hell did you get jurgen to talk?

Vasily helped him see the value of honesty.

What can I say? I'm a people's person.

Why would grigory want to hack a cherokee?

Well, this might explain that.

The lab deciphered those characters

From the ink stain they found on grigory's shirt.

It is a case number from a state trooper incident report

For the car accident that k*lled grigory's mother.

Let me guess. She was driving a cherokee.


So grigory doesn't think her death was an accident.

That might be what got him k*lled.

According to the state trooper's report, anya mishkin,

Our victim's mother, died in a single-vehicle crash

On highway 9 upstate near cold springs.

Her car hit a tree and burned sometime after 1:00 a.M.

Castle: You know, a fire would cover up

Any evidence of a software hack causing that crash.

Yeah, but, castle, there's no indication in these files

That it was m*rder. -But clearly grigory thought

Someone sabotaged his mother's car in order to k*ll her.

And investigating that theory

Got grigory k*lled by the saboteur.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

According to the financial records, four days ago,

Grigory stayed in a bed and breakfast near the crash site,

The same one that his mom was staying in when she died.

Reach out to that bed and breakfast,

See if they know what grigory was up to.

So, it's left to us to talk to grigory's father,

See if he harbors similar suspicions.

Vasily, uh, castle and I don't work together any longer.

Yes, news of which is more than I can bear.

I may have expressed my disappointment

To people you know.

[ cellphones ring ]

Excuse me.

-Beckett. -Bill, what's up?

Commissioner: Captain beckett, I need you to work with castle.

Oh, uh, commissioner, no,

We are doing everything we can to assist mr. Zhirov.

Yeah, I've met him. He's, uh, a character.

I would love to work with them.

I would love to have castle work with us.

-All right. Bye. -Thank you.


We can stop for pizza.

-Okay. -Yeah.

Yeah, that russian kid stayed here last week.

Poor guy was asking about his mom.

She loved staying here at my bed and breakfast.

What a shame about the accident.

What do you remember about her?

Nice lady. Stayed here a few nights with a boyfriend.

Did you get his name?

No. Sorry.

Can you describe him?

I can do you one better.

The kid was asking the same question,

So I pulled security video and got...



Beckett: Mr. Mishkin, was there anything in your son

Or late wife's behavior that would merit suspicion?

If there was, I would have told our security agents.

What was your wife doing upstate?


I believe she was having an affair.

-Uh, with whom? -I don't know.

We have grown apart,

But we both wanted to serve at this post,

So we led separate lives.

We have to go someplace.

Excuse us, please.

I'll need her contact list,

Along with anything else that could help us

Identify who she might have been seeing.

Yes, of -- of course. I'll have it ready for you.


What is this place?

Communication office.

Top secret.

Alpha clearance only.

-Cool. -Yes.

But not so cool if they catch you here.

[ pops lips ] you'll be shot.

[ chuckles ]

It's no joke. We must hurry.

-Okay. -It is possible that grigory,

Even though he did not work here,

Kept a dedicated e-mail account on our private server.

This will tell us a little bit more

About his investigation into his mother's death.

Yes. And there it is.

I see urgent e-mails from emily2929,

Pleading for him to call her.

She's scared, states that they're both in trouble.

And the last one was sent the day he died.

But who's emily2929?

Beckett: Emily hopper, do you know why you're here?

This is about grigory mishkin?

Yeah, what was your relationship with him?

Vasily: Ah.

You're about to lie.

Don't do it.

It will not be good for you.

I saw him a couple of days ago.

I'd always had a thing for him, so we hooked up.

But that's it. Whatever this is about,

Whatever he did, I-I had nothing to do with it.

And what do you think this is about, exactly?

I don't know.


Emily, grigory is dead.

Oh, god.

What happened the last time you saw him?

Why did you send him e-mails demanding he call you?

I fell asleep after we...

When I woke up, I-I thought I saw him on my laptop.

He denied it, but after he left,

I realized that he'd used my work login

To access a client's data.

And what kind of work do you do?

I work with a data storage company.

We archive files for businesses and some government agencies.

Okay, you need to tell me what files grigory was looking at.

Whatever he saw might have gotten him k*lled.



Come here.

Close the door.

Emily hopper's cloud storage company archives old fbi files.

That's what grigory was after.

What kind of fbi files?

A 1980s cold w*r operation

To identify and flip soviet sleeper agents in the u.S.


I thought directorate s was a myth.

No, it was very real.

And the fbi's biggest catch was kgb agent anatoly arkady.

In '87, he defected

And went into witness protection as frank thomas.

And that's frank present day, still living in the u.S.

This is our guy from the bed and breakfast.

And the woman in here is grigory's mother, anya mishkin,

Also a soviet agent.

She's a spy.

This is bigger than an illicit affair gone wrong.

And I'm beginning to think that our friendly russian

Knows more than he's telling.

-[ speaks russian ] vasily. -[ speaks russian ]

Hey, can I borrow castle and ryan for a couple minutes?

It's about ryan's baby shower.

How many american men does it take to plan a baby shower?

Um, three.

-Yeah. -Yeah. Shall we?

Ryan: Hey, javi, what's going on?

You know if vasily recognized this guy?

-I don't think so. -Why do you ask?

Because frank's real name is anatoly arkady.

He's a defector from russia from back in the cold w*r.


Grigory's mom, anya, is a spy.

-Really? -Yeah.

Wow. That is so cool --

Bad. It's obviously bad.

Their relationship wasn't romantic?

Beckett: We're not sure what their relationship was.

Either way, we now know

That vasily's motives cannot be trusted.

[ sighs ] a defector resurfaces, a spy dies,

And her son is k*lled in the middle of the night.

This novel writes itself.

Tell us what happens next.

I have no idea. That's what makes it so good.

Frank, a.K.A. Anatoly,

Is the key to figuring out what's behind these murders,

So you guys dig into his life and see what you can find.

What do you want us to do about vasily?

We got to keep him as far away from this case as possible,

Which means we need to launch operation nickel tour.


What's that?

You're gonna take him sightseeing.

See what he knows.

In the meantime, I'm gonna talk to the feds

And see if they have any intel

On anatoly returning to active status.

[ cellphone clicks, beeps ]

[ ringing ]


I need my curtains cleaned.

Castle: Vasily.

Is the baby party emergency resolved?

Oh, yeah, yeah. And, uh, good news.

The boys have hours and hours of research to do,

Phone calls for the case.

So I thought why not take this chance

To show you around this little island we call home.

Is this not a critical juncture?

I don't want to be a shirker.

Oh, come on. A little shirking never hurt anyone.

We'll have a late lunch at tavern on the green,

And, uh, a carriage ride around the park.

[ stifled chuckle ]

It's a tradition.

Oh. This is why we have cellphones, huh?

Exactly! Let's go.

So, I want to hear more about you.

Diplomatic security sounds fascinating.

Ah. It's like theater.

Everyone pretends to be one thing

When, really, they're another.

And nobody cares about anything but the results.

[ cellphone vibrates ] ah. Bosses, right?

What do they know? Who do you report to?

Sorry, my mamotchka needs attention,

If it's okay? -Oh, listen,

I know a thing or two about having a needy mamotchka.

[ speaks russian ]


It's the richard castle.

[ speaks russian ]

Do svidaniya.

She is most excited that I met you.

Oh, well, I'm sure an autographed copy

Of my latest book could be arranged.


She also requested a few souvenirs.

We can go? -Anywhere you like.

Rita, thank you for meeting with me so quickly.

I like it. Although when I ran ops in strip clubs,

We were open for business.

Okay, so I've got two murders,

And all roads lead towards

A russian defector from the '80s, anatoly arkady.

Doesn't ring a bell.

Okay, well, the fbi put him in wit-pro

Under the name frank thomas,

And I was hoping you could put out a few quiet feelers,

See if he's working a new operation.

I'll take care of it.


You really did it.

You blew up your marriage

And went down the loksat rabbit hole.



[ stammers ] no-- nothing.

It's just that, um, well, you've been watching us,

And you think that we're broken up.

But you're not.

Oh, I love a little sexual subterfuge.

Oh, it makes things so much hotter.

So, castle is playing tour guide

To a russian diplomatic security officer.

His name's vasily --

Vasily zhirov?

Yeah. Do you know him?

He's a cleaner with russian foreign intelligence.

So diplomatic security's just a cover?

-Yeah. -Then what's his real mission?

Who knows?

But if your husband gets in vasily's way,

He's gonna be collateral damage.

Um, unless your mamotchka

Is a fan of rat droppings and dirty needles,

There's really not much around here by the way of souvenirs.

[ chuckles ] her tastes can be unusual.

[ both laugh ]

Actually, I lied about earlier.

Ah -- ow.

[ stammering ]

Why -- why did you do that?

Don't worry.

You'll soon find out.


Hey, hey, hey --

What are you doing?

Vasily, get off me.

[ thumping ]

[ indistinct shouting ]

[ trunk slams ]

I'm sorry.

Our carriage ride around the park will have to wait.

[ sighs ]

Who are you?

Obviously you're not some

Happy-go-lucky diplomatic security agent.

You remember arnold schwarzenegger

In the movie "red heat," yes?

Compared to me, his character is like weak, non-violent child.

Hello, sunshine.

Come on. Come on.

Russian intelligence picked up chatter about an attack

On russian citizens in the united states.

If that happens, dead russians on american soil,

It will be very bad for both our countries.

So we take that to homeland security.

I cannot.

It is believed the attackers are russian.

Do you understand now?

I believe anya mishkin and this traitor

Are part of the conspiracy.

[ sighs ] poor grigory got m*rder*d

Because he stumbled into it.

I must break him.

I'm not telling you squat, comrade.

Do you hear that, rick?

You couldn't get me to talk --

[ muffled talking ]

Even though he lived as an american all these decades,

Still he's russian in his heart.

But I will soften him up.

[ sighs ]

Like ice cream on a hot summer day.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! I can't let you do that.

Rick, you're a nice guy.

I like you.

So, please...

Don't make me hurt you, too.


Please tell me you have a line on vasily and castle.

-Nothing yet. -Did you ping castle's phone?

It's been deactivated.

Pain is the only way we get through.

-There's another way. -No, there is not!

There is always another way.

Look, I wish I had more time to humor you --

60 seconds. Just give me 60 seconds.


60 seconds?

Fine. Show me what you got.

Uh, go.

All right, obviously this would go a lot easier

If you would just tell him what he needs to know.

Okay. What he needs to know is

That you can both go screw yourselves! Really?!

Rick, I hate to be rude, but so far I'm not impressed.

55 seconds! -Okay, okay, okay.

If -- if frank is at the center of this conspiracy,

Then he may have some clues on him

As to where the attack is going to take place.

-42 seconds. -Receipt.

There's a receipt for a...

Lamination kit.

Which means what, exactly?

I have no idea.

Very good. 42 seconds.


Okay, okay.

All right, his map history has a search for uniform stores.

Okay. Call history.

Called the same number three times the last week.

-29 seconds. -Thank you.

This is fun, no?

It's a caterer.

Why a catering company? What am I missing?

More time. Only 24 seconds left.

Come on. Seriously?

All right, okay.

Lamination kit is --

It's, uh, you're making fake I.D.S.

Making fake I.D.S to get someone into a catering company.


To slip into an event.

But what event?


The party at the russian consulate.

You're making a fake I.D. To sneak someone into a party

At the russian consulate dressed as catering staff.

Right?! -[ laughs ]


And with time to spare!

Actually, no. The party's about to begin.

-Okay. -[ claps hands ] we must hurry.

I'm gonna call beckett, have unis pick frank up.

Have them meet us at the consulate.

-[ muffled yelling ] -bye, frank.


They're denying us entry.

Because this is considered russian soil,

We can't force our way in.

Why hasn't the consul general canceled the party yet?

How do you say? This is not good for business.

If oborin cancels without credible proof,

He looks weak in the eyes of his adversaries.

Politics wins over death threats?

In russia, it's better to be k*lled than lose face.

You need to get us in. Now.

-It's invite only. -So invite us.

We'll be your plus four.

[ laughter ]

So what's the plan? We don't even know who the target is.

Look for anyone out of place or acting unusual.

Well, we know their attacker is dressed

As one of the catering staff, right?

Well, not necessarily.

They may have used the catering outfit to gain entry,

But now that they're inside,

Our infiltrator may try to blend in.

Yes, yes, very true.

But, guys, most important -- I vouched for you.

I have street cred to protect.

So, please...

Stay cool, yeah?


-No champagne. -I'll go get you some, yeah?

-Yeah. -Tri.


[ glass shatters ]

[ indistinct shouting ]

Are you okay?

I -- I think so.

I think so.

[ gasping ]

Somebody call an ambulance!

Sergei! Sergei!

b*llet went through and through. Sergei's in surgery right now.

He's expected to make a full recovery.

-Anything on the sh**t? -Yeah, we found a sn*per's nest

In the building across the street from the consulate.

Any luck with security video?

Disabled, but we found a janitor's uniform

And the sn*per's w*apon.

It's a russian-made dragunov.

Did csu pull prints or dna?

They're trying, but I doubt they're gonna find anything.

Whoever pulled this off is a pro.

When he found out about this whole assassination plot

Is gonna be damn near impossible.

And it only gets worse.

The russians are claiming that we created a distraction

For their security team, which allowed for

The assassination attempt on their consul general.

Well, hold up. You saved the consul's ass,

And this is the thanks we get?

Plus they're refusing any further cooperation with us

On grigory's m*rder investigation.

-Why would they do that? -I don't --

Because we are scared.

It is easier to blame america for our troubles,

When the truth is we're fighting ourselves.

-That supposed to be an apology? -It didn't sound like one.

The attempt on oborin's life

Has shaken everyone in the russian diplomatic community.

No one knows who to trust.

And what little faith oborin has in me he has now lost.

So now that you're all out of friends,

You've come to us for help.

Please, captain.

You told me all you wanted

Is to get the son of a b*tch behind this.

Help me get justice for grigory, anya, and sergei.


But I have to bring someone else in.

Get out of town.

Long time, no see.

Since that thing at the place.

You mean the place with the guy?

Nyet. Not that guy.

The other guy.

The guy with the big, massive head.

Oh! That guy! I remember.

Things didn't end well for him.

They may not end well for you, either.

Like I don't know that.

So, right here, right now,

Lay all your cards on the table.

The russian consulate in new york has a leak.

-How bad? -Critical.

Sensitive intelligence is being sold anonymously at auction.

Two months ago, I activated anya mishkin

To identify the traitor.

I'm guessing the traitor got to her first.

Anya's last communiqué said she was close to unmasking him.

But then she was k*lled in a car crash.

Your traitor silenced her.

We need names.

Who's on your list?

There's sharing, and then there's sharing.

So, she's from the state department?

Actually, that's just a cover.

Cover for what? Who is she?

Rita is many things,

One of which is your stepmother.

She's been helping me take down loksat.

I -- I wanted to tell you sooner, but --

Let me guess.

You couldn't because you needed to protect me.

I'm so sorry.

This is getting really old, beckett.

I know. Believe me, it is.


It's very old.

Thank you.

Castle, you're absolutely right.

Exactly. Wait. What --

Right about -- [ door closes ]

What was I right about?

The report on the dragunov sn*per r*fle

Said that the barrel twist rate was 320 millimeters.

But the newer version is 240, right?

Yes, it was changed in the '90s.

So then why would our sn*per use an older model

When the newer one is so much more powerful and accurate?

It -- it must have been the only thing

The assassin had access to.

Only who the hell leaves around a russian sn*per r*fle

From the 1980s lying around?



It's an old kgb code name for w*apon caches

Planted in nato countries to support the agents in the field.

After the dissolution of the soviet union,

Many were abandoned.

But someone in the field would know where they were.

Like frank. Except he's all lawyered up.

Yes, but I, too, know where these old caches are.

We search those caches, we could find our k*ller.

You remind me of jackson.

I find that very hard to believe.

You have his eyes and that mischievous grin.

-Oh. -Mm-hmm. Yep.

There it is.

How is he?


In our business, that's all you can hope for.

Does he ever, um... Mention me?



You couldn't have lied?

Doesn't mean he's not thinking of you.

Just how he deals with having to have to stay away.

He does it for your own safety.

I am so sick of people pushing me away for my safety.

Specifically beckett, I'm assuming?

Still a wee bit upset, huh?

The anger flares up from time to time, yes.

She did it out of love.

Oh, I know.

I know.

At the end of the day,

She's worth it.

I'm glad I met you, richard.

I'm glad I met you, too.

But you didn't. Remember that.

No, your secret is safe.

Am I going to see you or my dad again?

He's so very proud of you.


Hey, guys. You're gonna want to see this.

I've been scrubbing traffic cam footage

At the addresses of all the old cold w*r caches in the city.

What did you find?

Well, you have to see it to believe it.

This is from yesterday.

-Who's that? -I'll show you.

Wait for it.

Remember our cold w*r spies anatoly and anya?

This is her now.

This is anya mishkin.

Grigory's mother.

Beckett: But she died in the car crash.

Nope. She's alive and well.

She must have taken the dragunov from the g*n cache.

Now we know who our assassin is.

Beckett: Are you trying to tell me

That you had no idea anya was still alive?

I swear it. For all I know,

Anya's the leak in the russian consulate all along!

And she faked her death just to throw you off?

I don't know.

[ knock on door ] captain, that bolo

That I put on the stolen car that anya got into paid off.

Unis pulled her over on the l.I.E.

Do they have her in custody?

Bringing her in right now.

I'll question her.

Beckett: So, what was the endgame, anya?

Money for selling secrets

In a cayman account so that you and frank could sit on a beach?

You have no idea what you are talking about.

But the price for this fantasy getaway was steep --

Your son's life.

So who k*lled him? Was it frank?

Or did you do it yourself?

Everything I've done was in order to save him.

Grigory found out the truth, didn't he?

And he threatened to expose you.

That's why you k*lled him.

The thing I don't understand is, why did you stick around

For the assassination attempt at the consulate?

All I had left was vengeance.

What did oborin do to you?

I wasn't aiming for oborin.


You were aiming for your husband?

And if you hadn't interfered,

He would be dead now, as he should be.

Vasily: [ sighs ] I must say, rick,

Your novels don't do beckett justice.

She's just getting started.

[ sighs ]

I am not the devil you think I am.

I am not a traitor.

-But your husband is? -Yes.

Sergei is the one who's been selling our trade secrets

To economic competitors -- I have proof.

And why didn't you tell vasily? Was it love?

Not love.

I held my tongue

Because my husband is very well connected.

Much more so than vasily.

Sadly, rick, this is all true.

If I had turned sergei in,

He would have used his political muscle to bury me.

I would have been the one on trial, not him.

Laws mean nothing in russia.

All that matters is power.

So you faked your death to protect yourself.

But grigory became suspicious.

He got on to the truth of what sergei was doing.

Anya, are you saying that sergei k*lled grigory?

They're not blood.

Grigory's biological father died before his birth.

Sergei never truly bonded with grigory.

I followed grigory to that apartment building,

But I was too late.

I saw sergei running away, and then...

I found my poor boy.

And why did you try to get revenge with a sn*per r*fle?

Because sergei never left the consulate after the m*rder.

That night was my best chance, my last chance!

Soon he will go back to russia and be out of my reach.

I promise you I will do everything in my power

To make sure that he is brought to justice.

My husband has full diplomatic immunity.

You are powerless, just like I am.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

You have no business here, captain.

Mr. Oborin, are you aware

That sergei has been selling russian trade secrets?

Captain, this is a russian matter.

But he k*lled grigory just --

And it is a russian matter.

If you'll excuse me, I have a plane to catch.

I've been recalled to moscow,

Where I shall pay a small fine and begin my retirement.

A fine? That's his punishment?

Could you do me a favor?

Could you please tell my wife I said...

[ speaking russian ]

[ speaks russian ]

What does that mean?

"small thieves get hanged.

Great ones go free."

It's an old russian proverb.

Mr. Oborin, please.

Revoke sergei's immunity.

Have him stand trial for grigory's m*rder.

It would set a very dangerous example.

You see, captain, uh, russian justice

Is very, very... Complicated.

Oh, here's somebody who would like to say goodbye.

You two look so unhappy.

This breaks my heart. [ sighs ]

You're, uh, leaving town? Same plane as sergei?

Yes. Nine hours to moscow.

[ sighs, chuckles ]

But plenty of time to work on

Our "heat and ice" collaboration, yes?

In fact...

I have an idea for the ending.

-Vasily, I don't know if -- -it goes like this.

Nikki heat and jameson rook

Think the evil russian has gotten away.

What they don't know is vladimir ice has set in motion

A plan to send the m*rder*r

To live out the rest of his miserable life

At a lonely russian outpost, oymyakon.

I've heard of that town.

That's the coldest place on earth.

It takes four days to warm the ground with bonfire

Before they can bury their dead.

Is that where sergei is headed?

In russia, there are far worse places than prison.

Like I said, russian justice is very complicated.

[ chuckles ]

-Come here. -[ laughs ]

Wow. Strong.

This was fun, no?

-Yeah. -We do it again sometime.

-Call first. -[ chuckles ]

Do svidaniya.

You, too.


Oh, no. Come on. [ chuckles ]

Thank you.

Thank you.

All right.

Oh. [ chuckles ] yes, yes.

[ laughs ]

[ chuckles ]

Not exactly the ending that I was hoping for,

But I guess it'll have to do.

You know, beckett, we've kissed in six different countries.

-Really? You're keeping count? -You're not?

Anyway, one country we haven't kissed in is russia.

And technically, right now, we are on russian soil.

You know, there is one other thing

That we've done in six different countries.

Idi syuda kroshka.

What does that mean?

Means follow me and find out.

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