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08x16 - Heartbreaker

Posted: 01/27/22 10:36
by bunniefuu
She's texting me again, bro.


Are you gonna see her again?

Nah, man.
I have to shut that down.

You've been singing the blues
about this woman for months.

She reaches her hand out,
and you're gonna slap it away?

Yeah, well,
she broke my heart, man.

Hey, which means
she deserves another sh*t.

Trust me.

I know...
14 years and counting.

You're right.

I'll give her a call.


I'm gonna go get
the rest of the bags.


That wasn't me.

Says the guy with
the razor-sharp French toast

and the sausage kabob.

Okay, that was me,
but that balloon had it coming.

To you, my love,
my heart, my bride.

Welcome back to our home.

Oh, that is so sweet, Castle.

But how is this really
a welcome back

if I've been sneaking into
your room almost every night?

Well, because you officially
moved all your stuff back in.

Now that we've agreed
to hunt Loksat together,

we can simply pick up
exactly where we left off.

And as I recall, we left off
this morning somewhere

right about here.

♪ Move, bitch, get out the way ♪

♪ get out the way, bitch♪
Lucy, music off!

As you wish, Rick.

What just happened?

Well, I've integrated Lucy into
all the loft's infrastructure.

Climate, lights, music...
You name it, she controls it.

Just got to work out
a few kinks.

Well, I still like a few things
the old-fashioned way,

so do you want me
to make you a cup of coffee?

Uh, no need, Kate.

I've programmed Rick's coffee
exactly to his liking...

Cuban blend, steamed milk,
two sugars, pinch of nutmeg.

Amazing, huh?

No, Rick, you're amazing.

No, you are.

No, you are.
No, Lucy, you are.

Rick, you are amazing, and you know it.

Stop it. I'm not
doing this with you again.

You stop it.
Yeah. Got it.

We have a homicide.

You, me, and a crime scene...
Just as nature intended.

All right, Captain, let's roll.

Yeah, no can do.

Captains have to multitask.

In fact, I am due
for a meeting with the D.A.

So why don't you meet up
with the boys?

We can debrief later.

You got it.

Um, Lucy, do you think you could
make me a cup of coffee...

Splash of low-fat milk,
two Splendas?

No can do.
All out of Splenda.

But there is a Starbucks
two blocks from here.

Would you like directions?

No. Thanks.

I know where it is.

Great. Have fun. Goodbye.

Leave the house.

Lanie, look who's here.

Castle! So happy you
and Beckett are back together.

Now do us all a favor and don't
mess things up with her again.

Why do you assume
it was my fault?

Everything is your fault.

Now come meet our new victim...
Michael Kirby, single GSW.

Our thief/k*ller
rappelled from that A/C duct.

And they got away
with $100,000 in cash.

This is Darren Ives.

He was inside
when he heard the sh*t.

Rushed out,
but the k*ller was already gone.

I don't know
how that guy did it.

I mean, this is
a high-security warehouse.

It's damn near Fort Knox.

And you didn't see
anything suspicious?

It was just a normal drop.

Let's finish taking your
statement over here, please.

What? Are your allergies
acting up?

What is this... gelatin?

It smells like ladies perfume.

What is that scent?
Is that white diamonds?

No. Chanel No. 5.


One Direction body spray.
Nailed it.

This stuff dripped
from the A/C vent.

CSU took samples...

It's from the alarm sensors
in the vent.

Apparently, the k*ller used it
to disable the security system.

Lanie, can you ask the lab
to put a rush on this?

Why? What is it?

I've seen this M.O. before.

It was like 10 years ago.

So, when you worked
with the 54th?

I collared a thief.

Her name was, uh, Sonia Ruiz.

She was part of a crew

that stole $10 million worth
of gold coins

from some auction house.

And they used
a fragrant gel, too?

It was actually a unique blend
of jello and ladies perfume.

You're saying a kid's dessert
mixed with eau de toilette

can foil a sophisticated
security system?

I'm telling you, we need a dog.

Does that formula even work?

Yeah. Someone in the crew
came up with it.

The gelatin
blocks the security lasers,

and the phthalates
in the perfume

create an even distribution
over the sensors.

But the mix has to be exact...
80% jello, 20% perfume.

Which is the precise ratio

of the gelatin
found at our crime scene.

Lab sent over
the analysis report.

Identical to the heist
from nine years ago,

where the only perp captured
was Sonia Ruiz.

Yep. That's her.

So, obviously,
this wasn't a coincidence.

Most likely,
someone from the crew

reused the technique and is
behind our victim's m*rder.

Well, it couldn't
have been Sonia.

She got 15 years.

And what about
the rest of the crew?

Nah, she didn't give up
any names.

The rumor was that
the crew was put together

by some mysterious

Goes by the street name
of "Great White."

Is it possible to trace them
through the stolen gold coins?

I mean, they had to have tried
to sell them at some point.

There hasn't been any trace
of them since the heist.

Well, that makes sense.

If they melted the coins down
for the gold,

that would render the coins untraceable.

Espo, why don't we
pay Sonia Ruiz a little visit?

She might not have turned
on her crew back in the day,

but after nine years hard time,

we might be able
to persuade her.

You know what?
From what I remember,

she may be the type
to hold a grudge,

so you might have better luck
taking Castle with you.

Oh, no, not falling
for that trick again.

Contrary to what
you three led me to believe,

those women's prisons
are nothing like

the late-night Skinemax movies,
so have fun.

All right, Ms. Ruiz,
tell me what you know.

Please. I didn't
snitch back in the day.

Why would I start now?

Because nine years ago,
this was just a burglary,

and now it's a m*rder.


Who d*ed?

An armored truck driver.

Look, Sonia, you help me out,
I'll help you out.

With what?

I'm up for parole
in three months,

and due to overcrowding,
I'm a lock to get out.

Not if I go to
your parole hearing

and testify that you refused to
cooperate in solving a homicide.

It's like that?

I've got an innocent man
in the morgue

who left behind a wife
and two small kids,

so, yeah, it's like that.

I couldn't help you
even if I wanted to.

The gold coin heist
Great White set up

was a two-person job,

but I don't know
my partner's name.

That doesn't make any sense.

And yet it's true.

He didn't know my name,
and I didn't know his.

So neither one of us
could rat out the other.

We used shark names.
I was Mako. He was Hammerhead.

All right. What can you tell me
about Great White?

Now, his name I knew...
Jimmy Sanchez.

He was the neighborhood
sh*t-caller back in the day.

Okay, so, where can I find him?

In the cemetery.

He d*ed a little over
three years ago.

Wait, if Great White is dead,

then Hammerhead's most likely
our k*ller.

Hey, that jell-o perfume formula
was his invention,

so it has to be.

W-what do you remember
about Hammerhead?


Anything at all.

Once let it slip
that he met Jimmy Sanchez

at a bar called, um, El Toro.

Good. I'll have my detectives
head off over there.

Good luck with that, lady.

It's up in Spanish Harlem.

No one there
talks to the police.

However, they will talk to me.

You want me to put you
on the street?


Hey, you're hanging
parole over my head.

You want Hammerhead,
this is how you get him.

The department of corrections
authorized her furlough?

Yeah. Right now, Sonia is
our best and only path

to Hammerhead's real identity.

So, what's the plan?

You and Espo are gonna
head over to the...

Excuse me.

What's going on?

What are you not telling me?

So, funny story, really, uh...


Sonia and I were, uh,
we were kind of involved.

Involved like dating?

Dating? No.

Come on. Dating.

We... we were more like

Engaged?! You were...

Wait a second. All these years
you never told me that?

You never asked.

You're a cop. How could you
get involved with a criminal?

Well, technically, they were
in the same line of work.

So, really,
it's a workplace romance.

Thank you.

I didn't know she was
a crook at first, okay?

I-I met her at a club.
She seemed normal.

We just... we just clicked.

And it's probably why she hid
who she really was from me.

A-and when did you find out
the truth?

After it was too late!

We were engaged, and then
she started acting strange...

Disappearing at odd hours,

and then she couldn't
look me in the eye.

And then news
of that gold coin heist broke,

and I... I don't know.

I knew.

And I was the one
who arrested her.

So, did you
ask for the ring back,

or did you let her keep that
so she could trade it

for cigarettes
in the prison yard?

Don't answer that.

Okay. So, obviously,
you're sitting this one out.

Whoa, whoa, ho-whoa.
Why are you benching me?

Okay. I get it.
But there's no need.

Any feelings I had for her

d*ed the moment
I slapped those cuffs on.

Trust me,
I am over her completely.


You sure you're over her?

You might want to tell
your mouth. Close that up.

She's gorgeous.

She a'ight.

Are you all right?

I mean, you seemed
a little taken aback

when you first saw her.

Nah, man.

It's just, um...
It's just a little déjà vu.

She's literally wearing the same
outfit I arrested her in.

Nine years later,
still a great dress.

It was a Friday night.

What's that?

It was a Friday night.

We went salsa dancing
on Friday nights.

You know, Javier,
there's no shame in admitting

if you still have feelings.

I know, but I don't.

She's just another convict...
Nothing else.

This ankle monitor is a
next-generation device

with a variety
of new tracking features.

This is the instruction manual.

Now, I could walk you through
some of the features...

What does he have to do
with this?

Uh, Detective Ryan's gonna
accompany you to the bar he's...

What? Him?
Hell, no.

Take me back to prison.
This is not gonna work.

Wait, I-I'm sorry.
What's the problem?

You're gonna send me into
a Spanish Harlem bar

with Saint Paddy on my arm.

I used to work undercover.

I can take care of myself.

Look, the only way
this is gonna work

is if I go in with somebody
who can blend in.

Someone like Javi.

For the umpteenth time, Beckett,
I... I can handle this.

Because if it was me,

I don't think I would be
that confident.

Is it awkward?
Of course.

But it's the only way
we're gonna solve this m*rder.

Castle and Ryan are gonna be
backing me up in a follow car.

What's the worst
that could happen?

I don't know.

And that's
what makes me nervous.

Kate, I am not gonna
let you down.

All right.
Listen up, Sonia.

You do what I say
when I say it, understand?

Nice to see you too, sweetie.

This is not a...
This is not a joke, okay?

When I say "jump," you say...

That you're
out of your damn mind

if you think I'm jumping
in these heels, okay?

And speaking of,
I need new clothes

'cause this outfit
is damn near 10 years old.

And I got a rep to protect,
so I need labels.

Fine, whatever. Let's just
hurry up and get this over with.

Didn't I used to say that to you

whenever you got frisky
at night?

Let's go.

This is gonna be so much fun.

Can you please speed up?

You know, my prison term
is gonna be over

by the time we get there.

I'm going the speed limit.

Oh, good.

You know, I don't want you
to get pulled over by a cop.

Come on! Hurry up!

I think we better
slow down a little bit.

There we go.

That's much better.

I still can't believe Javi
was engaged to that woman.

Oh, I can.

I mean, you see the electricity
between those two?

It crackles.

Yeah, that might be a problem.

We need to keep an eye on her.

Well, actually, I think
we can do more than that.

There a listening device built
in to Sonia's ankle monitor.

A hidden mike?

All we have to do is enter the
security number into the app...

We can hear
everything they're saying.

But they wouldn't know
that we were listening.

That would be an invasion
of their privacy.

You got a problem with that?

No! No.

You know, I'm glad

you didn't get fat
over all that guilt.

What guilt?

For turning me in.

Why would I feel guilty
about doing my job?

Because you love me.

Loved you.

Past tense... way past.

Done. Finished. Terminado.

You know, I was meaning
to say thank you.

For what?

For arresting me.

You saved me the misery of
spending another day with you.

That's harsh.

How's your abuelita's hip?

She finally got it replaced.

Oh, good.

She was always so sweet.

Your whole family was.

That's what haunts me,
you know...

Thinking how they must have
reacted when they learned

I was nothing more than a crook.

If Great White
met Hammerhead here,

stands to reason that somebody
knows his real identity.

Yeah, but that was
nine years ago.

Where do we start?

♪ Profecia,
tal como te lo decia ♪

The bartender.

He's bound to know
where the old timers are.



Let me do the talking.

What's going on, guys?
What can I get for you?

Uh, sh*t of Tequila,
double rows.


Double rows coming up.

Thank you, baby.

What is she doing?

She's blending in
to her environment.

It's actually
a brilliant strategy.

Either that
or getting Javier drunk.

Why would she want to do that?

Exactly. Exactly.

Ding ding.


We got a winner.

Set us up again.

If you say so.

Hey, bro, how long
you been bartending here?

A little over 10 years.

Oh, so then you remember a guy
named Jimmy Sanchez?

Went by the name of,
uh, Great White?

Great white. Yeah, yeah.
Why you ask?

Did you ever see him
with this, you know,

really good-looking kid
form the neighborhood...

Short with a beard?

No, sorry.

Hey, it's all good.

I just got out on parole,
you know,

from a little job I did
back in the day,

so if I could just find him...

Look, señorita,
I can't help you out.

How 'bout now?

What the hell
are you doing, bro?

Give me his name.

Wait, does this sound like...

It sounds like he's playing
"five finger fillet"

with the bartender,
it certainly does.

Don't tell Beckett.

Ooh. My hand's
getting twitchy, bro.

You better tell me something.


Look, it's J-Joey.

All right?
His name's Joey.

Joey what?

It beats
the hell out of me, man.

I haven't seen the guy
in over a year.

That's all I know.
I don't believe you.


He's close his close
with his grandmother.

She lives up the street.

Third building,
the brick one, 6d.

She can tell you where he is.

Thank you.




It's open.



I lost the signal.

You make a move,
and I'll k*ll you.


Who are you, and why'd
you break into my GG's house?

Put the g*n down.
Screw that.

Normally I'd do this
back and forth thing with you,

but I got to go chase her, so...


Don't go anywhere.

Okay. Here we go.

Just re-enter
the serial number...

...And voilà.

They're my toes,
and I can pick them if I want.

That's the wrong ankle monitor.

Must have transposed their number.

Was that...?

Damn it!

Yeah, she's right there.
I got her.

Sonia! Stop!

Javi, you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.
What are you doing?

There was a guy
with a shotgun...

Let me see your hands!


What, you think
I was trying to escape?

I see a g*n, and I run!

I was trying to get
to a phone to call 911.

Not buying it, sweetheart.

Irish, I got three months
left on my sentence, okay?

I already served
nine long years.

I run right now,
they add another two.

How dumb do you think I am?

Don't answer that.
It's a trap, trust me.

Do you think
she's telling the truth?

I don't know.

It's not like she hasn't
lied to me before.


I knew you weren't over me.

I am so over you.

Now, was that Hammerhead that
jumped me with the shotgun?


That was him.

Look, I didn't know
you were a cop, man.

You broke into
my GG's apartment,

my shotgun is registered,

and I have a right
to defend my property.

So y'all got nothing
to hold me on.

You like sharks, Joey?

They're cool, I guess.

What's your favorite shark?

Oh, yeah, I like the ones
with the, uh,

with the funny shaped heads.

You know what I'm talking about?

Oh, yeah, the hammerheads.

Yeah, that's... that's it.

That's funny because, uh,

we heard
that you were Hammerhead.

Yeah? Who told you that?

Wait, that girl
that was with you earlier.

I knew she looked familiar.

Hammerheads aren't usually
man-K*llers, Joey.

So, what happened?


I don't know
what you're talking about.

10 years ago, you were
part of a heist crew

that used gelatin
mixed with perfume

to disable security systems.

Last night,
you used the same recipe

to break into
a high-security warehouse.

Only thing is, you got caught
and you m*rder*d a guard.

Last night, I was in Jersey
at my Chicken-Chicken-Chicken.

It's a chicken restaurant.

I own seven
in the tri-state area.

Let me guess...
You bought those

with your share
of the gold coin heist?

Even if I did,
statute of limitations is over.

And I have a dozen witnesses
that put me

at the Chicken-Chicken-Chicken
until 3:00 A.M.

So, you ain't gonna touch me
with that score either.

That doesn't mean you weren't
a part of the heist.

How else would they know
about the gelatin formula?

Easy... I ain't
the only one who knew it.

Great white?

Jimmy Sanchez is dead.

We confirmed that.

Yeah, but he ran other crews.

Ain't no telling
how many of them he told.

Look, I'm a successful
businessman now.

All right? Whatever
criminal instincts I had...

Long gone.

I'm all about the chicken now.

Hey, cap.

Joey's alibi checks out.

We're pulling apart
his financials,

but it looks like he might be
telling the truth.

Okay. I got unis taking
Sonia back to prison.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just, uh, you know...

I'm just bummed
that it didn't work out.

Not... not between
me and Sonia.

I'm talking about
the... the case.

You got something?

Yeah. I think that crew
used an inside man.

What makes you think that?

The security system at that
high-security warehouse

is way more sophisticated
than the auction house

where those gold coins
were stolen.

I mean, they had
an infrared camera system

that some low-tech bypass
couldn't have knocked out.

Yet it was down
at the time of the m*rder.

So, somebody on the inside
did turn it off.

Yes. Michael Kirby,
our victim.

His security code
was the one used.

But if he was in on it,
then why k*ll him?

I don't know.
But we could ask his wife.

Hey, Captain, I'd like to, uh,

volunteer to take Sonia
back to the prison.

No. I don't think
that's a good idea.

Yeah, I know, but it's
the right thing to do.

All right.

You interview Kirby's wife.

And I expect you back
first thing in the morning,

ready to work.

Yes, ma'am.

He's gonna be fine.

I'll take her, boys...

Captain's orders.

This is bull, Javi.
You know I can still help.

I'm sorry.
Joey was your only sh*t.

This sucks.

I thought I'd at least get...

A decent meal,
maybe a hot shower,

sleep in a real bed.

Well, in three months,
you'll get all that.

You don't understand.

Nine years,
I've eaten prison food,

slept on a six-inch
piece of foam.

Nine years,
I've had to live on edge.

And I thought I'd get, you know,
a little time to relax.

Well, the drive is an hour.

You can relax in the car.

What am I doing here?

I already gave my statement.

Mrs. Kirby, we know about

your husband's involvement
in the heist.


We found anonymous bank deposits

totaling $10,000

made to your joint account.

We can charge you
as an accessory.

My husband was in trouble.

He borrowed money
from some bad people,

and we couldn't pay it back.

And then last week,
a man came to him,

and he said he could
make the debt go away

if my husband would help him.

What was this man's name?
What did he look like?

I don't know.
I never met him.

All I know is that
Michael communicated

on a pre-paid cellphone
he kept in the garage.

Is the phone still there?


What are we doing?

This is your mom's house.


It's Thursday,
family dinner night.

You're gonna have
a home cooked meal,

and then it's straight back
to the prison.

I can't face your family, Javi,

not after
what they know about me.

I didn't tell them anything.


I told them that I was the one
that screwed up,

that you broke up with me.

You did that for me?

Thank you.

All right.


Mijo, you're late!

You know how I worry.

How hard is it to call?

The traffic... come here.
Come here.

Hi. Hi.

'Sup, cuz?
Still selling out to the man?

Are you still living
in your mama's basement?


Yeah, whatever.
Is that you?


So, are you two back together?

No. No.
We are not together.


Don't let this one
get away twice.

Come. Eat, eat.

I made Javier's favorite... mofongo.

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

You're a lucky man, Javi.

And why's that?

Your family.

You know,
I really never had one.

My dad left when I was 5,

and mom had two jobs just
to keep the lights on.

I have a lot of regrets, Javi...

Bad choices,

compromises I made...

The path I took.

If things would have been

we'd have had
a family of our own by now.


It would have been good.

I better get you back.

Can I at least
take that hot shower?


10 minutes, okay?

And then we got to hit the road.

You can join me if you want.

Uh, I don't... I don't think
that would be a good idea.

I'll leave the door unlocked

just in case
you change your mind.



Hey, Ryan.

Hey, Javi, listen to me.


Our victim was the inside man.

He communicated with the k*ller
using a burner cell.

I pulled the records
from the k*ller's phone.

I traced the calls it made.

There were three made
to Sonia's prison.

What are you saying?

Sonia was in on it.

I can't believe I was so stupid.

She played me.

Yeah. She sure did, buddy.

Kevin, I fixed you
your own plate.

Gracias, mami.

What are you doing?

Dude, it's your mom's mofongo.

The whole world could be ending.
I'd still be chowing down.

Wait. Where's Beckett?

Well, she doesn't know,
because if she did...

...You'd be in deep trouble.

So we're gonna
track your girl down

before the Captain finds out.

No, I-i-i can't
ask you to do that for me.

You don't have to.
I'm volunteering.

All right? So let's
turn your brain back on.

If Sonia was communicating
with the k*ller

and she orchestrated
this whole armored car heist

to look exactly like the one
she went to prison for,

knowing that
we'd go to talk to her...

Then Sonia would get out
and lead us to Joey,

who pulled pulled a g*n
so she could run away.

The whole thing
was an escape plan

that she set up with Joey

Unfortunately for Sonia,
we ran her down.

Okay, assuming
all this is true, why now?

I mean, she had three months
left until parole.

Why throw that all away?

I don't know.

But I bet you Joey does.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

We pulled your financials, Joey.

You know, it turns out that

is bankrupt, bankrupt, bankrupt.

I'm doing some
corporate restructuring.

All right?
That's no crime.

We also found a pair
of phone calls to your phone

from the same burner phone
that called our victim.

Now, that makes you
an accessory to m*rder.


I got a phone call
from a guy that I never met.

Said he knew I was in trouble,
and he offered to bail me out.

How much would that take?

Half a million.

They didn't get a fraction
of that from the bank job.

Sonia's share of the gold...
We never found it.

Maybe that's why she broke out.

But, again, why now?

That money will still be there
in three months.

Play time's over, Joey.

You better tell us
who this guy is,

or you're gonna be
living in an eight-foot cell

until they carry you out
in a six-foot box.

I swear I'm telling the truth.

All right, all I know
is that he was an ex-boyfriend.

I don't know any
of Sonia's ex-boyfriends.

Why don't you see if you can
ID any of them?

Meanwhile, I'll pull
visitor logs from the prison.

All right.

It's Beckett.


Hey, Captain.
Hey. How's it going?

Just running down leads.

And how's Javi holding up?

Well, he's been better.

Well, you know what?

I'll bring some cronuts by
in the morning.

That usually cheers him up.

Okay, I'll talk to you soon.

Everything all right?

I don't know.
I hope so.

This'll make it better.
Thank you.

I have to say, Katherine,

it is so good to have you home.

Thank you.

I second that motion.

Oh, thank you.


What the hell?

Turn it off!

Whoa, language, Kate.

Is there a problem?

Oh, really?

Well, then,
let me make it up to you.

Isn't that a little extreme?

No. No, actually,
I-i-i don't think so.

Look, uh, this... this
might sound odd,

but ever since I got back,
it's like Lucy's been jealous.

She's an "it." A CPU wrapped
in a plastic pyramid.

She doesn't have emotions,

and she certainly
can't be jealous.

You were saying?

So... so, you're telling me
she's only had

one visitor in the last year?

All right, what's the name?

Alberto Pena.

All right, thanks.

Whoa, you're
an old-ass boyfriend.


You're Sonia's father.

Hey, Jenkins,
have you seen Esposito?

Yeah, he ran out of here
10 minutes ago.


What are you doing?

I can't let you put yourself
out there for me anymore, bro.

This is my mess,
and I got to clean it up.

All right.
Everybody stop!

I need to know
what Esposito found out

when he ran out of here.

Please, it's a matter
of life and death.

Get away from the bed!

My dad, he's dying.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

Just stop it.

I'm not buying any of it.

You didn't break out of prison

just because your old man
was kicking the bucket.

He has your share of the gold.

When you found out
he had a stroke,

you panicked
because you were worried

that his new wife
was gonna steal your gold.

The thing I don't get is,
why didn't you just have

your partner on the outside
get it for you?

You don't know where it is.

Jimmy Sanchez
wasn't Great White.

Your father is.

And he kept your share
of the gold after you went in.

Javi, Javi, you were always
too smart for your own good.


I can't believe
the two of you

kept me in the dark about this.

Captain, I'm sorry.

No. We will
talk about this later.

Right now, let's just focus
on finding Espo.

I just hope it's not too late.

If Sonia and her partner
wanted to k*ll Esposito,

they would have done it here.

No, t-they must need him
for something.

The question is,
why was Sonia so desperate

to see her father
before he d*ed?

According to Espo,
they weren't even that close.

Maybe he has something
she wanted.

And I think I know what it is.


He was holding her cut of
the heist from nine years ago.

Sonia didn't want the secret
of the gold's location

to die with her father.

They took Esposito for insurance
in case we tried to stop them.

Which means we find Pena's
coin stash, we'll find Espo.

Problem is, we don't know
the first thing about this guy.

Well, time for a crash course.
Let's tear this place apart.


Javi, you awake?

How's your head?

I'm fine.

Your boy toy hits
like a little bitch.

You know, I'm sorry, Javi.

It wasn't supposed
to go like this.

No one was meant to get hurt.

Forget hurt... two little kids
don't have a dad today

because of you
and your boyfriend.

Don't think
that's not tearing me up.

You have to believe me, Javi.

I didn't know Ronaldo
was gonna k*ll that man.

That is such a cop-out.

You knew what he was capable of.

I just didn't think
that you were.

I thought that, deep down,
you had a good heart.

I know that you had a tough go
when you were little,

but sooner or later, you got to
stop blaming your childhood.

At some point, when you choose
wrong over right...

That's on you.

It's always been so
black-and-white with you, huh?

Espo's rules of life.

Well, let me tell you something.

I spent nine years in that cell

while Joey and my dad
breathed free air

and spent their millions.

All I had to hold on to
was the money.

No way in hell
I was gonna let that go.

This is it up ahead.

Well, I hope
that money's worth it,

'cause you're gonna have to live
with what you've done

for the rest of your life.

You should really
be nicer to the lady.

Not that her little
soft spot's gonna save you,

'cause once we get that gold...

Sonia's dad owned

at least
half a dozen businesses...

Dry cleaners, car wash,
a Cuban restaurant?

All high cash flow.
Makes sense.

If he was selling
off his gold bit by bit,

he'd need a place
to launder the money.

Well, according to
the company's bank records,

the weekly receipts
were pretty uniform.

Except, look at this,
the dry cleaners...

About three months ago,
there was a spike

in the weekly deposit amount

and three months before that
and before that.

Same with the restaurant.

So he was retrieving some
of the gold every three months,

selling it off,
and then running the proceeds

through his businesses.

Hey, Ryan, where is Vikram

with the GPS info
from Pena's phone?

He just sent this over.

Pena stayed close to home
most of the time,

except for this location.

Looks to be an outlier.

He wouldn't go there often,
only once every...

Every three months?

And only at night.

And what's there?

Let's see, uh...

It's an old
con ed storage facility.

Perfect place
for stashing coins.

Pena owned a transport company

that subcontracts with Con Ed.

Then that's it.
That's where he is.

Let's go.
Once they find the gold,

they're gonna make a run for it.

After they k*ll Espo.

You guys should
just turn yourselves in.

Even if you do
get away with the gold,

there's no place you can go
where my guys won't find you.

Well, maybe.

But I like my odds
a lot more than yours right now.

She said it would be up there.

You go up.

I'll stay here with him.

Careful, baby.

Wow. Haven't seen
you smile like that

since I gave you the ring.

Shut up.

Seems so long ago, doesn't it?

It was a different life.

What are you doing?

We can't carry the gold
and watch him at the same time.

So this is where his story ends.


Come on, babe.

Don't even pretend
like you didn't know

it was gonna go down this way.

Turn away
if you don't want to see it.


What the hell?

I can't let you do that.

We don't have time for this.

He's got to die,
and we got to go.

We leave him here alive.

He was your fiancé,
and he threw you away.

He left you to rot in prison.

I was the one
who was there for you.

So, why are you willing
to sh**t me save him?

Because I love him.

Stop, Javi. Javi!

Javi, stop!

It's over, Sonia.


I won't go back.
I can't.

You can.

And you will.

Nine years ago,
I found out you were a thief.

You know what I did then?


You arrested me.


I went home, and I packed a bag.

And then I grabbed my passport,

cleared out my savings account.

I was ready to abandon
everything I believed in...

...because I couldn't picture
a life without you.

Why didn't you?

I'm a cop, Sonia. I...

It's all I ever wanted to be.

If I threw that away,

then I wouldn't
even deserve you.

We've got a second chance, Javi.

We can run now.
It can be like it was.


It can never be like it was.

If I was strong enough
to walk up those steps

and arrest the love of my life,

then you are strong enough
to face what comes next.


You okay, partner?


Turn around.

Let's go.
All right.


I'm sorry.
I screwed up.

I let my feelings for Sonia
cloud my judgment,

and... and I let
my guard down.

Look, I'm not gonna pretend

that I haven't done
the same thing,

but I am captain now.

So I have to suspend you
for a week... no pay.

Yes, ma'am.

You did the right thing.

Can you give us a sec?

So, uh, I talked to the D.A.,
and when the dust settles,

he's willing to let you
plead out as an accessory

if you testify against Ronaldo.

How many more years?

At least two.

Are you gonna
come visit me this time?


Hmm. Are you gonna bring me
a cake with a file in it?

Probably not.

Thank god you didn't go bald.

I was just thinking
the same thing about you.

Take care of yourself, Sonia.

You, too.

I'll see you soon.

I hope so.

So, what are you gonna do now?

I don't know.

Turns out I got
the rest of the day free.

Yeah, me too.
I, uh, just called in sick.

Let's go get really drunk.

Damn straight.

Home at last,

with all the makings
of a perfect evening...

Thai food, a bottle of pino,
and my two favorite ladies.

Wait, two?

Is that a joke about my boobs?

I'm referring, of course,
to you and Lucy.

Oh, right. Lucy.

Oh, come on, don't be mad.
I'm kidding.

Is... is it too late
to say it's about your boobs?

It's... it's fine.

The truth is, is that
I overreacted the other day.

I have a feeling that
Lucy and I are gonna be

on much better terms
from here on out.

And I am glad to hear it.

You hear that, Lucy?

I knew you'd win her over.

Now, why don't you
dim the lights for us

just a little bit?

How's that, Rick?

A-are the lights
not to your satisfaction?

No, they're fine.

Just, uh, who are you,
and where's Lucy?

My name's Linus,

and I'm starting to think
you don't like me.

Oh, okay, very funny.
What did you do?

I-I read the user's manual,
and, apparently,

with the simple
flick of a switch,

she can become a he.

You k*lled Lucy?

No. I didn't k*ll her.
I mean, she's still in there.


You want her back?

No. Of course not.

No. No.
Linus it is.

All right, good.

Well, I'm gonna go change,

so why don't you guys
become acquainted?

All right.

Okay, Linus.
Let's get this bromance started.

How about you make me
a little cappuccino?

It's a little late
for caffeine, Rick.

How about some relaxing
yoga stretches before bed?

And experiment's over.

Where's that switch?


Linus, you gave me
a little shock.

I think you must have a short
or something.

I don't like
to be touched, Rick.

Not by you, anyway.

