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10x13 - Liquid Visions

Posted: 01/29/22 08:44
by bunniefuu
free divers were down in the Rostov haka

point victim was hit by a rough way

because matched up against the rock

couple of guys saw the victim go under

and we're going after him as quickly as

possible however not knowing the current

they were looking in the wrong place all

right wrongs to marcus's all works Coast

Guard to stand by there has been no sign

of the distant novel / minutes co

is in the water swimming a grid I'm

going to join our desired departments in

route Roger that we're about two minutes




if you've been under for minutes by

peer recovery and not arrest you



anything yet I don't see anything come

on keep looking






wait what about you


just talk Todd bottom








he has a strange look on his face almost

smile yeah weird how drawing victory

sometimes do that


no pulse no breathing be in CPR one two

three four five three one two three four

five three I hate it washer on the chest

versus the lungs through here yet this

fall since I hope makes you think of

your lives they just because we're

coming out does when you greeting five

how long has you been under minutes

maybe longer five three one two three

four okay I need clearance any clear no

pulse no breathing been here everyone


alright everyone clear come on no pulse

no breathing all right let's get amody

okay on you Brian Grady guys on three

one two three

when the doctor make the final call

we're going to work them always hostile

right I know you














okay and Johnny victim he pulled up came

around he's alive what time he's not

even on life support that's not possible

then he was another for minutes whole

yes he was but there's no paralysis no

brain damage his blood gases kind of on

the edge but good enough so they're

going to hold him overnight check for

secondary drowning and they're going to

release him in the morning release him

I'm telling you I saw the guy he's ready

for beer and pizza right now there have

been cases where people have instead

merge for long periods of time in

recovery janna me but those are cases of

extreme cold when they're trapped under

the ice the victims are always young and

in top physical condition in these

waters no way something doesn't fit I

need to talk to him wait I'll go with

you you've been pretty quiet come on

kickoff I can hear those real turnin

well I just been thinking about how I

hesitated and how I let others take

aleve sounds like you've changed that

though I heard about the rescue and you

were in the lead Shawn was about to bust

he was so proud why no it was really

great but I realized I hesitated on one

thing's actually about everything no cuz

i just feel like life is passing me by

really okay just I'll be completely

honest with you

I've never had a real relationship you

know like sukin le because every single

time I meet a man I put a wall up and I

think to myself okay see them again if

it gets to know me will he like me and

then when I hesitate either loses

interest things I'm stuck up or using

Jess I'm a wreck I'm a complete and

total misfit yep look at you you're

falling apart you got no chance at love

no possibilities whatsoever you're a

hopeless case you're like a walking

country song I feel really bad for you

it's not funny it is funny it's

hysterical because you are so beautiful

okay look let's treat this like any

other training exercise okay what is it

fits on always says it's about choice

right so I'm going to give you a bunch

of different choices I don't know about

that Jess ah no more hesitating come on

it'll be fun

do you know about shunting can

involuntary response basically what the

brain does when it's deprived of oxygen

it shuts down what's not necessary to

keep the organism alive if you didn't

need your sense of taste or smell the

brain will shut them off it stopped

pumping blood to the extremities and in

the end the brain will abandon the heart

to preserve itself you sound like a

doctor no I'm just interested in the

area so what happened to your patient

happened it was a fluke no medical

explanation now would it be all right if

we open sign with me thanks Steve hi

this is dawn master count on shaun munro

with lifeguards that pulled you out of

the water we were wondering if we could

talk with you about it I wish to say do

you realize how long you were under

totally minutes were you in an air

pocket or find air somewhere do you have

any special training I think no yoga

long distance running steve is there

anything that you can think of that

would have enabled you to do this

just I'm just lucky what do you remember

after you went under I was scared I

couldn't make it out by myself

what are you here I like it here with my

heart just a pound and I didn't have

that anymore what do you see right there

thanks so bright sharp

I could count the scales on the fish

come on nothing look up here

feeling kind of tired right now sure

well thanks for your time hey thanks for

saving my life





hey Ally oh hey dude are you doing I'm

fine looks a little lost in thought I

was thinking about Nick yeah I miss them

I really do I need a favor what's that

kekoa might need some backup sure

anything no I'm just not up for saying

that special oh come on it'll be fun

we'll go out and give Tico a little

on-the-job training jazz I love what

you're trying to do pick a color but the

last thing I need right now is there's

been an evening with some accountant

from Cleveland asking what you to endure

okay what about doing part of the

training exercise oh ha of course that

every woman needs when she's in a funk

shopping going to know why why cause

it'll get your heart pumping and your

blood flowing kokoa needs it and you

need it and I could possibly need it

most of all okay for you and coca-cola

oh sure


here we are ladies okay hawaiian village

so what are we looking for I mean as

long as it's safe I promise gonna make

you guys build up my type I meet you

then looks like the creek thanks Jesus

coconut girl in a high-fashion work


someone's gotta see nothing are you

starting up a Booma lately I've been

feeling like







your interest in this area surprises me

why you're interested yeah it's my field

John I pulled people out of all kinds of

water I've seen them live and

unfortunately I've seen a few die but I

have never seen anyone under water for

anywhere near minutes and lived to

tell about it and this guy comes out of

it like it was a joy ride maybe it was

leaving maybe a what it might have been

an experience that led to joy I've heard

of the joy of cooking but the joy of

dying come on Sean the fundamental fact

is he underwent a physical experience

that he'd never felt before a great

trauma a shock in its most extreme form

which if you have an open mind is

exactly what happens when you're born

you leave one physical environment the

only physical environment you've ever

known and enter into a completely

different physical world except for some

unknown reason this man Steve riser he

was forced or he chose to return and you

think that's why he was smiling I think

he was put in a physical place where his

brain had no other choice but to accept

its new environment to redefine all the

sensations the body was feeling to

convert the remaining energy and direct

it into one single channel mind over

matter consciously or unconsciously what

the mind truly controlled and Steve

riser he could be a key to a major

breakthrough he was under water for

minutes if we could find out how think

of what that could do for us


all right this is our training area I

don't think this is how to find a man is

my dream the point of this exercise is

not mine right that's fine mr.

interesting with symptoms primers okay

so how do we do that black not raining

remember how we missed you on the fan

observation evaluation and exactly

those two over there I mean the ones i

haven't taken your eyes off us and so

walking is distinctly one on the right

sort of cute they are absolutely not

women we want to make and rolled it

looks very interesting on the beach as a

lifetime you can tell everything you

need to know that as much as you can

it's the same thing here so you see a

lifeguard instinct tells about the guy

you think is cute

so you've married karen a convention has

to feel free to come out next the one on

the left is definitely a gentleman check

out the omega constellation so fun so

what you suppose they're here for NC i

dial there you're doing exactly what

were they make a connection I think we

could make a game show out of this I

want the one second from the left early

to be here for key column on sorry to

tell you guys said I don't want no one

second match ah it's jesse with midget

in hesitating just check one

okay the one next Delhi good choice

they're together that means you guys can

share a cab to wherever it is you might

be going when the cruise over you so

what's the secret to getting their

attention exactly what you're doing

relaxing paying yourself that's what's

attracting them you sneak hey Mauro meet

them they're looking oh my god he's

coming over anything I hesitate

hi hi my name is Robert hey koi hey this

month illusion hi



catamaran is overturned or the nearest

Bethel we've been asking spot get what

you need captain I'm sorry miss this is

an emergency I understand my two friends

and I are lifeguards we might be able to


okay ladies not much choice the worst of

it heck are you joining us



haha I was my later on top of a hard

time finding myself


I got the fun I tried over there mind



fine relax I think in the works ok

calm down us are you the long text relax

relax going to be a kite

oh I'm sure


laughs okay all right here hang on here

daughter hold on to life okay so much

i'm going to take you over to the boat

okay you're gonna be okay cough okay you

better yes


butter come on the boat see problems try

and relax we're going to be okay



frustrating over their technology so

Duke yep what is up with a garter belt

confidence really yeah the mother

talking about steady we're a Garda don't

you feel you on the whole world

hi okay sorry the cruise is interrupted

are you kidding this message was great

sensational thank you hey finally I get

you alone for a moment tell these acts

and reports find them and I need it back

soon as possible um sure I'd be glad you

and that's the most important line there

that's your address and phone number oh

well I guess I should fill these out

missing something









have a good one Sean homeless like I

need to sign the forked sentiment ah

Kenneth which lips mass on no Jake's

going to take him in on its way to the

tower and he's leaving by stick all


thank you oh shut up on me come on back

I just got some tree more


okay anything else that's good



dot what are you want your fine no it's

an exercise i learned in india it's not

dangerous scared me half to death I've

set it up for you an immersion technique

you want to try it what am I supposed to

learn I don't know that's for you to

find out

feel a little silly it'll pass now what

I want you to do is take a couple deep

breaths lay down underwater and I'm

going to hold you down okay






Lance the jerseys












all right how was it no I don't ever

want to do it again





two more down


hold your breath we're going to swim out

okay okay what


function be counted crawling

not still in there


step inside get that up

John we're going to get you out okay but

not out on the whole let me know you're



where's that axe I need it now


first off its not going to make





TV or dvd flexican an ass that's it

all right let's get her up on the beach

let's go


no pulse no breath beginning CPR it'll

get the oak you


one-two-three-four-five come on John one

come on you can do it come back to

a son do it come on come on come on come

on come on come on come on now

that with you I know you're still there

now come on John come on hi come on good

okay get the oxygen easy breasts on now

come on right easy but slow easy breath

easy breasts on


nice deep breath as you go


welcome back I relax thank you I let my


thing of you coming outside tonight

believe in party




