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10x14 - Lines in the Sand

Posted: 01/29/22 08:45
by bunniefuu
John what's your i'm here at Sandy me

trick I surface incredible

hi got a diver in trouble

my girlfriend she's stuck in some kind

of crazy men are you okay yeah but I

can't get her out by just grab onto the

ski and stay with me

even your diapers

relax election

deep breaths deep breaths not that long

relax relax

hey don't k*ll it the breakthrough strip

the coast until everything in there

let's get on the short

Jason do me a favor and don't ever let

me catch you wearing that hat on duty ok

I'll try no no no don't wear the hat on


I can't believe people wait this long in

line for snow co not a snow cone and

shave ice

it's a cone of crushed ice with

flavoring this loco not true not true at


this is work upon shave ice water that's

crystal pure mm flavors that you only

find and white you know if I was down to

my last buck moreover i shave ice shaved

ice not shaved ice shave ice there's no

deep shave got shave ice

listen do me a favor get me a guava

pineapple moving some snacks with a barn

so make it thanks

yeah hello I would like to shave ice one

lava pineapple and but that lets make it

to wobble planet

ok you know there's nothing in the world

quite like the shade


so sorry that must be holed yes yes it's

very cold here I here let me let me get

something like that off of you

and while the pineapple this is my


yeah it's good isn't it you know what we

should get some water and then washes

off so it doesn't stain the halter or my

skin that the altar

well that's disappointing


I think maybe you better do this

that's even more disappointing i really

am sorry

uh-huh that's okay they usually pay the

guava it's much better for your skin a

low baby with coconut milk

thank you for this i was probably

walking too close to you anyway

no no it was entirely my fault leave me

that's why don't you let me buy you one

as a peace offer

well that's really nice but I need to

get this rinsed off of me and get to

work but maybe we'll bump into each

other again sometime hopefully next time

I won't be holding something so cold


smoothie you remember that move big left

toe right slammed up the snowcone honor

and suddenly you're standing next to the

future mrs. shaun munro it was an

accident Jason that better was

northshore lifeguard truck ready she

brought it from her brother never seen

her before

no I'd remember

I wonder where she's coming here I think

we just met the new head of the North

Shore lifeguards


again I'm Shaun Munro nie head up a

watch hawaii and this is my desk and a

very nice desk it is chair to economic

probably avoid that dreadfully painful

ending of the wrist ligaments while you

type and you are the new head of the

North Shore lifeguards this is our

facility and i don't mean to seem

inhospitable but you and your staff for

taking up a little bit too much space

actually I was just looking for a name

Jenna avid pleasure sticky huh sorry he

spilled snow corner

Matsumoto's sunny is snow cone off her


I believe that relationships and

relationships work best when they're

built on a foundation of truth I think

it's best if I introduce myself to you

and your staff at the same time

don't you agree oh I sure let me be

clear about this

first of all we welcome and applaud your

efforts to form an elite group of

international lifeguards here's the deal

you guys are visitors this is our

facility and it's a functioning Hawaiian

lifeguard headquarters now you guys

train here you live here and that's cool

it's not a problem we all know the

governor approved it but here's a little

change on the days when we the working

life guards are short-handed you will

enhance your training by taking regular

assignments consider it in lieu of rent

and since I believe that there is no

time like the presence we will start our

newfound partnership today we already

have our training schedule set for the


well i'm sure in your administrative

talents and wisdom you will find a way

to work this one out

matter of fact I am so confident that I


this up to you

well we handle this one I'm gonna put a

call in to Mitch find out if this is

part of the deal but until i talk to him

we're gonna go along with it

look Shawn do me a favor right with

until I get back from the mainland and I

contact the governor and get everything

straightened out

thanks about so i have to rush like this

but it can't be helped

hawaiian airlines flight for direct Los

Angeles we have you have a pleasant



haha look at this incredible GD there's

nobody here

I know this big beautiful beach yes I

mean it

there's nobody there's not even one

single person on the whole Beach

ok with nobody on the beach I can handle

this over three things you have to deal

with his life garden white big waves

death and dying of boredom

yeah and today it's gonna be dead from


yeah you know some people this place

would be pretty unimaginable huh what's


I mean what stuff

this this big beautiful beach like dream

it's like being on a deserted island

I'll tell you this day is going to pay

some dividends catching up on all my


I mean these schedules are over a week


this work is important for the whole

team is gonna be done right now right

this second I'm talking to you

I don't do it what nobody else in the

world can see I'm here because my

organizational skills right

what's the reason that I'm here JD

do you really want to get into that yeah

i do we never talked about it

what happened JD

whatever happened to you training me

whatever happened to you getting me

ready for the xterra

so you say something else about what the

honeymoon capital of the world are we

yeah that's right maui that's the little

place that we were supposed to go and

visit together a little place where I'm

supposed to run the xterra world

championship that I'm in no way shape or

form ready for because of your

organizational crap what is this about

the triathlon or the wedding was the

last I heard you pretty much said that

you weren't interested tell me that's


no it hasn't

but what happened to my trainer what

happened to my friend we don't even talk

anymore JD today is a perfect example

look at us you and me alone on this

beautiful beach and what are we doing

we're bickering I don't bicker really


I never pictured never have bicker never

will bigger I hate victory my mother and

my father picker my sister and her

husband picker

that's why I don't bicker I never picker

and never will picker

look at this place that has been raking

a long time out

see what I mean people have no respect

for anything anymore just because full

of junk

JD we were talking about us about our

friendship and how we lost sight of that

maybe you have but i have it never lose

would you look at that would you please

look at that

someone brought this and spring a hole

in it and just left it know some people

have no respect they give no respect the

get no respect

exactly my problem I get no respect

what nothing absolutely nothing

let's talk more about your air mattress

Jesse when you get like this i still

know how to talk to you tell me about it


this is gonna be a day to remember

resupplying the lifeguard tower

well it's gotta get done right by a


your friend seems to be getting under

everyone's skin tomorrow will probably

be giving potty breaks I doubted really

yesterday I didn't think our track

international training team would be

reduced to making spira gon be patient

we this is a one-time deal kid yourself

don't kid me if anyone around here knows

the type i do believe me she has an


she's going to become a real pain in the

butt back she already has


yeah you go ahead yeah we've got a

little situation to get down

what kind of situation and are you gonna

get any real fast

this is gonna be more fun than we can


about to have a little civil


now I know why Jenna and wanted us to

cover this speech what is going on guys

to show up take off their clothes and

walk into the water won't say a word who

they are what this is about

sean is just inappropriate alright this

Beach is officially closed guys I want

to clear spectators lock up the parking

lot let's go

this isn't the place for this kind of

slide it in the family page which is

precisely the reason we're here least

Steinbeck attorney I'm here to protect

them from anyone who infringes on the

First Amendment right to free speech


no one said a word on my instructions

I'm their spokesperson wonderful write a

press release

why let me quote even as we stand here a

cloud of nuclear contamination is being

carried on the wind to our precious

islands that end we sacrifice our bodies

as the ultimate symbol of innocence of

our people and our land and agree with a

minute that's not the point Jason and

now the fun stars

send in the clowns the surfaces here

what exactly would you like us to do I'd

like you to get them out of the water in

the water there's your problem

you get him on land will take over and

come on for the b-tree that's about all

we can do

alright thanks according to Lisa

Steinbeck the spokeswoman for the

protesters they will remain in the water

with no clothes on until the

contaminated here in the upper

atmosphere passes over Hawaii completely

and our islands are safe this time there

comes a time and the place where the

line must be drawn today it is in the

sand on this Beach because this is

definitely the place we go tell miss

Abbott to get over your code to

based on your right and may have a point

you know protesting nuclear full that

used to be fashionable now nobody cares

you know I think we should take our

suits off and we should jump in the

water with some enjoyment take that as a

no you know what else that little miss

Jenna avid knew exactly what was gonna

happen down here today course you know

you know what else is also got the hots

for Sean

really oh yeah no I don't say it watch

them the way she looks at him the way he

looks back tomorrow night too combative

that's foreplay they like squabbling

watching tell me I'm wrong I well

putting these people at risk now

this protest will continue until some

bona fide action is taken by the proper


oh that's right can't have a protest

without a confrontation would make it on

CNN without a little blood right i mean

that's this is all about isn't it easy

the protesters have been in the water

now for several hours as you can see the

lines have been drawn it is the

protesters versus the International life

starts this the beach close

excuse me guys in him to talk with her

you are not a nice person

well getting personal you set me up look

Sean I didn't know this was going to

happen today it was a rumor you knew

this was gonna happen so you came up

with the perfect plan you pass the

situation off to the international

training team they handle it great fine

you win if they don't it's on them not


look this is your beach today Sean your

water your call

which is why under certain limitations i

will allow you to do whatever you want

now Jenna you don't walk away from us

want to go

man-in-the-middle is about to go down i

don't know how much longer he's going to

ask so we got to stop the protest Jason

grab some towels

pay attention to have people and trapped

by the establishment play on our fear we

are stronger than you make sure

we show whoa you can't trivialize that

song civil disobedience mr. lifeguard is

a bunch of naked people standing in the

water and it's silly

okay look we're not judging your message


What's in question is how you choose to

convey that message you can't do it here

you're making a mockery of everything

you believe it

yeah you want the confrontation because

you want your face on TV this once the

confrontation to become violent because

it feeds on that but this is not my

beach it's your beach

look you don't like the cloud of

contamination coming your way either

wide want to do something about it

gray wait don't destroy something that's

beautiful in order to protect something

that's evil protect your Beach don't

pull on it

otherwise you're just

gonna end up becoming one of them


that's not all I don't want to hurt your

feelings or anything but you don't look

so good

you're out here in the sun and you're

exposed and places that should be


I want to take a break i'll stay here

hold your spot you come back huh about


yeah wait your cover up with

I will

oh I don't know why you called me in

such a great panic this wasn't such an

emergency right and you barely got a

speck on you

how about dinner my treat

after what you've done you think that I

would go to dinner with you

well that was work this is dinner those

are two totally different things

come on I'll take you to the best

restaurant on the North Shore

no just here for cyclist or something

I've seen it

no really I need your opinion

I got the best idea ever the best really


what is superior JD somebody's already

thought of that

I know this is a great invention right

portable convenient useful exactly but

why how you have to hold it in your hand

yes otherwise it drops to the bottom of

the seat but would it be better if it

was hands-free hands-free lots of times

we need to be rear and Rescue right we

need both hands with this one hand has

to hold this candice fear not efficient

ok and it might be if we didn't have to

use our hands

exactly tura let's go ahead turn around

ok Jesse I'm serious it's going straight

to the back office where in the world

did you come up with that idea sunday

night football on ESPN what know where

you serious

ok so how does sunday night football on

ESPN connect with that little

contraption over your head

are you gonna listen I'm sorry I mean

yes okay i'm watching and after they

score a touchdown they cut to the crowd

right you know they do that anyway

there's this guy this hat and on each

side is a can of beer right I've seen

this is absolutely ridiculous pants free

beer drinking haha heads free spear

check it out

fashion show about saving life

welcome to the Hilton Hawaiian Village

thank you you guys are handbrake

this is so much better than that that

beach shark

the reason why we're here JD amigo said

was that they needed to lifeguard style

to go to village ASAP

you won't have to be lifeguards well we

both are lifeguards what I mean it's one

of my judges called in second and I

thought maybe you could fill in

I'd be glad to she's talking to me she

wasn't she was talking to both of us

no she wasn't d start figuring Jesse

this is a beauty contest and what's your


I mean it's pretty obvious not to me she

wants a man for joints right actually

either of you can judge see just being

pc she really wants

well then she should say disease and I

just like to get the competition started

the competition it's a competition or is

it a contest

well its kind of it because there's a

difference you know competition implies

skill and contests well let's see what

is a beauty contest made the green you

stand around the chest out and vacuum

like to watch the contest right it's all


thank you

right i can tell by that look in your

eyes you've got lots of experience many

stores will be very appreciative

so I do huh this one may have false

I'd like you to meet on one of our

judges mr. serious John


sure thank you


what you said you you don't

tell you this she really wants to win

you know this objectification of women

is disgusting

I can't believe you're letting yourself

become a party to this did you know she

said party was it that loud

Judy you always miss the important

things don't Jess

Jesse afternoon ladies and gentlemen and

welcome to the Hilton Hawaiian Village

between your position

thank you

this is the nicest restaurant on the

North Shore you tell me i'm not sure yet

the food is good the atmosphere is

unbelievable and it's very romantic but

as good as against

I ask you a question will you answer me

truthfully what you think our

relationships gonna change now it's

about dating people you work with

I'm against it

was that your question

are we working together are we dating

to be considered a first-day good this

suddenly got much more interested

is it hard for you as it is for female

lifeguards you know working together

living together living under the same

roof spending hours a day with each

other now we have rules and you try not

to breaking those rules don't include me

no they don't

explains my hand is she

your team interest me back everyone on

the National wonders and what do they

wonder just what exactly is going on i

mean come on everybody is young marriage

shame you're living under the same roof

so full of physical attraction must be


are you coming on to me the seven-member

in the thirsty when I can't wait for our
