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10x22 - k*lling Machine

Posted: 01/29/22 08:57
by bunniefuu
what's so important that we have to use
encrypted line

we've confirmed that an eco-t*rror1st
cocaine green scorpion is targeting your

zone specifically on Lou

and just what I don't need what's the
size of the cell


that makes the orbit unknown specific

one known

you don't know much do you

why are you taking this random threat so

t*rror1st leader zach mark former Navy
SEALs sack partner

affirmative it's not good when a Navy
SEAL decides to blow up the world

because he knows the wick

it's not what we originally discussed
with your shorts a cute short

I'll make it up yeah you come back then
hey I thought you were committed to this

to the money honey

that's my commitment we need the

man you just keep going round and round
sac don't get it haha









what's the update

one of the International oceanographic
organizations received this video


it's connected to sac Martin and green
scorpion woman on the tape talks about

how the industrial nations have used the
ocean as a dumping ground

the ocean floor is littered with rusting
ships unexploded bombs

well continues to slip into an abyss
from which there is going to be fair

return you destroy you do not build

you hard you do not help

life begins advance in our oceans

he must be out sacred you can no longer

be allowed to use these waters to use
the message stopping place for the

filthy you create in the name of profit

here she talks in generalities about how
this must be stopped and the world must

be made aware yakety yak what you sow

well no longer remain it

no longer be allowed to fester in decay
to break down yet

my stop you must be stopped but the
video clearly shows vast quantities of

unexploded ordnance

bingo what's that

bodies of two arms dealers were found
floating off Diamond Head reportedly

they were trying two pedals and
sophisticated Chinese detonators female

in the video has been identified as bri
handford uses a lot of aliases she's

been seen with that mark why don't you
just reel him in

we will once you tell us why they're
operating alone what style the loose

ends together before we move

when did you beltline boys get so smart
when we ran out of toes to sh**t off get

to Hawaii and this

the green scorpion will force the world

to open its eyes and each of you

will be accountable one hammer

it takes


my airline to fly for awaits

hope you enjoy your stay on a lot like

no y in their life


yeah it's under either Mitch Buchannon
nord some lifeguard training

Holly something if I knew the number i
wouldn't be calling information


yeah have you seen much you got a cold
and left strange me a meeting did he say

where he was going on man

yeah I met you want it's not like him to
be out of touch

right a little i mean i know he can take
care of himself

just a little strange yeah miko when you
hear from Mitch let me know immediately

okay i will i'll be on my nextel if you
see anything




junkyard dog as I live and breathe they
doing the same

thanks for coming oh you worth now A*F
CIA NRA pick one

she's you look ten years younger than
the last time I saw you which has to be

about years ago

are you talking about years ago or
both picking metal out of places we

shouldn't have

everyone came home everyone did everyone
did so and I've done a social call I


now we have intel on an eco-t*rror1st
sell green scorpion some wacko fringe

group that wants to blow up the world in
order to save it

they're planning something here in
Hawaii finding one that doesn't concern


what does we need to know if the cell is
operating alone or with other cells

all right how do I fit in Zach partner

Zach mark he's still with the unity

now he's the target Zach t*rrorists on
US that's crazy

is it yeah it is we spent two off
together when I still can't talk about

as good as it gets

my bitch you were covering for him he
was leaking oil all over the jack

I think your exact was always wound up
pretty telling me he's a wacko but he is

not a t*rror1st

excellent and prove me wrong

you may trust you get close to him is
the operating alone or is in contact

with other cells once you know

disengage with me I know my limitations
and way past any topside

he's staying with his sister at the
hilton hawaiian village sister

you know we have one they're heading on
a dive

she's ordered some new equipment you'll
deliver it

make up some story you were at the dive
shop they heard you were at the hilton -

blah blah blah they won't buy it sell it
right you'll buy it

intel that's all i want is the operating

why do you keep repeating that because
you can and you never knew how to follow

orders or when to quit

maybe have changed right









the latest the third time I've got to
get this thing so why don't you just

stay and play

I can't I'm on duty how about later

we are staying right here at the hilton
hawaiian village where nurses nurses


yeah we're here for a conference and
later sal is going to give a

demonstration on how to change your bed
without stirring the patient better be

good change of pace without serving the

well that would take my advice

all right

hey Jason

I may be back later with a friend huh

ok thanks

a new me how's it going good hey I
wanted to thank you a lot for watching

my water for me huh

no problem I love the speech there's two
of them

hi welcome to the Hilton Hawaiian
Village keep it close i will be long

you got it


excuse me you're the tropical bar is a


excuse me excuse me yeah

pi Yuri Martin sorry

hi my name is miss Buchanan I'm an old
friend of character Caesar the dive shop

said you dropped off of bc with a bad
power inflator and you wanted to

repaired answer so I'm saying here at
the Hilton Hawaiian Village and he asked

me to drop it off saving the trip

thank you very much actually we get a
little bit more than that he said that

your bc was seriously outdated so he
asked me to bring along with

state-of-the-art anatomically designed
DC wait integration and goes in here so

no obligation no cost

you know I'm actually read about this if
he ever uses down feet is an awesome

piece of equipment is easy you like
diving me sometime

I figure I got to get out there before
all the oceans are seriously wasted by

people and pollution and oil spills I
mean it's inevitable don't get me

started on this

no please I mean that is like a really
turn on the subject for me

um do you like to sit down and join me
uh sure i would love it one coffee

Oh having lately is a waitress

miss Buchanan Zack Martin

you look cold you stopped working out
completely three minutes and I served

together is navy seals

this is unreal you know my sister no oh
yeah I just better I was delivering some

dive equipment but hey around the real
stuff here

double tight Eyez water back right yeah
I i have a cup of coffee please

okay our last year the pot thing in
Bangkok that night to remember last two

or three four days like a week for you
pal we need a med back to get you out of


wait a minute oh just get a great idea
you and Zach or old navy seal buddies

and Mitch entire ecology bus when isn't
he just go diving with us tomorrow

okay with you hey what ever since says

here we go to yesterday to tomorrow


we have hey I'll bring along the whole
thermos of this tomorrow

that you will go up a.m. /

it's done i'll be there looking forward


are you totally insane you invite him
along with us

it would have been suspicious what

oh please you in your old navy seal body
and me who he thinks is your sister we

just happened to bump into each other
right in the middle of the Pacific no no

I really don't even think so

so you suspect his motives and still you
inviting well now I'm it's possible that

maybe find some

which defined


how to go and it tastes whether they're
operating solo or meeting someone

John she's a real charmer Zach yeah Zach
is still a wacko

that's what I'm going diving with omar i
should be able to find out of the divers

connected to what you're interested in

negative on that don't go diving with

our latest Intel shows they're not
brother and sister might even be lovers

you're walking into a mine field hey I
can't pull out now will get suspicious

you know exact he's always suspicious he
doesn't trust anybody only want to think

he does

hey we can't cover you in a dive boat
you're putting everything at risk

relax junk and I'm just going on this
one dive to see if i can deliver the

Intel see




sorry I'm late but I'm ready to just get

postponing the run hopes up k*lling me

no I want to wait for Mitch he was
anxious to make this run with us now we

schedule as soon as I located

that's easy he's at the hilton hawaiian
village talking to a very pretty blonde

lady in some bozo guy

really yeah which was given her some
school stuff and it looking at the guy

what did he say anything to you here you
see me he was concentrating so hard on

the girl

a lady that explains his distraction

yeah yeah I guess it does


one moment Sean get some for Mitch

I'll take it here hello

don't ever hang up on me again I call no
joy now you disengage get away from now

you're in way over your head

who is this

miko try me again and computer trace the
idea that last call

I don't know yet me too small is turned

dammit what is it something going on
with Mitch

no match for a few years not to the best
your knowledge has much stayed active in

the Navy SEALs the union's that's active
but no missions

Mitch think so why

there's something about that voice in
the phone

someone you know once you've been in the
game you never forget the pattern voice

in that phone was control control

yeah that's what we used to call where
was heading up the mission peak oh

please keep trying to get ahold of
minutes what do you mean mission

what do you think's going on I don't
know this concerns you and that's making

me nervous

tell me what you thinking I look I don't
know if you guys know this but like

Mitch I was a Navy Seal and we served a
decade apart but everything stays the

same the buzzwords shorthand everything
but the man on the fine

that's right from what I heard it sounds
like mitch is involved in some sort of

covert ops mission of it like sacred

we call them black ops wow what kind of
thing we don't opportunities are

limitless dangerous could be here in
Hawaii and what could be dangerous

it's not like we're at w*r look it's a
safe place to me if a t*rror1st group

from Sudan wants to buy red mercury from
korean arms deals

what would they do with red mercury it
wrap it with expl*sives and detonated in

a populated area

so you think mr. trouble

his control think so we have to help

but in order to do that we have to know
what his mission is he's been out of the

seals for years why would they bring
him back

come on




click on


there's someone in the hallway

I think it's just trying to scare us


it's done









is everyone okay

yeah who were they thanks

makes you think he's missing I'll call
depend on our way

why they weren't brokers are they after
me for Mitch where to find out how much

I know

we got a possible number on your mystery

it's got cross check it and i will not

- washington DC number yeah languishing


control this is Monroe SEAL team -

stay out of this Monroe I might have if
you hadn't sent people to my house they

weren't mine

wedding was with you

it's just my team you are putting
everything at risk

it's gonna get even worse unless I
talked to Mitch Buchannon I'm gonna go

public with this don't do that then
produce him

I can't see on the front page

now we wait wait


we're out of my Harbor why

maybe you can be helpful we both want
the same thing

why the harbor it's the last place i had
contact with Mitch and you get there as

soon as you can get there

remember i told you so much the home
line village

yeah there's something else it didn't
seem important at the time but what

but there's the sky there is a
mainlander was in a dark suit was

sweating it looked like he was watching

like I said it didn't seem important at
the time

but that voice in the guy that I saw
they go together to know me

yeah I do describe him for me

something heavy set china balding and
east coast

great thanks a lot I'm going to get into

no you won't yes we will not going about

look I appreciate the offer but you're
not trained for this is a different kind

of danger

we're good at improvising thank you but
I can't take you with me Sean

you have no choice







let's go anywhere with us

Jason come around pick me up quick



let's call the place until mark that the
body Ali they haven't broken any laws

yet chase let me take the wheel

what we're going to do keep an eye on
them let them know they're not alone

all right


tell me what's going on the back of the

got it

top and putting something around here






ah crap back get ready





where's Mitch

ecology is going crazy unbelievable

it's a hard thing every element but no
one will listen to the warning signs


I want to listen what do we talk - great

well we're gonna have to take the world
leaders by the scruff of the neck and do

something scare the hell out of shock

force them to save the earth has been

exact coming up on the Pacific shelf if
we die but anyway

almost there a pretty told you it's a

certainly nothing you can't handle and
when you see it you'll agree it was well

worth the trip

you gotta look oh yeah oh yeah

hi so beautiful here isn't it

actually say link wit




never know what


but i gotta change my clothes come on

you too

o w*r stories


really quite alone my sister

having someone like you would be really
good for all elite you're talking to

Mitch here

I don't need a matchmaker and you
certainly don't play

tell me you don't find her attractive

kind of

and once a charmer always a charmer the
years kind of taking that out of it and

when you get down out of the water flows
and bubbles with her senior swimming

around that new wetsuit

and you go for it



careful isn't it

two things coexist

weapons of destruction the birthplace of
life I mean it's amazing isn't it

you know you see something long enough
you think it belongs here

you become so accepting

but this felt corruption pollution
mutating all the life around the sea

life changes part of evolution

this is a part of the evolution of life
fiscal is unnatural

it's evil

you know I just really wanted to see the
look on your face

tiny is astonishing isn't armaments that
I belt to destroy life and now I

sanctuary giving birth life

you can see it's such a wonderful simple

nature is and that even seem too

you got that right if man was it so
egocentric and sell fishing

irresponsible at I am Telling You Mitch
if we could just get the world leaders

to realize what they are doing then all
the pollution of the Earth's waters can

be stopped before it is too late

don't worry about zag he left underwater
photography thing is really getting into


Mitch it um it really is that simple

all we need is some publicity for
Shelton he is a product of publicity

you remember him with the tanks you get
ron reagan and even Clinton TV have the

right kind of publicity we can achieve
almost anything you have a breed

accomplish that you can organization one
person can make any of that happen

absolutely precisely organization yes
that is mandatory

but what is more important is shocked

shock impact something that is so
horrifying that the world has nothing to

do but to look and to listen and to hear
the message

sorry gotta change no ring

I can hear now that's enough time that's

Bobby you can never have too much ginger
ale or too much money for you

some of your block to show you won't
have any you know it's not a good idea

to drink of time were you saying about
something horrifying bitch please you

were in the Navy SEALs Razak means you
ever experienced accomplishment good

without the corresponding sacrifice of
some portion of goodies like a lesser

good to achieve a greater good

I mean just tell me one time you've ever
done that

I'm sorry what was it that is exactly
what we're going to do we're going to

have to sacrifice a bit of a lesson for
worldwide greater to see the ecology

we're going to blow up the core reason
we just show

we're gonna blow right off the face of
the planet you can't mean what you're


darling I mean every word happen and you
are going to be the hero of it all

you catch me turn me in to the
authorities in minutes see me and

Larry King Live they're all going to run
the tape the sack has been sh**ting and

then everybody lies at the industry

that's insane yes he has but it will

don't want their channel

since you're here

taste of almost anything

what he forgot



I'm not doing this I won't be a part of

darling you're not gonna have to be
doing anything I'm gonna go down there

I'm Minister the plastics and you said
the types and i'm already gone ashore

we're gonna wait for the big thing while
you're on the airplane when your future

no I can't let you do this home

you can darling in fact you think i'm
going to do a little

I think I'll get a much bigger happy
that's what other sweetheart

see ya baby oh I break down it

blow yourself to pieces


if i were to blow up a reef I would
choose this one why it's a graveyard for

warships often missing divers because
the unexploded bombs and that's about

miles from here

hey I gotta get ashore to call what's
your second choice

I don't have one is just not enough
reason around the island okay well we'll

have to let the Coast Guard

no outside agencies Jason tossing back
was all right all right all right roll

you're interfering in matters of
national security no I'm backing up a

fellow lifeguard and a friend Ali we
can't contact the Coast Guard's we find

Mitch first let's go







reset all the charges

all we have to do is activate the timers

that's got to be them right there

all right Ali diving in a restricted
area you can make that call the Coast



we're gonna do

sneak up bottom instruct

set channel



the last one is just over there


the final detonator we come out here





no no don't touch that

what's that she'll



watch yourself



nobody could survive that kind of

well we'll wait a minute I got something

looks like somebody's dive bag





oh my god mr. Buchanan


