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02x02 - Ancient Tribes

Posted: 01/30/22 13:00
by bunniefuu
[TV static drones]

[bright tone]

[tense jazzy music]

♪ ♪

- So, there used to
be this tribe,

the Aztecs,

who believed that the universe
was created by v*olence.

Every year at what was
their version of Christmas,

they would cut out
someone's heart

and offer it up to the gods.

These people were convinced
that without this sacrifice,

the sun would fall
from the sky

and the world would
come to an end.

Then the Spaniards landed,

wiped the Aztecs off
the face of the Earth.

Turns out they was right.

The world did
come to an end...

for them.

Welcome to Oz,

ten months after
the world ended.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

- All right.

A lot of people thought
we'd never reopen Emerald City,

but after almost a year,

a lot of politic-ing,

and some back up
from the warden,

here we are.

- It's a new deal, gentlemen.

- It's a better deal.
It's a fair deal.

I have identified ten groups.

The Muslims, the gangsters,

the Latinos, the Italians,

the Irish, the Aryans,

the bikers, the Christians,

the gays,
and one called "the others."

Each group will have
four prisoners

living at Em City.

No more, no less.

Each group will be equal.
Each individual, equal.

- Bullshit.

- No, it is not bullshit,

and to make sure
that it's not,

I'm also
establishing a council

to air grievances,
to advise me.

Each group will have one member
serve on said council.

Any questions?

- Yes.
Given all that's happened,

why did you come back?

Why do you still believe
Emerald City will work?

- Well, the truth is this:

we either learn to change
or we repeat our mistakes.

We either become
a part of our community,

or we remain isolated from it.

In either case,

the success of our lives
depends on us.

[indistinct chatter]

I am not solely responsible
to make Em City work.

It's you too.

[indistinct chatter]

Any other questions?

[gate buzzes]

- Kareem, you should be

our representative
on the council.

- That's assuming
that we participate.

- You saying
we shouldn't?

- No, I'm saying
that we wait.

Our absence may speak louder
than our presence.

- First thing,
we start to sell tits again.

- Yeah,
but what about O'Reily?

- I'll handle O'Reily.

- I'll handle Adebisi.

What worries me is
the Sicilians coming in.

- I don't see Nino Schibetta

- Schibetta's dead.

It's his son who's
the hair across our ass now.

- We're gonna take back
the drug trade

and find out who hurt
my father and then...

[playing cards slap table]

- sh*t.

The rest of these
cock m*therf*ckers.

They gonna learn, bro.

They can't sh*t on us no more.

- How the f*ck did
I get to be an "other"?

On the streets
I was selling dope.

I was as bad as
any of those homeboys.

I f*cking k*lled a cop!

What am I doing here
with you guys?

- You're disabled.

- And the rest of you
are f*cking certifiable.

- Who are you?

- Agamemnon Busmalis,
aka The Mole.

- The Mole?

- I dig.

I can dig anywhere.

I'm gonna dig my way
out of Oz.

- I tell you, I don't belong
with those three clowns, man.

They're crazy.

Especially Beecher.

I mean, forget all that sh*t
he did to Schillinger.

Beecher bit off
some fucker's d*ck, yo.

- [spits]

- That was ten months ago.

- Oh, yeah, well,
then that's okay.

You got us sharing
a pod, McManus.

I gotta sleep
with one eye open.

- Sister Peter Marie says
he's responding to therapy.

- Well, then let her
bunk with him.

♪ ♪

[bunk creaking]

♪ ♪

- [urinating]

- [sighs]

- All right,
I call this first meeting

of the Emerald City Council
to order.

We're gonna need
a recording secretary.

- Anyone know how to write?

- Yeah, I'll do it.

I'm famous for my penmanship.

- Here you go, watch out.

Now, a lot of you men have
had raw deals growing up.

Abusive parents,
shitty housing, no jobs.

Now, my goal is to make clear

that each of you has
an equal opportunity

to turn your lives around.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

- And how you gonna do that?

- Initially with education.

Over half the inmates in Oz
never finished high school.

The federal prison system

has mandatory education
programs in place since 1982.

We're gonna have
the same requirements

in Emerald City.

- There's already a program.

- It's not mandatory.

- Yo, who cares, man?
What's important is

we start bringing back
them conjugals, man.

[all cheering]

- How about some
f*cking cigarettes, huh?

- Hell yeah.
- One thing at a time, guys.

One thing at a time.
Education first.

Since it's mandatory,
we're gonna have more students.

we're gonna need for teachers.

And since our budget
for this thing is so small,

I'm asking for volunteers.

- O'Reily.

[light laughter]
- Yeah.

- Coushaine,
I saw in your files

you used to teach
high school briefly.

- Yeah.
- [clears throat]

- How about
helping us out here?

- Okay.

- Nice one, pretty boy.
- What a trouper.

- Okay, okay.


The Muslims weren't represented
at the council meeting.

- If this council
has real power,

then we will participate.

- Well, how do you mean?

- Do we get to make policy

or do we simply
rubber-stamp yours?

- This is a prison,
not a democracy.

- Oh, I know that
only too well.

- You know, I meant what I said
about a second chance.

I want to do it right
this time.

If you don't want
to participate, that's fine.

Just don't get in my way.

- McManus,
you want us to be allies,

but that will never happen.

Better for you to
transfer me back to Gen Pop

and be done with me.

♪ ♪

[bell ringing]

- No.

You know, when I was
laying in that hospital bed

and I was afraid
I was gonna die,

I started praying.

I'm not saying I had any
great spiritual awakening, Said,

but I did come
to realize that

my god and yours
aren't so different.

They both expect
the best from us

and for us to find the best
in each other.

- I've written
another book, McManus.

It comes out next month.
It's about the riot.

And when I was writing,
I looked for the best in you.

You want to know
what I found?

A confused,
frightened little man.

- Well, I was frightened,
and I was confused.

But you take
a b*llet in the chest,

you see things differently.

People can change, Said.

Even me.

Even you.


- McManus, you're
f*cking up my floor, McManus.

- That's all right.

- My d*ck, you don't have
to mop it up again.

- You know, you went to class
when you first got tossed,

but then you dropped out.

- I hated that sh*t.

- So you prefer mopping floors?

- I prefer to be chilling with
some chicks and some Henny,

but I can't, can I?

- What about
when you get out?

How are you gonna get a job
without an education?

- [scoffs]
I got a job when I get out.

- Yeah, what?

- Look, I made
some connections in here.

People are gonna take
care of me, all right?

- I see.
You're gonna be selling dr*gs?

- What do you want, McManus?

- A trade: instead of this,
you get your G.E.D.

- What?

- You finish high school.

It's a simple offer.

Class instead of work.

Your choice.

- And I won't have to
mop no more?

All right,
I'll look into it.

[Muslims praying]

- Hey.

- Hey.

- What you working on there?

- I'm working on a poem.

- It's a poem?

- [chuckles]

It ain't finished yet, though.

- Got any words for it?

- Up here.

- You never write 'em down?

- It's easier like this.

- Why don't you
read it to me?

- [stammers] I gotta
keep away from these motels.

These cockroach motels.

But I ain't going
out like that.

You see, us--us cockroaches,

we been around, ha,
since the beginning of time.

Now I'm letting loose
on a little bit of crime.

Look, these m*therf*cking
motel makers, they shook.

But I ain't getting caught.

I ain't from the silly sort

who venture too far from
the nest and can't test.

I'm saying, I gotta play

the deep, dark, lower level
funk for a sec, though.

Illy ill sh*t
get that mental in check.

- Prisoner number 9-6-J-3-3-2,

Arnold Jackson, aka Poet.

Convicted February 15, '96...

[car alarm blaring]

Armed robbery,
attempted m*rder,

possession of
a deadly w*apon.

Sentence: 16 years.

Up for parole in nine.

- Listen, I want you
to start coming to class.

- [laughs]
I ain't with that, man.

That's not me.

- I want you
to get your education.

I want you
to get a diploma.

- f*ck that, man.

- Wait, wait, wait, just wait.

I'll tell you what.
- What?

- You start going to class,

I'll arrange for you
to have a conjugal visit.

- I-I ain't even married, man.

- Got a girlfriend?
- Yeah.

- Well, like I said,

you start going to class,
you keep going to class,

you get your G.E.D,

I'll arrange for you
to see her once.

- Ain't there rules
about this, man?

- f*ck the rules.


- Yeah.

[bell ringing]

- Today, we're gonna concentrate
on reading and grammar

so I can get a sense
of everyone's skill level.

Let's start with having
somebody read out loud.


Kenny, right?


Open to page one
and read the first paragraph.

- What I gotta read
this sh*t for?

- Well,
we're all gonna listen,

and if there's a word
one of us doesn't understand,

we're gonna make
a vocabulary list.

- A what?

- See?
There's our first one.

How many people here know

what the word
"vocabulary" means?

- Ain't that a disease?

- Okay, "vocabulary"...


- Hey, you got that,
don't you?

A limp vocabulary?

- f*ck you.

You ain't even got one.

- [laughs]
- U-lar-y.

Mm-hmm, pow.

Now, a vocabulary is
any list of words,

and now,
the word "vocabulary"

can be added to
our vocabulary list.

Let's get started.


- Let this Mick f*ck
right here read, a'ight?

- He'll get a chance.
You go first.

- I said no, man.

- Come on, just open the page,
read page one.

No big deal.
- You f*cking deaf?

I said I ain't reading.

- Kenny, I'm just
asking you to open a page--

- You f*ck!

[all shouting]

♪ ♪

- Lockdown!

[all shouting]

[alarm blaring]

♪ ♪

[all shouting]

♪ ♪

- What happened?

- He tried to strangle me.

- Kenny...
- That bitch got in my face!

- I wasn't in your face.

- You need a doctor?
- I'm okay.

- How'd this happen?

- All I know is, I asked him
to read out loud,

next thing I know
he's trying to k*ll me.

- f*ck you, man!
- Shut up, Kenny!

- That's what happened.

- Take him to my office.

- [grunts]

[alarm blaring]

- Why'd you do it?

- Look, I told you.
He got in my face, all right?

- That's bullshit!

We made a deal,
and part of the deal was

you do what
the teacher tells you.

- Look, I'm nobody's prag,
McManus, nobody's.

- Fine.


- No.

- Read.

Read it.

What does that say?

Look at it!

What does it say?

- McDonald's.

- Officer.

Take him back
to his cell, please.

- I want Wangler in the Hole.

- It's not that Wangler
wouldn't read.

He couldn't read.

Leo, the kid can't
f*cking read at all.

- So that excuses
his behavior?

- No, it gives us insight
how to help him.

- [sighs]
Are you gonna teach him to read?

- Yeah.

- [laughs]
150 years ago,

it was against the law
to teach a sl*ve to read,

but some did because
they had a thirst for it.

the reverse is also true.

You cannot force
someone to learn.

- I can try.

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

[footsteps ascending]

[gate unlocking]

- Them Aztecs,

they had this king,
Moctezuma II.

That's the "Halls
of Montezuma" guy.

One night, Moctezuma saw
this flaming ear of corn

sh**t across the sky.

A comet.

Moctezuma saw this comet
as an omen,

the sign of
his own downfall.

And so he surrendered his empire
to the Spanish conquistadors

without a fight.

- Have a seat.

- [sighs]

- Stupid f*ck.

You gotta fight,

even if you know
you're gonna lose.

- Do you know what
this is called?

"Learning to Read."

- Man...

- Lesson one.

[bell rings]

- That is definitely
rat sh*t.

- That's one big f*cking rat.

Smell it.

- Get that away from me.

- Well, we gotta k*ll
this m*therf*cker.

Get some traps or something.

- You can't k*ll rats.

Rats and cockroaches,

they'll inherit
the whole f*cking planet.

- Oh,
what's the f*cking hold-up?

- Easy, easy, we're coming.

- Which one of you Moulies
is the cook back there?

- Psst, psst.
- Hey.

I ain't no Moulie, pal.

What's your f*cking problem?

- The problem is,
the food sucks.

- Don't eat it.

- Well, things are gonna start
to change around here.

- Oh, yeah?
Who says?

- Peter Schibetta.

- Who Schibetta?

- I'm talking to the Mick.

- Mick?
- Peter wants the kitchen back.

- Tell him okay
if he sucks my d*ck.

- If you ain't careful,

you might not have
a d*ck to suck.

- Ooh.

You think
they know about Nino?

That we k*lled him?

- Who gives a f*ck?

I took care of Nino.
I'll take care of them.

[sucks tongue]
Psst, psst.

[sucks tongue] Psst, psst.

[indistinct chatter]

- Come on, come on, come on.

- Where you going?

- I need to talk to you
about your father.

- What do you know
about my father?

- I know how he d*ed
and I know who k*lled him.

- Who?

- Adebisi.
- Who?

- Adebisi,
the Moulie in the kitchen.

He was putting ground glass
in Nino's food every day.

That's how he d*ed.

- How do you know that?

- I saw him grind up
the glass,

and when he wasn't looking,

I put the same glass
in his food.

- Hold him.

- No.

[all grunting]

f*ck off!

- Did you k*ll my father?

- No!
- That's what you're telling me.

- No.
Adebisi k*lled your father.

I was trying to k*ll Adebisi.

- Why?
- The f*cking guy

is totally out of control.

He snorts up most of the tits

that we bring into this place.

I helped your father
when he was alive.

I figured you and me
could do the same.


- Let him go.

- [coughing]

[weight clatters]


- That f*cking mulignan
k*lled my father,

I'll take care of him.

Now, excuse me,

I'm in the middle
of a workout.

♪ ♪

- Well, just so you know,
I'm here for you.

- Yeah, I heard you
the first time.

- Believe him?

- All rats know when
to desert a sinking ship.

He's a smart one,
but a rat just the same.

Keep an eye on him.

- Prisoner number 98-F-1-1-2:
Peter Schibetta.

Convicted May 19th, '98.

[car horn honks]

♪ ♪

Five counts of extortion,

money laundering.

- Busted.
- Sentence: 35 years.

[police siren chirps]
[brakes screech]

Up for parole in 20.

[knock at door]

- It's open.

Thank you, Officer.

- You want me in or out?

- Out, please.

Sit there.

- You're a tough man
to reach all of a sudden.

- What does that mean?

- I'm here three weeks

and this is the first time
you'd see me.

- What do you want?

- A returned favor.

- What kind of favor?

- I want the kitchen.

Me and my guys will run it
from now on.

- Why?

- Because I'm asking.

That's how it works
between us now.

- No, the way it works is,
you're in my prison.

I don't take orders from you.
You take them from me.

- This doesn't have
to be complicated.

All I have to do is
make one phone call.

- I know.

Your father,

he was a respectable man.

We got along

and he never would have
pulled this sh*t with me.

- My father lived by a code
that doesn't exist anymore.

A code that got him k*lled.

I do things my way,

and I'm asking for
a favor in return

for a favor you owe me.

So what's it gonna be?

- All right,
you can have the kitchen.

- Thank you, Leo.

- Warden Glynn.

We're done here.

Officer Armstrong?

[door opens]

- Where can I find that Kn*fe,

- Adebisi.

- [mumbling]
- Adebisi.

Hey, Adebisi!

Peter Schibetta will be
running the kitchen from now on.

- Schibetta?

Why are you giving
that Guinea my job?

- Because I can.

- All right.

But you tell that Guinea f*ck
something for me, then.

[rat squeals]

We got rats.


- I'm gonna start unwrapping
the bandages now.

Dr. Richards thinks that
the surgery was successful,

that you'll have a scar,

but your sight should be
nearly fully restored.

tell me if I hurt you.

Okay, open your eye.

Can you see?

- Yes.

- Good.

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter, laughter]

♪ ♪

- Let's go get a martini.

- What?

- You know,
when I was a lawyer,

after a long day of
trials and tribulations,

we'd all head over
to MacSwaggin's

for a vodka martini,
dry, one olive.

Man, that would taste
so good right now.

- Too many martinis

is what landed you
here in the first place.

- Hi, do you have Schillinger's
psych profile ready yet?

Tim and I have to review it
before the parole hearing.

- No, I'm not finished yet.

End of the day okay?

- Sure.

- Tobias,
pull up Schillinger's file.

I'm going to
the ladies' room.

[keys clacking]

- She leaves you
in here alone?

- Why?

What do you think
I'm gonna do?

Start a riot?
Take hostages?


[keys clacking]

[indistinct chatter]

- Listen, you're not
making any f*cking sense.

What the hell is going on?

- I threw them both out.

Those f*cking boys of yours

are f*cking out of control!

dr*gs all the time,
and they're stealing from me

to pay for 'em.

- Where are they?

- Who knows?
And who the f*ck cares?

- You listen to me,
you stupid old bastard.

You find 'em.
You find my sons!

- And then what?

Bring 'em to Oz
for a little heart-to-heart?

- Hey, don't you walk away,
you cocksucker!

Come on, Dad!

Get the f*ck back here, Dad!

- Party's over...
- Dad!

- Knock it off, knock it off.
- God--g*dd*mn it, Dad!

- I said knock it off!
- You find my boys!

[indistinct chatter]

- Well, Vern, baby.

Oh, I knew that was gonna
leave a f*cking mark.

What you reading,
"Mein Kampf"?

Let me tell you
how it ends.

The Aryans get
their ass kicked.

I've been doing
some reading myself.

Your psychiatric profile,

according to
Sister Peter Marie,

you have demonstrated a genuine
personality adjustment.


You're faking
so you can make parole.

I'm gonna see to it
that you never leave Oz.

You hear me, sweet pea?

Never, ever.

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

- Hey.

I need an ask.

- What kind of ask?

- k*ll Beecher.

- That m*therf*cker's crazy.

Wasting him,

that's a pretty big favor.

- All right, forget favor.

I'll pay.

- No way.

- Mark, how about you?

- No way, man.

- Anybody?



- f*ck you.

- Yeah, you k*ll him.

- I wish to Christ I could.

[indistinct chatter]

You guys doing business?

- Depends on
what kind of business.

- I need somebody
to k*ll Beecher.

[both chuckle]

- Plenty of mokes around here
who'll whack that nut.

- You?

- No, I'm no moke, pal.

Why don't you try
the Latinos?

- I thought you had no use
for us Latinos.

- Will you whack Beecher
or not?

- Depends what
we get in return.

- All right,
I work the mail room, right?

I can push whatever you need
in or out

through the system.

- Tits?

- Sure.

- I thought
you were anti-dr*gs.

- I don't care if you're
smuggling f*cking tacos,

I want Beecher dead today.

- What else?
What else you got?

- What the f*ck do you mean,
what else?

- No, the mailbox sh*t is nice,
but I want more.

- More?

- Everything.
Everything you got, man.

- Goddammit,
you f*cking spic cocksucker!

- See, that's the Schillinger
I know and love, baby.

- Oh, f*ck you.

- [speaking Spanish]

[indistinct chatter]

- Get the f*ck away from me.

- Shh.

You know the wonderful thing
about computers?

They don't know
right from wrong.

You push a button,

they do what
you tell them to do.

People aren't like that.

- Get away from me.

- Believe it or not,

I think you're gonna
want to hear this.

Working in
the psych office,

I have access to
all the files

for the whole prison.

I can change those files
to read any which way.

I can take away infractions
or add them.

Like in your file,

the one the parole board's
gonna see.

- Get the f*ck away from me!

- What's the problem?

- Him!
He's the g*dd*mn problem!

- Then why are you
the one yelling?

Take a walk.

- He's a bug, Whittlesey.

- You're all f*cking bugs.

[gate buzzes]
- Yeah, what about you?

- What are you
talking about?

- Like I said,

I saw everything.

I saw you sh**t Scott Ross.

- Keep moving.

- I know about your kid too,
and your mom being sick.

You could use some extra cash,

- Keep f*cking moving.

- You do Beecher like
you did Ross, I'll pay you.

- You'll pay me
to k*ll Beecher?

- $2,000.

My parole hearing
is tomorrow.

If I get out,
what I know goes with me.

- I would need
the money up front.

- I can make a call, have
it wired to your account.

- Okay.

Soon as I get verification,
Beecher's dead.

- When the Aztecs first saw
the Spaniards on horseback,

they thought the man
and the horse were one creature,

and the Aztecs knelt down

and worshiped
this creature as God.

Sometimes what you see

is not what is.

♪ ♪

[gate clicks, hisses]

♪ ♪

[bell ringing]

- Hey, you see that sh*t
last night

between Whittlesey
and Beecher?

- Probably f*cking.

- She didn't look
too romantic to me.

- Whittlesey was
helping Beecher escape.

He paid her to
get him out of Oz.

- They're f*cking.
- No, I just heard

they've been f*cking.

But Beecher was gonna
tell someone

so Whittlesey tried
to k*ll his ass.

- Say what to who?

- That they'd been f*cking.

He was gonna tell everyone.

- So?
- So what?

- So, she banging half
the COs in this place.

Beecher opens his mouth,

that pissed off the Cos,
so she grabs Beecher.

Pop, pop.

- I ain't seen him this morning,
that's for sure.

- That's because he escaped.

- I tell you, he's dead.

- Who gives a f*ck?

Come on, let's go.

- So...last night?

- You wanted Beecher dead,

- Yeah, I wanted him dead.

- You're paying me,
right, two grand?

- Yeah.

- You want to see the body?

- [chuckles]

- All right.

It's in here.

♪ ♪

- What the f*ck?

- Nice try, Vern, baby.

- Beecher.

You got anything to say?

- About what?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

[tape rewinds]

- You wanted Beecher dead,

- Yeah, I wanted him dead.

- You can forget about
your parole hearing.

Instead get yourself
a good lawyer.

We're charging you with
conspiracy to commit m*rder.

- This is bullshit.
I'm being set up!

- Take him to the Hole.

- No!


- [singing]

♪ So merry I could sing ♪

♪ With a merry ding-dong ♪

♪ Happy gay and free
and a merry sing song ♪

♪ Happy let us be ♪

- What are you
so cheerful about?

- Hill, you think
I'm insane, right?

- sh*t yeah.

- Well, maybe I am.

But every once in a while
the lawyer in me

still pops out.

- Yeah...

- I wanted Schillinger
away from me.

Out of Em City, but not free.

So I had to figure out a way

to get his parole hearing

I couldn't start
a fight with him

or I'd get in trouble.

So...I manipulated him.

I got him so psycho

that he tried
to have me k*lled.

So now,
not only is Schillinger's

parole chances dead,

but he's facing
ten more years.



- That's good, Mohel.

And bad.

With no hope
of leaving Oz,

now he's got even more reason
to f*ck you up.

- [scoffs]

Yeah, well, thank God I'm crazy,

'cause I don't give a sh*t.

♪ Merry are the bells
and merry would they ring ♪

♪ And merry was myself
and merry I would sing ♪

♪ With a merry ding-dong
happy gay and free ♪

♪ And a merry sing song
happy let us be ♪

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Is he in?

- With Father Mukada.

- For long?

- I don't think so.

- Okay, I'll wait.

So, how do you like
your new job?

- It's fine.

The warden's a very nice man.

- Yeah, he is.

- I have to admit,
the idea of working in a prison

terrified me, but
I've really gotten used to it.

- Good.

[phone rings]

- Warden's office.

Sure...hold on a moment.

your wife's on line three.

- Tell her I'll call her back.

- She says it's urgent.

- All right.

- Okay.

- You know, I know what you
were saying about being afraid,

because the first
couple of weeks here,

I was a nervous wreck.

- I think
you're just being nice.

- [laughs]

- It's very hard to imagine
you nervous about anything.

- Believe me.

[door opens]
Oh, Leo, good.

- I gotta go.

- Yeah, yeah,
I just want to ask you--

- I don't know
when I'll be back.

- Something's happened.
Something's wrong.

- Diane.

Are you avoiding me?

- No.

- Look, I want you to come back
and work at Em City.

- I'm happy where I am.

- Yeah, but I need you.

- Oh, sure.

- Diane...the way that
you handled this thing

on Schillinger...

Schillinger says that
you m*rder*d Scott Ross.

- You read
the commission's report.

Ross was sh*t
by the sort team.

- Yeah, but he says that
he's gonna tell everybody

that you sh*t Ross.

- So?

No one's gonna listen
to Schillinger, Tim.

Especially since
I turned him in on Beecher.

- Did you k*ll Ross?

- No.

What, are you gonna believe
that n*zi's word over mine?

[indistinct chatter]

- Oh, no.
- I think he's really great.

Hey, Tim.
- Excuse me.

Warden Glynn just called.

He's not gonna
make it back in time,

and he'd like Sister Peter
Marie to run the meeting.

- Okay.
- Here's the agenda.

- Sara,
did he say what happened?

- Only that his daughter
is in the hospital.

- Oh, well, what do you
think we should do?

- Do what Leo wants.

Let's get the meeting started.

Good morning.

Item one...

♪ ♪

[phone buzzes]

- Yeah?

- Warden, it's time for you
to address the prisoners.

♪ ♪

- [clears throat]

All right.

Starting next month,

the librarian will be
available in the library

from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday only.

- Yeah, that's 'cause
the rest of the time

she gonna be with me.

[laughter, cheering]

- What did you say?

- Nothing.

- Bring him to my office.

- What the f*ck, man?

[all shouting]

[phone buzzes]

- Yeah?

- Miguel Alvarez.

- Send him in.

Thank you, Officer.

- [clears throat]


- Get up!

- Man, what the f*ck
is going on?

- You've been reassigned
to work here in my office.

- Yeah,
so what you need me to do?

- Go over to the door.

- And?

- Stand there.

- What, you just want me
to stand here?

- Until I need you
to do something.

- You know, I got
visiting hours at 4:00.

My moms and
my sister coming, so...

- Yeah, I know.

- Yeah, okay.
[clears throat]


[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

- Warden?

- Yeah?

- It's ten to 4:00, man.

- Yeah?

- Well, I haven't done
d*ck all day, man.

I've been standing here.

My mother and my sisters
are coming in ten minutes.

- You're right.

You haven't done d*ck all day.

Clean my bathroom.

- What?

- Clean the bathroom.

The floor, the sinks,
scrub the toilet,

and when you're done,
when it's spotless,

go meet your family.

- You f*cking with me?

- You're right,
I'm f*cking with you.

The mop and the bucket
are in there.

♪ ♪

- [speaking Spanish]

♪ ♪



- Caught you.

- He said he was
leaving it right here,

but I don't see it.

- What's your name?

- Uh...Sara.

- Hey, Miguel.

- I know.

- You and me.
It's weird, huh?

I mean how we don't
have much contact.

I mean, I'm always
on one side of the door,

you're always
on the other side.

But I see you.

I see you looking at me
when you open the door.

- [scoffs]
I'm not looking at you.

- Come on,
I see you looking at me

looking at you.

I gotta tell you something,

and I know you know.

You're beautiful.

- And you are
flirting with me.

- What, are you gonna
have me arrested?

- [sighs]

[door opens]

- Sara,
where the hell's that file?

- Uh, I-I can't find it.

- Yo, she's been
looking hard, man.

- Shut up!

You don't talk
unless I speak to you,

and don't you ever, ever
talk to her.

Do you understand?

- What, talk to her?

I already f*cked her.

- [gasps]
- [grunts]


f*ck you!
- [yelps]

- Get the f*ck off me!
Get the f*ck off me!

You're f*cking choking me!

You're f*cking
choking me!

- Leo, get off him!
- Get the f*ck off me!

Get the f*ck off me!

f*ck you!
f*ck you!

- We got him, we got him, Leo.

- You want to f*ck with me?
You want to f*ck with me?

- Take him to the Hole!

- You're a f*cking p*ssy!

Don't f*cking hit me!

f*ck--come here,
you f*cking bitch!


get the f*ck off!

♪ ♪

- You're bleeding.

♪ ♪

[latch turns]

- [whimpers]

[punching bag rattling]

- Ah, a gymnasium.

The smell of testosterone.

The smell of sweat.

- You have something
to say to me, just say it.

- Well, Sara's thinking
about quitting

because of what happened
today between you and Alvarez.

- Then she should quit.

- Well, maybe so,
maybe not,

but that's not the point.

You know, Leo,

when somebody asks me
what's the real Leo Glynn like,

the first word that
comes to mind: "balanced".

The most balanced person I know.

And the second word: "honest".

- Listen...

Don't you tell
anybody else about this.

- You have my word.

- My oldest daughter, Ardeth...

she was walking to class.

She's a student, you know,
at the university.

They r*ped her.

- Oh, my God.

- She's in the hospital.

She's lying there
with her eyes open

in some kind of shock.

She's just the sweetest
person on the planet, you know?

- I know.
- I mean, never a bad word

to say about anybody.

- I know, I know.

So do they have
any idea who did this?

- Witnesses...

somebody saw
a g*ng of kids...

Latino kids.

- Ah, so some unknown
Latino kid hurts Ardeth,

and you lash out at
the first Latino you see.

- No, no.

- Leo, Leo.

Miguel Alvarez did not
r*pe your daughter.

And whatever else
he's done before,

you are too fine a man

to punish him for something
he didn't do.

♪ ♪

- You're going back to Em City.

- Does Glynn know about this?

- Yep.

- What, did you convince him
to let me out?


- Nope.

- You know,
I haven't seen you since...

Look, what happened
with the riot...

- I don't want to
talk about it, Miguel.


[prisoners shouting]


[all shouting]

I've already forgiven you.
All right?

I expect you'll do the same
for Warden Glynn.

Go ahead.

♪ ♪

- Besides horses,

the Aztecs had never
seen a cannon.

They had never seen such raw,

bold power
thundering at them.

They was afraid.

Between the cannons
and the horses,

the f*cking comet...

Their world would turn
pretty f*cking fast, son.



Ugh, I don't know.

[indistinct chatter]

- Yo, Ryan?
- Yo.

- You spill coffee on yourself?

- What are you
talking about?

[indistinct chatter]


[monitor beeping]

- Does that hurt?


- Do it again.

- This is a medical examination,
O'Reily, not foreplay.

- Yeah, says you.

- Is there any pain
when I touch your nipple?

- No.

- Hmm, has it swelled up
or been sore?

- A little maybe,
but I just figured

just because I've been
exercising a lot lately, yeah.

- In general, though, your
health has been pretty good?

- I'm alive, right?

- [sighs]
All right.

Well, we'll have to
run some blood tests,

take some X-rays.

- What do you think it is?

- Beats me.

I'm gonna have to
cr*ck open my medical books.

And I think we'll keep you
in the ward overnight.

- No problem.

Just so long as
you come and tuck me in.

- Suck out his blood.

- Hi.

What's your name?

♪ ♪


Read 'em and weep.

- Ryan.

- Hold on.


You're calling me Ryan?

Can I call you Gloria?

- I got your test results
from the lab.

- Ah, sh*t, does that mean
I'm going back to Em City, huh?

I was just starting
to get comfortable.

- Oh,
you're not leaving quite yet.

This lump under
your left nipple,

it's a tumor.

I need to do what
we call an aspiration.

Draw a small amount of fluid
out of the nipple

and examine it
under a microscope.

- To look for what?

- A carcinoma.


you may have breast cancer.

- [laughs]
That's funny.

- I'm not kidding.

- Breast cancer?

Girls get breast cancer.

- Men do too.

It's rare,
especially at your age,

but it does happen.

- I'm not a f*g, you know that?

- Ryan...
- No.

I've been in this sh*t hole
for over a year,

and I ain't ever
taken it up the ass!

- No one is saying
that you have.

- Bullshit!

You're telling me
I've got a chick's disease!

- Men have breasts,
same as women.

- What the f*ck are
you talking about?

I don't got any breasts!

I got a chest!

See it, huh?
See it!

- Dr. Nathan?
- It's okay.

It's okay.

- You listen to me.

You go back inside
your medical books,

you suck out more
of my blood,

you do what you gotta do,

but you get me
another verdict.

You understand me?

'Cause I ain't got any
f*cking breast cancer.

- [sighs]


♪ ♪

- Well, you can't really
blame him for overreacting.

I mean,
men with breast cancer?

Who's ever heard of it?

- Gloria, are you
absolutely positive

about the diagnosis?

- Look, I'm a G.P.

It's not the kind of thing
I come across every day,

but I called a friend of mine
who's an oncologist,

ran the specifics down.

He said he'd be
hard-pressed to figure out

what else
the symptoms indicate.

- So do the needle aspiration.

- O'Reily says no.
He's in denial.

Now, if he does have it,

he's gonna need all our help

to accept the reality
of what's happening to him,

to fight the disease.

- I have a pretty good
relationship with him.

I'll talk to him.

- Hey, you know,
maybe I should.

Maybe he'll feel more
comfortable talking about it

with another guy.

- Yeah,
maybe he'll be embarrassed.

- Well, see him together.

- No, then he'll think that
we're ganging up on him.

- All right, I got
the perfect solution here.

- What?
- Sister Pete, heads or tails?

- Heads.

- Ryan?

- All of a sudden,

everyone's on
a first-name basis with me?


- Look, Dr. Nathan told me
about the cancer.

- Hey, shh.

For Christ sakes, would you?

I don't need
every assh*le in here

knowing about my business.

- We can go into my office
if you want.

- For what?

We got nothing
to say to each other.

Nathan's got this whole thing
screwed up.

- Maybe, but the only way
we're gonna know for sure

is if we do the biopsy.

- Let's just say,
for the sake of argument,

that's she's right.

Then what, huh?

I go back into Em City,
those fucks find out.

You know as well
as I do, any weakness,

any weakness at all,
and I'm dead.

- Look, if you do have...

If you're sick and you
don't do anything about it,

you're dead anyway.
Don't you see that?

If this sh*t spreads
through your body,

then everybody's gonna
know the truth.

And by then
it'll be too late

to save your life.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

- So here's the funny part.

The Spaniards
actually exterminated

the Aztecs by accident.

Yeah, they had the horses
and the cannons,

but they also
brought over smallpox.

It was a disease that
finally finished the job,

a disease the Spanish
gave the Aztecs

without even knowing.

♪ ♪

Yo, in Oz,
we do what we can to survive,

but ultimately,
it doesn't matter.

Life always
gets in the way.

♪ ♪