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18x03 - Breaking the Chain

Posted: 02/01/22 09:48
by bunniefuu
- Come on. Come on. Keep up!
- Come on. Let's go!

Come on!

The riders now hit Burwood Ridge

in the final ascent
before the long drop down

into Burwood Mantel itself.

Every sinew screaming after
the gruelling challenges of...

Oh! There goes Greg Eddon!

He's done it again.
Furious attack from Eddon.

But Mitch McCordell staying
with him this time.

Mitch McCordell got caught out last
week in Bristol, but not this time.

A furious attack from Greg Eddon.

Absolutely textbook. Timed to perfection.

We weren't sure whether it
would happen twice in a row,

but the young rebel rider from
Team DJM has not let us down.

This young lad will have to be careful,

or he'll end up a rebel without a team.

Same as Bristol, same
power in the attack...

- How are they doing?
- Greg's in the lead.

I can't believe he's done it again.

Mitch is second, Aiden third.

Once again, it looks like Greg Eddon

has ignored team orders and
is going for the outright win.

This will not make Team DJM
owner Des McCordell a happy man.

Young pretender Eddon justifying
the orange jersey in the lead.

Mitch McCordell in second place,
older brother Aiden in third.

So it's a one, two and three for Team DJM.

We're now seeing the faithful
crowds of Burwood Mantel.

Have they got a treat heading their way?

This should be an expl*sive finish
to what's been a fantastic...

.. and there's the yellow flag

which heralds the imminent
arrival of the riders.

Greg Eddon still leading,
Mitch McCordell second.

Clear daylight between the
leading pair and the rest.

The final stage, three
short laps of the town.

The crowd seeing the riders...

- Come on, Mitch! You can do it!
- Come on! Go on, Mitch! Do it!

There's wrestling on the other side.

Do we have to watch this rubbish?

Don't encourage him, love.

Go on, Mitch!

- Come on, Mitch.
- We've seen great finishes.

I don't think we're gonna
be disappointed today.

Greg Eddon's decision to go
for the win is going to strike

at the very heart of Team DJM.

Des McCordell, a very proud team owner.

Always keen to promote

that sense of DJM being
one big, happy family.

They weren't after Bristol. I
suspect they won't be today.

Desperately close now.
Has Eddon got the strength

to hold off this final
attack from McCordell?

Has McCordell got enough fuel
in the t*nk to snatch that lead?

McCordell just rocking and rolling a bit.

Rocking and rolling. Trying to
get the power through those...

And they almost touched. A near miss.

McCordell had just lost his rhythm.

Drama all the way.

The final metres and
Greg Eddon crosses the line.

A second consecutive win for
this precocious young talent.

A fantastic win for Eddon.

Bitterly disappointing for McCordell.

It had the makings of a classic
after the drama of Lincoln.

Ravonsdale, not even a podium place today.

A lot of work still to do.

Mitch McCordell will be gutted.

He'll feel like he's let himself down

but, trust me, he could
not have done more today.

He simply could not match
Greg Eddon for pace,

for technique and for outright class.

Well done, Greg. You know the drill.

Warm-down first, then you can
celebrate with an energy drink.

- You did well.
- No, I didn't.

- There's still the final stage.
- I can't catch him.

- He's too far ahead.
- Mitch...

Brilliant. Amazing.

Yeah, come on. Let's
take a picture. Come on.

- Number one.
- Number one. Number one.

- Well done.
- Well done, Greg.

- Thanks, Des.
- Hey.

- The boy done good, huh?
- The bike done good.

The boy just pedalled.

- Hey! It's not over yet.
- Yeah.

- Good riding.
- Come on. Let's go.

Sorry, sir...


Works every time.

No sign of Charlie or Kam.

Clearly not very fit, those two.

- Ooh!
- Dada.


- John?
- Mm?

- What did you just say?
- Bad dog! Bad dog!

He was eyeing the Battenberg.

I hope you're not encouraging
your daughter to say "Dada",

rather than "Mama".

- As if I would.
- Mama.

- What is it?
- It's not good news.

I'm afraid you're needed, sir.

All riders competing in
the regional time trials

must be registered by : .

Victim is professional
cyclist Greg Eddon, .

Found by one of his team members

in the middle of his
warm-down after the race.

Professional cyclist? Are
we talking Bradley Wiggins?

Not quite.

It's run by the Cycling And
Road Race Association: CARRA.

It's a few rungs down the cycling ladder,

but still elite performers.

He belonged to Team DJM,

owned by and named after local
businessman Des McCordell.


Not here, but I've requested
mobile phone footage

from anyone in the area at the time.

We'll need to speak to
everyone involved in the event.

Tell me, how did Greg
Eddon do in the race?

He won it.

What have we got, Kam?

Trauma to the side of
the head would suggest

he was catapulted off his roller
at speed against the locker.

Fell somewhat awkwardly,
by the looks of it.

- Enough to k*ll him?
- Not sure.

There are no obvious signs or
marks to suggest cause of death.

Could it be natural causes?

Unlikely. The spokes are buckled,

as if an object was inserted into them.

Probably one of these
shoved into the spokes,

throwing him off his bike. Not
sure what happened after that.

I'll know more when I get back to the lab.

We've gathered Greg Eddon's
belongings from his locker.

Mobile phone, wallet, etc.

Check bank records as well.

Who are the other two?

Des McCordell's sons: Mitch in the middle

and Aiden, his older brother.

Mitch is team No. , or at least he was.

Greg looked set to topple
Mitch from the top spot.

Rivals as well as team mates?

And there's one more stage to go.

The plan is for that to start
here in a couple of days' time.

Plans, Nelson, have a habit of changing.

Let's talk to the race organisers.

Please, everyone...

Detective Chief Inspector
Barnaby would like a word.

Thank you.

I can confirm that Greg Eddon
died immediately after the race

and that we're treating
his death as suspicious.

You think someone k*lled him?


And while we're investigating,
no-one is to leave the area.

- What about the final stage?
- Continue your preparations.

It's a m*rder investigation. If
I have to pull the race, I will.

The entire race is under threat?


I understand this matter's a
concern for Des and his team,

but does it have to affect the rest of us?

We didn't bring this on ourselves, Reece.

Someone has clearly targeted us.

And could target someone else
so, yes, every team is at risk.

We will now need to speak
to each of you individually.

Mr Lamerat...

We will do all we can to help in
the light of this tragic event.

Thank you.

Inspector, Councillor Appleton.

I've been involved in organising the race.

Obviously, today's been
terrible for everyone,

but there's meant to be
a market fair happening.

People have worked tirelessly
for months in preparation.

Can it continue?

At the moment, I see no reason why not.

Tell me, how many years
has the race been running?

This is the fifth.

Have you been involved in its
organisation from the start?

I have.

Then I'll need access to
your files and records.

Of course. I'll do whatever I can to help.

What are you doing?

Nothing. I'm erm... checking
some legal documents.

Nelson, you talk to the
McCordell brothers.

I'll have a word with their father.

Mr McCordell...

.. what can you tell me about Greg Eddon?

He was a great kid.

He was ambitious, hard-working,
ready to go to the next level.

Do you know any reason
anyone might want to k*ll him?

Course not.

- What about rivalries?
- It's a competitive sport.

There's always gonna be rivalry.

And I gather Greg was on track
to win the race outright.

Yeah. Dead cert.

Took us all by surprise, him
pushing Mitch into second.

What are the riders competing for?

The winner gets a chance

to join the elite racers
who compete internationally.

So your son Mitch, in particular,

has benefitted from Greg's demise?

That, I'm sure you will agree,
is not what's important now.

DS Nelson. I need to ask a few questions.

Now? They're exhausted and they
lost a team mate. We all have.

Which is why I need to talk with them.

You'll need to make individual
statements to our officers.

It's fine, Kim.

Obviously, we're all a bit shook up.

I need to know exactly what was happening

at the time of the m*rder --

who was around, what the routine is.

Which one of you found the body?

- I did.
- Your role being?

I'm the mechanic. I look after the bikes.

Kim looks after their bodies.

The masseuse. I oversee build-up
and recovery between stages.

So, when a race is finished...?

- The riders warm-down.
- I ask them about their bikes.

I saw Greg straight after the race.

He said he was fine. He
went to his warm-down.

I went to... check on him.

- How long was that gap?
- Ten minutes, maybe. Not long.

Who could've gone in there in that time?

Could've been anyone. After a
race, the place is swarming.

OK. What about, erm...?
What about relationships?

Did Greg have a girlfriend?

No, Greg was single.

And were you all close to Greg?

Well, we were all on the same team.

- But it all gets a bit intense.
- Greg was a bit of a loner.

It's a shame, really.

I'll take that as a "No", then, shall I?

And, in terms of the other teams,

who are your chief competitors?

Reece Dexter and Ravonsdale.

They're the ones pushing us closest.

How are relations with them?

They'd crawl over our backs
to win. They're ruthless.

Mr Dexter, Team DJM are your
main rivals, aren't they?

I prefer the word "competitors".

Mm. Yeah, we understand

what's at stake for the
individual who wins the race,

but how important is it for the
team, or for you as an owner?

It's hugely important, in terms
of attracting sponsorship deals.

If your rider moves up to the next level,

fresh opportunities open
up for the team as well.

What was Greg Eddon like?



What they call a precocious talent.

In other words, a cocky
upstart and skirt chaser

who pretty much wound everyone
up, including his own team.

- In what way?
- He was too good for starters.

That was never the plan.
He's a domestique,

an understudy following team orders.

Letting Mitch draught in his slipstream

and then letting Mitch go on
to win, not racing for himself.

But if he won, it'd be great
for Des and his team as a whole.

Team DJM is named after Des for a reason.

It's all about the McCordells.

Des is a failed cyclist.
He never made the grade.

He will do anything to
make sure that his boys do.

You want to know who benefits
from Greg Eddon's death?

It's Mitch and Aiden McCordell.

Neither were gonna win the race before.

Now both can.

With Greg Eddon out of the
race, can your riders win too?

My boys are quite a ways behind.

One of them is suddenly up into
a podium position, isn't he?

Hypothetically, yes.

Mr Dexter, could your
riders now win the race?


- Are you OK?
- Not really, no.

Got to get me and Ade back on track.

I think I've blown it with him and Des.

The only reason I'm not sacked now

is because he needs me to prep the bikes.

You and Aiden, me and Mitch...

We used to have it so sorted.

What happened?

Greg came along.

You know you can tell me
anything if you need to.


Nothing to tell.

Let's speak to the other team owners.

I want to tackle the race Damien Lamerat.

How are Team DJM?

They're cagey about Greg Eddon.

He was clearly the outsider

and there was tension around
mention of relationships.

Oh, a hint of scandal, perhaps?

It wouldn't be a surprise,
training and competing together,

living in each other's pockets...


- Inspector.
- Mr Lamerat.

Miss Stockerton, do you
work for CARRA as well?

Oh, no, no.

No, Joanna and I are... We live together.

- Ah.
- I'm just a fan.

- Cycling's in my veins.
- I see.

Over the years, has there been

a history of trouble
between any of the teams?

DJM and Ravonsdale, for example?

A bit of finger-pointing,
mainly from Reece.

- About what?
- Anything he can moan about.

Mm. And what about the locals?

Have they always embraced it?
Has there been opposition?

Everyone loves it... bar one.

- The one being...?
- Gerry Bleacher.

Reckons it endangers
the animals' habitats.

He's opposed the race since the beginning.


- Hi.
- Hi.

These look lovely.

- May I?
- Please.

Carved by my own fair hand.

Or not so fair, as the case may be.

Well, they say suffering
is the key to all great art.

If it's worth doing, it's worth
doing well, I guess. Hello.

Can I take this one?


A lovely event, isn't it?

I'm not a cycling fan, myself.

This race comes at a price.

It's a threat to the habitat
of all the animals in the area.


I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm
sure everyone will be careful.

I wish that were true.

This race is dangerous.

People die.

Right, come on, you two. We're home.

We'll get unpacked, settled. It'll be OK.

Dad, what are we gonna do?

We keep on going. That's what. We keep on.

Even given what's happened to Greg?

Especially given what's happened to Greg.

You are gonna win it for Greg.

Never mind them.

Treatment room for you, buster.

Dad's not exactly called a
period of mourning, has he?

Well, that's just how we feel.

Just so long as your
boyfriend Mitch is OK.

- Sorry.
- Really, don't apologise.

I wish Mitch wasn't quite
so under your dad's thumb.

At least you have some freedom.
You can do whatever you want.

- Trying to get rid of me?
- No.

Then I'd be even more isolated.

You're lucky you don't have to
put up with any family nonsense.

Oh, I dunno.

You're lucky you've got family.

You should try and hang in there
with your dad, if you can.

Mm. Not sure I can take it
much more, to be honest.

The fair seems to be thriving.

If news of what's happened has spread,

- it doesn't stop people coming.
- Good. I hope not.

Don't worry. Everything's gonna be OK.

- Do you think so?
- I know so.

All thanks to you.

- I mean, where would this place
be without you, eh? - Thanks.

Not a broken bone? Nothing?

Clean as a whistle.

I did find flecks of paint on
a wrench found near the body.

I'm running tests on them now.

- So how did Greg die?
- He was poisoned.

Clostridium botulinum,
a powerful neurotoxin.

He was injected with a massive dosage

resulting in respiratory failure.

- Injected where?
- This is the clever bit.

With an extremely fine
needle deep into the armpit.

Difficult to locate, but I found it.

Mm. Course you did.

Presumably done to make it look like

the victim died of natural causes.

- Yep.
- Would he have died instantly?

With this dosage, yes.

Lower doses, consumed orally, for example,

would just cause fatigue and weakness.

So, if you wanted to
target a team as a whole...

.. could it be used to affect
the cyclists' performances?


As a precautionary measure,

we need to test every cyclist, then.

I'll speak to Damien Lamerat.

What have you done with the package?

I've chucked it. What was I meant to do?

Give it to the police,
obviously. It's evidence.

Look, a cyclist's been k*lled.
Now someone's threatening you.

I don't need the hassle at the
moment with everything going on.

It's probably just some crank
not happy about the race.

The note mentioned something
you've done. What did they mean?

I don't know.

Not at all, Inspector.

Leave it with me.

Everything OK?

Greg Eddon was poisoned.

We were about to do a random
drug test with some cyclists.

The police would like us
to extend it to all of them.

Is that a problem?

Let's hope not.

- Are we OK with the tests?
- Course we are.

You can call me many things,
but cheat isn't one of them.

- Mitch OK? - I'm more determined
than ever for him to win.

- That's not what I asked.
- He's a McCordell.

He'll be fine.

Better be.

Don't worry, Jo. Mitch knows
the race is more important

than anything... or anyone.


- Everything OK?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Come on. What is it?
- It's nothing.

It's just your dad, I guess,
giving me the cold shoulder.

He's never going to accept me.


Don't worry about him. He's
just obsessed with the race.

More than ever, after
what happened to Greg.

We all are. I'm sorry.

Once this is over, it will be different.

Will it?

Win or lose, I don't care,
as long as we're together.

Hey. Enough of that.
We're wanted for testing.

- Really?
- Everyone, apparently.

Ours is not to reason why.

So come on. The sooner we're
done, the sooner we get back.

We've checked Greg
Eddon's bank statements.

He was being paid regular and
increasing amounts of money.

- Are they traceable?
- Cash deposits.

Bribery? Blackmail?

Possibly. I'll look into it.

I've also done some
digging on Gerry Bleacher.

It seems he was at the forefront of

a number of environmental
protests in the area.

Numerous warnings for anti-social

and threatening behaviour,

disturbing the peace, affray.

Once, at the McCordells'.


What is it?

Greg Eddon's phone details.

A list of text messages
he received, including,

"I'm going to get you for this."


Aiden McCordell.

Mr McCordell. DCI Barnaby.

How can I help?

My colleague DS Nelson told me

how upset you and your
brother are about Greg Eddon.

Of course. We were team mates.

Must have been tough at times, though.

Seeing each other day in, day out.

The pressure cooker of competition.

It's what we do.

Ever had any fallings out with Greg?

Specifically in the last couple of weeks?


- Why would I?
- That's what I was wondering,

having seen the text
messages you sent him.

That was just erm...
friendly banter, you know.

It happens all the time. Boy talk.

- About anyone in particular?
- Like the lad said, Inspector.

There's nothing to write home about.

Greg and Aiden fought like
cat and dog in training.

All cyclists do. I'm sure that's
what the texts were about.

Isn't that right, Aiden?


- Yeah, I guess.
- Really?

"I'm going to get you for
this." Why would you say that?

Greg was always cutting
Ade up in training.

Happens all the time. Doesn't it, Mitch?


Greg was a terrier like that.

It was no big deal, honestly.

Now, if you'll excuse us, we've
been summoned for a dr*gs test.

Don't let me stop you.

Oh, although, one other thing...

.. separate to his salary, Eddon
was receiving cash deposits

on a regular basis from an unknown source.

Any idea who or what that might be?

Sorry. Nothing to do with me.

Right, in the car, you two.

- Nice carvings.
- Glad you like 'em.

Which one are you after?

Er... actually, I wanted
to ask a few questions.

- Are you Gerry Bleacher?
- I might be.

- Who's asking?
- Sergeant Nelson, Causton CID.

Oh, yeah. What have I done now?

You tell me.

'Spose people have been
pointing the finger for a change?

You don't want to be listening
to local tittle-tattle.

I wouldn't.

Can we go inside?

- Do we have to?
- It's up to you.

I wouldn't have thought a police interview
on your doorstep would be great for business.

Is it true what they're saying,
that someone got k*lled?

A cyclist from the local team.

Greg Eddon. Did you know him?

Don't know any of the bike
lot. Don't go near 'em.

But you had run-ins with
the McCordells in the past.

You were thrown off their property.

Protest is proof of powerlessness.

But why protest in the first place?

Because I'm an environmental activist.

The McCordells' activities
are damaging the environment.

Does that include this race,
even though it's a road race?

It's watched by thousands.
People come from miles around.

The fields gets turned into car parks.

People go where they shouldn't.
They litter and trash the place.

So where were you when
the race was happening?

- In the pub.
- The Six Bells?

- Yeah.
- What about afterwards?

Erm... I went to get some
materials for my carvings.

I've got a store in the woods.

Can anyone vouch for
you? Did anyone see you?

I doubt it.

Yes, Gerry was here, carping on.

His usual eco-warrior spiel.

- Each to their own.
- Don't you go backing him up.

It's bad for business,

cluttering up the bar and moaning on.

I can't stand his carvings either.

I like them.

Gerry's a mate.

When exactly did he leave?

Just before the end of the race.

- Did he say where he was going? - No.

Claims he was collecting
some wood for his carvings.

So he says.

With the police asking questions,

it goes without saying that we
must present a united front.

At the moment, united fronts
are the least of my worries.

It's all I can do to get a team out.

Whatever happened to
our heightened security?

What's up?

Nothing. I'm fine.

- Try telling your face that.
- Just back off, OK?

Drew a blank on the cash deposits.

They were all made by Greg Eddon himself.


What about Gerry Bleacher?

Having left the pub before
the end of the race,

could he have gone to the cycling camp?

It's possible. I'm trying to find him

amongst this mobile phone footage now.

He claims he was collecting some
wood for his animal carvings.

Why would he target
Greg Eddon, specifically?

Sir, what did Aiden McCordell
have to say about the texts?

Brushed them off as the result
of a training ground spat.

The McCordells definitely
know how to close ranks. Why?

This suggests something more
than training-ground tension.

Ah. So that's what Greg Eddon
and Amber Layard were up to.

Miss Layard? DCI Barnaby.

- You look busy.
- No rest for the wicked.

How long have you been going
out with Aiden McCordell?

About a year.

And Greg Eddon: how well did you know him?

Well enough. He was a team
member. We're all pretty close.

Ah, right, so you'd
know why your boyfriend

sent Greg Eddon some angry
texts, then, about you?

It's news to me. Maybe
you should ask Aiden.

I have. He was evasive as well.

Well, I can't help you, then.

Shame, because we also have
footage of you with Greg Eddon

just after the race.

Before he entered his tent.

Look, we had a fling, that's all.

Aiden found out and he went mad,
but we're trying to work it out.

It was over between me and Greg.

Didn't look like it
from the footage we have.

The end of the race was just
in the heat of the moment.

And does Aiden know about that?

No. And I don't want him to.

Who knows about your
fling, apart from Aiden?

The McCordells: Des and Mitch.

Do you think we should
pull out of the race?

No. Why would we do that?

How about out of respect for a
team member that was m*rder*d?

And since when did you
have respect for Greg?

It's not how it was a
week ago, was it? No.

I seem to remember you couldn't
stand the sight of the guy.

How about cos I'm worried about Mitch?

Don't be. You're not my keeper.

Let's get through the next couple of days.

Why shouldn't he race?
He's Mitch McCordell.

He races. He wins.

Yeah? And what'll he wear?
Greg's orange jersey?


Right, look. I know it's been
a hard day for all of us...

.. but we have faced death before.

When your mother died,
I vowed that I would do

whatever it took to make you champions.

You took us off for time trials in Norway.

Didn't he, Mitch?

Didn't he?

Say something, for Christ's sake!

For once in your life,
just stand up for yourself.

Ssh! Don't worry.

Hey, Ade, sorry about Greg.

Are you all right?

What's your dad gonna do?

Why ask me? I'd be the last to know.

Well, if he had any sense,
he'd develop your potential,

focus on your more.

Look, my team are ageing.

We could use some fresh blood.

Come join us at Ravonsdale.
You'd be my No. rider.

Think about it.

Ow! Ow!

Where did this come from?

Bikes already?

What's with the trivia?

Pub quiz tomorrow night. We're
going with Charlie and Kam.

Ah! Nelson throwing
down the gauntlet again.

Any opportunity to spar with Kam.

Tell Charlie to go easy on Kam.

Doesn't he remember what you
were like when he first started?

I don't know what you mean.
I was charm personified.

In a grumpy and unwelcoming kind of way.

How's Kam doing, anyway?

And how would I know that?

By asking her, in a
compassionate and understanding

managerial kind of a way.

A what?


Mama. Mama.


- Sarah, what did you just say?
- Mm, I was singing.

- Singing?
- Mm.

I hope you weren't encouraging
your daughter to say "Mama",

- rather than "Dada".
- Would I?

- Yes, you would.
- Mm.

Where did this come from?

Oh, it's from a stall
near the market fair.

Lovely carvings. Strange man.


Well, he was nice enough
until I mentioned the race,

then he got all a bit doom and gloom.

He said the race was dangerous

and that people had died because of it.


- Yeah?
- Mama.

Mama. Yes.

Morning, sir. Mr Lamerat is
still unconscious in hospital.

He received a blow to the back
of the head, but should be OK.

They've screened his
blood. No sign of poison.

OK. We'll interview him when he wakes up.

You asked me to check on any
events that could be targeted.

There's a plaque being
unveiled later today.

CARRA are commemorating

Burwood Mantel's contribution to cycling.

Oh! A gathering of the great and good.

I think perhaps we should be
there for that, don't you?

So sorry to hear about Damien. How is he?

Still sedated. I'm just on
my way to the hospital now.

Do you think, in the
light of what's happened,

it would be better to
cancel the plaque unveiling?

Leave it for another time?

I don't see why. Damien
would want it to go ahead.

I can always stand in for him.

- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.

The town deserves its award and so do you.


So the question is: did
he disturb a burglary,

or was someone deliberately
trying to k*ll him?

Anyone seen entering
the office at the time?

No. Everyone had gone home for the day.

Right, then, Kam, what
have you got for us?


Where are your manners? Good morning, Kam.

Morning, sir.

What have you got for us?

Hit with an object from
behind, probably wooden.

We found splinters with
traces of blood on them.

I can confirm if it's the victim's
when I get back to the lab.

Blood samples from the cyclists.
Get a team to re-run the tests.

We need to make sure no-one is at risk.

Understood. There's something else.

You might want to talk to Team Ravonsdale.

I got the results from the paint
particles found on the wrench

at the scene of Greg Eddon's death.

An exact match with the
team colours of Ravonsdale.

You speak to them, Nelson.

I'll check on Mr Lamerat.

- Have you seen Aiden?
- Earlier, at the house.

Why? What's wrong?

I just didn't see him last night
and he's ignoring my calls.

He's a bit stressed at the moment.

Then, they all are. You
know what they're like.

Des can't be doing with me at the
best of times. At the moment...

Tell me about it. He's
barely speaking to me.

We must be mad, getting
involved with the McCordells.

He'll come round.

Give it time.

I think it's gonna take
a bit more than that.


Listen, about yesterday...

There's no point going over it.

Agreed. It was a tough day
for all of us. Very stressful.

What do you say we draw a line under it?

- Forget all about it?
- Then what?

How do you mean? The race? We carry on.

Assuming the race goes ahead,
we head for the home straight.

No, I mean after. After
the race has finished.

How are you gonna replace Greg?

I haven't even thought about that yet.

Let's cross that bridge
when we come to it.

What if I'm already at that bridge?

You might not have thought
about it, but I have.

Are you gonna bring someone
else in or focus more on me?

- Like I say, it's too early.
- Why do you give up on me, Dad?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I was hoping to see you last night.

Yeah. I needed some
time to figure stuff out.

- And did you?
- Yeah.

I saw you at the end
of the race with Greg.

I saw you kiss him.

Ade, please, it was in
the heat of the moment.

What, that makes it OK? You
said your fling was a one-off.

I was confused. We can work this out.

Do you know what? I'm sick of you all.

I'm sick of being lied to.
Things are gonna change.

So you have no idea who att*cked you?

Honestly, I didn't see a thing.

Is there anyone you've
fallen out with recently?

Or anything in your office that
someone might want to steal?

Not that I can think of. I mean, I...

I can check if you want. See
if anything's gone missing.

I don't think you're about
to go anywhere at the moment.

When you're discharged will be fine.

It's a bit of a coincidence
that your office was broken into

before my team could collect the samples.

Did anyone know why we'd
expanded the testing?

I think all the teams realised

it was something to do
with Greg Eddon's death.

It was unusual for everyone to be tested.

Did you tell anyone about our arrangement?

I hadn't told anyone specifically,

but someone could have
seem them brought over.

Do let me know if
anything has gone missing.

I will.

I need you to do something for me.

I don't understand what
this has got to do with me.

- Mr Dexter, a wrench found at Greg Eddon's
m*rder scene came from your team. - So?

Clearly either someone stole it

or is trying to point the finger
of suspicion in my direction.

If I was gonna k*ll someone,
I would do the same thing.

The thought has crossed your mind, then?

- Figuratively speaking.
- And if you're right,

figuratively speaking, who might do that?

You tell me, you're the cop.

Before, you indicated suspicion
of Des McCordell and his team.

For me, look no further. Him
and Lamerat are in cahoots.

Thick as thieves those
two, I'm telling you.

Did you know Mr Lamerat had
been att*cked, last night?

- Yeah, news travels.
- Any idea who might want to do that?

Take your pick. Lamerat's a slippery
customer who has his favourites

which, at the very least, is divisive.

Wouldn't surprise me if he's
put someone's nose out of joint.

Mr Dexter, if it's all right with you,

I'd like to search your office.

- Have you got a warrant?
- I can get one.

Then, you'd better, because no,
it's not all right with me.

What are you doing?

The final stage will be my
last for DJM, then I'm off.

- You can't leave.
- Watch me.

- What's happening? Ade?
- I'm out. I'm leaving.

You don't mean it.

Even now, you can't take
me seriously, can you?

You're gonna be on your
own from now on, bro.

Then, with Dad, you always
were on your own, out front.

- We need to stick together.
- Who asked you? Keep out!

- I don't wanna hear it.
- Why are you doing this to me?

To us? I have done everything for you.

Everything but have faith in me.

I've treated you both as equals, always.

Come on, Dad! Now you're having a laugh.

You've always favoured
him and you know it.

- I'm not listening to this.
- What's up? Feeling rejected?

- Hurts, doesn't it?
- Why are you doing this to him?

Who are you to judge? I know your secret.

You know something else?

Even knowing it, I'll still
win. I'll beat you into second.

You see how that feels.

How was Reece Dexter?

Resistant. He wouldn't let us
do a search without a warrant.

Let's get one, then, and not just for him.

Let's search the whole cycling camp.

Do a bit of digging into
all the teams' backgrounds,

their funding and their finances.

Sir, we've retaken the blood tests.

- No further signs of poisoning.
- That's something.

We've also found fibres on a
drawer that was ransacked.

It comes from a synthetic fibre.

A polyester-polyurethane
copolymer containing elastane.


They're probably cycling gloves.

And they have traces of DNA on them.

I'll see if I can find a
match on the database.

Good work. Keep us informed.


I have burned everything that was there.

How do I know if it's all of it?

Check and check again.

This is an outrage.

Not really. We're searching
every team's premises.

But in addition to that,

we have evidence linking yours
to the m*rder of Greg Eddon.

Guess what? It's a contract.

Aiden McCordell has signed for Ravonsdale.

Big day for you today, innit?

The grand unveiling of
a commemorative plaque.

Oh! Must be beside yourself.

It's not for me, it's for the
race and the town as a whole.

Oh, is that right?

What are you doing here, Gerry?

Why come if you disapprove of me so much?

I'm not here for you. It's
a pub. And Jez is a mate.

Well, I don't like it. Have
you been snooping around?

Snooping around where?
What's that supposed to mean?

Everything all right?

I just don't trust him, that's all.

Will you stop winding her up?

What's wrong with you and Gerry?

- About this plaque...
- Hm?

Joanna's insisting we go
ahead, but I'm not so sure.

Why ever not?

- Something about it...
- It'll be fine.

Oh, come on. It's got to be
you that does the unveiling.

The town wouldn't have it any other way.

And nor would I.

Just stop being paranoid about Gerry.

So we've got the team from Causton.


Erm... trauma to forehead.

Not clear at the moment what from.

Irregular pattern on the laceration's
edge suggests a bicycle chain.

But the depth is fairly superficial.

That wouldn't be enough to k*ll someone.

Daze, yes, but not to k*ll.

So what was the cause of death?

It's tricky. Same as last time.

No obvious puncture marks,
haemorrhages or fractures.

Whoever did this isn't
making it easy for us.

I gather you found the body again.

I'd come to prep the kit.

I wasn't even expecting him to be there.

When was the last time you saw him?

This morning.

Did he tell you that he was
defecting to another team?


What about your relationship?

Had you spoken to him
since Greg Eddon's death?


I wanted it to work. I really did.

And what did Aiden want?

Miss Layard, what did Aiden want?

He told me he was leaving me.

But I didn't k*ll him, if
that's what you're thinking.

Well, that's very helpful. Thank you.

Sir, I've had news back
on the various teams'

sponsorship and endorsement deals.

All DJM's deals revolve around...

- Guess who.
- Mitch McCordell?

He's the poster boy. The
one the sponsors want.

So DJM needs Mitch to win.

Well, it gets better. Des
is stretched financially.

He managed to secure a sponsor,
but he really needs this win.

- Who backed him?
- Joanna Stockerton.

Local girl made good.

Made millions out of an
app she created at uni.

Damien Lamerat's girlfriend funds DJM.

That sounds like a conflict of interest.

No wonder Reece Dexter isn't
happy. You speak to her.

I'll talk to the McCordells.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

I have to ask...

Did you know about Aiden's
decision to leave the team?

Yes. He told me this morning.

And did you know he'd
signed for Ravonsdale?

No. I didn't.

What was your response to
being told he wanted to leave?

I was adamant that he wouldn't go.

I told him that he couldn't leave.

How did he take that?


We were all shocked.

Was there an argument?

And how did you feel about
him leaving the team?

He was my brother.

We learned to ride our bikes
together when we were four.

I don't know what I'll do without him.

Just find out who did this.

Are you OK?

Trying to be.

I have to do this for Dad.

No offence, but forget your dad.

You have to do what's right
for you and no-one else.

I wanna win, move to the next level.

If that's what you want...

And I want you to be one of the family,

not just part of the team.

Maybe we should... get married,
start a family or something.

If that was a proposal of
marriage, Mitch McCordell,

it's not the most
romantic, but I'll take it.

Oh, my God.

Just one more day.

How is Mr Lamerat?

Hospital say he's going to be
fine and can come home tomorrow.

Terrible news about Aiden.

How long have you known the McCordells?

- You grew up in Burwood Mantel.
- That's right.

I've known them all since
childhood. Family friends.

They used to chase me on their bikes.

How did you end up funding the team?

I gather you design apps.

Just the one, really.

I got lucky. A simple programme

that allows kids to design
their own web pages.

It was free, but the advertising was er...

- Anyway, I did very well.
- And then Des approached you.

That's right.

As soon as I left uni after
the app took off, I came home.

Why did you come back?

Returned to what I knew, I guess.

And suddenly I was able to
indulge my passion for cycling.

I started to follow the circuit.

That's when I met Damien.

Oh. Does your relationship with
Mr Lamerat cause any issues?

No. Why would it?

Accusations of favouritism, for example.

At the very least, you'd get the
inside track on race politics.

Like I said, I'm just a fan.

So you keep saying.

Seriously, anything you need.

What did he want?

Commiserating about Aiden.

How's Mitch?

He's... proposed.

That's brilliant news, Kim.

You've got jobs to do.

I suggest you do them, or
you'll be going the way she is.

You can't talk to her like that.

I will talk to her any way I like.

Well, Mitch has proposed.

So Kim's your future daughter-in-law.

- Joanna Stockerton?
- Known the McCordells since they were kids.

- Insists she's a keen follower.
- Who bankrolls the team

and goes out with the race organiser?

I'm not sure she's as innocent
as she'd like us to think.

Anything on the DNA found
on the glove samples?

Not yet. We're still
trying to find a match.

But, as for Aiden McCordell,
his lungs were pumped.


The m*rder*r lashed him
with a bicycle chain

and then took one of these.

A high-pressure air compressor.

It was inserted in
through his mouth and...

- We get the picture, Kam.
- Why go to such lengths?

If you wanted to k*ll someone,

there are more straightforward ways.

Maybe someone's trying
to throw us off the scent.

Suggesting they're from
the world of cycling

- when perhaps they're not.
- Maybe.

There's a progression though, too.

Greg Eddon's m*rder was made
to look like natural causes,

hoping we wouldn't notice otherwise.

Whereas Aiden McCordell's
death was clearly staged.

Fully aware we'd find out.

Indicating what, exactly?

That Aiden McCordell's death

wasn't part of the original plan.

Something changed.

Her of all people! She's a nobody.

- Don't talk of her like that.
- I thought you had more sense.

Better taste.

The Kims of this world are ten-a-penny.

- Enough!
- I want what's best for you.

She is not it.

All I've ever wanted is for
my boys to be something

in life and in racing.

So just...

Just think again, yeah?

- For me.
- No, I won't.

It's never been about me.
It's always been about you.

It's always about what
you want, what you think.

And look what that did to Ade.

Damien apologises for not
being able to make it.

He's on the mend. But was
keen that we still take

this opportunity to recognise
the amazing contribution

over five years now that the race has made

to the town and the people here.

And to do the honours, the
woman who made it happen:

Councillor Mary Appleton.

It gives me great pleasure
on behalf of the town

to unveil this commemorative plaque

for the race that we all share.

Do you have any idea what this is about?

- Or why anyone would do this?
- It's probably nothing.

I can't do this.

If you don't say something, I will.

Say what?

A fresh cow's heart was delivered
in a box to the pub for Mary.

I'm sure it's just because of
all this, because of the race.

It'll just be some crank.

Why would they call you a m*rder*r?

- Why would they leave a note?
- A note? Do you still have it?

No, I'm sorry.

What did it say?

It said, "I know what you did."

I've no idea what it
means. No idea at all.

So why didn't you report it?

- I did try to get her to.
- I didn't want any fuss.

I just wanted it to go away.

- Is Kam on her way?
- Yeah.

I can tell you now it's
not blood, it's paint.

Red paint, erm...

Gerry Bleacher signs his
carvings with red paint.

Ah, Sergeant!

You're back for a second look
and you've brought a friend.

I'll cut you a deal on a
bulk purchase, if you like.

We're not here about your
carvings, Mr Bleacher.

Is that a fact? Shame.

DCI Barnaby. We're keen to
speak to you about an incident

connected to the cycling race.

Don't tell me. More gossip?

Not exactly, no.


I'm really sorry about Aiden.


How's erm... Mitch taking it?

Is he ready for tomorrow?

His big day?

Don't ask me.

His head's been turned.

Who by?


They're getting married.

Mr Bleacher, you are strongly opposed

- to the race coming to the area.
- I'm committed to my ideals.

Yes, we've seen your record.
Nothing if not consistent.

I know what I believe.

And exactly how far would you
go in pursuit of those beliefs?

You asking me if I'd k*ll?

- Would you?
- I believe in life, Inspector.

In all its forms.

That's why I try and
protect the countryside.

I don't have a problem with people.

I just wish they'd be more
considerate to other creatures.

But no.

I'm not about to k*ll over it.

What about Councillor Appleton?

What about her?

It seems as though someone is
starting a campaign against her.

Accusing her in public
of being a m*rder*r.

Well, if someone accused her in public,

you must know who they are.

The word "m*rder*r" was daubed
on a plaque she was unveiling.

With the same gloss paint
you use on your carvings.


My paint's freely available.

There's clearly no love
lost between you and her.

Care to tell us why?

I'm Jez's mate, not hers, that's all.

How long have you known Jez?

Since before he met Mary.

- When he was married.
- Married?

Where is his wife now?

She was k*lled five years ago

in an accident at the first bike race.

Something you said to
one of your customers,

that the race was dangerous and
someone died because of it.

I thought you were referring
to a cyclist, but you weren't.

Jez's wife Judith.

She was a steward at the race. They...

- They said she made a mistake.
- What sort of mistake?

She let a load of people down a side road

that had been blocked off
for transport vehicles

- as one was coming through.
- k*lling her?

And injuring others.

You just told us, "They
said she made a mistake."

Is there some doubt?

Judith was a careful, sensible woman.

I find it hard to believe she made
such a mistake. I know Jez did too.

But the inquest found otherwise.

Look, please don't be cross about earlier.

- I had to say something.
- I know.

Can I ask you...?

Do you think it's to do with
the accident that k*lled Judith?

No. Why?

Oh, I don't know.

I just wondered.

There was an investigation.

Judith Oliver was found negligent.

Mary gave evidence against her.

Everyone seemed to think
it was a tragic mistake.

Clearly not everyone.

Do you think the att*cks on
Mary are linked to the murders?

Let's find out.

You've been so good to me.

I'd never have got over losing
Judith if I hadn't met you.

- You were there for me in my darkest hour.
- Please don't, Jez.

I thought my life was over.

- But it wasn't.
- You don't understand.

About what?


Someone's found something
out from back then.

I'm so sorry.

It is about Judith.

It was the first ever race.

Nobody really knew what we were doing.

Looking back, we just weren't ready.

I had a plan for which
roads could be opened up

if we needed to.

But so many more people
came than we were expecting.

We had no idea.

I know all of this from the investigation.

I know you had to open some of
the roads, but not that one.

Judith opened the wrong one.

No, she didn't.

That road was clearly
marked not to be opened.

I changed it.

I doctored it.

My plan was wrong. The road
should never have opened.

Judith radioed me to query it.

She thought it couldn't be right.

I was under pressure. I-I was panicked.

What did you say?

I told her to open it.

I know I shouldn't have, but I...

Believe me, I've had to
live with that ever since.

It was me.


I found your original plan.

It was you?

You sent me that package?

You set out to terrify me?

How could you do that? Why?

Cos I needed to be sure.

I loved her more than anything

and you took her away from me.

And now, finally...

.. you're gonna have to pay.

- Jez, please!
- Sir?

- How could you reach out to me?
- Open it.

After what you did?

I felt guilty.

Mr Oliver.

I told her to open it.

I know I shouldn't have, but I...

Believe me, I've had to
live with that ever since.

It's all on there.

Mary has agreed to give us a
statement about the incident

in which your wife lost her life.

That's all I wanted,
to clear Judith's name.

We won't be needing your recording,

which constitutes entrapment.

But you will be facing
a charge of harassment

on account of the package and the plaque.

- That was you, wasn't it?
- Yes. I did both.

- Did Gerry Bleacher know?
- No.

I acted alone.

I just had to get a confession out of her.

People need to know the truth.

All set, champ?

As I'll ever be.

I erm...

.. want to say I'm sorry.

It's Kim you should say sorry to.

I don't mean about yesterday.
I mean about everything.

You were right, it erm...
has always been about me.

I have... tried to live
my life through my kids,

which I shouldn't have.

I just wanted you to have the
shot at success I never got.

And I will.

- I just want today to be over.
- That's just it.

I don't want you to any more.
I don't think you should race.

I'm Mitch McCordell, remember.

- I race, I win.
- But at what cost?

I drove your mother to an early grave.

And I... never told my...

.. eldest that I loved him.

- Look at what racing's cost us.
- Too late, Dad.

Not necessarily. I can pull
the plug, close the team down.

I can call Damien and
tell him you're not racing.

Yeah, but you're not
gonna do that, are you?

What's all this?

Just team stuff.

It's not just team stuff.
It's all about Mitch.

- Look at these...
- Don't touch it!

Don't you dare touch any of it.

What's going on? I
thought you were over him.

Over him?

There is nothing to be over.

Mitch made me a promise years ago

and today he is going to deliver on it.

And then you're history.

I don't want you here when I get back.

- Morning, sir.
- Get onto Uniform.

I want eyes and ears on the ground today.

We need to think where the
k*ller might strike next.

So far, only DJM have been targeted.

- And Mitch might be next.
- Let's not tempt fate, Nelson.

Although I agree, we need to
keep a close watch on him.

Imagine the pressure he's been under,

day in, day out for years.

His father is obsessed.

I don't think he's the only one.

When I was at Joanna Stockerton's,

there was a large blown-up
photograph on the wall of Mitch.

I thought it seemed strange,
so I looked into Joanna.

You know she once went out with
him when they were teenagers?

First love can be a powerful thing.

And she's a very powerful person.

The cycling gloves worn
by Mr Lamerat's attacker.

We've identified the DNA

from an arrest made three
years ago for affray.

It belongs to Reece Dexter.

Ready for the race, Mr Dexter?

Well, we've done everything we can do.

- Now it's down to the cyclists.
- Do you cycle much yourself?

No, I leave that to the pros.

Strange, because we have your DNA

on fibres from a set of cycling gloves

used at the break-in to
Damien Lamerat's office.

Were you disturbed while you were there?

Is that why you hit him?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Mr Dexter, I'm happy to let all
the other teams start the race

and to pull the plug on just yours...

.. unless you start talking.

I didn't mean to hurt him.

He came back and... I panicked.

Why were you there?

To trash the blood samples?

No. No, I just knocked them
over to make it look like

that was the reason somebody broke in.

I probably did somebody a favour.


Mitch McCordell's times have picked up...

How shall I put it?

.."abnormally," in recent stages.

So if it wasn't to trash the
samples, why were you there?

To get leverage.

- Theft, Mr Dexter?
- Proof, Inspector.

Damien Lamerat takes
backhanders from Des McCordell.

I'm just protecting my own interests

in case they ever try
to pin anything on me.

Get Uniform to take Mr Dexter's statement.

And tell Kam to screen Mitch's
blood for performance enhancers.

Will do.

It doesn't matter what's happened.

Don't worry about your
dad. I can buy you a team.

- It'll just be us from now on.
- How do you mean, Jo?

This is the day we've been
waiting for all those years.


When we were together, you
said I had to let you go

if I wanted to help your dream come true.

That we could be together
after that, once you'd made it.

And your dream comes true today,
because that's what I did.

That's what drove me. That's why
I went away and why I came back.

For you.

- What are you doing?
- You love me, Mitch.

No, I don't. I'm with Kim.


Like me and Damien,
it's just a convenience.

After the race, you can break up with her.

I don't want to. I don't know
what you're talking about.

We were never even really going
out, were we? We were young.

It didn't mean anything.

How can you say that?

I'm sorry, I...

Are you serious?

Why else would I sponsor the team?

Going somewhere, Mr Lamerat?

So it would seem.

Perhaps you'll need these.

Details of illegal financial transactions

between you and Des McCordell.


In return for what?

Fixing a race? Fixing
the deaths of cyclists?

No, it's nothing like that.

It's just nuts and bolts stuff.

He pays me some cash and DJM
gets preferential treatment.

PR favours. Better positioning
at venues. Better accommodation.

- Personal security...
- Personal security? Why?

There was an incident at a race in Ireland

and someone tried to get at Mitch.

Des asked me to keep an extra eye.

Check it out.

So why are you leaving?

I thought she was over
him, but she's clearly not.

Everything -- the whole
thing -- was about Mitch.

She's not financing a team at all.

She's only financing Mitch.


Sir, I contacted the race
organisers in Ireland

about the incident involving DJM.

Someone was arrested. They've
given me a name and a number.

Laurence Carter.

Des, you cannot pull Mitch
out of the race. Not now.

Des? Des, are you OK?

- What is it?
- He's at the cycle camp.

I heard what sounded like a scuffle.

Then the line went dead.

We need to locate Team DJM
owner Des McCordell urgently.

Put a trace on his phone.

Get backup and paramedics on standby.

Have you got that phone number?

Let's see what Laurence
Carter's got to say for himself.

Where's your father? Have you seen him?


Stay here!



Come on.

Would all riders ensure
that they have registered

with the control centre, which
is located in Temple Place?

The final stage of the
Men's Elite is scheduled...

I'm meant to be racing in minutes.

I'm aware of that, but someone
just tried to k*ll your father.

He's going to be OK.

He was att*cked because he was
about to pull you from the race.

Who would do that?

Can we get Mitch to the start line?

I'm afraid he won't be racing today.

Mitch, the last time you raced in Ireland,

there was an incident.

What was that about?

Er... some rival fan tried to get at me.

Kim had security remove him.

Actually, it wasn't a rival fan.

Was it, Kim?

It was Laurence Carter, your husband.

- You're married?
- Course not.

I've spoken with Mr Carter.

The man's a fantasist. You
can't believe a word he says.

We checked. The marriage is certified.

- Kim, what the hell's going on?
- Nothing.

Getting married was a mistake. He...

He treated me like dirt.

That's not what he told me, Kim.

He said that when he
ended the relationship,

because of your possessiveness,
you took revenge.

You stole from him and disappeared.

- The man's a liar.
- Carter tracked you down

and tried to warn Mitch, didn't he?

But you threatened him and scared him off.

Which would have been the end of it,

if Greg Eddon hadn't
witnessed the altercation,

spoken to Carter and
started blackmailing you.

He'd uncovered your secret...

.. but he wanted more and more money.

Money that you didn't have.

Is this true?

No. Not really, I...

Tell me, did Laurence Carter mention that,

when he was looking for
you, he found your family?

You said you didn't have a family.

I was abandoned.

Originally, but then you
were adopted, weren't you?

At least you've got a family.

- Why did you lie to me?
- I know what it's like, Mitch,

to be mistreated by your parents.

Mine didn't want me.

Then my adoptive parents lost
interest and got rid of me.

They changed.

- What are you talking about?
- They had a baby.

Everything was different after that.

I was pushed out. Forgotten.
They abandoned me too!

And that was your biggest fear, wasn't it?

To be on your own.

Your marriage was a desperate
bid to finally belong.

And yet it wasn't
Laurence Carter's rejection

that turned you into a k*ller.

That happened when you met Mitch.

I don't understand.

Have you just been using me all this time?

No. With you it was different.

I fell in love for real.

I had to protect us.

And that's why you got rid of Greg.

Well, he said he'd tell you everything.

I was afraid I'd lose
you. I couldn't have that.

What about Ade?

Who are you to judge? I know your secret.

He knew you were doping.

And he'd left the team. He was a threat.

He'd have ruined you. I had to be sure.

I didn't want to k*ll him,
but I did it for us. For you.

He was my brother.

But look what he was doing to you.

You can't trust family,
but you can trust me.

Don't you see? I'm the only one you need.

We still have each other.
We'll always have each other.




I should have listened to you.

I'm a cheat.

I've let you down.

No, you haven't let me down.

If anything, I've let you down.

You, Aiden, your mother...

I thought winning was the
most important thing.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Well, it's over now.

I'm finished. I won't be
allowed to race any more.


Whatever you want to
do, I will support you.

- You know that.
- Dad.

Please. I want to make this
right, if you'll let me.

A fresh start for both of us.

Fresh start. OK.

No winners there, then.

No. Families get it wrong
all the time, Nelson.

Des undoubtedly cared for his sons,

but expressed it in the wrong way.

Whereas Kim Fosse's
family didn't care enough.


Are you cycling home tonight?

No. No, I think I'll give
cycling a rest for a while.

Are you still on for the pub quiz later?

Oh, of course. In fact,
we should get a move on.

We don't want to keep
Sarah and Kam waiting.


I hope Kam doesn't take
it all too seriously.

I don't know, Nelson. After
all, we're on the same team.

Question seven. What do
you call a young squirrel?

- It's kitten.
- Question eight.

A narrow strip of land
connecting two larger land areas

usually with water on
either side is called...


Question number nine.

Here's one for the football fans.

Come on, Charlie. I'll
let you have this one.

- OK. Hit me.
- If it was Sunderland in

and Villa in , who was it in ?

Trevor Brooking.

It's the scorers of the winning
goals in the FA Cup final.

, Alan Sunderland.

, Ricky Villa.

, Trevor Brooking.

Scored with his head.

She's right.

I see what you mean about
their competitiveness.

I'm exhausted.

I thought Nelson was going to
break the table at one point.

We won! Get in!

- Yay!
- Where's Kam?

She had to go. Her boyfriend
back in London rang.



.. da.

Mm... ma.

