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25x01 - Pajama Day

Posted: 02/04/22 06:54
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm goin' down to South Park,
gonna have myself a time ♪

♪ Friendly faces everywhere ♪

♪ Humble folks without temptation ♪

♪ Goin' down to South Park,
gonna leave my woes behind ♪

♪ Ample parking day or night ♪

♪ People spouting, "Howdy, Neighbor!" ♪

♪ Heading on up to South Park,
gonna see if I can't unwind ♪

Mrph rmhmhm rm! Mrph rmhmhm rm!

♪ Come on down to South Park
and meet some friends of mine ♪


Okay, children, let's take our seats!

Good morning, kids. So great to see you!

I know it's always a little
hard coming back from a break.

You know, you know, we've
had a few distractions

but let's just pick up
where we left off.

Kids, over this last break,
I met somebody.

And, uh, I'm pretty excited.

And, uh, we've been really enjoying

each other's company, and,
you know, things got physical.

His name is Rick, and, uh, well, anyway,

I really wanted you to meet him, just...

You know he's a...
He's a little nervous,

so just be cool, okay?

Come on, Rick.

Oh, come on, you big silly,
they're not gonna bite you.


this is Rick.

Now, look, we're not gettin'
married tomorrow or anything.

We're just enjoying each other's company

and seeing where this
whole thing takes us.

This is really awkward.

I-I told you I thought
this was a bad idea.

He's very shy,

but I wanted you kids to know
that he treats me really well.

Way better than that
narcissistic psychopath Marcus!

I-I should be going.

Okay, okay, well, you're gonna
come pick me up after school?

Yeah, yeah, you're done at : ?

I'll be ready like : .

They like you.

They do! No, that's just
them being them.

Okay, text me at lunch!

Bye, Ri-i-i-i-ck!


Oh, shit, it's Marcus!
Should I answer it?!

I have to answer it. He's
gonna suspect something.

Just keep quiet about
Rick! Don't say anything!

H-Hey, Marcus. Whats up?



I'm in the classroom with the kids.

Aren't... Aren't I, kids?!

O-Okay, you couldn't really
hear them, but I'm with the kids.


Who's Rick?

We've never heard of
Rick, have we, kids?!

Will you [BLEEP] say something!

Marcus, Marcus, I really don't... why?!

Fine! Go ahead!

That's fi-fine! Okay, geez!

Well, nice going, kids.

What is wrong with you?!

You don't listen,

and you blatantly go
against my direction!

What's going on here, students?

I ask them for a response, and nothing!

First they just sit there
when I need their focus

and their energy and when
I ask them for...

You kids know that these teachers

are doing their very
best for your benefit?!

I don't know how much
more I can take of this.

I am sick and tired of students thinking

they can walk all over their teachers

who gave you everything they've got!

I've got enough problems as it is.

I tell you what else.

This Friday, for pajama day at school,

this class does not get
to wear their pajamas.

- What?!
- What'd he say?!

You heard me.
No pajama day for this class.

Now maybe you'll remember
to have some respect

for your teacher!

This is bullshit!

They can't take our pajamas from us!

Who does the principal think he is?!

After everything we've been
through the past couple years,

they're gonna take
pajama day from us, too.

We didn't even do anything wrong!

We didn't do [BLEEP] anything wrong!

We keep not doing anything wrong,

and we keep getting [BLEEP]!

Guess that's just part of
being a kid these days.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

We are not going
to just stand for this?!

What else can we do, brah?

Brah, we can have some g*dd*mn balls.

What does Matt Damon say
on that Bitcoin commercial?

- Fortune favors the brave.
- My dad said

he listened to Matt Damon
and lost all his money.

Yes, everyone did. But
they were brave in doing so.

We have to stand up
for ourselves, you guys.

I say we go right to
the principal's office

and tell him what's up, brah.



WOMAN: Some kids want to speak
with you about pajama day.

Alright, send 'em in.


Mr. Principal, sir,

can we please wear our
pajamas on pajama day?


I'm sorry, ladies.

I have made a decision,
and I'm sticking to it.

Mr. Principal, we really
didn't do anything wrong.

I appreciate your sentiment,
but as principal of the school,

it's my job to make decisions

and stand by them to maintain order.

Do you know how long we've
waited for pajama day?!

You can't force us to
wear normal clothes!

What is this, n*zi Germany?!

Hey! How many times have I told you kids

not to bring up n*zi Germany

when you don't get something you want?!

- You're a fascist!
- Get out!

You're a fascist, and this
whole school stinks of Nazis!

I can't believe the things
these students say sometimes.

You better quit while you're ahead.


You don't understand how
important pajama day is to kids.

It's like the Met Gala for children.

If I change my mind now, I look weak.

Mkay... But I don't think

this is gonna end up
the way you want it to.



Hey, look! It's Eric Cartman!


Eric! Eric!

It's okay! What's wrong?

Oh, God! [PANTING]

I-I was at the school and
it... it was pajama day

and I... And I didn't have pajamas on

and then I died!

- And then I died!
- Shh! Eric!

Eric, it's okay, sweetie. Shh.

PC PRINCIPAL: Yes hello, Ms. Cartman.

This is the school principal returning
your call. What can I do for you?

Uh, yes, I understand
that you told my child

that he isn't allowed to
wear pajamas this Friday?

What is this, n*zi Germany?

Your son is part of a class

that lost their pajama-day
privilege, correct.

Well, I'm sorry, but
I don't think it's safe

for Eric to not wear his
pajamas on pajama day.

He could die.

Well, I've already made my
decision, and it's final.

Well, I'm not really
sure where you get off

telling me what my son
can and can't wear.

What do you think about that?

Yeah, get him, Mom!

Tell him to [BLEEP] off!

In fact, I think you can [BLEEP] off.

Ms. Cartman if you are worried
about your son's safety,

then perhaps you should just
keep him home for pajama day.

Uh, I can just keep
him home on pajama day?

No, I can't stay home
because you have to go to work

because [BLEEP] Matt Damon told
you fortune favors the brave

and now you lost all your [BLEEP] money!

Matt Damon told me
fortune favors the brave,

and I lost all my [BLEEP] money!

I'm sorry?

I am going rally all the parents,

and I am going to the press!

If my son can't wear
his pajamas to school,

then no kids are going to
wear their pajamas to school!

[BLEEP] yes, Mom,
that was [BLEEP] sweet!

Wait, no, I want to wear my
[BLEEP] pajamas to school!

You [BLEEP] it up, Mom!

Tom, guten tag and Heil Hitler.

Apparently, we are
living in n*zi Germany.

The elementary school behind
me is telling some students

they can't wear their
pajamas to pajama day.

The principal of the
school says the students

are being reprimanded for bad behavior.

But many parents are left wondering...


The school's mandate
has caused a backlash

with members of the community

who are now wearing their
pajamas to work in protest!

WOMAN: Pajama time!

MAN: Whoo!

Pajama time!

WOMAN: ♪ Snuggle, snuggle, snuggle ♪

♪ When the sun goes down ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ When I've played my game ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ And I've put them away ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ There's one thing I need to ask you ♪

♪ What, what, what, what time is it? ♪

♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪

♪ What time time is it? ♪

♪ Pajama time ♪

♪ When my dinner's done ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

- [g*n COCKS]
- ♪ And I'm in for the night ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ When I've had my fun ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ Before you turn out the light ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ There's one thing I need to ask you ♪

I've got my jammies on!

- ♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪
- We've got our jammies on!

♪ What time is it? Pajama time ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ When I start to yawn ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

- ♪ And you get that look ♪
- ♪ What time is it? ♪

Making a difference can be fun!

♪ What, what time is it? ♪

♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪

♪ What time is it? Pajama time ♪

♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪

♪ What time is it? Pajama time ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ Pajama time ♪

♪ Pajama time ♪

♪ Pajama time ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ Pajama time ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ Pajama time ♪

♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ Pajama time ♪

- Testaburger!
- Oh! [BLEEP]!

I need to talk to you now!

- Yes?
- Miss Testaburger...

I need you to get me out of this.


I made a tactical decision.

Now if I go back and say
maybe I was wrong, I look weak.

Well, Mr. Principal, if you just...

Zip it! I need you to get
everyone in your class

to work together and have
Mr. Garrison come to me

saying your pajama day
should be reinstated.

You get the girls and
the boys to work together.

This is your problem now, Testaburger.

Hey, guys... I just wanna say

I'm really proud to be
a part of this office.

Wearing our pajamas shows

that we care about those school kids...

That we care about other people.

South Park Realtors!

ALL: South Park Realtors!

Hey, guys... Sorry I'm a little late.

Got a flat tire on the interstate.

What's the latest news?

What's going on, Mike?

Well, what do you mean?

You're not wearing... pajamas.

Oh... yeah... I-I didn't
really wanna wear pajamas.

We're all wearing pajamas.

Yeah, I just didn't want to
with the rain and slush outside.

It just... didn't make
any sense to wear pajamas.

Uh, Mike, we're trying
to do the right thing,

and it only works if
we all wear pajamas.

Well, you can't force
me to wear pajamas.

What is this, n*zi Germany?

We aren't telling you to wear pajamas...

But I'm pretty sure the
sign right here on the door

says you have to wear pajamas!

Hey, Mike, just put on some pajamas.

It's not a big deal.

Good. If it's not a big deal

then I'll choose not to wear pajamas.

You redneck, g*n toting piece of shit.

Ladies and gentlemen.

We have been at w*r for too long.

Yesterday, Wendy Testaburger came to me

and said we need to get
the boys and girls together

to find a solution for pajama day.

I was delighted.

We must put our differences aside,

because we all want one thing.

The right to be in our jam
jams this Friday all cozy wozy.

It's comfy womfy.

Comfy womfy, cozy wozy,

the point is we are getting [BLEEP].

We all have to be on
the same page, here.

That's right. We need all of us.

Boys and girls working together.

And so together, what
are we going to do?

We could sh**t up the school!

sh**t up the school, nice.

It's just done a lot.

Anything a little more original?

We burn down the cafeteria?

We smear human shit on all the windows?

We apologize.

You guys want a chance
to save pajama day?

Then join us in telling
Mr. Garrison we're all sorry.

We didn't [BLEEP] do anything.

At school tomorrow we all
tell Mr. Garrison he was right

and that we've been terrible students.

That we weren't listening

and that he deserves
to be angry with us.

We tell him how much we care

and that we want to see
him more as a human being

than just a teacher.

That is just the kind of manipulative,

psychotic thinking that we needed.

- We can do this!
- We just have to be brave.

But not too brave or
else Matt Damon will come

and take all our money.

Alright, dude, can we lay off
the Matt Damon jokes, please?

They're just getting old.

Tom, warm up the wienerschnitzel
and put on your lederhosen

because now people are being told

to stop making Matt Damon jokes.

Opponents are claiming that
the jokes are already tired

and Matt Damon had every right
to make a Bitcoin commercial,

so the jokes need to stop.

All we can say is... [SPEAKS GERMAN]

Cuz it's gettin' real
n*zi Germany up in here.

Back to you, Tom.

This is totally ridiculous.
You know that, right?

I'm sorry, sir, but we
aren't seating anyone

who isn't wearing their pajamas.

Please, ma'am, I just
want to sit down and eat.

I understand, but the management
prefers that everyone inside

be nice and comfy womfy.

So I have to be comfy wumfy

to get a Rooty Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity?

Sir, I'm just the hostess here.

If you prefer, you only need
to wear your pajamas to get in.

You don't have to
wear them at your table

while you're actively eating.

So it's ok if we put on our pajamas,

walk through the whole
restaurant to the table,

and then take our pajamas off.

- What is the [BLEEP] point?!

What seems to be the problem here?

Oh, I see!


Remember... no matter how angry
he is, tell him he's right.


Good morning, class!

Good mornin'! Good mornin!

Good mornin', good morning'

To you and you and you and you!

So... how are you guys?

You're probably wondering
how things are with Rick.

I just flat out told him that
Marcus was still calling me

and you know what Rick said?

He said, "If you're not over
Marcus, then take some time.

I'll be here."

Is that not the sweetest
thing you've ever heard?

I called him back like
three minutes later

and I said, "I don't
need time. I need you."

I said, "Can I just come over?"

And the way he held me
when I got to his house,

it was like, "Ohhh, this is security."

And then later on when we were in bed,

I'd had my head on his chest,

and I was just playing with
his chest hairs a little bit,

and I said...

Excuse me, Butters, are
you paying attention?

Could somebody wake Butters up, please?

- Dude!
- Wuh huh huh?! Yes?!

I'm sorry, Butters, am I boring you?

Uh, no, sir!

Okay, well, then maybe you
can tell me what Rick said

when I told him about Marcus?!

Uh... huh... He...

Anybody? Does anyone know what
I said when Rick held me tight?!

"This is..."

"This is really nice"?

"This is security!"

None of you are paying attention!

None of you know the answers, do you!

What's going on, students?!

Aw, God dammit!

Jesus, I've never seen so
many arrests in one day!

- Sir, we got another one.
- But she's wearing pajamas.

Yeah but she was caught
sh1tting on the car

of a guy who wasn't wearing pajamas.

That's right, and I'd do it again.

Alright, put her in with the others.

Hey, don't put that pajama
wearing slut in here with us!

Chief, they're asking
for your assistance

- down on Brighton Street.
- What now?

Looks like we got a domestic dispute.

Oh, finally something normal!


I told her I just wanna go to bed!

If you're not gonna let me go to bed

then I'm calling the police!

He's just gonna go to bed

wearing the clothes he wore all day!

I don't want to sleep in that filth!

Well, I don't have to wear pajamas!

Okay, Mr. Billings, but...

you have to understand, it is bedtime.

So what?

Well, you should just understand

where your wife is coming from.

If anytime makes sense to wear pajamas,

it would be as you're
going to sleep at night.

I don't care what time of day
it is, I don't ever wear pajamas!

Alright, alright, listen.

What if you were on a ski vacation.

Hmm? A nice, cozy condo after
a long day hitting the slopes.

The fire is crackling.
You've got a cup of cocoa.

You're telling me you
wouldn't wear pajamas then?

No! I wouldn't wear pajamas!

You would beg me for pajamas
if we had a condo and cocoa!

No, I wouldn't! No, I wouldn't!

Alright, alright, is there
any way the two of you

can go to sleep tonight
in this house together?

He's not getting in bed in his clothes.

Okay, then you can just come
sleep downtown at the station.

Take her in, boys.


- Oh, my God!
- Ha ha! Bye bye!

- They're arresting people in pajamas!

What is this, n*zi Germany?!

Take him in, too!


Arrest those people
and all of those people!

This whole town is a
powder keg about to go off.

And tomorrow is pajama day.



Back to you, Tom!



What the [BLEEP] bro?

You wanted to see me, sir?

Bro... What am I supposed to do?



Do you know what a principle is?

A principle is something that
you see as a fundamental truth.

You do something that you
think is right out of principle!

That's why I wanted to be principal.

Tell your class they can run back home

and put on their pajamas.

I'll hand in my resignation
this afternoon.

Sir, maybe people won't
lose respect for you

if you change your mind.

Saying you were wrong

is sometimes the
strongest thing you can do.

You're totally wrong about that.

When all these people see
I caved in to their insults

and their offensive
World w*r II comparisons,

I'll be done.

Then we can't put on our
pajamas. Out of principle.

The kids will be okay.

At least we still have
opposite day to look forward to.

No, you... Wait.

What did you say?

I said we'll be okay.

No, what day is opposite day at school?

It's always the second Friday in March.

Testaburger! That's it!

Attention all students,
this is your principal.

I need to inform you that
a mistake has been made.

Mr. Mackey, your counselor,

totally screwed up the calendar.

Today is not pajama day.
It is in fact opposite day.


So we will be having breakfast
for lunch in the cafeteria,

and anything else
you've been told to do,

you can now do the opposite.

[BLEEP] yes, it's opposite day!

ALL: Yay!


♪ Pajama time ♪

- ♪ When the sun goes down... ♪
- ♪ What time is it? ♪

- ♪ At the end of the day... ♪
- ♪ What time is it? ♪

- ♪ When I play my games... ♪
- ♪ What time is it? ♪

- ♪ And I put them away... ♪
- ♪ What time is it? ♪

♪ There's one thing I need to ask you ♪

♪ What, what, what, what time is it? ♪

♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪

♪ What time is it? Pajama time ♪

Hey, Frank! It looks like its over!

The school said the kids
can wear what they want

because it's opposite day.

It's opposite day?

Well, shit, we gotta go
put some normal clothes on!

Aw, how come?

Because we are people
who believe very strongly

in wearing pajamas to the workplace.

If we're wearing
pajamas on opposite day,

that means we don't
normally wear pajamas

and we're douchebags like Mike!

Alright, you can all go
home. It's opposite day.

Oh. Then should I be wearing pajamas?

I don't know what to wear now.

You can't make me wear pajamas!

That's fine.

You can all wear whatever you want

as long as it covers your d*ck and tits.

You can't make me
cover my d*ck and tits!