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01x20 - Blood Brothers

Posted: 05/01/10 12:37
by bunniefuu

STEFAN: For over a century, I have lived in secret. Until now. I know the risk. But I have to know her.

DAMON: Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine.

STEFAN: I want you all to myself.

KATHERINE: Just as he wants me, but I'm the one. Who gets to make all the rules.

GIUSEPPE: Go get the sheriff. We have a vampire.

STEFAN: No. Don't take her!

GIUSEPPE: You'll be k*lled along with them.

DAMON: Then let me be k*lled.

STEFAN: Damn it. We'll get her back.

DAMON: Don't you think that you've done enough?

DAMON: Stefan's still drinking human blood.

GIRL: Aah!

ELENA: Stefan!

DAMON: Stefan.

STEFAN: Blood brings out what's inside of me.

ELENA: I'm not gonna give up on you, Stefan. I believe in you.

STEFAN: Stop! Stop! Stop! I'm so sorry.

ELENA: It's ok. You're gonna be ok.


Stefan, locked up at the cellar, laid down covered of sweats due to the lack, dreaming.


Men seek vampires, Jonathan Gilbert at the head with his watch.

STEFAN: (to Damon)We have to get to the church. They're waiting. Circle around that way. I'll distract them. Go. (to men)Over here! There's another one! Quick! Help me!

JONATHAN: Arm yourselves.

The barouche remains under the guard of only one man. When, Damon, suddenly, strikes him. Then, he steals the keys of the cage and opens when Stefan joined him.

STEFAN: We don't have long.

DAMON: Katherine. Katherine.

STEFAN: We're gonna get you out of here. Damon, hurry. Hurry.

(Damon is made drawn top)


STEFAN: No! No. Damon. Oh...

MEN: Come on. Let's go.


(Stefan is also made drawn top)


Stefan confuses reality with his memories.

DAMON: Stefan.

ELENA: Stefan.

KATHERINE/ELENA: I love you, Stefan.



Elena looks at Stefan locked up in the cellar. Damon joined her.

ELENA: It's so hard to see him locked up like this.

DAMON: You're the one who locked him up.

ELENA: You helped.

DAMON: I couldn't have him running around chewing on people. While the town was looking for vampires, now, could I?

ELENA: It had nothing to do with you actually caring about him.

DAMON: Your thing, not mine.


Stefan awakes in start, it is always in life and any more a scar with he does not have received the ball. He sees that he has a special ring with the finger. Emilie comes towards him.

EMILIE: Katherine had me make that for you weeks ago.

STEFAN: Where am I?

EMILIE: The quarry just north of town. My brother and I brought you here last night. We found you dead in the woods.

STEFAN: Where's Damon? Am I... Am I a...

EMILIE: Not yet. You're in transition.

STEFAN: But how? I...

EMILIE: You had Katherine's blood in your system when you died.

STEFAN: No. I never...

EMILIE: She's been compelling you to drink it for weeks, Stefan.

STEFAN: And Damon?

EMILIE: No compulsion was necessary. He drank from her willingly.

Stefan joined Damon close to the river.

DAMON: I woke up last night. I didn't know where I was. I went to the church. And I watched them drag her inside. Then they set fire to it. And the whole church went up into flames. They k*lled her, Stefan. She's gone.


Damon looks at the object which Pearl gave him, Elena enters the living room.

ELENA: Did you ever figure out what that is?

DAMON: Nope. Whatever it is, it doesn't work.

ELENA: Pearl didn't say anything else about it?

DAMON: She thought she was stealing his vampire compass, but it was a pocket watch. That Johnathan Gilbert was a crazy scientist. Have you spoken to your uncle lately?

ELENA: I've been avoiding him, actually. That, and I've been here most nights.

DAMON: So, you'll be here again tonight?

ELENA: Is that a problem?

DAMON: Yes. You're a complete nuisance.

ELENA: Heh. See you later.


Jeremy goes to go in class, Anna joined him.

ANNA: Hey. Surprise.

JEREMY: What are you doing here?

ANNA: Picking up this.

JEREMY: A class schedule?

ANNA: Starting tomorrow, I'm officially a student here.

JEREMY: You're kidding me, right?

ANNA: No. I finally beat my mom down.

JEREMY: Heh. But why would you want to go to high school? It blows.

ANNA: Do I really need to answer that?

JEREMY: You'd suffer through all this just to hang out with me?

ANNA: Yeah. I would.

JEREMY: That's, um...

ANNA: Stupid? Pathetic? Old lurky me?

JEREMY: It's awesome. It's awesome.


Damon looks at Stefan locked up and a bottle of blood shows him.

DAMON: Brought you something to eat...100% Stefan diet approved. You know what will happen if you don't eat. You'll get all rotting and crusty.

STEFAN: I'm not hungry.

DAMON: Of course you are. We're eternally hungry. Take it. The human blood should be gone by now. You want to explain why you're still in here. Feeling sorry for yourself? Come on. Drink up. Fine. Starve. What do I care?

Damon turns over in the living room and somebody calls him.

DAMON(at phone): Hello?

ALARIC(at phone): Hey, it's Alaric Saltzman.

DAMON(at phone): Before I hang up, how did you get this number?

ALARIC(at phone): Ah, it's a mystery. Listen, I've, uh, been doing some digging on Elena's uncle. You interested?

DAMON(at phone): What kind of digging?

ALARIC(at phone): I've got an old friend from Duke. Who studied criminology when we were there together. Let's just say he's become a very proficient digger.

DAMON(at phone): Well, did he find anything, by chance?

ALARIC(at phone): Well, I had him run a track on John's cell records. He was getting a call from a number... The same number that Elena dialed to get Isobel. And then the number was disconnected. Isobel knows John.

DAMON(at phone): Whatever. We knew that.

ALARIC(at phone): Right. Well, after that, he started getting calls from a new number. And I had my friend run a geotrack. Got the address. It's...It's an apartment in Grove Hill.

DAMON(at phone): Isobel's in Grove Hill?

ALARIC(at phone): I don't know. I thought we could take a look and see what we find.

DAMON(at phone): Perfect. Give me the address.

ALARIC(at phone): Oh, so you can go without me? No. I don't think so.

DAOMN(at phone): I'm not going with you. You tried to k*ll me.

ALARIC(at phone): Yeah, well, you did k*ll me.

DAMON(at phone): Hold on.

(Damon receive an other call)

DAMON(at phone): What?

ELENA(at phone): I'm just grabbing some clothes, and then I'll be right over. How's Stefan?

DAMON(at phone): Extra broody. Hold on. (to Alaric)You drive. Pick me up in an hour.

ALARIC(at phone): Done.

DAMON(at phone): He won't eat anything.

ELENA(at phone): He has to ea what's his favorite... Kind of, um...

DAMON(at phone): His favorite kind of what?

ELENA(at phone): Type of animal blood that he prefers?

DAMON(at phone): Ew. Gross.

ELENA(at phone): Heh. Your joking doesn't help.

DAMON(at phone): Helps me. Now, hurry up. I can't baby-sit all night. I have things to do.

ELENA(at phone): I would say, "drop dead," but...

DAMON(at phone): Ha ha. Stefan likes... Puppy blood... Little golden retriever puppies with cute, fluffy ears. That's his favorite.


Elena leaves its room, it sees her uncle. He heard her conversation with Damon.

JOHN: Sorry.

ELENA: Uncle John. I didn't see you there.

JOHN: I thought we could talk. We haven't had a chance to catch up.

ELENA: I'm actually just heading out, so...

JOHN: Well, it won't take long.

ELENA: What did you want to talk about?

JOHN: Well...I know you know.

ELENA: Know what?

JOHN: It's really silly to keep pretending. What do you think your mother would say. If she knew you were dating a vampire?

ELENA: Which mother?


Stefan, sitting, meditates vis-a-vis its bottle.


Damon sat at the edge of water whereas Stefan brings back a water bucket.

STEFAN: I bet Johnathan Gilbert has told father by now. Wonder how he took the news that we're dead.

DAMON: As if he cares. He betrayed us.

STEFAN: He thought he was protecting us, Damon. He thought he was protecting this town.

DAMON: God. This sun hurts my eyes.

STEFAN: It's part of it. The muscle aches, the sick feeling...Emily says it's our bods pushing us to feed, to complete the transition.

DAMON: That's not gonna happen.

STEFAN: Is that your choice, then? To die instead?

DAMON: Isn't it yours? This was all to be with Katherine. But she's gone. I want it over.


Elena is coming to see Stefan.

ELENA: How you feelin'? Damon says you need to drink that. You need it, Stefan. Can't survive without it.

STEFAN: I don't want to survive.

ELENA: What? No, don't say that.

STEFAN: I'm sorry, Elena. No more. After what I've done, it has to end. I just want it over.

Elena joins Damon in the living-room.

DAMON: He's just being dramatic. He's not gonna starve himself.

ELENA: Why would he say that?

DAMON: He feels bad about hurting that girl. It's a very typical step of martyr stuff. It will pass.

ELENA: Will it? Because he seemed to be in lot of pain.

DAMON: Yeah. Well, that will pass, too, once he eats.

ELENA: I didn't mean physical pain.

DAMON: I know what you meant. Look, are you gonna be ok here if run out? I have to go to an errand with the teacher.

ELENA: The teacher? Alaric? Are you two friends now?

DAMON: I don't have any friends, Elena.

ELENA: Right.

DAMON: You should, um, you should stay up here. You shouldn't be down there by yourself.

ELENA: I'll be fine.

DAMON: You know... You're very trusting of him, given the circumstances.

ELENA: So are you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be leaving.

DAMON: I won't be long.


Pearl joins John in the table.

PEARL: Hello, Mr. Gilbert.

JOHN: Pearl. What a pleasure. I must admit, I'm surprised that you came.

PEARL: Jenna tells me that you wanted to discuss the sale of the building in person.

JOHN: Still, revealing yourself to me like this, it took quite a risk.

PEARL: I'm not stupid, Mr. Gilbert. You knew who I was when you requested the meeting. So, Damon tells me that you're looking for the device I took from Johnathan. I'm sure you realize I have no intention of giving it to you.

JOHN: That's why I wanted to meet you. I'm planning on changing your mind.

PEARL: Really? How so?

JOHN: With my Gilbert charm. I know that you have a weakness for it. May I buy you a drink?


Jeremy and Anna talk in his bedroom.

JEREMY: So, your mother was in love with Johnathan Gilbert, and he betrayed her?

ANNA: Yup.

JEREMY: And now my uncle John wants this invention-device thing that she gave to Damon.

ANNA: That's pretty much it.

JEREMY: John mentioned there were more Gilbert journals. I bet that's how he knows everything.

ANNA: Do we have to talk about ts all night? I've told you everything. I probably shouldn't have, 'cause that could get us both in a lot of trouble.

JEREMY: I'm not gonna say anything.

ANNA: Your uncle John wants us dead.

JEREMY: Oh, you don't know that.

ANNA: Yes, I do. He's a hater, Jeremy.

JEREMY: Well, I'm not.

ANNA: No. You're something else entirely.

JEREMY: Oh, yeah? What would that be?

ANNA: My weakness.

JEREMY: I don't want Jenna to walk in on us.

ANNA: Jenna's in the kitchen. She just opened the refrigerator.

JEREMY: Wait. You can hear that? That is so cool.


Damon and Alaric are inside of the house.

ALARIC: This is the one here. The records show is was paid 3 months in advance.

DAMON: This is where it gets tricky. I may or may not be able to get in.

ALARIC: Yeah, how does that work? You always have to be invited in?

DAMON: By the owner or the person of entitlement. Short-term rentals and hotels are a bit of a gray area. You kind of gotta play it by ear.

ALARIC: Heh. Could we not k*ll anyone tonight, please?

DAMON: You mean, you just brought me along for my company?

ALARIC: It doesn't look like anyone's home. Yeah. I'm good. No permanent resident, apparently.

DAMON: Uh, Rick, we have company.

(A man jumps on Alaric. Damon tries to retain him)

DAMON: Boys, boys, that's enough. I know you.

HENRY: Damon?

DAMON: Your name is Henry. You were in the tomb.

HENRY: Yes, sir. What are you doing here?


Jonathan and Giuseppe talk to the situation.

GIUSEPPE: May I offer you a drink, Mr. Gilbert?

JONATHAN: Thank you, Mr. Salvatore.

GIUSEPPE: This won't take much longer.

JONATHAN: I want to make sure the founder's archives are accurate.

GIUSEPPE: Be sure you document the loss of civilian life in the church.

JONATHAN: They were hardly civilians, . Salvatore.

GIUSEPPE: As far as anyone needs to know, they were. As the record keeper for the council, what you write will be passed down through generations. Certain details should be kept only between you and me.

JONATHAN: For example?

GIUSEPPE: My sons. They will be remembered the innocent victims of the battle of willow creek, not for their shame.

JONATHAN: Certainly, Mr. Salvatore.


Elena is inside of the cellar where is Stefan.

STEFAN: You know, Damon hasn't fed me vervain in a while. I could be at those bars in flash, and you'd be dead.

ELENA: Yeah, you could. But you won't.

STEFAN: Please just go away. I don't want you here.

(Elena enters in the cellar)

STEFAN: What are you doing? Get out of here.


STEFAN: You're taking a stupid risk. I could hurt you.

ELENA: Then I'm stupid. You need to drink this.

STEFAN: Elena, get out of here, or you'll regret it.

ELENA: Drink.

STEFAN: I said get out!



Damon and Alaric talk with Henry.

HENRY: So, how do you know John Gilbert?

DAMON: Well, I've known him for years. He's a good friend. How do you know him?

HENRY: I met him right after I got out of the tomb. He's been helping me


ALARIC: Helping you out how?

HENRY: Adapting. It's a whole new world... Cars, computers, There's so much to learn.

He helped me get this place.

ALARIC: So, do you live here alone or is there someone else here?

DAMON: That's my friend's very...Passive-aggressive way of asking, uh, do you know a woman named Isobel?

HENRY: Uh, no. No, I don't know an Isobel. I know John. He's my only real friend. He really showed me the ropes... how to use a microwave, separate my whites.

ALARIC: What else do you do for him?

HENRY: I help keep an eye on things...You know, with the others.

DAMON: The others?

HENRY: From the tomb. They're still pissed at the founding families for trying to burn them alive. I'm cool, but those tomb boys, they want revenge.

ALARIC: What does John want with them?

HENRY: He's just keeping an eye on them, you know? Trying to make sure they stay out of trouble.

DAMON: Well, that's John. Heh. He's such a do-gooder.

(Henry receive an call)

HENRY: Heh. That's John now.

DAMON: Oh. Hey, let me talk to him. All right.

HENRY: Yeah. Are you gonna answer that?

DAMON: Am I gonna... answer that?

HENRY: What's going on?

(Henry wants to run away himself and tries to k*ll Alaric, but Damon retains him and Alaric kills him)

HENRY: Uhh! Uhh! Aah!

DAMON: "Let's not not k*ll anyone tonight." Your words. Just pointing that out.


John returns at the table.

JOHN: My apologies.

PEARL: No apologies necessary. So, tell me, Mr. Gilbert, why should I let you have the device?

JOHN: Because I can help you. I'm connected around here. The town council's eating out of my land. They do whatever I say. And I know that you just want to live your life. Complete with a white picket fence, and I can help you do that.

PEARL: But the device doesn't work. Why would you even want it?

JOHN: It's a family heirloom. Call me sentimental.

PEARL: Johnathan was ahead of his time.

JOHN: I read his journals. They're very extensive. He actually wrote about you. You were his one regret. He loved you, and he hated himself for what he did to you.

PEARL: You're lying.

JOHN: No. On his last days, he wrote how sorry he was. You were the only woman he ever loved. Good God. You vampires... you're so emotional. Johnathan Gilbert hated you. His only regret was that he didn't drive a stake through your heart himself.

PEARL: I gave it to Damon.

JOHN: What?

PEARL: I gave your device to Damon. Why don't you ask him for it yourself? I'm sure he'd be delighted to give it to you. And then, Mr. Gilbert, may you rot in hell.


Elena is in the cellar with Stefan but he doesn't want to talk.

ELENA: Talk to me, Stefan. Why are you doing this?

STEFAN: I'm making the decision I should have made years ago.

ELENA: What are you talking about?

STEFAN: You have to feed in order to complete the transition.

ELENA: I know that.

STEFAN: It was a choice I shouldn't have made.


Stefan enters in the office of his father.


STEFAN: Even in our death, you only feel shame?

GIUSEPPE: You're one of them now.

STEFAN: No. Father, I came to say good-bye.

GIUSEPPE: I watched you die.

STEFAN: You were there when we were shot?

GIUSEPPE: I pulled the trigger myself.

STEFAN: You k*lled your own sons?

GIUSEPPE: You were both dead to me the moment you sided with the vampires. I only thank God that your mother isn't alive to see the disgrace you've become.

STEFAN: I haven't turned yet. I don't want to. I'm going to let myself die, father. Please.

GIUSEPPE: Yes, you are.

(Giuseppe wants to k*ll his son by inserting a pile in the heart to him. Stefan defends and sends his father to the other end the part and he receives the pile in full heart)


STEFAN: Father, I didn't mean to.

GIUSEPPE: Get away from me.

STEFAN: No, let me help you. Please.

(Stefan removes the pile in the heart. He is attracted by blood and tastes some a little. He starts to change)


STEFAN: Uhh. Uhh! Oh, God. What's happening to me?


Stefan decides to talk with Elena.

STEFAN: How can you even look at me right now?

ELENA: You need to be able talk about these things, Stefan. I need to hear them. Come upstairs. We can talk about it more, and we'll keep talking as long as you need.

STEFAN: You're so sure I'm ready. And when you feel the same way... I'll be upstairs.

Damon empties the hematomas.

DAMON: Find anything yet?

ALARIC: No, I looked everywhere. The place is...The place is clean.

DAMON: Well, I found this. Behind the blood in the fridge.

ALARIC: Oh, man, this was a real dead-end.

DAMON: I wouldn't beat myself up over it, man. What did you think you were gonna find, huh? Isobel with a cigar and slippers?

ALARIC: Oh, man. I...I gotta stop this. I can't...I can't keep searching for her.

DAMON: Really? After only 2 years? That's actually...Moderately healthy.

ALARIC: What are you going on? 146?

DAMON: Well, I figure the 200 mark is probably a good stopping point.

ALARIC: Ahh. I mean, no answer is enough. I keep thinking I wanna kn why, when, you know, the precise moment. When my wife decided life with me wasn't enough.

DAMON: She charmed me, your wife Isobel. She talked a good game, man. She was smart. She had this excitement in her eyes. I probably should have known there was something different about her, some tie to Katherine. There had to be some reason I didn't k*ll her.

ALARIC: That's enough, Damon. I don't wanna hear anymore. I just don't want to waste any more of my life. Searching for answers that I really don't want. I'm through with Isobel. I...I'm done with all of this. Yeah.


Anna enters and notes that her mother made the luggage.

ANNA: Hey. What's the matter?

PEARL: I need you to pack your things. We're leaving.

ANNA: What? No.

PEARL: I was wrong to think that we could make a home here. It's time for us to move on.

ANNA: But I don't want to move on. I want to stay.

PEARL: We can't stay. There's too many people here who know the truth... Too much history.

ANNA: So, what, you're just gonna give up, pack us up, and move us out?

PEARL: It's not safe here. You know that.

ANNA: Please.

PEARL: This is about Jeremy.

ANNA: No. It's about me. Finally getting to build a life for myself. Please, mama.

PEARL: You gave me my life back. I am just trying to protect yours. I can't force you. It's your decision.


Elena draws in the catch, Damon enters in the living-room.

DAMON: Ugh. God. You're still here?

ELENA: Were you expecting anything else?

DAMON: No. Ahh.

ELENA: So, how was the "errand"?

DAMON: Futile. Although, I think I witnessed the teacher having an existential crisis. Has Stefan eaten yet?

ELENA: I thought you didn't care.

DAMON: Chalk it up to morbid curiosity.

ELENA: I think he's getting there. But he's got a lot of guilt that he has to deal with. And it doesn't help that you've spent the last 145 years punishing him for Katherine getting caught.

DAMON: This is my fault now?

ELENA: No, it's no one's fault, Damon. I'm just... saying you're not exactly innocent. You've made it your life's mission to make him miserable.

DAMON: Let me ask you a question. In all this important soul-searching and cleansing of the demons of Stefan's past, did you ever manage to get e rest of the story?

ELENA: He said there was more.

DAMON: Yeah. That's an understatement.

ELENA: Damon...Damon. Tell me.


Stefan comes back with a beautiful girl.

DAMON: What are you doing? Who is that?

STEFAN: I brought her for you. She's a gift. Have a seat, please.

DAMON: What have you done, Stefan?

STEFAN: Damon, I've been to see father. He came at me. I didn't know my own strength. There was blood everywhere. He was dying, and the blood was too strong. I needed it. I had to have it.

DAMON: You fed.

STEFAN: Yes. And it's incredible. My body is exploding with power, Damon.


STEFAN: I can hear things from far away. I can see through the darkness. I can move, like it's magic. And the guilt, the pain...Damon, I can turn it off. Like a switch. Katherine was right. It's a whole another world out there, Damon.

DAMON: Katherine is dead, Stefan. There's no world without her.

STEFAN: No. You can turn that off, too. You don't have to feel that pain anymore.

DAMON: I don't want it.

STEFAN: You're weak. You'll be dead soon. You need this.


STEFAN: You'll die.

DAMON: No. I can't.

STEFAN: Please. I won't let you die.

DAMON: No. I can't.

STEFAN: Don't fight it. We can do this... together.

(Damon drinks blood of the girl)


Damon finishes to tell her.

DAMON: From the moment Stefan had his first taste of human blood, he was a different person. I suppose I should thank him. It's been a hell of a ride. Heh.

ELENA: Oh, my God. He said he wanted to die. That's why he wot feed. Now I understand why, but...

DAMON: His choice. If he's stupid enough to make it, so be it.

ELENA: Don't do that. Ok? Don't pretend like you don't care.

DAMON: Where are you going?

(Elena goes to the cellar, Stefan is not here)


Jeremy sleeps in his bed, Anna joins him.


ANNA: It's getting impossible to sneak up on you.

JEREMY: Nice try, though.

ANNA: Sorry I woke you.

JEREMY: That's ok. You only woke me halfway.

ANNA: So, listen. I...

JEREMY: That feels good.

(She kisses him)

ANNA: Good-bye.


Stefan is coming back in the place where they were.


Stefan and Damon are become two new vampires.

STEFAN: How do you feel?

DAMON: You were right. It is a whole new world.

STEFAN: We can explore it together.

DAMON: You got what you wanted...You and me for all eternity. But here it is, brother. I will make it an eternity of misery for you.

STEFAN: Damon!

Damon goes away, Emilie comes in.

EMILIE: You've transitioned.

STEFAN: You'd have rather found me dead?

EMILIE: Katherine saved my life once. I owed her. That doesn't mean I'd wish her curse on anyone.

STEFAN: It feels more like a gift.

EMILIE: That will change.

STEFAN: Why is that?

EMILIE: Because even in death, your heart is pure, Stefan. I sense that about you. That will be your curse.

STEFAN: Emily, wait.


Stefan takes again his spirits when Elena calls him.

ELENA: Stefan. Damon told me the rest of the story. I thought I might find you here.

STEFAN: I should have died that night, just like I had chosen. I should have let Damon die, too.

ELENA: But you didn't. And if you die now, it's not gonna change what happened.

STEFAN: Every single person that's been hurt...Every single life that's been lost, it's because of me.

ELENA: The night that my parents died...I blew off family night so that I could go off to some party. I ended up getting stranded, and they had to come pick me up. That's why we ended up in the car at Wickery bridge. And that's why they died. Our actions are what set things in motion. But we have to live with that.

STEFAN: I made a choice, Elena. And because of that choice, a lot of people were hurt.

ELENA: You also made a choice to stop, to reject the person that the blood made you. You made a choice to be good, Stefan.

STEFAN: No. Please don't do that.

ELENA: That's the person who jumped in the water to save the family whose car had driven off the bridge.

STEFAN: Please. Don't make this all ok.

ELENA: That's the person who saved my life.

STEFAN: You don't understand, Elena.

ELENA: Then tell me.

STEFAN: It hurts me. It hurts me, knowing what I've done, and that pain...That pain is with me all the time. And every day, I think that if I just...If just give myself over to the blood, I can make that pain stop. It would be that easy, and every day, I fight that. And I am so terrified that one day, I'm not gonna want to fight that anymore, Elena. And the next time I hurt somebody...It could be you.

ELENA: There will be no next time.

STEFAN: You don't know that.

ELENA: Maybe I don't. But what I do know. Is that you can take this, throw it in the quarry, and let the sun rise. Or you could take this ring and put it on and keep fighting.

(Elena gives to him his ring and she kisses him)

ELENA: It's your choice.

STEFAN: Elena.

(Stefan puts his ring and kisses Elena)


Harper prepared the luggage of Pearl.

PEARL: Thank you, Harper.

HARPER: You're welcome

PEARL: Annabelle should be back in a minute. You know, you don't have to come with us if you don't want to.

HARPER: This was never my home, miss pearl. I was just a soldier who was left to die. You saved me. I'm coming with you.

PEARL: Let me help you with these.

(Pearl opens the main door and receives a pile in the heart)


Elena brings back Stefan to the house.

ELENA: I'll be upstairs, OK?


ELENA: Good night, Damon.

(Elena goes away)

STEFAN: Thank you.

DAMON: No, Stefan, thank you. You're back on Bambi blood, and I'm the big badass brother again. All is right in the world.

STEFAN: I mean it. Thank you. For... helping her take care of me.

DAMON: You brood too much. Everything on this planet is not your fault. My actions, what I do, it's not your fault. I own them. They belong to me. You are not allowed to feel my guilt.

STEFAN: Do you feel guilt?

DAMON: If I wanted to, it's there. Emily waited till after I turned to tell me she'd been successful in protecting Katherine with her spell. She didn't want me to know about the tomb. She thought it would impact my decision.

STEFAN: She didn't want either one of us to turn. She said it was a curse.

DAMON: Witches...Judgy little things.

STEFAN: Why didn't you tell me?

DAMON: 'Cause I didn't want you to know. 'Cause I hated you, and I still do.

STEFAN: I know.

DAMON: But not because you forced me to turn.

STEFAN: Then why?

DAMON: Because she turned you. It was just supposed to be me, Stefan... Just me.


Anna enters the house and discovers her mother and Harper with a pile in the heart.

ANNA I'm back. Oh! Mom! Mama! Uhh! Please don't leave me again. No. Please wake up. You have to wake up. No.


John calls everyone.

JOHN(at phone): Sheriff Forbes, John Gilbert. Sorry to call so late. I have an update about the vampires.


Alaric, sited with the bar, drinks to drown his disappointment. A woman approaches him.

ISOBEL: Hello, Rick.

ALARIC: Isobel.

End of the episode.