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03x08 - Oubliette

Posted: 02/04/22 11:58
by bunniefuu
Name, please? Uh, Amy Jacobs.

OK, Amy. Fill out your address card. And may I have the next one in line?

Carl, I need a reload.

Hey, Carl. Hey! I need more film.

I haven't loaded it yet.

Why do you even bother coming in if you're not gonna do your job?

Nobody's gonna spoil us.




Hurry up with those drinks, Lucy. We're backin' up.

What are you doing? These are regular. They all ordered large.

What... What happened?

Nobody's... gonna spoil us.

Nobody's... gonna spoil us.

Nobody's gonna spoil... us.

Nobody... Nobody's gonna... Nobody's gonna spoil us.

Nobody's gonna spoil...

Nobody's gonna spoil...

Nobody's... gonna spoil us.

Where's the agent in charge? You are?

Special Agent Mulder. I'll let him know you're here.

Can we get some sh*ts right here?

Yeah. Go ahead and go over them.

Mrs Jacobs?

I'm Fox Mulder. I'm with the FBI.

I'm sorry about your daughter.

It's her birthday on Tuesday.

We'll do everything we can to find her. Who could do such a thing?

Who could take somebody who wasn't theirs?

I know you must be feeling... I'm sorry,...

..but how could you really know how I feel?

It's blood. Amy had a nosebleed.

Her little sister said it happened when the kidnapper put his hand over her mouth.

We're running it anyway.

Walt Eubanks, special agent in charge. Fox Mulder. Any leads on the suspect?

A vague description from the sister, hair and fiber bits,...

..but he didn't leave any prints here or in the flowerbeds out front.

What about the neighbours? Nobody saw anything. Not a car, nothing.

It was someone who knew her. That much we can figure. He knew where he was going.

I'd bet he didn't know her well or he wouldn't have been so bold.

Either way, we're chasing our tails until something or someone turns on this.

And this woman at the restaurant?

You heard about that? That's why I came.

Seems like a pretty thin lead. Mind if I talk to her?

Hey, save me the time.

Great. Thanks.

Mulder. I thought you missed your flight.

We were delayed in DC. I tried your cellphone.

I forgot it. I left in a hurry.

Your message said a kidnapping? A 15-year-old girl, Amy Jacobs,...

..was taken from her bed last night at ten.

Is she here? They haven't found her.

Then why are we here? A 30-year-old, Lucy Householder,...

..was admitted here shortly after ten.

She collapsed at work suffering from a seizure and what her doctors call glossolalia.

Incoherent speech. Technically.

But she was repeating the exact words spoken by Amy's abductor... the exact same time 20 miles across town.

That's spooky. That's my name, isn't it?

Lucy Householder knows something about kidnapping herself.

When she was eight, she was taken from her bed while her parents were asleep.

She was missing for five years until she escaped and was found by the side of a road.

Apparently her abductor kept her locked in a basement the entire time.

They never caught him.


I'm Fox Mulder. This is Dana Scully. We're with the FBI.

We'd like to ask you a few questions.

I'd like a cigarette. They won't let me smoke in here.

Are you feeling any better? Yeah, I'm fine. I'd just like a cigarette.

A young girl was kidnapped last night. Have you heard anything about that?

What are you asking me for?

Do you remember what you said last night when you collapsed?

What? You said "Nobody's gonna spoil us."

Does that mean anything to you? No.

Can you think of any reason why you might have said it?

What did I just say?

You see, those were the exact words spoken by the kidnapper to the girl he took last night.

So you can see that it might seem strange that you...

So what's your point?

All of us kidnap victims gotta stick together?


We just wanna find the little girl any way we can, and if you know anything...

Look, what I've been through all my life I wouldn't wanna wish on anybody.

Doesn't mean I can make it any better for me or anyone else.

Well, thanks for talking to us, Lucy. Yeah.


When do I get outta here? As soon as your doctors feel you can go.

No, they say it's up to you.

No. We can't hold you here. You're free to go.

I guess she's not too big on confined spaces.


Are you the one that called for a tow? No, not me.

Gary Mosier? No. Wrong guy.

I might as well give you a hand. That's OK. We'll be fine.

Looks like you're in a world of hurt. Blown sidewall. You'll need a new tyre.

Yeah, it looks that way. Got a spare in the trunk?

Yeah. 40 bucks cash.

My boss don't gotta know. Take five minutes.

I can't pay you. Make it ten. Take me five minutes max.

Leave me alone!

Hey, man, what the hell's your problem? Leave me alone! Get outta here!



Lucy Householder. Get anywhere on that? I'm workin' on it.

She's got a criminal record.

Prostitution, narcotics convictions. She's done some time.

Doesn't surprise me, given her history. Boyfriend's inside for child endangerment.

Used to live with him up in the hills. Sketchy characters.

I don't think she's involved. Closest thing I got to a lead. I can...

No, let me follow up on that. OK? Thanks.


I've got something. Something weird. What?

I was going over Lucy's medical workup and something hit me.

Her blood type is 0 positive.


Forensics lifted two blood types off of her work clothes: 0 positive and B positive.

Guess what Amy's blood type is.

How could it be Amy's blood? Lucy was across town.

It begs the question.

Because it matches the victim's blood type?

How many people have B-positive blood?

One in five? That'd be hundreds of thousands of local people alone.

We're talking about a woman who's tied to this case...

..who had somebody else's blood on her uniform.

Lucy is a victim, just like Amy Jacobs.

If she's got any connection to this case, that's the extent of it.

Well, we'll know soon enough. What are you talkin' about?

I'm running a PCR on her blood to see if there's a DNA match.

Do me a favour. Keep that under your hat. Why?

Cos I don't want Lucy treated like a suspect...

..until it's absolutely certain that she is one. OK?

Lucy? I'm cold.

I brought you another blanket.

We should call the doctor. No!

Let me see your face.

What did you do to yourself? It's dark. Why is it dark?

I can't see. You hold on now.

I can't see!

How's she doin'? Fine.

Blood pressure's back to normal. Temperature's back up.

She must've gone down the rabbit hole for a while.

You should get something to eat soon. Get your blood sugar back up.

What do you say, Lucy? Can I take you to dinner?

Are you feelin' better? Better than what?

Better than Amy Jacobs.

Wouldn't know.

If anybody knows, I say you do.

I got my own set of problems now, thank you.

How'd you scratch your face? Must've done it in my sleep.

Are you using again, Lucy?

I'm clean. Passed my test last week.

Ask Henry.

With flyin' colours.

Ever experienced temporary blindness before?

I've probably experienced just about everything once or twice.

It's all been pretty temporary.

That girl's in trouble, Lucy.

And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

You understand? I can't help you.

I think you can, Lucy.

How? That's something you have to tell me.

What can I possibly do? Lead us to her.

I don't know where she is.

I don't care. I'm not interested.

That's too bad, Lucy, because right now I think you're her best hope.

If I'm her best hope, then that little girl is in a hell of a lot more trouble than you think.

Who are you?!

What do you want?!

Why are you doing this?!

I wanna go home!

Mulder, I've got.. Scully, take a look at this.

Just come out into the light.

Is that Lucy? Yeah.

It was taken in 1978, the week she was found.

She'd been held in the dark so long, her eyes were hypersensitive to the light.

Whoever held her c*ptive wasn't very big on conversation.

She's 13 years old here and can barely string two words together.

It's amazing she's gotten anywhere in life. By most yardsticks, she hasn't, Mulder.

Look, I think we've got a break in the case. What is it?

School pictures were mailed out this week to everyone in Amy's class except Amy.

Who's the photographer? Larken Scholastic.

The photographer's assistant was fired the day after the sh**t.

A man named Carl Wade.

What have you got on him? DMV's an old address.

But he spent much of the past 15 years institutionalised for a bipolar condition.

The only thing current we have is this photo, taken by his employer trying out a camera.

Have you shown this to Amy's sister? They're doing it now.

I'm gonna take it and show it to Lucy.


Lucy, wait. No. I'm done with you.

I just wanna ask you a question.

Lucy, wait a second. Don't... touch me.

I don't like to be touched.

I'm sorry.

I was doin' OK until this. You know?


I just wanna show you a photograph, OK?

You recognise him, don't you?


Hey! No!



What's happening to me?

He's probably changed a lot over the last 17 years.

Did you even know his name?

Carl Wade.

He worked as a photographer's assistant.

School pictures, mostly. That's where he saw Amy Jacobs.

So what do you want from me? Tell me what you're goin' through.

It might feel good to tell somebody.

I feel like it's happening all over again.

You can actually feel what she's going through, can't you?

I don't wanna go through this again. Lucy, she needs your help.

There's nothing I can do. Lucy...

Wait here a second, OK?

We're arresting Lucy Householder. Why?

I think you know why, Agent Mulder.

What the hell is happening? Mulder...

The blood on Lucy's uniform was an exact DNA match.

Lucy was covered in Amy Jacobs' blood. She didn't do it.

It's incontrovertible evidence.

Agent Mulder!

Where is she? She was just here.

Well, she's gone now.


I'm... I'm thirsty.

You shouldn't have run.

I was taking care of you. I thought you understood that.

Why did you run away? Please, mister! I need some water!

You shouldn't have run!


I'm so thirsty.

I want my mom.

I don't wanna die here.


Please, mister.

Don't let me die!

You'll drive her away with this. She was driven away. I'm tryin' to find her.

Witnesses placed her across town at the exact time of the kidnapping.

I'm well aware of the facts. Trust me. She's not workin' with Wade.

How'd she get the blood on her?

She may have bled it.

She bled Amy Jacobs' blood?

It may explain why there was so little of it in Amy's bedroom.

Agent Eubanks. Line three.

I don't have time for this nonsense. We've got a young girl's life at stake.

I hate to say this, Mulder, but I think you just ran out of credibility.

He's wrong, Scully. You are protecting her beyond reason.

I think she's connected to Amy Jacobs, just not the way everybody else thinks she is.

Did you consider she may be connected to Carl Wade?

Carl Wade? Why would she be connected with him?

Abused children crave their parents' love and hostages develop sympathy for their captors.

Maybe Lucy developed an emotional dependency.

After five years in a dark pit, I'm sure they had a connection.

Just not what you suggest.

It makes more sense than the notion that she's bleeding Amy's blood.

I think Wade's abduction of Amy triggered some kind of physical response in Lucy.

Some kind of empathic transference.

That's how I account for what Lucy's going through.

And for the identical words that corresponded to Amy,...

..and the spontaneous wounds and blood.

Then why did she run, if she's innocent? Because she's afraid.

You don't see what you're doing, do you?

You are so close to this, you just don't see it.

What don't I see?

The extreme rationalisation that's going on.

Your identification with the victim. Or, in this case, the suspect.

You're becoming an empath yourself.

You are so sympathetic to Lucy as a victim, like your sister,...

..that you can't see her as capable of committing this crime.

You don't think I've thought of that? I have.

Not everything I do and think goes back to my sister.

You of all people should realise that motivations...

..can be more complex than the result of one childhood experience.

Agent Mulder!

We've got a man on the way in who spotted Wade.

Yeah, that's the guy. I offered to fix his flat.

I tried to do the guy a favour and he went wacko on me.

He freaked the minute I got outta my truck. What about the girl? Was she with him?

I didn't see anyone else. Guess she could've been in the trunk.

Can you give us an exact spot? Yeah.

Right in the middle of nowhere.

Which way was the car headed? West.

Interstate 12... County 15 North... 903...

Look at this. Right off the 903.

Easton? That's where Lucy was found 17 years ago.

It's a small town. Somebody's bound to know Wade's face, know where he lives.

But we already stick out like a sore thumb. If we canvass, someone'll phone him.

He's a photographer, right?

Yeah. He should have an account here.



Yeah. What's happening? Did you find her?

Where are they, Lucy?

Tell us where Wade took Amy.

I don't know.

Anything happens to that girl, Lucy, and you'll be tried as an accomplice.

Were they here when you arrived? No.

You haven't seen or spoken with 'em? I said no.

Then why are you here?

I don't know. Just showed up for no reason?

That's what you ask us to believe?

I've been here before.

A long time ago.

It was where he kept me.

So why are you here now?

Take her outside and place her in custody.

No. I'll take her.

Come on, Lucy. Agent...

It's all right.

He hasn't touched her. Not yet.

He wants to, but he can't. That's why he takes the pictures.

What else, Lucy? Tell me what else.

If he can't have her all to himself, that's when he's dangerous.

That's when he'll start hurting her.

You came to help her. No.

Why else would you come back here if not for Amy? You're sharing her pain.

I can't! You're the survivor.

You're the strong one. Now Amy needs some of your strength.

She's not gonna make it. She has to. And you have to help her.

She's cold.

She's cold... and wet.

Lucy, sit down. Sit down.

Mulder! They found Wade's car north of here.

They're in the water. What?

There's a river nearby. I think they're there. But it's east. The car was north.

Wade lives here. He knows these woods. He could be doubling back.

Did she tell you that? No, but I think she's trying to.

Mulder, wait!

Stay with her. And get word to Eubanks that Wade may be heading towards the river.

Please! Stop! I can't!

Come on! They're comin'!

I can't! Please!


Nobody's gonna spoil us.


Can you sit up? Can you breathe? Are you able to breathe?

This is Agent Kreski. I've got an emergency medical situation. Requesting EMS. Over.


Federal officer! Hold it right there!

She's not breathing.

No pulse either.

One, two, three, four...

Come on, Amy, breathe!

..two, three, four, five...

There's nothing.

Mulder, it's no good. I'm sorry.

Damn it, Amy, come on!

Stop! You can't help her.

Mulder, it's no use.

Mulder, stop it.

Stop it.

Mulder, stop!


She's breathing. Have you got her? Is that her?

Yeah, we got her!

We need an EMS unit here right away with heat and oxygen.

They're close. They're up at Wade's place right now, workin' on Lucy Householder.

I'm cold. I wanna go home.

It's gettin' dark. We have to get her off the river.

She just started coughin'. Then she couldn't breathe.

By the time the EMS guys got here, she was already gone.

How's Amy? She's exhausted.

But it looks like she'll be fine.

The doctors will keep her for a day or two just to be sure.

How serious were her injuries? Wade must have left her alone.

There were no injuries.

He dragged her through the woods for at least a mile.

I know, Mulder. I can't explain it. She didn't have a cut on her.

Nobody wants to talk about that right now. They're just relieved to have her back safe.

Did they finish up on Lucy?

Yes. They, uh... they brought in a state pathologist last night.

So I stopped by to get the autopsy reports on my way.

She drowned, didn't she?

They found five liters of water in her lungs.

She saved Amy's life.


Whatever there was between them, you were part of that connection.

Did you think about that?

Lucy may have died for Amy,...

..but without you they never would have found her.

I think she died for more than Amy.

What do you mean?

I think finally it was...

..the only way she could escape.

The only way she could forget what happened 17 years ago.

Finally the only way she could outrun Carl Wade.

I made this!