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03x09 - Nisei

Posted: 02/04/22 11:59
by bunniefuu
Hurry up!

All clear!

Come on in.

What are you watching? Something that just came in the mail.

That's not your usual brand of entertainment.

What is it? According to the ad I answered,...'s an alien autopsy. Guaranteed authentic.

You spent money for this? $29.95. Plus shipping.

This is even hokier than the one they aired on the Fox network.

You can't see what they're operating on. But it does look authentic.

I mean, the setting and the procedures.

I mean, it does look as if an actual autopsy is being performed, doesn't it?

Well, I don't know why they would be wearing gas masks.

Maybe it's because of this green substance they seem to be extracting from the subject.

Can you identify that? Olive oil? Snake oil?

I suppose you think it's alien blood.

It's widely held that aliens don't have blood.

If this is an alien autopsy... Where's the alien?

But what's so intriguing to me is the striking lack of detail.

Well, what do you want for $29.95? That autopsy you saw on TV was so fake...

..because it tried to show too much. And this is real because it doesn't?

Yes, and because of, uh... because of this.

Who's selling these tapes? Some guy in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Claims he pulled it off the satellite dish at two in the morning.

Front door's boarded up. Back door's been busted open.

Hope nobody let the rat out.

Mulder, in here.

He's still warm.

Federal agent!

Come on down.

I get tired of losin' my g*n.

OK, now face the fence.

Face the fence!

What's your name?

Do you speak English?


Give me the bag.

Give me the bag.

OK, let's go.

Let's go!

Either they can't locate an interpreter, or the interpreter...

..didn't interpret the instructions and got lost somewhere.

Did you try the FBI field office? This is a tall request... Allentown this time of night.

Well, look at this. A beacon in the night.

Agent Mulder. Scully. This is a surprise, sir.

You don't speak Japanese, by any chance? I wish I could.

It might save us all some embarrassment. What do you mean?

I'm with a federal attorney, trying to sort out a little international mess.

He said you made an arrest tonight. A m*rder suspect.

You're gonna have to release him. What are you talking about?

According to the Japanese diplomatic corps, the man is a high-ranking diplomat.

This man sitting in here?

If that's Kazuo Sakurai. I didn't get his name.

I was too busy getting my ass kicked. What about the victim or the paperwork?

It's all gotta be handled by some other agency.

What are you two doing out here anyway?

Tracking down a video-piracy thing.

I suggest you keep your nose clean and head straight back to Washington, Agent Mulder,...

..before someone takes another swipe at it.

I don't know, Mulder. It just doesn't track. What would a Japanese diplomat be doing... that house with a dead man with his head in a pillowcase?

Obviously not strengthening international relations.

Well, what do you wanna do now? Drop it? I paid my $29.95, Scully.

I think I'm entitled to a few more answers, don't you think?

What are you doing? I just remembered a piece of evidence...

..that I forgot to turn in.

What are those? They look like satellite photos.

What would he be doing with these? What would he be doing with a list...

..of Mutual UFO Network members in the Allentown area,...

..with the name Betsy Hagopian circled?

Maybe he was gonna fit her for a pillowcase too.

Why don't you stick around and check it out in the morning?

What are you gonna do? Go back to DC, like a good boy.

Like Skinner told me to do. Show these to a few friends of ours.

The name of the boat is the Talapus.

Just gotta love them German optics.

You're saying it's from a German satellite? No, the optics are German.

The technology is probably ours, but the satellite is most likely Japanese.

Launched from South America. Gotta love that global economy, huh?

Where'd you get this? Japanese diplomat.

I'm surprised. The Japanese are very secretive about their espionage capabilities.

And careful with their intelligence data. What exactly are they spying on there?

The Talapus was a salvage ship out of San Diego.

They were looking for a Japanese sub that went down in World w*r II.

It was rumoured to be carrying a load of gold bullion.

Did they find it? Not according to all the reports.

But, looking at this photo, the ship never returned to San Diego.

Why do you say that? The rest of these photos,...

..they track the ship through the Panama Canal, all the way to Newport News, Virginia.

The naval shipyard. But why would they go there?

Maybe what they found wasn't a Japanese sub.

Good evening, Mr Sakurai.

Hi. Betsy Hagopian? I'm sorry. Betsy's not here right now.

Is there some way that I can get in touch with her?

I'm sorry. My name is Dana Scully. I know you.

No, I think you must be mistaken. We saw you.

Penny! Penny, come here.

I'm afraid I'm not who you think I am.

Oh, my God.

She's one.

One what? One of us.

There must be some kind of mistake. I work for the FBI.

I'm here conducting a m*rder investigation.

A m*rder?

Cathy, I'm here at Betsy's. Call the group and get everyone over here right away.

A man named Steven Zinnzser was m*rder*d about two miles from here.

Penny, do you hear that? Steve Zinnzser was m*rder*d?

Did you know him? He was a member of our chapter.

But you understand I'm not a member. I'm an FBI agent.

That's what you said. But at the door you said I was one of you.

Did you have an unexplained event in your life last year?

Were you missing for some time that can't be accounted for?

Why did you ask me that? I think you'd better sit down, Miss Scully.

I think there's some people you're gonna wanna meet.

Talapus? It's a salvage ship registered in San Diego.

You went out to meet the boat when customs wouldn't allow it into port.

Oh, yeah. That's right.

But it wasn't customs preventing her landing. It was the DEA.

The DEA? Why? What was the problem? They were searching for contraband,...

..if I remember correctly. The boat came through Panama.

There was concern that her crew had picked up a shipment.

Did they find anything? They were never aboard.

I think there was a question of confiscating the boat if the crew were to be arrested.

Were they? Apparently not.

They were called off and the boat put out to sea the following morning.

Well, that doesn't make any sense. Excuse me?

The Talapus came nonstop from Panama. She would have had to stop to refuel.

I don't have all the details in my head.

Would you see if there's any paperwork on this?

See if there's a heading or a destination for the Talapus?

That might take some time. Oh, that's all right. I'm happy to wait.

But I've never met any of you. I've never seen any of you before in my life.

You may not remember. You've only had one experience.

Most of us here have been taken many times.

Taken? Taken where?

The bright, white place.

You remember it, don't you?

I don't know. There are men there performing tests.

What men? They don't reveal themselves.

They take our memories away, but somehow they start to seep back.

Some may have come back to you but they didn't make sense.

D'you know about regression hypnosis?

Yes. I'm...

Have you ever considered it?

I'm sorry. I don't think I'm ready to discuss this.

You're afraid to remember, aren't you?

That's OK. We were all afraid at first.

Agent Mulder?

I don't know. When I opened that door and saw you standing there,... was like a revelation. The image of your face was so clear to me.

But why is it that I don't remember you?

All you remember in the beginning is the light.

And then sometimes the faces of the men that performed the tests.

How do you know that you're not mistaking me for somebody else?

You have the mark, don't you?

What mark?


On the back of your neck.

We all have them. It's where they put the implants.

I really have to go. I just came...

To see Betsy. Yes. To see Betsy Hagopian.

Why are you all at her house? Where is she?

What's wrong with her? Betsy's in the advanced stages...

..of an undiagnosed cancer ailment.

Her body's full of tumours that won't respond to any treatment.

And you think this is the result of her abductions?

They've been taking Betsy since she was in her teens.

This is what's gonna happen to all of us. What do you mean?

I don't know if you understand this or not, Dana, but we're all gonna end up like Betsy.

We're all dying because of what they do to us.

I think they found what they were looking for.

I don't remember giving you a key.

I came to see you. Obviously I was late for the party.

Yeah, I guess I should really fire my maid. Put the g*n down, Mulder.

Somebody else might get hurt.

What are you talking about? Kazuo Sakurai, the diplomat you detained.

Our m*rder suspect.

He didn't make his flight last night.

This morning his body was found floating face down in the C&O Canal.

I think we can assume he wasn't diving for pearls.

The Japanese government believes that he was m*rder*d for the contents of a briefcase.

A piece of evidence that wasn't logged in. What do they think was in it?

I've got the State Department breathing down my neck, Mulder.

The Japanese want to prosecute this outside of diplomatic channels, so cut the crap.

Am I being accused of m*rder? Where's the briefcase?

Agent Scully has it.

She has it in the trunk of her rental car. Where is she?

I haven't spoken to her since I left her in Allentown.

You better find her. Because whatever you stepped in on this case... being tracked into my office, and I don't like the smell of it.

Mind if I tidy up in here a bit first?

This is bigger than me, you or the FBI, Agent Mulder.

I hope you've got other names in your phone book. I'm taking myself off the hook on this.

You're on your own.

Hello, Fox.

Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.

I understand you're in a difficult position.

Don't look so stunned. I'm on the intelligence committee.

Secrets are the only real currency we deal in.

Then you know what I'm up against. Perhaps better than you do.

Which, I assume, is why you've come here.

I need your advice on how to proceed.

Return the satellite photos. I'd be implicating myself.

A good chess player knows which pieces to sacrifice... and when.

I can't afford to be entangled in a m*rder investigation.

Why? Because of what I've seen.

It would give them time to bury it where I might not find it again.

Do you trust me, Fox?

Then let me earn your trust with the truth.

I'm listening.

Several weeks ago in Knoxville, Tennessee, four Japanese nationals were m*rder*d.

All prominent doctors apparently engaged in a highly classified project.

What kind of project?

The autopsy of an extraterrestrial life form, was that part of it?

I can't tell you. Some secrets do remain secret, Fox, even to me.

I was only just now given the names of the m*rder*d scientists.

The credentials, however, are a matter of public record.

Past deeds which may illuminate present treacheries.

Your time is limited.

Before you become, as you say, entangled in this...

..past the point of being about to fully understand or expose it.

What am I onto here?

Monsters begetting monsters.

Scully. Why is the door locked?

I have something to show you. Do you have any idea where I've been?

Allentown? I went to go see those MUFON members... find out about Betsy Hagopian. What'd you find?

I found out that she's dying, along with a lot of other women who claim to be dying too.

All of them who say that they have these implanted in them.

It's the same thing that I had removed from my own neck.

But you're fine, aren't you, Scully? Am I? I don't know, Mulder.

They said that they know me, that they've seen me before. It was freaky!

They know things about me, my disappearance.

That is disturbing.

But I don't think you should freak out until we find out what this thing is.


I got a fax coming. What is this?

A group of Japanese medical officers taken during World w*r II.

I've seen this man before. No, not unless you were in Japan... the last 50 years. No. I've seen him before.

His name is Dr Takeo Ishimaru. He's been dead since 1965.

He was the commander of an elite section of the Japanese medical corps known as 731.

A unit now known to have experimented on humans.

They performed vivisections without anaesthesia,...

..tested frostbite tolerance levels on infants,... innocent prisoners of w*r to diseases, the plague.

Like their n*zi counterparts, they were never brought to justice.

What are you doing with these? Four of these doctors...

..were on that video tape performing that autopsy.

Yeah, but you couldn't tell one from the other.

Somebody could. Those same men were m*rder*d yesterday.

Found here, right on US soil. m*rder*d for what?

That's what I'd like to know. m*rder*d by whom?

Possibly our government. Ours? For what possible reason?

For continuing the work the Nazis were doing, trying to create an alien-human hybrid.

Mulder, that is still a fantasy. Scully, after all you've seen!

All you've told me. The tunnel filled with medical files,...

..the beings moving past you, the implant in your neck.

Why do you refuse to believe? Believing's the easy part, Mulder.

I just need more than you. I need proof.

You think that believing is easy?

Well, we have proof. I identified what those spy photos were tracking.

A ship that pulled a UFO out of the Pacific Ocean,...

..a UFO that's in a warehouse right now being guarded by US military personnel.

A UFO that was probably carrying that EBE we saw on that autopsy tape.

What am I looking at? Part of our government's secret railroad.

Train cars used to carry test subjects,...

..used to conduct that autopsy we saw being performed.

Where did you get this? From someone like you who wants proof.

Who's also willing to believe.

Amazing. Do you know what it is?

Looks like some kind of microprocessor.

So you're saying that this is man-made?

What else would it be? I mean, it's definitely state of the art.

The microlithography is extremely complex.

I've never seen anything even close to this density.

Any way of finding out who manufactures it?

There are a few companies out in San Jose, a couple in Boston.

It could be any one of them.

What are these chips used for? Video games, brake systems.

They're finding new apps every day. I just read about one being designed... help the severely disabled operate computers using brain waves.


Through direct electrochemical interface with the cerebral cortex.

Pretty incredible, huh?


Scully. Hey, Scully. It's me.

Where are you? The train yard in Quinnimont.

Some Japanese men just put someone in one of those boxcars from the satellite photos.

You said it was our government's railroad. Something serious is going down here.

What do you mean? The thing they put in the train, it was alive.


I gotta get on that train. It's hooking up with a Canadian train outside Cincinnati.

I was right about Dr Ishimaru.

He isn't dead. In fact, he's on your video tape.

Well, that's where you know him from, then.

No, that's not where I know him from at all.

Your attention, please.

All passengers on Canadian Northwest Express to Vancouver,...

.. prepare for boarding on track four.

Again, all passengers on Canadian Northwest Express to Vancouver,...

.. please prepare for boarding on track four.

Express train to Vancouver, what track? It just left.

When did it leave? You just missed it.

It just pulled out of the station. Thanks.

Agent Scully.

What are you doing here? Have you spoken to Agent Mulder?

No. Why? He's in danger.

How do you know? He's tracking a train.

You can't let him get on it. I don't know what you're talking about.

You've got to get word to him.

Why should I trust you? You've lied to us before.

You're wasting time. Do you understand?

Mulder. Mulder, don't get on the train.

Why not? Because they know where you are...

..and they know what you're doing.

Who told you that? Look, it's just too dangerous.

Who told you, Scully?

Scully, it's coming. Let it go.

I can't.

Mulder, don't get on the train. Mulder!



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